
Saviqpero, I meant that most people who can answer your question are sleeping, or at least enjoying their evening, so won't be able to answer you here00:47
Saviqpero, and a post to a mailing list is simply more persistent than a question on IRC00:47
peroSaviq: thx02:13
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MirvSaviq: regarding the patch you mentioned yesterday, upstream has some new delegateValidated related additions which prevent the patch from applying cleanly and also sound a bit related?07:27
MirvSaviq: I'm adjusting it now but just unsure if it's completely correct07:29
MirvSaviq: and the reason for it being "dropped" is simply that the last three releases to 5.0.2 have not been merged to the 5.1/5.2 packaging branch07:32
Mirvsyncing up, the other patches were merged upstream07:37
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tsdgeosdamn it seems my scopeview/genericscopeview merge is causing segfaults in the tests :-/08:36
* tsdgeos tries to reproduce locally08:37
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om26erman this MR is hanging for a long time :/09:24
om26ershould we disable that qmltest ?09:24
tsdgeosi'm going to fix it09:27
tsdgeosas stated 1 hour ago09:27
tsdgeosdednick: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/LVWPH_do_not_do_stuff_if_parent_gone/+merge/19607009:30
tsdgeosom26er: ↑↑↑09:30
tsdgeosdednick: remember the crashes we had in make testDash when i removed the fake scopeview from the tests and used the real one?09:31
tsdgeoswell they're still there09:31
tsdgeosso i'm "more correctly" bypassing them than with a wait09:31
dednicktsdgeos: ok09:33
dednicktsdgeos: huh. why is there no parent context?09:34
tsdgeosdednick: because the parent was just destroyed09:35
tsdgeosand we''ll be destroyed asap09:35
tsdgeosbut somehow a painting/layout operation sneaked in09:35
tsdgeosthat's why we never see this crash "in real life"09:35
tsdgeosbecause we don't destoy scopes there09:35
dednicktsdgeos: hm ok. do you know why is the parent destroyed before the child?09:35
tsdgeosbut it happens a lot in the tests09:36
dednicki c09:36
tsdgeosnot really :-/09:36
tsdgeosmy only guess is that the qml stuff is not great09:36
tsdgeosand hence the comment for 5.2 checking09:36
tsdgeossince lots of stuff improved there and don't want to spend time chasing something that may have been already fixed09:37
tsdgeosif not fixed in 5.209:37
tsdgeoswe need to put more time in understanding why this is happening09:37
dednicktsdgeos: ok. well i guess it's the parentContext, not the actual parent. fine by me.09:38
tsdgeosdednick: if you can approve that'd be great, this is blocking other merges from happening since it fails regularly in jenkins09:39
dednicktsdgeos: done09:39
mhr3dednick, if you're able to reproduce the dee criticals, just do G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals and attach gdb09:39
mhr3dednick, it will SIGTRAP when you get a critical09:39
mhr3or SIGABRT?... one of those09:39
dednickmhr3: i can do it every time. :)09:39
tsdgeosMirv: you ended up in https://plus.google.com/104580575722059274792/posts :D09:40
mhr3dednick, you got me wondering now, are you running the glib-events dee-qt branch?09:40
dednickmhr3: nope.09:40
mhr3hmm, weird then09:40
dednickmhr3: leave it too me. I have some debugging in there. I'll sort it out.09:41
dednickthere may be some finger pointing involved a bit later ;)09:41
mhr3now i'll be scared the whole day09:41
mhr3damn you!09:41
mhr3dednick, one thing that i started wondering is whether we're passing correct changePos when inside the more complex transactions, that could indeed be a root cause of the failures09:43
Mirvtsdgeos: yeah, I noticed, now I wish I'd have had something slightly better to show off :)09:45
dednickmhr3: hmm. i dont think so. when i was debugging before, it seemed that we were getting the correct thing through. As much as I could tell from the updating result count anyway.09:46
mhr3oh well, i'll let you do som more debug09:49
SaviqMirv, re: the patch, it's tsdgeos's, and well tested, so we should be able to easily verify that it works (or not)09:59
tsdgeosSaviq: Mirv: which one?10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, delegate range10:00
tsdgeosah sure10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, Mirv dropped it from 5.2 'cause thought it's merged10:00
tsdgeosMirv: ah no, unfortunately they don't want minor features in listview, will only accept a full rewrite with all the features + whatever we need10:01
tsdgeosit's one of those sad situations10:01
tsdgeosthe gatekeeper is overworked and is basically saying no to anythinng that may make him more overworked in the future10:02
MirvSaviq: tsdgeos: yeah it's now just copied to the qt5-beta2 PPA so feel free to try out10:12
SaviqMirv, cool, that's what caused there to be no results in the dash10:14
tsdgeosah, yeah, probably10:14
* Saviq upgrades10:14
om26ertsdgeos, great :)10:24
MirvSaviq: it's better now (and yay! we've reached "just upgrade from PPA"!), but most icons look corrupted10:25
SaviqMirv, yeah I saw that yesterday10:25
SaviqMirv, they're all UbuntuShape, so that's probably why10:26
SaviqMirv, was hoping we don't have it rebuilt against 5.2, but unfortunately it seems we do :/10:26
SaviqMirv, will verify and file a bug against UITK10:27
tsdgeosSaviq: there's a bug already10:28
Saviqtsdgeos, ah ok10:28
tsdgeosflorian opened it10:28
Saviqbug ##125273610:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1252736 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[Qt5.2] UbuntuShape content is incorrect, garbage shown" [High,Confirmed]10:29
Saviqyesterday they looked alarmingly like a spread-ed Ubuntu desktop (4 visible workspaces)...10:30
dednicktsdgeos: you know anyway you can determine from a random object if we've gone back to the event loop between function calls?10:30
Saviqoh, there's a fix already10:31
dednicktsdgeos: ie. if we're in the same cycle or not.10:32
tsdgeosdednick: /me thinks10:32
mhr3dednick, break on g_main_context_dispatch10:32
mhr3dednick, or on poll :)10:33
Cimican I define enums in qml?10:33
Cimitsdgeos, wanted to add an enum with the type of the dashrenderer10:34
SaviqCimi, no10:34
SaviqCimi, https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-1486110:34
Cimistrings then?10:34
dednickmhr3: break?10:35
SaviqCimi, yeah, no other way10:35
mhr3dednick, oh you do printfs instead of gdb? :P10:35
CimiSaviq, you know what makes the opacity of the elements outside the preview (down) work?10:35
SaviqCimi, mzanetti10:36
dednickmhr3: well if i break on dispatch, i'm going to get a hell of a lot of breaks10:36
mhr3dednick, https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Thread_002dSpecific-Breakpoints.html10:36
Cimidednick, I don't remember if you asked me to review something I didn't10:37
mzanettiCimi: Components/Tile.qml, line 3110:37
mzanettiCimi: and Components/Carouse.qml, line 29610:38
Cimimzanetti, it looks very weird with the carousel10:38
mhr3pstolowski, not what i meant10:38
Cimimzanetti, I'd change the global opacity10:38
Cimiof the whole carousel instead10:38
mhr3pstolowski, i wanted the move inside the lib internals10:38
dednickCimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/lp1238182/+merge/19296510:39
mzanettiCimi: well, you need to keep the current one highlighted10:39
mzanettiopaque, that is10:39
Cimimzanetti, it is on the carousel though10:39
mzanettiCimi: so?10:39
Cimimzanetti, I mean, you see which one is highlighted because it's bigger10:40
mzanettihmm... the previews with the carousel seem broken in trunk10:40
dednickmhr3: i need a break on dispatch after a condition in the deelistmodel becomes true. possible?10:40
Cimimzanetti, I have a branch10:40
mhr3pstolowski, do you know what i mean? cause otherwise the copy is happening there10:40
mzanettiCimi: well, you also see that in the row because the arrow points to it. still it's what design wants10:40
mhr3dednick, sure10:40
Cimimzanetti, ~unity-team/unity8/dash-renderers10:40
mhr3dednick, breakpoints are numbered, when you add one it'll be "1", you can then do enable / disable 110:41
Cimimzanetti, design doesn't want that on the carousel10:41
Cimimzanetti, I bet they don't10:41
Cimimzanetti, let me change the opacity of the highlighted index to 1.010:41
Cimiglobal opacity to 0.610:41
mzanettiCimi: I don't think this should differ between grid and carousel...10:42
Cimimzanetti, then the other elements to 0.33310:42
Cimi1*0.6 = 0.6 for highlighted index10:42
Cimi0.333*0.6 = 0.2 for not highlighted10:43
Cimiwhile keeping the selected index fully opaque10:43
mhr3dednick, also "info breakpoints"10:43
Cimimzanetti, try the branch and see how weird it is10:43
Cimimzanetti, the highlighted index overlaps10:44
mzanettiCimi: the design spec says 0.6 for the active one, 0.2 for the others10:44
Cimimzanetti, ok so I'll do as I said10:44
Cimithe end result is the same10:44
tsdgeosdednick: so10:44
tsdgeosdednick: the only way i can think of, is posting yourself an event (or a timer single shot 0) (or a qmetaobject call queued) and see what comes first if that call or the other function10:45
tsdgeosnot sure how good that is10:45
dednicktsdgeos: yeah, that's what i was trying10:45
mzanettiCimi: there seems to ba Bhavior on opacity missing too10:46
CimiSaviq, do we have a preference for using == or === ? let's use === when possible?10:46
Cimimzanetti, we can add that10:46
SaviqCimi, === is type-safer10:46
mzanettiCimi: you should use whatever is correct in the particular case :D10:46
dednicktsdgeos: actually, i was trying a looping postEvent. So every time i handle a posted event, I post another10:46
mzanettibut yeah, if unsure === is probably the better choice10:46
CimiSaviq, you mean the opposite10:46
SaviqCimi, no, I mean that10:47
CimiSaviq, == doesn't care of the type10:47
Cimiunless I completely misunderstood the two10:47
SaviqCimi, yes, so === is type-safe10:47
SaviqCimi, because it checks for the type10:47
SaviqCimi, it's not safer for *you*, but it's safer for the code ;)10:47
Cimicode, you owe me a beer then10:48
tsdgeosargg, my stuff failed in autoland too10:50
tsdgeosat least it did not crash like with the others :D10:50
* tsdgeos tries to reproduce10:51
Cimithis is weird10:51
Cimiso if I change the opacity of a parent10:52
Cimiit changes the opacity of all children's?10:52
Cimilike multiplying the opacity of each childrens with the opacity of the parent?10:52
CimiI supposed it was simply composing the opacity10:53
tsdgeosit does multiply yes10:53
tsdgeoswhat do you mean with composing the opacity?10:53
Cimitsdgeos, compiz transparency10:54
Cimitsdgeos, it changes the transparency of everything10:54
Cimitsdgeos, makes the texture containing the elements transparent, the parent10:55
Ciminot changing the opacity of each of them10:55
tsdgeosisn't this the same?10:55
tsdgeosit doesn't change the opacity of the children10:56
tsdgeosit just changes its opacity10:56
tsdgeoshappens that children are inside10:56
Cimiit changes the opacity of each children I believe10:56
Cimilet me play with gimp10:56
tsdgeostheir opacity is still 110:56
Cimiit's not10:56
CimiI have to see in gimp10:56
tsdgeosof course they are painted at the 0.5 opacity if the parent is at 0.510:56
tsdgeosbut that's becuause you changed the opacity of the parent10:56
Cimithis is wrong10:56
tsdgeosno its not10:57
Cimiit should be composited10:57
tsdgeosit's totally reasonable10:57
tsdgeosotherwise if i want to make something 0.5 transparent10:57
tsdgeosi should go to all its children and make them 0.5 transparent10:57
tsdgeoswhich makes no sense at all10:57
CimiI want a carousel semi transparent10:58
CimiI don't want all the children to be transparent!!10:58
Cimithis is quay qml does10:58
tsdgeoswhat measn "a carousel semi transparent"10:58
tsdgeosif you don't change the opacity of the children?10:58
Cimithe whole component10:58
CimiI change the opacity of the texture of the carousel10:58
Ciminot of all the damn children!10:59
tsdgeosam i the only one here not understanding what Cimi is saying?10:59
Cimiso If I change the opacity of the parent, it recurses in all children and multiply the opacity of the parent for the parent of the children10:59
tsdgeosand that's how it should be11:00
tsdgeosotherwise you won't see anything transparent11:00
Cimiof course I would11:00
Cimiif it was composited11:00
tsdgeoswhat would be transparent?11:00
tsdgeosif the carousel draws nothing by itself11:00
tsdgeosit's only the children that draw stuff11:00
Saviqtsdgeos, think that failure could be unearthed by your "do-not-do-if-parent-gone" fix https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/349/?11:00
Cimiso I need a shader11:01
tsdgeosCimi: don't think so11:01
CimiI think so, I need to composite11:01
tsdgeosSaviq: don't think so either11:01
tsdgeosSaviq: testing11:01
Saviqtsdgeos, didn't see that failure yet11:01
Cimitsdgeos, ~unity-team/unity8/dash-renderers11:02
Saviqtsdgeos, and landing failed the same test11:02
Cimitsdgeos, test the carousel preview11:02
Cimitsdgeos, see how badly the carousel tiles overlap with transparency11:02
Cimitsdgeos, this is because they are painted with the opacity of their parent11:02
tsdgeosi don't see any problem11:03
tsdgeoswhat would you expect to see?11:04
tsdgeosah wait i think i'm starting to understand you11:04
Cimitsdgeos, the tiles to be at 1 opacity with a global opacity set by the parent11:04
Cimitsdgeos, you can do this with a shader I believe11:05
Cimitaking the texture of the whole carousel and painting with opacity of the parent11:05
SaviqCimi, tsdgeos not sure it applies here but qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-item.html#layer.enabled-prop layer helps with opacities doing unexpected things11:07
tsdgeosCimi: ok yes, sorry was not understanding you11:07
SaviqCimi, btw, your branch conflicts with trunk11:07
CimiSaviq, thanks!11:08
CimiSaviq, layer works!11:08
SaviqCimi, it needs to be used sparingly, though11:09
CimiSaviq, carousel?11:09
SaviqCimi, layer11:09
CimiSaviq, yeah, in carousel when highlight index is not -1?11:09
Cimican I?11:09
SaviqCimi, yeah, definitely only when the preview is happening11:09
SaviqCimi, what it does is render the whole item off-screen and then mapped as a whole to the right place11:10
SaviqCimi, which means it uses more memory11:10
tsdgeosit's weird because http://paste.ubuntu.com/6452734/ breaks when enabling layer.enabled :S11:10
tsdgeosah, no geometry11:10
tsdgeossilly me11:10
tsdgeosyeah that's what cimi was describing and the stubborn in me wasn't understanding11:11
CimiSaviq, it looks like it clips outside though11:11
tsdgeosCimi: make sure the geometry of the item is defined correctly11:11
tsdgeosor even use the layer.something property that is about the geometry of the layer11:12
SaviqCimi, it might indeed11:12
tsdgeosSaviq: so that test that failed is one of the "hard" ones11:13
tsdgeosbasically we flick and then test that it's still moving11:13
tsdgeosbut what if the thing is ultra slow and it's not moving anymore?11:13
tsdgeosthe test fails11:13
Saviqtsdgeos, are there simple ones? ;)11:14
Saviqtsdgeos, right11:14
tsdgeosanything that is not time dependant11:14
Saviqtsdgeos, those are, unfortunately, run on VMs indeed11:14
mhr3sil2100, how far are we with unity-scopes-shell?11:17
tsdgeosSaviq: not sure what we can do here, other than flick again if when i am asking if it's moving it's not11:17
dednickmhr3: WTF is going on?!11:18
mhr3dednick, ehm, sounds like fun is?! :)11:18
Saviqtsdgeos, real solution would be to override the time source11:19
dednickmhr3: does the dee proxy post all the dbus events at same time?11:19
Saviqtsdgeos, but that's something we won't do now - so if you can find a reliable workaround, do11:19
mhr3dednick, yes, that's what i said in the mp11:19
mhr3dednick, cause dbus-wise a transaction is a single signal11:20
dednickserver as well as proxy i mean.11:20
dednickoh. hm11:20
dednickmhr3: is it on a sep thread?11:20
mhr3dednick, nope, main11:20
dednickmhr3: AHHH!!?!!11:21
tsdgeosSaviq: i'll try11:21
* tsdgeos sees tryCompareFunction and thinks we should contribute it upstream11:22
dednickmhr3: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6452782/ the incrementing number in the middle is the event loop count (static object posting event every cycle [i hope]). addr on right is just for grep11:22
dednickmhr3: it's all in the same damn loop number.11:23
mhr3dednick, so you believe me now? :)11:23
dednickmhr3: you mean that something funky is going on?11:23
dednickmhr3: no, i don't believe you that it's all in same cycle. will not believe it!11:24
mhr3dednick, despite all the evidence?! did you start believing in unicorns and lepricons too? :P11:25
sil2100mhr3: unity-scopes-shell? We're in universe already with that11:25
dednickmore likely....11:25
sil2100mhr3: I guess it's time for unity-scopes-api now, no?11:25
mhr3sil2100, yep11:26
mhr3sil2100, fwiw the control file should be cleaned up, i added some workarounds there since the zmqpp-dev was broken11:27
sil2100mhr3: will do that then ;)11:28
MirvSaviq: I filed bug #1253603 which should be retraced properly11:28
ubot5bug 1253603 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Qt 5.2: unity8 crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125360311:28
SaviqMirv, will it know to use the PPA? also, unfortunately that's not going to give us much, I'm afraid ;/11:29
SaviqMirv, SIGABRT always retrace to _GI_raise with no real info on what happened, or what the message was (as it's usually an assert)11:30
Saviqbut I'll keep an eye on it11:30
mhr3dednick, when do you print the "processing changes end"?11:30
mhr3dednick, inside flushChanges()?11:30
dednickmhr3: at the end of processChange()11:31
MirvSaviq: yes, it failed out until I added the PPA deb+src url:s to the daisy configuration11:31
SaviqMirv, ok, let's see11:31
mhr3dednick, say what now?11:32
dednickmhr3: "processing changes" is printed at start of processChange() function, and "processing changes end" is at the end of the function11:32
mhr3dednick, so all the invalid data() calls somehow happen between processChanged() and flushChanges()?11:32
dednickmhr3: well, in between processChanged and the "changeset-finished" signal11:33
MirvSaviq: oh right, with "which should be retraced properly" I meant that theoretically I retraced it properly with my current know-how (using view on device once, then retracing with lp:daisy and PPA sources added on host machine, then sending)11:34
mhr3dednick, so what's the "flushing changes"?11:34
dednickthe changeset end.11:34
SaviqMirv, ah, you mean you retraced it locally, got it ;011:34
mhr3but there is "changeset end"11:34
dednickmhr3: but the print "changeset end " comes before flushChanges11:34
mhr3dednick, perhaps just pastebin the printing diff11:36
Saviqtsdgeos, looking at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/157087510/Stacktrace.txt11:36
Saviqtsdgeos, that's from bug #125360311:36
ubot5bug 1253603 in Unity 8 "Qt 5.2: unity8 crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125360311:36
Saviqtsdgeos, it failed assert "m_nodes.contains(node)"11:37
tsdgeosSaviq: that file has changed considerably since beta111:40
Saviqtsdgeos, ok11:40
Saviqtsdgeos, that's good news11:41
SaviqMirv, ↑↑11:41
tsdgeosMirv: any chance you package the rc1 snapshot?11:41
tsdgeosit's not official rc111:41
tsdgeosbut it's much better than what we have for testing11:41
Saviqtsdgeos, how far away would 'official rc1' be/11:41
Saviqmooooom I want my rshift back ;911:41
Mirvtsdgeos: yeah I'd hope for the real one which should be still out this week, originally Tuesday, but still..11:42
tsdgeosSaviq: "this week"11:42
tsdgeosbut today is thursday already :D11:42
dednickmhr3: i think this will do it. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6452852/11:42
Saviqtsdgeos, Mirv, FWIW, the changes between the snapshot and official rc1 will probably be minimal11:43
Saviqif any11:43
tsdgeosSaviq: "a bit" was a bit of understatment :D11:43
tsdgeossee http://pastebin.kde.org/pmkjmy8pc11:43
tsdgeos109 files changed, 3193 insertions(+), 1492 deletions(-)11:43
greybackSaviq: that assert error fixed since beta1: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-3431111:43
Saviqtsdgeos, right11:43
CimiSaviq, this clip is annoying... might use a shadereffect11:43
=== _salem is now known as salem_
SaviqCimi, that will clip, too11:44
Cimibecause it's ouseide the item?11:44
SaviqCimi, because ShaderSource only looks within the bounds of the item it's sourcing from11:44
SaviqCimi, yes11:44
CimiSaviq, so if I use a container?11:44
Mirvit'll be easier if it's enough to build qtbase + qtdeclarative or such11:45
mhr3dednick, but, but... that's impossible!11:45
SaviqCimi, if everything will be within the bounds of the item, layer will work just the same11:45
dednickmhr3: I KNOW!11:45
SaviqCimi, layer is effectively just a shortcut to shadersource11:45
mhr3dednick, can you get full stacktrace of the "No row..."?11:45
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mhr3who the hell calls that11:46
Cimimmm ok11:46
dednickmhr3: er, yeah, but it sucks, so i'm currently building debug symbols for qtbase/declarative11:46
SaviqMirv, that would be a start, sure11:46
SaviqMirv, it's what we're using most anyway11:46
CimiSaviq, I'm not convinced of that11:46
mhr3dednick, why don't you just apt-get them?11:46
dednickmhr3: um. where from?11:46
CimiSaviq, if I put layer.enabled = true11:46
CimiSaviq, on a container11:47
Cimiit doesn't seem to apply layers on the children's too11:47
Cimiso I can't really do that11:47
mhr3dednick, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Debug_Symbol_Packages11:47
dednickmhr3: yeah, just looking now11:47
SaviqCimi, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-item.html#layer.sourceRect-prop11:47
CimiSaviq, :D11:48
CimiSaviq, just now that I was happy to play with shaders :D11:48
SaviqCimi, tsdgeos told you to look over those before11:48
CimiSaviq, I missed that, yeah he told me11:49
SaviqMirv, so bug #1253603 is fixed past beta1, want to mark it somehow for that?11:50
ubot5bug 1253603 in Unity 8 "Qt 5.2: unity8 crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125360311:50
Saviqwe need a way to track upstream JIRA bugs in LP11:51
dednickmhr3: hm.. still not much help. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6452903/11:58
mhr3dednick, that does not look like the main thread11:58
mhr3dednick, info threads11:59
mhr3where's the *?11:59
CimiSaviq, mmm no11:59
CimiSaviq, I'll tell you after your lunch11:59
dednickmhr3: thread 1. "unity8"12:00
mhr3wtf just got wtf-er12:00
mhr3dednick, let's just say that your computer is broken, k? :P12:01
dednickmhr3: sounds like a plan to me12:02
ScopeParking#ubuntu-unity, If someone could tell me what avant-window-navigator on WPD8 is ? seriously (I check the logs for this channel later - so tell myself) , that'd be great .. bye .. off for date night : avant-window-navigator | http://www.webupd8.org/2013/11/avant-window-navigator-gets-new.html12:02
dednickmhr3: something else a bit odd. This all happens on the first event cycle that the object is alive.12:08
dednickmhr3: i mean, the first cycle it exists.12:09
mhr3dednick, object == the dee model, or the DeeListModel?12:10
dednickmhr3: the DeeListModel12:10
mhr3but that means that the model is already synchronized12:12
MirvSaviq: marked, and trying a build of qtbase snapshot now12:14
tsdgeosgrrr, now the test failed somewhere else12:22
tsdgeosactually a different test12:24
mhr3dednick, idea - i think the read to this model is coming because of a change in a different model12:26
mhr3dednick, can you pastebin an unfilitered output?12:26
mhr3cause things are complicated in category models12:27
mhr3all the data is one sharedmodel, but that shared model has data for all categories, so results are split up by category in a filteredmodel12:28
mhr3so it's possible that one category emits flush, but that somehow triggers read in a different category which is in middle of transaction12:29
dednickmhr3: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6453015/12:29
mhr3and that would totally explain it12:29
mhr3exactly, flush in a different model right before the invalid reads12:29
dednickmhr3: hm. i c12:30
mhr3dednick, we could update the count after each processChange(), that might actually fix it12:31
mhr3although a bit nasty12:32
dednickmhr3: .. dont think so. you need to update the count between start/endAdd/Remove12:32
mhr3and not just a bit12:32
mhr3well.. you *should* :)12:32
dednicki mean startRemoveRows / endRemoveRows12:32
dednickmhr3: no, i think there are actually issues if you dont.12:32
dednickhm. but we shouldnt be receiving reads from one model when another is flushed.12:34
mhr3dednick, well if the flush removes stuff, it might change the position of a different view so it might become visible12:35
mhr3dednick, more hack ideas - flush inside rowCount()?12:35
dednickmhr3: rowCount is only called if it changes...12:36
mhr3dednick, or if it becomes visible :)12:36
dednickmhr3: well, why are we receiving other model messages between the start/changes/end of a set anyway?12:36
dednickmhr3: i thought you said it was sync ;)12:37
mhr3well.. yea :)12:37
mhr3disregarded the master shared model thing12:38
dednickfinger pointing!12:38
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dednickmhr3: any way to make it sync?12:38
mhr3i guess we'd need a demultiplexor that's dee-qt aware12:40
mhr3so that if a changeset is in progress in one submodel the changes are flushed if the next change is going to affect a different submodel12:41
dednickum. hm. so the events are coming into the master interleaved?12:42
mhr3not necessarily, the problem is that the changeset-end is done in all submodels at the same time12:43
mhr3so the transaction is "shared" in all the submodels12:44
mhr3which means that we'd need to turn the master transaction into multiple transactions in the filtermodels12:47
mhr3so... a real fix is to implement proper model demultiplexor inside unity-core12:49
mhr3not trivial, but not too hard either12:49
mhr3plus all the code could really go there, it'd just transparently work in the upper layers12:50
dandraderSaviq, when do we get a new unity8 release?12:50
mhr3all it needs is to serialize and changesets for the submodels12:50
dandraderSaviq, is CI still messed up12:50
dednickmhr3: i'm presuming you're talking about the agreggator scope here right?12:53
mhr3dednick, i'm talking about the ScopeProxy::GetResultsForCategory()12:53
mhr3dednick, right now it just returns a bunch of DeeFilterModels, which are basically independent and share the transaction12:54
mhr3if there was this demultiplexor that would feed the data to them, it could make sure the transactions can't be active in parallel12:55
mhr3dednick, as a bonus it'd even be slightly more efficient ;)12:56
mhr3dednick, dunno if you want to take a stab at that12:56
dednickmhr3: why bother with shared transactions in the first place? Seeing as they're going to turn into separate ones anyway.12:57
dednickmhr3: or is it just a unity thing that it's separating them?12:57
dednickas in if we just had a view with all the results, it would screw it up.12:58
mhr3dednick, i guess i didn't really think that through when implementing the changesets, if a FilteredModel is attached to a model, it will emit changeset-being and end when the parent model does12:59
dednickmhr3: i c13:00
mhr3so if you have multiple filtermodels there.. yey.. shared transactions13:00
mhr3but i don't really see a general way around that, what helps us is that we really want model demultiplexing - in our scenario you can't have one row present in multiple submodels, so the changesets can be fairly easily serialized13:04
dednickmhr3: I'll take a look, but don't really get where the demultiplexer would fit in13:07
mhr3dednick, between the sharedmodel and the filtermodels13:07
mhr3dednick, right now the filtermodels just connect to the parent's row-added/removed etc, and decide if they want the row on each change13:08
dednickmhr3: yup, i see that13:09
mhr3dednick, if a single demultiplexor connected to the row-changes, it could push the data to the filtermodel itself, and keep track on which was pushed to last, and if that changed, emit changeset-end on it13:09
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dednickmhr3: and emit a changeset-start on that one again for it's next change presumably13:10
dednickmhr3: ok, i think i get it.13:10
mhr3fwiw it shouldn't need any new dee api :)13:11
mhr3unless you want to implement the demultiplexor inside dee itself13:11
mhr3which would actually be useful :)13:12
dednickmhr3:  how would i stop the signals being connected between the shared and filters model if i didnt add to dee api?13:13
mhr3dednick, hm, right... at the very least you could pass null to the notify functions13:15
mhr3then they wouldn't accept any rows13:15
mhr3ok NULL wouldn't work, but empty function would13:17
Saviqdandrader|afk, well, we're still having some issues, but those shouldn't prevent a release13:21
Saviqdidrocks, if we wanted a unity8 release, landing ask as usual, still/13:22
didrocksSaviq: yep13:22
didrocksSaviq: just with the infra half-working, it's taking delays13:22
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didrocksSaviq: and there is a regression on the phone for wireless which block us FYI13:22
Saviqdidrocks, that's fine, was just wondering - are we ever going back to auto release?13:23
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MirvSaviq: basically as soon as the CI + autotesting on devices is working, so that we get the same results we now get manually13:45
SaviqMirv, ok, looking forward13:45
Mirvand the current queue needs to be unlocked in a manaed way before, also13:46
MirvSaviq: me too :)13:46
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/raise-sigstop/+merge/191212 has the test added13:48
mzanettiSaviq: ack13:48
nic-doffaytsdgeos, think this is ok now: https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/unity8/category-transition-speed-fix/+merge/19520313:48
nic-doffayI updated the FilterGrid test.13:48
Saviqmzanetti, bear in mind it depends on https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/listen-for-server-start-stop-ready/+merge/191224 for Mir13:49
tsdgeosnic-doffay: i'll review13:52
nic-doffayta tsdgeos13:52
CimiSaviq, the clipping is annoying13:52
CimiSaviq, I tried changing the rect of the layer, but it scales the texture13:53
CimiSaviq, I think I need to use a shader13:53
Cimiactually no...13:53
Cimidepends on what the shader gets13:53
SaviqCimi, I'm just trying to tell you that ShaderSource behaves exactly the same as layer does13:53
CimiSaviq, but why?13:54
SaviqCimi, or well, not exactly13:54
CimiSaviq, if I take a container13:54
CimiSaviq, the content of this container is like a texture, no?13:54
Cimilike an image13:54
SaviqCimi, just stop drawing outside of the item bounds ;013:54
CimiSaviq, I am trying :-\13:55
Saviqgrrrrr rshift13:55
CimiSaviq, it's the up scaling of the selected tile13:55
Cimiit's scaled up by 1.1, 1.5 etc13:55
Cimiso it goes outside the bounds13:56
SaviqCimi, using a transform?13:56
CimiSaviq, currently I have top and bottom margin13:56
SaviqCimi, you can override the ShaderEffect of the layert13:56
Cimilet me try with transform13:56
CimiI want to try with the shadereffect13:57
Cimiin any case13:57
Cimilet me realise I'm stupid13:57
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dandradertsdgeos, do you know when qt 5.2 is going to be releases (upstream I mean)14:11
tsdgeosdandrader: before end of year is the target i think14:11
tsdgeosthat's not true anymore14:12
tsdgeossince the RC isn't there yet14:12
tsdgeosbut yeah14:12
dandradertsdgeos, interesting14:12
tsdgeosit's supposed to be now-ish14:12
dandradertsdgeos, was reading the IRC log, the RC should be decided next Monday14:23
tsdgeoshas qtubuntu stopped linking?14:31
tsdgeosSaviq: greyback: can you check?14:31
greybacktsdgeos: which qt version?14:32
greybackok, checking...14:32
tsdgeosgreyback: trusty up-to-date14:32
tsdgeos/home/tsdgeos_work/phablet/qtubuntu/qtubuntu/src/platforms/base/context.cc:59: undefined reference to `eglDestroyContext'14:32
tsdgeosseems we don't link to egl when we should14:32
greybackI had similar yesterday on my phone14:33
greybackthoght it was my fault14:33
tsdgeosprobably mir or something stopped pulling it14:33
tsdgeosbut if we use it direcrly14:34
tsdgeoswe should be linking to it14:34
tsdgeosnot expect others to pull it14:34
* tsdgeos does a MR14:34
Saviqtsdgeos, sorry, in session, but see you're handling14:35
tsdgeosgreyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/qtubuntu/egl_link/+merge/19612014:42
greybacktsdgeos: ta, but would that be set in a pkgconfig file somewhere?14:43
tsdgeosgreyback: why?14:43
tsdgeoswe're using it ourselves and not exposing it to anyone else (afaics)14:44
dandradertsdgeos, I was getting this linking error as well14:44
tsdgeosso doesn't make much sense for it to be in an input pkgconfig nor in an output one, no?14:44
dandradertsdgeos, my solution was to manually modify the build files to refer to the missing lib14:44
tsdgeosdandrader: getting it in qtubuntu or where?14:45
dandradertsdgeos, qtubuntu14:45
dandradertsdgeos, I wondered why other people were not getting this error as well but did not investigate further14:46
tsdgeosnew mir landed yesterday, so probably changed the game14:46
dandradertsdgeos, that's what I had to do to have it working: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6453587/14:47
greybacktsdgeos: well that switch is set in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/egl.pc which is supplied by libegl1-mesa-dev, so let's just use that14:47
tsdgeosgreyback: ah you mean using the pkg-config of egl14:48
tsdgeossure, can do that14:48
greybacktsdgeos: indeed. Sorry14:48
dandraderis Dash::test_show_scope_on_load qmltest know to be unstable?14:50
dandraderhmm, seems so. My MP is not the only one getting this failure...14:51
tsdgeosdandrader: i'm on it14:53
tsdgeosif you guys stop approving stuff14:53
tsdgeosmine will get jenkins cycles faster14:53
tsdgeosand we'll all be happier once it's merged14:54
dandradertsdgeos, ah, cool. you already have an MP for it?14:54
tsdgeosdandrader: yessir14:54
dandradertsdgeos, link please14:54
tsdgeosit's actually more about a different one14:54
tsdgeosbut i added some extra code for this one too14:54
tsdgeosgreyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/qtubuntu/egl_link/+merge/19612014:55
dandraderman, looks tricky14:55
greybacktsdgeos: nice14:55
tsdgeosdandrader: it is :-/14:56
tsdgeoslet's hope my MR actually fixes it or at least gives good enough info of what's going on14:57
Saviqtsdgeos, it's merging here http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity8-autolanding/754/console15:01
tsdgeosyep, following at http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/362/console15:01
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tsdgeosdandrader|lunch: did my reasoning convince you?15:33
tsdgeosmerged \o/15:43
tsdgeosnow let's see if others merge too15:43
tsdgeosand it's not only one time luck15:43
Saviqtsdgeos, unity8 crash on shutdown https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/125368515:46
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1253685 not found15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, seen earlier? worth looking at at all?15:46
tsdgeosSaviq: digging15:49
tsdgeosdon't remember it at first sight15:49
tsdgeosSaviq: so it seems that the InputArea that received the destroyed signal was also destroyed, since its internal dptr is 0 ( isSignalConnected (signal_index=28, this=0x0) )15:58
tsdgeosbut had a look at the code and can't see how that can happen15:59
tsdgeossince when the inputarea is destroyed it says the world they don't care about them anymore15:59
Saviqtsdgeos, mhm15:59
tsdgeosor something else got borked in memory and what we're seeing is stuff that was already crashed before16:00
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, let's see what happens under 5.216:00
tsdgeosSaviq: i guess not reproduceable?16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, easily16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, just stop unity816:01
Saviqtsdgeos, run from the console16:01
tsdgeosthat used to work a while ago16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, Ctrl+C16:01
Saviq→ crash16:01
tsdgeosSaviq: want me to dig or wait for 5.2 update?16:02
Saviqtsdgeos, nah16:03
Saviqtsdgeos, got another one from 5.2, let's see how that looks like ;)16:03
tsdgeoshe he16:06
CimiSaviq, shader effect works btw16:30
CimiI don't like the code though :)16:31
tsdgeos3 CI successes in a row16:32
Saviqtsdgeos, kudos16:33
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6454131/16:48
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dandradertsdgeos, on the qtubuntu egl thing? Yeah, I don't have a strong option there to be honest16:51
Cimithis one is probably easier to read http://paste.ubuntu.com/6454148/16:52
CimiSaviq, can I do that or it sucks? ^16:52
SaviqCimi, not gonna be able to look at this today16:52
SaviqMirv, ping16:55
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kgunnalan_g: worked like a champ17:02
kgunni even verified what i built was really installed17:02
kgunnalan_g: oops...wait a minute17:02
MirvSaviq: popong17:03
SaviqMirv, you somehow managed to get apport-cli to file a bug against 5.217:03
SaviqMirv, or well, apport, not necessarily 5.217:03
SaviqMirv, I got the retrace, but couldn't get apport to file the bug17:03
SaviqMirv, did you use some trick to get it up?17:05
MirvSaviq: vim file.crash, remove the line that has the message about why it can't be submitted :)17:05
SaviqMirv, lol17:06
SaviqMirv, nice one17:06
Mirvyou're welcome. I'd prefer some --project unity8 or such ie "just file it, just not against Ubunti"17:07
Cimitsdgeos, does finally 5.2 fix the flick velocity and deceleration?17:49
Cimiotherwise let's patch!!!17:49
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