
keesbjf, infinity: okay. well, I'll try to get it booted on real hardware. that might take a while. if either of you have hw already, running the verification steps in the bug is all I'd do to double-check it. :)00:29
bjfkees, no rush i just wanted to know someone was going to test it00:53
keesbjf: okay, cool.01:15
bjfppisati, how difficult would it be for you to verify bug 1183616 for me?15:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1183616 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "seccomp-bpf missing on ARM in precise" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118361615:26
bjfppisati, there are instructions in the bug description on how to do so15:26
ppisatibjf: yeah, i'll fire up a board with precise and test it15:27
bjfppisati, you the man! kees ^15:27
brendandcking, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/125373418:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1253734 in linux (Ubuntu) "scaling_max_freq is less than highest frequencies in scaling_available_frequencies" [Undecided,New]18:09
brendandcking, for my own system - with all the attachments requested18:09
ckingbrendand, thanks18:14
marruslwill linux-image-generic-lts-trusty be released at the same time as trusty itself?18:15
bjfmarrusl, yes18:16
rtgor within a week18:16
marruslthanks bjf.  that gives 3-4 months to migrate from other backport kernels.  I think that will be enough for my customers.  we'll see what they think.18:17
ppetrakismb, ping18:57
smbppetraki, hmmm?18:58
ppetrakismb, :)18:58
ppisatikees: the test case for lp1183616 doesn't compile20:52
ppisatikees: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455233/20:52
keesppisati: weird, builds fine for me. are kernel headers missing maybe?21:05
ppisatikees: nope, present21:06
ppisatiii  linux-headers-3.2.0-1441               3.2.0-1441.60                           Header files related to Linux kernel version 3.2.021:06
ppisatiii  linux-headers-3.2.0-1441-omap4         3.2.0-1441.60                           Linux kernel headers for version 3.2.0 on TI OMAP4-based systems21:07
keesand those are the headers from the -proposed kernel?21:07
keescan you search around for the __NR_time definition? It really should be there.21:09
ppisatikees: i'll ding around and get back21:41
keesppisati: cool, thanks.21:52
* rtg -> EOD22:06

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