
ochosiali1234, bluesabre: robert's irc nick has always been robert_ancell afaik00:23
ochosii think if we leak that much memory all the time with the greeter, a gtkimage can't be much worse now, can it?00:24
ochosianyway, gotta rest00:24
ochosinight everyone00:24
bluesabreI might do some work in a branch for that to test00:24
bluesabrenight ochosi00:24
amerigenaLinux Identity magazine will be publishing an article on Xubuntu in its next edition - Xubuntu 13.10 : Bringing Xfce into the future.01:31
amerigenaPages 32 - 33, if anyone's interested.01:31
ali1234well i'm curious about "bringing xfce into the future"01:33
pleia2amerigena: cool :)01:36
amerigenaIt was the best title I could come up with.01:36
amerigenaI hope that some of you have the opportunity to read and critique it.01:37
ali1234can i buy this online?01:37
amerigenaGo to Linuxidentity.com.01:37
ali1234the website is confusing :/01:37
amerigenaYou can get the details there.01:37
amerigenaYes, I agree with you completely.01:37
ali1234how can a PDF download be out of stock?01:38
amerigenaI don't know.01:41
Unit193"We lost the file when some rookie was given access to the server."?  More likely, something with DRM.02:04
Unit193Reminder: There will be an Xubuntu community meeting tomorrow.03:55
Unit193Also, for slickymaster: http://sigma.unit193.net/xubuntu/ is the new url, and http://unit193.net/xubuntu/ is the new mirror URL.04:08
ochosiholy smokes, someone has garbled up the submissions-page in the wiki again... :/09:30
slickymastermorning all10:12
slickymasterknome, regarding https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrontPageRefresh, I would like to point out just three points10:13
slickymasterknome, first, I think the reference to the official documentation should be more emphasized. As it is now it's easily missed. I don't think that there's any official icon for the documentation, but probably adding an icon to it would improve on it's visibility 10:20
slickymasterknome: You probably already know it, but I'm going to post it anyway, there's this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IconsPage where you can find a huge collection of icons10:21
slickymasterknome, second, I think the design solution of the Installation boxes results all that well, at least visually speaking. I'm not sure if it is related with the table borders or not, but it doesn't look appealing10:24
slickymasterknome, third, on the "Finding your way" section is it possible to increase the space between the image and the list in the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Signpost page?10:27
slickymasterknome: anyway, ping me if you consider I'm completely out of line here10:28
ochosislickymaster: i kinda forgot about it, but you'll ping me when the keyboard-shortcuts stuff in the parole-docs is ready, right?12:29
ochosi(or is it already?)12:29
slickymasterochosi: of course12:31
slickymasterochosi: I haven't them ready yet because I had a flood in my apartment and everything is a bit chaotic12:32
slickymasterochosi: I'm trying to get them done by the weekend at the very last12:33
ochosislickymaster: oh, sorry to hear that12:33
ochosiwe also have acqua alta here, took me quite some time to find a way through the city without getting wet...12:33
ochosino stress with that, i only felt bad cause i asked you about it and then kinda forgot again :)12:34
ochosiso just do it whenever you have time12:34
slickymasterochosi: yeah, but it's getting fixed, there's a constructor fixing all things, but as I have a wooden floor it's a bit slow12:34
ochosioh, meh12:35
ochosihope there's no slick on the floor though12:35
ochosi(sry, couldn't resist...)12:35
* ochosi hides in shame for the silly pun12:35
ochosiso was it a broken pipe or water from the outside?12:36
slickymasterochosi: a broken pipe in a bathroom12:38
ochosislickymaster: that sucks... here it's all sea-water12:38
ochosithe only upside of a broken pipe is that the water is usually clean/er than water from the sea and it doesn't smell as much12:39
slickymasterochosi: yeah, but there's nothing like the sea, I wouldn't imagine to live withou having it near by12:41
* ochosi has done exactly that most of his life12:41
* slickymaster also, whenever there's a chance he's surfing12:42
ochosii'm not sure there's much surfing ever in venice12:43
slickymasterochosi: not even near that small island, the cemetery in Murano's direction?12:46
ochosiit's called san michele12:47
slickymasterochosi: yes, I forgot it12:47
ochosinah, there are rafts12:47
ochosibut i don't think i've seen windsurfers so far12:47
ochosimain problem could be that there's too much water-traffic12:47
slickymasterochosi: yes, I was kidding. I know, I've in Venice twice12:48
slickymasterbeen ^^12:48
ochosigah, someone messed up the wiki page for submissions, and i fear all i can do now is revert the last change12:49
ochosiso maybe a wallpaper will be lost, not sure12:49
slickymasterstill haven't forget how well I ate in several Osterias12:49
slickymasternot sure if it's well written - Osteria12:50
ochosibut the plural would be osterie12:50
ochosi(in italian)12:50
* ochosi waits for knome to jump out with the rule-book sending us off to x-offtopic12:50
* slickymaster was think exactly the same thing12:51
slickymasterit's better not to push our luck12:51
ochosiwell if you were in -ot, i'd already have moved the conversation there12:51
slickymasterwhat's -ot?12:52
ochosithat miraculous place where you can talk about whatever you want :>12:52
slickymasteranyway, got go, it's lunch time and I have to go home to see how things are going12:52
slickymasterochosi: we'll have to meet there, then, to speak about Italy, it's one of the most beautiful countries I've ever been  12:54
ochosibon appetit, slickymaster, and good luck with your appartment!12:55
* skellat asks what time the meeting was supposed to be today16:03
slickymasterhi skellat, I believe it was supposed to be at 16:00 UTC16:05
ochosioh, today16:08
ochosithat would be now..?16:08
elfyI'm about but will need pinging 16:09
slickymasterbut apparently there's almost no one around16:09
ochosiyeah, i'm not *really* around actually16:09
ochosishould we just reschedule for tomorrow?16:10
slickymasterone foot in the other out16:10
ochosior do an impromptu meeting kinda soonish, when more ppl are around16:10
skellat!team -- Are we proceeding with the already scheduled meeting that should have started 10 minutes ago or do we need to reschedule it?16:10
ubottuskellat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:10
skellat!team-#xubuntu-devel -- Are we proceeding with the already scheduled meeting that should have started 10 minutes ago or do we need to reschedule it?16:11
ubottuskellat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:11
skellat!team-#xubuntu-devel -- Are we proceeding with the already scheduled meeting that should have started 10 minutes ago or do we need to reschedule it16:11
ubottuskellat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:11
* skellat **SLAPS** ubottu16:11
skellatbluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, micahg, mr_pouit, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, Unit193 -- Are we proceeding with the already scheduled meeting that should have started 10 minutes ago or do we need to reschedule it?16:12
elfyI can but will need pinging - in CC uds thing as well16:12
ochosi(unless ppl suddently start showing up)16:13
skellatI'm guessing we're going to have to16:13
micahgI thought the meetings were at 15:0016:15
skellatmicahg: Agenda for this one said 1600 UTC16:15
micahgI'm a little out of otuch16:15
micahgtouch even16:15
skellatmicahg: With the Community Council having an open session at the same time, I think we'll be re-scheduling since it would be just you and me16:16
micahgok, sure, I'm just working anyways16:16
* skellat disappears for a moment to do household cleaning16:17
elfymeetings moved forward and hour for the end of summer time 16:18
skellatGridCube: It looks like we'll be rescheduling16:40
elfyI guess so 16:43
slickymasterknome: besides in Chapter 7. Printing and Scanning, there are two more occurrences of gksudo in xubuntu-docs, namelly in Chapter 13. The command line and in Chapter 2. Migrating and Upgrading16:45
slickymasterknome: do you think it's worth to fill bugs to each one, or can I use the existing one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/1251332 and in my merge proposal fix them all?16:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 1251332 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Use of gksudo in Chapter 7. Printing and Scanning" [Undecided,New]16:47
Unit193Lets do it now! :P  So next week same time?17:10
GridCubei guess so17:12
GridCubewe can make an informal meeting17:12
Unit193#chair GridCube17:15
elfyseems the chair is sitting elsewhere Unit193 :)17:25
GridCubeok want me to do an informal meeting? we can do that17:37
GridCubeif anyone has anything to report you can report it and we make a mail for that?17:40
ochosibetter do a real meeting then, at least then meetingology takes the notes for us17:42
ochosibut i suggest we stick to rescheduling, not even sure that there are many ppl around now17:42
GridCubealright, thoug i believe you can start the meetinglogy ochosi P:17:42
ochosiactually i have to take off again for another 30min or so17:42
ochosimight be back later tonight though17:42
GridCubealright,reschedule then17:43
elfyI'd favour that - next thursday :)17:52
Unit193Makes sense, I'll wait a second for objections before I add it.17:58
knomeskellat, you can just call !team on this channel :)18:07
knomeand sorry, my schedule simply didn't allow me to be around the meeting18:08
Unit193Yeah, it's normal ubottu use !fact | text18:08
Unit193knome: Next week same time?18:09
Unit193Same time as always.18:15
elfyUnit193: you did the time in not UTC?18:17
elfycos it's 1800UTC here now 18:17
knomeit should be 16utc18:17
Unit193Shows up fine for me, hrm.18:18
ali1234is there a calendar i can subscribe to to get all of those?18:18
ali1234it shows as 18:00 for me too btw, and i'm in GMT now, which = UTC18:19
Unit193The google calendar, yeah.  It's the only way I know about the meetings too.18:19
elfythey show up on fridge I thought? 18:20
elfythought wrong - must have subscribed to the xubuntu one18:21
ali1234...what's the URL for it?18:21
Unit193There, the problem was the timezone wasn't set, so it still showed up fine for me. >_<18:21
Unit193ali1234: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=383qgn907l43kd425bteqjg850%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York18:24
ali1234...but how do i subscribe to it? i need an ical url...18:26
Unit193https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/383qgn907l43kd425bteqjg850%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics should do it.18:27
ali1234perfect, thanks18:27
Unit193knome: Aha!  The calendar is set to default to (GMT+02:00) Helsinki.18:29
knomefeel free to re-set18:30
knomeif you can.18:30
Unit193I didn't think I could, but looks like I can.18:30
Unit193Yep, problem fixed, and I didn't even set it to EST. :P  (GMT, no daylight savings.)18:34
knomeisn't that namely UTC :P18:34
Unit193But it doesn't call it that. :P18:35
ochosibrainwash: did you get a chance to test the greeter branch yet?19:09
knomehey people,21:16
knomewe were discussing about creating a LP group ~xubuntu-qa21:16
knometo at some point replace ~xubuntu-testers21:16
knome-qa would be moderated though21:17
pleia2to what end?21:17
Unit193That was my thought, what's the logic?21:17
knometo "we'll approve if you are actually helping us test or other QA activities"21:17
elfy-testers is mostly just a bunch of people that have a badge - there's no way we get that many people testing21:17
elfyor if they do then the tests never count21:18
knomeyep... i'm worried that -testers is just for badge collectors21:18
pleia2so what? :)21:18
knomeit doesn't seem to serve a purpose21:18
pleia2we can use that team to send out testing announcements21:18
pleia2if people don't like getting email as a member of the team, they can quit21:18
knomeyes... but we can also use twitter, and we get the same amount of replies21:18
pleia2I don't see evidence for this21:19
pleia2we should give ita try21:19
knomeme neither. that's just my imagination creating that situation up21:19
knomei would want to have a -qa team similar to -art and -website21:19
elfypleia2: don't see evidence for what - that we've got people that are on the testers team but don't appear in test results?21:19
pleia2when elfy sends a message to -devel about testing, he also  clicks on "Contact this team's members" to send the same message to all of them21:20
knome(expect that it wouldn't really have a technical-formal meaning, only social, for now)21:20
knomeelfy, for us getting as much replies from twitter as -testers s;)21:20
elfyoh right 21:20
pleia2if people are really interested in testing, they get notified, if they are badge collectors and don't like getting email about it, they'll leave the team21:20
Unit193elfy: Techincally I did some testing, but not general ISO testing, just application for feedback normally to bluesabre.21:20
knomepleia2, i disagree.21:20
pleia2knome: based on?21:21
knomepleia2, they can just filter the mail.21:21
knomepleia2, and stay members of the team21:21
pleia2doesn't hurt to try it21:21
knomeno, it doesn't21:21
pleia2who cares if they stay members of the team?21:21
* knome shrugs21:21
pleia2I don't share the horror of teams full of badge collectors ;)21:21
elfyI don't care if they stay members of the team21:21
pleia2they don't have special permissions or anything21:21
knomei don't mind that either, but i'd like to see a team of 15 active people than team of 150 non-active21:22
elfywhat I care about is having some idea of how many I can expect to test 21:22
pleia2elfy: I don't think you'll ever have that :(21:22
elfywell ... perhaps that's the wrong wording 21:22
pleia2sounds like just an admin annoyance, having to come up with a policy of who can be added to -qa (how many tests?), when to remove them (no tests in a cycle?)21:22
knomepleia2, well... if i need to know who can help update the xubuntu website, i can always look at -website21:22
knomepleia2, same policy as all other subteams.21:23
elfyok - so how about this 21:23
elfyuse the contact team members - which I'd never really noticed21:23
pleia2knome: but website and other teams actually have privs associated with them that make it important to have a moderated team21:23
knomepleia2, i don't think it is a problem with the level of "traffic" we would have...21:23
elfyand make it moderated perhaps21:23
pleia2knome: we want it to become a problem :)21:23
knomepleia2, -qa could ultimately be a subteam of ~ubuntu-testcase, which is a team who can edit the testcases.21:24
pleia2so what's the point of -testcase then?21:24
knome(probably not right away, and possibly not at any point, but...)21:24
knomepleia2, that team is the one that technically gives permissions21:24
knomepleia2, note, "ubuntu-" ...21:25
pleia2just feels like we're not actually solving a problem21:25
knomemy argument for the -qa team is to be able to give some recognition to people who have worked on that area21:25
knomebecause currently, it seems that they don't have a clear path to -team21:25
knomebecause there is no subteam for them really21:25
knomeand there are -team members who have ultimately approved mostly for testing21:26
knomeso why couldn't we use -qa as a stepping stone as well21:26
knome(and try to gather those active testers in that group)21:26
knomei can name a few people who i'd definitely like to be in -qa who are not on -team21:27
knomei mean, from the top of my head21:27
pleia2I still don't see benefits outweighing the headache (and depriving us of a way to contact everyone who at one point showed interest in testing) but that's me :)21:27
knomecreating -qa doesn't necessarily mean we need to drop -testers21:27
knomeit isn't too much headache to list people who are active with xubuntu qa21:28
knomemany of us could do that right here right now21:28
elfyI'd 'prefer/like' to see -testers as a sub team of qa21:28
pleia2admittedly, it's not a headache at all for me if knome does it :)21:28
knomeand would probably do it faster *without* looking at the -testers memberlist ;)21:28
knomewell ultimately the ball on that rolls to elfy21:29
knomeelfy, that wouldn't make much sense ;)21:29
knomeelfy, create a higher level group and make a lower level group part of that? :)21:29
elfyprobably not - I'm on the heavy meds today 21:29
knomepleia2, heh. yeah.21:30
elfymmm 21:30
knomepleia2, so are you saying you'd like to see us using -testers first before creating -qa?21:30
pleia2knome: I'd like us to give it a try21:30
elfyok - so let's this cycle use the contact members option 21:30
knomepleia2, sure.21:30
pleia2elfy: \o/21:30
knomepleia2, apart from that, can you (not) see any benefit in creating -qa ?21:31
knomethat seems to be the only subteam that doesn't have their own LP group atm21:31
knomeone more reason to be fair and create it for them!21:31
Unit193mr_pouit: Howdy.21:31
knomeas i said, there doesn't seem to be a clear path from "tester" to "team member"21:32
elfyother than one in our heads 21:32
knomeexcept "test for 5 years until somebody accidentally approves you to -team"21:32
knomethe strategy document is quite clear on this21:32
knome-> get approved to a subteam first, later you can become a team member21:33
pleia2if someone wants to track and maintain a -qa team with active testers, ok :)21:33
pleia2still just feels like busy work to me unless we really do make them a subteam of the ubuntu-testcases team21:34
knomeit seems like there is more idea to create that now that QA !=== testing21:34
knomeerr, !==21:34
knomeback when qa only involved testing... yeah, it would've been a useless group21:35
pleia2we don't have a marketing launchpad team either because there are no launchpad things for it to do there21:35
knometoday being involved with QA doesn't necessarily mean involvement with testing21:35
knomepleia2, yeah, but there are -docs and -art21:35
knomepleia2, and -website21:35
knomepleia2, what else does marketing constitute of?21:36
pleia2website and doc at least have special access, don't they?21:36
elfybut there are LP things that a QA team can do - if we agree they have access to the tracker - which then entails a deal of trust21:36
knomepleia2, and -art, but that's not the point :)21:36
pleia2social media is the biggest part of marketin for us21:36
pleia2website and marketing are separate subteams21:36
knomepleia2, sure. i'm not disagreeing on that :)21:36
Unit193docs seems to really only get bug reports, not actually be able to do anything (I was added for some strange reason.)21:37
knomei've been mulling over not having -marketing either, but yeah, as you said, no reason for that team...21:37
pleia2anyway, I don't really care in the end, it's up to elfy, I just don't want to create a bunch of launchpad teams that are just collections of people for the lulz21:37
knomeUnit193, you contributed to the docs? :P21:37
knomepleia2, no, not at all21:37
elfypleia2: neither would I 21:37
knomepleia2, i don't want useless teams either21:37
pleia2you could argue that the guy who admins facebook and the one who admins linkedin should be a part of a -marketing collection-of-people for recognition and a path to membership too21:38
pleia2but meh21:38
knomepleia2, but replacing a useless team that can't be used to track even an approximate amount of anything with a team that can be used to track the approximate amount of testers21:38
knomepleia2, agreed. and there is "somebody" who wishes to maintain that... ;)21:39
pleia2I made my argument for the value of -testers and now we have an action item :)21:39
knomei'm uncertain if we can actually make -qa a subteam of ubuntu-testcase (depends on balloons)21:40
knomebut nonetheless i don't think creating -qa is a bad thing21:40
knomepleia2, ALSO!21:40
knomepleia2, we can then use [xubuntu-qa] for work items :]21:40
knomewhich would be an improvement really..21:41
knomeso stupid to dump everything on -team21:41
* Unit193 symlinked team to knome.21:41
knomeelfy, you promise to use "contact this team" with -testers this cycle even if we create -qa?21:42
knomeelfy, (and you still want to create -qa?)21:42
elfyyea with a tiny dash of not sure 21:42
elfyno - I'm sure :)21:43
Unit193Also will have to clarify who should be on it.21:43
knomethe list that i had on my head is:21:44
knomeknome, elfy, slickymaster, Nosckaj and last but not least, Unit193 21:44
knomeand we could voluntell bluesabre as well, since he's on ubuntu-testcase21:44
knomeelfy is probably able to name a few more testers21:45
elfyyep - if someone is on that they should be in -qa21:45
Unit193Not sure if I should be on if ple isn't, I don't do a ton more I don't think.  lder does some too, IIRC.21:45
pleia2I wasn't involved much in 13.10, but historically I've done tests (and will again for 14.0421:45
elfyI'll trawl the test reports to see who shouts at me 21:45
elfyand once I start using the -testers contact option we can see what comes out of the woodwork21:48
knomemaking a team owner of a team adds it as a member.21:49
Unit193Gridders, The Washer of Brains, Madnick?21:49
elfybut frankly I'd wonder why something as important as QA is - is just this random group of people who might or might not be doing anything for us 21:49
knomeelfy, you are now administrator of ~xubuntu-qa21:50
elfyso I am 21:50
knomewonder why you expire one day earlier than me :P21:50
* knome shrugs21:50
elfyI'd want to talk to slicky before co-opting him though :)21:51
elfyexpire dates look the same to me 21:51
knomeweird. for me it shows you expire -20, me -21 :)21:52
elfyfor me it shows you as -20 :)21:53
elfyperhaps 21:49 UTC was a leap minute21:53
knomesomething like that21:53
elfyhowever - changing all the QA blueprint [xubuntu-team] to [xubuntu-qa] is going to annoy me 21:54
elfyjust as well put [elfy] :p21:54
knomenah, put in -qa where you aren't sure you will be doing something :P21:55
knomeand i hope there are some of those items as well :P21:55
elfyoh there will be :)21:55
elfyjust had a quick count - 17 items 21:55
Unit193 * Include section on signing Ubuntu Code of Conduct <<<Why exactly?  Aren't there enough places that do this, or is there something specific to Xubuntu that I don't know about?22:17
knomei would discuss that with skellat, the father of the idea22:17
knomehey slickymaster :)22:18
Unit193slickymaster: Howdy.22:18
skellatWhat did I do now?22:18
slickymasterhi Unit193, knome 22:18
slickymasterknome, not sure if you got a chance to see it so I'm posting it now http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/21/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t10:1322:19
Unit193slickymaster: See my comment about a new domain name for the docs?22:19
slickymasterwhere is your comment, Unit193?22:19
Unit193In here, but "http://sigma.unit193.net/xubuntu/ is the new url, and http://unit193.net/xubuntu/ is the new mirror URL."22:19
slickymasterjust a sec22:20
knomeslickymaster, yeah, i saw it but still have to process it :)22:20
Unit193The old one still works and should keep working, but that's the better one. :P22:20
slickymasteryeah, nice, one place with all the available translations22:20
slickymasterkudos Unit193, great work you've done22:21
Unit193Hah, not really, you're doing most of it. :P22:21
slickymasteranother thing knome, did you saw this one http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/21/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t16:4522:21
slickymasterUnit193, no, not really22:22
knomeslickymaster, use bug 1251332 (note changed title)22:22
ubottubug 1251332 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Use of gksudo in Xubuntu documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125133222:22
slickymasterknome, got it22:22
Unit193I still use `gksudo`, and as far as I know `sudo` will still mess with your permissions.22:23
slickymasterknome, I was thinking of going with this for the command line chapter: "<note><para>If the program you wish to run as an administrator is graphical, such as the <application>Mousepad</application> text editor, you should enable your system's root account before launching the desired program, running the command <userinput>sudo -i</userinput> for that effect, even if you are running the application from the command line.</para><22:24
slickymasterups, forgot to remove the tags22:24
slickymasterIf the program you wish to run as an administrator is graphical, such as the Mousepad text editor, you should enable your system's root account before launching the desired program, running the command sudo -i for that effect, even if you are running the application from the command line.22:24
skellatslickymaster: That's actually pretty unsafe as it won't pass X permissions/authorities correctly22:25
knomedon't say "enable .. root"22:25
slickymasterI can replace it with "... to obtain a root prompt..."22:25
ali1234+1 do not say "enable root"22:25
Unit193I was thinking that too. :P22:26
ali1234skellat: -i does, cos it starts a new login session in that user's homedir22:26
knomeslickymaster, that sounds better22:26
elfysudo -i is what I'm assuming 22:27
elfygksudo works here as well Unit193 - but only becasue I installed it :)22:27
elfyhi slickymaster ali1234 22:27
Unit193elfy: I had it.22:27
elfyand good night 22:27
ali1234skellat: and if it doesn't we have a problem, because ubuntu is telling everyone it's fine after they removed gksudo from the default install22:27
slickymasterskellat,  ali1234, the option of going with sudo -i instead of gksudo was agreed with knome and elfy after discussing it with balloons22:28
slickymasterhi elfy22:28
skellatslickymaster: It throws errors on 12.0422:28
skellatFollowing the example, that is22:28
Unit193The main problem with using sudo -i over gksudo is text vs GUI prompt.22:29
knomeskellat, we're preparing documentation for 14.04 though, 12.04 still says gksudo22:29
slickymasterskellat, what knome said22:29
skellatknome: I don't have anything set up with 14.04 to test yet22:29
knomeskellat, sure :)22:29
slickymasterskellat, 14.04 doesn't cames shipped with gksudo22:30
skellatslickymater: True22:30
skellatLet me walk over to the Debian Testing box and try something since that will be closer to 14.0422:31
skellatEven though it is armhf22:31
* slickymaster plans to replace "... enable your system's root account..." with "... to obtain a root prompt..." if no one objects22:31
Unit193Lubuntu ships it, Mythbuntu and Edubuntu seem to ship it live.22:31
knomewould "login to a super user prompt" be better, or sound just avoiding saying "root" ?22:32
skellatUnit193: We could fix the seed to avoid these gyrations in editing attempts22:32
* skellat gets called to the kitchen22:33
slickymasterknome, is super user prompt technically correct when referring to root?22:33
knomei'm not sure if it's technically correct or exactly the same thing, but i think it communicates the same thing22:34
Unit193What's wrong with root prompt?22:34
knomei don't know22:34
knomei'm just trying to avoid the word "root" :P22:35
slickymasterI think it sounds better, Unit193 22:35
knomewe can always drop it in like that and if needed, change later22:36
slickymasterknome, Unit193 , what about administrative prompt?22:36
knomejust go ahead with root prompt22:36
Unit193This assumes the user knows how.22:36
knomeknows what? :)22:37
slickymasterknome, Unit193 ^^ what about administrative prompt?22:37
knomethat's meh22:37
knomethat more off root than super user is22:37
slickymasteryou're probably right :P22:37
slickymasterI'll go ahead with root prompt, and as you say it can be drop later if needed22:38
Unit193knome: How's the translating looking. ;)22:39
knomei've done about 55%22:40
knomehaven't had time to work on it for a few days22:40
* slickymaster has to put his son in bed22:40
Unit193I was actually kind of thinking the shipping/building/etc. :P22:43
Unit193Or, re-creating the pot.22:43
knomeit's not "looking" anything else than what it was looking last time22:43
Unit193Yeeeep, 'tis what I figured. :D22:44
knomei suppose i should find somebody who is somewhat familiar with docs/translation packaging22:44
knomeyeah, good luck to me...22:44
Unit193In theory I could work it, but not as nicely.22:45
knomefor me, what you did on the website, is fine22:46
knomethat would simply need another page that lists all the translations available22:46
knomeand a link to that in the main page22:46
Unit193Well, I meant packaged.  That right there is a tad hacky.22:46
knomea way to probe what the current language is, and automatically show that22:47
knomebut... yeah22:47
knomei know22:47
knomebut in theory22:47
knomeit wouldn't necessarily need to be the latter scenario22:47
Unit193But, was thinking you could have seperate packages, like other things, or having them all in one and linked off.22:48
Unit193Also, of course you can leave Xubuntu{logo} as the image, only need to remove documentation from that.22:50
Unit193Heh, get-pot.sh didn't seem to change much: http://paste.openstack.org/show/BywJtdG9mvTROhKK8VZl/22:53
knomeyep, we will need to remove that from the image22:54
Unit193desktop-guide/libs/shipped-docs is up to date it'd seem.22:57
knomeyeah, should be22:57
Unit193...Why are these xml files executable?22:59
knomei have no idea22:59
Unit193Anywho, I'll be silent now. :)22:59
knomebbl (tomorrow or so)23:15
brainwashochosi: not yet, sorry23:23

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