
PiciWhat a surprise, someone asking what the largest channel on freenode is (in #freenode) comes and gets kicked.01:38
Tm_TAlanBell: hi how can we help you today?06:15
Beldarwe have a bot on #ubuntu   Seb_bday06:26
Beldarjust a heeds up.06:27
Tm_TIdleOne: I think it was actually an user with a talkative script06:28
IdleOnemay have been06:28
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (fe3Fxrf34Fj)07:51
bazhang<dracarys> not being helpful12:07
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:19
DJonesHopefully the +q will catch any that are left13:22
IdleOneGood morning13:22
DJonesI'll say Good day as I'm eating dinner13:26
ikoniaLjL: already pm'd him to not cause an issue in channel18:20
IdleOnethe nick is not acceptable18:21
PiciWhich one was that?18:39
=== CarlFK is now known as hph
=== hph is now known as CarlFK
=== Pricey is now known as pricechild
=== pricechild is now known as Pricey

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