[03:34] hi all [05:34] is there a way to use ec2 metadata in cloud-config actions? i read the docs on datasources but don't understand whether it automatically pulls down all the stuff available in /latest for use somehow, or whether i need to shell out to ec2-metadata or curl to make use of it [05:53] no. its not readily available, eric0 [05:57] ok i'll just use a little shell snippet, thx. poking at some additional puppet integrations with it and puppet's trained me too well to treat shell as the last resort :) [07:40] ping... can anyone here answer what all distros compatibility does cloud-init already has... or point to a resource which does [07:42] http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/availability.html?highlight=centos [07:42] ignore the highlight. [07:45] thanks [07:46] I'm trying to get clear picture around cloud-init... using it with lxc or virtualbox containers shall work as with any advance hypervisor-based containers right [07:49] you needto give it a datasource. [07:49] but yes. [07:50] ok, and the link says "and more..."; I'll specify the other distros than listed which are of my concers... please let me know if any of those are not supported... Gentoo, Arch, OpenSuse, FreeBSD [07:51] and also is there any tutorial (getting started like) to tryout these on lxc or virtualbox [07:56] hmmm if there aren't any hello world examples, looking at the cloud config examples could get you started. [07:56] i remember that around may someone said he wanted to start hacking on fbsd support, don't know the current status. [07:58] thanks, any ack on Gentoo/Arch/Suse [08:44] i don't personally use any of those. you might want to try the mailinglist or something like that. or stick around for a longer time until someone else pops by who happens to know answers. [09:08] kwadronaut, sure... thanks... just one more Q. do you have any reference links for creating a cloud-init enabled (cloud) image... or to re-phrase it how cloud-images fetch for user data [14:05] Does the "user: " configuration option create or does it already have to exist? [14:07] Nevermind... I found it in the examples [14:07] errr.. I found "users:" not "user:" [14:19] ny reference links for creating a cloud-init enabled (cloud) image... or to re-phrase it how cloud-images fetch for user data? [14:41] is it lock_passwd or lock-passwd? The example has it both ways. [18:43] smoser woah, just noticed that http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/ format changed [18:44] did u do that, or was that the readthedocs.org people [18:44] i think that was rtd [18:44] i didn't do it [18:44] hm.. [18:45] look at the bottom 'latest' (for versions) [18:45] i wonder if there is more on that. [18:45] as that is something people have asked for. [18:45] (of cloud-init, version specific doc) [18:46] ya, remember how i think i found a link that version support for bzr not so good :-/ [18:47] http://read-the-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/features.html#versions [18:47] i think cloud-init uses tags, not branches [18:47] which is under [No [18:48] if u created fake-branch that might make a version appear (not sure really) [18:51] hm.. yeah. [18:58] looking fine, that new page [18:58] ya, the search is neat [18:58] versions would be nice to (but see above) [18:58] yea, im kinda missing a changelog [18:59] agreed [18:59] we can probably plug that in pretty easily [19:00] weird smoser , http://anvil.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ didn't get updated [19:00] plus, is it just the look&feel thats changed or did the docs themselves got refreshed aswell? [19:01] look & feel afaik [19:01] k [19:01] although its odd that my other rtd site didn't change [19:01] job wel done i'd say :) [19:04] maybe they are selectively rolling out that upgrade [19:09] if I need to make a particular distro cloud-init ready... what are the steps... are Gentoo/FreeBSD/Suse supported [19:12] freebsd is the odd one there :-P [19:12] 1. make sure python exists in distro [19:13] 2. make sure basic cloud-init works there (likely remove most of the modules that run) [19:13] 3. figure out how cloud-init will get started on boot [19:13] 4. adjust any code in cloud-init (especially for freebsd) [19:13] - repeat 2 -> 4 [19:13] 5. package cloud-init for distro [19:13] 6. profit [19:20] 7. share profit with poor smoser [19:28] @harlowja, @smoser thanks :) ...my main confusion is how system knows to run cloud-init as prior boot task before any, is there any article/wiki from Ubuntu Cloud Images or others that I can refer [19:29] hmmm [19:29] its very system specific unfortunately abk [19:30] each system uses somethign different [19:30] systemd upstart sysvinit [19:30] ... [19:30] upstart -> ubuntu [19:30] systemd -> fedora [19:30] sysvinit -> most everything else (old school) [19:30] freebsd -> (??) [19:30] abk, the big thing is that cloud-init local runs first, then cloud-init network (and that should run only after all networking has come up) [19:30] openrc -> freebsd [19:30] and then the same order for the other upstart/ jobs. [19:31] ya, what smoser said is the big ordering [19:32] if I can clealry understand application of it in terms of any sysVinit/systemD/upstart/openrc; I'll decipher it for others :( [19:32] abk u can look at the upstart/sysvinit and such in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/sysvinit/redhat/cloud-init [19:32] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/upstart/ [19:32] ohk, thanks [19:32] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/systemd/ :) [19:33] bb [19:34] hopefully if I get it going... I'll publish article so I don't forget and come asking and others can refer :D thanks folks [19:43] abk, that'd be great. [19:44] there are certainly some linux-isms there. [19:44] but we're open to finding more cross platform solutions.