
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (bunduru)01:47
iogotta love those people who need to get the last word all the time01:51
* LjL hides02:20
=== topyli_ is now known as topyli
bazhang* ChanServ removes channel operator status from Private_User12:06
bazhangnew op?12:06
Myrttino, Pricey mistabbing12:08
bazhangaww ok12:08
=== io is now known as IdleOne
PriceyMyrtti: I intended to do that.12:09
Myrttiof course you did, dear12:09
tonyyarussoI definitely read that as mis-stabbing instead of mis-tabbing...much more entertaining.16:38
geniibazhang: I'm *STILL* waiting for this to ship: http://www.mslinux.org/18:33
bazhanggenii, ha!18:34
geniiCan't say they don't have a sense of humour at least :)18:34
bazhang<BillGates_313> I'm in the running for Orcle Linux but they haven't emailed me yet.18:38
bazhangI thought oracle was solaris18:39
geniiI thought they stopped with the Solaris anyhow.18:40
Picifrom the sfdisk manpage: BUGS There are too many options.19:09
LjLPici: maybe the same guy wrote it who did GNOME19:10
PiciIt has nothing on the number of options in rsync.19:10
bazhanggot him in PM19:13
Picigood luck19:13
bazhang"u mad bro"19:14
ikoniaI'm fuming that he can't burn a cd....19:14
k1l_yes me mad19:14
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== CarlFK is now known as NegHoneyBadger
=== NegHoneyBadger is now known as CarlFK

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