
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
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Laneydesrt: NICE09:00
Laneyalso, morning09:00
seb128good morning desktopers!09:02
seb128hey Laney09:02
seb128Laney, what is NICE?09:02
seb128oh ok09:12
Laneyfixes the test failure on ppc :-)09:13
seb128Laney, your e-d-s transition tracker seems like it was not complete09:15
Laneydoing a couple of uploads now09:15
seb128what are things like nautilus-sendto not on it?09:15
Laneymaybe the affects line is incomplete?09:16
Laneyit looks at build-depends09:16
* Laney looks09:16
seb128nautilus-sendto depends on libedataserver-1.2-1709:18
seb128Laney, do you want me to do uploads/copies as well?09:18
Laneyit needs build-depends to show up09:18
Laneyi.e. to match "affected"09:18
Laneywhich misses libebook09:18
seb128$ apt-cache search buggy09:35
seb128Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)09:35
* seb128 shakes fist at apt09:36
seb128Laney, need help on the eds uploads?09:37
Laneyjust discovered thunderbird is in the list(!)09:38
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ is there an upload coming for that soon? I saw it spamming the ppc builders yesterday09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, we need at least a no change rebuild in trusty for the e-d-s soname changes09:39
Laneyit's got hardcoded references to the soname in its rules file09:45
seb128does it dlopen it or something?09:48
Laneythere's an extension i think09:49
seb128pitti, hey, langpack question for you... do you know if we are supposed to do SRUs for non lts series (seems like we didn't do updates for quantal/raring)? and do you know when is the next precise update?10:28
seb128I would ask dpm but he seems to not be online10:28
pittiseb128: we can do them once someone volunteers to coordinate the updates and testing10:29
pittiseb128: for now I planned to do the next precise update for 12.04.410:29
seb128pitti, ok, thanks10:34
seb128happyaron, hey, do you know who is coming to the ibus/fcitx vUDS session later today?10:38
happyaronseb128: not sure yet, currently we have  Anthony Wong, Stephen M. Webb, Joey Zheng, Loïc Minier, Ma Jun registered at summit.u.c.10:56
seb128lool said he wouldn't come10:59
seb128just trying to check we have some people coming10:59
happyaronI'll share the my notes later no matter how many people particiapted in the session. I'm sure the session is less interesting cuz most developers here do not use IME day to day, :)11:01
seb128happyaron, right, I'm still interested on us to decide on the topic11:04
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om26erHow to add a package to the Touch seed ?11:12
Laneyom26er: Do a merge proposal against ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.trusty11:13
om26erI pulled lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/ubuntu-touch-meta and added a changelog entry. Edited the seed file and executed ./update11:13
om26eram I doing it right ?11:14
Laneyno, the update script pulls from that branch11:14
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chrisccoulsonseb128, a no-change rebuild of thunderbird won't fix it, it will need source changes to the addon ;)12:55
chrisccoulsonthat's going to be fun12:55
seb128chrisccoulson, shrug :/ are we the only distro to ship that code?12:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, we are indeed12:59
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, so no benefiting from being once cycle behind e.g fedora there13:04
seb128chrisccoulson, do you know how much change is going to be required?13:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure. the last time, it was quite a lot. i don't know what is different in eds this time though13:05
chrisccoulsonmight be better just to disable it13:05
seb128chrisccoulson, what is the integration doing? loading addressbooks?13:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah13:05
seb128chrisccoulson, could you have a look to see how much changed/if we can easily port or if we should disable it?13:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, sure. how urgent is it? :)13:15
seb128chrisccoulson, no hurry, it doesn't need to be right now, you can do it tonight13:16
seb128chrisccoulson, new e-d-s is in trusty-proposed, but there are some other transitions involved before it can move to trusty proper13:17
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happyaronseb128 Laney just shared a google doc on the session13:29
Laneyoh the imf one13:30
seb128happyaron, thanks13:31
Laneywhere's the link?13:32
seb128Laney, in your emails :p13:32
Laneyno mail here13:33
Laneyanyway, ta13:33
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LaneyOh, it's in the first session - won't be able to make that. I'm not sure I have so much to offer though, but if I can help then let me know13:52
LaneyDon't forget to consider the J and K too ;-)13:52
seb128attente, hey, did you want to join the ibus/fcitx vUDS session?14:00
attenteseb128, sure14:01
seb128attente, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpj1rpnctlhe2prk9a6sok98?authuser=014:01
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seb128tkamppeter, hey, do you have people invited to your printing sessions later on? is there anything new to discuss since last time we discussed those topics?14:21
desrtLaney: thanks for the guest account :)14:26
desrtyou debian guys are OK14:26
Laneydesrt: yeah the porter machines are useful15:00
Laneyglad you tracked it down15:00
desrtpochu said he would try to find the arm thing next15:01
Laneyhe asked for it to be retried15:01
desrtoh hurd15:01
desrtdpkg-buildpackage: warning: build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting15:01
desrtthanks for trying, though...15:01
desrtlooks like ppc is still failing in make check...15:02
Laneyhasn't been uploaded yet15:02
desrtor does the 'out-of-date' thing mean that it's in queue to try again?15:02
Laneyremove &suite=experimental and you can see hurd worked before ;-)15:03
desrtLaney: if/when it starts building, i'd appreciate some love on the upstream report15:03
Laneywhere worked is 'built', bet it didn't run/pass the testsuite15:03
desrtya... pochu was saying that you don't bother running tests on kfreebsd or hurd because they all fail :)15:04
Laneysure, I already confirmed it fixes the failure in my chroot15:04
desrtthat's a bit... annoying15:04
desrti guess it comes down to what you have resources to look into, though, and i have to admit that kfreebsd debian testsuite failures would not be a #1 TODO list item upstream either :)15:05
LaneyI might make it run them but not fail on them, at least15:06
desrtya.  could be good to have the info.15:08
seb128tjaalton, here? joining the ad session?15:08
seb128tjaalton, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpieo3pau403q9rso9bqu6q4?authuser=015:08
seb128Laney, do you remember how to sync from Debian incoming?15:13
Laneyis there a proper way?15:13
seb128that's sort of what I was asking :p15:14
seb128seems maybe not ;-)15:14
LaneyDownload, sign, upload15:14
seb128how often is debian incoming "flushed"?15:14
Laneycan't wait until LP imports it?15:14
seb128that's libffi15:15
seb128the current version makes binaries smash stack on ppc15:15
seb128which makes lot of stuff unhappy, especially indicators15:15
seb128we need to get the fixed version in15:15
Laneyevery dinstall run15:15
seb128and maybe to rebuild users that built with the buggy version15:15
seb128how often is dinstall running nowadays?15:15
Laneythen you have to wait for LP to pick it up15:16
Laney21/11 15:16:08 <Laney> !dinstall15:16
Laney21/11 15:16:08 <dak> Laney: Dinstall is running, postlock phase15:16
Laneynot entirely helpful15:16
seb128ok, let's wait a bit15:16
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tkamppeterseb128, I did not explicitly invite people, there are people on the Blueprints.15:43
seb128tkamppeter, can you check if people are going to come?15:43
tkamppeterseb128, how can I see that?15:43
seb128tkamppeter, do you have topics to discuss that were not discussed before/updates/new things to discuss during those sessions?15:44
seb128tkamppeter, well, just ping the people you would like to have there to see if they are going to come15:44
happyaronattente: I think you can try fcitx a little bit, it should work out of the box in 13.10.15:44
happyaronattente: fcitx itself has decent indicator support, so no additional work required at that part even if we'd like to switch this cycle.15:45
* desrt notes https://wiki.gnome.org/HowDoI/AlternateMenubarLayout15:45
attentehappyaron, i tried it before, but couldn't get the candidate window to appear15:45
happyaronthough the nux bug needs a solution.15:45
happyaronattente: what's your set up?15:45
happyaronif you are running a CJK locale, apt-get install fcitx fcitx-libpinyin; im-config -n fcitx; re-login. should do the work.15:47
attentehappyaron, not running a CJK locale, but i'll try it again15:47
attentealthough i have a fresh install this time15:47
happyaronattente: if possible, trying installing with a ubuntu kylin iso would also give you a sane default setup.15:48
attentehappyaron, but do you think this is a good cycle to switch?15:48
seb128desrt, funny, I was just working on a patch for a menubar ;-)15:49
desrtseb128: so uh... try to do this ^^ :)15:49
desrtwhat app?15:49
happyaronattente: from the point of risk management, it isn't. technically I think it's ready.15:49
seb128desrt, cursing vala on the way, trying to figure out how to do the15:49
seb128   settings = gtk_settings_get_default ();15:49
seb128   g_object_bind_property15:49
* desrt was just looking for an app to test these ideas on15:49
seb128desrt, gcalctool15:49
desrtit doesn't really have a headerbar...15:50
attentehappyaron, i guess the one thing we really got burned on was modifier-only input switching15:50
seb128desrt, oh, I was replacing the appmenu by a menubar15:50
happyaronattente: you mean ibus?15:50
seb128was -> am15:50
attentehappyaron, well, this is more related to the switching between keyboard layouts15:51
desrtseb128: ah.  that's not covered by this case, but it's an interesting point.15:51
seb128desrt, it's similar changes15:51
attentebut if fcitx handles it well, i'd be a little less afraid of ibus -> fcitx15:51
happyaronattente: yes. and if switch to fcitx then all previous work towards the input source integration are not needed.15:52
desrtcool.  are we dropping ibus?15:52
happyarondesrt: we had a vUDS session just now, :)15:53
seb128desrt, not for the LTS, we might after15:53
seb128desrt, the biggest user of IM, being Kylin, is already using fcitx15:53
desrtCJK people are upset -> drop ibus!!15:53
desrteveryone else is upset -> uh... oops.15:53
happyaronhonestly switching to fcitx this cycle can give a better overall status of input method than keeping ibus, and less work. But that's not the way risk management suggests to do, :)15:55
attentehappyaron, yeah, can't seem to switch using ctrl + left shift15:55
attentebut ctrl + space works15:56
attenteand i'm getting the candidates window working if i do that, it works well15:56
seb128happyaron, right, we also have no feedback whatsoever from non Chinese users on fcitx15:57
happyaronseb128: I think you get feedback of Japanese users on the thread you post on ubuntu-devel@15:57
attentehappyaron, if we were to switch to fcitx, would we be using it for keyboard layouts as well?15:58
happyaronattente: I recommend to do so.15:58
happyaronI think the only thing to afraid is trying keyboard layouts of fcitx, for engines they perform basically the same under all IMFs.15:59
attentehappyaron, i can't seem to switch layouts using the modifier-only options16:00
happyaronattente: have you added those layouts in fcitx?16:01
attentehappyaron, do you know how that's implemented? is it using the grp xkb option?16:01
attentehappyaron, yes, it works with a regular trigger like ctrl+space16:01
desrtattente: are you back in toronto today?16:01
tkamppeterseb128, how is the hangout supposed to be started?16:01
attentedesrt, yes16:02
seb128tkamppeter: by the track lead (me in this case), one minute16:02
desrtattente: cool.  if we can meet up, i'd like to look at your mac...16:02
attentedesrt, when?16:03
happyaronattente: better as csslayer for xkb part detail16:03
attentehappyaron, sure16:03
happyaronattente: you may want to install fcitx-config-gtk3 for configuration (if not pulled by Recommends)16:04
attentehappyaron, if you have more than one IM/layout, is it supposed to cycle?16:12
happyaronattente: yes16:12
attentesomething like the US layout, pinyin, russian keyboard layout16:12
attenteweird, it's only swapping between the first two for me16:13
happyaronlet me try a bit, was using ibus for debugging it.16:13
happyaronattente: ctrl+space to cycle within a layout, ctrl+shift to cycle among layouts.16:15
attentehappyaron, ctrl+shift doesn't seem to be working for me16:18
attentehappyaron, this is under unity, right?16:18
happyaronattente: you may need to first ctrl+space to an IM engine, cuz the first layout/im means inactive status as well16:19
happyaronso when you are at the first layout/im, fcitx will behave semi-inactively.16:21
attenteyep, that worked16:21
attenteso basically you need to switch before cycling?16:22
happyaronmeans you need to switch to something not the first layout/im before switching layouts.16:23
happyaronctrl+space is actually toggling the active/inactive status of fcitx, and ctrl+shift is cycling among the list.16:24
attentewas that done because chinese users prefer that, or because of technical reasons?16:24
happyaronThis is intential because there was an active/inactive logic in all previously existed IMF, including ibus. It's very much useful for people don't switch among layouts.16:26
happyaronibus removed that logic in favor of the input-source integration.16:26
attenteso i'm trying to look at it from a russian user's perspective right now16:27
attenteif i have just english and russian keyboard layouts16:27
attenteand i don't need to cycle anything since i just have the two16:27
happyaronso you only need ctrl+space16:27
happyaronfor example you have en keyboard as the first, ru as the second16:28
happyarondefault status is en keyboard, ctrl+space would switch to ru.16:28
attentehappyaron, so what about using left ctrl, or ctrl+shift as the trigger?16:28
attenteit doesn't seem to be working from what i can tell16:29
happyaronattente: I don't know why left ctrl does not work here under unity, but I'm sure it works under KDE.16:29
attenteok, something we could work through i guess :)16:30
attentehappyaron, so if we were to switch to fcitx for default in unity, what would happen with gnome-shell?16:32
happyaronattente: this extension is needed for decent appearence: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/261/kimpanel/16:33
happyaronnothing more to do.16:33
attentehappyaron, but there's also gnome's integration with ibus, like the region panel in g-c-c16:33
happyaronwell, that's work to do. If we still want to integrate the configration in to g-c-c then quite some workload, if that optional, then fcitx has it's own configuration tool.16:34
happyaronthere is API for writing another configuration tool, and in Ubuntu Kylin we are already doing so, though it's integrated into fcitx-qimpanel.16:35
pittilarsu: hey, do you know whether we'll switch from system-config-printer to indicator-printer (or something else which doesn't use gtk2/python2)?16:48
seb128pitti, nothing planned around those lines16:50
seb128pitti, the GNOME panel is still buggy/lacking features, and we don't plan to invest lot of work in printing this cycle16:50
pittiseb128: ok, thanks16:51
seb128pitti, the GNOME panel also use s-c-p-dbus as a backend I think16:51
pittiseb128: btw, do you know why compiz-gnome recommends python-gconf?16:52
pittiseb128: I can easily purge that from a default install, it's just that recommends16:52
pittiseb128: isn't compiz using dconf these days?16:52
seb128for the config migration iirc16:53
seb128need to keep that until the lts16:53
seb128e.g for precise->trusty updates16:53
seb128bug #104149816:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1041498 in compiz (Ubuntu) "02_migrate_to_gsettings.py crashed with ImportError in __main__: No module named gconf" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104149816:53
pittiseb128: ah, thanks16:53
* didrocks reboots17:09
Laneywhy is online accounts doing some weird thing in u-s-s?17:15
Laneythis is the modal window thing mardy was talking about I guess17:15
GunnarHjhappyaron, attente: Just reviewed your discussion this afternoon (UTC). If we would switch to fcitx, and let it handle keybord layouts as well, wouldn't it mean that we wouldn't need to use g-c-c region at all? So the huge patch that seb128 previously managed would not be needed.17:35
attenteGunnarHj, sorry, which patch is that? the text entry one?17:37
GunnarHjattente: I mean the patch that turned the text entry back to the old keyboard layout.17:37
GunnarHjattente: Before 13.10, that is.17:38
attenteGunnarHj, sorry... still not sure i follow you. upstream g-c-c has the region panel, so if we're removing any patch, that panel is still there17:39
GunnarHjattente: I was thinking that using fcitx also for keyboard layouts would mean that we don't need any of the tabs in g-c-c region. Wouldn't that be easier to handle compared to using certain current or old parts of g-c-c?17:42
GunnarHj... region17:43
GunnarHjattente: Basically, what I'm saying (without knowing if it would be sensible) is that we could remove all g-c-c region related patches and simply not display the region icon in system settings.17:45
attenteGunnarHj, i think we might still need in gnome-shell though17:45
attentebecause gnome is sticking with ibus integration17:46
GunnarHjattente: Do you mean UbuntuGNOME?17:46
attenteGunnarHj, no, just gnome-shell17:47
GunnarHjattente: I don't know enough about the code structure to follow you now. It was just a thought...17:47
attenteGunnarHj, i guess we'd need to write an entirely new panel that calls fcitx configuration api if we want those to be available through g-c-c17:48
attenteotherwise, we could tell users to always configure through fcitx-config-gtk, but i don't know how nice that is17:49
GunnarHjattente: Yes, that makes a lot of sense, of course.17:49
GunnarHjattente: Not very nice. We should have a way from system settings, absolutely.17:50
attenteGunnarHj, sorry, i keep forgetting, i guess it won't affect gnome-shell very much since we're forking g-s-d and g-c-c for the lts17:51
GunnarHjattente: Ok...17:51
attenteso i guess strictly speaking, this is a decision about which we want in unit17:51
GunnarHjattente: Ok. Yes, I understand that no final decision has been made yet.17:52
attentehappyaron, GunnarHj, one thing i hadn't considered, if we switch to fcitx, how well this will work under unity-greeter17:59
GunnarHjattente: Sounds like a question for happyaron. I have absolutely no idea.18:09
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Sweetshark<Jack D. Ripper voice>These Red Hat guys are trying to sap and impurify our bodily fluids!</>18:39
Sweetsharknow they even crawl our precious launchpad: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/ANN-get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype-with-launchpad-support-on-Fedora-td4084328.html18:40
tjaaltonwill we get g-c-c 3.8.x in trusty?18:50
seb128tjaalton, not likely, why?19:53
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
tjaaltonseb128: it supports joining an authentication domain from the user setup capplet, utilizing realmd20:12
seb128tjaalton, we can backport a panel update if needed, the plan is to fork g-c-c (the new version has some new depends on gnome-shell for e.g display and some design/ui changes we don't want)20:13
tjaaltonsame thing with g-s-d? i think 3.8 got the nifty wacom settings thing like osx/win20:16
tjaaltonpress a button on it and it shows a config window of sorts20:17
tjaaltonbackporing some of g-c-c would be fine20:17
seb128tjaalton, yes, we plan to fork both and merge selective changes then20:19
tjaaltonok cool20:19
=== FJKong_ is now known as FJKong
sil2100kenvandine: ping!21:18
sil2100seb128: hello :)21:22
seb128sil2100, night21:24
kenvandinehey sil210021:24
sil2100seb128: goodnight then!21:25
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
attentebschaefer, hey21:27
sil2100kenvandine: could you review this branch? It has some small packaging fixes21:27
sil2100kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scopes-api/small_package_fixes/+merge/19619521:27
sil2100kenvandine: I'm still fixing copyright if anything21:27
sil2100kenvandine: but that's a separate branch21:27
bschaeferattente, hello21:27
attentebschaefer, wondering if you can help me out here, i seemed to have put unity into an unusable state21:28
kenvandinesil2100, done21:28
kenvandinesil2100, that was easy :)21:29
attentebschaefer, i can log in as a guest user, but no unity shell for my main use21:29
attenteis there a log file i can check to see what happened?21:29
sil2100kenvandine: thanks ;p21:29
bschaeferattente, i can in a little bit, i need to get something done first21:29
attentebschaefer, sure, sorry, take your time21:29
attentei'll try some other stuff21:30
bschaeferattente, sorry, just have to finish up this email...don't want to lose my tain of thought...maybe 10-20 min?21:30
bschaeferpossibly ChrisTownsend might be able to help :)21:30
attenteok, no problem :)21:32
* attente switches to gnome-shell21:32
ChrisTownsendattente: Hey, try looking in ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session.log for a starting point or whichever one of those has the bad login.21:39
seb128attente, did you figure it out?21:53
attenteseb128, no, seems to be stopping at the ezoom plugin21:56
seb128attente, what did you change/hack on?21:57
seb128did you make install in /usr?21:57
attenteseb128, i didn't change anything as far as i can tell21:58
seb128is it segfaulting or just hanging or ...?21:58
attenteit must be in my home though21:58
attenteif i log in as a new user, it works21:58
seb128rm -r .compiz* .config/compiz* ?21:59
seb128what's happening exactly?21:59
attentetracker-miner-fs emits warnings22:00
attentezeitgeist-data-hub has a critical22:00
seb128well, visually22:00
seb128is compiz failing to start?22:00
seb128or is it starting without the unity bits?22:01
attentecompiz starts, but unityshell doesn't appear, so i'm stuck with a background22:01
seb128$ gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins22:01
mhr3kenvandine, do you know why sil2100 added https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scopes-api/small_package_fixes/+merge/196195/comments/453778 ?22:01
seb128attente, ^ what does that returns?22:02
attenteseb128, :S22:02
kenvandinemhr3, oh... good catch22:02
attenteit's missing?22:02
kenvandinemaybe it was a mistake22:02
seb128attente, reset that key22:02
seb128attente, well "weird", compiz tend to do that :/ if the plugin fails to load for a reason it might drop it from the active list22:03
seb128attente, so maybe you did hit a bug or made it unhappy once and that was enough...22:03
attenteseb128, can't reset it, dconf can't write to it22:03
seb128attente, ?22:03
seb128attente, $ gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins22:03
attentedbus isn't up i guess22:04
seb128attente, oh, dbus-launch <command> then22:04
seb128why isn't dbus up?22:04
seb128do you su from another useR?22:04
attenteseb128, thanks, it's working again :D22:07
seb128attente, yw22:08
attentenot sure why dbus wasn't up though, or how that key got reset in the first place22:08
seb128well, the reset is probably what I said22:09
seb128the plugin failed to load once for $reason and compiz decided to disable it22:09
attenteright, sorry, i meant how that key changed in the first place22:09
seb128yeah for the wm being that modular22:09
attentehmm.. your shell doesn't work, guess you don't need one?22:09
sarnoldis that how focus-follows-mouse or autoraise settings get forgotten periodically?22:10
seb128lol, yeah, it's like wm decoration are a plugin22:10
seb128or windows placement22:10
sarnold"oh gee sorry no mouse yet registered I'll just go ahead and forget that focus-following-mouse nonsense" ? :)22:10
seb128sarnold, I think that one is different, but focus follow mouse is an non supported feature nowadays...22:11
sarnoldseb128: yes, I know, someone's been giving me subtle hints that I'm not welcome here any more, but I'm not good at taking hints. :)22:11
seb128you are welcome to learn and evolve22:12
sarnoldnineteen or twenty year old habits are pretty hard to break. you might as well ask me to switch to emacs.. :)22:12
sil2100mhr3: yes, that was a leftover, we need to get that removed22:13
sil2100mhr3: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scopes-api/license_fixes/+merge/196198 ?22:13
sil2100mhr3: what do you think?22:14
seb128sarnold, if you are using vi I for sure would suggest you emacs ;-)22:14
mhr3sil2100, i'm actually not 100% which one we want22:14
sarnoldseb128: lol :)  <322:14
mhr3sil2100, not 100% sure22:14
mhr3sil2100, i think your branch is good, but will check with thomas22:15
sil2100mhr3: I saw COPYING mention LGPL, so I went with this one22:15
sil2100mhr3: also, LGPL seems a bit more fitting for all library-like projects - but get feedback from Thomas and approve then22:15
seb128sarnold, joke aside, I saw some comments about ffm being resetted, but I've no idea about that one ... that's a simple setting, not a compiz .so by itself right?22:16
seb128oh, dpm is around22:17
seb128dpm, hey, how are you?22:17
* dpm hides22:17
sarnoldseb128: sorry, I don't know compiz internals well enough to know where it's implemented :(22:17
seb128sarnold, k, I'm pretty sure it's a simple setting22:17
seb128dpm, lol22:17
dpmhey seb128, very well, managed to survive UDS too? :-)22:17
seb128dpm, yes!22:17
seb128dpm, some french translators were asking why we didn't get langpack updates for raring, do you know?22:18
seb128dpm, is that lack of people to work on those update? did anyone do a call for help or something?22:18
dpmseb128, simply because we don't currently have anyone in charge of releasing the language packs :/22:18
seb128dpm, do we have a description of what that involves to point to people asking (in case one of them want to step up for the job?)22:19
dpmseb128, unfortunately, it's not easy to get community participation there, since building the packages requires access to Canonical servers22:20
seb128dpm, I though that the export/build was automated? (e.g just a cron job)22:20
dpmseb128, I'm trying to remind myself how all worked, but at least I recall the full langpacks need to be manually built. Let me see if I can find the docs, just a sec22:22
seb128dpm, don't bother, it's late, we can talk about it tomorrow22:22
seb128dpm, I didn't mean to make you work more after hours ;-)22:22
dpmseb128, no worries :)22:23
dpmseb128, yeah, we can talk about it in more detail tomorrow, especially if pitti is around, but essentially this is the langpack build process: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/view/head:/doc/operator-guide.txt22:24
seb128dpm, ok, thanks for the link, let's talk a bit more about it tomorrow22:24
seb128dpm, have a good night!22:24
dpmcool, have a good night too!22:24

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