
* Unit193 looks up to see if the meeting conflicts with the vastly important event that day.01:09
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Check us out at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-ohio/ | vUDS-1311 is underway | We're apparently Verified until 2015-11-19 | Meeting on 2013-11-23 at 8 PM in-channel
=== canthus14 is now known as canthus13
* cid420 test11:55
thafreakso...even if you use nvidia proprietary drivers, and nvidia-settings and save them to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, they get ignored?20:47
thafreaki wrote an xorg.conf, with dual monitors set up in twinview, one right of the other...but evertime I log out and back in, it's back to mirrored20:48
thafreaknm...i just have it run an xrandr script on login...21:02
thafreakit's just lame that I have to do that...21:02
thafreakwhat's the point of xorg.conf anymore?21:02
Unit193To annoy you?21:02

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