
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/21/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | Apps Performance | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/22079/appdev-1311-sdk-apps-performance/
dpmfor those who want to join the session: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpjsk16jg1c64ngroaoqte3o13:58
cgoldbergmhall119, got a hangout link for app performance?13:59
nik90cgoldberg: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpjsk16jg1c64ngroaoqte3o14:00
popeydpm: you're live14:02
karniHi dpm, you're live14:02
dpmfor those who want to join the session: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpjsk16jg1c64ngroaoqte3o14:02
Kaleoany app dev around?14:03
dpmany app developers who'd like to join?14:03
nik90dpm: I only have questions14:03
nik90dpm: do I still join the hangout?14:03
dpmnik90, sure!14:03
Kaleokenvandine, wanna join?14:04
KaleooSoMoN, ?N :)14:04
oSoMoNKaleo, joining14:04
pmcgowanbfiller, ^^14:05
bfillerpmcgowan: yup I'll join14:05
kenvandineKaleo, i might jump on in a few14:05
popeydpm: click on yourself so we see slides14:08
popeywe see Kaleo while he's talking, not slides14:08
dpmpopey, yeah, did it a while ago, sorry14:08
dpmyou'll get it after the delay14:08
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alex-abreuKaleo, are the instrumentation aqtc tool's results consistent when running on desktop & phone (they must be for some area but maybe not others), can we use it remotely ?14:13
alex-abreuQUESTION ^14:13
alex-abreuKaleo, :) ... yeah but in terms of GPU rendering etc ...14:16
alex-abreuKaleo, so can we remotely use the tool?14:16
dpmalex-abreu, I understood that we can, but we'll ask Kaleo on the live session in a minute14:17
alex-abreudpm, great thx14:17
pmcgowanalex-abreu, I think the other approach is to use a higher bar metric on the faster platform when you measure14:18
cgoldbergbesides rendering time, are there any other internal performance metrics that can be logged to console?14:19
alex-abreupmcgowan, yeah *if* the measures stay proportionate relative to one and another when running on the phone which is not a given afaik14:19
pmcgowanis it mir or some combination of upstart apparmor etc?14:22
popeyNope. I don't agree that it's just mir14:22
popeyBefore mir, app startup was still poor, multi-second sometimes.14:23
pmcgowanwhat is the best way to analyze app startup ?14:23
greybackPrelinking might be an idea too: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Prelink14:23
kgunnjust an fyi, if you you've got the choice, have your gl texture sizes in power of two will often help perf14:23
popey+1 qmlscene.14:24
pmcgowandpm, lets take an action to do the analysis, assign to me or bill?14:27
dpmpmcgowan, ack14:27
ChrisGagnoncgoldberg: you can use benchmark_ in qmltestrunner14:28
cgoldbergChrisGagnon, nice.. I'll have to talk to about that14:28
greybackIn 5.0 & 5.1, the profiling env var is QML_RENDERER_TIMING. But in 5.2 onwards, it is QSG_RENDER_TIMING14:29
cgoldbergChrisGagnon, got a link to benchmark_ or qmltestrunner in general?14:30
pmcgowandpm, btw running in the emulator shows performance issues as well since its much slower under emulation14:30
oSoMoNlooks like the scene graph renderer is going to give us a much improved performance in Qt 5.2: http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/09/02/new-scene-graph-renderer/14:30
popeyThe discussion so far has mostly been about app startup and interaction. What about the shell itself? The UI becomes very sluggish once a few apps are open. Are we measuring that?14:34
pmcgowanpopey, I think we know what that is14:34
pmcgowansomething to do with graphics buffers, Kaleo looked into it14:34
karniSo there's a difference between operation kicking in long (like waiting for a download from the store to start) which should be indicated by a spinner or something, and an operation taking unacceptably long on the UI thread (i.e. you press a button, see it's highlighted, when you lift a finger, it's still highlighted because the operation hooked to that button has not finished). The spinner is responsible of the developer, the latter ...14:34
karni... visual feedback responsibility of the platform/framework to indicate "hey you, developer, you actually can do this better than what you did here".14:34
* karni initially posted to wrong channel14:34
pmcgowanmore a bug than a bp14:36
karniI meant that showing a spinner for long lasting operation is a responsibility of the developer. While indicating a long lasting operation on the UI thread would be the responsibility of the platform/framework.14:36
popeybug 123868414:36
udsbotuUbuntu bug 1227739 in unity-mir "duplicate for #1238684 Mir continues to render background application surfaces even when they're not visible" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122773914:36
popeymaybe not, that's old14:37
greybackYeah, we need to investigate the slowdown. Not sure what's wrong.14:37
karniYes, you got my question right.14:37
Kaleokarni, sorry, I don't know the answer :)14:37
karniThat's okay. What I mean is that we could try helping with a visual feedback to indicate "you're doing too much on UI thread".14:38
cgoldbergis there an API for the QtCreator Profiler?   I want to launch an app, profile actions, then extract timing data.. automagically14:38
karniThat'd be pretty significant chunk of work, though, I can imagine.14:38
dpmalex-abreu, it seems the QML profiler works remotely too14:38
alex-abreudpm, ok thx for getting back to me14:38
karnii.e. Android whould show ANR (App not responding) dialog after a couple seconds if you're doing too much on the UI thread.14:38
karniThis encourages great focus on never doing more than minimum work on the main thread.14:39
karniOh yeas, I love that. FPS, touches, view outlines, etc14:40
greybackDetecting hanging application: yes that's something we've in mind14:40
pmcgowanreasonably good but need more focus on it, measure and analyze14:43
karniQUESTION: Does our QML somehow reuse views in the background for long lists?14:47
karnii.e. the views that disappear at the top get reused and appear at the bottom14:47
t1mpkarni: what do you mean with views?14:48
mhall119welcome to parenthood Kaleo  :)14:48
karnit1mp: whatever constitues a QML element showing info. a Label, for instance. or a whole tree of views14:48
karni2 labels, image, button, whatever, bundled in one QML "Item"14:49
karniDo we just GC those or re-use them14:49
greybackThe proper fix is for Mir to tell shell when the application has drawn it's first frame - only then can shell take the screenshot away14:49
t1mpkarni: ok, got it. thanks14:50
karniAha, so we have view re-use. Great!14:50
t1mpif you pageStack.push("url.of.a.qml") then it is only loaded when the push is called14:52
t1mpcomponents get instantiated when you push them14:52
t1mpItems that are defined inside another loaded Item, are created/loaded before they are pushed14:53
karniThanks for the session guys, I need to drop.14:55
popeyno action about shell performance?14:56
robotfuelcgoldberg: we should add the report the the dashboard15:00
cgoldbergrobotfuel, definitely.15:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/21/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html
pmcgowanvery good thanks15:00
greybackgood session, thanks!15:01
Neo31thanks :)15:01
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ahayzenvthompson, like .pls files?15:23
ahayzenvthompson, ah wrong channel lol15:24
vthompsonahayzen, haha15:26
vthompsonahayzen, and yes. But it seems that's not a use case.15:26
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | Startup Splash Screen for apps | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/22080/appdev-1311-sdk-appstartupsplash/
dpmKaleo, and everyone else wanting to join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpj6fmlcg38c0822d3h38e2c16:05
dpmjoining us?16:07
Saviqgreyback, you wanna join the hangout?16:09
dpmhangout for the live discussion: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpj6fmlcg38c0822d3h38e2c16:09
dpmnotes: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1311-appdev-1311-sdk-appstartupsplash16:10
kalikianatoliI'm also sdk16:10
kalikianatoliI can join16:10
kalikianatoliI think florian had a conflict with anothe session16:10
dpmthanks kalikianatoli16:11
aquariussorry I'm late; now catching up with the discussion :)16:15
aquariusAt least some people will want to use a screenshot *of* their app as the splash screen so that it looks like it starts up really fast. That may not be a good idea (it looks like your app has started but is unresponsive), but having guidelines on that might be a good idea16:18
dpmaquarius, fancy to join us? -> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpj6fmlcg38c0822d3h38e2c16:19
aquariusalso, if we're doing multiple form factors, there ought to be a "cascade" defined: that is, define what happens for various splash screens being present. So, if you provide a portrait image and no landscape image, then on a  landscape form factor say "we will display your image as big as possible, centred, on a white background"16:20
aquariusan app can't update its own splash image -- the splash image will be stored with the click package, and apps can't write to their own package16:21
aquariusdpm, I'm not sure I'm totally caught up because I missed the first 15 minutes :)16:21
aquariuscan join ifyou want me to16:21
dpmaquarius, here are some notes, but sure, always good seeing and talking to you!16:22
aquariusI have a stupid question16:52
aquariusthere's no way we can just... make app startup be faster?16:52
aquariusdpm, ^^16:52
aquariusSaviq, ^^16:53
Saviqaquarius, wrong session, and yes, but then we'll never reach startup time fast enough to not need a splash screen16:53
Saviqaquarius, especially since we don't actually control it16:54
greybackaquarius: yep, looking into preloading libraries needed, and Mir seems to cause a real startup slowdown too.16:54
aquariusah, I saw a session about faster startup! I thought that was the OS, not apps :)16:54
aquariusSaviq, good call -- we will always need them, you think. fair comment.16:54
aquariusthank you, all :)16:54
Saviqaquarius, thanks, was very useful to have you there ;)16:55
greybackaquarius: thanks for dropping by!16:55
aquariusno worries :)16:55
aquariusI am fulfilling my role as an app developer :)16:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/21/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | Input method support in Ubuntu Keyboard | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/22076/appdev-1311-apps-keyboard-input-methods/
* cwayne couldnt get pinyin to work18:12
cwayneeven with latest trunk18:12
cwayneso this should switch over once the locale is changed automatically?18:14
penk_what about voice recognition :P18:18
penk_here's a prototype https://github.com/penk/SlateKit/tree/master/IME/pocketsphinx18:19
penk_voice input, yup18:19
cwaynebfiller, tmoenicke_ : whenever i try to use it, i still get english words int he ribbon18:21
tmoenicke_cwayne: yes18:21
bfillercwayne: we'll fix it18:22
tmoenicke_cwayne: lets try after the meeting18:22
cwaynetmoenicke_, sure thing18:22
cwaynebfiller, thanks18:22
cwayneare these plugins going to be click pkgs?18:26
cwaynerex tsai18:27
tmoenicke_cwayne: right thx18:28
loolbfiller: we can have a new click package type if you like18:28
loolbfiller: we discussed this in another session18:28
loolbfiller: but defining isolation/confinment is IMO too heavy here18:28
loolwe can just review the source code of these special click packages18:28
loolbfiller: we dont really need to enable thousands of new input methods to be shipped as click18:29
cwayneor we need to have them all preinstalled18:29
looleither way is fine18:29
loolthe point is just that we dont need to develop a confinment methodology if we control all the input methods18:29
cwayneim +1 for either way, click pkgs make it the easiest to get a new one in the image18:29
penk_tmoenicke_: oh btw, there's an invokable needed, to change candidates on wordribbon from javascript18:36
penk_tmoenicke_: I had a brach back in June18:36
tmoenicke_penk_: ok i will add it18:54
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/21/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
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=== cwayne is now known as cwayne-afk
=== another`tune is now known as green-trine
green-trinehttp://geeks.pirillo.com norweigan ʇǝsʇ21:38
green-trineI just about loling over the frozen beauty of my Nexus 7 on AWS .. Is this appp going to be another addition ? http://code.google.com/p/debmarshal/21:48
green-trineI'll check the logs later .. thank-yous.21:49
=== cwayne-afk is now known as cwayne

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