
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
coder-guy22296hey guys03:44
coder-guy22296im new and i want to get involved in the Development process03:45
coder-guy22296hey ther03:50
coder-guy22296im new and i want to get involved in the Development process03:50
sarnoldhello coder-guy22296 -- you've arrived a bit late in the day for most users, not yet early engh for europe to be awake, but after .us has quit for the night :)03:50
coder-guy22296are you a developer?03:51
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: for me, it's complicated. I'm not an official ubuntu developer, but I'm on the security team, so I've got upload privileges to all the released distributions -- but not the development distribution. haha. :)03:52
coder-guy22296thats cool03:53
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: usually people will pick a few projects that they want to help improve, and provide patches or test patches or so forth, and eventually start getting some developer privileges03:53
coder-guy22296I noticed a bug in Ubuntu that has been around for a couple releases03:53
coder-guy22296and I would like to help out03:55
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: well, first start, is the bug filed in launchpad yet?03:55
coder-guy22296no, not yet03:56
sarnoldyou might be surprised, I got ready to file a bug earlier tonight and foud someone else had beat me to it :)03:56
coder-guy22296I want to get to a position where i can fix bugs03:56
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: anyway, the first step is filing a bug -- you can file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug', and if you know the name of the package or program that is buggy, 'ubuntu-bug` takes pid or program or package arguments...03:57
sarnoldcool :) more help squashing bugs is always welcome03:57
coder-guy22296first of all, what language is Ubuntu coded in?03:58
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: dozens of languages; C, C++, Python 2, Python 3, shell, awk, sed, perl, go, erlang, java, vala, qml, javascript, ...03:59
coder-guy22296Im not really sure what the package or program would be, its a small bug where I noticed a 1-2 pixel shift to the right in the desktop's display area04:00
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: so, is it something like a strip of black pixels running along the edge of the screen?04:01
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: or does part of the contents run off the edge of the screen?04:01
coder-guy22296I have to multiple displays, so yes it is a 2pixel strip of my left desktop on the left side of my right monitor04:03
coder-guy22296and it is possible that a 2pixel strip on the right is also missing04:04
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: ha! never seen that one before. :)04:04
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: okay, I'd say file that against 'xorg' -- "ubuntu-bug xorg" -- and then fill out the fields once your web browser prompts you  :)04:04
coder-guy22296it has not been fixed in the last 2 releases04:05
sarnoldcoder-guy22296: okay, time for me to call it a night; have fun!04:14
pittiGood morning05:38
Laneyhappy friday!09:02
seb128hey Laney09:03
seb128happy friday!09:03
Laneyhey seb12809:10
Laneyhow are you?09:10
seb128Laney, I'm good thanks, a bit tired though ... looking for something easy to do today ;-) (it might end up being some debian merges/updates/bug triage)09:12
seb128Laney, you?09:13
seb128Sweetshark, hey09:13
pittibonjour seb12809:13
seb128pitti, salut, ça va ?09:13
pittihey Laney, moin moin Sweetshark09:13
Laneyhey pitti seb12809:13
pittiseb128: un peu fatigue, mais bien ! (merci dieu c'est vendredi :) )09:13
seb128pitti, pareil ici ;-)09:13
LaneyI'm good, remembering that my go at "reset API" yesterday didn't work09:13
Laneyso now I want to ignore that and look at something else :P09:13
seb128hehe, joining me on the easy friday ;-)09:20
LaneyI don't understand why online accounts wants to open its own window09:20
Laneymy approach was "look for a 'reset' method in each of the pagecomponents"09:20
Laneybut that breaks it09:21
* Laney goes to ask mardy09:21
seb128Laney, did you use the vcs for the e-d-s update and forgot to push or did you not use it? (in the former case can you push? if that's the later one, I can copy the changes back there no worry)09:34
Laneyoh I think I did, sec09:34
Laneyseb128: yep, pushed09:36
seb128Laney, thanks09:36
seb128didrocks, cyphermox, larsu: good, indicator tests/daily build are back to green with the new libffi10:07
didrocksseb128: yeah, so everything was rebuilt?10:09
didrocksseb128: I'll ask cyphermox to release it as soon as he's around :)10:09
didrocksafter some phone testing :p10:09
seb128didrocks, seems like rebuilds are not needed after all (at least the binaries stop hitting smashed stack issues)10:10
larsuseb128: \o/10:10
seb128oh, a larsu!10:10
seb128larsu, hey, how are you? happy friday!10:11
didrocksseb128: sweetness!10:11
larsuseb128: oh, I forgot the happy-Friday wishes this morning... Happy Friday!10:11
larsuseb128: I'm good thanks. How are you?10:11
Laneyoh, no datetime indicator this morning10:11
Laneydon't we have that fix in trusty?10:11
Laneyhmm, we do10:11
seb128Laney, no we don't, we need an indicator landing, that was the heated discussion a week ago10:11
Laney= trusty10:11
seb128oh, datetime10:11
seb128the session one is missing for sure10:12
seb128Laney, is indicator-datetime-service running?10:12
Laneyi wonder...10:12
seb128ok, so different issue10:12
seb128is it installed?10:13
seb128does it work if you run it manually?10:13
larsudid the upstart stuff land?10:13
Laneyjust did, it worked10:13
seb128larsu, landing was blocked due to the ppc smashed stack issue10:13
seb128it might happen today if the moons are correctly aligned, who knows ;-)10:14
larsuLaney: do you have the same issue if you kill indicator-datetime-service and restart unity-panel-service10:14
larsuseb128: I'll check the moons10:14
LaneyI see that it timed out in dbus.log10:14
Laneycomes up properly with u-p-s10:15
seb128ok, so we don't know10:15
Laneyoh well10:16
seb128would be useful to see if the service is running and get a bt, if you get the issue again10:16
LaneyI saw that it wasn't running10:16
seb128because it timeouted10:16
Laneybecause dbus activation timed out10:16
seb128which could be the lock issue10:16
seb128but without a bt we can't say...10:16
* larsu tries to dbus-activate it manually10:16
seb128trick is to think about getting the bt before it timeouts ;-)10:16
Laneya bt of what?10:16
seb128well, if you ever get the issue again10:17
seb128I don't here, I just get it with indicator-session, but that one is missing the lock fix in trusty10:17
larsuhm, works fine here10:17
* didrocks doesn't see any moon, just snow clouds10:18
didrocksomg, the cloud is snowy, we are all lost!10:18
* didrocks runs in circle10:18
Laneywe were supposed to get snow this week10:19
Laneynever happened10:19
didrockswe stole it from you!10:19
Laneypost it back right this instant10:19
didrocksLaney: so, after mostly a week, still loving your new chair?10:19
Laneydidrocks: yeah, it's still nice10:20
didrocksgreat ;)10:20
Laneythe only bad thing is that it's not so good to put your feet up on10:21
Laneythe side of the armrests is a bit sharp10:21
didrocksyeah, but that's a bad position for your back!10:21
Laneyit sure is10:21
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?10:45
seb128chrisccoulson, I guess you noticed that your recent firefox upload to trusty failed to build on arm/ppc?10:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/0787526e0ed610:48
chrisccoulsoni'll sort that out in a bit10:48
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks10:48
seb128Laney, do you know what's the deal with dbus-sharp changing it's abi version, do we simply need a rebuild of tomboy/banshee or do they need change? is anyone working on doing those changes in Debian?11:04
Laneyseb128: they need a bit of porting, and yes people are working on it11:04
LaneyI'm not tracking it though11:04
Laneycheck with directhex in -devel11:04
Laneyhe should know how far along that is11:05
seb128I just saw it being stucked in trusty-proposed11:05
chrisccoulsonlol, I didn't expect anyone would add a serious comment to bug 125376311:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1253763 in firefox (Ubuntu) "xxx" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125376311:17
seb128chrisccoulson, lol, I see that you still get top quality bug reports ;-)11:19
chrisccoulsonseb128, yep :)11:20
chrisccoulsondid you see my comment? ;)11:20
didrocksseb128: you know what? chrisccoulson even participated at UDS!11:20
seb128yes ;-)11:20
seb128did he?11:20
chrisccoulsoni attended 1 session!11:20
didrocksseb128: on the last client2 session11:20
seb128I didn't see an oxyde session this time11:20
didrockschrisccoulson: the best for the end, right?11:20
seb128or the webapp stuff11:20
didrocksseb128: webapps on desktop11:20
seb128that makes sense11:21
seb128chrisccoulson, btw, did you have a look to libebook/tb?11:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, we decided we didn't need any sessions for oxide this time around. we had one last time, and all of the major items already have assignees. we don't want more work :)11:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, not yet11:21
didrocksseb128: see, they are slacking11:22
didrocksI'm sure all those security guys, they check the html5 youtube security watching cat videos all the day along11:22
seb128chrisccoulson hates cats for some reason11:22
seb128I don't get it11:22
chrisccoulsonthey crap all over the garden!11:23
seb128well, they dig a small hole and hide their stuff11:23
seb128clever animals!11:24
chrisccoulsoni wish that were true. they try to do it, but it doesn't work so well when they do it in the middle of the lawn ;)11:24
Sweetsharkoh great11:45
SweetsharkOpen LibreOffice 4.2 beta1 on trusty => works. And there was much rejoicing! Click "File->Close" => Crash.11:46
* Sweetshark bets it would work like a charm on saucy though :/11:46
Laneycrashing seems like an efficient way to end the program to me :P11:47
SweetsharkLaney: File->Close isnt File->Quit. We didnt gnome3-simplified ("it would confuse users") that difference away yet.11:50
Laneyoh man, I've been simplified11:57
* xnox feels basic11:59
* Sweetshark feels relieved.12:00
Sweetsharkseems (hopefully) to be only a dependency mess up.12:01
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dwarakeshI am unable to adjust brightness on a newly installed ubuntu system (laptop), can anyone help?13:26
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pittidesrt: aaaargh!13:48
pittidesrt: I was wondering what on earth would talk to the session bus (which fails) in shim; look again at https://github.com/desrt/systemd-shim/commit/136ed11430 ...13:50
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
pittidesrt: trivial, but for the sake of peer review: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6458615/13:54
seb128pitti, hey, I just crossed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/+bug/1080745 while looking at gdu bugs ... do you want me to forward that to the BTS or is launchpad enough?14:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 1080745 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "shoulds Recommends gdisk since it uses sgdisk commands" [Low,Confirmed]14:12
pittiseb128: LP is enough14:19
pittiseb128: can you please subscribe or assign me?14:19
seb128pitti, thanks14:19
seb128pitti, btw do you have an opinion on updating gdu to 3.10? it seems to not have newer depends and there is like 15 code commits between 3.8 and 3.10, mostly bug fixes and small things14:20
seb128pitti, done14:20
pittiseb128: yep, sounds good to me14:20
seb128ok, doing the update then14:20
pittiseb128: I'll do that in Debian, too14:20
pittior that14:20
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)14:20
pittiah, we have ubuntu mods, argh14:21
seb128pitti, Debian already has 3.10, I'm just merging14:21
pittiseb128: anyway, I just finished wrestling with suspend bugs; now watchign didrocks live (CI airline), and then I'll call it a week14:21
pittiseb128: ah, splendid14:21
pittiseb128: will do gvfs early next week (sorry, didn't get to it yet)14:22
seb128pitti, no worry about gvfs ... btw we might want to directly go with 1.19, seems like gvfs finally has an active maintainer and is getting some overdue bugs fixes14:22
seb128pitti, enjoy the CI video and w.e ;-)14:22
pittiyeah, I'll check14:23
pittiI also want to update pygobject, that got some nice fixes too14:23
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* pitti waves to Captain didrocks, merci :)15:10
pittididrocks: can we collect bonus miles?15:10
seb128chrisccoulson, is that something you know about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1231273 ?15:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1231273 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox does not show google geo location map" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:10
seb128chrisccoulson, that bug states we need a custom key15:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm aware of that15:10
pittididrocks: i. e. people who land changes with a high percentage of success get processed faster, or get a personal handshake from you, or so? :-)15:10
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, I was mentioning it in case it's useful information ;-)15:10
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks ;)15:12
didrockspitti: heh, yeah, you will be able to get upgrades as well :)15:12
didrocksand we'll introduce CI coins15:12
* didrocks buys a lot before the market is going crazy15:13
pittididrocks: oh, we'll get bitcoins for uploads? :-)15:13
didrockspitti: CIcoins, easier for us to produce "money"15:13
didrockscome on, who would refuse a first-class upgrade to fly to ubuntu? :)15:13
* seb128 reads the story about that guy who bough for 50€ of bitcoins back then to end up with some 300 000€ today15:14
seb128I wonder if CIcoins are going to be the same15:14
seb128didrocks, can I get some of those reserved, just in case? ;-)15:14
pittiseb128: I think it was > 1M, as he bought an appartment for that15:14
pitti(in NY)15:14
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, don't do that. we need you here!15:14
didrocksseb128: you surely do have some provisionned for you :)15:15
seb128pitti, could be, I just know it was "almost nothing" to "a lot of money"15:15
seb128chrisccoulson, lol15:15
pittiseb128: yeah, indeed; he bought them at the time when ~ 1.200 B$ == 1US$15:15
pittiand now 1B$ is roughly 700 US$15:15
chrisccoulsonwe have to try and keep seb128 away from all "get rich quick" schemes15:15
seb128chrisccoulson, what's wrong with me getting rich? I mean throw up nice conf^parties then and invite you all :p15:16
chrisccoulsonhah :)15:17
mdeslaurseb128: don't move to an island :)15:22
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
desrtpitti: oh christ15:37
desrtpitti: please proceed15:37
desrtpitti: i'm so used to working on the session bus....15:38
pittidesrt: I have some feeling that I'm being haunted by this stuff15:38
pittidesrt: pushed15:38
pittidesrt: but some bug reporter just said "njargh, still broken", waiting for a debug log from him15:38
desrtpitti: we're in an inherently ugly business15:38
pittiit's like every time I look at such a bug report I hear a little Lennart in my head, shouting "you will be in pain!!!"15:39
seb128cyphermox, hey, could you commit your g-c-c fix/upload to the packaging vcs? (lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu)15:43
pittidesrt: followed up to the bug again15:45
pittiand with that, I wish everyone a nice weekend, otherwise this week will never stop15:45
* Laney hugs pitti15:46
Laneyhave a good weekend15:46
seb128pitti, have a nice w.e as well, say hello to Annett from me ;-)15:46
desrtpitti: take care :)15:46
pittiseb128: I will!15:46
pittidesrt: no parcel for you today either? :-(15:46
desrtLaney: did you get my poke yesterday?15:46
Laneykind of15:47
desrtpitti: parcel?15:47
LaneyI can't remember thinking that I needed to answer though15:47
Laneyre-poke me15:47
desrtLaney: poke!15:47
Laneyow :(15:47
desrtLaney: hey.  when will we have new glib/dconf in t-?15:47
pittididrocks, cyphermox: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/autopilot-gtk/source-format/+merge/196297 - 1.0 !?!15:47
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Laneydesrt: oh, maybe next week15:48
desrtLaney: nice15:48
Laneykind of scared about glib15:48
seb128pitti, you don't want to start that discussion tonight ;-) basically everything under CI is 1.015:48
desrtLaney: what's wrong with glib?15:48
pittidesrt: sorry, nick fail; I meant didrocks15:49
Laneyseems big15:49
pittiseb128: I don't? ok15:49
desrtpitti: damn.  i thought i was getting a parcel :)15:49
didrockspitti: yeah, in a hangout, there are multiple reasons for that, I can expose it for you after the meeting15:49
desrtLaney: changeset is big, you mean?15:49
seb128pitti, Lyon has been under snow so maybe traffic to get there has some delay15:49
desrtya... that's true15:49
pittididrocks: no worries; I thought it was due to the recent dpkg changes15:49
desrtbut at least it'll work on ppc?15:49
Laneywell, better to get it in early in that case15:49
pittiseb128: no, didrocks doesn't answer his doorbell :-P15:50
Laneyit always passed on ubuntu ppc for some reason15:50
didrockspitti: it's a consequence, but it's also the only way to support upstream15:50
seb128pitti, haha15:50
desrtthe phone guys are poking me about dconf work they need ... ideally by end-of-year15:50
desrtand i won't be able to land it without a new glib15:50
* didrocks continues his meeting :)15:50
Laneyokay, well do your work based on it15:50
Laneywe'll get it in15:50
desrti am :)15:50
seb128pitti, well, it takes some time to get dressed to be able to go open the door... ;-)15:50
pittiok, really off now &15:50
* pitti waves15:50
seb128pitti, have fun!15:51
desrtpitti: i hope your parcels make it!15:51
seb128Laney, ?17:19
Laneythinking about this custom plugins thing17:20
Laneyhow would you handle library directories?17:22
Laneyfiles under XDG_DATA_DIRS are easy17:22
seb128Laney, "library directories"?17:27
Laneyyes, the private libraries17:27
seb128oh, to load plugins from other locations?17:29
seb128I don't really know :/17:29
seb128seems like a good question for the qt/sdk guys17:29
seb128or kenvandine/mardy maybe have an idea about that17:30
LaneyDon't know if it's valid to ask foreach XDG_DATA_DIR/../libdir17:30
seb128DATA feels wrong17:30
Laneybut that's shonky17:30
Laneyso, dunno what else you could do other than hardcode it at build time17:31
Laneywhich isn't very well matched with using XDG_DATA_DIRS17:32
* didrocks waves good evening and good week-end17:45
seb128Laney, we should maybe check with e.g the online accounts are doing17:47
seb128but that feels like something for next week17:47
* seb128 calls it a week17:47
chrisccoulsonhah, i like french weather reports - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/10465935/French-weathergirl-stuns-viewers-with-nude-report.html17:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 ;)17:48
Laneysee you17:48
seb128chrisccoulson, lol17:49
chrisccoulsonheh :)17:49
seb128have a good w.e everyone!17:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
desrtchrisccoulson: attente was thinking about porting firefox to gmenumodel.  any thoughts on that?18:27
chrisccoulsondesrt, i don't mind, as long as it continues to work with dbusmenu ;)18:29
chrisccoulsondesrt, is attente volunteering to maintain firefox? :)18:30
desrtyou've got SRUs on the brain18:30
desrtchrisccoulson: we fooled him once with taking up working on the input methods infra.  i doubt we're going to fool him with firefox :)18:30
chrisccoulsonah, it was worth a try ;)18:30
attenteoh you guys... :P18:31
chrisccoulsonattente, firefox is in need of a loving maintainer ;)18:32
attentedesrt, you're working for canonical now, right :P18:32
* desrt leaves early for the weekend -- goodbye everyone!18:33
chrisccoulsonhave a good weekend desrt!18:33
* desrt (kidding, unfortunately)18:34
attentechrisccoulson, how are the menus in firefox passed off to dbusmenu right now?18:35
chrisccoulsonattente, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/view/head:/debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch18:36
attentechrisccoulson, wow. big patch :)18:36
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: yo19:10
cyphermoxyou still looking after thunderbird and all? I'd like to rebuild it for e-d-s fun stuff19:11
cyphermoxnamely, thunderbird-gnome-support depends on an old e-d-s lib and blocks the transition, AFAICT19:11
Laneyhe knows19:12
Laneybut it is tied into fun things via mapi anyway19:12
cyphermoxoh ok19:12
Laneythe eds transition, that is19:12
cyphermoxlooks to me like mapi is probably not that bad though?19:12
Laneydepends how much you like libav19:12
Laneyit's pretty sad19:13
* Laney relocates to pub to drown sorrows over it19:13
cyphermoxhaha, have fun19:14
cyphermoxall this is blocking indicators...19:14
cyphermoxsuddently, drowning sorrows sounds like such a good idea19:14
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, rebuilding thunderbird won't fix it. it needs source changes, even if it's just bumping the library version (but i suspect it needs lots more than that)19:34
cyphermoxneeds to be fixed anyway19:35
cyphermoxare you planning to do it or should I allocate some time that I look at it?19:36
cyphermoxperhaps I'll start with figuring out anything re. libav first though19:36
csslayerattente: ping, aron told me something about fcitx and unity-greeter.. but I've no idea what unity-greeter is20:27
attentecsslayer, hi, unity-greeter is where the user logs into their session20:54
csslayerattente: so why do you mention this? is there any special requirements for unity-greeter?20:55
attentecsslayer, if we were to hypothetically switch to fcitx, and use fcitx for keyboard layouts too, then we'd need some way to get fcitx running at the login screen20:56
attentecsslayer, alternatively we need a way to query any user's fcitx input methods at the login screen20:57
csslayeremm.. can you give me a usecase that why people need to change layout on login screen?..20:58
attentecsslayer, for example, if there are more than one user on a machine, and each user is using a different keyboard layout to type their password21:00
attentemaybe one person is using the us layout to type their password, another is using azerty, another is using ru layout21:01
csslayerif so, is user allowed to choose whatever layout supported by system in the login screen?21:03
attentecsslayer, it should be possible since there can be multiple users with different keyboard layouts21:04
csslayerI mean, is it must be pre-configured? or it's limited to what user already chose21:05
attentecsslayer, it should only have the layouts that the users have chosen21:05
csslayerIMHO, running an input method service on login screen is introducing potential security problem. (this is proven by MS(tm)), so I think have some limited information of layout is better.21:09
attentecsslayer, ok. how are the user's list of input methods stored in fcitx?21:11
csslayerthough, I could also try to implement a restricted mode for fcitx, but even in that case, there needs a way to pass the information of layout..21:12
csslayercurrently a file on the disk21:12
csslayerhow does the unity-greeter get the wallpaper information?21:13
attentecsslayer, it's obtained through accountsservice21:13
attenteif we can get fcitx to start using accountsservice for storing the user's input methods list, then the problem would go away21:14
csslayerok, then I think we can implement a plugin for fcitx and populate the input method information to accountservice21:14
attenteah, ok :)21:15
attentecsslayer, one other thing i wanted to ask you about21:15
attentein fcitx, the input trigger is implemented how?21:15
csslayerkey event passed to fcitx then triggered.21:17
csslayernot keygrab on X like ibus21:18
attentesorry, i'm not very familiar with this topic, but what's the difference exactly? i thought doing a passive key grab entailed handling key events as well21:19
attentei guess specifically how does fcitx get the event without doing the key grab on the root window?21:20
csslayerfcitx doesn't grab any key, it is the application forward the key event to fcitx21:20
attentehow does the application know it should forward the key event to fcitx?21:22
csslayerit's application's own logic, like, if you're using gtk/qt, then textbox implementation already handles this.21:26
=== Mapley is now known as rainbowdash`

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