
sergiusensTechieElf, I don't really want to get into researching what he spun off upon; maybe you can use the porting guide and brind in his device specific and vendor specific parts?00:06
TechieElfsergiusens: But it appears that all the source is present? Also, I've compared the files inside the two phablet zips and they're all the same, just some vary in size by small amounts. I need to "flip" this anyway so how do I go about doing so?00:08
sergiusensTechieElf, just follow the porting guide00:10
sergiusensTechieElf, but instead of brunching for your device just add the device repo from the manifest in that guys github00:10
sergiusensTechieElf, same thing for the binary blobs00:10
TechieElfsergiusens, I've done that. That's where I am now. Added his repo, blobs included. Now what? I still suffer an ungodly boot loop :P00:12
TechieElfMaybe this helps, his port still uses saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip00:13
sergiusensTechieElf, so you did not do curl -L -o .repo/local_manifests/phablet.xml -O -L https://raw.github.com/razrqcom-dev-team/android_local_razrqcom/phablet/phablet.xml00:13
TechieElfsergiusens, actually I have.00:14
sergiusensTechieElf, I'm not sure what the implications of  <remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_build" /> are00:14
TechieElfApparently they are replaced with ubuntu counterparts?00:15
TechieElfI noticed further into the xml00:15
sergiusensTechieElf, and then this <project path="build" name="STS-Dev-Team/android_build" remote="gh" revision="phablet" >00:15
sergiusensTechieElf, clearly might have the wrong build rules00:15
sergiusensTechieElf, that's why I said; only keep the DEVICE and VENDOR parts00:16
sergiusensmanually check the diffs from the BUILD part with what is latest00:16
TechieElfsergiusens: How do I go about that?00:16
sergiusensuse a diff tool (I use meld)00:17
sergiusensgit clone git@github.com:STS-Dev-Team/android_build.git00:18
sergiusensand diff that against the 'build' dir you'd get if you haven't done the manifest addition00:19
sergiusensTechieElf, or just check https://github.com/STS-Dev-Team/android_build/commits/phablet00:20
TechieElfIt looks like STS merged with CM so it shouldn't be a problem?00:21
sergiusensTechieElf, or merge back the changes from git://phablet.ubuntu.com/CyanogenMod/android_build.git into the tree you have00:22
TechieElfsergiusens: I'm lost.00:26
sergiusensTechieElf, reason for which I mentioned you should start from scratch from the guide to get a feel of the whole thing00:27
TechieElfsergiusens: so should I breakfast instead of using his manifest?00:27
sergiusensTechieElf, if it's on cyanogen, yes, if not, create a manifest similar to that but only with the vendor and device parts00:28
TechieElfsergiusens, it's an officially supported cm device so it should be.00:29
TechieElfOh my, the lovely 15GB phablet-dev-bootstrap download :D00:38
sergiusensTechieElf, no need to delete it00:46
TechieElfBut I already contaminated it with the old files?00:46
sergiusensTechieElf, just remove the manifest in .repo/local_manifests/00:46
TechieElfsergiusens: Oh alright00:47
TechieElfsergiusens: "Trying dependencies-only mode on a non-existing device tree?" comes out from breakfast00:50
matv1Sorry if I have overlooked infof but can Anyone tell me the exact status of the email core app?01:06
matv1acoording to lp its no longer under active development. Does that mean an email solution is abbandoned as a canonical driven effort and left up to the community? If so, that point should maybe made more clear.01:06
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helbunshey guys, im trying to install ubuntu touch in a galaxy nexus on ubuntu 13.10. my error hangs on "wating for device" after "sudo fastboot oem unlock". im fuly updated and a fresh install. my phone in usb debugging on developer unlocked.01:24
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helbunsany idea i should try? i guess another computer?01:31
matv1helbuns what is the device screen showing?01:41
helbunsit shows no change01:44
helbunsit just stays on fastboot like it wasnt sent anything01:44
matv1helbuns what does the terminal command 'adb devices' output01:52
ivo3Hello, I need some help related to UT porting to new device02:02
ivo3I followed porting guide, was able to boot UT - but I am stuck with some mount/partition problems02:02
ivo3Is there anybody that can help?02:03
ivo3I am trying IFC6410 - I have working Android 4.1 for it02:03
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helbunsmy ubuntu touch seems to be stuck on "Rom may flash stock recover on boot" am i supposed to put input at this time??03:28
helbunsmy host says waiting for install to finish on device do not unplug03:29
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AskUbuntuubuntu touch for aakash 2 ubislate tablets | http://askubuntu.com/q/38019405:09
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Nothing_MuchCould somebody let me know whenever it's possible to actually like.. use libhybris on the Ubuntu desktop?08:10
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AskUbuntuHow to change the Ubuntu installation to read-write mode on a mobile device | http://askubuntu.com/q/38025808:49
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mkozjakphablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel // will this ensure i'll get the latest image?10:41
mkozjakoh, devel-proposed10:42
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om26erogra_, Hi! got a minute ?11:25
om26eror a few seconds.11:25
om26erogra_, I think I got a bit lost while trying to add unity8-autopilot to seed. If you come close to the seed code in the coming days can you please also add it to the seed ? :)11:26
ogra_yeah, no prob11:26
arunkumar413Can I port ubuntu touch to any android mobile11:31
arunkumar413Or are there any prerequisites11:31
ogra_arunkumar413, see the link in the channel topic11:33
ogra_(the porting guide)11:33
janimoarunkumar413, the prerequisites are having a working android build and the sources to it and the kernel, so you can add the ubuntu specific changes11:34
arunkumar413Working android build? What does this means.11:35
janimoarunkumar413, the device you want to port to successfully runs android11:35
arunkumar413I have an android mobile and I want to port touch to it11:36
mardydoes anyone know how to get the (standard) output of a click application? http://askubuntu.com/questions/380310/how-to-get-the-output-stdout-stderr-of-a-click-application11:37
AskUbuntuHow to get the output (stdout/stderr) of a click application? | http://askubuntu.com/q/38031011:41
janimoogra_, do you know if flashing kitkat on the N4 would prevent it being flashed with 4.2 again? radio/bootloader issues11:42
ogra_mardy, ~/.cache/upstart/$APP_ID.log11:43
janimoI'd like to try 4.4 but make sure I can still flash Ubuntu's 4.2 based image11:43
ogra_janimo, no idea, but i wouldnt see why fastboot would be replaced by such an upgrade11:43
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janimoogra_, indeed, I just want to be extra cautious :)11:44
ogra_you should still be able to fastboot flash11:44
janimoright, I did not know whether fastboot has some default where it won't allow radio or bootloader downgrades though11:44
mardyogra_: thanks! Would you like to reply in askubuntu, so I can increase your karma? ;-)11:44
janimoogra_, do you know if anyone has an N5 and is building the ubuntu kernel for it, in case touch is ported to it?11:45
mardyogra_: ah, it seems to be  ~/.cache/upstart/application-click-$APP_ID.log, precisely11:46
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ogra_janimo, nope, dont know ... i have an N5 but that will stay on android ... until i get a company N511:46
ogra_mardy, done11:48
mardyogra_: thanks!11:52
mardyjdstrand: ping12:03
jdstrandmardy: hey12:10
mardyjdstrand: hi! I just wrote a comment to bug 124590312:11
ubot5bug 1245903 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Online Accounts applications need a couple of more D-Bus interfaces" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124590312:11
jdstrandmardy: ack. I have it queued up. I'll make the adjustment12:12
mardyjdstrand: thanks12:13
leosamHi! I tried to build the ubuntu touch emulator on saucy and followed the instructions on the wiki. When running "phablet-dev-bootstrap emulator" I get an error could not verify the tag 'v1.12.7' (can't check signature: public key not found).. can anyone help?12:15
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pittisalem_, boiko: would you mind top-approving https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/drop-connected-tests/+merge/194837 ? I re-started a jenkins run, seems the failure in otto got fixed13:01
boikopitti: sure13:02
pittiboiko: that way this trivial thing doesn't need two runs; thanks!13:02
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pittiboiko: btw, please don't let the PS "approval" in https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/maguro-tests/+merge/193774 fool you: tests didn't run on maguro, I asked fginther13:10
pittiboiko: wrt. drop-connected-tests, do you want to do something similar for messaging-app? its connected_tests also really don't do much13:12
boikopitti: yeah, I guess they are obsolete too, but I can remove them myself if you have other stuff to do, don't worry13:15
pittiboiko: ack13:16
pittiboiko: I'm mostly asking because I'll send MPs for moving the tests to py3 soon13:16
pittiboiko: turns out connected_tests would need some update, the phonesim tests should mostly work (trying right now)13:16
pittiboiko: I have a patch for dialer-app already (trivial)13:16
pittiboiko: these are blocked by https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/autopilot/drop-upa/+merge/196034 and bug 1253627, but once these land, we can move a lot of tests to py313:17
ubot5bug 1253627 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Needs to provide emulators for Python3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125362713:17
pittiboiko: (mostly FYI for you at this point)13:17
mkozjakwhat am i supposed to choose when phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --bootstrap reboots my phone? where is the image stored?13:17
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boikopitti: yep, we need the emulators ported indeed13:23
boikopitti: I will do the removal of connected tests right now (before I forget it)13:23
pittiboiko: no porting to do, just shipping them where py3 can find them13:23
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pittiboiko: thanks13:23
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nik90mkozjak: you do not need to choose anything14:01
nik90mkozjak: just let the process complete14:02
nik90mkozjak: although I am not sure about the bootstrap option14:02
mkozjaknik90: there's no progressbar or anything14:05
mkozjakbut it doesn't matter anymore, i crapped everything up14:05
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cwaynecjwatson, is the ${id} part in a click hook pattern be modified? i.e. if i want just the app basename, without the com.ubuntu.developer.<user>?14:22
cwaynelike in my click hook's target, could i specify something like ${id|cut -d. -f114:23
cjwatsonWhy would you want that?  You aren't supposed to pick that name apart.14:23
cjwatsonAnd no, you can't do that14:23
cwaynecjwatson, because i'm trying to make click hooks for account-plugins, which expect a directory <base>/qml-plugins/<provider-name>14:24
cwaynewhere provider name would be *somewhere* in the ${id}14:24
cjwatsonWhy wouldn't the provider name just be the whole id?14:24
cjwatsonIf it needs a short name then that should be inside the file14:24
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cjwatsonIt's critically important that the id not be mangled or shortened for symlinks, because that opens the possibility of clashes.14:25
cjwatsonSo you need to find another way, I'm afraid.14:25
cwaynecjwatson, because the provider is going to be something like 'fitbit', or 'google'14:25
cwaynenot com.ubuntu.developer.cwayne18.account-plugin-fitbit14:25
cjwatson(Consider com.ubuntu.developer.<user-1>.name, com.ubuntu.developer.<user-2>.name14:25
cjwatsonIf you need a short name then you need to put that inside the file, not rely on the file name.14:25
cjwatsonAnd modify account-plugins to support that if need be.14:25
cjwatsonThen account-plugins can do something domain-specific to deal with clashes; click doesn't have the domain-specific knowledge to do that14:26
cwaynemardy, ping14:29
mardycwayne: hi!14:29
cwaynemardy, heya!  i'm working on the account-plugin click-hooks again, and i've run into a bit of an issue with the qml-plugins dir14:30
ScopeParkingQu. Is it possible to connect to a HTTP Server with ubuntu-touch ?14:30
cwaynemardy, namely, that o-a expects the dir structure to be qml-plugins/<provider-name>, but click hooks won't support naming like that14:31
chinmaya_nScopeParking: how could we view websites with out that??14:33
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ScopeParkingok .. your right !14:34
ScopeParkingleaves .. disgruntled.14:34
brendandwhat's the current status of unity8, is it still a seperate app or is it actually a desktop yet?14:34
mardycwayne: I'm going to deeply change that14:34
cwaynemardy, ah, to what? :)14:35
mardycwayne: well, I didn't think it over completely yet14:35
mardycwayne: first of all, I'll allow plugins to be a binary file (in case someone wants to encrypt application keys inside them)14:36
cwaynemardy, so one binary instead of 4 separate files?14:36
mardycwayne: oh, no, the xml files will still be needed14:37
cwayneyeah, that makes sense14:37
mardycwayne: I'm thinking of moving qml plugins to /usr/share/accounts/qml-plugins/<click-id>.qml, and then have binary plugins somewhere under /usr/lib -- then you choose which one to use14:38
cwaynemardy, but some qml-plugins require more than one file14:39
mardycwayne: I guess we can't do anything about it, unless click starts supporting that14:39
mardycwayne: actually you are right, it's probably better to fix click before introducing this, so to be able to use /usr/share/accounts/qml-plugins/<click-id>/Main.qml14:40
cwaynemardy, right.  so we'd need two things right? a) click to support multiple files (or just a recursive option), and b) u-s-s-o-a to look in /usr/share/accounts/qml-plugins/<click-id>14:41
ogra_nik90, happpy birthday !!!!14:44
mkozjaknik90: gonna try installing again via phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup now again14:45
mkozjaknik90: should there be some progress bar at once?14:45
mkozjaknik90: happy birthday, btw, if it's your birthday14:45
Ursinhapopey, hello :) so, I have a weird bug here in mako img r27, after a while whenever I'm using facebook webapp and click on a link, the browser tries to open file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/'https:.....' instead of the link directly14:47
Ursinhahow can I debug this? is this known?14:47
nik90ogra_: thnx :)14:48
nik90mkozjak: thnx14:48
ogra_Ursinha, probably oSoMoN can help14:49
mkozjaknik90: about the progress bar when installing, should it be displayed?14:49
ogra_(he works on the browser afaik)14:49
oSoMoNUrsinha, interesting, I haven’t seen this issue before, can you file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+filebug with steps to reproduce?14:50
nik90mkozjak: I generally install using phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup14:51
nik90mkozjak: generally you see some loading text in the boot14:51
dakerUrsinha: i think it's a bug, i have seen the same thing some days ago; the browser tries to open /usr/share/webbrowser-app/MYURL14:51
Ursinhadaker, yes, that14:52
Ursinhadaker, I have a nexus 4, or mako14:52
mkozjaknik90: --no-backup is deprecated, --bootstrap is advised to be used instead (whatever that is)..14:52
Ursinhanot sure it makes a difference though14:52
nik90mkozjak: ah..I wasnt aware of that14:52
mardycwayne: yep14:53
UrsinhaoSoMoN, sure, will file a bug. Can you point me to instructions to collect more information so I can attach them to the bug?14:53
nik90mkozjak: I am installing an image soon..will check it out14:53
mkozjaknik90: ok!14:54
mkozjaknik90: i'm trying this on galaxy nexus14:54
cwaynemardy, well..14:54
cwayne~/.local/share/qml-plugins/<click-id> that is :)14:55
mardycwayne: absolutely :-)14:55
cwaynemardy, but let me know if there's any way i can help test to get this sorted out sooner than later :D14:55
mkozjaknik90: oh yeah, i just had to wait, it's installing now14:58
nik90mkozjak: I was just about to say that14:58
nik90mkozjak: I just reach ed the loading screen14:58
nik90mkozjak: but for sometime it was in the boot menu and I wasnt sure what to do :P14:59
mkozjaknik90: the problem is there's nothing of indicators when the image is transferred, and that confused me14:59
mkozjakyes, that's exactly what it felt like :D14:59
oSoMoNUrsinha, not sure there’s much additional debug output we can get for this type of bug, the webkit inspector is not gonna help in this case15:00
UrsinhaoSoMoN, right, okay15:00
oSoMoNUrsinha, however if we have a way to reproduce reliably, it should be relatively easy to fix15:01
dakeroSoMoN: well i remember the browser tries to open /usr/share/webbrowser-app/something when using upstart-app-launch webbrowser-app --inspector15:03
Ursinhadaker, interesting, will try that here15:03
dakerUrsinha: http://daker.me/2013/11/web-apps-remote-debugging-on-ubuntu-touch.html15:04
Ursinhadaker, thanks!15:04
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PintknockerAfternoon folks15:29
PintknockerCan anyone help me with ubuntu touch installation on my nexus 7(2013)15:30
ogra_Pintknocker, there is no image for the 2013 model15:32
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ogra_(unless someone on the xda forums did a port yet)15:32
Pintknockerah okay thanks for the help15:33
PintknockerI was running the phablet commands when I noticed Unsupported device15:33
Pintknockerthought that there was some way around that , thanks anyways ;D15:33
PintknockerGood afternoon15:33
ogra_right, the officially supported N7 is the tegra one ...15:33
ogra_the 2013 model simply completely changed the architecture ... that requires a complete new port15:34
PintknockerAny clues on how long till the whole touch system is released?15:34
ogra_how do you mean ?15:34
ogra_it was released with 13.1015:34
Pintknockerbut it still under development15:35
Pintknockerthe releases are devel releases correct?15:35
ogra_and the source is public for all bits and pieces in case someone wants to do a port to different HW15:35
ogra_well, the 13.10 release is called v1.015:35
ogra_though indeed, thats rather focusing on giving app developers a base and the like15:35
ogra_14.04 should be closer to what endusers want15:36
PintknockerI see15:36
PintknockerWell seems like I just need to be patient and await the upcoming versions15:36
ogra_(13.10 is usable as a daily driver if you can live with the rough edges though)15:36
PintknockerIve seen some rough comments on this one (when it comes to bugs and whatnot)15:37
PintknockerStill wanted to give it a try15:37
PintknockerCan you tell me if it allows you to have development environments like javajdk15:37
Pintknockeron this tablet version15:38
ogra_you can make the image writable and install anything you like from the ubuntu archive15:38
PintknockerProbably seems like not such a good thing to go for but I bought it mainly not to carry my Laptop around allday plus the cables to recharge it15:39
ogra_by default it is pretty locked down though ... and tehroretically you should do development on a PC ... but that doesnt mean we didnt put in a switch for the hardcore hackers ;)15:39
Pintknockerand was going for ubuntu to find a way to develop on it15:40
PintknockerI see xD15:40
PintknockerYea I know I should do so on a PC but oh well15:40
PintknockerAt the end of the day the HW we find in these devices is quite good (almost as good as netbook . not as good tho sometimes)15:41
Pintknockerand Id like to see ways to take advantage of that you know..15:41
PintknockerAlright ogra_ thanks for your help, I really appretiate it ;)15:42
ogra_np :)15:42
PintknockerGood afternoon15:43
medmansi like to be a ubuntu touch developer , can u help me with some advices ?16:29
UrsinhaoSoMoN, daker, https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/125370316:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1253703 in webbrowser-app "Webbrowser tries to open file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/'URL' instead of the URL directly" [Undecided,New]16:30
dakerUrsinha: exactly what happened to me16:31
oSoMoNUrsinha, thanks, I’ll look into it after UDS sessions16:31
Ursinhadaker, interesting thing is that running with upstart-app-launch makes it easily reproducible16:32
UrsinhaoSoMoN, thanks16:32
dakerUrsinha: yes16:32
Ursinhaogra_, what's the number of the current image on devel? (not -proposed)16:32
ogra_Ursinha, r1016:33
Ursinhaogra_, is it numbered differently than -proposed?16:34
Ursinha-proposed is (was?) r2716:34
popeyproposed is currently 2716:34
popeywe just haven't released any of the images from 11-2716:34
nille_hi everybody...anyone got ubuntu-system trusty running on a nsxus 4?16:35
Ursinhaokay, so this bug I just found is somewhere between 11 and 27...........16:35
nille_Unfortunately it didn work out for mei, neither using phablet flash nor installing it manually.16:36
jdstrandrsalveti: hey, do you know if there is a bug on the goldfish apparmor trace? we know about it and can of course reproduce it, but can't find the bug on it16:37
nille_Installing recovery works but after installing the preinstalled-touch-zip it just hangs after rebooting, showing "Google" and the open lock16:37
rsalvetijdstrand: yeah, I don't think I saw one for that either16:38
popeynille_: it takes a while16:38
jdstrandok, we'll just file a new one16:38
ogra_nille_, you want to use phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel trusty -d mako -b16:38
nille_For now I'm waiting about 2 or 3 hours16:38
ogra_do not fiddle with the zips, they are obsolete, we do not test them16:38
nille_orga_: thanks...I'm gonna try this :)16:39
ogra_they are just an interim product that people doing a new port to an unsupported device can use16:39
popeyUrsinha: yeah, confirmed your bug here, i have two phones, one on 10, one on 2716:44
Ursinhapopey, I wasn't able to reproduce it with r10, but I haven't tried to do it via shell16:44
popey10 worked fine here16:45
UrsinhaI added that to the bug16:45
Ursinhait's somewhere between 11 and 2716:45
AskUbuntuWifi issue on nexus 4 16GB | http://askubuntu.com/q/38043516:49
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nille_ogra_: Using "phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel trusty -d mako -b" exits with an error: ...booting...FAILED (status malformed (0 bytes))...ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'fastboot boot /tmp/tmp2HdNfV/partitions/recovery.img' returned non-zero exit status 117:08
nille_Any idea what I can do?17:08
ogra_is the device actually in fastboot mode while that hgappens (biug android on screen with a huge "START" above it)17:09
staplesauceHow smooth is Ubuntu Touch supposed to run on the Galaxy Nexus? I'm seeing a bunch of performance issues after my first install. The UI is very sluggish and the touchscreen inaccurate.17:23
staplesauceAlso, some of the things listed on the stats page as working are not. Neither the front or rear camera seem to be functional.17:24
nille_ogra_:No it's in the recovery mode when I start the phablet-flash script...I can't start the script in Fastboot mode (adb cannot find any devices in taht mode)17:32
ogra_nille_, well, it should reboot and switch to fastboot can you see it with adb devbices ?17:33
ogra_staplesauce, which image did you use ?17:34
ogra_staplesauce, maguro is generally a bit sluggish, but it got better with more recent images17:34
staplesauceLet me check which image17:34
ogra_the rear camera always worked for me (for pics, video recording is generally broken atm)17:34
nille_ogra_: yes ,sorry, I start the script in recovery mode, It runs, than the nexus reboots to fastboot and than the mentioned error appears17:34
ogra_nille_, that sounds a bit like a bad cable connection ...17:35
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^^ any other idea ?17:35
* sergiusens reads17:36
ogra_error: ...booting...FAILED (status malformed (0 bytes))...ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'fastboot boot /tmp/tmp2HdNfV/partitions/recovery.img' returned non-zero exit status 117:36
ogra_thats the error he sees17:36
nille_Hm, ok, but shouldn't it be possible to copy the mako.touch-zip zo the sd card and select install tip in the recovery mode?17:36
sergiusensnille_, ogra_ is this a mako or maguro?17:36
staplesauceogra, Ah, I see. I'm on 13.10 (r100)17:37
sergiusensnille_, ogra_ the clic ommand says mako, but you guys are talking about maguro17:37
ogra_sergiusens, i'm also talking to staplesauce17:37
sergiusensogra_, sorry, tired eyes :-)17:37
ogra_staplesauce, run: system-image-cli --channel trusty -b 017:37
sergiusensnille_, from the logs, you'll see a device*.xz download, can you open that and grab the recovery.img in there?17:38
ogra_staplesauce, via adb .. that will get you the latest trusty image ... it has a bunch more fixes17:38
staplesauceorga, I'll give that a go now. Thank you!17:38
ogra_oh, and probably append -v to it17:38
ogra_else it stays completely quiet17:39
sergiusensnille_, also, forgot the error you got when the phone was locked, but it's unlocked right?17:42
sergiusensogra_, do you remember the error you get when running this on locked devices17:42
ogra_hmm, no, thats to long ago ...17:42
ogra_im an old man ...17:42
nille_sergiusens: yes, it's unlocked - I sused Cyanogen before17:45
nille_Ok, what should i do with the recovery.img?17:48
nille_sry sergiusens: ok, i extracted the recovery.img. Should I copy it via adb? If yes? Where should I copy it?17:50
sergiusensnille_, just reboot into fastboot and try to manually boot it17:50
sergiusensnille_, also, did you do any re partitioning work at all?17:51
nille_Nope, just did a factory reset...17:53
nille_sergiusens:ehm..sorry, how can I manullay boot the recovery.img?17:54
sergiusensnille_, once you extracted the file17:54
sergiusensfastboot boot recovery.img17:54
nille_sergiusens:...ok, tried that, result: downloading...booting...FAILED (status malformed (0 bytes)). And the devices is in recovery mode after that17:56
sergiusensnille_, wow, it failed and it worked? :-)17:57
nille_sergiusens: Amazing, eh? =)17:57
sergiusensnille_, ok, there's one thing you can do, but it would require you to flash that recovery.img instead of booting it17:58
sergiusensnille_, and wrt to the sympton, my answer is, I have no idea why that happens, fastboot is rather closed17:58
sergiusensnille_, could be from a bad cable to something wrong in the bootloader17:58
nille_sergiusens...ok, is there a way to do something like md5 check for the copyied files on the device? Or can I download them from the device and than do a check?18:00
nille_sergiusens:...sry, didn't read your previous post...yes, I have no problem with flashing the recovery.img if I know what i have to do18:01
sergiusensnille_, fastboot flash recovery recovery.img18:05
sergiusensthen boot into recovery18:05
sergiusensthen do the phablet-flash but without the bootstrap but with --system-image-ready18:07
sergiusensnille_, now that I see, the --system-image-ready might only be in trunk, so yuo may need to run it from bzr branch lp:phablet-tools18:07
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nille_sergiusens:..ok, so that would be phablet-flush ubuntu-system --channel tristy -d mako --system-image-ready ?18:09
sergiusensnille_, yes, just typo fix your cli ;-)18:10
nille_sergiusens: ...yes, would be better...but phablet-flush says: phablet-flash: error: unrecognized arguments: --system-image-ready18:16
sergiusensnille_, that's why I said you might need trunk18:17
ogra_hmm, what phablet-tools version do you have installed ?18:17
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cyphermoxrsalveti: have you tried downgrading wpasupplicant after all? for me after downgrading you still need to give NM a kick to try to connect to the GSM context... so not wpa's fault18:36
cyphermoxnot sure what other bugs there were and how to reproduce them18:37
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ogra_cyphermox, random shutdowns on mako ... no network at all on maguro18:39
ogra_(and the random shutdowns seems to show some wlan related stuff in dmesg)18:40
cyphermoxI know, I saw the output... but there is no bug open AFAIK18:57
cyphermoxand has anyone tried to downgrade wpasupplicant on the systems showing this issue?18:58
doanac`rsalveti, sergiusens: is there a ppa for the emulator or is it only working on Trusty? I tried building it, but the instructions didn't produce an emulator binary18:58
sergiusensdoanac`, just trusty; building from android should work if you are on the trusty branch18:59
sergiusensdoanac`, you can download the deb from trusty18:59
rsalvetidoanac`: the deb from trusty is fine18:59
doanac`ah - clever. thanks19:00
rsalvetidoanac`: we'll be pushing it in a ppa soon19:00
doanac`virtual beers for everyone19:00
sergiusensdoanac`, I think the plan is to do the same thing we do with phablet-tools, but supporting precise and saucy19:00
nille_sergiusens: hmm, ok, just tried to get the phablet-tools from trunk. Do I really need to create a launchpad id/account to get trunk?19:03
sergiusensnille_, no, just bzr branch lp:phablet-tools19:04
nille_sergiusens: trying bzr branch lp:phablet-tools I got 'Permission denied (publickey).'19:07
nille_sergiusens:...sry for troubling you with all that :-/19:07
sergiusensnille_, are you on ubuntu?19:09
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nille_sergiusens: yes, saucy19:11
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cwaynewouldn't it be easier to just add the phablet-team/tools ppa? isn't that much closer to trunk than whatevers in saucy universe19:11
sergiusenscwayne, well I'm on trusty, and the fix I talk about is not in yet for some reason19:12
nille_At hte very start of my attempts to get ubuntu on my nexus I did a 'add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools' already19:14
mandel_slangasek, ping19:23
slangasekmandel_: hi there19:23
mandel_slangasek, hello! so I just heard about the media service and I had some feed back from some of the developers that are working on the podcast applications (two diff ones)19:24
* jdstrand is looking at a booted emulator using qcow2 images19:24
slangasekmandel_: ah, I was merely the guy summarizing the track, let me find you who actually is working on the media service19:25
jdstrandlets see if I can use snapshot19:25
mandel_slangasek, I'm going to provide a SDK plugin for downloads and they mentioned that it would be nice for the media service to be able to play downloading files from my daemon19:25
mandel_slangasek, cool, would be nice to talk about this stuff19:25
slangasekmandel_: so I don't know what session this came out of or who added it to my notes, there are no obviously-named sessions on the core track.  I guess ChickenCutlass or rsalveti will know something about where this came from19:27
mandel_slangasek, ok, else I can always make noise in the mailing lists :)19:27
rsalvetijdstrand: awesome19:28
rsalvetislangasek: mandel_: jhodapp is owning the media service19:28
rsalvetilet me get a link for the session we had19:28
rsalvetimandel_: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/22088/client-1311-media-service/19:29
jhodappmandel_, need some assistance?19:30
mandel_jhodapp, kinda, in this cycle I'm going to provide a QML plugin for the download daemon that we have atm in the phone (does si upgrades and click packages downloads) so that app developers can use it19:31
mandel_jhodapp, some of the app developers (podcasting clients mainly) mentioned that they would like to be able to tell the media service to play a nor fully performed download19:31
mandel_jhodapp, so that, my daemon downloads and yours plays the podcasts19:31
mandel_jhodapp, we might need to either ignore that or think about it :)19:32
slangasekrsalveti: ah... you had me summarizing sessions that were on the client track!  ohnoes19:32
jhodappmandel_, you want to be able to have podcast clients play a podcast without being fully downloaded, is that right?19:32
mandel_jhodapp, well, yes, but it is not me perse, I'm just working on the download manager, the developers mentioned that19:33
mandel_jhodapp, I just provide a way to perform a download in the background so that it is not stopped when the app is not longer in the foreground19:34
rsalvetislangasek: true, because that was in theory part of core19:34
rsalvetithe session was using the wrong track, sorry :-)19:34
jhodappmandel_, can you point me to some of these developers? I'd like to discuss this further with them19:35
rsalveticyphermox: seems we're unable to reproduce that bug today, so it might just be a heisenbug19:35
mandel_jhodapp, sure I can, I talked with netcurli and Elleo19:35
jhodappmandel_, perfect, thanks19:36
ogra_slangasek, lots of our sessions were falsely added to client instead fo core19:36
mandel_jhodapp, no problem, let me know if there is anything I need to change in the udm or if the API needs to improve in some way19:36
jhodappnetcurli, Elleo, ping me when you get a chance19:36
jhodappmandel_, will do, thanks19:36
mandel_no problem19:37
rsalvetiogra_: just so everybody know what we're doing this cycle19:37
ogra_we should just re-assign the WIs to the prropriate track owner ;)19:38
=== eagle-meetingsba is now known as Patriot07
Patriot07does anyone happen to have ubuntu-touch running on a nexus 5?20:08
BHSPiMonkeyNo support for the 2013 Nexus 7 yet, still?20:08
kebit ran on motorola defy+ :P 12.04 if i remember right20:10
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nille_sergiusens, ogra_: thanks a lot for your help...switched back to precise on my desktop and tried the phablet-flash tool again...and now I Ubuntu is running on my nexus 4...although it seems I cannot connect to my AP using WPA...20:40
ogra_hmm, and i guess your desktop isnt set up wireless ? else you could just use phablet-network to copy the connection info20:41
* cwayne wonders if we should move phablet-network into phablet-config20:41
ogra_cwayne, only if you update the wiki too :P20:42
cwayneno deal!20:42
cwaynejk, i'll add that to my task list20:42
cwaynei think it'd be good to have a cleanup of phablet-tools and related docs anyway20:42
sergiusenscwayne, we should, but there are too many scripts depending on it20:43
sergiusensgo get udbflash20:43
cwaynesergiusens, ah, i didn't realize that20:43
sergiusensudbflash --channel developer-proposed20:43
sergiusenscwayne, just playing around with go...20:44
sergiusenscoulding think of a better name20:44
sergiusensactually, it's go get launchpad.net/phablet-tools/udbflash20:44
cwaynego go gadget phablet-flash20:46
sergiusensyour team must be renamed the catch phrase team :-P20:47
sergiusensanyways, doesn't do much yet; just flashes what you would flash everyday and lists all avail channels20:47
cwaynestill sounds good so far :)20:48
=== cwayne is now known as cwayne-afk
netcurlijhodapp: ping21:02
Ursinhapopey, I see here that the notification icons and the settings they should lead to are mismatched21:03
Ursinhalike gps opens bluetooth settings, incoming opens battery, and others21:04
Ursinhais that expected? looks like a bug21:04
jhodappnetcurli, pong21:05
netcurliso, I am the developer of a podcast app, and we mentioned yesterday to mandel_ that it would be nice for the mediaservice to be able to play unfinished downloads21:07
netcurliso that it doesn't get confused with the total time of the audio file for example21:08
jhodappnetcurli, yeah21:09
jhodappnetcurli, the first question I would have for mandel_ then is where would such a file get downloaded to by the udm for the podcast case?21:10
jhodappnetcurli, I assume you're already familiar with how exactly a podcast works? I assume there's a standard way of getting the metadata of a particular podcast...the question is can you get that from the server before you've finished downloading the file?21:14
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popeyjhodapp: the metadata about the file or the metadata about the episode?21:16
jhodapppopey, the episode21:16
netcurlithat should be in the feed21:16
popeyjhodapp: a podcast is simply an xml file which has an <enclosure> tag which specifies a url to the audio/video file21:16
jhodappnetcurli, ah yes, I do remember that now...it's been years :)21:16
popeye.g. http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/feed/mp321:16
popeyUrsinha: sounds like a bug21:17
jhodappnetcurli, it shouldn't be a problem then to coordinate this info for podcast playback via the media service21:19
netcurliso the download manager tells the app were the file gets downloaded to and the app then tells the media service the file path and the metadata?21:21
jhodappnetcurli, something like that, I'll have to give it some more thought for a proper design21:22
jhodappnetcurli, I'll think about it some and get back to you21:25
krunkpirateHello All21:38
krunkpirateAnybody messed with this much on the port to toroplus? I imagine not since the sprint gnex is getting old.21:39
Ursinhapopey, should I file a bug against what? (better: how do I find out to which project/package should I file a bug against, re. touch stuff)21:54
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popeyUrsinha: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers has a good list of where to file bugs22:02
Ursinhapopey, should I tag it avengers?22:03
Ursinhawell, maybe no as I'm not in that list hehe22:08
brendandthis page has a couple of issues: https://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity8/22:08
brendandwhere can i file bugs?22:08
popeybrendand: not sure who owns that site maybe ask in #ubuntu-unity when people are around (european/US working hours), or file a question under http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity22:18
jdstrandrsalveti: fyi, bug #1253802 with updated run-emulator.sh attached22:23
ubot5bug 1253802 in android (Ubuntu) "support disk snapshots with emulator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125380222:23
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
Ursinhaok, not sure if the projects are the right ones, but there you go: bug 1253810 and bug 125380422:38
ubot5bug 1253810 in Messaging Menu "Messages in Incoming not always display the correct date and content" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125381022:38
ubot5bug 1253804 in Ubuntu UX "Indicator icons don't match the settings they display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125380422:39
* cwayne runs his click app in the emulator :D22:39
popeyUrsinha: will try and confirm when I get back to my phone22:40
cwaynenow if only the power button worked so i could see if the usermetrics worked...22:40
Ursinhathanks popey22:40
cwayneis there a programmatic way to show the lockscreen22:41
cwaynemterry, hey!22:50
mterrycwayne, heyo~22:50
mterryheyo! even22:50
cwaynemterry, is there a programmatic way to show the lockscreen?22:50
mterrycwayne, yah...  once we split.  There's a programmatic way to hide the lockscreen today, but not show22:51
mterrycwayne, is that helpful?  Do you need something today?22:53
mterrycwayne, I have to jet.  we can talk tomorrow22:56
RobbyFIs there an email client yet?23:00
RobbyFmore specifically with push notifications23:01
popeyUrsinha: confirmed23:04
popeyRobbyF: no23:04
Ursinhapopey, does that happen on r10 as well?23:04
cwayneRobbyF, not yet23:05
popeyUrsinha: no23:05
Ursinhamaybe it's a good idea to tag the bugs "regression"? or that's irrelevant for you?23:05
popeyyeah, it's a regression23:06
* popey updates the bug23:08
Ursinhapopey, last question :) are you able to save alarms in the clock app? there's a bug about it and it seems to be fixed (as in the package with the merged branches is the one in r27) but I can't save the alarm unless I change its day of week23:15
Ursinhabug 123639023:16
popeyoh, lemme test again23:16
ubot5bug 1236390 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu Saucy) "Can't save an Alarm" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123639023:16
popeyyeah, it doesnt work23:16
Ursinhapopey, try to change the day-of-week23:17
popeyyeah, that worked23:18
Ursinhanow try to edit it and change to the current day23:19
Ursinhait won't let you :)23:19
Ursinhaor, it will pretend it did, but nothing will change23:19
popeyyeah, i changed the day23:19
popeyit let me23:19
Ursinhabut in the alarm list it remains with the old day23:20
popeyit changed23:20
nik90Ursinha: the alarm page will only let you set alarms in the future23:20
nik90Ursinha: perhaps by choosing today, the time is in the past23:20
Ursinhanik90, makes sense, but it's a bug because I might want to set it to next week, right?23:21
Ursinhaor everyday, which falls in the same case (same day of week in the next week)23:21
nik90Ursinha: then you need choose weekly alarms23:21
nik90or daily alarms23:21
Ursinhanik90, right, but if I want to set an alarm to same day next week I can't23:22
Ursinhait should display an error message at least23:22
nik90Ursinha: +1 to the error message23:23
nik90I am just waiting on design to give us a official way of displaying error messages23:23
nik90been waiting for weeks now :)23:23
Ursinhanik90, right, got it23:23
nik90but you are right23:23
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nik90I remember balloons also pointing this out during autopilot testing23:24
Ursinhanik90, should we file a bug so we won't forget this happens and why?23:24
nik90there is already a bug about the missing error messages23:24
nik90in clock, weather app23:24
Ursinhanik90, do you agree it is a bug to forbid creating one time alarms in the current day-of-week? or to be able to do this we use daily and remove all other days (seems wrong)23:26
Ursinhaas you're not specifying the day of month, if the time is supposedly in the past so it's next week23:27
Ursinhathere's no other option :)23:27
nik90Ursinha: currently one-time alarms can only be created for that week23:28
Ursinhanik90, is that a feature? :)23:28
nik90creating alarms on specific days 2 weeks later or a month later is still not supported due to the alarms SDK limitations23:28
Ursinharight, this should be written somewhere so people don't get confused like I did and start filing bugs or bugging you guys :)23:29
nik90it is a bug though23:29
Ursinhacan I file it?23:29
nik90file it and I will ensure that it is taken to the SDK devs asap23:29
Ursinhayay, thanks :)23:30
Ursinhabut I'm more concerned that the alarm doesn't work at all23:30
nik90me too :(.. but I have done everything neeeded for alarms in the clock app23:30
nik90the alarms notifications has to be done by the indicator date time service23:31
nik90which is a different upstream package23:31
nik90now that UDS is over, I will try to contact the respective devs and request them to fix the issue23:31
Ursinhathanks muchly nik90 :)23:31
UrsinhaI'm currently depending on my significant other alarm clock to wake up in the morning hehe23:32
Ursinhapopey, when I modify the alarm to the current d-o-w it still displays the former one in the alarms list23:34
nik90np Ursinha23:35
Ursinhanik90, bug 125383623:36
ubot5bug 1253836 in Ubuntu Clock App "It's not possible to set a "One Time" alarm for the current day of week" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125383623:36
nik90Ursinha: thnx23:40
TechieElfAnyone working in the same time zone as me? ;D need some help sorting out build errors again23:50
TechieElfAny devs active? I'm going from old-style to flipped and I need help with a build error.23:52

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