
kludge__anyone have a problem with redshift crashing at startup?00:27
kludge__or fluxgui not changing the color of the screen?00:28
xubuntu850thank you for the best OS ever made. Windows 8, google and Apple can go to sleep00:30
amerigenaIf I upgrade to lts-raring, how do I disable notifications for lts-quantal in Update Manager?00:35
drcAs far as I know raring and quantal are not LTS's.00:50
amerigenano, lts-raring is an update to the kernel available through synaptic or apt-get.00:52
amerigenaonce it's installed, it updates the default kernel to 3.8.00:52
drcare you talking about this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:52
amerigenasame as xserver-xorg-lts-raring00:53
amerigenayes, that's what I'm talking about. I did it. And now I get Update Manager notifications for earlier kernel versions. I'd like to disable these notifications.00:53
drcsort of defeats the purpose of a lts, if you ask me, but what to I know?00:54
amerigenaNo, it doesn't defeat the purpose of an LTS at all. These kernel updates offer functionality available in newer (X)Ubuntu versions, while maintaining the advantage of LTS software package availability in 12.04.00:56
drcCan't help you there, no idea...sorry.00:56
amerigenaYou get some of the advantages of 13.10 and the LTS stability of 12.04.00:57
drcwait...in 13.10, in Software and Updates>Updates (whatever the 12.04 equivilent is), maybe something there?00:58
drcOther than that, I fresh out.00:58
drcand with that, I'm really out01:01
donnysaengkioHi all01:08
xubuntu947anyone here??05:09
xubuntu853My wife ust bought a new MacBook Pro.  She had an old white iMac05:09
xubuntu947hi guys i need help05:09
xubuntu8532006 or eariler I think...  I am wondering what version of Linux I might  run on it?05:09
xubuntu947i am running xubuntu live from usb but it keeps asking for password?05:09
xubuntu947any idea05:09
xubuntu853Sorry... my first time here.  Not using xubunt yet05:10
xubuntu947anyother person here who can help me?05:10
Unit193!mac | Not sure about macs05:10
ubottuNot sure about macs: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:10
xubuntu853Thank you05:11
Unit193xubuntu947: Howdy, so what are you doing that it's asking?  The live password is blank.05:11
xubuntu853So... that link is for Ubuntu.  Are xubuntu and Ubuntu that same?05:12
danielmattxubuntu853: I would run it in virtualbox - i run several VMs in virtualbox very well on my MBP05:12
xubuntu947i enter xubuntu in username and let the password blank after hitting enter it loads the desktop i have 4 options there one of them is install i wait for it to become responsive but it agains popups login menu05:12
xubuntu947any idea?05:13
Unit193Ubuntu and Xubuntu are pretty much the same, yeah.  Same underlaying system.05:13
Unit193xubuntu947: Well, that's sure not normal.05:13
xubuntu947well i have tried many linux distros but i am not getting success05:13
xubuntu947is there a way to install xubuntu before going for live mode?05:14
danielmattUse an installer instead of a LiveCD05:14
xubuntu947have a link of that?05:15
xubuntu947i have not found it?05:15
Unit193Yes, when you boot it up there is a small icon at the bottom, hit left shift and a menu will pull up where you can choose to install.05:15
Unit193Or, when the image like http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Ubiquity_installer.png/300px-Ubiquity_installer.png does.05:16
xubuntu361sorry guys network problem 947 back05:20
xubuntu361i have cliked on install xubuntu option05:21
xubuntu361now lets see what happens circle is circling right beneath the logo05:21
xubuntu361anyone here??05:24
cfhowlettxubuntu361, I'm at the pub.  leave a message.05:25
xubuntu361is it normal of computer taking a time to load options when clicking on install without try option05:26
xubuntu361i have clicked on install option and after the loading it is showing white background and in the middle black colour  with nothing on it ..is it normal?05:27
VanessaEMy machine (a desktop PC) hard-freezes when coming up from suspend.   Some cursory googling shows others with similar problems but a wide range of possible causes.  What do I do now?  Is there some log I can look at, or some utility I can run that'll tell me what's broke?08:54
VanessaE(this is 13.10, btw)08:54
well_laid_lawnis your swap larger than your memory ?08:55
VanessaEI have no swap.08:55
cfhowlettVanessaE, that could be it ...08:55
VanessaEI'm using suspend-to-ram, not hibernate08:55
VanessaEWith 16GB of RAM, I figure swap is...not necessary.08:56
well_laid_lawnthat was the extent of my knowledge, I just turn the box off08:56
Mikk36I'd still have some swap, just set the swappiness value to 009:00
Mikk36so it would avoid using it whenever it can09:00
VanessaEI should mention, the hdd LED stays lit solid when the machine is in this state.09:04
VanessaEevery so often, it is able to resume, but only after several seconds (almost as long as it takes to boot normally)09:05
VanessaEwhere 'this state' == the hard-locked resume attempt.09:05
* VanessaE tries switching to the fglrx-updates driver package...09:12
marsupapuI've dipped my toes to Xubuntu.10:14
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)10:15
marsupapuAnd this is impressive.10:15
ObrienDaveХµþµптµ Яоск§10:16
marsupapuI've used Ubuntu since 7.04 but now they ruined my precious gnome. I tried KDE but it was way too heavy and it also kept lagging all the time. I even tried OpenSUSE KDE but it broke like twice a day. Now, with fresh Xubuntu install, I feel like home.10:18
cfhowlettObrienDave, ENGLISH moth ... oh.  Nevermind.10:18
ObrienDavesorry about that, I just HAD to :))10:19
* ObrienDave loves his Xubuntu10:19
ObrienDaveHow's that for English? ;)10:20
cfhowlettObrienDave, perfecto10:20
baizon!hi | codephobic11:40
ubottucodephobic: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:40
codephobicis there a solution to the mouse-wheel scrolling problem in gEdit and in pdf viewer? Most applications seem to work fine with the mouse-wheel but gEdit & the pdf viewer (document viewer?) don't seem to even notice it scrolling.11:59
codephobicis there a solution to the mouse-wheel scrolling problem in gEdit and in pdf viewer? Most applications seem to work fine with the mouse-wheel but gEdit & the pdf viewer (document viewer?) don't seem to even notice it scrolling.12:07
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/12:08
MicroscopicDustHey everyone12:42
MicroscopicDustI need some help here, I'm stuck!12:43
Myrttiwell, have you tried vaseline?12:43
MicroscopicDustlol, thanks for the tip, i'll try12:43
Myrttiseriously though12:43
Myrttijust ask the question12:43
MicroscopicDustI have a problem with ethernet12:44
MicroscopicDuston a Xubuntu 12.04 (Voyager)12:44
MicroscopicDustyep, It is basically a Xubuntu12:45
Myrttithat's a whole another distribution12:45
MicroscopicDustit is based on a xubuntu, i use it for years now, and always solve my problems by checking xubuntu solutions, but now I can't find anything12:46
MicroscopicDustthe thing is I can't make ethernet work12:46
MicroscopicDustthe chipset is an Atheros Qualcom QCA817112:47
cfhowlettMicroscopicDust, we can't support it here.  ask on their channel12:47
MicroscopicDustare you serious?12:48
MicroscopicDustit is the same distro12:48
MicroscopicDustah, forget it, I'm out12:48
cfhowlettvoyager is not xubuntu.  xubuntu is an official canonical distro.12:49
Myrtticanonical or Canonical ;-)12:58
cfhowlettLOL.  Got me.  Canonical.12:59
ObrienDavewouldn't the "C" be considered SHOUTING? ;P12:59
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com12:59
ubottuThe Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.13:00
cfhowlettI always hear "C"anonical when he says it, so ...13:00
Myrtticfhowlett: I wouldn't call any of the 'official' derivatives as Canonical ones, but that's a matter of opinion13:01
cfhowlettMyrtti, agreed.  I try to avoid religious debates like that.13:02
ObrienDavesports, politics and religion are best left out of IRC chat ;)13:02
ObrienDaveoh, and Voyager ;P13:03
cfhowlettObrienDave, apparently so ...13:04
audreyxu bun tu14:27
ObrienDaveХµþµптµ Яоск§14:28
koegsaudrey: are you trying to tell us something with your "xu bun tu" all the time?15:16
ObrienDavethat they know how to separate syllables?15:46
=== map is now known as Guest81204
Gazeddyanyone about18:42
knome!anyone | Gazeddy18:42
Gazeddyim in need of some sound help18:42
ubottuGazeddy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:42
Gazeddyfor some reason im getting no sound outputted volume control is showing "movement" with sound but im getting nothing from speakers or headphones18:43
eitzeiWhat xubuntu are you using?18:51
Sid1599Hi, every119:24
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:24
Sid1599Using xubuntu/linux for the first time.19:24
Sid1599I have noticed that my external hdd gets renamed i.e. 1st start-up it was labelled/named abc and the next time abc1. I have19:26
Sid1599set-up torrents to download directly to the hdd(as abc), after the name change I have to change the directory/location again. Is there19:27
Sid1599any way this can be avoided?19:28
audreyxu bun tu19:44
knomeaudrey, do you have a support question?19:44
knomeaudrey, that's the fifth time you say "xu bun tu" without replying. if you don't stop that, i will need to remove you from the channel19:46
=== redderhs is now known as Magicantian
Sid1599Hmmm...no 1 in the mood to help an absolute noob. :(19:49
audreyyeah i have a question knome19:50
knomeaudrey, me too: why do you keep repeating "xu bun tu" ?19:51
knomeaudrey, please stop that.19:51
audreyxubuntu 13.10 amd64 gtx 670 nvidia 319. all three displays are recognized as "DISPLAY1" instead of DISPLAY1 DISPLAY2 and DISPLAY3.19:51
audreyhave you ever heard of an issue like that before?19:51
knomeno, i haven't19:51
audreySid1599: does that happen when you reboot or just in general19:51
audreyalso what filesystem are you using19:52
Sid1599Hi audrey, after reboot. I am currently using a live stick with persistence. How can I check the filesystem?19:53
audreySid1599: i had that happen to me exactly once and it hasn't happened since. does the drive entry in /etc/fstab change when the drive gets renamed?19:53
audreySid1599: is this other hard drive you have plugged in an external hard drive?19:53
audreyalso fdisk -l should tell you your partition filesystems19:53
audreyif it says "Linux" it's EXT*19:53
audreyknome: when i try to run three separate X servers only one display gets a picture as well.19:54
Unit193And I'd assume the card support something other than mirror mode?19:54
Sid1599Hmm...nothing shows up in terminal when I type fdisk -l19:54
audreyUnit193: GTX 670 of course it does~19:55
Sid1599The other part just went over my head :(19:55
audreyit can do four nonmirrored displays on one card.19:55
Unit193Just making sure.19:55
audreySid1599: sudo fdisk -l19:55
Sid1599oh ok19:55
audreyis the hdd you're tyring to use an external hard drive Sid1599 ?19:55
audreyUnit193: same thing happened iirc when i ran a gtx 570+8500 GT19:55
Sid1599yes, its external19:56
audreyit's probably NTFS19:56
asdf_just did an update on 13.10, bash tab completion no longer functioning in terminals, anyone else experience this?19:56
audreyuhhhhh check the entry for your external hard drive in /etc/fstab and next time you reboot look if it changes19:56
audreySid1599: are you using the same USB port every boot?19:57
Unit193In newer versions of Xubuntu, they get mounted under /media/name/UUID/19:57
Sid1599Yes, using the same port19:57
elfyit's likely that the external isn't in fstab19:57
Sid1599oh, how do I go about figuring it out?19:57
audreywe just told you :319:58
Unit193asdf_: You can try to dpkg-reconfigure bash-completion  It still works for me.19:58
audreycheck if your external hard drive has an entry in /etc/fstab19:58
Sid1599sudo /etc/fstab?19:58
elfynot really audrey - it's entirely possible that Sid1599 has no idea what you're saying19:58
Sid1599elfy is right, still trying to understand tho. :)19:59
audreySid1599: fstab is a file use a text editor19:59
audreygedit and nano are good for beginners19:59
audreysudo gedit /etc/fstab or sudo nano /etc/fstab19:59
elfygedit isn't installed by default19:59
elfySid1599: use mousepad19:59
audreyelfy: i haven't used ubuntu since 200720:00
audreyi use xubuntu20:00
elfyubuntu uses gedit - xubuntu doesn't - we have mousepad by default20:00
audreySid1599: when in nano for example if you see the hotkeys at the bottom you'll see shit like ^x ^c etc that ^ means hold control and press the key20:00
Sid1599am on xubuntu :)20:00
audreyelfy: i thought i was in #ubuntu20:00
audreyso Sid1599 for example in nano to save a file it's ctrl+o then ctrl+x to quit the editor20:01
Sid1599ok got till nano20:01
audreylook and see if your partition has an fstab entry fdisk -l will tell you what the partition on your drive is eg /dev/sda120:01
Sid1599how do i give the fdisk -l command in nano?20:02
audreyyou don't20:03
audreyi don't know if nano has a shell or not but just open a new tab in your terminal and run sudo fdisk -l so you can have that partition information visible20:03
asdf_Unit193: no joy, tried it, ctrl-i still works for bash-completion, but not tab20:04
sid1599_Sorry got disconnected20:06
audreyi'm sorry20:07
sid1599_I have the fdisk -l showing in one terminal window and nano open in the other.20:07
sid1599_ha! why are you sorry audrey?20:08
sid1599_guessing I have been disconnected20:09
Unit193asdf_: I think I had it break once, not sure what I did to fix it.  May have purged and installed it again, may have not had it installed.  Can you try another user and if it works there? (If it's something in your config)20:10
audreysid1599_: did fstab hvae an entry20:10
audreyalso weechat is horribly laggy or is it tmux idk20:10
audreyi dont know if my messages are even going through20:10
elfythey are20:11
audreyssh is laggy at work today.20:15
audreyvery very very ver yvery very laggy20:15
audreydid sid die20:17
elfywill probably be what he needs to be looking at I think20:18
asdf__Unit193: disregard tab completion problem, update to baselayout released in the last few hours, did that, reboot, fixed.20:24
Unit193Hah, alrighty.20:27
=== redderhs is now known as Magicantian
NuSueywhat does xubuntu use for sound settings? :o21:08
Unit193pavucontrol or the icon.21:08
NuSueywell sadly no sound coming from the audio card.. which worked on lubuntu/ubuntu 13.10 for example :o hdmi output works21:21
NuSueyany ideas?21:21
NuSueynvm, got it to work somehow.. took quite some time21:23
=== Guest81204 is now known as mappds
=== mappds is now known as mapps
NuSueyhow can I set what is my main monitor screen?22:16
=== mapps is now known as maps
bosnjakNuSuey: you can use Arandr22:17
NuSueybosnjak: why arandr? and if I would use arandr.. how could I setup which I want to be the default monitor? :o the main scren on which the windows open22:21
bosnjakNuSuey: Arandr is a GUI frontend for xrandr, which allows you to set those things22:22
NuSueyyeah but .. how22:23
bosnjakNuSuey: you have two monitors?22:24
bosnjakNuSuey: you are currently using Arandr, or not?22:25
NuSueyjust want the 2nd monitor to be the primary22:25
NuSueywell I installed it now, but used the basic monitor setup from xubuntu to set them up first22:25
NuSueybut no clue how to setup one to be the primary monitor22:25
bosnjakNuSuey: ok so now you have 3 boxes that represent your monitors, right?22:26
bosnjakNuSuey: order them in a way they are ordered physically to ensure the proper transition of course22:26
NuSueythey are :o my issue is to setup the primary monitor22:27
bosnjakNuSuey: i know, well get there :)22:27
NuSueybosnjak: well.. ?22:30
bosnjakNuSuey: sorry, was busy a sec.. Save your configuration now to ./screenlayout/myconfig.h22:30
bosnjakNuSuey: actually myconfig.sh -> mind the extension22:30
NuSueyand then?22:31
bosnjakNuSuey: open that file with an editor: mousepad ~/.screenlayout/myconfig.sh22:32
NuSueyokay. and then?22:33
bosnjakNuSuey: you will see something like "--output LVDS1" for three different monitors22:33
bosnjakNuSuey: just add "--primary" next to the one you want22:33
NuSueyand then?:)22:34
bosnjakNuSuey: just one simple step22:34
bosnjakNuSuey: to make it work after reboot, go to Settings → Settings Manager → Session and Startup → Application autostart22:34
bosnjakNuSuey: and add a new item to the list22:35
bosnjakNuSuey: with following info:22:35
bosnjakNuSuey: Name: Monitor setup22:35
bosnjakNuSuey: Description: Whatever22:35
NuSueywell I cant find a setting manager :o22:35
bosnjakare you using xubuntu?22:35
bosnjakNuSuey: its right there in the menu, third item?22:36
NuSueythe setting was the name of the .. first thing.. okay :)22:37
bosnjakNuSuey: Sorry, maybe i could explain better22:37
bosnjakNuSuey: so the new item in the autostart list should be:22:37
bosnjakName: Give it some name whatever22:37
bosnjakDescription: whatever22:37
bosnjakCommand: /home/<user>/.screenlayout/myconfig.sh22:38
bosnjakchange <user> to your username ofcourse22:38
bosnjakNuSuey: done?22:40
NuSueynah. need to do something first :o22:41
NuSueyseems to be working :)22:45
* NuSuey bows to bosnjak!22:45
bosnjakNuSuey: :)22:45
NuSueyreinstalled quite a lot of -buntu distributions lately.. but I have a feeling I might stick to xubuntu for quite some time :P22:47
bosnjakNuSuey: yes, me too. Was on KDE for a long time, but then went to xfce and never looked back. Its the best for me.22:48
MagicantianNuSuey: I feel the same way, i've jumped around on a lot of -buntus and other distros, Xubuntu works best for me, it's pretty much exactly what I was looking for.22:49
NuSueytried elementary os, pretty nice stuff.. but I woul not get the awesome performance I would get from a 13.10 system with mesa 10 (or 9.2.X) and when I booted xubuntu for the first time, I just felt ..hey.. simple, nice.. not some stupid eyecandy or bloat like ubuntu with the unity stuff ..22:51
Magicantian^ exactly, simple not stupid eyecandy or bloat. just enough like xp or older.22:52
MagicantianI liked Lubuntu a lot too but was having some issues with lxde and firefox running on this distro22:53
Magicantianthat distro*22:53
NuSueytried lubuntu.. but it was just just too basic for my taste..22:58
NuSueybut what's the difference here.. in xubuntu the sound output goes through alsa and not to pulseaudio then .. or something like that?22:59
bosnjakNuSuey: no, there is PulseAudio also by default23:03
NuSueywell dunno what did it, but on ubuntu and various other distros I had a HDMI issue.. and it didn't do the issue if the sound went right to alsa..23:04
NuSueywell.. got not such issue here ...so that's awesome23:04
Unit193Yes?  Care to try English?23:16
* Magicantian thinks xubuntu161 is playing with a speak and spell.23:18
ObrienDaveor bored and tapping fingers on keyboard ;)23:22

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