
cmaloneyjcastro: http://toxicholocaust.bandcamp.com/02:03
cmaloneyjcastro: http://skeletonwitch.bandcamp.com/02:06
widoxrick_h_: https://blog.mozilla.org/ux/2013/11/australis-is-landing-in-firefox-nightly/02:17
rick_h_widox: yep02:18
rick_h_widox: doing a G+ post now02:18
widoxI've got Aurora v26.0a2 on here02:20
widoxto many channels for browswer versions for me to keep track of02:20
rick_h_I run stable and nightly firefox and chrome dev02:21
rick_h_widox: will have to up the icon size to fit in the bar now :)02:24
jrwrenaurora here too.02:27
rick_h_that's the name of the new UI theme02:28
widoxrick_h_: heh, yeah could be a bit larger02:28
cmaloneyOh nice. it's time Firefox became Chrome. ;)03:07
rick_h_cmaloney: :)03:08
cmaloneyOh, also got the new Hangouts on my phone03:10
rick_h_yea, same here. Trying it out to replace texts with the wife03:10
rick_h_since I can do both texts and MMS on it03:10
rick_h_ah crap! Every time I update the extension it gets reset in the review queue03:17
rick_h_it's back to 115/115. It'll never get reviewed now03:17
rick_h_We'll have to let it sit for 4weeks and not update it at all03:17
cmaloneyThat's not helpful03:17
rick_h_no, very uncool03:18
rick_h_well $#@$@# that didn't work. Looked like the other icons get 18px of space, but when I use a 18px icon it's truncated off03:31
greg-gyou all would appreciate this: Our lead architect was tasked with an annoying redirect issue (protocol relative stupidness), so to fix it, he decided to rewrite how rewrites are done completely, in a DSL that he's parsing into apache mod_rewrite rules: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/96438/07:05
greg-gie: instead of fixing the one or two lines in the current rewrite rules, make a DSL and associated parser07:05
rick_h_just another fun day in cyber-land http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6447922/12:33
rick_h_greg-g: that is...crazy12:33
rick_h_greg-g: and should be submitted upstream if it works well. No one likes to write those damn rules12:33
cmaloneyI feel like such a punter. I just bought a book on Apache mod_rewrite.13:29
brouschWhat is this, 2012? Everyone is using nginx now13:32
brouschcmaloney: Do you have anything to add to this list?13:44
brouschrick_h_: I might need a room for pycon, but I will hopefully have to be there for the 9th and 10th14:05
rick_h_brousch: ah, doing tutorials?14:06
brouschI submitted one14:07
rick_h_ah, that's right, sweet14:07
brouschThe thing is, I'm not sure if I want to go if it's rejected. It's pretty expensive14:07
rick_h_well, not that bad. It's $300 I think for the conference 3 days. The sprints are free other htan the hotel night/food14:08
brouschAlso I've never been away from my family for that long14:08
rick_h_I guess my wife and I compare notes and her conferences are a LOT more expensive14:08
rick_h_well, I'd still say it'd be cool to go, at least for the conference and a day or two of sprints14:09
cmaloneybrousch: I get most of my stuff from Bandcamp14:09
rick_h_it's a bit boost ime14:09
cmaloneybut they don't have a nice way to search for CC music14:09
cmaloneyArchive.org ostensibly14:10
jrwrengreg-g: I like the DSL mod-rewrite, the checking alone is worth it IMO15:00
jrwrenan entire book on mod_rewrite is fucking nuts.15:13
jrwrenlink me to TOC please.15:13
jrwrenhttp://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Guide-Apache-mod_rewrite-Guides/dp/1590595610  at least it is only 160 pages15:19
wafboo, no chc for me tonight15:34
wafreally curious how that new place will work out15:34
rick_h_waf: booooooooo15:34
cmaloneyI <3 when my computer decides to go offline16:22
rick_h_no net for you16:23
cmaloneyWell, when JoDee prints it sometimes triggers the UPS16:23
cmaloneywhich then triggers my machine to suspend16:23
rick_h_printer on the UPS?!16:23
cmaloneywhich is a royal PITA16:23
cmaloneyNo, same circuit16:24
rick_h_oh ouch16:24
cmaloneyYeah, because this house is from the golden age of electricity16:24
cmaloneyWhen people were busily sitting in circles trying to shock each other and electricity was going to change the world.16:25
brouschYou can tell it's old because there is a printer in it16:25
cmaloneybrousch: :-P16:31
brouschI bet there's even a landline and a fax machine16:33
cmaloneyIt's a multifunction16:34
brouschI knew it16:34
greg-grick_h_: oo, interesting re upstreaming16:51
greg-gjrwren: yeah, agreed16:51
jrwrengah! I fail at UTC. i missed all the UDS things I wanted to see today.18:18
jrwrenfuk calendars18:18
rick_h_jrwren: :(18:20
rick_h_but you caught the best one ever, the Gui stuff :P18:20
jrwrenonly for 2 seconds.18:22
jrwreni have zero interest in that.18:22
jrwrenGUIs are for poeple who can't use a command line :p18:22
jrwrenoh, and they are nice for graphs and reports18:22
brouschAnd phones18:23
jrwrenyes phones!18:23
jrwrenand tablets.18:23
jrwreni don't think I need to admin my cloud deployments from my phone or tab, but rick_h_ can prove me wrong18:23
rick_h_no, it doesn't work on the phone or tablet :P18:24
brouschjrwren: Soon18:24
jrwrenit just runs in browser, I thought. why not in ipad?18:24
rick_h_hey, quickstart is cli :P18:24
rick_h_we're juju UI team so we're doing some cli improvement stuff as well18:24
rick_h_jrwren: because the UI isn't very touch friendly or size friendly to small screen18:24
jrwrenomg, someone on this recording has some loud KB switches.18:26
brouschThose are the only screens that matter now!18:26
rick_h_yea, except funny thing, sysadmins aren't ditching their computers18:27
rick_h_devs aren't really either18:27
rick_h_something about keyboard and non-touch input device being useful for development and such18:27
brouschSoon we'll all be dragging and dropping our way across development18:28
jrwreni mean exactly to what rick_h_ said, not to the VB nonsense brousch said.18:29
rick_h_yea, I think I've been hearing that for 20 years. "Drag and drop the user experience, and things will automagically wire themselves up"18:29
rick_h_"See, it works great for my simple todo app...what you're not writing a todo app?"18:29
brouschIsn't that how Visual Studio works?18:30
brousch"Microsoft today updated the Windows Phone App Studio, its free Web-based tool designed to help anyone create an app without coding."18:33
cmaloneyThat is Microsoft's white whale isn't it?18:34
brouschAlso http://appinventor.mit.edu/18:35
rick_h_brousch: sorry, remind me what app you use daily that's done in appinventor?18:38
cmaloneyDoesn't he use the little button app that goes "ping!"18:38
cmaloneyevery single day.18:39
cmaloneyI hate that app18:39
brouschI don't know that app18:39
cmaloneyWell there you go: write an app that goes "ping" when you hit a button18:39
cmaloneyand use that daily18:39
cmaloneyand then I can hate you.18:39
brouschAh, monty python18:39
cmaloneyIt's really simple, really.18:39
brouschI will make it with Kivy so it will be a 6MB app that goes ping18:40
cmaloneyNow you're just showing off18:40
rick_h_lmao http://r.bmark.us/u/e0d0cd294a49ac18:43
brouschcmaloney: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ma.android.ping18:43
cmaloneyOK, that's just laden with awesome.18:44
cmaloney(was re: rick_h_'s comment)18:44
cmaloneybrousch: You're missing the point18:44
cmaloneyIt needs to be something in app inventor that you use daily. :)18:44
brousch"The app now goes ping in a much more efficient manner. Also we added a "Ping Widget", which also goes ping.Some of our users claim that this app is useless. We beg to differ, it goes ping."18:44
cmaloneyThat's the whooooole point.18:44
jrwrenya'll are trashing UI designers, but iOS storyboards are actually VERY VERY good.18:45
cmaloneyjrwren: I'ma let you finish but Android's the platform of the year.18:46
brousch80% now18:46
brouschios is a niche18:46
* rick_h_ runs away from the insanity18:46
jrwrencmaloney: terrible troll there. you can do so much better.18:47
brouschjrwren: I saw a presentation on storyboards. They did look nice18:49
cmaloneyjrwren: I know, but it felt right. ;)19:08
wafrick_h_: haha, i was just wondering about that twitter app / sms permission thing19:53
wafany idea what's going on?19:54
wafalso, dropbox wanting to read my contacts is iffy19:54
cmaloneyI have NFC what the Twitter SMS thing is19:57
cmaloneyother than I wonder if they'll send via SMS if you have crap connectivity.19:57
rick_h_waf: https://twitter.com/alsutton/status/389988175592296448 is maybe a hint?19:57
cmaloneyWow, today is just full of great news.20:03
* cmaloney actually bought it for Android20:03
cmaloneyI'm so writing a chaos monkey for "God" and calling it "blasphemy"20:14
jcastrowow seriously20:41
jcastrokitkat on the motox before nexus?20:41
* jcastro shakes rick_h_20:41
rick_h_jcastro: meh, you're not missing anything20:44
rick_h_jcastro: but yea, shocked my N10 still doesn't have it20:44
rick_h_jcastro: but I did see it going out for the N4 today I thouoght20:44
jcastroyeah but OTA, so staggered20:44
rick_h_jcastro: gotcha20:44
jcastroalso I saw the motox story before I scrolled down to the N4 one20:45
rick_h_yea, I mean I got the phone dailer and some blue/grey icons and that's about it20:45
rick_h_so much of the UX bits are N5 only20:45
jcastrowhat's the dialer supposed to be?20:45
jcastroI really wanted the merged hangout stuff20:45
rick_h_it's all based on searches and such now20:45
rick_h_well that's in the hangout app, I got that before the kitkat update20:45
rick_h_and it sucks because it doesn't work with Voice at all20:45
rick_h_so I still have two text apps20:46
jcastrooh dude20:46
jcastroI thought it was all supposed to be merged into one?20:46
rick_h_only your phone's built in SMS app is built in20:46
rick_h_voice is still outside of that and all data-only20:46
rick_h_so it's really just a replacement for SMS messages and doesn't do them over data or anything20:46
rick_h_it's crap imo20:46
jrwrenguess when iOS users get their updates?20:57
jrwrenall at the same time.20:57
rick_h_yep, and pick your phone, any phone, as long as it's one of these phones21:10
rick_h_<3 my motox and ability to get that vs lots of other phones21:11
rick_h_freaking wow http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/Scroogled-Keep-Calm-Mug/productID.29142870021:12
rick_h_I'm completely knocked over at that21:12
cmaloneyYeah, apparently Microsoft's new venture is Cafe Press. ;)21:15
greg-gI'm just done trying to teach this coworker where they are misunderstood as they clearly don't care to learn23:59

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