[00:04] Can someone tell me if the upcoming 14.04 release will have cluster setup available right out of the box? [06:56] highvoltage: hi, do you have a few minutes to talk about how we can solve the "accessories menu got split into accessories and utilities" issue in gnome-flashback menus? [07:43] The problem was caused by /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-applications.menu [08:32] alkisg: not right now (sorting out another problem that needs some focus), but can give you a poke a bit later [08:32] highvoltage: cool, I'll be here, thanks [08:47] On another note, could we revert the window buttons to the right with gnome-flashback? /me does that locally with the sch-scripts package... [08:47] I don't think it makes any sense to keep them to the left without unity... [09:43] So we could have a debian/gnome-fallback.gconf-defaults: [09:43] /apps/metacity/general/button_layout menu:minimize,maximize,close [10:00] Whoops, it's in the new gsettings now... [10:00] gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout "menu:minimize,maximize,close" [10:13] So we'll need a debian/gnome-panel.gsettings-override instead, if we do want to fix it that way === alkisg is now known as work_alkisg