
warasabhi, what do i type in terminal to set language to italian? (language packages are already installed)00:00
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warasabhi, what do i type in terminal to set language to italian? (language was correct before, dont know why it changed)00:02
seanzIncrediblePony: So you get this error as soon as you boot from USB?00:03
seanzThe installer can't even start?00:03
IncrediblePonyno UI or anything, just a boot:_ console00:03
seanzIncrediblePony: Dang. We need to find someone who is knowledgeable about that part of the installation process.00:03
zykotick9warasab: you could try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" <warning untested/unknown>00:04
alisultanvihow to update a specific version of ubuntu?00:04
seanzwarasab: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/red-hat-31/changing-default-language-from-command-line-438947/00:04
seanzwarasab: setlocale looks like it might help in this case.00:04
zykotick9seanz: i doubt red-hat info will apply to ubuntu... just sayin'.  warasab00:04
IncrediblePonyseanz: well I'm trying a different way to format my USB atm00:04
IncrediblePonylets see if it works :P00:04
seanzzykotick9: Yeah, I should vet links moreso than I just did.00:05
warasabwhat is keyboard shortcut for terminal?00:05
alisultanvisudo update-manager -d , how to specify the version?00:05
berryciderspiderctrl alt t00:05
seanzwarasab: This is probably a better link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale00:05
alisultanvihelp my00:06
seanzIncrediblePony: How are you formatting it? From what I understand, you can create a USB installer with cp on the command line pretty easily.00:07
alisultanvigood bay00:07
seanzThere are instructions "around the Internet" for such things.00:07
seanzIncrediblePony: I would test the USB stick on a different computer if possible. See if it works.00:07
kludge_anyone have problems with redhsift?00:13
zykotick9kludge_: are you finding, it isn't doing anything? <that was my issue, when i tried it>00:14
kludge_it crashes whenever I start it00:15
kludge_just a heads up Im using xubuntu00:15
zykotick9kludge_: different issue then ;)  best of luck.00:15
kludge_damn, Ill check the xubuntu channel00:15
DCManningGood evening everyone00:16
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ghostmanhello guys i need your help please, i had an installation of ubuntu 12.04 on my computer, yesterday i decided to update to 12.10.00:17
DCManningGhostman, go to the Ubuntu download page, they still have 12.04 LTS on the download options00:17
ghostmanhello guys i need your help please, i had an installation of ubuntu 12.04 on my computer, yesterday i decided to update to 12.10. at the reboot now is asking me a login and password in a console mode, i do not understand what kind of login is exactly, a part that there is no way to have an access to a console00:18
ghostmanThank you DCManning can you please help me with my question?00:19
DCManningGhostman, you will need to burn a copy of the 12.04 LTS ISO to a cd by going to http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop00:19
DCManningthe installer will talk you through the process00:19
ghostmanso you mean to reinstall again?00:19
DCManningUnfortunately that is what I had to do when i tried that on my other Linux PC00:20
ghostmanbut used to be already installed and working (with data also)00:20
DCManningIs this for a laptop or for a phone?00:20
ghostmanis a desktop00:20
DCManningif you are jumping from one OS to another, unfortunately, it means sometimes you have to lose your old files00:21
ghostmanwell, i'm not jumping, i just updated!00:21
DCManningI am not sure if there is another way, I can try to find someone for you who is a bit more knowledgeable than I am00:21
ghostmanthank you anyway, i will keep posting the initial question, thank you00:22
ghostmanhello guys i need your help please, i had an installation of ubuntu 12.04 on my computer, yesterday i decided to update to 12.10. at the reboot now is asking me a login and password in a console mode, i do not understand what kind of login is exactly (or related to), a part that there is no way to have an access to a console, what i should do?00:24
Daemoenlo all.  we have (unfortunately) several 11.04 (ok, alot actually) instances... im attempting to install postgresql v9.  Postgres provides debs and a repository, but unfortunately, natty is no longer supported (yeah, im aware).  In this case, would it be better to assume using the lucid packages, or the precise packages to install postgres 9 on natty ?00:26
mcchi, so??i've got a ubuntu 12.04 machine (VM) here??i would like it to be running "whatever's newest" (13.10")? am i reading this right that really, the way to do this is have update-manager upgrade me 12.04->12.10,12.10->13.04,13.04->13.10? Three updates in a row?00:28
zykotick9!11.04 | Daemoen it isn't supported in #ubuntu either00:28
ubottuDaemoen it isn't supported in #ubuntu either: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.00:28
mccWhen I first opened update manager it was offering to let me upgrade to 14.04, which sounds??wrong D:00:29
Daemoenzykotick9, ubottu:  im not asking you guys to support it00:29
mccbut then i hit "check" and it took away that option.00:29
MaxHaymanHey I'm writing a shell script. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get some dummy maillog files to test my script it working!00:29
Daemoenim asking which version 11.04 would be closer to,  id wager 10.04, as 11.04 should be able to satisfy any version dep that 10.04 could have, but not necessarily the case with 12, as that could have newer kernel and package versions00:29
Daemoendue to dependency, id wager that i should in theory be able to use 10.04 packages just fine on 11.04, but as I am not an Ubuntu engineer by trade, wanted to simply confirm the theory.00:30
ment0si have installed xorg related deb package which offers new version of xorg, but i have accidently kept the old version, now this message is not appearing when trying to install it again, could someone tell me how to bring it back ?00:30
ment0sor how to show eula of that package again ?00:32
SpyroAnyone know of a decent desktop zooming accessibility program?00:33
SpyroMy eyesight's starting to go bad00:33
berryciderspiderI can't transfer an iso from android to ubuntu 'not supported'00:36
wilee-nileeberryciderspider, What ubuntu release, I have had transfer problems at times, not an iso, generally media but found mount remount worked...etc.00:40
berryciderspiderwilee-nilee:  on 12.0400:41
wilee-nileeberryciderspider, Can you plug a usb flash into the android?00:41
wilee-nileeberryciderspider, Is the android even showing in ubuntu, and how are you trying to transfer?00:42
berryciderspiderwhen I plug phone into comp, it shows with purple header 'is digital audio devic', wants to open with rhythmbox00:43
berryciderspiderI can move photos, mp3s across, but not this iso00:43
wilee-nileeberryciderspider, In 12.04 I used a ppa to get mtp and show the android files.00:43
berryciderspiderthe issue is I don't have access to the internet on my desktop, and tethering isn't working00:44
wilee-nileeberryciderspider, mtp is Media Transfer Protocol look it up if needed.00:45
TavorAnyone having trouble running Skype on Ubuntu 12.04?00:46
wilee-nileeberryciderspider, My reference to mtp was just for being seen at all in 12.04, which you seem to have.00:46
berryciderspiderah right00:47
reisioTavor: you?00:47
TavorI am having issue with it, yes. It has been working just fine until today. Now it just loads and loads, never getting past that point00:49
reisioTavor: what version?00:49
Tavorreisio, 4.200:49
reisioTavor: can you be more specific?00:50
Tavorreisio: I launch the Skype application, and then the usual window pops up showing that it's trying to connect, but it's stuck doing that00:51
reisioyou said that already00:52
TavorThat's what I see^00:52
reisioand this is an image of what you already described, twice00:52
reisiocan you be more specific about the version?00:52
moppyi am going to guess it's skype 4.2 for linux00:53
reisiooh yeah?00:53
reisiolet's guess the solution, then00:53
reisiopress CTRL+M+A+G+I+C :p00:54
reisiothat'll probably work00:54
TavorThis specific? http://imgur.com/vkrb5y300:54
Boneheads1999Could someone please help me?  I have Ubuntu 12.04.  I want the Unity interface but don't have it... where do I download it or get it?00:55
moppyBoneheads1999, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"00:55
reisioTavor: yes, is more specific than 4.200:55
moppyBoneheads1999, I assume this is a headless machine?00:56
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, What did you install to start with?00:56
reisioTavor: run ls -a ~/ | grep -i skype00:56
reisioTavor: or ls ~/.config | grep -i skype00:56
Boneheads1999wilee-nilee I bought this HP Pavillion a610e pre-installed with Ubuntu at a Thrift Shop.00:56
Boneheads1999moppy I have no idea what a headless machine is00:56
reisioTavor: try temporarily moving what you find, to see if its presence is part of the problem00:56
moppyBoneheads1999, does it boot to a desktop, or a command line terminal?00:57
Boneheads1999boots to a desktop00:57
Boneheads1999moppy boots to a desktop00:57
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, Was this thrift shop a computer shop where this was installed for users?00:57
moppyBoneheads1999, if it's standard ubuntu that will be unity. can you screen shot the desktop so we can see which it is? (or you mght be able to change it on the login screen by clicking the icon at the right of the login name)00:58
Boneheads1999moppy sure one sec00:58
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, So somebody else's install for their use that you don;t know?00:58
Boneheads1999wilee-nilee yeah :P00:58
zykotick9wilee-nilee: ;) i like where your going with the above idea.00:59
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, I would ren=move it and install your own,.00:59
zykotick9wilee-nilee: +100:59
moppyit's a good idea, so long as the machine works00:59
wafflejockBoneheads1999: yeah kinda agree with others here though it might be worth just playing with it as is first for the heck of it00:59
moppythere's usualyl a reason a computer winds up in a thrift shop though00:59
* zykotick9 wonders how Boneheads1999 got the password...00:59
wilee-nileeautologin and free rootkits01:00
Boneheads1999zykotick9 I had to do like a root access type-deal01:00
zykotick9wilee-nilee: lol01:00
Boneheads1999it was fairly difficult01:00
wafflejockBoneheads1999: a headless machine is just when a OS has no desktop interface installed01:00
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Boneheads1999one second.. I'm attempting to upload a desktop screenshot01:01
zykotick9wafflejock: technically, a headless machine is one without a monitor01:01
Boneheads1999moppy Here's a screenshot of my desktop: http://imgur.com/3WHctxM01:01
fishduckgot a tar.tz and I have no idea how to install the software. Any general guidelines? Can't find any instructions01:02
fishduckoh.. there was a setup script01:02
zykotick9fishduck: don't...01:02
fishduckzykotick9: there is no general way to install stuff like that I presume?01:03
moppyBoneheads1999, yea that isnt unity ... :-) could reinstall ... otherwise "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" then reboot and select unity on the login screen01:03
wafflejockzykotick9: fair enough01:03
zykotick9!checkinstall | fishduck01:03
ubottufishduck: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!01:03
moppybtw guys which DE is that? I don't recognise it immediately01:04
fishduckubottu: I'll remember that. I've got a gui installer now though. But where do you chose to install software in general? it gives no suggestions01:04
ubottufishduck: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:04
zykotick9moppy: nor do i.  (but that isn't surprising)01:04
fishduckdarn.. second time ubo'ttu fools me01:05
wafflejockmoppy: yeah feel like it could be XFCE but the panel makes me feel like no... not sure01:06
BuntuFuntuMoppy: If we are referring to Boneheads1999's image, that looks like XFCE to me but like wafflejock said, the panel dont seem right.01:07
moppythis could be a new quiz show01:07
geekmasterflashmoppy: Hey, I am not sure if you remember me from earlier, but have you ever heard of an xorg error that could totally freeze a system?01:07
zykotick9moppy: Name That DE/WM ;)01:07
moppythey click a few buttons in the theme manager then "name that DE" for prizes. The more non-standard they make it, the more money you win01:08
BuntuFuntuI prefer Unity myself.01:08
geekmasterflashBuntuFuntu: I prefer rabid badgers01:08
zykotick9moppy: "I'll take awesome for $1000 alex"01:10
wilee-nilee"what is badware" alex01:12
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zykotick9wilee-nilee: :p (but i do find it funny)01:14
wilee-nileezykotick9, I would not even use a OS a friend built. ;)01:15
zykotick9wilee-nilee: nor i01:15
zykotick9wilee-nilee: s/use/trust/01:16
coop999hello.   fresh re-install of 13.10 after upgrade went bad.   Now Cheese will not work.  Webcam works with skype.   Any ideas?01:23
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wilee-nileecoop999, Just the cheese install no other messing around and does not work? Whay the re-install as well?01:30
wilee-nileeah bad upgrade I see now01:32
neverwearcondomswhy are niggers dark brown?01:33
lolcatCan I hibernate if my swap if half the size of my ram? If I am using less than half?01:34
coop999re-install necessary because my nividia drivers got so messed up it was unrepairable.  SYstem 76 team recommended re-install from LiveUSB.   So my home directory was saved (thankfully),  and reinstall went smooth.   No rebuilding and tweaking.  Had to reinstall all my packages.  (6 months of tweak down drain).  Two goofy issues found so far.   Cheese starts shows my face.  but won't snap picture and hangs when try to do video.   AND #2.  01:34
wilee-nileelolcat, equal swap to ram or slightly larger is the norm.01:34
coop999Sorry @ wilee-nilee01:34
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!01:35
lolcatwilee-nilee: I don't want to waste 16GB of my SSD, I never use more than 2gb ram01:35
lolcatwilee-nilee: With caching I am using 6GB of ram01:35
lolcatI am not using any swap01:35
lolcatI have never experienced using more than 16MB of ram01:36
lolcaterr, swap01:36
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wilee-nileelolcat, I can only give you what the norm is, this would be for another who knows more really, had you given this extra info up front we would not be communicating. ;)01:37
zykotick9lolcat: i discovered, after making an error with my swap size, that "yes" it is possible - BUT it typically doesn't work.  until i made swap equal to ram, i couldn't reliably hibernate.01:37
irctc481hello guys i need your help, i updated from 12.04 to 12.10 and at the reboot it ask me to login with a console terminal. I can not understand what kind of login it is, can you help me?01:37
IncrediblePonyffs... my efforts to install ubuntu seem to fail.. my entire win7 OS just crashed and burned because of it :( - well... reformatting my entire hdd01:37
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neverwearcondomswhy did an african invent ubuntu and why isn't he a nigger?01:38
coop999irctc481    do CRTL ALT F1  to bring up terminal01:38
irctc481is already in terminal, not even the graphics appear01:39
irctc481coop999 is already in terminal, not even the graphics appear01:39
wafflejockirctc481: you need to use your regular username and password to login01:39
coop999start the lightdm (look for this on google)01:39
wafflejockafter you login you can try to do this01:39
wafflejocksudo service lightdm restart01:39
irctc481coop999 i can not because is not a shell, is just login with a cursor01:40
wafflejockif the graphics are able to startup properly you'll get a nomral graphical login if not you have to investigate what is wrong with your xorg.conf basically01:40
irctc481ok, wafflejock, you told me before that is just a normal login and password.01:41
coop999if just login with cursor then try to login  username and then password and then try the sudo command for lightdm noted previously01:41
wafflejockirctc481: yeah it's just asking for any user/password combo that is stored on the system or can be authenticated with PAM01:41
irctc481the strange thing it is that i do not know the username, because i use to click on the user and type the password.01:41
wilee-nileeirctc481, Do you happen to have a graphic card that needs drivers?01:42
irctc481is the username the same of the permission?01:42
wafflejockirctc481: you'll need to remember the username01:42
wafflejockirctc481: there's no harm in guessing really01:42
wafflejockirctc481: mine is just my first name believe this is default01:43
irctc481how i can retrieve the username?01:44
irctc481i'm loading in recovery mode now01:44
fishduckjust installed something that I have no idea where the installed stuff went. Searching trough whole / after its files.. finds it nowhere :P. How do I find the stuff it installed?01:44
wafflejockfishduck: how did you install?01:45
wafflejockfishduck: using apt-get?01:45
coop999hello.   fresh re-install of 13.10 after upgrade went bad.   Now Cheese will display my face, but will not snap photo and hangs when press video record.  Webcam does work with skype.    Nothing pops doing google search on Cheese that is recent in terms of errors.   Cheese worked fine in 13.04 on this machine.01:45
wafflejockfishduck: if so you can use dpkg -L packagename01:45
fishduckwafflejock: checkinstall and some weird package01:45
fishduckwafflejock: thanks. it says /. .. what does that mean?01:46
wafflejockfishduck: if you installed from a .sh or the like you'll need to look into the file to see what it does or read the docs where you got the installer or us inotifywatch to see what's going on01:46
tomtheman5hi everyone... normally not this desperate, but I've spent two days trying to get any version of ubuntu running on a ThinkPad T430.01:46
tomtheman5Need to be able to use two external (non-laptop) monitors when it's docked, and to use the laptop monitor when it's not docked.01:46
wafflejocktomtheman5: getting CRTC -5 error?01:47
tomtheman5I'm getting black screens, purple screens, really long mouse trails, super low resolutions... I've tried everything :(01:47
wafflejocktomtheman5: ah I ask cause on Kubuntu here and get that error if I have 3 monitors hooked up01:47
wilee-nileetomtheman5, Have you checked the web on the dock being linux friendly?01:47
tomtheman5wafflejock: No, I don't think so... Never seen that before. Should I check logs?01:48
wafflejocktomtheman5: I have to disable the LCD before hooking up the other two01:48
wafflejockit would have been obvious no need to search logs01:48
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tomtheman5wilee-nilee: I've read through around 30-40 different pages... I'm running out of help links :P01:49
wafflejocktomtheman5: or at least no need to search for that in particular then... but sounds like graphics drivers issues01:49
tomtheman5wafflejock: That's what confuses me... I've got a T410 with 12.04 32-bit that does exactly what I want... It switches every time I dock01:50
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wilee-nileetomtheman5, I would make sure the monitors can be run independently of the dock and what is needed to have them do so.01:50
irctc481wafflejock i'm loading in recovery mode now and at the menu i selected root shell prompt01:50
wafflejocktomtheman5: still could easily be very different GPUs01:50
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tomtheman5dunno what a GPU is... hang on...looking it up01:50
wafflejockEasy: you can type: ls -al /home/01:51
wafflejockoh just graphics processor01:51
wafflejockor graphics chipset01:51
wafflejocktomtheman5: you can use lcpci to see the details01:52
tomtheman5ugh I'm really at a loss... company is offering me a mac instead, but I *really* want ubuntu to work lol01:52
wafflejocktomtheman5: you can put ubuntu on the Mac :)01:52
wafflejockbut I would fight it :)01:52
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tomtheman5I just hate how light they are hahaha... I feel like I'd crush it :P01:52
wilee-nileetomtheman5, I have never used apple but would take a free mac that plugs and plays.01:53
wafflejockI wouldn't I really do dislike them that much :001:53
tomtheman5Do you know of any good resources that explain this stuff to a newbie? graphics, drivers, and how to manage them on linux?01:53
gvotomtheman5: It's a moving target, unfortunately01:54
tomtheman5like I said, I've been searching around since yesterday... but everything I find is really obtuse (to me, anyway)01:54
wafflejocktomtheman5: unfortunatley no I don't it's a bit of black magic as far as I'm concerned... I have a System76 which has been largely fine Intel HD 4000 graphics, but still quirks as I mentioned01:54
wilee-nileeJust for the experience and extra knowledge to help apple users01:55
wafflejockluckily nothing I can't easily get around in my case but not sure where exactly to point you01:55
daftykinstomtheman5: did anyone point out the ubuntu manual to you?01:55
maujhsngvo Good to see you in the house!01:55
gvomaujhsn: Hi always somewhere.01:56
wafflejockeh I used one for a bit cause was working on a project for schools where lots of Macs are out there but no reason for another machine and so the hackintosh was born01:56
fishduckwhat's /opt/ ??01:56
tomtheman5daftykins: no... downloading it now, thanks01:56
wafflejockfishduck: usually for optional software packages... third party stuff01:56
chicognui try to lock google chrome to laucher, but it refuses to be locked ... when i log out and login again it is not more in the laucher .... what can i o01:57
wafflejockfishduck: IBM Websphere installs there, Sublime Text I believe is suggested to be installed there, other stuff01:57
SmilexI was told by #winehq to install libgl-mesa-dri:i386, to fix an issue with wine running with the software renderer, but when I try running 'sudo apt-get install libgl-mesa-dri:i386', it says that it is already installed. Am I running the correct command to install 32bit libs on a 64bit system?01:57
wilee-nileechicognu, Desktop?01:57
chicognuwilee-nilee, if my ubuntu is desktop version ? yes ...01:57
fishduckwafflejock: so it's a program folder, perhaps?01:57
wilee-nileechicognu, Unity?01:57
chicognuwilee-nilee, yes01:58
wafflejockfishduck: yeah it's basically a folder for some third party programs, most stuff from the repos just ends up in /usr/bin with config in /etc01:58
wafflejockand logs in /var/log01:58
wilee-nileechicognu, You are using keep on panel when open?01:58
maujhsngvo Does freenode have a number two rival in the "irc" education world?01:58
VanessaEcan someone help me figure out a slowness issue with nfs4 mounts?01:58
wafflejockfishduck: but occasionally something goes into /opt/ not sure the exact history of it01:58
chicognuwilee-nilee, where is that option ? i don't know what is that about01:59
wafflejockmaujhsn: I think effnet01:59
piousminionHi, I'm trying to install teamspeak. I can't find it with apt-cache or software center, but this exists. Ideas? http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/teamspeak-client01:59
tomtheman5I keep seeing things telling me to go to the "Additional Drivers" tab of Software and Updates... Any ideas why that tab shows me no actual drivers?01:59
zykotick9maujhsn: actually freenode might be #2 behind OFTC01:59
gvomaujhsn: I don't know.01:59
wilee-nileechicognu, open chrome right click the icon in panel.01:59
wafflejockpiousminion: lsb_release -a01:59
piousminionwafflejock: Ubuntu 13.10 saucy02:00
chicognuthere is a option "lock to luncher" wilee-nilee02:00
chicognuis that what im using02:00
maujhsnzykotick9 OFTC education based as well?02:00
wafflejockpiousminion: are you on x64?02:00
wilee-nileechicognu, That is? from a right click with chrome open?02:00
wafflejockpiousminion: package says it's i386 think you need to suffix that on the package like, teamspeak-client:i38602:00
piousminionwafflejock: I am. hmm. Do I need to enable multilib somehow?02:01
wafflejockpiousminion: not sure though just guessing here02:01
zykotick9maujhsn: dpkg's oftc factoid - OFTC is the Open and Free Technology Community, a support/collaboration service.  They have an IRC network: irc.oftc.net.  You may be connected to OFTC's network.  http://www.oftc.net/  See also <freenode>, <oftc move> and <fact sharing>.02:01
chicognuwilee-nilee, there is the title of the windown, the option to lock it and quit02:01
wilee-nileechicognu, we are not communicating.02:02
chicognuwilee-nilee, can we try again ?02:02
maujhsnzykotick9 Thanks for the food for thought!02:02
zykotick9maujhsn: fyi, my local LUG and debian both use OFTC over freenode02:03
chicognuwilee-nilee, the panel you said is the vertical bar in the left, right ?02:03
wilee-nileechicognu, open chrome, in the left panel right click the chrome icon and click add to panel.02:03
wafflejockthink it's lock to panel no? haven't been in unity in a sec02:03
wafflejockchicognu: it's generally referred to as the launcher I believe in Unity, typically any bar with stuff in it within Linux has been called a panel though02:04
fishduckcan you stop FF from installing from ubuntus repository and get the updates directly from mozilla instead?02:04
wilee-nileeno confirmation in straight english that is even happening02:04
zykotick9fishduck: bad idea...02:04
fishduckzykotick9: why?02:04
wafflejockfishduck: untested02:05
zykotick9wafflejock: +102:05
wafflejockfishduck: unless you fancy yourself a guinea pig02:05
chicognuwafflejock, well here is lock to laucher02:05
nicorhi everyone02:05
fishduckcan I prevent ff from installing the weirdware from ubuntu then? I see a lot of weird plugins such as "onlineaccount-something" (I'm pretty sure.. like 100% that I don't need it and most likely don't want it)02:05
chicognubut it don't really lock02:05
wafflejockchicognu: yeah not sure... for some reason in KDE I had to make my own .desktop file then use that to add it a panel02:06
nicorcan someone tell me the sizes of the partitions that is recomended for ubuntu?02:06
VanessaEnevermind.  figured it out.  gssd wasn't running.02:06
zykotick9fishduck: now, THAT point makes an argument for using mozilla's version... best of luck.02:06
wafflejockchicognu: no problems with any other icon but the chrome one was fighting with me for some reason02:06
nicori read that i should have 3 partitions for a 320gb hard drive02:06
geekmasterflashnicor: Depends on your storage space, and how much memory02:06
nicori see02:07
geekmasterflashnicor: If you have low memory, you'll want some swap space02:07
fishduckzykotick9: sarcasm? :P02:07
nicor320gb 2gb ram02:07
zykotick9fishduck: NO!02:07
chicognuwafflejock, lol, same here ... xchat is just fine ... anything is just fine .... but chrome ....02:07
wilee-nileefishduck, some plugins are installed already, notice the dropdown on the left of each one.02:07
geekmasterflashnicor: 2 is a bit low, so you'll probably want to partition 512 to 1 GB of swap02:07
zykotick9fishduck: "I" wouldn't trust ubuntu's firefox...02:07
nicorok thans02:07
wafflejockfishduck: I'm a chromium user personally like the stripped down and chrome developer tools02:07
wilee-nileeer right fishduck02:07
rosco_yDoes anyone know if I can use the intuos wacom digipad with 13.10?02:08
nicorand the other 2 parts?02:08
fishduckzykotick9: press ctrl+shift+a in FF and check the plugins and addons.. you'll find a lot of weird stuff, at least in the latest ubuntu versions02:08
geekmasterflashnicor: There is no real point to partitioning /home seperately on the same disk, as it tends to cause headaches you can easily avoid02:08
nicorist ok 50 gb for the OS02:08
zykotick9fishduck: i don't use ubuntu (or firefox - i use iceweasel)02:08
nicori see02:08
FloodBot1nicor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
geekmasterflashnicor: If you have multiple disks, then you might want to partition one as /home02:08
nicorso i can have to parts02:08
wilee-nileenicor, Can you explain 3 partitions and what they are?02:08
geekmasterflashnicor: Generally, if you partition / and /swap you'll be set on most installs02:09
chicognugeekmasterflash,  well i really like use other partition to home .... i don't need to backup anything when reinstalling the system02:09
nicorheekmasterflash: thanks02:09
nicori think that is what im going to do02:09
nicorand i put 2gb of swap02:09
nicorjust in case02:09
geekmasterflashnicor: That is definately overkill02:09
zykotick9fishduck: keep in mind - i'm a TROLL.  your words, not mine :P02:09
chicognui use here /boot /system /swap /home .... there is a reason for swap be between system and home :)02:10
chicognuthe most accessed files during the use of system are in /system and /home ... so the swap between they will increase a little bit the performace nicor02:11
wilee-nileeboot partition is not needed in a msdos setup02:11
zykotick9wilee-nilee: if you use encrypted file systems it might be!02:11
wilee-nileezykotick9, That may be, but I will not comment on those that encrypt.02:12
zykotick9wilee-nilee: i don't use encrypted FSs either ;)02:13
nicorchicognu: i see, so what yo recomend?02:13
chicognumy /boot partition, in fact, are in my pendrive ... and a carry it to every single place i go. the hd on notebook are fully encrypted :)02:13
BuntuFuntuFully encrypted HDD here too.02:13
BuntuFuntuAnd no, I'm not hiding anything.02:13
nicori think that to advanced for me at this point, but ill ihave it on mind02:13
wilee-nileeof course you are02:13
BuntuFuntuNope. Nothing hidden.02:14
nicorwilee-nilee: im not an expert actually im really rookie with this but i read that there is 3 partition types for a hard drive, the primary one, the secondary one and the swap one..02:14
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nicorwilee-nilee the primary ande secondary one are for the file systems end the swap one is for the ram memory to put there some secondary task or something02:15
nicorwilee-nilee: is that ok?02:15
piousminionDoes anyone here use teamspeak on 64-bit saucy?  Everything online says the package should exist, but it doesn't.02:15
wilee-nileenicor, primary I will assume is root and secondary is home, works for some who want to upgrade and keep home.02:15
chicognunicor, i don't have know how to recommend anything lol .... what i uses is /boot 256mb /system with 30gb (a lot are freespace, but i never now when I will need to install some thing big) swap with 512 mb or 1gb, and the everything else as home02:15
chicognu<BuntuFuntu> And no, I'm not hiding anything.02:16
chicognuwell i hide porn from my mom ... normal porn ... but of course i don't wanna my mom to see it02:16
BuntuFuntuWhat? I'm not hiding anything.02:16
wilee-nileechicognu, You can tab complete nicks02:16
nicorok guys i think that i know now what im going to do02:17
BuntuFuntuIf your talking about the Iron man 3 movie on my HDD, that was there when I bought it ;o02:17
nicorim going to do 2 partitions02:17
nicorswap of 1 gb02:17
BuntuFuntuKidding. My Ubuntu is mostly default. Except for a Skype Package installed.02:17
nicorand the other one for everything else02:17
wafflejockBuntuFuntu: why the encryption then?02:18
nicori apreciate the advices02:18
geekmasterflashnicor: Just keep in mind that if you format / and swap only, it will be easy but recovery could be harder02:18
nicori see02:18
BuntuFuntuWafflejock: Idk. I guess to make it harder incase my laptop was stolen.02:18
nicori ll have it on mind02:18
nicorbut just for future references02:18
geekmasterflashnicor: I get around that by having a usb hard drive for backup purposes.02:19
wafflejockBuntuFuntu: yeah but if nothing sensitive on it you're okay anyho02:19
nicorhow much the root part should have?02:19
geekmasterflashnicor: But some people kile to go nuts02:19
BuntuFuntuDid anyone hear that Adobe Photoshop's source code was released by some group that managed to steal it? o.O02:20
wafflejockBuntuFuntu: no but that's great news02:20
zykotick9BuntuFuntu: NOT ubuntu related!02:20
chicognuwafflejock, in my case i full encrypt the hdd and walks with a pendrive with the boot encrypted because im really paranoic ...  i belive some one can change my hdd contents when I'm out of home or some thing else ... and with the hd fully encrypted I believe it is not possible to put a keylogger or anything else02:20
wafflejockBuntuFuntu: I mean not the stealing part02:20
nicori mean how much is the minimun amount that the root need to work properly02:20
zykotick9nicor: 5GB (but that'll break if you try to upgrade)02:21
chicognuwith the boot "decrypted"*02:21
wafflejockBuntuFuntu: but photoshop on ubuntu without VM sure would be nice, which Adobe would just work something out instead though02:21
BuntuFuntuwafflejock: Aha yes but back on topic. do you think Arma would play on Ubuntu with wine and playonlinux?02:21
zykotick9!requirements | nicor02:21
ubottunicor: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu02:21
nicorgot it02:22
wafflejockBuntuFuntu: not sure about that haven't done a lot gaming in wine just Steam02:22
nicorim going to read about it02:22
nicorthanks again!02:22
nicorgood bye people!02:22
BuntuFuntuWafflejock: It won't hurt for me to try though :P02:22
geekmasterflashnicor: I generally let /root be part of /, since that means it can be expanded when I update02:22
wafflejockchicognu: that is extra paranoid why not protect the house?02:22
chicognuwafflejock, protect the data is free02:22
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zykotick9geekmasterflash: ahhh /root should be close to empty on ubuntu...02:23
wafflejockchicognu: true I suppose, I just don't have data per se that I'm worried about protecting... use keepass for passwords and the like, just about everything else is online02:23
wafflejockand i just don't think people on the west side of chicago are savvy to the point they're going to come in here install a keylogger and leave everything untouched02:24
chicognuwafflejock, not to mention that I have an extra pendrive (that only have /home encrypted for no reason) with ubuntu 12.04LTS only to use internet banking and home broker system. (I don't need to say that I also walk to every where with that pendrive)02:24
wafflejockmore likely they will take all the electronics and pawn them where they'll be wiped02:24
grumpybynightHi all02:25
grumpybynightI've installed Ubuntu successfully, dual booting with Windows 8.102:25
chicognuwafflejock, that is true ... i really recognize that my behavior are 98% based on paranoia, not in a real possibility02:26
SchrodingersScatgrumpybynight: great02:26
wafflejockchicognu: yeah I just don't want the extra trouble if I need to pull the drive and the like02:26
grumpybynightUbuntu is running great, but Windows seems to have slowed down a LOT. Very laggy after installing Ubuntu. I'm not sure why this has happened. Any ideas?02:26
geekmasterflashgrumpybynight: Did you install it on a UEFI drive?02:26
geekmasterflashgrumpybynight: I had a similar problem trying to dual boot from a drive formatted for UEFI. It worked, kind of, but made the original OS buggy as hell02:27
SetiAmonhey can anyone tell me why my middle scroll button is irratic in ubuntu 13.1002:27
grumpybynightgeekmasterflash: No, legacy. And I've disabled the fast startup setting.02:27
SetiAmonI mean i'm scrolling then it starts going up when scrolling hte middle wheel down etc.02:28
grumpybynightgeekmasterflash: How'd you fix the problem?02:28
wilee-nileegrumpybynight, Ubuntu is a separate OS, should be no effect on windows speed.02:28
geekmasterflashgrumpybynight: I didn't, I ended up bricking the hard drive putzing around with gparted02:28
wilee-nileegrumpybynight, You might defragg it if you resized it.02:29
wafflejockgrumpybynight: so far running win 8 in a VM it's been good had it side by side before but no issues either (8 not 8.1 though)02:29
grumpybynightwilee-nilee: I will try that. I'm not sure why it's happening, though, since Windows and Ubuntu are both on separate partitions.02:29
peroi'm trying to re/un-install unity webapps - any way to do it without removing unity?02:29
guest4691how can I write #ubuntu iso to my usb?02:29
geekmasterflashgrumpybynight: It's unlikely, but did you have a large page file on the windows side?02:30
geekmasterflashgrumpybynight: You might have eaten enough extra space that windows can't page right02:30
tomtheman5guest4691: are you on ubuntu right now? if so, use "startup disk creator" from the dash02:30
zykotick9guest4691: if you are on a gnu/linux distro: 1st choices = cat/cp/dd; distant 2nd choice unetbootin02:31
guest4691tomtheman5: the 'make' buttton is deactivated02:31
guest4691I'm on ubuntu02:31
geekmasterflashguest4691: Is the USB stick formatted?02:31
tomtheman5you'll need to download the ISO02:31
apb1963Using chrome on ubuntu 12.04... Trying to open what is supposed to be a graphic... instead, it's downloading the file as a .php... opening it results in gibberish....  anyone know what plugin I might need to make chrome behave properly?02:31
guest4691yeah to fat3202:31
guest4691I have the iso02:31
tomtheman5guest4691: you'll need to download and select the ISO at the top02:32
grumpybynightBefore installing Ubuntu, I had C: and D: partitions. Windows was on C:. I resized my D: and installed Ubuntu in the extra space freed up.02:32
guest4691lol did that02:32
geekmasterflashguest4691: Is the ISO file located in the home folder somewhere?02:32
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guest4691its in documents02:32
guest4691so yes02:32
tomtheman5and the disk is formatted?02:32
guest4691yeah to fat3202:33
guest4691isn't there a command for it? dd I think02:34
SetiAmonany scrolling issues with ubuntu recorded02:34
SetiAmonmiddle wheel scrolling02:34
grumpybynightAnyway, I think I'll try defragging02:34
tomtheman5beats me, sorry :(02:34
guest4691thanks anyway02:35
geekmasterflashguest4691: sudo dd if=~/path/to/iso/iso.iso of=/dev/sdx oflag=direct  bs=104857602:35
irctc084my system get stuck at checking battery state, what i can do? please help me02:35
tomtheman5I did have some issues with the startup disk tool UI... both sections only show one entry, and you need to expand the window to see others02:35
wilee-nileeSetiAmon, State the issues to the channel if you want help.02:35
zykotick9guest4691: i'd suggest "sudo -i" then "cat /path/to/fils.iso /dev/sdX"02:36
irctc084guys can you read my messages? just to realize02:37
zykotick9irctc084: yes we see your messages02:37
irctc084zykotick9 ok, thanks, because i did not receive any clue i was thinking you can not read them02:38
guest4691thanks geekmasterflash, writing now02:38
SetiAmonThe middle button,scroll wheel.when i am scrolling it will be irratic like scrolling down it will start scrolling up or jumpy etc02:38
SetiAmonthat is my issue02:38
irctc084so nobody can help, me or giving me any clue?02:38
SetiAmonubuntu 13.1002:38
zykotick9!tab | irctc084 fyi02:38
ubottuirctc084 fyi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:38
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Is it an optical mouse?02:38
wilee-nileeirctc084, You gotta give it more than 2 min and post details.02:39
SetiAmona wireless mouse also02:39
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Some optical mice have a the laser termine if the wheel is moving. If dust gets in it, it can cause mayhem02:39
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Over enginnering for the win02:39
SetiAmonwait it isn't optical if that means lazer.its just hte red light infared02:39
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Otherwise, it might be wireless interference?02:39
irctc084wilee-nilee: thank you, i'm trying to post details but i do not now what kind of details you needed02:40
SetiAmoni didn't have a issue with windows02:40
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Can you boot into windows currently and not have the issue? Sometimes issues prop up between boots02:40
irctc084guys my problem is this, my system get stuck at "checking battery state" during boot what i can do?02:40
SetiAmonmaybe i'll buy another wireless mouse on black friday and see if that works02:41
tomtheman5Just did a fresh install of 13.04 onto my T430... still getting the same graphics issues... Is it worth trying with 12.04?02:41
wilee-nileeirctc084, when where and how on the check would be helpful probably.02:41
SetiAmonNah the reason i've just install linux is because windows locked into a infininite startup boot loop and couldn't be fixed....lost 500gigs man02:41
tomtheman5Or is it just never going to work because the driver just doesn't exist/work? (in which case I'd downgrade to my T410, which I know works)02:42
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: It's unlikely, but the issue could have been something that started between then and now and unrelated to Linux02:42
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Do you have another computer you can test the mouse on?02:42
SetiAmonits cool i'll just point and drag the scroll02:42
irctc084wilee-nilee: i press the power on button, the system start to load and on the list of the service start it stop at checking battery.02:42
geekmasterflashSetiAmon: Is it bluetooth?02:42
SetiAmonif it is a linux issue i imagine it will be patched02:43
supergauntletalright, so now nm-applet works..02:43
SetiAmonno bluetooth is turned off it has one of those usb sticks02:43
irctc084wilee-nilee: i'm not even able to exit, i'm constricted to force the shutdown02:43
supergauntletif i run it as root.02:43
wilee-nileeirctc084, During the boot yhou have the splash off you are seeing text?02:43
supergauntletBut it says it can't find networkmanager if run as a regular user02:43
rosco_yCan anyone tell me how to set the hotspots on the edges of my monitors?  (i.e., lower-right corner opens the workspace view)02:44
rosco_yI'm finding that my current settings are disruptive02:44
geekmasterflashrosco_y: I assume you're talking about compiz?02:44
amageeI have an upstart job that runs a daemon that responds to commands and launches applications. I have it running as my own user (amagee). I can't seem to get it to launch graphical apps though, I get errors saying "cannot open display". Is there something, perhaps an `export DISPLAY=???` incantation that might help?02:44
JordanJ2Hello. While booting Ubuntu from USB I get stuck at a black screen that reads "SYLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al"02:45
rosco_ygeekmasterflash: I admit that I really don't know what I'm talking about....02:45
wilee-nileeJordanJ2, check the sum of the iso02:45
geekmasterflashrosco_y: For example, I have a hot zone on the bottom of my screen. If I click it, I can rotate to another desktop02:45
rosco_ybut when I accidentally drag my mouse down to the edges of my monitor, then different functions are triggered.02:45
geekmasterflashrosco_y: That is a compiz setting02:45
supergauntletJordanJ2: also if that doesnt help try a different USB drive02:45
rosco_yhot zone, that's the word I was looking for.02:45
geekmasterflashrosco_y: Namely, the desktop cube "Rotate" setting02:45
irctc084wilee-nilee: yes, i will try to force the power off, and i will let you know exaclty02:45
JordanJ2I do not have another.02:45
rosco_ycompiz, ty--I'll try that for awhile -- thanks geekmasterflash02:46
supergauntletwilee-nilee: do you have any ideas what might be the problem?02:46
wilee-nileeirctc084, HOw many times have you forced it off now, and has it ever worked, and isgthee any history of other problems?02:46
wilee-nileeis there*02:46
geekmasterflashrosco_y: If that is what you want, grab compizconfig-setting-manager02:46
geekmasterflashrosco_y: Then launch ccsm from a terminal02:47
rosco_ygeekmasterflash: ty--installing as we speak :)02:47
wilee-nileesupergauntlet, Did you look through the askubuntu link I gave you?02:47
supergauntletwilee-nilee: which one?02:47
supergauntletthe one related to the wifi card?02:47
JebusHow do I change my password for a registered Nick In Xchat02:48
wilee-nileesupergauntlet, Yes, and wasn't it found that there was a sort of messed up upgrade as well?02:48
irctc084wilee-nilee: lots because there i no way to switch off02:48
supergauntletyes, i went through with dist-upgrade and that seemed to fix nm-applet not working at all02:48
supergauntletbut now it will only connect to wifi if I run nm-applet as root02:48
wilee-nileeirctc084, Hard shutdowns will break a OS.02:49
geekmasterflashJebus: Can depend on the IRC server you are in, but usually it's /msg nickserv set password02:49
JordanJ2wilee-nilee: The checksums match.02:49
geekmasterflashJebus: Unless you are asking how to change the password on file within Xchat's settings... in which case.... I am not sure02:49
wilee-nileeJordanJ2, What app did you load the usb with?02:49
irctc084wilee-nilee: i'm on the grub now, you want me to do something?02:49
JordanJ2Unet bootin02:49
wilee-nileeirctc084, Not that I know of.02:50
wilee-nileeJordanJ2, Is this a nvidia graphic?02:50
irctc084wilee-nilee:  ok i will just start ubuntu...02:50
Jebusgeekmasterflash thank you :)02:50
wilee-nileeirctc084, and have it stop again  and then hard shutdown?02:51
irctc084wilee-nilee: no at the grub i started ubuntu then it appear the ubuntu logo that is loading and the a black screen02:51
geekmasterflashirctc084: Have you nuked any xorg.conf file?02:52
irctc084geekmasterflash: i don't know nothing abuot that02:52
wilee-nileeirctc084, So when is it that you are actually getting this stuck battery check? I have asked questions, if you do not understand them say so.02:53
geekmasterflashirctc084: if you are logging into a black screen, it commonly due to something wrong with the graphics / xorg. If you can reach a command line, sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:53
irctc084wilee-nilee: can try to reboot in verbose mode what do you think? so i can give you a bterre picture02:53
geekmasterflashirctc084: Actually nevermind, I think I only caught half of that conversation02:54
wilee-nileeirctc084, we are not even close to communicating and now others are reading these last posts not all and advising you, I'm done.02:54
irctc084wilee-nilee: what do you mean?02:55
JordanJ2wilee-nilee: It will boot on UEFI mode but not legacy02:56
uc_hola hare una pregunta en español02:56
wafflejock!es | uc_02:56
ubottuuc_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:56
irctc084geekmasterflash: tecnically on boot i have the grub screen, i load ubuntu and i receive the black screen. everything started after an update from 12.04 to 12.1002:56
uc_jaja no hay nadie02:57
geekmasterflashirctc084: Do you reach a desktop manager - as in, do you get a screen asking you to log in and then after log in get hosed, or does go black well before?02:57
wilee-nileeJordanJ2, Hmm 7 posts to even mention uefi.02:58
wilee-nileeJordanJ2, That is a key point no matter what.02:58
irctc084geekmasterflash: it goes black just after the ubuntu loading splash screen.02:58
MajSlayerhey guys got a fresh dedicated server, havent used linux, logged into it via ssh, want to install Red5, any idea what package of java i should get?03:00
wafflejock!xorg | irctc08403:00
ubottuirctc084: The X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf03:00
wafflejock!xorgconf | irctc08403:00
ubottuirctc084: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.03:00
wilee-nileeMajSlayer, This is ubuntu support.03:00
wafflejockMajSlayer: yeah look for #linux or #redhat03:01
MajSlayerim using a ubuntu 13.04 server03:01
wafflejockMajSlayer: oh red 5hhaha03:01
geekmasterflashirctc084: If you are able to reach grub, try booting with "nomodeset"03:01
MajSlayeryeah didnt come with it preinstalled or anything03:01
wafflejockMajSlayer: still not sure which Java you'll need for it though honestly03:01
MajSlayeri think JRE7 is what i want, just not sure03:01
rosco_yAt some point in time I stumbled on a place that let me specify when I drag my mouse in the lower right of my panel, it opens up my Workspace Switcher--does anyone know what I need to do to disable this03:01
MajSlayeryep i understand03:01
wafflejockMajSlayer: you can always try one and switch03:01
geekmasterflashirctc084: When you're in the grub menu, find your ubuntu boot and press e to edit03:02
MajSlayeryep good point03:02
JordanJ2Do you know why wilee-nilee?03:02
geekmasterflashirctc084: You may find "quiet splash" appended to the boot image. Change it to nomodeset03:02
geekmasterflashirctc084: Save, boot that image03:02
MajSlayeroh how do i get a desktop i can remotely use with a dedicated server? seen some software that does it..03:02
geekmasterflashirctc084: And you may then be able to install missing drivers03:03
rosco_yI want to disable all the special functions that happen when my mouse hits the edges of my panels, it's driving me nuts....03:03
wafflejockMajSlayer: VNC works03:03
MajSlayerthanks i'll google it03:03
wafflejockMajSlayer: you can use VNC through an SSH tunnel03:03
irctc084geekmasterflash: $nomodeset?03:03
wafflejockMajSlayer: np03:03
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geekmasterflashirctc084: nomodeset03:04
MajSlayerthanks ran a isp at one time, 13 years ago. but this server has nothing installed by default03:04
MajSlayerthus the questions, got a book in the mail.lol03:04
MajSlayerthe install it yourself ones i loved..03:04
MajSlayerthis one is pretty much a blank slate03:04
uc_hello anyone knows a video capture usb support linux to see it in vlc as dev-1 rjemplo?03:04
MajSlayerbut i guess thats a good thing in the end..03:05
rosco_yI've been rooting around in ccsm, but I can't find it there....03:05
geekmasterflashirctc084: So for example... linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-26-generic root=UUID=randomnumbers ro quiet splash $vt_handoff would become linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-26-generic root=UUID=randomnumbers ro nomodeset $vt_handoff03:05
rosco_ylots of stuff though, maybe I'm missing it03:05
wilee-nileerosco_y, desktop and special functions?03:05
irctc084geekmasterflash: f10 to boot right?03:06
uc_i ned help03:06
daftykins!ask | uc_03:06
ubottuuc_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:06
geekmasterflashirctc084: I use control-x, but I think f10 works too03:06
hexacodeanyone know a way to log into linux thru a serial port?  the small monitor on my netbook is broken and plugging a monitor into the serial port seems to require additional user interaction.03:06
hexacodewhich i obviously cant do because i can see anything03:06
wafflejockhexacode: can't plug in a monitor to serial port03:06
wafflejockhexacode: that's a vga port if it fits03:07
hexacodewafflejock:  thats what i meant lol03:07
wafflejockhexacode: okay yeah I mean there is serial communication but I don't think anyone has that port anymroe03:07
irctc084geekmasterflash: ok, now i have a tty1 with a login , i logged in and i have a shell, but no desktop03:07
Ben64hexacode: if you boot the computer with the vga attached, it should display something03:07
hexacodei remember people logged into linux via physical console wires03:08
rosco_ywilee-nilee: ty, for example, when I put my mouse in the lower-right corner, it opens up my Workspace switcher, when I put my mouse off the right edge, it opens up a task switcher etc.03:08
hexacodeBen64: ah ya i think thats right03:08
geekmasterflashirctc084: Good, now you can log in with user/pass and grab some likely missing files03:08
wafflejockhexacode: yeah sometimes there is a button to toggle on laptops in the f-keys row03:08
hexacodei totally forgot that03:08
rosco_yI thought it would be clever when I did it, but I can't get used to it.03:08
geekmasterflashirctc084: What desktop enviroment do you have installed?03:08
irctc084geekmasterflash: it was the dafault one03:09
geekmasterflashirctc084: IE: So unity?03:09
irctc084i think unity?03:09
SchrodingersScatrosco_y: yeah, I prefer to click and drag the top or bottom of the screen.03:09
geekmasterflashirctc084: K03:09
geekmasterflashirctc084: And what type of graphics card do you have?03:09
irctc084geekmasterflash: is a dell opltiplex 760, just a sec i look on internet03:09
wafflejockirctc084: if you don't know your graphics chipset check with lspci03:09
rosco_ySchrodingersScat: that sounds pretty good, but I just want to disable all the hot-zone special functionality on my monitors, so I can just sling my mouse out of the way03:09
IncrediblePonysrsly... I've reformatted this crap five times now... every time an error got fixed, a new one popped up.. I've lost all my files on my hdd from win7 cus ubuntu boot made it crash.... I'm getting sick of this -.-'03:13
JordanJ2Someone? ._.03:14
wafflejockJordanJ2: problem?03:14
wafflejockJordanJ2: ah boot from USB hang... have you tried with DVD?03:14
irctc084geekmasterflash: wafflejock  it should be a Integrated Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500;03:14
BuntuFuntuI have an Intel GMA. .-.03:15
reisioIncrediblePony: learningn to backup the hard way :)03:15
JordanJ2It will boot from UEFI fine just not legacy. wafflejock03:15
reisioIncrediblePony: what makes you think your files are gone, though03:15
irctc084lspci give me a list but i can not scroll up (font too big)03:15
=== Dual-Travis is now known as Duel-Travis
geekmasterflashirctc084: Okay, first order of buisness lets nuke any existing xorg.conf (likely nothing there, but you never know) do a sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:15
JordanJ2I do not have a CD/DVD drive03:15
geekmasterflashirctc084: Then we are gonna install drivers, then reconfigure lightdm03:16
wafflejockirctc084: lspci | less03:16
irctc084geekmasterflash: can not remove not such file03:17
wafflejockirctc084: or, lcpci | grep graphics03:17
wafflejockirctc084: q to get out of less03:17
Duel-Traviscan I uninstall the KDE FUll and get xfce03:17
wafflejockDuel-Travis: yes03:17
geekmasterflashirctc084: K, so now you need drivers. Forgive me, I have never used intel graphics before, I need to look up where they are kept03:17
wafflejockDuel-Travis: same as uninstall ubuntu desktop and install KDE03:17
JordanJ2So I have no idea wafflejock03:17
Duel-Traviswafflejock, oKAY BRB03:18
wafflejockJordanJ2: sorry no ideas either except somehow getting an external drive to use or something, even so dunno03:18
wilee-nileeThe ubuntu-desktop is a meta package03:18
irctc084wafflejock: thank you very much03:19
JordanJ2It worked it Legacy before03:19
wafflejockirctc084: np03:19
Duel-Traviswafflejock, Okay so how would I uninstall it?03:20
geekmasterflashirctc084: Sorry, it will take a moment still I am working and just got a call.03:20
irctc084it sound strange that the update didn't retrieve the drivers, it use to have before!03:20
reisioIncrediblePony: nice talkin' with you03:21
Duel-Travissudo apt-get remove kubuntu desktop full?03:21
irctc084geekmasterflash:  take your time, you are doing even more that expected to help me. and i really appreciate that thank you. thank you to all of you, i'm learning a lot today03:21
wafflejockDuel-Travis: would follow advice here https://wiki.sabayon.org/index.php?title=Remove_KDE03:21
wilee-nileeDuel-Travis, No, what release is this?03:21
wafflejockDuel-Travis: if you're strapped for space remove it otherwise install side by side03:21
wafflejockDuel-Travis: your far better off just installing XFCE and using it in place of KDE than taking KDE out and losing other stuff that depends on the same packages03:22
wafflejockDuel-Travis: if you need to get the space back from KDE you can remove it but keep in mind you might be blowing away a lot of other stuff in the process03:22
Duel-Traviswafflejock, like what?03:22
IncrediblePonyokay, who here have had success installing ubuntu with Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com?03:22
reisioIncrediblePony: not I03:23
IncrediblePonyhow did you do it?03:23
reisioIncrediblePony: I'd use unetbootin, and if that didn't work I'd be careful and use dd03:23
reisioactually _I_ would do the reverse, but dd is riskier03:23
wafflejockDuel-Travis: read the page... you will see as you go through the process it will tell you what is being removed03:23
Duel-Traviswafflejock, I still have unity03:24
reisioIncrediblePony: right03:24
IncrediblePonyreisio what do you refer to by dd?03:24
IncrediblePonythat's not anything I'm familiar with I think03:24
reisioIncrediblePony: basically all Unix systems have a command, 'dd'03:25
reisioIncrediblePony: :)03:25
wafflejockDuel-Travis: yeah as noted on the site there though removing KDE may result in removal of other packages that other DEs depend on so safer to re-install those before rebooting to be sure all packages are in good shape03:25
geekmasterflashirctc084: Alright, I am back03:25
AscendionI've got a dvd drive connected via USB and brasero/wodim are complaining that "cannot load media"03:25
wafflejockDuel-Travis: any time you're doing stuff like replacing your whole desktop environment it's good to backup too03:25
reisioAscendion: to do what with03:25
IncrediblePonyreisio: well, I'm reformatting my hdd for the fith time this evening03:25
irctc084geekmasterflash:  i was looking too03:25
Ascendionburning ubunto 13.10 on a 12.04 system03:26
IncrediblePonyreisio: and I'm getting frustrated03:26
Duel-Traviswafflejock, Why does it remove so much things?03:26
geekmasterflashirctc084:  Are you installing 13.10?03:26
JordanJ2So confused >_,03:26
IncrediblePonyreisio: I'm using UUI, to install my ubuntu, but everytime there seems to be something missing or wrong with my installation03:26
reisioIncrediblePony: you said03:26
wafflejockDuel-Travis: not entirely clear to me how the dependency management and such is resolved in apt-get couldn't tell you the details03:26
reisioIncrediblePony: I'd use unetbootin or dd03:27
IncrediblePonyreisio: never used either03:27
IncrediblePonyand atm I have no OS03:27
reisioIncrediblePony: that's hard to believe03:27
irctc084no, i upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 geekmasterflash  but i do not mind to upgrade to 13.10 at this stage03:27
IncrediblePonyit's almost 5 in the morning :( - I just want ubuntu to work at this point03:28
geekmasterflashirctc084: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/how-to-use-intel-linux-graphics-drivers.html this site should tell you how to get the intel drivers repo added03:28
wafflejockirctc084: it's likely a good option03:28
reisioIncrediblePony: I figured03:28
wilee-nileeDuel-Travis, for the record here is a site, in playing around left column, are whole desktop meta packages lists for ubuntu. Duel-Travis03:29
geekmasterflashirctc084: Actually03:29
geekmasterflashirctc084: Don't add that.03:29
geekmasterflashirctc084: There has to be a better way to get intel drivers03:29
irctc084wafflejock: geekmasterflash  do you think that i can update to 13.10 from the shell? did that fixx this issue all at once?03:29
wafflejockIncrediblePony: you should probably go to bed and try again when your fresh03:30
wilee-nileemultiple releases and desktops03:30
wafflejockirctc084: I would suggest doing a clean install if you have a backup or aren't concerned with the data03:30
geekmasterflashirctc084: Yeah, wafflejock's right. At this point, updating may not help since you might keep whatever dependancy you have that's broken currently03:30
Ascendionany ideas why I cannot burn the new ubuntu iso using a dvd burner connected via usb ??03:30
irctc084wafflejock: ok, but i'm doing this in order to retrieve also the data stored in the home desktop folder wich is encrypted03:31
wafflejockAscendion: reduce burner speed usually helps03:31
wafflejockAscendion: not too familiar with externals though03:31
wilee-nileeAscendion, using what app?03:31
Ascendionwafflejock -- not even getting THAT far -- using wodim off the command line it complains "cannot load media with this drive, load media by hand"03:32
geekmasterflashirctc084: I think you should be able to grab the driver via sudo apt-get install intel-linux-graphics-installer03:32
Ascendiontrying brasero it just fails to load the app at all03:32
Ascendioncdrecord off command line gives similar errors03:32
wafflejockAscendion: ah yeah not sure about wodim, always used Brasero or the like03:32
reisioAscendion: similar?03:32
Ascendionxcdtoast says it cannot access cdrecord03:32
Ascendionreiso -- its been about 30 minutes since I tried cdrecord -- I got a short memory :)03:33
Ascendionand it seems that cdrecord is just an alias for wodim anyway03:33
irctc084geekmasterflash: unable to locate intel-linux-...03:34
wafflejockirctc084: you should probably look into what you need to do to get a network share or whatever you plan on transferring to mounted via the command line then and just do a cp to copy everything out of there and then do a clean install03:34
reisioAscendion: cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=/dev/sr0 path/to/image03:34
geekmasterflashAnyone here use intel graphics? I never have and I have no idea how to grab the drivers via commandline03:34
BuntuFuntuGeekmaster: I'd have no clue. I think I use all open-source drivers03:35
irctc084wafflejock: in case i can also just copy the files of the home in a separate drive, but the problem it is that i'm not ale to acceed without the desktop up03:35
BuntuFuntuGeekmasterflash: I know my comp does have Intel GMA on board.03:35
wafflejockthere's intel-gpu-tools not sure though03:35
wafflejockirctc084: the home folder is just in /home03:35
shai_how do I say yes to all for rm -r for write protected files?03:36
shai_i can't keep tying y03:36
wafflejockirctc084: http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/03:36
reisioshai_: -f03:36
shai_its a directory03:37
Ascendionwodim: Cannot load media with this drive!03:37
Ascendionwodim: Try to load media by hand.03:37
Ascendionwodim: Cannot load media.03:37
irctc084wafflejock:  yes but it is encrpyted unfortunately, my desktop is encrypted03:37
reisioAscendion: neat03:37
shai_reisio rm -r-f03:37
reisioAscendion: you have more than one CD drive?03:37
geekmasterflashirctc084: Try, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel03:37
wafflejockhmm well intel-gpu-tools is interesting.. not drivers but some cool stuff03:38
reisioshai_: probably -fr or -f -r, dunno what -f-r will do03:38
Ascendionand the burner is /dev/sg1 according to wodim --devices -- just the one dvd drive03:38
wafflejockirctc084: yeah see the link on booting from liveCD to access encrypted home folder03:38
wafflejockirctc084: most likely your best option there03:38
reisioAscendion: and you tried /dev/sg1 ?03:38
Ascendionya thats what I used for the command you gave03:38
daftykinsstargate sg-1 :O03:39
reisioAscendion: run 'eject -T' until it opens, then run it again until it closes03:39
reisioAscendion: then try again03:39
reisioAscendion: or stop wasting your time now and use a USB stick instead03:39
Ascendionreiso -- I'm about 1500 miles from the machine and the owner doesnt have a usb stick to sacrifice :)03:39
reisioAscendion: sure sure :p03:40
irctc084wafflejock: i just need to login in order to access to the encrypted folder? or i need the encrypt key?03:40
wafflejockirctc084: I would imagine the key but not familiar with encrypting home folders, I don't do it for this reason03:40
irctc084geekmasterflash: some packages could not be installed... the followinf packages have unmet dependecies: xserver-...03:41
wafflejockAscendion: have you tried just willing ubuntu onto it :)03:41
reisioAscendion: you're using sudo, right?03:41
geekmasterflashirctc084: Looks like we found your problem03:41
irctc084wafflejock:  thank you i will try just as last resort03:42
irctc084geekmasterflash:  miss dependecies?03:42
geekmasterflashirctc084: Yeah, you are missing depedencies for your graphics card, thus why you are getting a nice black screen. You need to fix the broken dependencies03:43
irctc084geekmasterflash: the complete text is: xserver-xorg-vide-intel : depende: xserver-xorg-core (>=2:
geekmasterflashirctc084: I belive you can try sudo apt-get -f install03:43
geekmasterflashirctc084: To fix it03:44
irctc084geekmasterflash: 0 updated 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded03:44
Ascendionresio I did "sudo bash" before I started this mess -- eject -T gives "ioctl: input/output error" but I'm able to access the disc for read if I insert a burned disc03:44
reisioAscendion: alright, well, that doesn't sound great03:44
reisioAscendion: define access03:45
Ascendionthats why I'm here -- very confused :)03:45
Ascendionaccess as in view and copy files from the disc03:45
reisioAscendion: you want to burn so you can install to the same box?03:45
irctc084geekmasterflash: the previous error says: unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages03:45
reisioAscendion: you want to reinstall Ubuntu?03:45
geekmasterflashirctc084: You done broke it good.03:45
Ascendionyes -- full clean  wipe --03:45
reisioAscendion: why? (real quick)03:46
geekmasterflashirctc084: Try sudo apt-get update03:46
geekmasterflashirctc084: Then try sudo apt-get install -f03:46
Ascendionjust to get up to date before installing the apps that are going on this box03:46
geekmasterflashirctc084: If that doesnt work, missing dependencies may not be resolvable03:47
reisioAscendion: why not update without reinstalling :p03:47
irctc084maybe this can help? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-removeinstall-and-reconfigure-xorg-without-reinstalling-ubuntu.html geekmasterflash03:47
wilee-nileeAscendion, You can booth the iso from grub 2 if you like.03:47
irctc084geekmasterflash: same but this time 7 not upgraded03:47
Ascendionreiso -- wasnt aware that update in place was possible03:48
reisioAscendion: yes of course03:48
wafflejockooh wilee-nilee was thinking about that for clonezilla how?03:48
reisioAscendion: what version is it? What version do you want?03:48
Ascendionon 12.04 want 13.1003:48
geekmasterflashirctc084: At this point, you're beyond my skill level to assist. :/ I'd try the suggestions on that link, but unless you can get the dependencies in order I am sure what else I could suggest.03:49
IncrediblePonyIt's complaining that it's finding some kind og GPT table or something like that03:49
irctc084it sounds strange that i'm on a shell and there is no way to acceed to the encripted folde via console?03:49
IncrediblePonywhat does that mean?03:50
irctc084geekmasterflash:  thank you again i really appreciate your help03:50
geekmasterflashirctc084: Uh, burn an iso to a dvd and liveCD it?03:50
irctc084yes that is what i'm going to try now03:50
geekmasterflashIncrediblePony: It means you try to dual boot on a protected disc03:50
IncrediblePonyand what do I do if I don't have any discs?03:50
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Has the computer ever had W8 on it?03:50
reisioAscendion: I guess the upgrade path for that particular jump would be pretty tedious, even though it shouldn't be :p03:51
reisioAscendion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot03:51
nullsignanyone have a good way to generate entropy for gpg creation if you only have access via shell? no mouse - etc03:52
wafflejockcould have saved so many DVDs :)03:52
reisiowell, reinstalling a Unix system for a reason other than changing hardware architecture is a bit silly03:52
reisiobut yeah, you could have03:52
wafflejockreisio: eh just thinking clonezilla03:53
irctc084geekmasterflash:  wafflejock   i'm inside the encrypted folder !!!!03:53
reisiooh, diff convo :)03:53
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: no it hasn't03:53
IncrediblePonyonly w703:53
pinPointwhat does aptitude -y full-upgrade do exactly? does it help with custom packages?03:53
wafflejockreisio: no in reply to the ISO booting thing... meaning I can boot from clonezilla iso without burning it, good tip03:53
irctc084geekmasterflash:  wafflejock   sometimes the thing are so easy that we can not realize straight away!03:53
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, The W8 factory installs are on uefi computers with gpt partitioning, I have seen a few W7 this way. The partition tables are set for gpt and a reloading of standard partitions will throw an error like this.03:54
reisiowafflejock: ah03:54
wafflejockirctc084: good to hear it03:54
reisiowafflejock: or you could just use all the stuff clonezilla has without booting into a new environment :p03:54
irctc084wafflejock: do you want me to share how?03:54
wafflejockreisio: yeah but it's nice and makes less mistakes than me03:54
wafflejockreisio: I've been using rsync recently with cron03:54
reisiowafflejock: :)03:54
wafflejockreisio: but nice to have clonezilla for an occasional full shot03:54
nullsignanyone have a good way to generate entropy for gpg creation if you only have access via shell? no mouse - etc03:55
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, An apple computer? I'm just trying to track down any gpt possibilities, apples are partioned with gpt.03:55
wafflejockirctc084: indeed03:55
moppynullsign: Hit keys at random? Draw playing cards?03:55
nullsignmoppy: i only have access via shell..03:56
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: what can I do to make this go away?03:56
nullsignmoppy: i think it's annoying i need to use a GUI to make a GPG key..03:56
nullsignmoppy: there ought to be a more clean way03:56
wafflejocknullsign: I'm sure you could use ambient noise or the like in a similar fashion but not sure about anything out of the box03:56
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Answering questions is a good start so we can be sure what we do is appropriate. ;)03:57
moppynullsign, gpg --genkey?03:57
nullsignmoppy: correct03:57
nullsignwafflejock: the best I've got is doing this - for i in {1..1000000}; do echo $RANDOM; done03:57
nullsignbut since /dev/random isn't really random.. im not sure how safe this is?03:57
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: Sry, didn't see your question :P - no this is an ASUS computer of the rog gaming series03:57
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, You have a live ubuntu CD?03:58
wilee-nileeor usb/dvd03:58
moppy<moppy> nullsign: Hit keys at random? Draw playing cards?03:58
wafflejocknullsign: I don't think I really understand the need for entropy in this scenario to advise on how much it matters or not03:59
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: I'm using USB atm trying to install ubuntu, I've been using UUI and unetbootin to install my ubuntu iso on the USB03:59
wafflejocknullsign: some advice here http://www.thingy-ma-jig.co.uk/blog/22-01-2010/generate-entropy-gnupg04:00
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, UUI do you mean UEFI, and is that what you want? You still have W7?04:00
IncrediblePonyUUI meaning Universal USB Installer, and W7 is gone.. I've been trying with and w/o W7 on my pc04:01
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: same error every time04:01
wafflejockIncrediblePony: yeah I've used MultiBoot ISO and UUI before a bit but had much better luck with discs in general04:02
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Cool use this app, bootrepair to run just the bootinfo summary, it will tell us some key info on the gpt error post the the url to that summary.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair04:03
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: but I have no OS atm, will it work if I boot from USB just as a portable?04:04
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Yes, take a look at the link, it tells you how to run it from the live ubuntu usb.04:05
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, What ai want is just the bootinfo summary it is on the gui, it generates a web link post it.04:06
=== geekmasterflash_ is now known as geekmasterflash
Boneheads1999I need help.  I have Ubuntu 12.04.  Screenshot of my desktop: http://imgur.com/NNlwey3  What I would like my desktop to look like: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Ubuntu_12.04.png04:06
=== waigani_ is now known as waigani
Boneheads1999basically my goal is to get those cool buttons on the left and the nicer bar at the top04:06
wafflejockBoneheads1999: it's unity04:07
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, Dude your stupid to run that OS you have no ides what is there.04:07
wafflejockBoneheads1999: as already suggested you should just download fresh Ubuntu from the site and you'll be good04:07
wilee-nileebonehead is right. ;)04:07
Boneheads1999wafflejock Yeah I am totally up for doing that.. but I have no idea how to.  Could anybody link me to it or04:07
wafflejockBoneheads1999: http://www.ubuntu.com/04:07
wafflejockBoneheads1999: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop04:08
wafflejockBoneheads1999: Either way works 12.04 will have slightly longer support since it's a 5 year supported release but either one should be fine04:08
=== Mercury_J is now known as haha
Boneheads1999Wafflejock:  Okay.  I'll go ahead and download Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit04:09
wafflejockBoneheads1999: just download the file there then follow the instructions linked on the left of the download on how to proceed... basically you're just gonna burn this image to a disc then boot with it in the drive and follow the steps04:09
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, Make sure the hardware is up for running 12.04 from a thrift store it may be to old to even boot a pae kernel or powerful enough to run it.04:10
Boneheads1999I have like 1 GB RAM if that means anything, lol04:10
wafflejockBoneheads1999: what wilee-nilee says is true be sure the hardware is up to snuff04:10
reisioBoneheads1999: means you have like 1 GB RAM04:11
wafflejockBoneheads1999: you will be better off most likely with Xubuntu or Lubuntu, something with less graphical overhead... perhaps the GPU is okay though04:11
wilee-nileeBoneheads1999, Thats good, I would just wonder about the chip, and age is all, my comments are basically so you don;t waste your time and use the install that will work.04:11
wafflejockyou may*04:11
wilee-nileefailure is learning though. ;)04:12
Boneheads1999wafflejock wait a second04:12
Boneheads1999wafflejock I don't have a disc drive04:13
Boneheads1999wafflejock i'm laughing04:13
wafflejockBoneheads1999: no worries see the link reisio pasted up above04:13
wafflejockBoneheads1999: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot04:13
wafflejockBoneheads1999: optionally can go the USB route but as I said to others here, haven't been very lucky with that myself04:13
irctc084geekmasterflash: can you please tell me wich is the shell command to run the xorg?04:14
irctc084ok, thank you04:15
Ben64it should be sudo service lightdm start04:16
* wilee-nilee hears Frank Zappa's coneheads in the back ground04:16
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: I'll go to bed... I'm too tired to get any more done04:18
nightdemon666Lol, startx doesnt work on ubuntu???04:19
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Sure do your self a favor though and run that bootinfo and use the ubuntu forums for help.04:19
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: I ran the boot repair but it just claimed success and no link, so I have nothing to give you04:19
=== simpleirc is now known as Guest51189
MajSlayerhey guys, how do i install a GUI on ununtu? this dedicated server is pretty much blank..04:20
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, You loaded the ppa and used just the bootinfo summary?04:20
chicognunightdemon666, well it shoud work04:20
MajSlayeranyone got a good link?04:20
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reisioMajSlayer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but04:20
reisioMajSlayer: it'sll make a _server_ less secure and less efficient04:20
MajSlayerwell i best setup ftp them04:21
reisioMajSlayer: just use ssh04:21
MajSlayerneed red5 rc1 on there04:21
MajSlayerand not sure how to get it..04:21
reisioyou can mount whatever you need via sshfs04:21
reisioand it'll look just like any other directory04:21
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IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: I have no idea what I've run tbh.. I'm so tired I can't focus04:21
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: the bootinfo is what? and where do I access it?04:22
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Cool, well that script will give important info on the gpt error. The gui of the bootrepair has a bootinfo button you will see it on the web page.04:23
Boneheads1999How do I know if I have GRUB2?04:23
Boneheads1999sorry gtg04:24
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: okay, thank you :) I'll see if I remember it for tomorrow04:24
IncrediblePonywilee-nilee: nn everyone04:24
wilee-nileeIncrediblePony, Cool.04:24
lolcatIs there any simple, easy, non-annoying way to stream audio from ubuntu to dlna?04:25
irctc084how can i mount a fat32 usb drive via shell?04:26
savorywatt_nick savorywatt04:27
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fahadashgedit is annoying, how do I make it stop creating extra files with ~ prefixes ?04:30
fahadashIt has filled my whole file system with garbage04:30
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fahadashOr at least, save it somewhere /tmp04:30
nightdemon666So, as i may assume you already know that those ~ prefixes are "backups" i just learn to deal with the fact that some smarty did me a favor and made it to where a backup copy gets saved automatically, and i can delete if i want to :-) means i need to remember to groom the FS as i go when i make changes to config files :-P04:35
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trismfahadash: http://askubuntu.com/questions/83026/prevent-gedit-from-creating-files-with-the-tilde-suffix04:37
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fahadashnightdemon666, I can manage my own carefulness, no thanks04:38
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MajSlayerwhat command do i run to install ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10?04:45
Nothing_MuchMajSlayer: You run "sudo do-release-upgrade"04:45
MajSlayerthanks Nothing_Much04:45
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wafflejockfahadash: just use nano or sublime text or geany if you don't like how gedit does things04:47
wafflejockfahadash: or vi or vim if you like modes04:47
SchrodingersScatI only use sed04:47
wafflejockI recently started using jedit for some stuff too it's kinda nice04:48
wafflejockused it for doing some XML cleanup and the regex search and replace helped a lot04:48
nightdemon666I just use vi04:50
lotuspsychjewafflejock: hello mate04:50
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wafflejocklotuspsychje: hiya lotuspsychje05:04
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wafflejockAbicus: you can PM ubottu05:07
wafflejockAbicus: though it does not know umask05:07
AbicusAh, didn't think about that. I did see it didn't know umask05:07
wafflejockAbicus: yeah just figured I'd let you know, I occasionally check it for things05:09
AbicusIt's been a great help for me learning :) Is there anyway to just acquire it's database of links?05:10
SchrodingersScatAbicus: I've heard of such a thing.  Yes.05:11
AbicusSchrodingersScat: Love the name. A little dark but clever. How might I find this database?05:11
SchrodingersScatAbicus: All I know is someone here knows it.05:12
IdleOne!bot > Abicus05:13
ubottuAbicus, please see my private message05:13
Eliyahuhello i have a dell inspiron 1526 and the audio isnt appearing to work for the microphone , the video is working and sound is working but not mic for usb webcam or input jack mic05:13
AbicusAwesome! Thank you IdleOne05:13
wafflejockEliyahu: install alsa-mixer05:14
SchrodingersScatand now i know too05:14
SchrodingersScatUntil the forgetting :(05:14
wafflejockThe more you know *05:14
wafflejockEliyahu: sudo apt-get install alsa-mixer05:15
georgijHi I am experiencing some issues with my Wireless I can05:15
Eliyahuwafflejock:  thank you05:15
wafflejockEliyahu: when you run it (alsa-mixer) you'll see volume sliders and 00 or MM under each one of the sliders, use arrows to move around and M to mute or Unmute use F6 I believe for switching cards05:16
ubottugeorgij,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:16
wafflejockEliyahu: np05:16
georgijHi I am experiencing some issues with my Wireless I can't get it working no matter how much I try, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 Kernel. I can't find it with "ip link" when writing "lspci -k" I find it and it says it's using kernel module: "wl".05:17
wafflejockgeorgij: does it show up in iwconfig05:18
georgijwafflejock: Hi, no it doesn't :(05:18
wafflejockgeorgij: think you may not have the right drivers loaded then... use your lspci output to find the appropriate driver is your best bet05:19
Eliyahuafter it installs05:19
Eliyahuyou type alsa?05:19
wafflejockEliyahu: alsamixer05:19
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georgijwafflejock: It says that the "Kernel driver in use: wl" from using the command "lspci -k"05:20
wafflejockEliyahu: it's very basic graphical interface but is the low level audio controller so if stuff is muted here not sure that it works in pulse or jack05:20
wafflejock!alsa | Eliyahu05:20
ubottuEliyahu: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:20
wafflejockgeorgij: sorry not sure if that means that it's actually working or it's just the currently loaded though05:21
wafflejockgeorgij: I have an Intel 6235 N wifi and it uses iwlwifi05:22
wafflejockEliyahu: sorry believe the package was alsa-utils I imagine you got that figured out though05:22
georgijwafflejock: I have BRoadcam BCM4311. I try to rmmod wl but it just hangs and I have to terminate it with the break character.05:23
Ben64!broadcom | georgij05:23
ubottugeorgij: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:23
Ben64georgij: you have pretty much the worst wireless chip for linux, it's not easy to get working sometimes05:23
georgijBen64: fml? lol05:24
cfhowlettBen64, my mileage varies then.  I used the 10.04 ISO for source, editied a couple of files in terminal and fired up my bcm 4312 wifi without even a reboot.  took about 90 second05:24
Ben64cfhowlett: hence the "sometimes" at the end of my statement :P05:25
Ben64georgij: i'd suggest getting a cheap well supported usb card, or maybe install a more recent ubuntu05:26
cfhowlett^^^ agreed.05:26
wafflejockgeorgij: yeah probably Ben64 suggestion is best05:26
wafflejockgeorgij: I've bought a few wifi adapters just for OS compatibility in one case OS X but usually aim for something Linux friendly too05:27
Ben64i couldn't get my broadcom to work at all on my laptop with 12.04, but 13.10 worked out of the box05:27
wafflejockthe preloaded drivers in the kernel for newer versions has been much better recently05:27
Ben64this is what i got that works on everything ----> www.monoprice.com/Product?p_id=807205:28
wafflejockBen64: nice monoprice is mostly amazing05:28
Ben64indeed it is05:28
wafflejockBen64: it is what you pay for but when you don't need much it's great05:29
Ben64you get much more than what you pay for at monoprice05:29
Boneheads1999ok so how do I know if I have Grub205:29
wafflejockBen64: yeah basically what i meant... sometimes the stuff is a bit cheapy but really how classy can a mini USB wifi adapter get05:29
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Ben64Boneheads1999: what version of ubuntu did you install05:29
BeldarBoneheads1999, run grub-install -v05:30
Ben64by the way, 1.99 = grub205:30
Boneheads1999Ben64: I'm currently downloading 12.04.3 (an .iso file)05:30
Boneheads1999Beldar: thanks05:31
molgrumanyone else that can't open empathy contact list?05:31
Boneheads1999Beldar: here were my results05:32
Boneheads1999user@ubuntu:~$ grub-install -v05:32
Boneheads1999grub-install (GRUB) 1.99-21ubuntu3.1005:32
Beldarthat be grub 205:32
Boneheads1999ok thx05:32
Boneheads1999OK since I don't have a Disc Drive05:33
Boneheads1999and want to install Ubuntu05:33
Boneheads1999I'm following the Grub2/ISOBoot05:33
Boneheads1999which are: Download and store Ubuntu ISOs05:33
Boneheads1999Create a GRUB 2 menuentry for running the ISO directly from a file05:33
Boneheads1999Install Ubuntu directly from an ISO file via the GRUB 2 menu05:33
FloodBot1Boneheads1999: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
wafflejockBoneheads1999: yup sounds like it should work05:34
BlueProtomanWhat are some good livestreaming solutions for Ubuntu?05:35
wafflejockBlueProtoman: explain livestreaming?05:35
Ben64Boneheads1999: not sure where those instructions are from but thats overcomplicated. you can either write the iso directly to a usb drive, or use something like unetbootin to do it05:35
BlueProtomanwafflejock: Streaming from my desktop, that is.05:35
Eliyahuwafflejock:  it said it couldnt find package05:35
wafflejockBlueProtoman: there is XBMC there is VLC05:35
wafflejockEliyahu: yeah sorry I corrected up there at some point, it's sudo apt-get install alsa-utils05:35
BlueProtomanwafflejock: I don't quite think we're on the same page.  I meant streaming the contents of my desktop (i.e. I want the world to be able to see what I'm doing).05:35
BlueProtomanKind of like what artists sometimes do.05:36
wafflejockBlueProtoman: ah I'm not sure about live streaming05:36
Boneheads1999Ben64: well wafflejock said that using a USB drive is less reliable than grub205:36
wafflejockBlueProtoman: vokoscreen is good for capture05:36
Ben64Boneheads1999: it works fine05:36
wafflejockBoneheads1999: it's been my experience USB is not reliable I'm not familiar with the Grub2 method just to clarify05:36
BlueProtomanwafflejock: Does it stream to the Internet, or does it just record to video?  I want to stream to the Internet.05:37
wafflejockBlueProtoman: just meant for recording05:37
Boneheads1999wafflejock and Ben64: well I have a flash drive should I just do that?05:37
BlueProtomanwafflejock: Hrm, that won't do.  I want streaming.05:37
wafflejockBlueProtoman: perhaps something on Justin.Tv or Ustream not sure though05:37
Ben64yeah, its simple05:37
Beldarbeware of those more than willing to help you here the especially the longer it takes.05:37
Boneheads1999wafflejock and Ben64: and I have a flash drive, but it has some stuff on it.  There's plenty room for the .iso, but just sayin'.05:38
wafflejockBen64: experience has been not all flash drives end up booting or not all BIOS support boot from USB or work05:38
wafflejockBeldar: what does that mean?05:38
Ben64easier to use usb than overwriting the mbr without a way to fix it05:38
Eliyahuwafflejock:  its already green in the synaptic package maneger an installed05:39
wafflejockEliyahu: can just run alsamixer from command line then to get in there05:39
Boneheads1999All I want to know is if I should just go ahead and do the USB drive method05:39
Ben64Boneheads1999: yes05:40
wafflejockBoneheads1999: it's definitely worth a shot if you've got a flash drive around05:40
wafflejockBoneheads1999: I was just saying my experience has been bad with it so giving an alternative05:40
Eliyahuwafflejock:  ok it opened up the mixer now what do i do to test the mic/05:40
wafflejockEliyahu: you just want to look around in here for the mic inputs and make sure they don't have MM underneath them05:41
Eliyahuall of the 0s have green and white and red levels all the way up to the top of the box05:41
Eliyahuan the nm has nothing in it05:41
Boneheads1999in the case that it ends up not booting or something from the USB drive, will there be any way to fix it or will I be completely screwed?05:41
wafflejockEliyahu: F6 to change sound devices too, look around in the interface to see what you can do... basically you just want to make sure the mics aren't muted here though05:42
Eliyahumic boos 100/10005:42
Ben64Boneheads1999: take out the usb drive and nothing will have been changed05:42
Boneheads1999oh ok Ben6405:42
wafflejockEliyahu: you can use audacity to easily pick between different mic inputs to check if they're working05:42
wafflejockEliyahu: sudo apt-get install audacity05:42
Eliyahuaudacity is open05:43
wafflejockEliyahu: it's a nicer graphical interface and has a little mic drop down for selecting your inputs so test from there then05:43
wafflejockEliyahu: you can also use arecord at the command line... there's some good arch docs on it05:43
wafflejockEliyahu: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture05:43
Boneheads1999one more question.  Once I have a bootable USB drive, should I shut down the computer then stick it in?  or stick it in on the login screen.. or what do I do?05:45
wafflejockEliyahu: I had similar issues... turned out one of them was the USB camera was hooked through a USB hub, the other part was my external mic had actually broken... so hardware failure I mistook for software failure05:45
Ben64Boneheads1999: well if you want to boot from it, it needs to be in the computer during boot05:46
wafflejockBoneheads1999: it should be in there on boot, you can select either boot options at your BIOS POST screen or in the BIOS setup changing the boot priority05:46
ObrienDaveI've had no problems installing to a USB drive05:47
wafflejockObrienDave: yeah I have like 5 bootable USB flash drives I use for playing with random distros, it works most of the time, but not on all computers, particularly not on older machines05:48
Eliyahuwafflejock:  i am middle manning the commands to a new user i set up the ubuntubox and shipped it to that person and now they put their own webcam in and it doesnt have audio but my webcam i tested the audio on worked05:49
ObrienDavewell, no, the computer must support booting from a USB HD, of course05:49
wafflejockObrienDave: right but even so I've had situations where some pariticular flash drive doesn't work but then another one in the same machine works it's just more wonky than with a DVD or CD05:50
ObrienDaveThis is true, but you cant update the system on a CD or DVD05:51
wafflejockObrienDave: well I just use it for install then toss it... it's a bit of an unfortunate waste but worth it for my time05:52
wafflejockObrienDave: I just trust that bootable CDs/DVDs which have worked for more than ten years now are all good everywhere always.... except when you have no DVD drive05:53
wafflejockEliyahu: would verify they aren't using a hub, even so mine worked in Audacity actually it just wasn't working in google hangouts05:55
wafflejockEliyahu: beyond that you can use the stuff in the alsa guide I linked from the arch wiki to use arecord and the like to capture audio if you suspect any problems in audacity, do you see the mic input in alsamixer?05:56
wafflejockEliyahu: when you hit F6 in there you should see a USB option if you don't I don't think it's seeing the webcam mic05:57
ObrienDavewafflejock, also true, that's why I keep a few DVD-RW for installs ;))05:59
MajSlayerThis session appears to be running under ssh, It is not recommended to perform a upgrade over ssh currently because in case of failure it is harder to recover.06:01
MajSlayer^ something to really worry about?06:01
wafflejockMajSlayer: well it's true if ssh can't start back up and you don't have physical access...06:02
MajSlayeraye says it will make a second shh on port 102206:02
MajSlayerbut alas, being its a dedicated server, how else can i upgrade it?06:02
wafflejockMajSlayer: just saying would make backups if possible06:03
wafflejockMajSlayer: I use AWS they have options for snapshot06:03
wafflejockMajSlayer: but like you say it's the only way06:03
MajSlayeryeah not sure what else to do currently06:03
MajSlayerbeing it has nothing on it really, most likely run fine..06:03
MajSlayeri'll give it a go, what the hey, figure 13.10 is better?06:04
wafflejockMajSlayer: I dunno I've stuck with 12.04 most places still so far06:05
wafflejockMajSlayer: used some PPA to get the latest PHP and Apache but don't see the advantage personally06:05
MajSlayerheck i'll just give the upgrade a go06:05
MajSlayer13.04 was a little flakey to me06:06
MajSlayeri liked 12 myself06:06
MajSlayerso maybe .10 will be better06:06
MajSlayer54 seconds to download 250mb not bad..06:09
kevinATI video card here. is there a way i can quickly switch between radeon and fglrx modules (after reboot of course) or must i continuously uninstall and reinstall fglrx?06:10
kevinmaybe blacklist the module and remove the driver line from xorg.conf or something06:11
babinlonstonHi all , Any Linux admins Here to give me Good linux Contents for My Blog06:12
Ben64babinlonston: this is the ubuntu support channel, any other topic does not belong here06:12
* ObrienDave jealous of MajSlayer connection speed ;P06:12
MajSlayeryeah hope this OneStep server turns out to be good06:13
MajSlayerbut its really my connectin per say...06:13
kevinsounds reasonable. lets reboot and see what happens06:14
darkelfjuggaloI just installed a 64-Bit Ubuntu 13.04 ISO into an Acer Aspire 5534 [AMD Anthalon 64] the installer said everything went through properly, and asked me to restart... when I restarted, it cannot find the Operating system06:14
Beldarbabinlonston, An?d this relates to ubuntu how06:14
babinlonstonBelder i need Ubuntu Contents so what asked06:15
Beldarbabinlonston, You want some cute little penguins.06:15
ObrienDavebabinlonston, *ubuntu-offtopic06:16
ObrienDavebabinlonston, #ubuntu-offtopic06:16
MajSlayerokay bit of a problem, being new to grub, when it updated grub (for the 13.04 to 13.10) its asking me to pick /dev/sda (harddrive info here), dev/sda1 boot (225mb) or dev/sda3 (11728mb)06:18
Beldardarkelfjuggalo, This a dual boot with say W8, or at least W8 was there at one time?06:19
MajSlayerwhat one should i choose? i'm guessong the sda1 boot one correct?06:19
Ben64MajSlayer: should be sda06:20
MajSlayerokay so first choice06:20
babinlonstonBeldar: :p Better you Buy some Sheeps and go to field06:20
MajSlayerjust don't want to mess up this upgrade06:20
Beldarbabinlonston, What ever you heard I own no wool. ;)06:21
MajSlayerhavent used linux in 10 years..lol well not over ssh and on a remote computer06:21
* Beldar whistles the coneheads06:22
ObrienDavethought that nick was familiar ;)06:22
Eliyahuhow do i set up remote administration in ubuntu 13.1006:23
MajSlayerwell here goes, reboot required, hope this goes well06:23
x1337807xHow would I reload the new shell (just changed to bash) in the middle of a bash script?06:23
Eliyahui want to remove an ubuntu box i am needing to fix at another persons house06:23
Eliyahui want to remote an ubuntu box i am needing to fix at another persons house06:23
ro9greeting fellow users06:23
Ben64Eliyahu: just once is fine06:23
BeldarObrienDave, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-U_wH-fVGU06:24
Seb_bdayYouTube Title: Frank Zappa - Conehead, Live Performance, 1978 Views: 3,456 Length: 9:16 User: tomtiddler106:24
BeldarSeb_bday, Your a bot06:24
ro9my netstat -tap shows netbios-ssn and microsoft-ds where that came from06:25
ObrienDaveOOOO, a Zappa fan, I LIKE you already LMAO06:25
Ben64ObrienDave, Beldar: #ubuntu-offtopic06:25
x1337807xIs this impossible? Switching from sh to bash mid-script?06:25
Beldarhow about the bot in our midst06:26
Ben64tell #ubuntu-ops06:26
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x1337807xMaybe just give me a hint? I'm having a hard time Googling for the answer.06:28
Ben64x1337807x: maybe ask #bash ? but they don't like questions about not-bash06:29
x1337807xI'll give it a shot, thanks06:29
Tm_Tx1337807x: start the script with "#!/bin/bash" and the rest of the script should be run with bash then I believe06:30
user__How do I install multiple conky widgets?06:31
x1337807xTm_T: Good call, thanks.06:32
linuxlite1983anyone knows here06:32
Tm_Tx1337807x: you can find more info about that for example from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%2906:32
robierobhey room06:33
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Beldarlinuxlite1983, there is a channel with that name.06:34
linuxlite1983ok thaanks06:34
user__How can I install multiple conky widgets?06:38
noobletI have a question regarding openssh06:42
noobletI want to shutdown a server and when I log into the super user profile on the server using ssh I type: shutdown -h 03:00 to make it shutdown at 3AM06:43
noobletbut I want to close off the terminal and shutdown my own computer06:43
noobletwould closing the terminalcancel the command I sent to the server through ssh?06:44
syriousI need help with installing AMD Catalyst control center, does anyone have experience with this program?06:44
Ben64!anyone | syrious06:44
ubottusyrious: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.06:44
Ben64nooblet: i've never used shutdown that way, you could try it and find out. or, use something like screen on the server06:45
noobletHow would you do it?06:46
noobletYOu want to shutdown your server at 3AM through Openssh and go to your bed06:46
Ben64well i never turn my server off, kind of defeats the purpose of a server. but i would use screen06:46
MajSlayerwell dang installing grub onto sda, well not she wont boot06:46
noobletshutdown the computer you used to log into the server via SSH06:46
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
wafflejocknooblet: can possibly setup a cron job to shutdown at 3AM06:50
ObrienDaveMajSlayer, what exactly is it doing or not doing?06:50
wafflejocknooblet: not sure how the delayed shutdown works though it may be fine too06:50
noobletCould you tell me how to do that?06:50
MajSlayerwell i got it to reboot06:50
syriousben64: ubottu: I know I've seen you guys on here before, I am very super extra new to the whole of the linux world. I literally have no idea what I'm doing and trying to learn the best I can as I go along. I know it's not the most recommended way to go about learning something new, but it is how I learn. Sadly, when looking for help through the ubuntu forms, chats, and other various support avenues, I am bombarded by people who continuously06:50
syrious treat me either like an idiot, or explain things to me as if I have been doing this for a while and know what it is you all are saying. I apologize if I offend anyone or get on anyones nerves, but for once I would like for someone to treat me as I am, a guy, trying to LEARN something, and help me accordingly06:50
MajSlayerhad to use LEAP3 from siglehop and tell it to reboot from there06:50
MajSlayerjust didn't reboot from ssh i guess06:50
wafflejocknooblet: haven't used it for shutdown but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto06:50
MajSlayerbut what it wasnts doing was allowing to to ssh back into it, even after 5 mins06:51
MajSlayerguess putty closed on me before some other question came up, no idea..06:51
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack_
Ben64syrious: the purpose of the !anyone trigger is to get you to actually ask a question. asking if anyone has used "____" doesn't really help. also, ubottu is a bot06:52
wafflejocksyrious: you get a mix in a random online community I try to be nice to people, it's hard though because sometimes you try to help people out and then they turn on you as though you owe them something, don't be offended if people expect you to know something or to try and figure it out for yourself, Ben64 was just trying to get you to explain your problem06:53
ObrienDavesyrious, and going on a "no help" rant does not help either06:53
wafflejocksyrious: the IRC channel has it's own etiquette part of that is when you come here for help you need to include as much detail as you possibly can and explain what you don't know... or else no one can help you06:54
MajSlayerwhat command would i type to see what version of Ubuntu i've upgraded to?06:54
wafflejockMajSlayer: lsb_release -a06:54
MajSlayerthanks wafflejock06:54
wafflejockMajSlayer: np06:55
MajSlayerhmm i dont think it has that package installed...06:56
MajSlayerhow do i download lsb_release package?06:57
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
lotuspsychjeMajSlayer: its not a package but a command to type in terminal06:57
tkelley13.10... Whenever I close the laptop lid and open it back up again, the login screen doesn't appear, and I'm forced to restart... is that a known issue?06:57
tkelleyI've got the power options set to suspend on lid close, which is what I want it to do06:58
lotuspsychjetkelley: maybe check settings in dconf editor, see if you can fix it there06:58
tkelleynot finding too much online... lots about black screens, but this is my regular screen with no content...mouse works too06:59
ObrienDavetkelley, or try and moving the mouse, press a key, etc.06:59
wafflejockMajSlayer: yeah never had to install it honestly not sure06:59
MajSlayerNo command 'lsb_release' found from 'lsb_release' package06:59
wafflejockMajSlayer: try to just install lsb_release06:59
Ben64are you sure you have ubuntu?06:59
tkelleyObrienDave: yeah, did that... it's worked for me forever on 12.0406:59
tkelleycan't even Ctrl-Alt-F106:59
tkelleyit's just frozen, except for the mouse07:00
MajSlayerinstall missing operand after 'lsb-release'07:01
Ben64MajSlayer: what does "cat /etc/issue" say?07:01
ObrienDavetypo, check it again ;)07:01
Boneheads1999I need help.  Running Ubuntu 12.04.  In Mozilla Firefox, on youtube.com, when trying to watch a Youtube video, the spot where the video player should be is just a black or white square/rectangle07:02
Boneheads1999as in07:02
Boneheads1999Flash don't work07:02
MajSlayerUbuntu 13.10:)07:02
lotuspsychjetkelley: maybe this can help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/365595/cant-hibernate-on-lid-close-13-1007:02
ManOfStllAnyone play Black ops?07:02
MajSlayerguess i'm upgraded, cool07:02
Ben64ManOfStll: not on topic here07:02
MajSlayerty Ben6407:02
wafflejockBoneheads1999: you need to run flash player installer07:03
lotuspsychjeBoneheads1999: did you install flashplugin-installer?07:03
MajSlayerand waffle once again:)07:03
wafflejockBoneheads1999: http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Flash-Player-on-Ubuntu07:03
wafflejockMajSlayer: de nada07:03
MajSlayeryeah until my book arrives from amazon07:03
MajSlayeri'm dangerous:)07:03
MajSlayerfirst remote server i've played with only via ssh07:04
wafflejockMajSlayer: I have books I'm still dangerous07:04
MajSlayeryep thats how it is:)07:04
MajSlayergotta be dangerous to learn07:04
wafflejockMajSlayer: to some degree... good to have stable systems too07:04
MajSlayerno risk, no reward07:04
MajSlayeroh yeah now thats for sure07:04
MajSlayerjust saying you often do learn things by your mistakes07:05
wafflejockMajSlayer: indeed07:05
MajSlayergranted its a horrible way to go about it.lol07:05
=== hotfloppy is now known as Guest37171
wafflejockMajSlayer: VirtualBox is great for mistakes07:05
MajSlayergive a guy a heart-attack.lol07:05
syriousBen64: ok fair enough, I did not know that, I will remember that in the future. As for my question, I have an HP 255 g1 notebook computer, I have installed Ubuntu 13.10 on it, the Graphics card does not seem to be pushing the same quality graphics as it did when the computer was on Win 8.1 (the original OS that the computer came with) when I go through the Additional drivers option through the settings tree it only gives me 4 different opti07:05
syriousons, and through all of them, nothing seems to change. I have tried to install the AMD Catalyst control center that goes with my hardware specs and even managed to get the correct drivers through AMD's website. I have tried to run a software update through the command line with no luck, and when I run the .run file through gedit (I have no idea what this program really does) it gets all the way through to almost the end, and then fails due07:05
syriousto some sort of scripting error ( I have not copied the error itself yet, and it will prolly be another 8 hours before I can get the error again if I restarted it now) so my question is this: is there a faster, simpler way to install the software that my hardware calls for? if so, what is it and can I please have it explained to me as if I am in an introductory class?07:05
wafflejockyeah need the heart07:05
FloodBot1syrious: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:05
Boneheads1999lotuspsychje & wafflejock: Looks like I already have "Adobe Flash plugin".07:05
=== Guest37171 is now known as PencintaKucing
MajSlayerlast version i use of linux was Mandrake to run a ISP way way back07:05
lotuspsychjeBoneheads1999: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?07:06
MajSlayereverything has changed soo much07:06
syriouswell shit, yet another thing I didn't know07:06
Boneheads1999lotuspsychje: Not yet.  I'll go do that one second.07:06
wafflejockBoneheads1999: do about:plugins in your browser bar to see plugins07:06
=== PencintaKucing is now known as hotfloppy
syriouscan I please mention now that I have absolutely no experience in IRC either?07:06
ObrienDave!language | syrious07:07
ubottusyrious: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:07
wafflejocksyrious: heh yeah the bots will make you feel dumb the first week or so :)07:07
lotuspsychjesyrious: asking in a chat is pretty easy07:07
Boneheads1999wafflejock: Okay, did that.  Shockwave Flash is listed there.07:07
wafflejockBoneheads1999: says version 11,2 something07:07
lotuspsychjeBoneheads1999: you did install your grafix driver correctly aswell?07:08
Boneheads1999wafflejock: Yeah I have version 11.207:08
ObrienDavesyrious, you just have to be fairly polite about it07:08
wafflejockBoneheads1999: hmm... sounds like it should be good then dunno07:08
Boneheads1999wafflejock: I'm gonna go ahead and do the restricted extras07:08
tkelleylotuspsychje: Hmm... that link still says they don't have the option for the lid switch event: "After rebooting Hibernate menu reappeared in Menu. But still unavailable in Power Settings -> when the lid is closed"07:08
Ben64syrious: well installing the drivers from the amd site is not supported and shouldn't be done. the Additional Drivers dialog is the correct way07:08
wafflejockBoneheads1999: I usually prefer chromium-browser myself but I have it in my firefox and it's working07:08
Ben64!ati | syrious and reading this could help too07:09
ubottusyrious and reading this could help too: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:09
lotuspsychjetkelley: not sure for 13.10, but i would go dig in dconf editor and check some energy options there07:09
tkelleyI'm having an insane amount of problems with 13.10... is that a common thing?07:09
lotuspsychjetkelley: it all depends on the machine also07:10
tkelleyI really can't remember having this many problems with 12.0407:10
syriousBen64: alright, however, the last time I tried reading that, I got a headache, lol. that and most of what it says sounds oddly like 90% of what I've already tried07:10
lotuspsychjetkelley: many others have no issues on 13.1007:10
wafflejocktkelley: I think 13.10 is still a bit shakey for some... others have said it's solid, not enough experience here to say07:10
tkelleyI'm on the same machine as my 12.04... only thing I've done is swapped out the HD for an SSD, and added some RAM07:10
wafflejocktkelley: what kinds of bugs?07:10
lotuspsychjetkelley: think at it this way: you helping the community to bug out07:10
tkelleythat shouldn't affect this type of thing, should it?07:11
syrioustkelley: out of curiosity, where are you from?07:11
wafflejocktkelley: well if the RAM has problems you could definitely get errors07:11
lotuspsychjesyrious: plz use this channel for ubuntu support questions07:11
tkelleywell, right now, it's that when I shut my lid and open it back up again, I don't see a login screen07:11
tkelleyI'm in Boston07:11
syriousfair, was just curious07:11
tkelleyyes, I know it's late :P07:12
lotuspsychjesyrious: we have a nice chitchat channel at #ubuntu-offtopic07:12
tkelleyI've been struggling with this install for a few days... my productivity at work has tanked :(07:12
wafflejocktkelley: always backup, always07:12
syriouslotuspsychje: I will keep that in mind07:12
tkelleyoh it's not about backing up07:13
lotuspsychjetkelley: best way is to grab 1 problem at once, and fix it in support here07:13
Ben64tkelley: then don't shut the lid? or change it so shutting the lid doesn't activate any power saving features?07:13
wafflejockyeah with the SSD boot time isn't a big deal07:13
lotuspsychjemaybe unity-wteak got energy tweaks aswell?07:13
wafflejockfiring back up a few apps isn't a big deal, if you use KDE it restores the session07:13
tkelleyBen64: But on the same machine, I've been shutting the lid on 12.04 for at least a year... And I know that one of these days it's gonna overheat in my bag :P07:13
Ben64then set it to shut down when the lid is closed?07:14
tkelleyno, no... I don't think I'm being clear... sorry :( My issue is that now that I've *up*graded, I'm having to go through all these hoops to do things the same way I used to07:15
lotuspsychjetkelley: with your ssd speed it will be speed boot anyway :p07:15
tkelleyI know, I know... it's like 20 seconds, which is awesome :D07:15
tkelleybut still... it used to be 5 to open the lid, you know?07:15
lotuspsychjetkelley: try a clean install, maybe beter luck or wait for 14.04 to come out07:15
wafflejocktkelley: that's why I was saying you should back up before you upgrade so you can go back more easily.. just made the same mistake myself... had rsynced everything but wish I had just dd'ed it07:15
tkelleyhaha this is a clean install! I've done a fresh install about 8-10 times today07:16
Ben64tkelley: and whats why i stay on LTS versions07:16
lotuspsychjetkelley: oh ok07:16
wafflejockwent from 13.04 to 13.10 and ran into some graphics issues I didn't want to deal with... so downgraded back to 12.0407:16
* lotuspsychje skipped 13.10 :p07:16
tkelleyhow big of a difference is 12.04 and 13.10? is it worth it?07:16
tkelley(vague question, I know...sorry)07:16
wafflejocktkelley: I don't think so... look at the changelog07:16
lotuspsychjetkelley: all depends on what your needs are07:16
lotuspsychjetkelley: if you are the guy, liking to test new versions..07:17
tkelleyjust for java development, web dev... apache, mysql, etc07:17
tkelleynothing fancy07:17
wafflejocktkelley: no not really I do web dev too have a different PPA for the latest PHP but that's about it07:17
tkelleycartainly nothing graphics-intensive07:17
wafflejocktkelley: look at the changelog though07:17
tkelleyok, I'll do that07:17
lotuspsychjetkelley: if you want longer stable support, stick to LTS like Ben64 suggested07:17
wafflejocktkelley: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes07:17
Ben64lotuspsychje, tkelley: yeah, especially since the non-lts versions are only supported for 9 months now07:18
tkelleyso in short, I'm not weird if I were to go back to 12.04... :)07:18
wafflejockthat would be sane07:18
tkelleylike, that's actually a thing that some people do07:19
lotuspsychjetkelley: 14.04 is about to come...so good news for lts world07:19
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
tkelleyis that LTS?07:19
wafflejocklong term support07:19
lotuspsychje!lts | tkelley07:19
ubottutkelley: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)07:19
Ben64yep, every 2 years07:19
wafflejockbeat me to it07:19
tkelleyno, i know what it means07:19
tkelleyjust didn't know if this version was it07:19
wafflejockyeah every 2 years so 12.04 then 14.0407:19
Ben64even.04 is LTS07:19
tkelleyI gather that the benefit there is that there's more dev effort on it?07:20
tkelleyit's supported for longer, so more things get fixed, etc?07:20
Ben64much longer support, more focus on stability, and way less upgrading to do07:20
lotuspsychjetkelley: it all depends on your machine... i had not 1 issue on 13.04 on my machine07:20
wafflejocktkelley: yeah just means it's focused on security upgrades for longer07:20
tkelleyyeah, I think every issue I've had has been with graphics07:21
wafflejocktkelley: pretty much all graphics or wifi issues07:21
Ben64most problems are with laptops really07:21
wafflejocktkelley: everything else generally works fine07:21
Ben64they have funky hardware setups07:21
lotuspsychjeand many machines run out of the box too!07:21
tkelleydo the LTS releases do more to address those types of problems?07:21
wafflejockyeah I've installed on lots of random machines doing IT work just too see if it works, most of the time the answer is yes minus wifi07:22
lotuspsychjewafflejock: last laptop i did had uefi, and just installed 13.04 out of the box, no issues, no bios tuning..07:23
wafflejocktkelley: LTS at least with 12.04 seems to work a bit more reliabiably in general, it was just a good release07:23
wafflejocktkelley: experience will vary with different hardware though for sure07:23
user__How can I remove all files in a dir matching *string*?07:23
tkelleythat settles it... I'm downloading it now :P07:23
lotuspsychjetkelley: that doesnt mean 14.04 will not have problems with your machine at the launch07:23
=== Guest99575 is now known as KacanuH
* xmetal agrees with lotuspsychje, 100% 07:24
lotuspsychjeshijo: welcome mate, what can we do for you?07:24
lotuspsychjeuser__: man rm07:24
xmetaleverytime i see "Precise" i think of that guy from Lord of the Rings, Smeagle07:25
lotuspsychje15.04 smiling smeagol07:25
Beldartkelley, You believed all that, hey I gotta bridge held by the nigerian royal family for sale.07:26
user__lotuspsychje: it says nothing about pattern matching07:26
Ben64lotuspsychje: 15.04 will XX07:26
tkelleyI'll believe anything after spending two days banging my head against a wall07:26
lotuspsychjeBen64: :p07:26
Guest62610 07:27
xmetallol ... smeagol  on the ubuntu development team ... just sitting there going "precissssssssse" .... then getting yelled at for not finishing the code he was suppose to get done07:27
xmetali can see it now07:27
user__How can I remove all files in a dir matching a string?07:27
lotuspsychjeuser__: so you want only specific files deleted from a folder?07:27
user__all containing the same string07:28
Ben64user__: rm /path/to/directory/*foobar*07:28
user__Ben64: btw they are .file files/dirs. Getting "no such file or dir exists" errors07:29
lotuspsychjeuser__: or here with a specific extension: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104831/how-to-delete-all-the-files-with-a-certain-extension-from-a-folder-and-all-of-it07:30
tkelleyuser__: Are you using the full path?07:30
Ben64user__: you want to delete directories too?07:30
user__yeah directories too07:30
Ben64then add -fr after the rm07:31
Ben64and be very careful with it, one wrong move will delete everything07:31
wafflejockyeah especially with a sudo07:31
wafflejockit's the nuclear detonator of linux, that and dd07:31
user__awesome, thanks gusy07:31
lotuspsychje!yay | user__07:32
ubottuuser__: Glad you made it! :-)07:32
Ben64pretty much anything with sudo and wildcards is full of danger07:32
wafflejockBen64: true07:32
Ben64people here have chmodded the entire partition to 777 and stuff07:32
wafflejockheh yeah that's no good either07:32
tkelleyyikes lol07:32
lotuspsychjehmm makes me think, i was looking for a bomb command to zero my hd's fast way if fbi rings my door07:33
wafflejocklotuspsychje: not really fast but dd does the trick I believe07:33
wafflejocklotuspsychje: think a hammer is faster though07:33
lotuspsychjewafflejock: will it not be recoverable after?07:33
xmetalhmm not a command but you could install windows 8 on it07:33
tkelleya guy put magnets around his doorframe on SVU one time :P07:34
wafflejockthe hammer?07:34
lotuspsychjexmetal: lol07:34
Ben64dd is the fastest and best way to zero a drive, but you can't do it from itself07:34
tkelleyand the cops obviously realized like 3 feet too late haha07:34
lotuspsychjeBen64: will photorec not be able to recover after dd zero?07:34
Ben64lotuspsychje: not at all07:34
lotuspsychjeBen64: nice07:34
wafflejockEMP is the best solution07:34
Ben64its full of zeros if you did it right, so you can recover... zeros07:34
wafflejock007 that sucka07:35
ObrienDavehammer is way more effective07:35
lotuspsychjeBen64: got it07:35
Ben64can retrieve info from hammered drive07:35
ObrienDavenot the way I would do it LOL07:35
wafflejockplus gives you a reason to buy a high amperage coil and capacitors you've been eyeing, which will give the FBI a reason to come07:35
lotuspsychjeyes indeed, there are special companys who recover magnetic spindle07:35
xmetalhmm this didn't ruin the pc, but just kicked a guy i know offline ... everytime he used his microwave, his wifi internet connection would die07:36
xmetallol i can see someone hammering the heck out of the HDD, then remembering they just ordred a pizza and it's the delivery guy07:36
j4ckxandxj1llGuys, who has experience in dual-booting win8-64 and Ubuntu LTS 64?07:37
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: is it an uefi machine?07:37
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: can you describe whats happening?07:37
j4ckxandxj1llWell, i have the live CD(atm i have 32bit, getting 64) and i get into grub to change boot priority. But grub won't see my CD drive07:38
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Ben64j4ckxandxj1ll: grub?07:38
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: you mean bios perhaps?07:39
j4ckxandxj1ll-_- sorry i always get them confused07:39
Guest22689Hi all, How do I 'automount' my NAS so it shows up as drives automatically in ubuntu?07:39
Ben64!fstab | Guest2268907:39
ubottuGuest22689: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:39
lotuspsychje!uefi | j4ckxandxj1ll07:39
ubottuj4ckxandxj1ll: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:39
Guest22689Thanks Ben64 :007:40
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: set cd to boot first in bios07:40
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: or try with liveusb07:40
j4ckxandxj1llThing is, my bios won't see my CD drive. I will try with a USB07:40
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: i would choose to disable secureboot and install ubuntu on whole hd07:40
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: loose w8 once and for good :p07:41
j4ckxandxj1lllol ikr win8 sucks07:41
j4ckxandxj1llBut i need it for games :307:41
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: you can game on ubuntu aswell07:41
=== andrean is now known as integricho
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: steam, playonlinux, appdb07:41
nannesoh, games... that's *THE* problem that people face07:41
j4ckxandxj1llI have tried installing League of legends on Ubuntu, and it gives me hell with nvidia cards07:42
nannesit's always the same07:42
j4ckxandxj1llik lol07:42
ObrienDaveoh, the importang things of life LOL07:42
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: try with playonlinux07:42
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | j4ckxandxj1ll07:42
ubottuj4ckxandxj1ll: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.1-1 (saucy), package size 1578 kB, installed size 3954 kB07:42
tkelley:curses nvidia:07:42
tkelley(for the umpteenth time today...seriously)07:42
j4ckxandxj1llI did try with playonlinux, bt it worked on one PC, not on the nvidia one :P07:43
nanneslotuspsychje: Realistically, win games will never run decently inside linux07:43
j4ckxandxj1llMy new Laptop has a nvidia card07:43
lotuspsychjenannes: thats not true! did you check dell alienware boxes?07:43
j4ckxandxj1llAlienware with Linux oO really wanna try that07:44
nanneslotuspsychje: Well i'm talking about *REAL* gaming.  High graphics modes07:44
lotuspsychjenannes: http://www.alienware.com/ubuntu/07:44
j4ckxandxj1llLike BF4 ultra xD07:44
j4ckxandxj1llBut i just play LoL, Minecraft and AC2 :P maybe BF307:44
ObrienDaveoh, the important things of life07:44
lotuspsychjej4ckxandxj1ll: if you want a stable and secure Os for everyday, use ubuntu on full hd :p07:45
j4ckxandxj1llik ik :P have been using Ubuntu full HDD since i was 5, and i am 16 now07:46
lotuspsychjenot sure on how virtualbox will perform on gaming07:46
ObrienDaveeven worse07:46
j4ckxandxj1llvirtualbox for gaming is baad :P07:46
j4ckxandxj1llUnless u wanna play Mario with a i7 xD07:47
lotuspsychjetime someone invents a multiarch deamon-tools like gaming engine07:47
j4ckxandxj1llGame developers should write games for Windows.... racists07:47
lotuspsychjewell opensource and money...07:48
lotuspsychjebut lets move back to support07:48
* ObrienDave wonders where the OT police are now07:48
j4ckxandxj1lllol ya07:48
nannesj4ckxandxj1ll: Well those games aren't really enough interesting to be the cause of keeping windows. I mean, if you talk about crysis,COD,PES... I would agree!07:48
nannesbut not those xD07:49
j4ckxandxj1llmeh, cod xD I can do that on wine07:49
j4ckxandxj1llnever played crysis07:49
nannesCOD on wine?  lol I don't wanna guess how much it sucks in graphics that way07:49
FloodBot1fe3Fxrf34Fj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:49
j4ckxandxj1llnannes, i wish i could UPGRADE to win7 :P07:50
fe3Fxrf34Fjit's true07:50
j4ckxandxj1llI will be getting my Ubuntu 12.04.3 64bit on the weekend, i will be back here if i need help ^^07:50
j4ckxandxj1llNow i gtg study, see ya07:50
fe3Fxrf34Fjyou pedos all wanted to talk to him07:51
fe3Fxrf34Fjthat's why you weren't interested in me... you're a bunch of pedophiles07:51
lotuspsychje!ops | fe3Fxrf34Fj07:51
ObrienDaveno feeding the troll07:51
ubottufe3Fxrf34Fj: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!07:51
lotuspsychjehere's an interesting thread about ubuntu gaming: http://askubuntu.com/questions/163903/gaming-performance-difference-between-windows-and-ubuntu07:52
fe3Fxrf34Fjit's not my fault you all want to rape boys07:52
lotuspsychjeMyrtti: tnx07:52
Myrttife3Fxrf34Fj: stop.07:52
fe3Fxrf34Fjstop what07:52
fe3Fxrf34Fjprotecting the innocent?07:52
ObrienDavebeing a jerk07:52
fe3Fxrf34Fji made my life standing up to bad guys07:52
Myrttife3Fxrf34Fj: this is a Ubuntu support channel, not your soapbox for whatever you're doing07:52
userHow can I swap my fn and ctrl keys around?07:53
Myrttife3Fxrf34Fj: if you don't have a Ubuntu support question or issue or aren't helping in them, then please refrain from whatever you're doing07:53
Ben64user: you likely cannot, fn usually doesn't appear as anything to the OS07:54
Feelsenburgis preseeding still the "best" way to install ubuntu unassisted?07:54
=== asus is now known as Guest79627
userBen64: I was able to do it with the original lenovo bootloader07:55
userbut I've formatted since then07:55
Ben64lenovo bootloader?07:55
lotuspsychjeFeelsenburg: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-intro.html07:55
userBen64: sorry bios07:57
Myrttiuser: and why can't you do it in bios now?07:57
FeelsenburgThanks. I was reading through that actually. Still seems to be the preferred method then.07:57
Ben64user: formatting doesn't change the bios...07:57
lotuspsychjeFeelsenburg: if thats what you need, yes07:57
usergood point07:58
userhaving trouble accessing it07:58
=== kevin is now known as Guest8799
lotuspsychjeuser: maybe the ##hardware channel might know07:58
FeelsenburgWell, I was looking for a kickstart equivalent for ubuntu07:59
MyrttiFeelsenburg: that document doesn't have a bit about kickstart?08:00
MyrttiFeelsenburg: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html08:00
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
* ObrienDave hears kickstart, thinks Amiga boot disk LOL08:03
* lotuspsychje hears amiga thinks c64 press play on tape08:05
lvlephCould someone point me in the direction of a how to for converting an EFI boot to an MBR boot for grub?08:06
lvlephThere are plenty that go the other direction, but...08:07
lotuspsychje!uefi | lvleph08:07
ubottulvleph: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:07
xmetaland back awhile ago i here "precise" and I rhink of Ubuntu 15.04 Smiling Smeagol08:08
xmetaler hear *08:08
lvlephlotuspsychje, the only directions on there that seem related requires a BIOS, but I am on a Mac08:09
lonmarloni'm using a lightdm08:09
auronandace!mac | lvleph08:09
ubottulvleph: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages08:09
lvlephand Boot-repair doesn't work08:09
lonmarloni'm unable to use xlaunch in windows08:10
lvlephthank you auronandace I have read that08:10
lonmarloncould someone guide me or give me an idea08:10
lonmarlonregarding about my host ubuntu 12.04 uses lightdm08:11
lonmarloni'm unable to use xlaunch through my host08:11
lvlephlonmarlon, are you using a vm?08:11
lvlephWhat do you mean by host? SSH08:12
lonmarlonanother computer08:12
lvlephand how are you getting into the server is what I am asking08:12
lonmarloni'm trying to use xlaunch i can login through ssh08:13
lvlephwhy not x forwarding?08:14
lonmarlonxlaunch = so it could like a remote desktop08:14
lvlephI don't know anything about xlaunch, but x forwarding using ssh may be easier and enough?08:14
lonmarloni would to see the desktop08:15
lvlephok, nm08:15
lonmarlonnot only the through shell08:15
auronandace!vnc | lonmarlon08:15
ubottulonmarlon: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX08:15
lonmarlonshould i also install vnc on my server? aside from my pc08:16
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wafflejocklonmarlon: yes08:16
lonmarlonaah ok i'll try08:16
wafflejocklonmarlon: you need VNC on both sides search for SSH tunnel for VNC08:16
wafflejocklonmarlon: that way can keep it all through SSH if you'd like08:16
lonmarlonthanks i understand08:17
sometuxlooking for onscreen keyboard for kde???08:21
reisiosometux: apt-cache search keyboard | grep -i kde08:24
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DarthDepaHi guys :) Is it possible that, with an HP 250 G1 (notebook), with only one video-card (Intel), I get screen shutdown at Ubuntu 13.10's boot?08:40
DarthDepaBoth live and installed version...08:40
DarthDepaAnd 13.04 too...08:40
reisioif you're saying that happens, I'd have to say it's possible, yes08:40
DarthDepareisio: lol yes :) Happens... Why?? Is it possible that depends on UEFI?08:41
reisioDarthDepa: I doubt it08:41
DarthDepaWhich may be the problem?08:42
DarthDepaA not supported video card?08:43
cfhowlettDarthDepa, pretty low spec machine.  you might find it's happier with lubuntu/xubuntu.08:44
DarthDepaIf I connect and external monitor, works fine08:44
reisioDarthDepa: look around during bootup for an option called 'nomodeset'08:44
DarthDepaand if I remove it, works with laptop monitor08:44
omriIs there an official mysql 5.6 package for precise? or any official mysql 5.6 package for that matter?08:45
reisioDarthDepa: so it works, but only after you connect an external monitor & disconnect it?08:45
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.08:45
DarthDepareisio: yes08:45
TazmainianDevilhi all I am running ubntu-server 12.04. I have two call two scripts in my /etc/rc.local file to be started at boot however only one gets executed how can I get both to execute ?08:45
VanessaEok, I've got a new problem - my machine hard-freezes when coming up from suspend.   Some cursory googling shows others with similar problems.  Where do I do now?08:45
reisioomri: nope08:45
VanessaEer, what do I do*08:46
reisioDarthDepa: is there a display on/off Fn+F# key combo on the keyboard?08:46
DarthDepareisio: no :(08:46
DarthDepareisio: there is only the possibility to switch between monitors... but not works...08:47
wieli used the app on pendrive linux's site to make ubuntu bootable and persistent on a usb stick. now ubuntu wont boot and i need an important file from the persistent storage08:48
wielwhat can i do?08:48
DarthDepareisio: no problem with Windows 8 and 7...08:49
DarthDepareisio: the notebook is new...08:49
DarthDepareisio: just unpacked...08:49
reisioDarthDepa: doesn't tell you much that it works in Windows08:50
DarthDepareisio: XD I told you only in order to exclude hardware problem :) I hate Windows...08:51
DarthDepareisio: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201301-12667/components/08:51
varunendraTazmainianDevil, it may help understanding your problem if you give us the pastebin link to your /etc/rc.local file.08:52
DarthDepareisio: means that is supported, right?08:52
TazmainianDevilvarunendra, um well my rc.local calls two cripts I made, let me upload them as well.08:53
reisioDarthDepa: dunno, looks that way08:53
DarthDepareisio: which way?? :)08:53
reisiothe way you described, "supported"08:54
MajSlayerwould installing TeamView be a good idea to ssh into a dedicated remote server, would it allow me access to a desktop? or would it still just be console only?08:54
DarthDepareisio: I don't know if is a "support" issue... :( If I remove the external monitor, works fine...08:54
reisioyou said :p08:54
DarthDepareisio: maybe lightdm problem?? but I trought with GDM and not works at all08:54
DarthDepareisio: no, I ask you :)08:55
reisioDarthDepa: I'd try booting http://sysresccd.org/ and seeing if there is a different result08:55
reisiothat would rule many other things out08:55
reisioit also has many boot options that could rule even more things out08:55
TazmainianDevilvarunendra, http://pastebin.com/dhpFDgxF08:55
DarthDepareisio: so, you suggest me that live and see if screen works?08:56
reisioDarthDepa: yup08:56
DarthDepareisio: I will check :) And come here to tell you result...08:57
TazmainianDevilLet me rephras, I am running ubntu-server 12.04. I have two call two scripts in my /etc/rc.local file to be started at boot however only one gets executed how can I get both to execute ? http://pastebin.com/dhpFDgxF08:58
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, do you background them?08:58
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, how do I get the first one to background ? The crucible one backgrounds itself08:59
varunendraTazmainianDevil, is it the "perforce.sh" script that doesn't get executed?08:59
TazmainianDevilvarunendra, no the crucible-start doesn't get executed08:59
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, add " &" (space, ampersand) at end of both lines. also, make sure your bash scrit starts with #!, not just !.08:59
varunendra+1 ^^09:00
jsonwhitehas anyone set up a virtualized environment with ubuntu? and mind explaining how to manually set up shared folders09:00
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, it does start with a # just the copy that was being stupid. Do I need to add a & ad the end of the cd line as well ?09:00
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, no. just in the RC file. & makes the left-side command run as a background job.09:01
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, awh I see what you mean let me try09:01
cfhowlettslut_tits, change the name please.  this is a family friendly channel09:02
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, also there are some points where you can optimize performance and stability of your scripts once you learn more about bash scripting.09:02
Sven_vBnothing bad in this case, though09:03
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, I will have a look, these scripts are currently just to get two program running at boot time.09:03
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TazmainianDevilprograms *09:04
the_drowWhat's the equivalent of visio in ubuntu?09:04
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reisiothe_drow: I believe koffice and libreoffice both have alternatives09:04
reisioEmi_: 'lo09:05
reisiothe_drow: oh yeah koffice is calligra now09:06
reisiolibreoffice draw / calligra flow09:06
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, okay the perforce one worked like a charm, the curcible one said it was starting but didn't launch correctly. Is there a way I can delay it being executed ?09:07
Sven_vBthe_drow, looking for flow diagrams?09:07
andreiiarIs there any difference on calling scrips from /etc/init.d from calling them with invoke-rc.d??? Why shuld I call them one way or the other????09:07
reisioandreiiar: you should probably call them with sudo service FOO09:08
reisioandreiiar: ...because that is how you're intended to09:08
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, after, cd, sleep 10s09:09
andreiiarI was told to run them directly from init.d folder but I've seen people calling them with invoke-rc.d. Nobody uses service09:09
linu1hi all i have been trying to read atr valuse using pn533 nfc reader,using libnfc and pcscd,when i started deamon it shows me http://pastebin.com/MKDVDfsb  can you please help me09:09
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, I mean I want to delay the curcible-start one ?09:09
varunendraTazmainianDevil, "sleep 10 && exec /Crucible/bin/start.sh"09:10
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, sorry, confused them. replace line 16 with ( sleep 10s; /etc/init/crucible-start ) &09:10
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, don't sleep in the main process of your rc or you will delay the whole script.09:10
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, oops09:11
Sven_vBhowever ( .. ) & makes all those go to background, including sleep.09:11
varunendraSven_vB, never thought about that delay thing, thanks for pointing that out :)09:11
TazmainianDevilvarunendra, so I put "sleep && exec ... " in the crucible-start ?09:12
varunendraTazmainianDevil, just read what Sven_vB said about it after my msg09:12
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, I put the sleep in my rc.local and it worked lol. so it goes /root/perforce.sh &   new line sleep 20 new line /etc/init/crucible-start &09:13
allstarsnorks2Hi guys09:13
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, that is varunendra's solution, which will delay your rc. that is unelegant, and might probably earn you warnings about bad startup performance once you have analysis software for that.09:14
user82hi. i created a shortcut for matlab in /usr/share/applications/ and now when i start it from the unity lens it runs and then shuts down again after a second or so. when i run the same command in the terminal it works well. did i miss anything?09:14
varunendraTazmainianDevil, yup, I agree completely with Sven_vB09:14
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, yeah before you said don't put it in the rc.local file I had already done that and rebooted.09:15
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, ok. then try better with ( ... ) &09:15
allstarsnorks2I feel stupid now. I just borrowed the"Official Ubuntu Book" CD, thinking it was an Ubuntu tutorial but it was actually a distribution of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS XD09:15
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, so with the curcible-start file would would it be "sleep 30 " new line " exe ..." ?09:15
reisioallstarsnorks2: but since you're online, you can get anything09:16
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, well, you can do that, but if you're not maintainer of the file in /etc/init/, don't touch it, or you get edit conflicts on updates.09:16
Sven_vB( sleep 30s; /etc/init/crucible-start ) & <--- should work just fine09:17
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, where would i put what you just said about the ( sleep ...) ?09:18
Sven_vBthis way, sleep is not in your rc process, because the & makes all the ( ... ) go to background, including sleep09:18
Sven_vByou'd put that in your RC09:18
Sven_vBreplacing line 16 of your pastebin09:18
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, awh I see. What about be the best way to get thing to start at boot time ?09:18
allstarsnorks2_is it really necessary to have a SWAP partition?09:18
Sven_vBi think the latest fashion is to wirte upstart jobs09:19
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, I'm not sure ubuntu-server 12.04 has that yet ?09:19
GnubNixYou can run without swap, but it's more effecient to have a small amount of swap available unless you're running on very small partitions on an SSD or something like that.09:19
Sven_vBallstarsnorks2_, no. if you have 2 GB RAM or more, you usually won't want a swap.09:19
reisioallstarsnorks2_: they're pretty useful, even when you don't need them for day to day operations09:20
aeon-ltdallstarsnorks2: necessary? no. useful, yes09:20
pirret2GB no swap?!09:20
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, i don't know details about upstart, just read it somewhere.09:20
pirretmy browser alone takes almost 2GB ram :P09:20
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, but with an SSD you wouldn't want to swap in anycase09:20
reisioif you want to hibernate you're usually going to want swap, for example09:20
allstarsnorks2_I'm really happy to find out that it is legal to distribute Ubuntu.09:21
Sven_vBhibernate never cleanly works for me, anyway. (even with a swap. ;-) )09:21
TazmainianDevilallstarsnorks2_, its open source you allowed to modify and distrubute your version of it09:22
allstarsnorks2_by the way, i want to wish Ubuntu an advanced 10th anniversary09:22
the_drow_reisio: Oh found it. Thanks!09:23
GnubNixTazmainianDevil, SSD lifetime isn't a problem anymore. At least not on a simple workstation machine. you will be hard pressed to hit a write lock even if you tried. I prefer to have a little swap available. Lots of people don't, but if i can afford the space then i'm happy to do it :)09:23
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, would you happen to know if the vertext 3's lifetime isnt an issue? Then how is that lifetime affected if you use parted magic using secure internal wipe to clean it before you reload ?09:25
Sven_vBTazmainianDevil, in a twist, use a cheaply replaceable SSD for just swap and nothing important. this way, if it breaks, no big deal.09:26
jsonwhitelinux is so frustrating...09:26
allstarsnorks2_Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Pretty nifty09:26
reisiojsonwhite: nah09:26
TazmainianDevilCan anyone give me a good link to understand how to create and view users as well as user groups ?09:26
Sven_vBjsonwhite, yeah. real pity that there's no cool OS out there.09:26
allstarsnorks2_Ubuntu 12.04 says I havw 2GB Disk space, but I have 40GB!09:26
TazmainianDevilSven_vB, true, I mean there are those hybrid drives now with the ssd's on09:27
GnubNixTazmainianDevil as far as i know the secure erase function just flips a switch in the controller to set all the nand chips to 0. Wether or not each 0 would count as a write is a good question.09:27
Sven_vBallstarsnorks2_, are you using gparted to prepare partitions for install?09:27
allstarsnorks2_no, I'm on Ubiquity rn09:27
jsonwhitelet me correct myself, commandline is frustrating....09:28
Sven_vBallstarsnorks2_, i made good experience with managing them in gparted before starting ubiquity.09:28
fishcookeri have 1GB memory ... this is my #free -m result here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6452417/ ... is my all memory are almost used ?09:28
Sven_vBjsonwhite, why that?09:28
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, that is true, I mean with a normal HDD you can refresh the surface using spin right , hard drive regenirator or even just a nwipe09:28
jsonwhitegui makes it so easy to move around files... it probably spoiled me... declaring directories and learning new functions take too long... so many errors, can't even figure out what went wrong half the time09:31
allstarsnorks2_Installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a real burned CD takes a hella long time. LOL09:31
Sven_vBjsonwhite, for moving files more graphically, have you tried midnight commander?09:31
ihreis there a sed -i (inline) equivalent for awk?09:32
Sven_vB*-i (in place)09:32
GnubNixTazmainianDevil I have used Spinrite to fix a drive before actually :). Not a bad product. I've never used the "refresh" functionality though. As for your vertex 3, i'm not 100% up to date on all brands, but I read an article on Anandtech where they said the Samsung 840 Pro which i currently have has a lifespam of about 20 years with 20GB of writes a day or something like that. You can have a read here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6459/sam09:32
FloodBot1GnubNix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
allstarsnorks2_ubuntuAPT: INFO: Quitting due to inactivity09:33
jsonwhitenope. it's commandline iirc09:33
gordonjcpjsonwhite: I really struggle to understand how to move files around with a GUI09:33
bn`I get the 403 http error with a default apache2 installation on ubuntu and accessing the server IP in the browser without path. How to fix this?09:33
gordonjcphow do you know which little box is which?09:33
gordonjcpbn`: well, 403 is permission denied, isn't it?09:33
Sven_vBjsonwhite, it's pseudo-graphics on the command line, like norton commander if you know that09:33
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, well with spin right you can fix the bad sectors and then with hard driver regenerator you can refresh the survace prett cool09:33
gordonjcpbn`: so maybe look at the logs and see if you can work out what it was trying to do09:34
bn`gordonjcp: yes why is the default installation with the "it works" index.html in it 403?09:34
GnubNixTazmainianDevil Ok, good to know thanks :)09:34
gordonjcpjeez, spinrite, there's a blast from the past09:34
jsonwhiteSven_vB: let me ask, if i really really spent some time learning command line, how long would it take me to feel comfortable with it? right now I can't even mount a sharefolder in virtualbox (my starting point)09:34
Sven_vBjsonwhite, if you don't yet have mouse support on your command line, check gpm09:34
bn`ok thx.. there..09:35
GnubNixTime to learn the terminal depends on the person. understanding the file system structure will help a lot though09:35
Sven_vBjsonwhite, it's the other way around. it's about how much lifetime you waste clicking the same buttons again until you're frustrated and want to start automating stuff.09:35
jsonwhiteSven_vB: well for me, it's about trying to get the right tools/ setting up a developing environment... trying to get into programming... also feel free to explain what would you even need to automate...09:37
Sven_vBjsonwhite, to estimate years, may i ask how much time you can devote to learning programming? like, are you a student using evenings and weekends?09:39
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, the linux bible should help anyone learning the file stucture or hak5 video on it09:39
TazmainianDevilI meant the OS alt video on it09:39
jsonwhiteSven_vB: yup student, can use evenings and weekends devoted to programming, to be frank, havent been too productive with my time09:40
patsTomsmorning, is there any way to take screen from Ubuntu login screen?09:40
GnubNixTazmainianDevil Well i don't mean that you have to be an expert, but just understanding that Linux doesn't use the WIndows system (C:, D:, E: ect.) And that / = root and how you would navigate through a directory, for example how you get to your home folder from the terminal...09:41
GnubNixTazmainianDevil Any book with lots of info would be good of course, but keeping it simple in the start is the best bet. Find a nice to the point tutorial on the net would be a good start09:41
Sven_vBjsonwhite, i'd estimate it will take 2 years till you have a firm grasp, and ten years before you're on freenode irc average. the more you get into it, the more you will like to have a choice between GUI and CLI, and even start to combine them.09:42
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, for anyone that needs to understand it good tut : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qQTXp4rBEE09:42
gordonjcpjsonwhite: it'll take you minutes to get your head around using the CLI09:42
Sven_vBjsonwhite, you can speed up if you manage to delay visual gratification and fast-forward repeat the most important parts of computer hardware history, thereby learning how data processing evolved.09:43
gordonjcpjsonwhite: everything takes "--help" as a parameter09:43
gordonjcpuse it09:43
GnubNixTazmainianDevil Yea something like that would be good. http://bit.ly/cgHQxg that is also a good explanation of the file system.09:43
gordonjcpjsonwhite: man pages are good too09:44
Sven_vBjsonwhite, have you alrady selected which programming languages to start with?09:44
jsonwhiteSven_vB: well learning python and webdev ( html, css, and mostly javascript)09:45
Sven_vBjsonwhite, ok. for hints on JavaScript, come to #Node.js09:45
GnubNixTazmainianDevil What's the linux bible :P09:45
Sven_vBi'll go there anyway now ;)09:46
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, its a book on linux guides you how to install it , and so on.09:46
devianshey, `sudo apt-get update` on my vagrant 12.04 amd64 vm gives me 'unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com'. it connects to security.ubuntu.com fine however09:46
DarthDepareisio: well... good and bad notice... I successful install Ubuntu 13.10 Server, load the CD not in UEFI mode... And I seen all on the notebook screen...09:46
DarthDepareisio: at reboot, I can see the GRUB, and load both Ubuntu and Windows09:47
gr33n7007hAny one know command for xchat to delay login something like /set irc_delay 1009:47
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, its a comprephensive tutorial resource09:47
reisiogr33n7007h: what for09:47
DarthDepareisio: but at Ubuntu boot, it give me the same problem with screen :(09:47
GnubNixTazmainianDevil is it this one? http://amzn.to/1fXGLy209:47
reisioDarthDepa: don't frown on the internet09:47
TazmainianDevilGnubNix, yeah, but I see there is a few of them available now. different editons09:48
TazmainianDevileditions *09:48
DarthDepareisio: ? what?09:49
gr33n7007hreisio, I need for when i'm autoconnecting09:49
GnubNixTazmainianDevil ok cool09:49
reisiogr33n7007h: why09:49
gr33n7007hnvm, figured it out09:51
ObrienDavegr33n7007h, there is an auto join delay setting09:51
reisiocongratulations on figuring out how to do something for no particular reason :p09:52
gr33n7007hirc_join_delay 1009:53
reisiogr33n7007h: what about it?09:53
respondNeed info manual ubuntu09:53
respondI need upgrade my samsung yo ubuntu mobile09:54
respondMore info needed09:55
TazmainianDevilrespond, can you download it fro samsung now ?09:55
DarthDepareisio: ?09:58
makarais juju a good idea?09:58
reisioDarthDepa: hi09:58
DarthDepareisio: Hi :) Have you read?09:59
reisiomakara: hard to see how09:59
reisioDarthDepa: read what?09:59
makarareisio, you wouldn't recommend?10:00
DarthDepareisio: I successful install Ubuntu 13.10 Server, load the CD not in UEFI mode... And I seen all  on the notebook screen...10:00
reisioDarthDepa: yes I read that10:00
TomyWorkassuming the config is correct, does "service ssh reload" interrupt any running sessions or cause any incoming connections to be denies?10:00
DarthDepareisio: can you help me? :(10:00
TomyWorkeven for a split-second10:00
reisioTomyWork: I wouldn't think so, but easily tested10:00
reisioDarthDepa: my man, if I wanted to look at frowny faces, I would /join #upsetlittlegirls10:01
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ronindo you still think my installation was fine http://codepad.org/LEQ2WOge10:02
DarthDepareisio: ? I don't understand... :( "frowny" what is?10:02
ObrienDaveoh boy10:02
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MajSlayeris vsftpd a good ftp server?10:13
MajSlayersetting up a new server and am trying to find the best ftpd to setup..10:13
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reisioMajSlayer: what's the use case?10:14
MajSlayermainly to run a Red5 server for videostreaming, want a wat to upload files to my server, thats about it10:15
MajSlayerits a dedicated server, bare-bones as it gets10:15
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MajSlayerso i'm looking for performance i guess10:15
MajSlayerI need to get Red5-RC1 on my server somehow, if i use the latest, it will fail with my software10:16
MajSlayerso yeah figure FTP is a good place to start, using ubuntu 13.1010:18
reisioMajSlayer: wat?10:19
MajSlayerwhat what? some comminication error?10:19
diligent /ns register QAZWSXEDC123  cnyaobanxian@gmail.com10:20
reisioMajSlayer: you said 'wat'10:21
ObrienDavediligent, thanks for sharing your password ;))10:21
bentinataanyone know why ubuntu wont detect partition10:21
MajSlayerI just want to upload files to my server..10:21
MajSlayersry.. been up late10:22
bentinataanyone know why ubuntu wont detect partition?10:22
ubottubentinata: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:22
ubottubentinata,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:22
MajSlayermainlt looking for a the best possible ftpd out there10:22
bentinatai know :)10:22
ObrienDavebentinata, what kind of partition?10:22
bentinatawindows partition10:27
bentinataI'm uploading picture (it's my friend laptop)10:27
ObrienDaveMBR? GPT? NTFS? FAT32?10:27
bentinatadetected on nautilus10:28
bentinatabut not in the installer10:28
Rorybentinata: Does this happen even after rebooting and trying the live usb/cd again?10:30
luminoushello! I have ubuntu setup in a virtualbox VM (actually, I have a couple). two are using bridged networking (on a debian host), one of these VM works fine with bridged networking. the other does not.. dmesg shows eth0 being there, ifconfig does not show it as configured. how should I go about debugging this on the VM?10:31
Rorybentinata: Did you check the integrity of the live media? There is an option to do this from the first menu that is available when you boot from the liveCD, you need to hit a key to see it when the keyboard icon is at the bottom of the screen10:32
UrielVigilantIf iam able to move the joystick with jstest in ubuntu, then joystick is working doesn it and should work on compatible games doesn it »10:32
bentinatahmm, what key?10:33
ObrienDaveUrielVigilant, that might depend on if the game supports YOUR joystick10:33
UrielVigilantObrienDave : I can´t make my new joystick work with OnLIve under PlayOnLinux app. I think i must do it what a dont want, to reserve some disk and install Vista in my Laptop together with Lubuntu .10:35
UrielVigilantObrienDAve : I am using Wine 1.5.8  in PlayOnLinux, that supposly should work with joystick , but  it doesn t .10:36
Ben64UrielVigilant: try actual wine10:39
bentinataoh yeah, it also undetected in gparted... and ofc, I cant mount it http://i.imgur.com/GQw47Ki.png10:41
UrielVigilantBen64 Wine 1.7 don run OnLive streaming games software correctly . , i think is the most recent one Wine.10:42
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bentinataeverybody? ._.10:49
bentinatahi :D10:51
codephobicI think I've found a bug in xubuntu, not sure where to go for help in getting it resolved.10:51
codephobicthe mouse scroll wheel doesn't work when trying to scroll pdfs or documents in gedit.10:52
codephobicIt works fine with the browser and most of the other applications I've tested, just not with the pdf viewer application or with gedit.10:53
codephobicWorks fine with sublime2, too.10:54
codephobicis there an underlying issue to this? something to do with unity/xfce?10:54
Dathow can I get sftp to load the /etc/profile?10:54
Guest9203what happens when we place software breakpoints in our source code10:59
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
Guest9203what happens when we place software breakpoints in our source code11:02
yeyemanhow do I find out where JRE is installed?11:03
Ben64yeyeman: which java11:04
roninhow could I know if a package x was installed properly or not with apt-get?11:04
bentinatayeyeman: /usr/lib/jvm/...11:05
Ben64ronin: apt-cache policy <package>11:05
bentinataif I'm not wrong :v11:05
Guest9203what happens when we place software breakpoints in our source code11:05
roninif it says "isntalled" i assume everything was right even I got some java vm errors in the installation11:06
UrielVigilantI already have Lubuntu occupying all my hard drive, if i want a dual boot can i do it , simply reserving some space to window in HD and the install VIsta ?11:06
Ben64Guest9203: stop repeating so often, maybe give more info, maybe go to a programming channel?11:06
bentinataUrielVigilant: yep11:06
yeyemanthe most difficult thing about java programming is figuring out how to set up eclipse11:07
Ben64UrielVigilant: you'd need to resize the ubuntu partition. and why in all that is holy would you install vista willingly?11:07
bentinatayeyeman: get eclipse in the eclipse siet11:07
bentinatayeyeman: if you want to code android, there's some bundle/ADT at android site11:08
UrielVigilantBen64: I love OnLive because i have an old specs laptop, but i love ultimate games that run wonderfull with OnLive . The joystick dont work with OnLive in PlayonLinux as i said .11:08
Ben64UrielVigilant: install windows 7 if you must, but don't use vista, its the worst. and __try wine__ also check in #winehq11:09
bentinataBen64: I like egg11:10
UrielVigilantIam afraid Windows 7 dont run on m,y laptop. Vista is actually a little havy11:10
bentinataUrielVigilant: use xp :)11:10
Ben647 will work on anything vista will, and better11:10
* ObrienDave can find a ME install disk somewhere ;))11:10
Jeatonnot sure if it's a ubuntu problem, but ever since I went to 13.10, i cannot connect to steam's network11:11
UrielVigilantBut i dont have conditions to invest on it for now . Iam not a pirate anyway .11:11
Jeatonanyone else having this issue?11:11
bentinataUrielVigilant: oh, that's the problem, just create unallocated drive for your vista11:11
bentinatamaybe 10gigs11:12
TomyWorkreisio, discussions about windows ME - what have i stumbled into?11:15
reisiowhat've you just highlighted me into...11:16
UrielVigilantbentinata : does it will slow Lubuntu perfomance anyway to have vista dool boot ?11:17
wheatthinwhy would it?11:18
bentinataUrielVigilant: as far as I know, it willn't11:18
ObrienDaveno, they are in separate partitions11:18
wheatthinonly one system is running at a time11:18
bentinataUrielVigilant: except, because of that vista, your lubuntu will low on space11:18
wheatthinnow you'll have a slow down in vista using vista11:19
bentinataUrielVigilant: like, you only have 500mb space left on ubuntu /, it will slowing down your lubuntu11:19
UrielVigilantJeaton Since Ubuntu 13.10 you are not able to conecet Steam anymore ? Are you talking about  13.10 final version or beta 1 or beta 2?11:20
UrielVigilantbentinata : that was one of the major reason i left Vista to Lubuntu, the anti defragamentation system11:21
bentinataanyone can help me with partition problem?11:22
UrielVigilantbentinata : people say 5% to 10% disk free to dont slow down lubunt doesn it ?11:22
bentinataUrielVigilant: yep11:22
bentinataUrielVigilant: my ubuntu only had 6% disk free D:11:23
bentinataUrielVigilant: but, it's okay (must often use apt-get clean, tho :v )11:23
SixAnonhello guys can somebody help me out?11:23
jony_easyriderwhen in nautilus, can be opened a terminal window with the location where is nautilus?11:24
bentinatajony_easyrider: there's plugin for that somewhere11:25
bentinatajony_easyrider: I use thunar tho :311:25
repozitori installed ubuntu in virtual machine(vmware work station)11:25
repozitorbut my ubuntu come up in CLI mode.11:25
repozitorhow to enable GUI mode?11:26
repozitoror how to install GUI?11:26
bentinatarepozitor: startx?11:27
philinuxjony_easyrider: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal11:27
bentinatarepozitor: or maybe alt+f711:27
bentinataphilinux: nah :D11:27
philinuxjony_easyrider: then do nautilus -q11:27
repozitorbentinata, startx used for backtrack11:27
repozitoris this command usefull in ubuntu?11:27
Ben64not really11:28
Ben64sudo service lightdm start11:28
k1ldont use startx on ubuntu. start the desktopmanager like lightdm on ubuntu11:28
bentinatarepozitor: don't know :v haven't go to CLI for a while11:28
philinuxbentinata: that package is in 13.1011:28
lvlephI am not running unity, but I like the pretty windows provided by gnome-settings-daemon. However, this seems to start a compositor. How can I prevent compositing from starting?11:28
repozitorphilinux, i tried to open nautilus, but hit error11:28
repozitorprobably i forgot to use -q!11:28
bentinataphilinux: what package?11:28
lvlephrepozitor, I use cli every day11:29
k1lrepozitor: is a is a desktop installed?11:29
bentinatalvleph: MASTER!!! *bow11:29
Rickardo_I am trying to format my usb disk with mkfs.exe3 /dev/sdb and it works well.. but when I try to mount it I got mount: can't find /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:29
repozitorlvleph, i don't have any problem with CLI, my students can't use CLI11:29
jony_easyriderphilinux, ty11:29
Ben64Rickardo_: you need to specify a mount location11:30
lvlephrepozitor, I guess I am a mean professor and would make my students learn it.11:30
jony_easyriderphilinux, it doesn't do anything when I execute nautilus -q11:30
repozitorlvleph, my students are so lazy11:31
repozitorthat's too bad11:31
lvlephrepozitor, so are everyone's students11:31
seba4hi to all. I got a question.  I was trying to reinstall rvm passenger ... i deleted everything..11:31
seba4but not there is a problem i can ssh to server some talking TeamSpeak server works11:31
seba4but i cant connect to pages from server11:31
Xintrudercan i play windows games on ubuntu?11:32
seba4nslookup google.com says connection timed out ...11:32
bentinataXintruder: most of them with wine11:32
philinuxjony_easyrider: oh yes it does. now right click in an empty space in nautilus ;)11:32
MyrttiXintruder: depends on the game11:32
Jeatonnot sure if anyone answered my question since I pinged out, but is anyone able to get onto steam's network using ubuntu 13.10?11:32
bentinataaaaaaandd no one can help me with partition :'(11:32
lvleph!wine | Xintruder11:32
ubottuXintruder: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:32
philinuxjony_easyrider: you might like this for your work flow http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/install-nemo-with-unity-patches-and.html11:32
jony_easyriderphilinux, TY, it worked ;)11:32
seba4anyone knows what could it be?11:32
philinuxjony_easyrider: welcome11:33
Xintrudercan i run all windows games on ubuntu?11:33
theadminXintruder: No11:33
wheatthinXintruder, go to that link and you'll see a compadibilty list11:33
bentinataXintruder: maybe no, no11:33
k1l!wine | Xintruder11:33
ubottuXintruder: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:33
theadminXintruder: You can run *some* of them successfully, but definetly not all.11:33
lvleph!steam | Xintruder11:34
ubottuXintruder: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.11:34
lvlephThey are even making steamos11:34
theadminlvleph: ...which is just another remix of Ubuntu anyway11:34
theadminlvleph: ;)11:34
seba4ok just saw dns was missing11:34
lvlephUbuntu is just a remix of Debian lol11:35
lvlephsorry I had to11:35
lvlephI am not running unity, but I like the pretty windows provided by gnome-settings-daemon. However, this seems to start a compositor. How can I prevent compositing from starting?11:35
theadminlvleph: Well, not really, no. Ubuntu has its own repositories, packages, and so on and so forth, it evolved a lot and it's not compatible with Debian. This SteamOS on the other hand will likely just have different preinstalled packages.11:35
lvlephtheadmin, it was a joke11:36
theadminlvleph: Ah, okay, wasn't sure.11:36
lvlephI have been using Ubuntu since 200611:36
wheatthinlvleph, try installing ccsm and disable what plugins you don't want launching to a minimal compositor11:36
lvlephwheatthin, thankyou11:36
theadminlvleph: The "pretty windows" are provided by Compiz, which is both the compositor and the window manager Ubuntu uses, it's a two-in-one thing.11:36
theadminlvleph: So...11:36
bentinatastill working on partition, btw, anyone know how to use fixparts?11:37
lvlephtheadmin, I just won't the colors11:37
bentinataor gdisk?11:37
theadminlvleph: Ah. Well, as wheatthin said install "compizconfig-settings-manager" (click: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/compizconfig-settings-manager ) and run it, then find the parts you do not want and uncheck them.11:37
codephobichi, is this channel a good place to ask after xubuntu solutions?11:38
theadmincodephobic: Most of the time yes, but #xubuntu exists as well.11:38
theadmincodephobic: If something is specific for Xubuntu, you'll find a better answer there likely, but if it's a generic question, this channel is just fine11:39
UrielVigilantXintruder: Install PLayOnLinux from software center , then install OnLive with Wine 1.5.8 plug in your joystick and tell me if it work there to play with joystick some game for joystick. please11:39
codephobictheadmin, thanks I'll try there first. It seems to be a specific bug with xubuntu.11:39
UrielVigilantXintruder: you do all that stuf under PlayOnLinux app.11:40
lvlephhmmm ccsm says compositing isn't on but ps afx | grep unity-system-compositor11:41
lvleph 3884 pts/1    S+     0:00      \_ grep unity-system-compositor11:41
yeyemanhow do I open hidden folders in the file manager?11:41
theadminlvleph: ...you just found your grep :P11:41
ObrienDave!ask | SixAnon11:41
ubottuSixAnon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:41
yeyemanit won't allow me to type in the path anywhere11:41
lvlephlol theadmin I need to pay more attention11:42
theadminyeyeman: Hit Ctrl+L to go to a specific location. Ctrl+H to show all hidden stuff.11:42
Xintruderwhat command to fully upgrade ubuntu?11:42
lvlephthe glaring grep should have clued me into that theadmin11:42
Rickard__Ben64: In the mount cmd?11:42
theadminXintruder: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade all the software. sudo do-release-upgrade will do a Ubuntu version upgrade.11:42
bentinatamy friend partition has 4 logical partition11:43
yeyemantheadmin, thanks. It's puzzling why they have hidden this from the user.11:43
bentinatahow can I install ubuntu?11:43
theadminyeyeman: They haven't, it's in the menus as well11:43
theadminyeyeman: View -> Show hidden files and Go -> Location11:43
theadminyeyeman: Keyboard shortcuts are just more... convenient11:43
UrielVigilantYesterday because after uninstall a software center app game, the item doesnt disappear from menu i did typed on terminal : killall lxpanel : then typed : find ~/.cache/menus -name '*' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm ; then typed : lxpanel -p LXDE & and then typed : lxpanelctl restart , then things come worses. Then i typed sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop, and the menu appear like.....new.....a11:43
UrielVigilantgain. then i uninstalled the app with sinatic and the item finally disappear from menu. The correctly way should be: install Kubuntu DEsktop and from there login : sudo apt-get remove lubuntu-desktop : and the install lubuntu desktop again , then login to lubuntu desktop again and then remove Kubuntu desktop ?11:43
UrielVigilanti was with Lubuntu 13.1011:44
ObrienDaveinstant headache ;))11:44
ActionParsnipUrielVigilant: removing metapackags does not remove it's contents11:45
jony_easyriderhow can I copy only two files from a folder in terminal?11:45
Ben64UrielVigilant: is there a support question somewhere in there?11:45
lvlephanyone a good how to on booting into Ubuntu using CSM mode for a Mac?11:45
theadminjony_easyrider: cp folder/{file1,file2} destination11:46
ActionParsniptheadmin: beat me to it11:46
=== DeepBlue is now known as rampageRipper
Xintruderu guys are official support channel?11:47
ActionParsnipUrielVigilant: if you have another DE installed and want to remove the LXDE packages you can you run:  sudo apt-get --purge remove lxde openbox leafpad      and the rest wil be removed for you11:47
Ben64Xintruder: for ubuntu, yes11:47
ActionParsnipXintruder: for all canonical releases11:47
XintruderSorry for my question, u get paid? you are employees?11:48
theadminXintruder: Yes, but hardly any of us actually work for the Ubuntu team, we're volunteers11:48
theadminXintruder: No, we don't get paid or anything11:48
UrielVigilantActionParsnip : The poin of the question is, if i was with Lxde Lubuntu desktop, with problems that i caused to it , but i was with it , and then and reinstalled it again with out purge it the old one, that means i have now duplicated files or something like that, bad for Lubuntu perfomance or so ?11:48
rampageRipperi get this message so often lately:11:48
rampageRipper Could not exec dpkg!11:48
rampageRipper E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (100)11:48
Ben64UrielVigilant: none of what you showed there duplicates files11:49
ObrienDaveUrielVigilant, no, there should not be duplicate files to worry about11:49
UrielVigilantThank you booth 111:49
jony_easyridertheadmin, ty11:55
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robin__Hi folks, has anyone experience installing ubuntu on a macbook 4.1 ?11:57
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:58
Freeman__hello everyone11:59
robin__thanks ubootu i already saw that11:59
dracarysinstalling ubuntu on a mac?11:59
dracaryswhy would you even attempt something like that12:00
Freeman__how to give static ip on ubuntu 13.10?12:00
robin__because there are no more updates on the OS12:00
dracarysyou know there's about as much support as trying to get an iPhone to run iOS right?12:00
dracarysgetting an iPhone to run Android12:01
theadminFreeman__: click the network icon -> edit connections -> choose yours -> click "Edit" -> IPv4 Settings12:01
Freeman__theadmin: let me try this thanks12:02
robin__dracarys you want me to keep you up to date how it works? i think its really interesting project12:03
dracarysrobin__: Linux on MacBooks is nothing but a time sinker12:04
dracarysyou're better off hackintoshing later versions of Mac OS X to run on that old machine12:04
bazhang!ot | dracarys12:04
ubottudracarys: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:04
theadminEarlier versions of Ubuntu (pre-Unity, up to 10.04 for sure) used to play a drum sound on login. Where could I find this sound?12:05
dracarysbazhang: I run both Ubuntu and Mac OS X, so I've done all the research robin__ has done, and a bit more on the subject12:05
dracarysmy conclusion is, it's not worth the time to try and get Ubuntu to run properly on the macbook platform12:05
dracarysand I'm typing this on a macbook pro12:05
bazhangdracarys, take the chat to another channel please12:06
Freeman__theadmin: do we have to do anything in the routes option that appears under  the edit connections option :)12:06
theadminFreeman__: Not sure, you'd have to ask your ISP about that. If you aren't told, then probably no.12:06
Freeman__theadmin: this is a local network no iSP involved12:06
codephobicis there a solution to the mouse-wheel scrolling problem in gEdit and in pdf viewer? Most applications seem to work fine with the mouse-wheel but gEdit & the pdf viewer (document viewer?) don't seem to even notice it scrolling.12:07
theadminFreeman__: Ah. Then probably not... You know, it's weird but I never dealt with static IPs, so don't take my word on this.12:07
cfhowlettdracarys, I've never installed ubuntu on a mac, but as I understand it, it can be done.  best source of info is the link above and the ubuntu forums for mac.12:07
codephobic(nobody seems to be around at #xubuntu)12:07
Freeman__theadmin: anyone who knows anything about static ip ? Can you refer someone ?12:07
codephobicIn Xubuntu, is there a solution to the mouse-wheel scrolling problem in gEdit and in pdf viewer? Most applications seem to work fine with the mouse-wheel but gEdit & the pdf viewer (document viewer?) don't seem to even notice it scrolling.12:08
glitsj16codephobic: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1171342 yet? looks like you might be affected .. there's mention of a PPA with a fix12:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 1171342 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "mouse scroll wheel not working in gedit & System Monitor" [High,Triaged]12:08
codephobicthanks glitsj16 will just have a read now.12:09
Freeman__theadmin: are you noob ?12:09
codephobicbtw, is it advisable to add ppas?12:09
bazhang!noob | Freeman__12:09
ubottuFreeman__: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.12:09
theadminFreeman__: That kind of language isn't to be used here. No, not really. I know Linux pretty well, but... I've just always used static DHCP on my router for that kind of a thing12:10
Freeman__theadmin: sorry brother :)12:10
theadminFreeman__: So eh. We all have white spots in our knowledge.12:10
bazhangcodephobic, PPA are not advised, some are less problematic than others though, for example handbrake12:10
bazhang!ppa | codephobic12:11
ubottucodephobic: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:11
leosami tried to install the ubuntu touch emulator on soucy and had some problems, can i ask for help here?12:11
bazhangleosam, in #ubuntu-touch please12:11
leosamok thx12:11
AlanBelltheadmin: canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login"12:11
theadminAlanBell: Thanks, I meant the actual file though, but I found it under /usr/share/sounds/desktop-login.ogg already. Thanks though!12:12
theadminAlanBell: ...err. /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg12:12
nopcallI have a old IDE HDD. Should i format it to ext4 or ext3 to install Debian?12:14
theadminnopcall: ...Debian isn't supported here at all, ask in #debian12:14
bazhangnopcall, ask in #debian12:14
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:14
antonyCan any point me in the direction of Linux Mint help it used to be added to favourites12:15
DJones!mint | antony12:15
ubottuantony: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:15
[Gentoo]i think its a diferent network12:15
bazhangit is12:16
antonyubottu, ok thankyou12:16
[Gentoo]why dont they use freenode12:16
bazhangthey have a small channel on freenode12:16
k1l[Gentoo]: that is not our business. they are free to give support where they want.12:17
antonyubottu, i cant find spotchat.org on network list12:17
ubottuantony: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:17
[Gentoo]k1l: ok i werent complaining12:17
[Gentoo]antony: /connect irc.spotchat.org then /join linuxmint-help12:18
loait can't be so hard...12:21
sandman13how to remove xfce4 desktop  environment in ubuntu?12:24
[Gentoo]apt-get remove12:24
[Gentoo]the package12:24
ActionParsnipsandman13: sudo apt-get --purge remove xfce412:24
[Gentoo]are prge and remove needed together?12:25
[Gentoo]just asking12:25
ActionParsnip[Gentoo]: its an old habit, still works :)12:25
sandman13ActionParsnip is there a way to reset all the settings of xfce4? removing didn't help12:26
[Gentoo]would it not be easier for apt-get remove to ask if you want to completely remove instead of having purge?12:26
varunendraActionParsnip, sandman13 xfce4 is just a metapackage. The dependencies must be removed manually12:26
philinuxsandman13: now do sudo apt-get autoremove12:27
sandman13varunendra i did this to remove http://paste.ubuntu.com/6453005/12:27
philinuxsandman13: if that does not then check xfce4 deps and remove in synaptic12:28
IncrediblePonyHello everyone12:28
IncrediblePonyI need some assistance with a boot-repair12:29
sandman13philinux when i remove xfce4 the background image of login screen is set to default is that normal?12:29
IncrediblePonyanyone able to tell me what I should do when I've run the boot-repair and I get the Boot-info text file? :) - cus I have no idea what to do with that information12:30
ovrflw0xWhen I do "echo DIGD > ../vgaswitcheroo/switch" and switch to _only_ Laptop's screen I _can_ change laptop screen's "brightness". But, when I do "echo DDIS > ../vgaswitcheroo/switch" and turn both on External monitor and laptop's screen, laptop's screen becomes "Very Bright" and I cannot decrease its brightness. So, how to change laptop screen's brightness when using discrete card using "echo DDIS >..."12:31
profligacyIs FreeBSD better than Ubuntu?12:31
[Gentoo]it is12:32
varunendrasandman13, you have purged 9 items, while "apt-cache show xfce4" shows me 12 dependencies, including xfce4-settings (purging which I suspect may reset your background)12:32
IncrediblePonyanyone able to tell me what I should do when I've run the boot-repair and I get the Boot-info text file? :) - cus I have no idea what to do with that information12:33
TazmainianDevil[Gentoo], cmon freebsd is good in some ways and like mint it good in others12:33
[Gentoo]TazmainianDevil: theyre entirely different12:33
[Gentoo]stupid question to ask12:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:33
sandman13varunendra when i reinstall the package i get the same old settings for the desktop any clue why?12:33
TazmainianDevil[Gentoo], haha true, each has its application12:33
TazmainianDevillike a heli and a car12:34
cfhowlettsandman13 to remove program completely you have to purge ...12:34
cfhowlettapt-get purge program-name12:34
TazmainianDevil[Gentoo], what is the diff between distrobution and iso freebsd download ?12:35
[Gentoo]dno what you mean12:35
[Gentoo]theres bootonly, full iso etc12:35
[Gentoo]none of its on topic lol12:35
TazmainianDevil[Gentoo], sorry I know its off topic lol just gonna try freebsd12:36
varunendrasandman13, no idea why. But you may have to purge all the dependencies as cfhowlett said.12:37
blurkishow to temporarly turn off java in firefox?12:37
sandman13cfhowlett: what i did was "sudo apt-get --purge remove xfce4" and it said no such package12:37
IncrediblePonyanyone able to tell me what I should do when I've run the boot-repair and I get the Boot-info text file? :) - cus I have no idea what to do with that information12:38
cfhowlettsudo apt-get purge xfce412:38
philinuxsandman13: run this to show what needs to be removed apt-cache showpkg xfce412:39
cfhowlettsandman13, and if you've already remove it ... it's gone.  to kill the config folders you need to run apt-get purge at the moment of removing your program.12:40
varunendracfhowlett, it is just a metapackage as per "apt-cache show xfce4"12:40
varunendrasandman13, this gives me a clear list of dependencies : apt-cache show xfce4 | grep Depends | cut -d " " -f 2- | sed 's/, /\n/g' | cut -d " " -f 112:41
SupaYoshidoes anybody know why cups is not counting the pages?12:42
SupaYoshithat a file is?12:42
SupaYoshiwhen printing it, it just tells me everything is 1 page, even whe its not12:43
sandman13varunendra got the list and i should remove them isn't it?12:43
andreiiarAm o zona DNS da? Daca am un hostname care arata catre mai multe ip-uri, cand se face rotirea? Adica daca intreb de doua ori la rand, o data imi raspunde ca andrei.com e si a doua oara ???12:43
varunendrasandman13, I've never done it myself, just guessing logically :). Short answer - yes, I think so12:44
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:44
varunendrasandman13, and not 'remove', you should 'purge' them12:44
andreiiarExcusame pero parle Romano!12:44
philinuxsandman13: yep sudo apt-get purge packagename as varunendra suggests12:44
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue    does the printer have a make and model?12:44
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: why have you not given this detail already?12:44
philinuxsandman13: the sudo apt-get autoremove12:45
andreiiarAnd it was a crude mistake. I mean I put the speak in other channel.12:45
SupaYoshicus i didnt know ActionParsnip12:45
SupaYoshithe output is empty ActionParsnip12:45
SupaYoshiUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l is all it says12:45
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: that's not empty then, is it?12:45
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: what is the make and model of the printer please?12:46
SupaYoshiin cups it says make and model: Samsung CLP-320 Series12:46
SupaYoshiActionParsnip, thanks so mcuh so far.. sorry im a bit clueless on what info to provide12:46
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: how did you install the printer? or did it autodetect and configure?12:46
KrapulatI'm trying to update nginx adding the ppa and with "apt-get install nginx" and at the end of installation I get: "Configuring nginx (1.4.1-1ppa1~lucid) ... | krapulat@Frases:~# nginx -v  | nginx version: nginx/1.0.14". Does anybody know why?12:46
SavantSv_dWhat do you think of SuperSoup for a nick?12:46
SupaYoshiThrough cups, autodetect12:46
SupaYoshiIt prints, verything works ;) just... it doesnt count pages.. which is a shame12:46
ActionParsnipKrapulat: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue12:47
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: are there any bugs reported?12:47
sandman13philinux: help me with this list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6453093/12:47
KrapulatActionParsnip: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS \n \l12:47
ActionParsnipKrapulat: and do you use a GUI based OS with mouse pointer and Firefox web browser?12:47
sandman13philinux: is there anything that depends upon these items?12:47
ovrflw0xWhen I do "echo DIGD > ../vgaswitcheroo/switch" and switch to _only_ Laptop's screen I _can_ change laptop screen's "brightness". But, when I do "echo DDIS > ../vgaswitcheroo/switch" and turn both on External monitor and laptop's screen, laptop's screen becomes "Very Bright" and I cannot decrease its brightness. So, how to change laptop screen's brightness when using discrete card using "echo DDIS >..."12:47
KrapulatActionParsnip: Nope. It's a server.12:47
philinuxsandman13: just purge them one by one in terminal12:48
SupaYoshiin? /var/log/cups/page_log?12:48
philinuxsandman13: if they already gone it will say so12:48
ActionParsnipKrapulat: did you use this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/stable ?12:48
sandman13philinux: says the package is not installed12:49
philinuxsandman13: ok do them all12:49
ActionParsnipKrapulat: or this PPA https://launchpad.net/~teward/+archive/nginx-stable-testing?field.series_filter=lucid ?12:49
KrapulatActionParsnip: I used this: "add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable"12:49
ActionParsnip!info nginx lucid12:49
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, but very powerful and efficient web server and mail proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.65-1ubuntu2.3 (lucid), package size 328 kB, installed size 796 kB12:49
ActionParsnipKrapulat: then I suggest you contact the PPA maintainer12:50
SupaYoshiActionParsnip, no bugs12:50
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: I suggest you report one12:51
SupaYoshiActionParsnip, there are no errors in /var/log/cups/error_log and printing works fine, just page count doesnt work12:51
philinuxSupaYoshi: what exactly do you mean by not counting pages12:52
philinuxjust to be clear12:52
SupaYoshiwell, when i pritn any document from any pc12:52
SupaYoshiit always tells me that the amount of pages is 112:52
SupaYoshiand never more then 1, even when it pritns like 50 pages...12:52
philinuxSupaYoshi: ah right gotcha so this is a network printer12:52
SupaYoshiyes! :D12:53
SupaYoshibut installed with usb on cups12:53
SupaYoshiand then the computers print through cubs, on the usb printer :)12:53
philinuxSupaYoshi: what does the print preview show12:53
sandman13philinux: none of them are installed12:55
Xeno-GenesisI would like to confirm if somebody else is having a bug that I'm experiencing with Unity's global menu12:55
philinuxsandman13: ok then I would logout or reboot12:55
Xeno-Genesiswhen I depress Alt in any GTK+ application, the menu entries do not display on top12:55
Xeno-Genesisit does work on Firefox and Thunderbird though12:55
sandman13philinux: let's see12:55
philinuxSupaYoshi: also can you specify like print only page number 7 for instance and it does print the specified page12:56
tilerenderinghow can I force ubuntu to delete a partition no matter wtf process is using it - I m sick of getting "device is busy" - I dont care. disconnect al processes using it, whoever does, override whatever restrictions, just delete the partition12:56
tilerenderingeven fuser -km doesnt work12:56
xangua!language | tilerendering12:56
ubottutilerendering: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:56
tilerenderingthat device is always "busy"12:56
sandman13philinux: logged out and logged in12:57
cfhowletttilerendering, boot gparted and edit partitions to your heart's content12:57
tilerenderingboot gparted ? what do you mean.12:57
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:57
Xeno-Genesistilerendering, the device is busy because there's at least one partition still mounted12:58
tilerenderingxeno: cant be, tried unmount etc.12:58
tilerenderingit just wont let me unmount because there is always "some" process using it12:58
Xeno-Genesistilerendering, I mean, another partition in the same device must be still mounted12:58
BluesKaj'Morning all12:58
cfhowlettalso available on the ubuntu ISO, so if you boot that ...    no active partitions will be mounted and you can do what you want12:58
tilerenderingbut I do not care who is using it. I m admin, unmount anad delete12:58
tilerenderingcfhowlett: that´s the brute force solution, thanks for that already. but there msut be anotehr solution12:59
sandman13philinux: that means when i reinstall the package then the previous desktop settings of xfce4 would not be saved right?12:59
Xeno-Genesistilerendering, you can delete the partition using fdisk, for example, but it will not successfully reload the partition table if there's a partition still mounted in the device12:59
dyuis the brightness problem on 13.10 fixed?12:59
xanguadyu: no12:59
xanguaif you mean gnome3/unity13:00
dyuxangua: any idea on when it's getting fixed? i'm on xfce/xmonad. it might be just an ubuntu problem.13:00
dyuthinking about just reinstalling 12.04, but it's too drastic. if a fix is around the corner, i'll just gut it out til then13:01
xanguadyu: is a gnome problem13:01
tilerenderingcfhowlett: gparted worked ! thanks13:01
cfhowletttilerendering, have fun, be safe.13:01
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Xeno-Genesiswould someone do me a favor a launch a GTK+ app like gedit, and then depress the ALT key and tell me if the global menu shows up for the application?13:04
Xeno-Genesisthe only way to show the menu on my system is to type ALT+F1013:04
Xeno-Genesisif I just depress ALT the menu does not display13:04
Xeno-Genesisit only displays in Firefox and Thunderbird when I depress ALT13:05
Xeno-GenesisI wonder if it's isolated to my system13:05
philinuxsandman13: not experienced installing xfce413:06
sandman13philinux okay anyway thanks for the help13:06
philinuxdyu: what is this brightness problem13:07
philinuxsandman13: no worries13:07
whybeing<<why can't open .deb files. Terminal shows "Processing triggers for man-db">>13:07
dyuphilinux: i can't adjust it. only happened when i updated to 13.10. it's always on full brightness13:08
Azerusare there any working packages for Squid3.2 / Squid3.3 for the current LTS?13:08
SupaYoshiI am printing from Windows, print previews shows page 7 only13:09
SupaYoshiand in the jobs center on cups it says: 1 page printed13:09
philinuxdyu: must be hardware specific I guess. I've an acer 1410 and Fn Brightness works as it should13:10
cobalt237I'm experiencing a bug where the system sometimes reboots when the shutdown dialog is brought up13:10
RoryAzerus: The version in the 12.04 repositories is 3.1 I think13:10
cobalt237Is there a good log I could see for debugging what is triggering the restart?13:10
Rory!info squid3 precise13:10
ubottusquid3 (source: squid3): Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy). In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.19-1ubuntu3.12.04.2 (precise), package size 1486 kB, installed size 3911 kB13:10
AzerusRory, yeah I see that. IT apparently does not have HTTP/1.1 support either, need at least squid3.213:10
philinuxSupaYoshi: seems to be a windows thing http://community.kde.org/Printing/CUPS/FAQ#Why_is_CUPS_page-accounting_not_working_with_Windows_clients.3F13:11
sandman13philinux is it safe to delete xfce4 folder from .config if there is no xfce413:12
philinuxsandman13: of course13:12
RoryAzerus: You can download the source to 3.3 and compile it on ubuntu http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/CompilingSquid#Debian.2C_Ubuntu13:12
philinuxSupaYoshi: do a net search for "Why is CUPS page-accounting not working with Windows clients"13:12
sandman13philinux: how to check what desktop environment are installed currently?13:12
philinuxsandman13: look at the login screen sessions available - under the Gear icon13:13
cobalt237I've seen this bug reported (bug #1170783) and was trying to be proactive debugging it myself13:13
ubottubug 1170783 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Opening shutdown dialog immediately triggers reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117078313:13
philinuxdyu: what laptop u running13:14
dyuphilinux: hp dm1. it's a netbook13:14
philinuxdyu: is there a bug report for that model13:15
cfhowlettdyu, netbooks may find xubuntu and lubuntu more to their liking - lighter requirements13:15
sandman13philinux: there's a folder named thunar should i remove it too?13:16
philinuxsandman13: sure why not it's not needed13:16
rampageRipperi get this message so often lately : http://dpaste.com/1476980/13:16
dyuphilinux: haven't checked. just googled for "ubuntu 13.10 brightness not working" and was under the impression that it was very common13:16
k2t1hello :D13:16
ovrflw0xWhen I do "echo DIGD > ../vgaswitcheroo/switch" and switch to _only_ Laptop's screen I _can_ change laptop screen's "brightness". But, when I do "echo DDIS > ../vgaswitcheroo/switch" and turn both on External monitor and laptop's screen, laptop's screen becomes "Very Bright" and I cannot decrease its brightness. So, how to change laptop screen's brightness when using discrete card using "echo DDIS >..."13:16
dyucfhowlett: i'm using xfce and xmonad. even if it's just xmonad, the problem is still there. also, it's not a matter of requirements. it's the brightness setting13:17
Azerusare repos from that site reputable?13:17
philinuxdyu try just hp dm1 brightness not working ;)13:17
k2t1This is Poland and we are taking this internet!13:17
cfhowlettAzelphur, if it has a launchpad presence, I'd say yes ...13:17
k2t1_o kurwa13:18
blurkisi installed a plugin to deactivate javascript in ff.  it sort of worked. deactivated js, but could not activate again.  removing the plugin left me with ff without js :(   any idee?13:18
k2t1__dan ie chuj13:18
k2t1_chyba ty13:18
k2t1__]danbiel chuj13:18
DJonesk2t1__: Please stop that13:18
ubottuk2t1,: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:18
philinuxdyu:> seems a problem in the wild too not just ubuntu13:18
FloodBot1k2t1__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
k2t1_CO to co to13:18
k2t1_co to kurwa jest?13:18
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:19
suppaggawhat do i type in terminal to find out what's my display manager?13:19
FloodBot1Knoxx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:19
k2t1__KURWY szmaty13:19
k2t1__wypierdalać karmić knury13:19
Knoxxco tam nooby13:19
ObrienDavemust be all the same clown13:19
Jezuswhat's up, men ?13:19
n008how do I wrap all words in quote using gedit or vi ?13:19
Jezusmust be chuj Ci w dupe.13:19
cfhowlettObrienDave, clown or clan ...13:20
k2t1nothing man :D13:20
JezusCo ja.13:20
n008its a column of words separated by comma ?13:20
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksiema bur13:20
ObrienDaveall the same provider13:20
rwc2'access-your-private-data.desktop' says 'has no type=...entry' ... didn't see an answer on google.  any suggestions?13:20
philinuxsuppagga:> type in env13:20
dyuphilinux: ugh. you're right. seems like a driver problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/310812/last-couple-of-fglrx-drivers-on-ubuntu-12-04-have-backlight-support-broken13:21
philinuxdyu:> indeed13:21
suppaggaphilinux: dyu?13:22
philinuxsuppagga:> type in env in the terminal13:22
rwc2ah, http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=202&t=9251013:22
suppaggaphilinux: i did, it looks like it's lightdm. strange i thought lubuntu had lxdm. what is dyu?13:23
philinuxsuppagga@: should show you what you need13:23
suppaggaphilinux: forgot to say thank you :)13:23
philinuxsuppagga@: dyu is another user in here13:23
dyusuppagga: i'm a dayu13:23
dyusuppagga: i'm a dyu13:23
philinuxsuppagga@: see this for more info http://askubuntu.com/questions/72549/how-to-determine-which-window-manager-is-running13:24
suppaggadoes the presence/absence of the guest session depend on the display manager? some dms have it others dont?13:25
iBogHello all13:25
cfhowlettiBog, greetings13:25
philinuxsuppagga@: not sure13:25
sandman13philinux how do i hide folders?13:25
iBogAny know the best way to upgrade php?13:25
philinuxsuppagga@: I wouldnt have thought so though13:25
philinuxsandman13@: rename with a dot . at the front13:26
Nach0zhey guys, is there a way I can tell apt-get to install specific libraries to a different directory?13:26
jribiBog: why?13:26
iBogJrib because it's old an insecure13:26
rwc2any thoughts?13:27
suppaggaall should have the guest session. it's very useful. I LOVE GUEST SESSION13:27
jribiBog: what ubuntu version are you using?13:27
sandman13philinux: folders of linux live usb13:27
xanguaiBog: it's old and insecure13:27
jribiBog: your problem is that you are using an unsupported ubuntu release.  Upgrade to a supported version of ubuntu13:27
jrib!10.10 | iBog13:27
ubottuiBog: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.13:27
suppaggaalrighty bye bye :)13:27
cfhowlettiBog, unsupported as in END OF LIFE13:27
iBogKris thanks.  Can I just manually download php and install it ?13:28
philinuxsandman13@: should be same - a dot at front hides stuff ctrl h shows them13:28
iBogJrib ^13:28
sandman13philinx thanks13:28
jribiBog: you need to upgrade your OS.  Your OS is insecure since it's no longer getting security updates.  Either upgrade (/msg ubottu eolupgrades) or fresh install 12.04 or 13.1013:28
iBogJrib: I'll13:28
iBogPlan an os upgrade but need to upgrade php first13:29
cfhowlettaptget, greetings13:29
aptgetnewbie here13:29
cfhowlettiBog that makes NO sense.  you can and should upgrade before worry about php13:29
jribiBog: doesn't make sense to do that imho.  You would just have a new php version with an unsupported OS.  Just upgrade your OS and kill two birds....13:29
iBogSo how do I do an os upgrade?13:30
iBogThat just sounds like a disaster13:30
cfhowlettiBog, at this stage, download the 12.04 iso, make a usb and clean install13:30
jribiBog: if you upgrade from 10.10 you need to upgrade to 11.04, then to 11.10, then to 12.04 LTS (and then keep going if you want to reach 13.10). I'd advise a backup and fresh install at this point.13:31
cfhowlettiBog, you can make a /home partition to save your data in first, though13:31
iBogSo I can't just install a new version of php?13:32
cfhowlettwould you put a new engine in a car with no tires, broken axle and busted windows?13:32
jribiBog: sure, you can.  But as we've told you a half-dozen times now, you would still be running an old, insecure, and unsupported EVERYTHING ELSE ON YOUR OS13:32
bipuliBog, why you would download new php for upgrading your OS?13:33
iBogJrib: im ok with an older os only need to update php13:34
* cfhowlett backs away from the thread ...13:34
jribiBog: it's not that the OS is old.  It's that it is unsupported: i.e. no security updates13:34
iBogBipul I only want to update php13:34
iBogKris doing an os upgrade sounds like more work.  I need to update php ASAP13:35
jribiBog: the OS should have been updated months ago13:35
iBogAnd then plan the os upgrade13:35
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/php5.html13:35
jribiBog: this is something I would do ASAP13:35
philinuxiBog;~ a new php most likely will have dependencies that are newer too13:35
cfhowlettgelson, /join #chapeco13:36
iBogJrib true.  It wasn't and now I have to come up with a plan.  Php update is critical due to a security issue13:36
cfhowlettiBog, you're running 10.10.  you haven't had a security update since ... years.  but PHP is your security priority?  OK then13:36
jribiBog: my advice is for you to install a supported version of Ubuntu.  That's going to be easier and probably faster if you already have proper back-ups in place than installing a newer php.  If you want to ignore that advice, then you probably need to go compile php or search for a random repository with a newer more secure php...13:37
iBogYes it is the priority13:37
iBogJrib do you know the version of php supported on 10.10?13:37
jribiBog: 10.10 is not supported13:38
jribso there can be no version of php supported on 10.10...13:38
iBogJrib.  Ok.  What is the most current version of php that is available for 10.10?13:38
jribiBog: 10.10 isn't supported...13:39
Jeatonanyone else having issues running steam on ubuntu 13.10?13:39
iBogWhen 10.10 was supported, what version of php dis it support?13:39
cfhowlettiBog, best suggestion: go to the php page, look through the backpackages and take your chances13:40
Jeatonit was working i think on 13.04 until I upgraded, I tried performing steam --reset, but I get the same results13:40
jribiBog: I don't know why you're resisting the OS upgrade.  It's a major flaw in your process that you should address.  You're just going to have to do extra work because instead of an OS upgrade (which gives you a supported version of php on a supported version of ubuntu) you're gonna have to muck about with trying to install newer php with old libraries on an old, unsupported OS and then install a newer ubuntu13:41
jriblater anyway13:41
kenliki'm using Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS and dpkg have some dependency problems. Anyone can help me? Check the errors -> http://pastebin.com/BQWRzvRP13:41
jribor that13:41
jribkenlik: you should say why you are running this command at all.  WHat did you do to make you want to run this command?  Also, pastebin "apt-cache policy PACKAGE" for every package mentioned in your paste13:42
bipulkenlik, is there any other installation is going on ?.13:45
andyhunt66good afternoon - I've got a question about the extent of support offered for the LTS versions13:46
hombretaohi all, i was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to configure the "run command box" that pops out when pressing Alt+F213:46
andyhunt66If a customer installed a later version of e.g. MySQL than was default packaged with LTS 12.04 - would that in any way reduce the amount of support they would receive (assuming they had a support contract) ?13:47
sperrhakenbipul: Doesn't dpkg report an error in that case, saying that it could not acquire the lock?13:47
Rorysperrhaken: you are correct13:48
Roryhombretao: What do you want to do to it?13:48
philinuxhombretao;~ alt f2 then type in fire13:49
philinuxhombretao;~ as an example13:49
kenlikjrib, Ok my first attempts was apt-get install libasterisk-agi-perl and it show dependency problems above13:50
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=== Linux_Goldl is now known as Linux_Gold
kenlikjrib, 2nd try was apt-get -f install to fix the problem13:50
jribkenlik: include libast... in your apt-cache policy paste13:51
Rorykenlik: I have a script which does a lot of package-fix-y things you can see it here http://rory.sh/fixpackages13:51
=== Linux_Gold is now known as LinuxGold
xanguaandyhunt66: only packages in the official repositories are supported if that is what you ask13:51
jribRory, kenlik: i would not advise running that script13:51
Roryjrib: oh, why?13:51
andyhunt66xangua - thanks - does the inclusion of a later package (which won't be supported) affect the support for the rest of the system?13:51
jribRory: that apt-get install -fy seems DANGEROUS.  apt-get -f sometimes wants to do really stupid things13:51
bipulsperrhaken, sorry i don't get you?13:52
VozivAnyone know why I might get "initctl: Unknown job: php5-fpm" when trying to start php 5.5.6?13:52
Roryjrib: I've seen his apt-get -f13:52
xanguaandyhunt66: if you mean you install or update a program out of official repositories and wordk for you good, but you are on your own13:52
hombretaoi just got disconnected for a second, ill ask again13:56
sperrhakenbipul: My question was in reference to: "is there any other installation is going on?"13:56
hombretaois there a way to choose which keywords trigger whihc applications with the Alt+F2 "Run command box"?13:57
philinuxhombretao;~ no it just looks up installed apps13:57
Eloy_I just plugged a AvermediaTV USB 2.0 in my laptop. lsusb tell me ID 07ca:0026 AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. AVerTV13:57
kenlikjrib, check this with apt-cache policy ->  http://pastebin.com/EjAjEqur13:57
Eloy_how can i see if it is supported??13:58
philinuxhombretao;~ for example alt f2 then type in gnome13:58
bipulsperrhaken, oh i see. yes because i have faces such problem.13:58
ActionParsnipEloy_: search for the 8 character hex id13:58
zykotick9Eloy_: have a look at http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/AVerMedia13:59
Eloy_in terminal??13:59
hombretaoyeah, it shows a list of apps begining with genome. philinux13:59
ActionParsnipEloy_: no, on the internet13:59
Eloy_zykotick9: yes i just read it, but mine is older than them13:59
philinuxhombretao;~ thats all it does13:59
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macspleanhey can someone help me make an alias in bash?13:59
ActionParsnipmacsplean: sure, what is the coomand and what alias?14:00
jribkenlik: figure out why that package isn't configure yet -- anyway sorry but I have to leave to work14:00
macspleanActionParsnip: I want to make a shortcut for rake db:migrate14:00
hombretaophilinux: so, if i tweak the app names on the place Alt+F2 looks for them, i mess up everything? :c14:00
dyumacsplean: rdbm="rake db:migrate"14:00
zykotick9macsplean: i'd suggest creating ~/.bash_aliases and adding your "alias foo = bar" in there (log out / back in to enable .bash_aliases)14:01
jribkenlik: you can see funky things going on with the versions.  You have a later version than what apt is complaining about14:01
philinuxhombretao;~ what are you trying to achieve?14:01
ActionParsnipmacsplean: in   ~/.bashrc   add:    alias rdbm="rake db:migrate"14:01
dyumacsplean i mean alias rdbm="rake db:migrate"14:01
ActionParsnipmacsplean: might be single quotes14:01
macspleanshould I do bashrc or bash_aliases?14:01
ActionParsnipmacsplean: then to test, run:   source ~/.bashrc14:01
hombretaophilinux: i want to press Alt+F2 and type "chrome" instead "google-chrome" to open chrome browser14:01
ActionParsnipmacsplean: bashrc14:01
hombretaophilinux: also, its wont open neatbeans, it won't show up14:01
ActionParsniphombretao: is that in Dash?14:02
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i think creating .bash_aliases is better then editing .bashrc myself.14:02
hombretaoActionParsnip: not sure, how do i check that? :c14:02
philinuxhombretao;~ would be easier to pin the app to the launcher14:02
ActionParsniphombretao: are you using Unity shell?14:02
philinuxhombretao;~ one click no typing14:02
hombretaoActionParsnip: no, im a ctually running linux mint ubuntu14:03
hombretaophilinux: i was trying to skip mouse/trackpad14:03
xangua!mint | hombretao14:03
ubottuhombretao: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:03
ActionParsniphombretao: mint is not supported here14:03
hombretaook, sorry14:03
hombretaothanks for your help14:03
kenlikjrib, i think the problem is with linux-headers-3.2.0-54-generic, i need to be installed to solve, right but don't work14:04
santhosh_hai iam installing ubuntu on kvm but when i opening the ubuntu my main is not getting internet14:07
ActionParsnipsanthosh_: how do you connect to the web, wireless? wired? 3G....14:08
santhosh_wired with static ip14:08
ActionParsnipsanthosh_: can you ping your default gateway?14:08
zykotick9santhosh_: are you really using virt-manager, or kvm directly from terminal?14:09
santhosh_it is not connect when my kvm machine it is possible my main is not possible14:09
santhosh_iam using kvm14:09
ActionParsnipsanthosh_: can you ping your default gateway?14:10
santhosh_it is not connecting14:10
ActionParsnipsanthosh_: is there a possibilty to use DHCP to see if that succeeds?14:10
zykotick9santhosh_: are you giving any network switches to kvm currently?  what's the command you are using?14:10
cychi there14:11
santhosh_<ActionParsnip> i want sharing net with single ip14:12
santhosh_ <zykotick9> means14:12
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cycAfter installing 3.11 kernel my usb mouse stopped working. Touchpad is still working ... mouse is detected, but cursor won't move. Has anyone else experienced this?14:13
cycThis is happening on 13.1014:13
ActionParsnipcyc: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:13
andyhunt66xangua - thank you!14:14
cycUbuntu 13.10 \n \l14:14
zykotick9ActionParsnip: (not sure if you're familiar with kvm) but, getting network working (in a non-NATed way) would be VERY challenging on ubuntu (ie. you can't use N-M i don't think, as it requires a bridge)14:14
auronandacecyc: 13.10 ships with 3.11, you shouldn't need to install that kernel14:14
ActionParsnipzykotick9: not sure tbh, never used kvm14:14
ActionParsnipcyc: was this via updates, or have you installed a kernel you found on the web?14:15
falkenhorst@dadrc     biste noch da? der chat ist 2x abgeschmiert14:15
cycauronandace true ... I've upgraded a few weeks ago to 13.10 but I've noticed today that 3.8 is still used ... that's why I installed it14:15
cycActionParsnip, apt-get, of course14:15
ActionParsnipcyc: if you unplug the device, wait a few seconds then shove it back in, is it ok?14:16
cycIt all started when I was trying to get kernel headers for 3.8 and then finding out I still use kernel from 13.04 for some reason ...14:16
cycActionParsnip, eh, I tried a few different devices already and checked in windows if they're still working. So no ... that doesn't change a bit :)14:17
digitlmananybody using picuntu?14:18
auronandacedigitlman: if it isn't official then it isn't supported here14:18
digitlmanok thanks14:19
cycthis happens if I disconnect the mouse (it's a wireless one, but an old fashioned one with a cord doesn't work either)14:19
cycOther usb devices seem to work fine, usb stick for example.14:20
robin__is it possible to change 12.04 GDM loginscreen to the newest one known from 13.04 http://i.stack.imgur.com/OfG75.png14:22
cycso ... maybe I'm having problems because 13.10 install was an upgrade, not a clean install. Still ... a mouse is pretty basic stuff :)14:22
auronandacerobin__: 12.04 uses lightdm, not gdm14:22
sperrhakenkenlik: Is it possible that you missed an error during the previous dpkg run?  (The one before you were trying to install libasterisk-agi-perl.)  Can you remember what you did then, maybe the logs can refresh your memory?  Have you tried running 'apt-get update' before 'apt-get -f install', hopefully getting the package information about the update /linux-server/ package?14:23
philinuxrobin__;~ whats the difference in the two14:24
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robin__no it says gdm ... i installed from minimal image14:24
philinuxrobin__;~ you could install lightdm14:24
robin__is this fixing the problem ... i heard gdm is more reliable... whats 13.04 or 13.10 based on14:25
philinuxrobin__;~ whats  th problem you've got14:25
robin__standard gdm login screen14:26
robin__i want to replace it with the nice one14:26
philinuxrobin__;~ then install lightdm and give it a whirl14:26
dvineoneWhat is lightdm?14:27
auronandacedvineone: ubuntu's default login screen (display manager)14:28
philinuxdvineone;~ have a quich net search14:28
Le_Baconi have a weird error w/ k3b. could someone plz help?14:29
cycI guess I'll create a usb boot disk with 13.10 and try ubuntu live ... and see if mouse works there normally14:30
dvineoneoh i see. Did not  know it was called lightdm14:30
Le_Baconi have a weird error w/ k3b. could someone plz help?14:30
Le_Baconi have a weird error w/ k3b. could someone plz help?14:30
Rory!details | Le_Bacon14:30
ubottuLe_Bacon: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:30
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Le_Bacon'kay.  well, I'm on ubuntu 12.04.  When i try to burn an iso to a dvd+r, it prepares to do it, the it fails.14:32
RoryLe_Bacon: Does it give an error message? Does it occur with any .iso file or just one in particular? have you tried a different burning application like brasero?14:32
ObrienDaveLe_Bacon, does your burner support +R? not all do14:32
dvineoneUsing brasaro?14:33
Le_BaconRory: well it's zorin os 6.4 ObrienDave: I've tried -R too, it doesn't work either. so i don't know.14:34
RoryLe_Bacon: This is the ubuntu support channel not zorin14:34
RoryLe_Bacon: I think you accidentally joined the wrong channel :)14:34
Le_Baconi have the problem in ubuntu.  that's why i'm here.14:34
ObrienDaveLe_Bacon, have you checked the ISO with MD5?14:35
Le_Baconyeah, it appears to come out fine.14:35
Le_Baconi think.14:35
RoryLe_Bacon: Can you try using the command-line tool "cdrecord" with the following command: cdrecord -v -pad speed=4 dev=0,0,0 path/to/your.iso14:35
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ ah you're trying to burn an OS iso14:35
Le_Baconhey, i'm kind of a n00b here14:35
dvineoneWhen burning DVD's with brasaro i think you need to install some additional libs.14:36
Rorydvineone: Not to burn a disk image (.iso)14:36
Le_Baconin k3b?14:36
ObrienDavek3b should burn it with no problems14:36
philinuxagreed ObrienDave14:36
Le_Baconhmmm... well, i've got a problem.14:37
RoryLe_Bacon: Can you try using the command-line tool "cdrecord" with the following command: cdrecord -v -pad speed=4 dev=0,0,0 path/to/your.iso14:37
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ could be a bad dvd.14:37
RoryLe_Bacon: if it fails then the error output from that command will be useful14:37
Le_Baconphilinux: i've gone through a bunch of them14:37
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ I bet - hates em I do - I use dvd rw''s now14:38
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ I mainly use usb stick now14:38
RoryLe_Bacon: You could use a USb flash drive instead of a DVD if you are trying to burn an OS14:38
Le_Baconphilinux okay. but will an old laptop boot from that?14:39
RoryLe_Bacon: Only you will know that14:39
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ not necessarlity. Does k3b not show an error14:39
Le_Baconphilinux yeah, it does.  it says it's a problem with the medium.14:40
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ use the command line stuff that Rory gave you ^^ might get more info14:41
ObrienDavehow old is the burner?14:41
Le_Baconive tried several mediums though, and none of them work.14:41
Le_Baconit's on old dell, i think its 10 years old.14:41
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ have you another machine to burn the iso on?14:42
ObrienDavemight be time for a new burner or at least clean the lens14:42
Le_Baconyeah, but do you have a good method of transporting the iso?14:42
RoryLe_Bacon: a flash drive...?14:43
RoryLe_Bacon: At a pinch, your phone14:43
Le_Baconhow 'bout an other dvd?14:43
philinuxits 1.6 gig i think so should fit on aphone14:43
RoryLe_Bacon: lol if you could burn DVDs you won't need to transport the iso14:43
philinuxRory;~ i think he means as a data disk14:44
Le_Baconno, i just mean as a storage device.14:44
RoryLe_Bacon: So you can burn DVDs, but you just can't burn this iso?14:44
philinuxLe_Bacon;~ that might show if dvd burner works worth a shot14:44
RoryLe_Bacon: Can you try with the command I gave you earlier?14:44
Le_Bacon@Rory: what do i put the command into?14:45
Rory!cli | Le_Bacon14:45
ubottuLe_Bacon: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro14:45
Roryerr that factoid really wants updating14:46
cycI've checked - after booting 13.10 from usb stick, mouse works fine. If I boot old 3.8 kernel, mouse also works, but then I get blank screen. If I boot 3.11 kernel nvidia drivers work fine, but only touchpad works, not the real mouse. Any suggestions besides clean install? :)14:46
Le_Baconokay brb14:46
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RoryLe_Bacon: Obviously replace /path/to/your.iso with the actual filename of the disk image (eg /home/username/Downloads/blahblah.iso)14:48
Le_BaconRory: here's what i get wodim: No write mode specified. wodim: Assuming -tao mode. wodim: Future versions of wodim may have different drive dependent defaults. TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits. scsidev: '0,0,0' scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0 WARNING: the deprecated pseudo SCSI syntax found as device specification. Support for that may cease in the future versions of wodim. 14:49
ObrienDaveneeds to be -dao14:50
cycWell, considering I have /home on a separate partition ... I'll make a clean install - that should work. Stupid as it sounds ... :)14:50
maodo you realize discuss which linux distro is pointless ??14:50
Le_Baconwhat do u mean ObrienDave?14:50
ObrienDave-tao is Track At Once. -dao is Disk At Once14:51
Le_Baconokay, how do i set that?14:51
ObrienDavenot sure through wodim. I use k3b ;)14:51
studentzHi there. After upgrade to the 14.04 I cannot login using lgdm, but I can get into the partition from terminal (Ctrl Alt F1). Any pointers? thanks14:51
icerootstudentz: #ubuntu+114:52
Le_Baconso do i14:52
Rorymao: What do you mean?14:54
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ActionParsnipstudentz: #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support15:00
studentzHi there. After upgrade to the  I cannot login using lgdm, but I can get into the partition from terminal (Ctrl Alt F1). Any pointers? thanks15:00
kkkkkkhi all, why my chrome is slow as compared with windows, chrome on linux has only one add on adblock and it takes 6 seconds to startup first time, while on windows, it take s 2-3 seconds, with months of history, many add ons etc15:01
kkkkkk should i update chrome?? my version is old, 29.0 . something15:01
zykotick9studentz: for support of 14.04 you need the right channel (not here!)  use "/join #ubuntu+1" to get there.15:01
kkkkkkwhat is latest version of chrome??15:01
ActionParsnipstudentz: if you cannot fix stuff like that you probably shouldnt use pre-release15:03
ActionParsnipstudentz: especially as it is so young15:03
ActionParsnipstudentz: if you use Precise, you can upgrade direct to Trusty as it is LTS to LTS15:03
kkkkkkActionParsnip: why my chrome is so slow15:04
kkkkkkActionParsnip: can u help me15:04
studentzActionParnsnip my bad I mean to say to last version.15:04
ActionParsnipkkkkkk: try closing the app and renaming it's config folder, then rerun15:04
ActionParsnipstudentz: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc15:04
molgrumsystem alert sound doesn't play for me in unity, but it does in gnome shell. what could cause this? i have opened the sound configuration and the alert sound is "on" and at max volume15:05
molgrumanything else i can check?15:05
kkkkkkActionParsnip: i have not downloaded any apps, and where is the config folder, i have only downloaded adblock plus15:05
Rorymolgrum: What ubuntu version/15:06
molgrumRory: 13.1015:06
ActionParsnipkkkkkk: ~/.config/google-chrome15:06
ActionParsnipkkkkkk: a quick look through your filesystem would have shown that15:06
dumnuthi, sound on my computer does not work. how do i find out what sound driver i have ?15:07
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:07
Rorydumnut: There's a guide here ^15:07
ActionParsnipdumnut: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload15:07
kkkkkkactionparnship: okay i got it, but just to rename it or delete it15:08
studentzActionparnship I'm not at the computer right now. But I remember the  lsb_release indicate last version. Also, I uninstall (purge) nvidia and noveau drivers, but the problem persist.15:09
ActionParsnipkkkkkk: delete, less destructtive15:09
dumnuthi ubottu hi Rory hi ActionParsnip, ok i'll do what you guys suggested15:09
ActionParsnipstudentz: are you using Optimus GPU (witchable)15:09
ActionParsnipdumnut: the command will make a url, what is the url please15:10
studentzActionParnsnip Nope is a Desktop.15:10
misterr_x_x_xi'v a problem whit conky colors, isn't traspartent... any have a solution?15:11
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kkkkkkActionParsnip: it seems fast but my adblock plus is gone and i need to check it after reboot15:11
Rorymisterr_x_x_x: Try in #conky15:11
kkkkkkActionParsnip: i will be right there within few minutes15:11
misterr_x_x_xthanks rory15:14
maoHOW to make one applications to use the proxy ,  and the others just as usually ?  thanks..15:15
dumnutActionParsnip: the url is http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=6763d25d0128f11ef2bc5eb183d4469d6a00c81015:16
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Rorydumnut: it looks like your sound card is detected and installed fine, can you run the command: alsamixer15:21
Rorydumnut: That will bring up a horizontal bank of faders, use your arrow keys to navigate between them and check they're all turned up15:21
ActionParsnipdumnut: run the large command just above step 2 on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure15:22
ActionParsnipdumnut: then reboot to test15:23
BluesKajdumnut. if you just upgraded then the intel hda driver probly isn't loading at startup , it's a known bug , in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel , no output if the driver loads properly , but may need to reboot15:24
santhosh_hai iam installting centos as a host and in that kvm iam installting ubuntu but the 2 system are not connect at a time15:24
santhosh_is there anty solutions tell me15:25
ikoniasanthosh_: that is a host problem, ask in #centos15:25
zykotick9santhosh_: personally i'd suggest asking in #kvm15:25
santhosh_ok evn that every one knows on that in that iam asking15:26
ikoniasanthosh_: we understand what you are asking and it needs to be configured on the host, the host is centos, so the #centos support channel will help you15:26
dumnutActionParsnip Rory and BluesKaj: i foloowed your troubleshooting page and upper right corner of screen at volume control it was on mute. i turned up voluime and it worked ok. thank-you for your help15:27
santhosh_ok the same problem iam getting ubuntu also15:27
zykotick9ikonia: networking kvm is "tricky", i really think #kvm would be able to help more...  but they might be sent to centos support to create the bridge ;)15:27
BluesKajdumnut. np :)15:27
ceborIm on ubuntu 13.10 since last updates i must enter passphrase for my ssh key, is this i bug or have i broke something ?15:27
ikoniazykotick9: based on centos's default setup, it will simpley by either libvirtd not running, or the xml profile for bridges having the wrong interface name in, eg: he's using a wifi card called wlan0 instead of eth*15:28
cebor> no popup, i get it in prompt15:28
zykotick9ikonia: santhosh_ stated earlier they are NOT using virtmanager, but kvm directly (i'm not sure how accurate that is however ;)15:29
ikoniazykotick9: then it's more likley the second of the two situations15:29
santhosh_ok thanks15:29
ikoniazykotick9: as the second is nothing to do with virt/virsh15:29
ceborcan someone with rsa key test this for me ?15:30
lolcattest what?15:30
lolcatcebor: if it has a passphrase, wont you have to type it in?15:30
ActionParsnipdumnut: d'oh15:30
ceborbefore you can click a checkbox save, now this window dont comes up15:31
ceboronly a input in prompt15:31
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dumnutActionParsnip: good point, it is the obvious that i miss d'oh me15:34
ActionParsnipdumnut: well, we got there15:35
williangliaoit's time to go to bed, good night everyone,15:38
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
juniourhey i have intex tv tunner. can i can use it with ubuntu???15:40
ActionParsnipjuniour: how does it connect the system?15:42
juniourActionParsnip usb. i have done lsusb. its showing the device15:43
ActionParsnipjuniour: any results for the 8 character hex id?15:43
ActionParsnipjuniour: what is it please?15:44
ActionParsnipthe ID15:44
juniourBus 002 Device 006: ID 18ec:3280 Arkmicro Technologies Inc.15:44
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juniourActionParsnip ?15:45
ActionParsnipjuniour: what is the output of:   ls -al /dev/vid*15:46
ActionParsnipjuniour: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212415115:46
juniourActionParsnip i am reading this post but not getting15:46
ActionParsnipjuniour: are there any bugs reported?15:47
juniourcrw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Nov 21 21:03 /dev/video015:47
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
MoneyMaker**Earn 0.25$ Per Lead **. For Details:http://www.StillRemember.Net/Affiliate.htm15:47
juniourActionParsnip y is it like that . everything works fine with windows but when we come to ubuntu just it fail to work15:49
ActionParsnipjuniour: drivers and support15:49
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ActionParsnipjuniour: I can name several things that work in Linux but not in Windows15:50
juniourActionParsnip wt to do now15:50
ActionParsnipjuniour: check for bugs, report a bug15:50
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ActionParsnipjuniour: its stil worthwhile reading rviews to see what works with Ubuntu etc before buying. Then it will work in both15:57
juniourActionParsnip but what for now bro :)15:58
ActionParsnipjuniour: use your windows OS for it15:58
juniourActionParsnip heee haaaaaa nice answer :)15:58
krambiorixhi, i have installed php imap  like apt-get install php5-imap and all installed just fine... But now in my browser i get (again) : Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open() in.... wth?!16:00
krambiorixCan someone explain?16:00
mhoganHi, I'm running 12.04LTS and would like to change the default protocol in remmina.  I've looked in ~/.remmina/remmina.pref but do not see it. Can someone tell me where to make the change?16:01
jnpplfmhogan, sounds like a question for #remmina or #ubuntu?16:02
mhoganjnpplf: I'll try #remmina, thanks16:03
jnpplfmhogan, there may not be one, just sayin' :)16:03
zykotick9jnpplf: ahhh, this is #ubuntu16:03
jnpplfIt is.16:03
* jnpplf looks around16:03
* jnpplf runs away16:03
jnpplfThat explain a lot.16:04
zerowaitstate*jnpplf puts a hand over one eye and looks around16:05
MotherMGAHello, I have a problem with dual monitors on 13.10 using ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5430.    Basically, it looks like the screen buffer for my attached monitor is offset by about 4 pixels.  The laptop screen looks perfect.  There is about a 4 pixels strip on the right of my external monitor that displays a sliver of my laptop screen, along with some random pixels above/below because my laptop screen is smaller than the external moni16:05
MotherMGAAny clue on how I can fix that?16:05
molgrumi don't get this, as far as i see both unity and gnome shell uses the same sound configuring app. however the system alert sound doesn't play in unity for me.. it does in gnome shell16:07
impradeepycan we install vlc 2.1.1 on 13.04? officialy not but ney ppa ??16:08
BluesKajimpradeepy.why , what's the advantage over the default ?16:08
zykotick9BluesKaj: it has a bigger number for version ;)16:09
philinuxbug fixes etc etc16:09
BluesKajzykotick9. , newer means more stable to some16:09
zykotick9BluesKaj: newer means less-stable, to me ;)16:09
philinuximpradeepy;~ just get the correct ppa16:10
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BluesKajphilinux. what bug fixes , vlc is fine as it is16:10
philinuxBluesKaj;~ I was generalising16:10
impradeepyios port16:10
BluesKajzykotick9. yeah , guiess my sarcasm didn't come thru :)16:10
impradeepyney way thanks its better use google search16:11
impradeepynjoy all bye16:11
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ActionParsnip!info vlc raring16:17
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 (raring), package size 1058 kB, installed size 3356 kB16:18
richard305New here: can anyone help me with sound issues in 13.10?16:19
ActionParsniprichard305: what is the issue?16:20
richard305ActionParsnip: i was trying to get skype to work and i'm pretty sure i broke something now when i pull up pulseaudio mixer and play things in banshee, the sounds are registering on the screen, but nothing's coming out of the speakers16:23
ActionParsniprichard305: tried:   killall pulseaudio    wait 5 seconds then try sound stuff16:23
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wheatthinsounds like pulseaudio has been a common problem lately16:24
richard305yeah, still nothing16:25
richard305pulseaudio's volume control shows that it knows the songs are playing16:25
simonpataponI want to backup a drive on a windows server 2008 system to a Ubuntu system... wich is better? getting file from ubuntu or sending files from windows server?16:25
richard305it's just not making it to the speakers16:25
philinuxrichard305;~ see this http://m.webupd8.org/2013/10/get-sound-working-in-skype-with-ubuntu.html?m=116:26
philinuxwheaties466;~ just skype i think16:26
richard305i actually did that16:26
richard305i think it fixed skype, but i can't be sure because i've screwed something else up in the process16:26
wheatthinphilinux, nah, it's not just this one situation I'm talking about :)16:27
richard305i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling pulseaudio16:27
wheatthinrichard305, can you check alsamixer in the console and see if it has anything muted?16:27
philinuxrichard305;~ delete the pulse audio cookie too16:28
BarackObama_IHi folks.16:28
richard305well that's darn odd16:28
BluesKajrichard305. cat /proc/asound/modules , what's the output ?16:28
AkonkwaHi everyone16:28
richard305the moment i opened the alsamixer it started working16:28
eugene-c1i'm starter Ubuntu user. who can recommend me nice audio player with radio?16:29
AkonkwaHow can I read the topic ?16:29
wheatthinalsamixer is conflicting with pulseaudio resources16:29
PiciAkonkwa: /topic16:29
richard305it sounds like it16:29
BluesKajno alsa just loaded16:29
richard305i'm going to try shutting down, rebooting, and seeing if it stays working16:29
BluesKajpulse rides on top of alsa as a soundserver16:29
deersican anyone help in connecting a 3.5G Connect iBall USB modem on Ubuntu 13.04?16:30
wheatthinso if it just loaded, it would have showed any output acknowledgement in the pulseaudio wave thingy16:30
Akonkwa@Pici : thx16:30
BarackObama_IPlug it in Deersi.16:30
themysticgeekHi. Can nebody suggest another way of creating a custom ubuntu live cd besides remastersys?16:30
AkonkwaCan I ask questions about linuxw here ?16:31
philinuxAkonkwa;~ !topic16:31
wheatthinubuntu :)16:31
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:31
wheatthinif it isn't ubuntu related #linux16:31
Akonkwawhen I tipe /topic it says ' Insufficient arguments for command"16:32
wheatthinAkonkwa, you're doing that in the channel? if not, you have to supply the channel16:33
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:33
themysticgeekHi. Can nebody suggest another way of creating a custom ubuntu live cd besides remastersys?16:33
PiciAkonkwa: This is the official Ubuntu support channel, if you have a question about Ubuntu, just ask.16:33
ceborcan i prevent that i getting root access via grub ?16:33
mac_12hi to everyone16:34
Akonkwa!topic #ubuntu16:34
eugene-c1can anyone help me: how to change graphic theme of DE in Ubuntu 12 04? I'm new to linux :)16:34
Akonkwawheatthin:  yes I'm doing it in the channel16:34
richard305stayed fixed after reboot16:35
wheatthinwell gosh.. you're welcome :P16:35
=== lucacii is now known as lucaci
richard305i guess somehow i hadn't reinitialized alsa after reinstalling it and pulseaudio and opening the alsa mixer as opposed to the pulseaudio one somehow fixed it16:36
richard305so thanks :)16:36
richard305crazy. right then, back to work. no more excuses.16:37
AkonkwaI'm trying  to remove a file named <filename> in any subdirectory or deeper of a specific directory. DOes anyone know how to do this ?16:37
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
ceborAkonkwa: rm subdir/subsubdir/filname  ?16:42
themysticgeekHi. Can nebody suggest another way of creating a custom ubuntu live cd besides remastersys?16:43
ObrienDaveUbuntu Customization Kit16:45
vaskozlHey back in 13.04 I remember that there was a "/etc/acpi/lid.sh" script that would control what happens when you turn of your lid16:45
vaskozlIt is no longer their....16:46
BluesKajthemysticgeek. there used to be an app to make custom live media , but my memory fails me :/16:46
vaskozlanyone know where I can achieve the same thing in 13.10?16:46
BarackObama_IOver and above all, it's just another day.16:46
jhutchins_wkvaskozl: turn of your lid?16:46
allstarsnorks2just realised 20GB is not enough size for a partition if you want to build custom UBuntu distros because they are all 5GB+++16:46
vaskozlWell afair it was a script that was run when the lid was closed/opened16:46
themysticgeek@ObrienDave: thanks16:47
jhutchins_wkvaskozl: It might have moved to udev.16:47
vaskozlSo lets say I could have it write in a file, logging every time the computers goes to sleep and wakes up16:47
vaskozlmoreover I could  have it so that it doesn't go to sleep16:47
vaskozlwhen I close the lid16:47
vaskozljhutchins_wk: so what would I do?16:49
Xtreme666Hello Guys, I am using XUbuntu, and xfce is still saving my session when i ask it not to. How to fix this issue?16:50
navetzhey guys what's the best irc client for ubuntu?16:50
Xtreme666navetz, you are in it16:50
zykotick9!best | navetz16:50
ubottunavetz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:50
zykotick9navetz: xchat is popular for gui, and irssi/weechat in terminal.  YMMV16:51
navetzokay cool. I currently don't have a client so I was looking for a couple suggestions16:51
ObrienDavesome like HexChat16:51
navetzI'm just using the broswer irc webchat16:51
zykotick9!irc | navetz16:51
ubottunavetz: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:51
vaskozlok so here is my question in another way: Where is the config that allows you to change the events on lid close, power button, etc.16:51
Xtreme666i like xcgat16:52
Xtreme666i use it on windows and linux16:52
navetzthanks everyone I'll give xchat a shot16:52
vaskozlsome like irssi16:52
Xtreme666anyone with xfce bug solution?16:52
vaskozlweechat is good16:52
ObrienDaveyou'll like HexChat16:53
vaskozlhowcome everyone starts arguing about a "best irc client" and then noone actually answers propper questions16:53
Sh1G3rUweechat has lots of pluginx16:53
allstarsnorks2Hey guys, how do I delete a file as root?16:53
ObrienDavewe're funny that way ;P16:53
zykotick9allstarsnorks2: "sudo rm foo"16:53
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ be very careful - here be dragons16:54
allstarsnorks2or, how do I access the root account?16:54
prakash09i am using ubuntu 12.04 lts. how can i switch between different apps quickly16:54
vaskozlor WinKey + # of application16:54
vanishingsudo -s16:54
Sh1G3rUlol vaskozl16:54
vaskozlon the taskbar16:54
vanishingsudo su16:54
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ would help if you say exactly what you need to do16:55
prakash09allstarsnorks2: sudo su16:55
Myrttimeh, sudo su is redundant and a bit wrong16:55
zykotick9vanishing: prakash09 DON'T suggest "sudo su"!  it's wrong!16:55
allstarsnorks2ohilinux: I want to delete an .iso file I built that took like 5GB of my disc drive16:55
vanishingzykotick9: erm...really?16:55
vanishingdidn't know that16:55
vanishingor rather su16:55
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ that should be sudo -i16:55
Myrttiallstarsnorks2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:56
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ where is it located why root16:56
Sh1G3rUguys dont use root you can do everything you need with sudo16:56
zykotick9Sh1G3rU: +116:56
vaskozlthere is nothing wrong with root16:57
Sh1G3rUthnx zykotick916:57
vaskozlI have a root terminal open all the time16:57
allstarsnorks2file system > home > remastersys > remastersys16:57
Sh1G3rUvaskozl, the problem is that 99% of people who uses root messes everything16:57
Sh1G3rUon daily basis i mean16:57
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ just cd to the folder then sudo rm the file16:57
vaskozlSh1G3rU: I think the main problem with root is practical.16:57
vaskozlSh1G3rU: if you create a file as root, you can't then open it as a normal user without hitting it with chmod and stuff16:58
allstarsnorks2so, cd home/remastersys/remastersys?16:58
k1lvaskozl: please stick to the ubuntu way in here when giving advises. thanks16:58
Sh1G3rUvaskozl,  you can sudo chown user:user file16:58
prakash09is there any software that makes switching easy in ubuntu 12.0416:58
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ / in front of home16:58
Sh1G3rUroot is the pandora box16:59
vaskozlSh1G3rU: I mean working with a root terminal sucks, unless you wan't to give all your other application root access, which you definately shouldn't16:59
BluesKajprakash09. switching to ?16:59
Sh1G3rU:P that is why binarys on the /usr/bin has all the sticky bit16:59
vaskozlI just use the root terminal to install things :D16:59
prakash09Blueskaj:switching between different apps fast16:59
allstarsnorks2cd ;~ /home/remastersys/remastersys/17:00
vaskozlbecause I don't want to type the password every time I use apt-get17:00
philinuxprakash09;~ do you mean alternatives to win apps17:00
=== matanya_ is now known as matanya
zykotick9!wfm | vaskozl17:00
ubottuvaskozl: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/17:00
k1lprakash09: press alt+tab17:00
Sh1G3rUvaskozl,  my for the last 3 years has a dual boot xubuntu and freebsd and i never used root on my xubuntu17:00
prakash09no,i mean if 2-3 applications are open at a time then switching between them fast17:00
=== muffinhead is now known as ORGANasm
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ yep17:01
k1lprakash09: yes, i mean that too17:01
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ then ls to see the files17:01
k1lprakash09: or if you us unity, use the superkey+number shown17:01
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
kephrawhat ubuntu file to download for USB, for someone who has no (slow) internet to install it17:02
KaneoHello guys, there is a HDMI port in my laptop, and I'd like to find out if it supports input or output, how can I find out?17:02
allstarsnorks2I don't understand. Why does applications that build custom distros take up a massive amount of space17:02
BluesKajprakash09.ka it's hdmi out , for sure17:02
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ you'll have to ask himself17:03
zykotick9Kaneo: see BluesKaj above17:03
vaskozlI would assume only output17:03
BluesKajerr sorry prakash09 Kaneo^'17:03
vaskozlcheck with xrandr17:03
pablovjoin #edx17:03
zykotick9Kaneo: and don't crosspost to different channels at the same time17:03
KaneoBluesKaj: I'd like to find out though.17:03
KaneoBluesKaj: how can I find out?17:03
vaskozlKaneo: input?17:03
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
Kaneovaskozl: ?17:04
Kaneoxrandr shows17:04
KaneoHDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)17:04
KaneoVGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)17:04
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ fragadelic is the man to ask17:04
vaskozlKaneo: so you have nothing plugged in?17:04
allstarsnorks2alright, found te files17:04
BluesKajKaneo. the only video inputs on a pc/laptop are video capture cards , that aren'/t installed by default , unless you did17:04
rjzellcan anyone help me with an issue i ran into while upgrading to 13.10 last night?17:04
kephraallstarsnorks2, Wirth's law "software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster."17:04
philinuxallstarsnorks2;~ I thought 4 gig was the limit of remastersys17:04
allstarsnorks2philinux: PArtition went from from 14GB to 9GB because remastersys17:05
rjzellabout halfway through the upgrade, my system froze. i left it for about 45 minutes and it still would not respond to anything.17:06
KaneoI connected one HDMI cable in my laptop, and the other end into my Xbox 360 console, and now I'd like to view my Xbox 360 screen on my monitor instead of showing up my usual laptop screen, Linux isn't detecting anything, Windows would usually detect the cable but why isn't Linux doing it? do I have to install something?17:06
Sh1G3rUrjzell,  is you pc working right now?17:07
zykotick9Kaneo: you HDMI is OUTPUT, NOT INPUT17:07
jenJ33suppose that you are responsible of a server which has got more than 20000 users suddenly an organisation makes you a call and tell you that one of your users is now hacking our server and they give you a warning which if you won't stop him in 30 mins, we will attack your server (DDoS) and further more we will sue you as well. They  give you their server IP address in other to make it very quick. Now my question is how can you find thi17:07
pirulinuxhola a todos17:07
Kaneozykotick9: so?17:08
zykotick9Kaneo: so, your laptop is trying to output to your xbox - do you think that will work?17:08
rjzellyes, it is working. i ran the dpkg --config -a command and it seems ot be working again, but wanted to know if there was any way to make sure nothing in the background was still broken17:08
vaskozljenJ33: this is the ubuntu forum17:08
Kaneozykotick9, can I output my screen to the TV?17:08
vaskozlKaneo: yes17:09
k1lKaneo: you cant use your laptop as a monitor only.17:09
zykotick9Kaneo: sure HMDI from laptop to TV17:09
jenJ33vaskozl: ubuntu couldn't be a server operation system? where should I ask my q?17:09
k1lKaneo: its a one-way-street. only from the laptop -> tv/monitor and not into the laptop17:09
Kaneoif I connect one HDMI cable in my laptop, and the other end at my TV, will Ubuntu automatically output?17:09
=== Vegeta is now known as Guest34720
k1ljenJ33: of course is ubuntu a server OS17:09
Kaneoor will I gotta do something?17:09
vaskozlKaneo: yes17:10
vaskozlKaneo: you can further configure it trough the screen settings17:10
vaskozlKaneo: you should see a picture instantly.17:10
allstarsnorks2THE BUILD IS DONE WOO17:11
pirulinuxThere is one of these chat in Spanish17:11
vaskozlallstarsnorks2: good job!17:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:12
pirulinuxmuchas gracias ubottu17:12
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。17:13
Sh1G3rUarrigato tadeimas ubottu17:13
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:14
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=== patsy is now known as berga
til4kanyone here dual boot with UEFI17:22
auronandace!uefi | til4k17:23
ubottutil4k: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:23
til4kyeah ive read a lot about it17:23
Johnny_Linuxpretty slick17:23
FiremanEd!ask | til4k17:23
ubottutil4k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:23
til4kman you guys are obnoxious ill search then jesus17:24
=== danielwf_ is now known as danielwf
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:24
allstarsnorks2now i want to distribute my custom distro. ANy websites to recommend?17:25
PandianI want to install https://launchpad.net/minesweeper-touch in 12.0417:26
Pandianany ideas17:26
ObrienDaveallstarsnorks2, linuxtracker17:27
FiremanEdPandian: Isn't that for Ubuntu Touch?17:27
gorgonzolahello peoples. packages.ubuntu.com is down? is it just outage or did it move somewhere else?17:28
gorgonzolarelated: is there a mirror i could use?17:28
k1lgorgonzola: temporary, i suggest17:28
Pandian@FiremanEd oh is there any minesweeper equivalent for ubuntu 12.0417:28
gorgonzolak1l oh. ok. thanks!17:29
ObrienDavePandian, it's known as "Mines"17:30
FiremanEdPandian: or Minefield17:31
Pandianok thanks17:31
philinuxgorgonzola;~ been down ages today17:36
gorgonzolaphilinux yeah, i've been trying to reach it all morning...17:37
ObrienDavePandian, gnome-mines17:37
gorgonzolaphilinux that's why i came here to ask if it had moved or what17:37
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philinuxgorgonzola;~ http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/17:38
philinuxgorgonzola;~ handy site17:38
gorgonzolaphillinux: ooh, that might come in handy. thanks for the tip.17:38
philinuxgorgonzola;~ welcome17:39
navetzhey guys where can I find the files for google chrom after it's installed?17:39
zykotick9navetz: check in /opt (just a guess!)17:40
navetzzykotick9, there it is!17:41
DeepBluehello evry1 , i am looking for a driver modem zte mdsl ac8700 o/s ubuntu ver 7.4 can you hlp pls17:48
ObrienDaveubuntu 7.4???17:49
ilhamiI need help with my external monitor. When I plug it in I can't get past login screen.17:49
reisiowhy not17:50
MonkeyDust!eolupgrade | DeepBlue if that is not a joke17:50
ubottuDeepBlue if that is not a joke: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:50
ilhamiI don't know. It returns back to the login screen all the time. When its plugged off and I only use my laptop screen it works fine.17:50
reisioilhami: and as guest?17:53
ilhamireisio: I didn't try as a guest. Should I try?17:53
BarackObama_IThe IRS, go figure.17:56
=== eugene is now known as eugene_mac
eugene_machello! I have a problem: nouveau drivers are not selected (though, installed): when I try 'lsmod | grep nouveau' i get nothing in return. I try 'modprobe nouveau', but I get and error of "could not insert nouveau: no such device". in case this is important, I load with 'acpi=off' option, as I cannot load otherwise. Can anyone help me?18:03
gener1ci have a file in my path that is called screedump, i ran this utility and all it did is spit some stuff from my bootup to stdout18:12
gener1cwhat is it for?18:12
gener1cis it normal to have this?18:12
=== dean is now known as dean|away
allstarsnorks2command to delete an .iso file as root?18:14
gener1csudo rm18:14
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
BarackObama_IWhere the cash at?18:17
BarackObama_IWhere the stash at?18:17
bazhang!ot | BarackObama_I18:18
ubottuBarackObama_I: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:18
FiremanEdBarackObama_I : please behave.18:18
BluesKajhe's probly a republican :)18:18
BarackObama_IUbuntu is African, what do they have over there?18:19
BarackObama_IDoes Africa has the two party system?18:19
bazhangtake the chat elsewhere BarackObama_I18:19
ilhamiHey. I still haven't solved my issue. I have a problem with my external monitor. I can't get past the login screen when it's plugged in.18:20
ObrienDavewell played ;)18:20
allstarsnorks21.52GB distro ugh18:21
jbroomeubuntu-server and install what you want from there18:22
impossibleilhami, what do you mean?18:22
mollitzIs it possible to just route a given IP Range or Ports with openvpn? I need to connect to a mysql odbc via openvpn and they have no internet on their server...18:22
ilhamiimpossible: whenever I plugin my external monitor I am sent back to the login screen.18:22
impossibleilhami, so you log in and when you plug the ex. monitor is kicks ya out?18:23
impossiblei use an external and it doesnt do that to me :(18:23
BluesKajilhami. plug it in before login18:23
impossibletrue! make sure its plugged before18:24
impossiblei always have my laptop plugged in maybe thats why18:24
ilhamiI did BluesKaj... When I then enter my password the light on my monitor gets orange. You know its green until the login screen and all that..18:24
ilhamithen it goes back to the login screen18:24
ilhamilike a loop :D18:24
ilhamiinfinite loop18:24
FloodBot1ilhami: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:24
impossiblelol, you got too excited18:24
BluesKajilhami. what kind of connection to the monitor ?18:25
ilhamiits vga.18:25
ilhamican you check xrandr? :D18:25
ilhamiBluesKaj ?18:29
BluesKajilhami. which graphics , perhaps you need a better driver18:30
troulouliou_devhi how can i reset all the credentials used by dbconfig-common ; i m trying to configure redmine on psql but i m never prompted for admin/user credentials18:30
ilhami BluesKaj I have nvidia18:31
ilhamior I have two graphic cards18:31
ilhamiI use the intel one for regular stuff and Nvidia for games.18:31
BluesKajilhami. check your settings/additional drivers18:32
j4ckxandxj1llAnyone there?18:32
ilhamiBluesKaj to be honest I was sent from the Linux channel to here. I am running Linux Mint,18:32
katimayacan anyone help me with getting tuxboot working on an old knoppix with kde 3.5.5?18:32
LucidGuyPlugged in USB drive.  dmesg does note the device as a generic sg2 type 0 .. and comments it as sdb.  Yet fdisk -l does not see a /dev/sd device, nor am I able to mount it.  Opinions?18:32
katimayaapt-get won't update18:33
BluesKajilhami. dual gpus on a laptop,  must be 'Optimus'18:33
katimayai downloaded the source but it won't make18:33
Trudkoguys i have ubuntu 13.10 and i installed apache2 then tried to reinstall it and since then i am not able to start it. i did reintall it again and when I run sudo service apache2 start nothing happens to error  nothing18:33
BluesKajkatimaya. this is ubuntu support , join# linuxmint18:34
Trudkoi checked /var/log/apache2 but  logs are emtpy I worry i messed up something in ubuntu.18:34
smooresI have ubuntu on /dev/sda and windows 7 on /dev/sdb, how can I setup the ubuntu drive with a bootloader to choose ubuntu or windows at boot?18:35
j4ckxandxj1llGuys, quick question: I need Ubuntu 64-bit if i want to dualboot it on my Win8 Laptop right?18:36
j4ckxandxj1llBecause 32-bit does not work18:36
tozensmoores: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd18:36
BluesKaj!boot-repair | smoores18:37
BluesKaj!info boot-repair | smoores18:37
ubottusmoores: Package boot-repair does not exist in saucy18:37
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
weeGi just got a access to remote server that i plan to use for backup/getting to know linux world a bit :) I downloaded X2Go to gain graphical access to it, but it currently doesnt accept it (atleast it wont connect) i can connect via telnet18:41
BluesKajhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair , smoores18:41
weeGis there any chance someone could tell me how to enable remote desktop from shell ? :)18:41
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smooresBluesKaj, thanks18:43
katimayawell nobody is answering there and ##linux has me muted even though i followed the directions18:43
katimayai just want to burn a new ubuntu disk18:43
jhutchins_wkweeG: What is the server running now?18:44
katimayabut i guess i'll just try using some disk cleaner or something and see if i can get the one i have booting *shrugs*18:44
BluesKajsmoores. I've had good luck with it18:44
weeGubuntu 13.4 64bit18:44
weeG*13.04 i mean18:45
MonkeyDustweeG  you mean graphical remote connection? otherwise, simply use ssh18:46
weeGyes...graphical :)18:47
jhutchins_wkweeG: Generally graphical desktops perform so badly over WAN that it's not worth the small advantage you get from using them to administer the server.  A server should be administered from the command line.18:47
eugene_machello! I have a problem: nouveau drivers are not selected (though, installed): when I try 'lsmod | grep nouveau' i get nothing in return. I try 'modprobe nouveau', but I get and error of "could not insert nouveau: no such device". in case this is important, I load with 'acpi=off' option, as I cannot load otherwise. Can anyone help me?18:47
jhutchins_wkweeG: Telnet should not be enabled on the server - it is terribly insecure and likely to lead to your server being hacked.18:48
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jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: lspci -nn | grep -i vga18:48
BluesKajeugene_mac. look in settings for additional drivers and install one of the nvidias available there , if any18:49
=== marc_ is now known as Guest32447
eugene_maca sec18:49
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: You'll need sudo for that.18:49
weeGgraphical access would be a lot easier for me to start with :)18:49
jhutchins_wkI think.18:50
jhutchins_wkweeG: The first thing to do is to get ssh working, then disable/remove telnet.18:51
jhutchins_wkweeG: After that, you can get a VNC server set up to do a desktop, or forward individual applications over X.18:51
TwoRosesCiao a tutti!18:51
jhutchins_wkweeG: Er, over ssh.18:51
eugene_macjhutchins_wk: it now says that I have Nvidia controller (which i knew before)18:51
ubottuTwoRoses: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:51
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: I was wondering which controller it might be, and what it's pciid was.18:52
weeGokay thanks18:52
eugene_mac<jhutchins_wk> emm, what is pciid?18:53
eugene_macBluesKaj: there are no nvidia drivers there, and once I install one from the repository it collapses the system. So I've decided to work with nouveau, but they don't seem to work either!18:54
jhutchins_wkweeG: You might look into freenx, it's supposed to have superior performance.18:55
weeGokay...thanks :)18:55
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: The pciid is the eight character numerical ID that shows up when you use the -nn  option on lspci.18:55
BluesKajeugene_mac. sudo lshw -C video , which graphics ?18:55
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: It's what identifies the device to the system and is useful in determining what drivers it can use.18:56
VoidAtValhallaits called vnc18:56
eugene_macjhutchins_wk: 10de:0fe918:56
eugene_macBluesKaj: Nvidia, 10de:0fe918:56
weeGbtw is it possible to change the language of ubuntu on the fly or does it require re-installation?18:56
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eugene_macjhutchins_wk: or was it number [0300] (stands before NVidia) you've been looking for?18:57
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: That should work with noubveau.  I wonder if you have some other driver already mounted?18:58
fhfweeG: its possible just navigate to system settings -> Language and install additional language18:58
eugene_macjhutchins_wk: nothing i would have mounted myself18:58
vanishingweeG: you can change the language anyway you want18:58
vanishingon the fly18:58
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: There's a lot of noise in /var/log/Xorg.0.log but you may be able to figure out what it's loading.18:58
padrinoCan somebody help me adjust screen brightness18:58
padrinoI've checked google and only solution I found was to install xBacklight (I did sudo-apt get xbacklight) and it installed and then it said to do xbacklight -set 50 which never did anythin18:58
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: Oh, and nouveau is not a kernel module, it's an xorg driver.18:58
seanzFor some reason, even though my user's umask is 0002, the umask actually being applied to new folders/files is 0022.18:59
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: So it wouldn't show up in lsmod.18:59
seanzAnyone run into that?18:59
padrinoAnybody? I got pretty bad eye strain and gonna have to resort back to Windows if I can figure this out18:59
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zykotick9jhutchins_wk: "lsmod | grep nouveau" returns a bunch of nouveau?!?!19:00
seanzpadrino: What kind of laptop?19:00
weeGokay thanks...im now installing gnome ...some VNC tut told me to do that before....kinda noticed that its all french :)19:00
jhutchins_wkzykotick9: Crud, I don't know.  Never had nvidia hardware.19:00
Arch-TKpadrino: did you try restarting?19:00
eugene_macjhutchins_wk: no, though I've just found it in Xorg.0.log19:00
jhutchins_wkzykotick9: The high end cards actually have both kernel- and xorg- modules.19:00
padrinoseanz a Sony Vaio, 4GB RAM, not sure of exact model, sorry19:00
BluesKajpadrino. threatening isn't going to help you , some patience will ,. however19:00
padrinoArch-TK, yes, didn't work :-( Are there any alternatives to xbacklight?19:01
seanzpadrino: How did you install Ubuntu?19:01
eugene_macjhutchins_wk: when I boot from liveCD it does show up in lsmod19:01
bin_shpadrino, threatening to go back to windows doesn't effect us19:01
ceborsince latest updates i cant save rsa_key passphrase to my keys ? anybody else with this problem, or somebody where it works. im on ubuntu 13.10,19:01
padrinoBluesKaj I wasn't threatening?19:01
Guest31149http://MassSpectrumBotanicals.com Live Seeds. Live Plants. Products for plants. Products from plants. Bound together by chemistry & light: Germplasm Factory / Micronursery / Plant Growth Regulators / Custom Seed Vaults / Lab Spec Horticulture Solutions. Worldwide Importing & Exporting. Unlimited combined shipping only $6 in the U.S.19:01
DextromeHey peeps. What are the odds do you think, that the staff at my library would let me boot from a flashdrive so I can use my Linux distro instead of their Windows?19:01
padrinoI wasn't threatening19:01
vanishingincoming kick..19:01
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: Did you mess with the nvidia proprietary drivers?  That will blacklist noveau.19:01
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eugene_macjhutchins_wk: I did, but then I returned all the settings, I've checked that already19:02
jhutchins_wkDextrome: Not real good.  You bypass all their security that way.19:02
vanishingDextrome: really depends on the library admin19:02
jhutchins_wkeugene_mac: Anything interesting in dmesg?19:02
eugene_macjhutchins_wk: nothing I could highlight19:03
Guest32447I installed 13.10 Ubuntu then installed the xubuntu desktop, how ca I get the stock ubuntu book screen and login. Not a fan of the Xubuntu...19:03
jhutchins_wkGuest32447: You should be able to select the session type at login.19:04
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Specjhutchins_wk: 'bypass all their security' -> if you can bypass all the network and local security via a tiny usb stick, you're doing it wrong.19:05
Guest32447jhutchins_wk, I know I can change session type, but how to change the grub slash images and the login back to stock Ubuntu?19:05
jhutchins_wkSpec: Most people are.19:07
jhutchins_wkSpec: In a good environment they use something like 802.1 to allow only authorized systems, which prevents a system booted to a different OS from accessing anything.19:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:09
padrinofinally found out how to do it :-)19:09
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mipsHow do I retrieve a disabled accound on the forums without creating a new account?19:11
mipsHow do I retrieve a disabled accound on the forums without creating a new account?19:12
VoidAtValhallaArch-TK: having fun here ;) ?19:12
bin_shhe's reliving his childhood19:13
VoidAtValhallabin_sh: you are here too :D xoxoxoxo19:13
Arch-TKi haven't said anything here apart from 1 thing asking someone if they restarted after installing software bin_sh19:13
VoidAtValhallaArch-TK: i have radar19:13
Arch-TKwe should probably stop spamming this place and go back to spam #archlinux-offtopic19:14
VoidAtValhallamips if there is no *i forgot password because i didnt bother to remember one* to email you new temp pass ... you are out of luck19:15
vanishingcrunchbang: are you...gotbletu?19:16
bin_shmips, there should be a "forogt password" link19:16
VoidAtValhallabin_sh: i already told him ^_^19:16
bin_shVoidAtValhalla, yeah i sent it as i saw that19:16
asus_Влад привет19:17
bin_shasus_, english only please.19:18
mipsVoidAtValhalla & bin_sh, so does this mean I have to create a new account and post in the resolution centre to get a old account reactivated? I've gone through te SSO thing but I still can't get into the forums, maybe it's a sign that I should not return.19:18
bin_shmips, yeah if there's no way to recover your password19:19
mipsRe there any forum mods/admins in this channel?19:19
ikoniamips: what do you need ?19:19
* VoidAtValhalla giggles19:19
Arch-TKwhat do you mean by "disabled account"19:20
asus_hi adas19:20
mipsikonia, I need my account reinstated if possible. I've come to realise thaT I have posted so much stuff on this forum that I can't really do without my account. Searching as a non member and view stuff is a pain.19:21
adasis there a way to wget a link from www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=49075019:21
adasin command line19:21
ikoniamips: the best thing to do is email one of the team, or talk to one in #ubuntuforums19:21
VoidAtValhalladid you tried curl adas ?19:21
j4ckxandxj1llGuys, i have a question about 64-bit19:21
j4ckxandxj1llIs it supported as well as 32.bit?19:22
ikoniaj4ckxandxj1ll: yes19:22
mipsikonia, got a link to email addresses by any chance?19:22
VoidAtValhallamostly ... yes19:22
ikoniamips: it's on the bottom of the forum normally, and I've given you the channel with a few moderators in19:22
j4ckxandxj1llOk thanks. because i need to install the 64-bit, because i have to dual boot win819:22
VoidAtValhalla.... huh ???19:22
mipsj4ckxandxj1ll, the 64bit issues went away many many years ago!19:23
j4ckxandxj1ll:P thanks19:23
VoidAtValhallamips: still some things like flash are awesome with 64bit ...19:23
VoidAtValhallaj4ckxandxj1ll: why do you need to install 64 ???19:23
j4ckxandxj1llI just need Win8 for games :319:23
adasVoidAtValhalla: like "curl www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=490750"19:23
j4ckxandxj1llSorry, i have Win819:24
mipsVoidAtValhalla, I've not had issues with regards to 64-bit in ages, if you have a 64-bit cpu there is no reason not to use a 64-bit distro.19:24
j4ckxandxj1llWith the BUOS that has UFTI or something like that19:24
VoidAtValhalla.... you must be really drunk19:24
j4ckxandxj1llmips, how much RAM do you have?19:25
j4ckxandxj1llThank you Arch-TK19:25
VoidAtValhallamips: 64bit as architecture is fine and 99% of software is fine too with 64bit ... problems is some cloused bad software ....19:25
Arch-TKclosed bad software?19:25
VoidAtValhallaArch-TK: synonym for proprietary :D19:26
Arch-TKit was a rhetorical question.19:27
j4ckxandxj1llI hate windows 819:27
VoidAtValhallaj4ckxandxj1ll: so dont use it ...19:27
j4ckxandxj1llBut my love for League of Legends is stronger :P19:27
VoidAtValhallaso dont complain ...19:28
j4ckxandxj1llI am still clinging to the hope that one day we will get a Linux client for LoL19:28
SchrodingersScatVoidAtValhalla: needs to complain to the right people, like whoever makes LoL19:28
j4ckxandxj1lllol the Linux players tried19:29
SchrodingersScatj4ckxandxj1ll: write them more emails.19:29
j4ckxandxj1llThey don't listen to emails. They are a multimillion company, you don't just get their emaols19:29
phreak_erAnyone know if you can use lvs / ipvs for tcp and udp sticking? Ex: rdp uses tcp, but in the new rdp version, it has a udp port as well. I need the tcp and the udp port to sticky to the same server.19:29
j4ckxandxj1llWe tried petitions etc19:30
VoidAtValhallaj4ckxandxj1ll: its not fault of gnu/linux that some developers cant/wont/doesnt want/... make multiplatform sw ....19:30
SchrodingersScatj4ckxandxj1ll: send them a letter then.  The important part is that you direct your frustrations where they are deserved.19:30
abcd123does anyone know how to get list of unique programs executed by me using ps -ef??19:30
abcd123I know there is grep and cut but I am not exactly sure how to run these19:30
j4ckxandxj1llGuys i am not frustrated, nor am i blaming linux lol.19:30
j4ckxandxj1llI love Linux, i never ever would blame it for anything19:31
SchrodingersScatj4ckxandxj1ll: I know, listing it as a reason to keep win8, but people often attribute that as a fault.19:31
yeatsabcd123: 'ps -ef | grep ^yourusername'19:31
yeats!ot | j4ckxandxj1ll19:31
ubottuj4ckxandxj1ll: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:31
j4ckxandxj1llOh ok sorry19:31
abcd123yeats but how do I get only that last column of ps output?19:32
abcd123i think it's 7th column19:32
yeatsabcd123: 'ps -ef | grep ^yourusername | awk '{print $NF}''19:32
abcd123and if I want unique then i just add  |uniq at the end? (and not in the beginning or in the moddle soemwhere?)19:35
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Truebattleaxe88I'm just wondering. when in kde windows how do I change the little logo for the "start" menu19:36
Arch-TKTruebattleaxe88:  right click > application launcher settings19:37
platzhirschSome unicode symbols are not displayed properly. Is there something like extended unicode support for Ubuntu?19:37
Truebattleaxe88to make it my own Arch-TK19:38
VoidAtValhallaplatzhirsch: what symbols ? what font ? what settings ...19:38
platzhirschVoidAtValhalla: 🚌 http://www.marathon-studios.com/unicode/U1F68C/Bus19:38
platzhirschseems to be Arial19:38
Arch-TKTruebattleaxe88: well then click on the icon in the settings and then click the other icons radio button19:38
geirhayeats, abcd123: ps -u "$USER" -o cmd=19:39
VoidAtValhallaArch-TK: does ubuntu even have KDE ?19:39
Truebattleaxe88ahh gotcha. ok i'll do that when I get home.  I just wanted to edit it to be something I made.19:39
Arch-TKkubuntu does19:39
Truebattleaxe88Ya I added kde,xfce, icewm and fluxbox to my Ubuntu distro.  I use each for different purposes19:40
VoidAtValhallaArch-TK: i see #ubuntu here <trolling>19:40
geirhaps -u "$USER" -o cmd= | sort -u  # unique lines19:40
VoidAtValhallaTruebattleaxe88: ugh ... overkill19:40
Truebattleaxe88mainly just tinkering with all of them19:41
Truebattleaxe88I prefer KDE when my wife needs to use the computer.  I prefer XFCE19:41
Arch-TKyou mean your wife prefers XFCE19:41
Truebattleaxe88well she is familiar with both.  I don't really have a set preference19:42
VoidAtValhallause dwm then ^_^19:42
Truebattleaxe88I'm trying to find a windows manager that is really customizable that I can still have a start panel and has my set of applications19:43
mipsopenbox once setup is all i would ever need, second choice would be xfce19:43
Truebattleaxe88never tried openbox19:43
BluesKajTruebattleaxe88. KDE ftw! there19:43
Truebattleaxe88BluesKaj: you think KDE is horrible?  I find it very much like windows.  Which I don't like19:44
Truebattleaxe88can someone tell me a little bit more about MIR.  I just read on it the other day. Kind of confused as to what it really is19:44
BluesKajFTW means for the win , Truebattleaxe8819:45
Truebattleaxe88ahh gotcha. my mistake19:45
lecoeuskde can look like windows, os x, gnome, unity or a minimalistic wm...19:45
VoidAtValhallaTruebattleaxe88: awesome wm19:45
adasVoidAtValhalla: just wget http://www.nyaa.se/?page=rss&term=[HorribleSubs]+Naruto+Shippuuden+-++[720p].mkv ?19:46
Truebattleaxe88VoidAtValhalla: seems very minimalistic and something I'd like to test out in a virtual machine19:46
adasor curl *19:47
Truebattleaxe88So what is this about Mir?19:47
Truebattleaxe88its replacing unity?19:47
BluesKajrep0lacing X'19:47
Truebattleaxe88what exactly does that mean?19:47
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:48
Truebattleaxe88so mir will do the same thing?19:48
KalculusI have a laptop with a touchscreen.  When I use Ubuntu it gets rid of the mouse cursor and the touchpad just lets me scroll.  I have to use the touchscreen to click stuff.  How do I make the mouse cursor come back when I use the touchpad?19:48
Truebattleaxe88I'm a little confused19:49
Truebattleaxe88so for example I have 14.04 on my laptop. which is running X.  I can replace that with mir?19:49
itgeekwhispererI'm trying to install zimbra desktop... not really familiar with commands... is there a simple way to install after downloading??\19:50
BeldarKalculus, Any other OS you have seen have a cursor with touch capability, I have never seen it.19:50
zerooneonei'd like to make a package from apt-get source ruby1.9.3 but apt tells me Picking 'ruby1.9.1' as source package instead of 'ruby1.9.3' how can i get the version i want?19:50
lotuspsychje!mir | Truebattleaxe8819:50
ubottuTruebattleaxe88: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir19:50
Beldarzerooneone, check the ppa's anything not in the repos is not supported is all.19:51
KalculusBeldar: Windows lets me use both the touch and the trackpad for the mouse with cursor19:51
fishcookermy installation of 12.04.1 server stuck on 10%19:52
BeldarKalculus, Ah I see that makes sense, not sure in ubuntu my self, I have no touch with a pad.19:52
lotuspsychjefishcooker: on what part is that?19:52
fishcookerwhat happen here.. how do i know the log?.. in case amd64 installation here19:52
fishcookerloading additional components19:52
fishcookerretrieveing fs-core-modules-3.2xxx-generic-di19:52
lotuspsychjefishcooker: setup freezes?19:53
bekksfishcooker: did you compare the md5sum of the medium prior installing?19:53
KalculusBeldar: sometimes i can use the trackpad to get the cursor to show up in Ubuntu.  after i touch the screen though, the cursor disappears and i don't know how to get it back.  Even if i touch the trackpad, it only allows me to scroll19:53
fishcookeri do19:53
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fishcookermatch bekks lotuspsychje19:53
bekksfishcooker: Only of the iso, or of the cd/dvd after burning it?19:53
ForSparePartsI'm sharing my laptop's wireless connection with a Raspberry Pi over ethernet, using the standard GUI networking tools. Is there a way to see what IP address the Pi was assigned so that I can SSH to it?19:53
fishcookerhow do i know the log installation here?19:53
lotuspsychjefishcooker: what medium are you using? usb or dvd?19:53
lotuspsychjefishcooker: maybe this can help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16757262/ubuntu-server-12-04-usb-installation-fails19:55
fishcookerok thanks lotuspsychje..19:57
lotuspsychjefishcooker: did you download the iso from official server?19:57
BluesKajForSpareParts. if config will show router/modem IP , then type the IP in a browser to access the modem and find the device IPs listed there19:57
BluesKajerr ifconfig19:58
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hello mate :p19:58
BluesKajlotuspsychje. hi19:58
ForSparePartsBluesKaj, I can't access my router, unfortunately, since I'm on a university wireless network.19:58
zerooneoneBeldar: i don't PPA is what I want. I just want to compile a ruby1.9.3 with --enable-shared and make a package out of it. i can support it myself19:59
ForSparePartsSomebody on the #raspberrypi channel helped me out, so I've got it now.20:00
BluesKajForSpareParts. run ifconfig on both computers and look for the net addr on each one20:01
trismzerooneone: ruby1.9.1 is the correct source name, they just stopped renaming the source package with each version, though they should have stopped with 1.9 instead20:02
BluesKajForSpareParts. inet add , rather20:02
ForSparePartsBluesKaj, Also can't do that, because I don't have a monitor or keyboard to hook up to the Pi. Somebody else on the #raspberrypi channel helped me out, though, so I've got it.20:02
ForSparePartsBluesKaj, They had a solution involving fping20:02
trismzerooneone: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby1.9.1 is actually 1.9.3 on every version except 10.0420:03
abcd123how to get list of groups that I am in from /etc/groups? cat /etc/group | grep user getse beginning? adm:x:4:username from  but what do I need to type if I want only adm par from th20:03
BluesKajForSpareParts. ok < i'll check that out20:04
trismabcd123: groups20:04
lecoeusabcd123: can't you type groups?20:04
abcd123how to get list of groups that I am in from /etc/groups? cat /etc/group | grep user gets adm:x:4:username from  but what do I need to type if I want only adm par from the beginning? *20:04
abcd123my task was to get it from that file.20:05
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zerooneonetrism: that's retarded thanks for pointing it out20:05
lecoeusabcd123: you can parse :-delimited values with the command cut20:05
manlinabcd123: just 'groups' command will do20:05
abcd123how do I use cut for that purpose?20:06
BobSwinkelsI have installed netbeans, the instalation is an sh file. But i cant see it in the list of my installed applications. Do i have to browse to the directory when i want to start netbeans every time or is there an easier way???20:06
reisioabcd123: with cut you specify a delimiter and a field that you want, man cut20:07
lecoeusabcd123: cut -d ':' -f 120:07
reisioor lecoeus could just blurt it out :p20:07
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lecoeusreisio: i hate to leave people in suspense :)20:07
TheHustleHello, I have an external usb enclosure that windows 7 won't accept it, if I switch to ubuntu, will ubuntu accept it?20:08
bekksBobSwinkels: you have to create a menu shortcut.20:08
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: in what format is your hd20:08
bekksTheHustle: we dont know. It may be broken.20:08
TheHustlelotuspsychje: it's ide20:08
reisioI like to see if they have a care to learn anything at all on their own :p and then if they're too desperate tell them :p20:08
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: fat32 ntfs?20:08
geirhaabcd123: Is this homework since you have to do it backwards?20:09
lecoeusyou are probably right20:09
TheHustlelotuspsychje: it's a dvd drive inside20:09
abcd123yes, we have to study uxix commands.20:09
BobSwinkelsbekks: How can i create a menu shortcut20:09
abcd123I am new to grep and cut20:09
abcd123rest of commands I know from earlier times20:09
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: an external usb enclosure with dvd-writer?no hd?20:10
fishcookeryes from official mirror and check it on the hash, lotuspsychje.. im installing the 12.04.3-server-amd6420:10
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: Most hardware like taht works fine in Linux.20:10
TheHustlelotuspsychje, that's correct20:10
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: Windows sometimes needs drivers for it, but it's possible something has failed.20:10
abcd123but I havent had need for these before so I needed little hint on these20:10
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: We don't know what you mean that "windows 7 won't accept it".20:10
geirhaabcd123: Then keep in mind that grep and cut are standard commands, but the commands you find on common linux systems, generally have a lot more features than the standard unix tools20:10
lotuspsychjefishcooker: ok mate, maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might also know your issue?20:11
geirhaabcd123: so whatever you learn about grep and cut in Ubuntu may not work on unix systems20:11
TheHustlejhutchins_wk, windows shows the enclosure in device manager for about 5-6 seconds then disconnects20:11
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: Only way to know for sure is to try.20:11
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: join the ##hardware channel for device problems, they might wanna help you further20:12
TheHustlejhutchins_wk, will ubuntu automatically detect it?20:12
TheHustlelotuspsychje, thank you20:12
Beldarfishcooker, There is a net install you might try.20:12
abcd123in OS course we have both win 8 and ubuntu. I hate win 8 for it is difficult lol. Ubuntu is much easier -  all I need to do is enter the command and I dont even have to know from where I can do it using GUI :)20:12
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: Like I said: try it.20:12
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: Linux usually does just fine with USB external drives, but they're all different.20:12
TheHustlejhutchins_wk, ok, thank you20:12
BobSwinkelsTheHustle: I think ubuntu won't20:13
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: I used to have to keep three different drives to boot various hardware I worked with.  They all detected the drive when running, but some would only boot to a particular drive and not others.20:13
jhutchins_wkTheHustle: Ignore BobSwinkels20:13
BobSwinkelsTheHustle: There is first an easy windows 7 fix which you should try20:13
cerhi everybody .... is there a way to visualise package information, after installation, using command line?20:14
reisiocer: dpkg -L  package20:14
BobSwinkelsTheHustle: Wait a moment i am schearching for the folder20:14
lotuspsychjeBobSwinkels: plz no windows support here20:14
zerooneonei feel dirty now BobSwinkels20:14
geirhaabcd123: so it's covering windows and linux, not unix20:15
lotuspsychjecer: what you mean visualize?20:15
cerreisio: not really, that visualises package content not package information (like description)20:15
abcd123are they different?20:15
cerlotuspsychje: come on, show on the standard output20:15
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BobSwinkelsTheHustle: Go to start and type devmgmt.msc in the search box20:16
lotuspsychjeBobSwinkels: dont support windows issues here20:16
zerooneonecer: do you want blinking text and stuff like that?20:16
lotuspsychjeBobSwinkels: there is a ##windows channel for that20:16
BobSwinkelsTheHustle: Go there to your usb and with right mouse click on uninstall20:16
cerzerooneone: what?20:16
Guest33014Russia -__-20:16
geirhaabcd123: yes they are different in many aspects, yet very similar20:17
BobSwinkelsTheHustle: Then reboot your PC20:17
BobSwinkelsSorry Guys20:17
cerzerooneone: just package description, architecture and so on would be goog20:17
lotuspsychje!ru | Guest3301420:17
ubottuGuest33014: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:17
BluesKaj!ru | Guest3301420:17
tozenGuest33014: voprosy?20:18
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:18
reisiocer: apt-cache search / aptitude search20:18
jhutchins_wkEr, that wasn't it either.20:19
Guest33014Ne rabotaet russia20:20
Guest33014tolko english20:20
lotuspsychje!english | Guest3301420:20
ubottuGuest33014: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:20
cerreisio: oh finally found .... apt-cache show or dpkg -p20:21
reisiocer: gj20:21
cerreisio: thanks for your help!20:21
T4bI've forgotten which port the CUPS administration web interface runs on. Now I'm sure I would find out which port it runs on if I consulted documentation. But I wonder how I would go about finding it out without docs. There is some tool which can scan all ports and tell me what is running on which one, isn't there?20:23
lotuspsychje!cups | T4b20:23
ubottuT4b: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu20:23
lotuspsychjeT4b: nmap portscan might help you aswell20:23
T4blotuspsychje: Not my question.20:24
T4byes, that /was/ my question20:24
jhutchins_wkT4b: netstat20:24
jhutchins_wkT4b: Also nmap/20:24
T4bI'm pretty sure what I had in mind was nmap. Thanks!20:25
darkelfjuggalo1I did a Fresh install of Ubuntu 13.10 into an Acer Aspire 5534. Everything is working well. until I have attempted to load a Flash based game on Facebook. This game pops up the ususal Adobe message to allow the game to store information to my device... the buttons will not respond to allow or deny... I've used other devices in 13.04 and 13.10 that have not had this problem... is anyone else here familiar with this situation in their own experien20:25
Anuskathis kernel have  Quote support?20:25
Anuskathis kernel have  Quota support?20:25
jhutchins_wkI'm surprized that cups never made into /etc/services.20:25
geirhaT4b: or lsof20:25
smooreshow can i manage a set of ssh connections?20:26
smooreslooking for something like putty20:26
zykotick9smoores: fyi putty is in ubuntu repos20:27
zykotick9!info putty20:27
ubottuputty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.63-1 (saucy), package size 330 kB, installed size 815 kB20:27
Anuskawhy not use terminal+ssh?20:27
geirhajhutchins_wk: getent services ipp20:27
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo1: what flash version did you install?20:27
smooresAnuska, dont want to remember all the connections i have?20:27
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo1: did you try google-chrome if it has same issue?20:28
Anuska!info grpquota20:29
ubottuPackage grpquota does not exist in saucy20:29
Anuska!info usrquota20:29
ubottuPackage usrquota does not exist in saucy20:29
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: yes, don't remember if it's a bug or adobe or compiz but you can install flashplugin-adobe package from the Partner repository with installs a gtk configuration tool to manage flash plugins permissions20:29
darkelfjuggalo1lotuspsycheje The latest available.. 11, and I have attempted to install Chrome and it fails to bring up the Authentication to proceed with it... I attemtped in Opera and Firefox with the same issue20:29
lapionis there any way to save a list of all installs on a system ?20:29
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | lapion20:29
ubottulapion: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (saucy), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB20:29
Beldarlapion, List or clones?20:30
darkelfjuggalo1xangua, can you give me a Pastebin with the step by step20:30
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo1: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?20:30
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-adobe20:30
Beldarlapion, What is your definition of a list is what I mean.20:30
lapionlik in synaptic you can save a list of markings so you can install them on another system as well.. however it doesn't save all the markings only the freshly set markings before installing them20:32
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: sorry, the package name is adobe-flashplugin20:32
Anuska!info quota20:33
ubottuquota (source: quota): disk quota management tools. In component main, is optional. Version 4.01-3 (saucy), package size 545 kB, installed size 1412 kB20:33
zykotick9lapion: for a pure list see "dpkg -l".  if you want to be able "clone" a system see "/msg ubottu clone" for an app that does it.20:34
vanishingnkosi: /quit20:34
balazsHas anyone successfully compiled a driver for a 300MBS Medialink USB wireless adapter20:34
darkelfjuggalo1pakage adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is referred to by another package20:34
Beldarlapion, use nicks here you can tab complete them.  use this for a package list, can be run in a terminal or synaptic on a install.  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages20:34
jhutchins_wkdarkelfjuggalo1: Perhaps you need to enable universe?  I'm not sure which repo it's in.20:35
reisiolapion: aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic'20:35
Beldarlapion, That is the save command the reinstall is another in the cli.20:35
xangua!partner | you might need to enable the repository darkelfjuggalo1 and then run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin20:35
ubottuyou might need to enable the repository darkelfjuggalo1 and then run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:35
vanishingprobably partner20:35
jhutchins_wkAnuska: putty gives you a GUI that manages and rembers connections.20:36
jhutchins_wkAnuska: That way you don't have to put them all in .ssh/config and remember their nicknames.20:36
=== mathisen is now known as Mathisen
jhutchins_wkAnuska: Since it's 1:1 with putty for Windows it makes for an easy transition.20:37
lapionBeldar, zykotick9 reisio lotuspsychje thank you.20:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:37
Beldarlapion, Good luck, package lits do make installs go fast.20:39
=== bfiller_ is now known as bfiller
RoryIn the Lynx web browser running in screen, when I resize the terminal is there a way to force the text to re-flow? Ctrl-L doesn't work20:41
lotuspsychjeRory: i use links2 maybe works there?20:42
Rorylotuspsychje: I don't know anything about text-based web browsers, I just used lynx because it was the only one I've ever used - I'll try that20:42
reisioRory: just works over here20:42
geirhaRory: -nonrestarting_sigwinch20:42
reisioRory: are you using -x or something?20:43
Roryreisio: As a flag to what?20:43
Roryreisio: No. Myenvironment is terminator -> ssh -> screen -> lynx20:43
reisiocould also be related to the particular website20:43
Rorylotuspsychje: Does it re-flow if you fiddle with window splitting in screen?20:43
darkelfjuggalo1Installed and updated all of that, the buttons still will not respond20:43
lotuspsychjeRory: terminator holds 4 screens split and stuff right20:44
reisioRory: oh it's because you ssh'd20:44
Rorylotuspsychje: n-split terminals actually, but that's not relevant here. Trying links2 now20:44
darkelfjuggalo1lotuspsycheje what is the universe you were talking about?20:44
ubottupiera: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:45
lotuspsychje!it | piera20:45
ubottupiera: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:45
Roryreisio: Oh? Will this affect anything like this? usually a ctrl-L is enough to sort out weird formatting from resizing20:45
reisioRory: I'm assuming the cols/rows are read by ssh and assumed for the duration20:45
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | darkelfjuggalo120:45
ubottudarkelfjuggalo1: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 59 (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB20:45
reisioprobably lots of ways around it, though20:45
darkelfjuggalo1ok i did that also20:46
Rorylinks2 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/18/bofh_2011_episode_3/20:46
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo1: did you install flash from web or software centre?20:46
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo1: from adobe website20:46
darkelfjuggalo1yes... is that a problem?20:47
Rory(oops - ctrl-A tab!) lotuspsychje links2 is working, and is nicer anyway, thanks a lot :)20:47
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo1: you can try flashplugin-installer maybe20:47
lotuspsychje!info flashplugin-installer | darkelfjuggalo120:47
ubottudarkelfjuggalo1: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)20:47
=== Matrixiumn is now known as CaveJohnson
Anuskaquestion about partion on  ubuntu20:47
Anuskais oky if i do 4 partiton?20:47
lotuspsychjeRory: np mate20:47
Anuska1) / , 2) swap  3) /boot , 4) /home ?20:48
RoryAnuska: Yes that will work20:48
lotuspsychje!partition | Anuska20:48
ubottuAnuska: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:48
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: like I said, adobe-flashplugin will Also install a GTK aplication to manage flashplugin permissions, search for 'FLash' in the dash20:48
vanishingAnuska: don't see why you can't20:48
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:49
jc_how would i go about finishing a netflix installation? netlix seemed to have finished downloading, it noticed that i didnt have grub wine installed so i clicked ok to download it and then my power went out. i went to click on netflix and nothing happens. how do i fix this?20:49
darkelfjuggalo1xangua the problem isn't that there are permissions it is that i cant allow permissions20:49
RoryAnuska: You don't *need* to use gparted, you can just set them up during the installation of Ubuntu20:49
vanishingjc_: there is no netflix support in linux..only through wine20:50
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: you can manage the permissions in the GTK aplication like i said, again20:50
Anuskai will try , thanks20:50
jc_yes i know. how do i finish it?20:50
vanishingjc_: by netflix i think you are saying silverlight, you can look up pipelight20:51
jc_so im just guessing no one has ever had this problem20:51
darkelfjuggalo1i did as you instructed and all the search comes up with is the tarball from adobe.com and the downloads folder where the tarball is saved20:51
vanishingjc_: look up pipelight20:52
vanishingwebupd8 should have a blog about it, containing instructions of how to get it up and running20:52
BeldarAnuska, This an empty HD?20:54
abradleyinitially, when I installed ubuntu server I chose "do not install updates" because it was going to be a sandbox. Now it has evolved into a production machine and I'd like to have it install security updates automatically. Where would I go to change this settings?20:54
Anuskai test in VM20:54
Anuskai want to configure & partiton perfect in future the linux20:55
Anuskaand i want to use quota / etc this stuff20:55
lotuspsychjeabradley: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might help you also20:56
BeldarAnuska, And your aware of the differences of primary partitions and an extended containing logical partitions and the limitations in these?20:56
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: Just installed adoble-flashplugin and it's there http://i.imgur.com/uvPnw6c.png http://i.imgur.com/tLnG5Yd.png20:56
BeldarAnuska, cool.20:56
=== noob is now known as n00bhelpless
Anuskai go a course of linux20:56
Anuskaand i do test on ubuntu20:56
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
Anuskaat home & at school :) all used ubuntu20:57
BeldarAnuska, Just wanted to make sure as you mentioned 4 partitions is all.20:57
Anuskayes :)20:58
Beldarno type of partitions was discussed20:58
Anuska1) 83 , 2) 82  , 3) 83 , 4) swap20:58
fishcooker1lotuspsychje: it seems that 12.04.3 surpass the previous one.. progressing on 50% right now.. Beldar: where is the net install iso.. i can't see it on ubuntu release.20:58
Anuska83 is / and /home20:59
ginsunI have a script with the permissions: -rwSr-Sr-x  <--- does the S mean that setuid 0 has been applied to it?20:59
=== JoshuaP is now known as JoshuaP-afk
lotuspsychje!permissions | ginsun20:59
ubottuginsun: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions20:59
ginsunlotuspsychje, thanks, I'll have a look!21:00
BoldedHi i am trying to install ubuntu on my dedicated server via IPMI and it seems like its stuck on this for 30 mins http://gyazo.com/8dc37f9bee7731384868100140b6402a21:00
Boldedis that ok ?21:01
AnuskaAcl is someting like quota or is only for permission file/folder/acces?21:01
ginsunlotuspsychje, no word about the 'S' though :-(21:01
Beldarfishcooker1, The advantage of a net install is you get what is in the repos up to date, no updates after the install. However it is a text install.  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads21:01
lotuspsychjeBolded: doesnt look like an error to me21:01
geirhaAnuska: Access Control Lists. It gives you more finegrained permissions21:02
Boldedlotuspsychje:  ok thanks i have mounted the iso via my desktop and hte install is super slow21:02
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
Boldedhowever i can mount a url and i tried to use the ubuntu link but it didnt work21:02
lotuspsychjeBolded: but never installed ubuntu server before, not sure if it takes longer to install21:02
Boldedany other methods21:02
Boldedsorry its desktop21:02
lotuspsychjeBolded: oh ok21:02
Beldarfishcooker1, server is probably a text install as well, never done it myself, the net has a lot of options including multiple server ops and desktops as well.21:03
lotuspsychjeBolded: version and architecture?21:03
darkelfjuggalo1xangua http://oi41.tinypic.com/1zp47jr.jpg21:04
Boldedlotuspsychje: ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd6421:06
xanguadarkelfjuggalo1: perhaps adobe-flashplugin  missed to install adobe-flash-properties-gtk ?21:06
lotuspsychjeBolded: is your machine rather new hardware?21:06
Boldedlotuspsychje:  CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1240 3.30Ghz + IPMI   RAM: 24GB  Hard drive(s): 2x 2TB HW RAID21:07
lotuspsychjeBolded: should go fast then :p, well wait a little longer if still freeze try install again21:07
lotuspsychjeBolded: usb or dvd install?21:08
dannymichelCan someone give me ONE good reason Ubuntu disabled the system tray?21:08
geekmasterflashI have a very strange problem. When I boot up, my USB devices all deactivate when GDM initiates. If I log in, they come back on after about 10 minutes, but otherwise they stay off. This can be a hiuge pain in the rear, since my keyboard and mouse are USB (i have since connected my keyboard to a usb/ps2 converter to at least be able to sign in) Anyone know what the issue is, or how I might go about fixing it?21:08
Boldedlotuspsychje:  the server is located in france and im in canada ive mounted the iso via my desktop to the IPMI management lol21:08
Boldedbut good stuff its configuring boot laoder now :)21:09
Boldedmy upload is slow so i think thats the reason21:09
lotuspsychje!yay | Bolded21:09
ubottuBolded: Glad you made it! :-)21:09
=== JoshuaP-afk is now known as JoshuaP
geekmasterflashdannymichel: There has been some horrible memory leak issues on 13.10 dealing with the tray and panels21:09
lotuspsychjedannymichel: you mean time in 13.10?21:09
Boldedit was pretty hard i was hoping to use a iso hosted to install but it failed miserably only option was to mount from home and upp it slowly lol21:09
dannymicheli thought they did in 12.04 too, but yes, in 13.10 lotuspsychje21:10
darkelfjuggalo1how do i go in and set specific permissions manually?21:10
Boldedbut now its running grub install21:10
dannymicheli dont understand what you're implying or trying to say geekmasterflash21:10
lotuspsychjegeekmasterflash: did you set bios to boot usb keyboard and mouse?21:10
fishcooker1i want to encrypt my home folder, but if something going wrong(in case i can't login) will it readible ?21:10
reisiofishcooker1: as long as you remember the passphrase21:11
dannymichelWhat is the reason Ubuntu has disabled all apps in the system tray and forces EVEERYONE to hack it just to get it back. What is ONE good reason why they did that?21:11
reisiodannymichel: that's probably GNOME's doing21:11
lotuspsychjefishcooker1: you should also not forget your username and password on ubuntu21:11
darkelfjuggalo1nvm, i found how to, but the specific one giving me all the problems is listed to allow, but the allow dialogue will not go away[i have reloaded it a few times]21:11
reisiodannymichel: they probably did it to be more like Mac OS, which is ever GNOME's motivation21:11
geekmasterflashdannymichel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/119987721:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1199877 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service memory leak and 100% CPU usage" [High,In progress]21:11
reisiodannymichel: if you don't like Mac OS, try Xfce (also if you do, Xfce is flexible that way)21:12
lotuspsychjedannymichel: dont shoot us okay :p21:12
dannymichelsystem tray is enabled in Mac OS X reisio . OS X is my main.21:12
JoshuaPSooo.. I seem to have sound drivers active, though i have no indicators and no volume.21:12
lotuspsychje!sound | JoshuaP21:12
ubottuJoshuaP: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:12
dannymichelyou're saying they didnt intentionally disable the tray geekmasterflash ? its a bug?21:13
zykotick9JoshuaP: did you remove Pulse from your system?21:13
JoshuaPzykotick9: yes.21:13
geekmasterflashdannymichel: It's possible it's part of the bug, or that it's been disabled as means to fix the leak.21:13
Beldardannymichel, I heard it was to irritate you. ;)21:14
zykotick9JoshuaP: that's normal/expected then!21:14
JoshuaPzykotick9: in an attempt to get IDJC, jackd, and alsa to function properly21:14
JoshuaPi re-installed it21:14
JoshuaPzykotick9: i re-installed pulse and rebooted, still nothing.21:14
zykotick9JoshuaP: good luck...21:14
TheHustlelotuspsychje, ubuntu is now installed, what's happening now is, when i insert a disk into the external drive, the disk spins up then spins down then spins up and spins down then ticks21:14
ppokuyhhow to set up a server from Ubuntu 12.04 desktop21:15
JoshuaPSo.. two thousand people in a channel, and not one of them can fix the sound?21:15
guzzlefryhey folk21:15
dannymichelCompletely ridiculous http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/raring-retires-system-tray-whitelist21:16
guzzlefryWhat should permissions for my SSL certificate be? I tried read-only with root but that doesn't seem to work.21:16
reisioJoshuaP: fixed21:16
JoshuaPreisio: ?21:16
guzzlefryoh wait, ignore me, trying something first. :P21:16
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
darkelfjuggalo1I have restarted the device in question and the problem persists despite there should not be a problem...as long as the Adobe Flash Player Settings Dialogue is up, i cannot do anythin inside the game itself.21:17
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: any errors in /var/log/syslog.1 ?21:17
TheHustlelotuspsychje, ill have a look21:17
TheHustlelotuspsychje, would the usb device of been automatically detected?21:18
TheHustleif so, how could i tell?21:18
zykotick9lotuspsychje: you are aware that /var/log/syslog is the current one right?21:18
ppokuyhhow to set up a server from ubuntu desktop?21:19
* JoshuaP sighs at the little hope21:19
reisioppokuyh: install apache21:19
JoshuaPppokuyh: install lamp21:19
topper4125LAMP Stack21:19
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.21:19
ppokuyhk, thx guys, Ill install lamp or apache lol, what is the best?21:20
lotuspsychjezykotick9: seems like it shows syslog now yes, but had syslog.1 in the past also21:20
derfuslamp includes an apache server21:20
zykotick9lotuspsychje: syslog.1 systlog.2.gz are teh OLD logs...21:20
ikoniappokuyh: perhaps doing a little bit of basic research would benifit you21:21
lotuspsychjezykotick9: okay tnx21:21
Anuskai like ubuntu, becouse have a lot of documentation21:21
reisioppokuyh: if you need a web server, install a web server21:21
Anuskaquestion: on gnome the flash on firefox is stable or crashed?21:21
reisioppokuyh: if you need something else, install that21:21
ppokuyhikonia, I did, ppl said that I need to install Samba21:21
ikoniappokuyh: then why are you talking about "lamp" and "apache"21:21
derfusnode.js imo is simpler and funner than apache and php21:22
ikonianot if you want to run php applications21:22
topper4125are you wanting a file server or a website?21:22
ppokuyhikonia, people were suggesting to install it21:22
ppokuyhfile server21:22
ikoniappokuyh: what do you want to actually "do"21:22
perro81hi a have a problem wen install office 2010 with wine i realy install frameworck 2.021:22
topper4125for file server samba would be the 'thing to use'21:22
ikoniappokuyh: ok, so forget "lamp" - you just want to share files over a network, correct ?21:22
ppokuyhikonia, I want to sync files between my main computer and my smartphone when I need21:23
zykotick9perro81: ask in #winehq21:23
ikoniappokuyh: syncing files is a different thing to "sharing file systems"21:23
ikoniappokuyh: how/if your phone can sync files will depend on your phones OS, it's applications available to it and it's linux support21:23
lotuspsychjeperro81: you have an issue on libreoffice?21:23
Anuskaquestion: /boot / home need to be LVM?21:23
topper4125!ubuntu-one | ppokuyh21:23
ubottuppokuyh: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone21:23
Boldedlotuspsychje:  thank you for oyur help :)21:23
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:23
lotuspsychjeBolded: np mate21:23
perro81no libreoffice is ok21:24
ppokuyhikonia thx for all the answers, in fact I need a server, not a cloud service, I want to to create contact from Owncloud21:24
TheHustlelotuspsychje, i ran "sudo lshw -short" and it's detected :D21:24
ikoniappokuyh: that doesn't change what I said to you21:24
TheHustleonly issue i have now is the disk spins up and spins down,21:24
ppokuyhikonia, I heard of Caldav to sync21:25
th0rPpokuyh: use samba on the computer and SyncMe on the phone (unless it is iOS)21:25
ikoniappokuyh: that doesn't change what I said21:25
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: does it show in /media?21:25
ikoniappokuyh: re-read what I said, and look into that21:25
TheHustlelotuspsychje, ill go have a check, but it displays under "sudo lshw -short" as "storage"21:26
Madwillis there a way to know the "max opened files" of a certain process21:26
MadwillI know there is a way using PID this information is somewhere maybe in proc21:26
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: you dont have an usb hub in between laptop and external dvd right?21:26
ppokuyhikonia about web-server?21:26
Madwilli'd just like to make sure the ulimit is correctly set while being called by startup script of a certain app21:27
TheHustlelotuspsychje, no, i'm using my pc at the moment21:27
ikoniappokuyh: no21:27
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: i mean its connected directly to pc?21:27
ppokuyhikonia I got Android's phone21:27
TheHustlelotuspsychje, directly to the motherboard yes21:27
TheHustleat the back of the pc21:27
ikoniappokuyh: there are many types of android phone and versions, do the rsearch I suggested21:27
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: you sure they are usb 2.0?21:28
ppokuyhikonia, yes I got Owncloud and Cardav21:28
ppokuyhikonia to sync between a server and my phone21:28
TheHustleyes, it's a modern motherboard as it only has sata ports on the board, no ide21:28
TheHustlepurchased it from ebuyer21:28
ikoniappokuyh: have you checked if your phone has applications to allow that to work21:28
ppokuyhikonia, to sync, that's okay21:29
ikoniappokuyh: have you checked if your phone has applications to allow that to work21:29
ppokuyhikonia, yes caldav and owncloud21:29
fishcooker1as long as i remember the passphrase and username i will unlock the encryption folder, btw how to input the passphrase automatically(eg: i want to echo a file to input the passphrase) in case i want this box start and after automatically login and decrypt the home folder21:30
ikoniappokuyh: so if that works why are you asking "what should I use", you know the answer21:30
darkelfjuggalo1Does anyone else have suggestions? I have installed adobe-flashplugin, flashplugin-installer, the adobe flash gtk program, I have checked permissions, I have restarted device[Acer Aspire 5534 AD Anthalon 64], i have i have cleared available permissions and manually input them in as the program requesting the permission specifies, and I still get the Adobe Flash settings dialogue asking for permission, but i cannot click the button to either acce21:30
ppokuyhth0r, hi how to use Samba?21:30
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: what happens if you put a dvd movie in?21:30
ikoniappokuyh: why are you looking at samba21:30
TheHustlelotuspsychje, ill go test it, brb21:30
ikoniappokuyh: that has nothing to do with the applications you've just said you want to use21:30
ppokuyhikonia, someone suggested to install Samba and an apps to sync21:31
ikoniappokuyh: but that's not what you are doing - you've told me what you are doing with owncloud21:31
ikoniappokuyh: so why are you looking at samba, when you know what you are doing21:31
ppokuyhikonia, I did consider the suggestion of Thor21:31
ikoniappokuyh: does your phone network mounting of file systems ?21:32
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: Hey, when it comes to flashsettings, they rarely work "in browser" to accept or decline. Typically, you need to go to the flash manager website to get settings right21:32
ikoniappokuyh: does your phone support directory syncronization of network file systems ?21:32
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html21:32
ppokuyhikonia, with Es file manager yes21:32
TheHustlelotuspsychje, /media is empty, dvd does the same, spins up and down and up and down21:32
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: There you can enter trusted sites to allow them access to mic and camera, or save files21:33
darkelfjuggalo1ok thank you21:33
ikoniappokuyh: ok, so in that case you can use samba to setup a shared file system, mount it on your phone and setup (from your phone - not samba) directory syncrionzation21:33
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: try to install vlc player, if that doesnt play your movie, device might be broken..check syslog also for errors on dvd21:33
ppokuyhikonia, thx for your help, I appreciate, how to use Samba?21:34
TheHustlelotuspsychje, how do i open /var/log/syslog?21:34
ikoniappokuyh: do the basic research it's not a 1 line response, it's reasonable complex to setup properly21:34
tokamtoday I upgraded to ubuntu 13.10 and I experience that using gnome-session-fallback, the length of the tastbars does not scale up to the monitor length, as it did on ubuntu 13.04.21:34
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: the logviewer icon21:34
ppokuyhikonia, k I'll look into thtat21:34
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: or gedit21:35
ALXTorresCde que estamos hablando?21:36
voheSomeone knows about ubuntu applications? I search an application for archiving notes sheets.21:37
reisioALXTorresC: #ubuntu-es21:37
zykotick9vohe: "archiving notes sheets" can you re-word that perhaps?21:38
TheHustlelotuspsychje, device offlined - not ready after error recovery21:38
ISOcratesGuys, I'm trying to install 13.10 x64 onto my server but this is what I'm getting everytime.  Trying to install on RAID10, which is set up  via hardware: http://tinyurl.com/lcpg8e4 - Any help would be much appreciated21:38
darkelfjuggalo1geekmasterflash ; i can't see how to manually add a websiter21:39
Beldarvohe, Never seen a specific app for archiving personal notes.21:39
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: See that drop down on the link that says "Edit Locations"21:39
Boneheads1999I need help.  In Firefox, no youtube videos will load.  it's just a white rectangle where the player should be.21:39
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: One of the options there is "Add location"21:39
Jordan_UISOcrates: 1: Did you run the CD integrity check at boot? 2: Why aren't you using the Server install image?21:40
voheZykotick9: notes for a choir needs to store, sort, and find in a database21:40
darkelfjuggalo1no i do not see it21:40
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: on the link I sent, does the settings manager display?21:40
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: If not, you don't have flash properly installed.21:40
JoshuaPHow to i get the volume applet back?21:41
BeldarJoshuaP, what desktop, and did you remove it somehow?21:41
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: If so, you should see a page that says "always ask" "always allow" "always deny" radio buttons21:41
darkelfjuggalo1a flash embed object that looks similar to the dialogue pops up21:41
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: In that screen, bottom right just above the input text field is a drop down21:41
TheHustlelotuspsychje, device offlined - not ready after error recovery, is the last message in the error log21:42
joseph__hey guys sorry to interrupt but, how do i launch applications from the terminal21:42
ISOcratesJordan_U: I did not do that, I will now. I like having the option to VNC in to do stuff on the desktop from time to time21:42
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: That says "Edit locations..."21:42
zykotick9vohe: are we talking music-notes, or just text notes?  if it's text, check out Tomboy (or Gnote the non-mono-contaiminated fork)21:42
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: Select it, and choose the option "Add location"21:42
zykotick9!tab > vohe21:42
ubottuvohe, please see my private message21:42
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136454321:42
derfusjoseph__: you type the name of the app and press enter21:42
darkelfjuggalo1i found it, the wrong tab loaded21:42
joseph__thank you21:42
JoshuaPBeldar: it went away after i uninstalled pulseaudio, then i re-installed it, and now it is gone21:42
Iuliahello everyone!  Please, can anyone recommend me a good and easy software similar to openbravo or gnucash but easier ? Many thanks21:43
BeldarJoshuaP, Have you logged out and back in or rebooted to see if it shows?21:43
TheHustlelotuspsychje, oh no, so the enclosure doesn't work in ubuntu :(21:43
vohesorry i got disconnect..21:43
lotuspsychjeTheHustle: not sure, never tryed such device yet21:44
bekksIulia: kmymoney221:44
geekmasterflashIulia: Openbravo is generally the easiest one I know about. If those are too hard to figure, maybe you can try to install Quickbooks via Wine?21:44
vohewho send me a pm?21:44
IuliaOpenbravo seems to be nice and good but I don't want vmware21:44
zykotick9vohe: i sent !tab from ubottu to you via-PM?21:44
IuliaIt¡s possible to install without it?21:44
zykotick9!tab > vohe21:45
ubottuvohe, please see my private message21:45
geekmasterflashIulia: Quickbooks 6.0 is platinum capatablility with Wine http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=86821:45
darkelfjuggalo1i swear i hate these games my dad plays... they suck on gameplay, story line and resource [the whole computer should not freeze for 5 minutes loading one game page]21:46
Boneheads1999Is there a chance flash isn't working for me because my video drivers are too old?21:46
vohezykotick9: sry, i used a irc client on an android (without Tab Key)21:46
zykotick9vohe: ahhh.21:46
ikoniaBoneheads1999: flash is just massivly limiting on linux21:47
Boneheads1999or graphics card or whatever21:47
ikoniaBoneheads1999: it's support has stopped and as applications move forward using newer versions of the plugin, less works21:47
Boneheads1999ikonia: then is there some sort of youtube app or something for ubuntu?21:47
lonewulf85 anyone know the command to remove a print job in ubuntu 12.04?21:47
ikoniaBoneheads1999: no,21:47
kandinskiwhat cli tool for pastebins do you recommend?21:47
ikoniaBoneheads1999: there is the html5 version of youtube, but that only supports videos encoding in a specific way21:47
zykotick9!pastebinit | kandinski21:48
ubottukandinski: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:48
kandinskipreferably one that doesn't use pastebin.com, but a less sucky one?21:48
kandinskizykotick9: thanks a lot21:48
zykotick9kandinski: pastebinit can be configured to use paste.ubuntu.org and others.21:48
Boneheads1999ikonia: have any idea if there's a flash alternative? (not like HTML5, but something that does everything flash would normally do)21:48
ikoniaBoneheads1999: there isn't one21:48
TheHustlelotuspsychje, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1782546&p=10948133#post10948133 maybe if i downgrade it'll work?21:48
darkelfjuggalo1geekmmasterflash, I added the games location with always allow through the page you game me, and it is still asking when I load the game21:48
BeldarBoneheads1999, You get 12.04 installed? Did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras?21:49
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: there are other settings to be added21:49
Jordan_UBoneheads1999: There are a few Free flash implementations, but none of them are very complete/functional.21:49
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: You allowed them via security, but you also need to okay them access21:49
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: There should be a tab for privacy21:49
Boneheads1999Beldar: I can't remember.. possibly.21:49
Boneheads1999Beldar: I'll brb21:49
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: And another for storage21:49
xanguaBoneheads1999: there is a 'youtube app': Minitube, it can play and download youtube videos21:50
darkelfjuggalo1when the computer stopps locking up21:50
xanguaif that helps21:50
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: You're likely going to have to add the site to all of them21:50
Boneheads1999xangua: does it require flash?21:50
voheany idea? I got a Chruch full of choir notes. And i have to manage them with a software.21:50
xanguaBoneheads1999: no, it doesn't21:50
JoshuaPBeldar: yes21:51
kandinskiI added a ppa but I can't update from it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455568/21:51
JoshuaPBeldar: it still doesnt appear21:51
fishcookeri want to encyrpted  my home folder.. and i've plan to put some apps on it that will run after the user login.. is it possible?21:51
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: Also, send me the url so I can see what it is you're attempt to do?21:51
darkelfjuggalo1the games url?21:51
Jordan_Ufishcooker: Yes.21:51
matematikaaditIt's strange. A copy dialog box missing when copying a large file. And there's no indicator showing.21:51
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: Yes, please.21:51
hydruidkandinski: perhaps i t's not referenced as *couch* when it updates21:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 887821 in Unity 6.0 "duplicate for #1010132 "Show copy dialog" right click launcher entry doesn't work (on nautilus copy)" [Undecided,New]21:52
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: I am getting an error page when I go there.21:52
fishcookerlooks promising Jordan_U..LoL21:52
kandinskihydruid: how so? the url is listed on update21:52
hydruidkandinski: how did you add the PPA?21:52
darkelfjuggalo1that game is Frontierville by Zynga21:52
fishcookercan the passphrase automatically input when the box start21:52
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: http://www.websitedown.info/zynga1-a.akamaihd.net21:53
hydruidkandinski: did you get any errors?21:53
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: Well, regardless of that the site is down21:53
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: So, nothing you do will work till they get it back up.21:53
darkelfjuggalo1so it's Zyngas fault this is failing, not the device?21:53
Boneheads1999Beldar: okay I typed "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"21:53
fishcookerubuntu of course :-) Jordan_U21:53
hydruidkandinski: I would remove it and try adding it back21:53
patsTomsis there any way to get menu bar like there http://lejup.lv/f/528e80d541f5eugfstar1385070805.png21:53
Jordan_Ufishcooker: The standard configuration for an encrypted home directory in Ubuntu, using ecryptfs, "unlocks" your files using your login password (so all you need to do is log in, there is no extra step).21:54
Boneheads1999Beldar: but now it's at some microsoft contract thing21:54
kandinskihydruid: did you look at my paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455568/ the .list file is all right, and is in the sources.list.d directory21:54
kandinskihydruid: will do that21:54
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: Can't say that, but regardless if your device is not working, their site isnt21:54
geekmasterflashdarkelfjuggalo1: So you can't fix it even if there was a problem21:54
hydruidkandinski: that is strange, usually there is at least an error21:54
fishcookerthanks Jordan_U you are a kind person LoL21:54
hydruidpatsToms: that link made me hungry21:55
Jordan_Ufishcooker: You're welcome.21:55
patsTomshyakuhei, haha, true21:55
Danatofishcooker: yes he is :D21:56
hydruidpatsToms: are you talking about the bar at the top?21:56
aokmangahi all21:56
darkelfjuggalo1it's Zynga i quit playing their games before this game came out becuase of crap like this... i don't see how they are still in business with such crappy business, my dad can't even complain to them about the poor quality becuase they disabled the report features for this particular game [i wish i understood why he  and my mom still play it]21:56
Boneheads1999I need help.  I'm trying to install restricted-extras, but now this popped up in terminal: http://pastebin.com/mDnpKbvk21:56
aokmangai've a question... i've a vps with installed ubuntu server but i can use only ipv6 to connect to it... i installed apache but how can i connect to it through ipv6? is it possible?21:57
xanguapatsToms: you mean transparent? you can install ubuntu-tweak, or unity-tweak if you are on saucy, to set the panel opacity21:57
geekmasterflashBoneheads1999: You've never seen an EULA before?21:57
kandinskihydruid: this is weird indeed http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455597/21:57
geekmasterflashBoneheads1999: Press tab to select OK, then hit enter21:57
patsTomsxangua, but it's not full transparent21:58
hydruidkandinski: quit grepping it to confirm it's not something else21:58
BeldarBoneheads1999, http://askubuntu.com/questions/16225/how-can-i-accept-microsoft-eula-agreement-for-ttf-mscorefonts-installer21:58
Boneheads1999Beldar: I'm good.  geekmasterflash showed me21:58
darkelfjuggalo1well i have applied all of the settings as is and I will see when it comes back up21:58
BeldarBoneheads1999, Cool, carry on. ;)21:59
BarackObama_MSHi folks.21:59
xanguapatsToms: it is, I just set it (looks better with a dark background)  http://i.imgur.com/00pvZng.png21:59
BeldarBarackObama_MS, Hello Mr. President21:59
* BarackObama_MS salutes.21:59
hydruidBarackObama_MS: have a few minutes from playing all that basketball to ask some Ubuntu questions?22:00
BeldarBarackObama_MS, As a representative of remulak, I like your work.22:00
geekmasterflashBarackObama_MS: How's my favorite muslim-socalist savior today?22:00
patsTomsxangua, check my image again - it's full transparent there :b22:00
Danatois there a way to add a brightness bar to KDE when I change brightness with the keyboard?22:00
kandinskihydruid: but this is a list of all the urls apt-get hits (made with apt-get update): http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455627/22:01
BarackObama_MSBeldar: We use Microsoft.22:01
geirhakandinski: apt-get update will not show the name of the ppa. it'll just show http://ppa.launchpad.net22:01
BarackObama_MSGeekmasterflash: We drop bombs on em.22:01
kandinskigeirha, aaah22:01
xanguapatsToms: it is in mine too, if you already set the panel as you wished why are you asking then?22:01
clouder`grri have a wusb54g v1, it connects to my router when I disable security but once I enable wpa or wpa2 it just keeps prompting me for security key. any ideas?22:02
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: Ugh, yeah. If you turn on security it will want the security password.22:02
kandinskihyddruid, geirha thanks, I was being tetchy tetchy22:02
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: You need to find out/set your WPA2 key22:02
clouder`grri do know it22:02
BarackObama_MSMy network is unsecured.22:02
clouder`grrit just keep prompting me even after entering it22:03
patsTomsxangua, it's not mine screen22:03
clouder`grrit does take a little while between prompts22:03
patsTomsxangua, I have like yours. I found solution on the net, but there is no solution for full transparent22:03
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: A little while as in, a day, or as in a few seconds?22:03
clouder`grrabout 15 seconds22:04
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: And in that 15 seconds, can you surf?22:04
clouder`grrI haven't tried, but I don't see the 'link' light blink at all during that time22:04
xanguapatsToms: looks fully transparent to me http://i.imgur.com/zv2RGzL.png22:04
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: K, then you're router is rejecting your password.22:05
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: Might be a typo or wrong case.22:05
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: I recommend setting a new password, maybe all the same letter and trying to connect with it. If it takes, then you know the issue is just the password was wrong22:05
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: If it doesn't, then you may have some connection issue or some strange bug currently unknown22:06
clouder`grrI've checked and rechecked, I'm certain I have the pw correct. I use wpa/wpa2 before, I only disabled it to see if it would connect without security22:06
patsTomsxangua, ok then22:06
patsTomsxangua, give me more info, what did you do22:06
xangua(15:57:16) xangua: patsToms: you mean transparent? you can install ubuntu-tweak, or unity-tweak if you are on saucy, to set the panel opacity22:06
patsTomsI will try ubuntu-twak22:07
clouder`grrI tested the adapter on a winxp laptop just to be sure it wasn't the adapter and the keys worked and connected22:07
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: Okay, but you haven't ruled out typoing now.22:07
geirhakandinski: Assuming it provides a package named couchdb, try  apt-cache policy couchdb22:08
geekmasterflashclouder`grr: Troubleshooting often means doing things we are sure wont work, just to eliminate them22:08
kandinskigeirha, it does, thanks22:08
BarackObama_MS127.0.0.1 is fun.22:11
geekmasterflash127.0.0.1 sweet
daftykinsgeekmasterflash: nah ::122:11
ivanradmount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/XXX /mnt/22:12
ivanraddoesnt work22:12
reisioivanrad: sup22:12
ivanradneed help with mounting read and write hfs+ on ubuntu ive tried everything22:12
geekmasterflashivanrad: what error does it spit up?22:13
ivanradmount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/XXX /mnt/22:13
ivanradlet me show you22:13
ikoniaivanrad: show the exact command you used, and the exact error you get22:13
MonkeyDustivanrad  use pastebin if it is a long error message22:13
ivanradhow do i list dev?22:13
reisioivanrad: did you try just mount /dev/XXX /mnt ?22:14
ikoniaivanrad: just show us the exact command you are using22:14
reisioivanrad: lsblk -f22:14
ivanradsudo mount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/sdb1 /mnt/22:14
ikoniawhy force ?22:14
root____5hello, i just rebooted my machine and... i dont know what happend, the login screen wont show up, cant start xserver, only got shell access, no write priviliges, in my home directory is a file like "Where is your desktop" and i should use ecryptfs-mount-private to restore/access it. ecryptfs-mount-private wont work, what happened ?!22:14
geekmasterflashroot____5: By any chance, did you log in as root?22:15
ikoniaivanrad: that's a different command than you one you just showed us22:15
ivanradokay then the second 122:15
ivanradwhatever will do this22:15
ikoniaivanrad: and as you can see it's not an error - it's already mounted22:15
ivanradi want to mount read and write my hfs+22:15
root____5geekmasterflash: actually not, my shell/bash shows my real username22:16
ivanradyes but i cant read and write22:16
ikoniahfs only has experimental read/write support22:16
ikoniaand why -o force ?22:16
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GlydeHaving a few problems getting my hardware working, anyone know how to enable a second display, enable form feed for a printer, and getting a wired xbox 360 headset working?22:16
ivanradbecuase i want to force it to work?22:16
geekmasterflashroot____5: Have you logged in as root before?22:16
ikoniaivanrad: that's not what -o force is for22:16
ivanradoh okay22:16
ikoniaivanrad: knowing what the commands do before using them is critical22:16
ivanradwell here this guide doesnt work22:16
ikoniaivanrad: look at the difference in the commands you are using and the one in the that guide22:17
ikoniaivanrad: you have not followed the guide22:17
root____5geekmasterflash: you mean this session or "ever", i think for both, yes.22:17
ikoniaivanrad: but I warn you very strongly about trying to use write hfs access in linux22:18
geekmasterflashroot____5: It's possible root owns something it shouldn't, as I recently has a problem with root owning Xauthority that caused a similar problem22:18
ivanradwhy? the hard drive has 900 gb22:18
ivanradi need to copy 414 gb22:18
ikoniaivanrad: the size has nothing to do with it22:18
geekmasterflashroot____5: As for the encrypted home folder, what is the error you get when you use  ecryptfs-mount-private?22:18
ivanradso how do i change the format from hfs+ to ntfs>22:19
ikoniaivanrad: 1.) it's clear you are not paying attention to detail - this ia bad and dangerous 2.) HFS write support is experimental22:19
chaotixhi...  is there any possible way to make video results from the unity smart scopes open up in totem movie player?22:19
ikoniaivanrad: to change the file system you'd need to format(thus deleting the data)22:19
ivanradokay if i dont have a mac are you saying this is impossible?22:19
root____5geekmasterflash: brb, got only one systerm22:19
ikoniaivanrad: saying what is impossible22:19
reisiochaotix: open source, so yes22:19
ivanradtrying to change HFS+ to ntfs or whatever linux supports22:19
ikoniaivanrad: you can't "change it" you have to re-format it22:20
ikoniaivanrad: and ext4 is the recommended file system for linux22:20
chaotixreisio, how?22:20
ivanradso basically i have to go buy a mac22:20
ikoniaivanrad: what are you talking about ?? buy a mac22:20
ikoniaivanrad: what are you trying to do22:20
ivanradi have a drive that is 1tb big22:20
reisioivanrad: did you try just mount /dev/XXX /mnt ?22:20
root____5geekmasterflash: "Private directory is not setup correctly"22:20
ikoniareisio: hfs default to read only22:20
reisiochaotix: dunno :)22:20
ivanradits formatted to HFS+ i sold my mac got a pc and installed linux because im trying to learn22:20
ikonia(and rightly so)22:20
patsTomsxangua, still herE?22:21
ivanradi need to copy 414 gb of files onto the hard drive22:21
ivanradhow do i do it from linux22:21
ikoniaivanrad: are you planning on using the drive with a mac again in the future ?22:21
geekmasterflashroot____5: http://goshawknest.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/how-to-recover-crypted-home-directory-in-ubuntu/22:21
chaotixdoes anyone know how to make video results from the unity smart scopes open up in totem movie player?22:21
ikoniaivanrad: then the correct solution would be to back the data up off the drive, format it with ext4 and put the data back on - along with the additional data you want to use22:21
xanguachaotix: with what does it open it by defaul¿22:22
ivanradhow can i back the data up off the drive without a mac22:22
reisioivanrad: did you try just mount /dev/XXX /mnt ?22:22
xanguapatsToms: ¿22:22
ikoniaivanrad: you can mount it read only - as it is now22:22
Glydethere are HFS filesystem readers for windows that read HFS+ fine, if you have a disc around you can recover the data that way22:22
chaotixxangua, with the default web browser22:22
ikoniaivanrad: then you back it up by copying it off to somewhere safe22:22
ikoniaivanrad: you can then format the disk with ext4 and put it back22:22
chaotixxangua, i mean the online results22:22
chaotixlike from youtube and stuff22:22
reisioGlyde: GNU/Linux supports HFS+22:23
Glydeoh, where's the problem then?22:23
ivanradCANT COPY22:23
ivanradsays read only22:23
patsTomsxangua, http://i.imgur.com/JSGYSQw.png22:23
reisioGlyde: he won't respond to my questions22:23
ikoniaivanrad: you copy the data OFF the drive22:23
reisioso it's going to be very hard to tell what the problem is22:23
ikoniaivanrad: hence "backuk"22:23
ikoniareisio: he wants hfs+ write access22:23
ivanradikonia i just tried that22:23
ikoniaivanrad: ok, and what's the problem22:23
reisioikonia: I didn't ask if he wanted hfs+ write access22:24
ikoniaivanrad: where did you try to copy it to ?22:24
patsTomsxangua, any ideas why I don't have full transparent?22:24
reisioso that has no bearing on his ignoring my questions :p22:24
ivanradlinux desktop22:24
SamuraiDioi'm updating my fstab to allow TRIM, should I do that also on /boot and /efi partitions?22:24
ikoniaivanrad: what did it say/error ?22:24
ivanradThe folder "100MEDIA" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.22:24
jgong\nic ace_22:24
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: Are you doing this to optimize an SSD?22:24
k1l_SamuraiDio: do this for ext4 partitions22:24
root____5geekmasterflash: thanks will try22:24
ikoniaivanrad: is that the HFS disk ?22:24
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, yes, and to extend life22:25
ivanrad99 - user #9922:25
ikoniaivanrad: ok, so open /mnt in the file browser, do you see the files ?22:25
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: Then do it for every partition on the disk22:25
xanguapatsToms: no idea, it does work for me in ubuntu 12.0422:25
SamuraiDiok1l_, ah, sure, so /efi should not22:25
ikoniaivanrad: ok, so click on right click on 1 file and click "copy" not "cut"22:26
ivanradwhy dont you try join.me with me guarantee you will be shocked22:26
ikoniaivanrad: what ?22:26
ivanradgo to www.join.me22:26
ikoniaivanrad: no22:26
ivanradwhy is everyone so paranoid about sharing screens....22:26
ikoniaI'm not paranoid22:26
geekmasterflashivanrad: It's the questionable porn we keep running at all time.22:27
ivanradit would take you 2 seconds to figure out22:27
ivanradno one has porn22:27
ikoniaI'll leave you to it then22:27
patsTomsxangua, I have 13.1022:27
ivanradwhy would you do that when this is a support channel?22:27
geekmasterflashivanrad: No one has porn? What is this, some dystopian future?22:28
k1l_ivanrad: please stick to ubuntu support in here22:28
ivanradreally dissapointing that no one would like to help a youngman like me22:28
ivanradi could be learning22:28
ikoniaivanrad: people have been helping you - stop making things up22:28
ikoniaivanrad: walking you through the problem, helping you troubleshoot it22:29
bekksivanrad: People do - just not the way you want them, but the way they want.22:29
ivanradi tried to copy the files and its not doing what you said it would22:29
ikoniaivanrad: I'd not finished explaining it to you if you read the scroll back22:29
ivanradthey would rather see my struggle rather than learn instantly oh thats what you did wrong22:29
ikoniaivanrad: stop complaining - and making things up, it's not helpful or true and it's insulting to people giving their time to help you22:30
ivanradi did the copy what are you talking about22:30
ivanradwhats really insulting is wasting your time explaining things for minutes on end22:30
bekksivanrad: give a man a fish, or show him how to fish.22:30
ivanradrather than a couple seconds showing them22:30
ikoniaivanrad: it's not a case of a couple of seconds22:30
ivanradthis isnt fishing this is ubuntu22:30
ikonia!attitude | ivanrad22:30
ubottuivanrad: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:30
ivanradi dont see water here22:30
bekksivanrad: Yes, and being ubuntu doesnt mean: "oh wait, we give you some fish instantly."22:31
bekksHowever, this starts to be offtopic and unrelated to Ubuntu at all.22:31
dannymichelAnybody watch Arrow?22:31
ivanradso why did your copy instructions not work22:32
xangua!ot | dannymichel22:32
ubottudannymichel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:32
ikoniadannymichel: this isn't a TV discussion channel, it's ubuntu technical support22:32
geekmasterflashivanrad: Don't know, what error did you get?22:32
dannymichelhaha, it was about a theme im making ikonia22:32
ivanradThe folder "Music 21 gb" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.22:32
geekmasterflashivanrad: There you go, that's why it didnt work22:32
ikoniaivanrad: you are not giving factual information22:32
geekmasterflashivanrad: You don't have write/read permissions22:32
patsTomsxangua, seems like I understand where is the problem. I'm with unity 2d, but needs 3d to get full transparent22:33
ivanradso this command doesnt work22:33
ikoniaivanrad: stop for a moment, go away note down the information such as the disk names and mount points and then give it to the channel cleanly22:33
ikoniaivanrad: that is a different disk name than you gave me earlier22:33
geekmasterflashivanrad: It works, but you first need to have permissions22:33
ikoniaivanrad: and your pastebin shows the wrong device names22:33
geekmasterflashivanrad: Try running it via sudo22:33
xanguapatsToms: unity2d is still around in 13.10?22:33
patsTomssomeone have any idea how to get understand do I use unity 2d or 3d?22:33
patsTomsxangua, no idea22:33
ivanradokay lets take a moment here22:33
patsTomsxangua, any way to check that?22:33
ikoniaivanrad: so stop for a moment, take a note of the CORRECT information, then give it to the channel clearly22:33
hex20decHey people, I just got a new usb wifi adapter, and wanted started installing it, at some point, I needed to reboot and then I suddenly lost access to my other wifi adapter, so now my laptop is stuck with no internet. Is it a either or choice? Can't I use both adapters?22:34
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, seens to be working :)22:34
SamuraiDio/dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,discard,errors=remount-ro)22:35
ivanradthere we go22:35
xanguapatsToms: I clearly see in your image you have desktop efects and as far as I remember unity2d was ditched since ubuntu 13.0422:35
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: I also recommend you set  noatime on those partitions22:35
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: As that will help lower writes22:35
ivanradmount: warning: /media/ seems to be mounted read-only.22:35
ivanradwhen i type mount it only makes it read only22:36
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, sure, i'll do that22:36
bekksivanrad: /media/1 TERABYTE   is an invalid name. Use: /media/1\ TERABYTE22:36
ivanradyes i already took the 1 TERABYTE out22:36
ivanradi just mounted it as media22:37
bekksivanrad: Then WHY do you paste it as it is irrelevant and outdated?22:37
geekmasterflashivanrad: Give us the error as you see it NOW22:37
ivanradmount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media22:37
geekmasterflashivanrad: So we can help you, you unbelievablely dense man.22:37
ivanradnow i do not see the hard drive22:37
bekksivanrad: So sdc1 is already mounted.22:37
ikoniageekmasterflash: no need to call people named22:37
geekmasterflashikonia: Sorry.22:37
ivanradyes but why dont i see it in my home folder22:37
ikoniayou didn't mount it in your home folder22:38
ikoniayou mounted it on /media22:38
ivanradwhere did i mount it to22:38
zambawhat has happened with the medibuntu repo?22:38
bekks"sdc1 is already mounted at /media" ...22:38
ikonia /media22:38
zambawhat has replaced it?22:38
bekksivanrad: Did you even read your own error messages? :)22:38
xanguazamba: it no longet exist22:38
bekkszamba: It is gone, basically.22:38
MonkeyDustzamba  medibuntu no longer exists22:38
ivanradyes i did22:38
ivanradbut i dont see media22:38
bekksivanrad: It is /media which is not in your home folder.22:39
geekmasterflashivanrad: Open a terminal22:39
geekmasterflashivanrad: type22:39
geekmasterflashivanrad: cd /media22:39
geekmasterflashivanrad: then type ls22:39
geekmasterflashivanrad: Do you see the files you are expecting?22:39
ivanradnow how do i see that in the explorer window22:39
geekmasterflashivanrad: Go to /media in the window.22:40
bekksivanrad: Click on filesystem, click on /, click on /media22:40
ivanradThe folder "100MEDIA" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.22:40
ivanradokay found iot22:40
ivanradsame message when i try to copy22:40
hex20decHey people, I just got a new usb wifi adapter, and started installing it. At some point, I needed to reboot and now suddenly my first wifi adapter is disabled and I don't know how to re-enable it. I'm assuming it driver collision or something?22:40
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, https://gist.github.com/paulodiovani/e6656d3c4634f6e253c622:40
geekmasterflashivanrad: You need to set permissions22:41
bekksivanrad: 100MEDIA is not /media22:41
zambaMonkeyDust: so where are the same packages?22:41
zambaMonkeyDust: i need h264 support in vlc, for instance22:41
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: How much memory do you have installed?22:41
MonkeyDustzamba  try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras22:41
xanguazamba: what ubuntu release are you using?22:41
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, suggest for mount swap on tmpfs?22:41
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: I would get rid of Swap or set swappiness to be super low22:41
ivanradchmod +x ?22:42
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: You don't want to be constantly writing to an SSD22:42
bekksgeekmasterflash: Why not?22:42
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: And you have more than enough memory22:42
zambaxangua: 12.0422:42
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, swap is not on ssd, is on 500gb hdd22:42
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
geekmasterflashbekks: Because SSD can only take so many writes before they are borked.22:42
bekksgeekmasterflash: Technicallym there is no reason to not do so. The very first SSD had issues, nowadays those issues are gone.22:42
bekksgeekmasterflash: There are tests running which reached 6Petabyte already for writing onto an SSD without breaking it.22:43
ivanradWhy cant i right click the hard drive and change the permission22:43
bekksgeekmasterflash: As I said, those issue are gone for a long time now.22:43
ivanradit says i am not the owner22:43
Anuskaquotaon: using /home/aquota.group on /dev/sda6 [/home]: Device or resource busy22:43
geekmasterflashbekks: I guess? I recently had a few (albeit cheap) SSDs die from over writing22:43
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ivanradError creating moint point: Read-only file system22:44
bekksgeekmasterflash: There are chances that every disk dies at some point. But statistically SSD do live longer nowadays than they ever did before.22:44
bekksivanrad: When doing what...? Do you think we can gues your commands causing that error?22:45
geekmasterflashbekks: Of course, but I live by better safe that sorry. At 8 gigs you hardly need swap anyway, so why risk it?22:45
Anuska/dev/sda6 [/home]: group quotas turned on22:45
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, bekks I read a lot about it. SSD has a lower lifetime, but even for constant writes it may live for 8 years or more (just hiting a number, here). I don't think i'll keep the notebook for more than 5 years without getting a new one22:45
bekksgeekmasterflash: For a safe living, have a backup. :)22:45
ivanradwhen just plugging in the hard drive22:45
bekksSamuraiDio: Yeah, so you can use your SSD for swap even :)22:46
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, oops, sorry, I have only 4gb. 8gb was the ultrabook I didin't bought :P22:46
geekmasterflashSamuraiDio: Ah, then you will want to keep some swap space.22:47
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, bekks, I was planning to get a 8gb, use no swap and mount /tmp to tmpfs, but with 4gb make no harm have some swap space22:48
SamuraiDiogeekmasterflash, bekks and again, it is on hdd. if memory hits swap I consider that something is wrong, so makes no point to have it on ssd22:50
bekksWhich is a wrong assumption.22:51
CGflightsuitI've got a quick question if anyone's up22:54
alan_is this the right channel for Ubuntu help?22:55
=== alan_ is now known as Guest27605
CGflightsuitI loaded 12.0.4 on an old HP probook, and it isn't recognizing the battery correctly22:55
kandinskihow to report a bug against a PPA?22:55
CGflightsuitis there a driver I can install or something22:55
kandinskiit's not a bug in the program, but against the package22:55
kandinskican't find where in the launchpad interface22:56
Guest27605CG, I'm not an expert, I came here due to a problem myself - but are there any drivers on HP's website maybe CG?22:56
Guest27605Just a guess. Sorry if its not a helpful response. I tried.22:56
CGflightsuitI'll check22:56
jrib /what22:57
sander^homeDo anyone know how I can mount a remote directory using webdav with digest authentication?22:59
sander^homeI'm getting: Digest mutual authentication failure: request-digest mismatch22:59
sander^homewith the mount.davfs command22:59
Guest27605I'm running Ubuntu Gnome 13.10, and I'm trying to install Adobe Air. In order to do so, I need the package ia32-libs. So I ran the command "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs", and got the result: Reading package lists... Done23:00
Guest27605Building dependency tree23:00
Guest27605Reading state information... Done23:00
Guest27605Package ia32-libs is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:00
Guest27605This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or23:00
FloodBot1Guest27605: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
Guest27605is only available from another source23:00
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
reardenhello, I have a currently "bricked" hard drive (i believe) and can't format/install Ubuntu to it23:07
geekmasterflashrearden: How can we help?23:07
reardenI don't know what to do. I screwed up my install a few times, and formatted/reinstalled, but this last time, it decided to install to an external drive, and now I can't access my internal HDD23:08
gclark85_I have a script that I want to execute on shutdown or restart.  I have tried running it manually which works fine and in runlevel 3 which works fine but in runlevel0 and runlevel6 it doesn't work at all23:08
geekmasterflashrearden: Is the harddrive gpt/UEFI ?23:08
Guest27605Hi, I really need help with Ubuntu-Gnome23:08
Guest27605I am trying to install Adobe Air, and need the package "ia32-libs"23:08
reardenthe hard drive simply says "ubuntu" in my boot utility23:08
Guest27605So I used the command sudo apt-get install ia32-libs23:09
tozenGuest27605: so?23:09
Guest27605And got an error:23:09
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
geekmasterflashrearden: Do you have another computer you can install it in? It would be helpful to know if it's a gpt formatted drive23:09
Guest27605This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or23:09
Guest27605is only available from another source23:09
Guest27605However the following packages replace it:23:09
Guest27605  lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.023:09
Guest27605E: Package 'ia32-libs' has no installation candidate23:09
FloodBot1Guest27605: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:09
CGflightsuitok, so I looked on HPs website for any drivers, and I didn't see anything specific, refering to the battery, but there is a BIOS firmware update.  That got me thinking, could it be a bad BIOS battery?23:10
tozenGuest27605: pastebin error please23:10
reardenno, this is the only desktop I have23:10
Beldarrearden, Can't access the internal via? can you be a little more clear.23:10
tozenGuest27605: are you using x64 installation?23:10
maxbGuest27605: ia32-libs no longer exists. It has been replaced by multiarch packages23:11
geekmasterflashrearden: I would use a liveCD to boot to an OS, and then use that to check how the drive is formatted23:11
reardenit doesn't show up in my list of devices. the only place it even exists is in my boot utility, and is just says "ubuntu", when I try to boot from it, it tells me to insert boot media and press any key to continue23:11
Guest27605I have my problem discussed here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455912/23:11
geekmasterflashrearden: I am hesitant of offer any suggestions until we know, cause you can totally screw up a gpt partition easily.23:11
Guest27605Help is greatly appreciated, I really need this fix desperately23:12
Guest27605Um, as far as partitions23:12
reardenI don't need anything on the drive. if I can just wipe it completely, that's fine23:12
Beldar!who | rearden23:12
ubotturearden: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:12
Guest27605What was your question? I might be able to help you23:12
Guest27605Well I can try at least.23:12
maxbGuest27605: ia32-libs no longer exists. It has been replaced by multiarch packages23:12
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wafflejockTabletGuest27605: use the 32 bit version23:13
reardengeekmasterflash: sorry, didn't know how to flag messages23:13
geekmasterflashrearden: I recommend getting a LiveCD, booting from it and checking the partition from the command line of the livecd. You'll also want to find out if your bios is UEFI, because that can cause problems if you are trying to dual boot23:16
geekmasterflashrearden: It could be the drive is fine, but UEFI thinks it's protecting you.23:17
geekmasterflashrearden: Past that, you should be able to get the drive formatted from command. If you can't then it might be really, really bricked.23:17
reardengeekmasterflash: i'm not dual booting. my thumb drive and this external are UEFI though. and I've tried finding the disk through the liveCD on my thumb drive, but it doesn't show up for partitionaing at all23:17
Guest27605I'm trying to install Adobe Air, and need the package ia32-libs (based on the Ubuntu forums). I'm on a 64bit architecture, and cannot install the package.23:18
Guest27605Can anyone help me to get the multiarch package?23:18
geekmasterflashrearden: From the liveCD's commandline try this command: egrep 'sd[a-z]' /proc/partitions23:19
Guest27605I tried to use sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch23:19
Guest27605But got the error:23:19
=== AbyssOne__ is now known as a1|away
CGflightsuitMy problem is laid out here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6455928/plain/ can anyone point me in the right directon?  Thanks23:19
zdwolfeAfter an update, LightDM Text-To-Speech reads the login screen to me very loudly. How do I disable this?23:20
reardengeekmasterflash: thanks, I will give that a shot.23:20
CGflightsuitOk, well, that didn't work, sorrhy23:20
Guest27605alan@alan-VPCEE31FX:~$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch23:20
Guest27605[sudo] password for alan:23:20
Guest27605Reading package lists... Done23:20
Guest27605Building dependency tree23:20
Guest27605Reading state information... Done23:20
FloodBot1Guest27605: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:20
Guest27605E: Unable to locate package ia32-libs-multiarch23:20
geekmasterflashGuest27605: Type sudo apt-get install multiarch-support23:20
reardengeekmasterflash: is there a special mode I should boot the live cd?23:20
reardengeekmasterflash: and i'm in ubuntu now, can I do that from this external?23:21
geekmasterflashrearden: No, just when it asks if you want to use the cd or install, select to use the livecd and not install23:21
geekmasterflashrearden: You should be able to, yes.23:21
Guest27605I tried using the command you sent me and the result was:23:21
Guest27605multiarch-support is already the newest version.23:21
Guest276050 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 111 not upgraded.23:21
geekmasterflashGuest27605: Okay, so what was the program you wanted to us?23:21
maxbGuest27605: ia32-libs no longer exists in modern Linux. Nor does ia32-libs-multiarch. They were stopgap measures that were no longer needed once the package management system got true support for managing multiple architectures of packages. Whatever stuff you may have read saying you want them is out of date.23:22
Guest27605Adobe Air, Geek23:22
Guest27605The commands I'm using are from the topic: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87447/how-can-i-install-adobe-air23:22
apb1963why is it that when I change from dhcp to static, "service network restart" gives me stop: Unknown instance:23:22
apb1963start: Job failed to start23:22
geekmasterflashGuest27605: Adobe Air requires an out of date package23:23
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geekmasterflashGuest27605: However, if you already have multiarch support23:23
apb1963In fact, to get this to work, I had to ifconfig up and down by hand and add the default gw to the route table.23:23
geekmasterflashGuest27605: Try installing it now23:23
reardengeekmasterflash: I see todrives with very large numbers, which I assume to be how much space they have on them23:23
geekmasterflashGuest27605: It may very well work.23:23
Guest27605Ok, thanks Geek23:23
geekmasterflashrearden: Okay, how many drives are you expecting to see?23:23
BeldarGuest27605, Those instructions are for oneric.23:24
eddie_hi guys i need help with dual boot23:24
Guest27605!Beldar Is Oneric some old Ubuntu release?23:24
ubottuGuest27605: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:24
apb1963and even though networking is in fact working... I still get the error23:24
BeldarGuest27605, Yes one not supported, always use help on the release your using.23:25
eddie_Guys anyone23:25
Roryeddie_: Ask an actual question23:25
reardengeekmasterflash: there are some smaller ones that I can't quite identify (CD-ROM and such, I imagine) and two that look terrabyte in size, which would be my external and my internal. If I am reading this right, it looks in order23:25
eddie_I have installed Ububtu along with Windows 8. But the dual boot menu is not poping up instead going to windows23:25
geekmasterflashrearden: My question is: Are you seeing a drive that might be the drive in question?23:26
bekks!grub2 | eddie_23:26
ubottueddie_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:26
reardengeekmasterflash: yes, I think so. I don't really know how to read this accurately though.23:27
eddie_i have installed from USB23:27
reardengeekmasterflash: the HDD i am having trouble with is a terrabyte, and so is my external that I am on now.23:27
reardengeekmasterflash: i see two very large numbers, I think those represent size23:28
Roryeddie_: The first link you were given has instructions on how to recover grub23:29
Beldareddie_, Note the bootrepair app in the first link the bot gives you, save the bootinfo summary of you use it.23:29
geekmasterflashrearden: Okay, can you remove the external drive and run the command again?23:29
eddie_ok i will try23:29
geekmasterflashrearden: So we can determine which disc is the one we want23:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:29
reardengeekmasterflash: no, unfortunately not. I am running the OS currently from that external. I'll need to boot up the liveCD. do I just need to "try without installing" to get where I need to be?23:30
geekmasterflashrearden: Yes.23:31
reardengeekmasterflash: thank you23:31
piccaanyone tried ubuntu on a mobile phone23:33
reardengeekmasterflash: ok, so, thatcommand is doing nothing in the terminal now23:35
* picca yawns and goes to sleep23:37
PoenikatuMy laptop, running Ubuntu 13.10, is connected to my home WLAN. How can I send messages from peer to peer?23:38
piccahi sdfser23:39
Guest27605Poen, do you mean like instant messages over your wifi connection?23:39
GlydeSo, I hooked up a second monitor but it just shows and underscore, but on boot the second monitor displays the splash screen, how do I get both working on the desktop?23:40
Guest27605Glyde, I'm not good with displays23:41
TheHustleHello, I've made progress, installed Ubuntu 10.04, now this time in the external dvd drive the disk is spinning, waiting to be read, but theres no icon on the desktop to open the cd.23:41
Guest27605but I can try with a guess to help you.23:41
reardengeekmasterflash: ok,so, egrep wasn't working. I just used unity to navigate the partitions file and opened it with gedit. both of those large drives have now vanished23:41
wafflejockTabletCheck system settings for monitors Glyde23:41
TheHustledo i need to do something like mount the drive?23:41
PoenikatuGuest27605, I mean, that it would be useful to key a short message on one computer and send it to the other via the WLAN. ie, not going onto the Internet.23:41
Glydeit only shows my first monitor in displays, the second one is on a different video card23:42
geekmasterflashrearden: Need a moment, I am at work and getting calls23:43
reardengeekmasterflash: take your time23:43
wafflejockTabletGlyde: what graphics card lspci in terminal for details23:46
wafflejockTablet!nvidia > Glyde23:46
ubottuGlyde, please see my private message23:46
wafflejockTablet!ati > Glyde23:47
Glydeoh, sorry, the one that's not working is an intergrated23:47
Glydemy ATI card works fine23:47
wafflejockTabletGlyde: lspci should show integrated graphics as well23:47
wafflejockTabletGlyde: do lspci -k to see what modules are loaded for the devices too23:48
Glydeit shows the splash screen then throws *ERROR* PCH poison interrupt before going to an underscore23:48
Glydeit's a pretty old flatscreen VGA monitor23:48
Glydeworks fine though23:49
geekmasterflashrearden: Okay, I am back. Still here?23:49
reardengeekmasterflash: yes, thanks for being so helpful, btw23:49
Glydewhat am I looking for in that lspci -k output?23:50
wafflejockTabletGlyde:  your graphics chip set and current module loaded basically would search the chip set and Linux version23:50
geekmasterflashrearden: Sorry, so now that you are on the livecd the command I gave you doesn't work?23:51
wafflejockTabletGlyde: use lsb_release -a to see your exact distro23:51
GlydeI see it, intel corp xeon e3-1200 v2/3rd gen core processor graphics controller, rev 0923:51
reardengeekmasterflash: yeah, interestingly, it just spits the command line back at me. no errors or anything. i navigated to the file and opened it via gedit23:52
GlydeI'm on 13.1023:52
reardengeekmasterflash: the two large partitions have vanished.23:52
geekmasterflashrearden: Odd, so you can't see either hard drive?23:52
reardengeekmasterflash: correct.23:53
=== LoganG|off is now known as LoganG
* geekmasterflash scratches his head23:54
domino14this is frustrating, my drive is entirely filled up and i can't find out what the biggest files are23:55
domino14because the find / command i do to sort it has no space to write to /tmp23:55
geekmasterflashrearden: Alright try putting the command parted into terminal23:55
domino14can someone help23:55
wafflejockTabletdomino14: install ncdu23:55
=== JoshuaP is now known as JoshuaP-afk
domino14i have no space23:55
wafflejockTabletdomino14: or k4dirstat23:55
wafflejockTabletdomino14: live cd23:56
Rorydomino14: You can free a little space with "sudo apt-get clean"23:56
domino14it's a remote machine23:56
Rorydomino14: Then you can install those things23:56
domino14sudo apt-get clean is doing nothing23:56
reardengeekmasterflash: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ parted WARNING: You are not superuser.  Watch out for permissions. Error: No device found23:56
d----I'm running Opera for Linux (Ubuntu) how do I associate irc:// with xchat instead of opera irc?23:56
wafflejockTabletNcdu will be smaller its ncurses disk usage command line interface23:56
geekmasterflashrearden: sorry, sudo parted23:57
wafflejockTabletdomino14: check your /var/log/ kern.log or syslog or others can get filled up23:57
reardengeekmasterflash: i should have known that. ok, it appears to have put me into whatever it is you are hoping for23:57
SamuraiDiowhy does wine depends on so much i386 libs?23:58
reardengeekmasterflash: Welcome to GNU parted... \n(parted)23:58
esded----, installing to recreate right now, gimme a few23:58
geekmasterflashrearden: K, quit parted then reissue command sudo parted -l23:58
d----esde: thanks!23:59
reardengeekmasterflash:  alright, it is showing me one drive, the thumb drive i am on23:59
geekmasterflashrearden: wtf.23:59

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