
balloonsrobotfuel, pong00:10
robotfuelelopio: help me out thanks00:10
robotfuelballoons: ^00:10
balloonsgo elopio :-)00:10
phillwhi balloons how did vUDS go?01:06
balloonsphillw, good01:23
balloonstiring as usual01:23
phillwgood to hear, hopefully I'll catch up with the sessions on you-tube over the weekend.01:25
phillwballoons: do you have time for a quick pm?01:26
balloonsi'm in the middle of helping wifey, so I'm afraid not, but leave it and I'll reply :-)01:26
phillwokies. no worries... you about tomorrow?01:27
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DanChapmangood morning all07:34
elfyhi DanChapman07:40
DanChapmanhey there elfy o/07:44
elfynice sessions - I think ... not had time to listen properly :)07:44
* elfy has DanChapman written on a piece of paper - need to talk to you - when's the best time? other than today - working till 5 :)07:45
DanChapmanelfy yes it was a good few days. Anytime i'm online is usually good for me :-)07:47
elfyok - maybe one evening ?07:48
DanChapmanelfy yeah one evening is fine, what is good for you?07:49
DanChapmansince you have work etc :-)07:49
elfyDaughter is out tonight - maybe tonight?07:50
DanChapmanelfy, thats good for me :-)07:52
* DanChapman 's @ubuntu email is finally working07:54
DanChapmanjibel, i see all the services in the lab are running again :-)07:56
elfyDanChapman: ok - and excellent07:57
jibelDanChapman, Good morning08:00
jibelDanChapman, I just saw that too08:00
elfyhi jibel08:00
jibelDanChapman, and I have access to the machines :)08:01
jibelI'll update the jobs today08:01
jibelGood morning elfy08:01
NoskcajListening to the UDS sessions, we really need a "how to use google hangouts" video, plus time to prepare before we go live08:32
NoskcajAlso, local recording08:32
jibelDanChapman, balloons ubiquity tests are back, I tried Ubuntu and now running flavors. The view on jenkins.qa.u.c has not been created yet.10:01
DanChapmanjibel, Yay! finally running again :-)10:06
xnoxjibel: \o/10:07
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balloonsjibel, ty13:22
balloonshappy friday to everyone13:22
dkesselhappy friday balloons :)13:23
elfyfriday? lost a day again13:24
dkesselpoor elfy13:25
elfyballoons: good sessions I think - though I need to listen to them properly :)13:26
balloonselfy makes me blinks13:26
elfymight mean that the mail to the list makes more sense ...13:27
pittijibel: ah, adt failures slowly resolving.. :)15:16
pittijibel: so you were on 3depict, right?15:16
jibelpitti, yeah slowly15:16
pittijibel: crash still fails because there's yet another kernel in -proposed15:16
jibelnetworking is fixed15:16
pittiso again a version mismatch; will try again on Monday15:16
pittijibel: yeah, I noticed; *phew*15:16
jibelpitti, I was on 3depict but it's too broken, I filed a bug in Debian for the maintainer15:17
pittijibel: ah, good; thanks15:17
jibelpitti, there are not only missing deps, but shell syntax error, it calls make before Makefile is even generated15:18
jibelthere are missing build depends and then it calls the binary without a display but it requires one15:18
pittiright, just reading the bug and the maintainer's followup15:18
jibelah he replied, I didn't see he did15:20
pittijibel: I'm replying15:21
pittijibel: meh, d-jenkins now down again, too?15:30
pittijibel: replied15:33
pittijibel: ok, I'll ignore that failure as well then15:33
pittithansk for the bug report15:33
senanballoons,DanChapman : Good Evening16:19
balloonssenan, hello :-)16:19
DanChapmansenan, hello there :-) o/16:20
DanChapmanmorning balloons o/16:20
balloonsDanChapman, howdy..16:20
* DanChapman is setting up his jenkins feeds now its running again :-)16:20
balloonsyes I saw jibel's note :-016:21
senanDanChapman,balloons; why we are not writing any log files when creating tests ?16:22
balloonssenan, what do you mean? autopilot will output everything that we're doing during the test16:23
balloonsautopilot run -v gives you quite a bit more16:24
DanChapmansenan you can add additional logging if its needed :-)16:24
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jibelpitti, thanks for replying16:27
senanballoons, just asked.. we are logging almost all in xml when creating test in QTP16:31
DanChapmanevening elfy :-)18:36
elfyhi DanChapman18:36
elfyDanChapman: let me know when you're ready - it could take a little while ;)18:43
DanChapmanelfy, fire away :-)18:43
elfyobviously it's not about manual testing :p18:44
elfyfirst - what's the status now with auto image testing - I've seen https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot_ubiquity-devel/18:45
elfybut that means nothing to me18:45
elfyIf I wanted to see Xubuntu results - where are they?18:46
elfyhas the test got any closer to rebooting an installed image?18:46
DanChapmanelfy lol well the jenkins server only got back up running today after 2 weeks down. I have some links for running xubuntu tests for you 2 secs....18:47
DanChapmanelfy so there is this one https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/ubiquity_ap-xubuntu_devel_daily-test_custom_install/ which is failing due to a known ui bug so once thats fixed it should go 'blue'18:49
DanChapmanand this one https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/ubiquity_ap-xubuntu_devel_daily-test_english_default/18:49
DanChapmanand finally this one https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/ubiquity_ap-xubuntu_devel_daily-test_nonenglish_default/18:50
elfynot very human readable urls :p18:50
elfyso the custom is the something else? and the daily is the install to whole hdd?18:50
DanChapmanThe custom install is manual partitioning, so using the 'Something else' install option then manually create partition layout, the default install basically uses all the default pre-selected values throughout,18:52
elfythat makes sense to me18:52
elfyso both at present do the install and then stop?18:52
elfyso it proves that the image installs - is that right?18:53
elfyno proving of anything else at the moment18:53
DanChapmanSo the custom partition tests chooses a random partition layout from a choice of 6 defined layouts. Yeah atm the test runs till ubiquity says installation complete. jibel is going to be working on rebooting into the install and running the desktop smoketests so we can actually say it installed OK18:54
elfyok - time scale for that?18:55
DanChapmanso the current plan is to try and have Default, LVM, LVM with encryption, auto-resize and custom installs running for alpha1 so 19th Dec18:56
elfyok - those rebooting as well?18:56
DanChapmanI believe so, every test 'should' do the reboot tests otherwise we will never actually no if it installed :-)18:57
elfyok that's enough for images then - any idea who package testing is looking for gtk apps?18:58
elfyor is that best looked at by us18:58
elfywe'll be getting a list together shortly of things we'd 'like' testing - but it's one of those - where do you start things19:00
DanChapmannot much has happened with the gtk apps, everyone got involved with the core-apps and it's been a bit neglected, senan is working on a DiskUsageAnalyser test atm so it's not completely dead. I have a doc somewhere of all the apps I found were introspectable i just forgot to update that wiki page phillw made19:00
elfydon't remember that page tbh - I know where mine is though19:01
elfyactually - phillw's was an expanded version of mine I think19:02
DanChapmanelfy yes i think it was just expanded to cover all flavors. I'll see if i can find it tomorrow and update it.19:10
DanChapmanelfy, I would like to get going again on the gtk apps or at least get a few people together and help them out,  so if you have anyone interested your side that would get involved would be great :-)19:13
elfyDanChapman: lderan is in channel - he's the guy showing most interest for us at the moment19:14
elfyand as if by magic the shopkeeper appears19:14
elfylderan: tbh it's probably better if you talk to each other about this ;)19:16
elfysome pythony thing involved19:16
DanChapmanhey lderan o/19:16
lderanpythony things are always good lol19:16
lderanDanChapman, hello \o19:16
DanChapmanelfy lol19:17
DanChapmanlderan, elfy says your interested in writing tests for the gtk desktop apps19:17
lderani am indeed19:18
DanChapmanlderan awesome have you tried your hand at it yet?19:18
lderani've got it to open a few apps and type stuff into them :)19:19
lderanit doesn't work well with a few like the settings manager and abiword19:20
elfyDanChapman lderan - what xubuntu team needs to deal wish soon is what we actaully want it to look at19:22
elfyI'd hate for time to get wasted19:22
DanChapmanlderan what problems did you come across with abiword?19:30
lderanit wouldn't receive typing unless i manually moved the cursor over the page19:31
DanChapmanelfy so what would you consider are the 'core' apps you would initially like to have tests for?19:31
* DanChapman install abiword19:32
DanChapmanlderan it seems abiword doesn't have a visible text buffer so we would never know whats been typed19:38
DanChapmanlderan, i'm not sure how much is testable with abiword, like you could test new document as it spawns a new window, and probably test opening a document but anythin further than that i'm not sure :-S19:43
lderanany reliable method to move the cursor to the centre of the window?19:43
balloonsouch, no text buffer?19:46
elfysorry - was elsewhere19:47
elfymostly what I wanted to get today I've got aas far as packages is concerned19:48
elfyand lderan and DanChapman have met :)19:48
DanChapmanlderan ive never tried it myself but you could try clicking the GtkWindow object, no reason why that wouldn't work19:48
elfyjust working out where I can put BLOCKED on my blueprint :p19:49
DanChapmanballoons, nope no buffer it looks like it uses a drawing canvas instead of a textview style object :-(19:49
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NoskcajWhat guide are you using for autopilot-gtk? I'd like to have another try at learning it.19:53
DanChapmanlderan what i'd suggest is since ubuntu and xubuntu use the same doc viewer and archive manager and the current tests are autopilot 1.3 and they need porting to 1.4 and python3 and they also need expanding maybe you could have a go at them and get them nicely polished?19:56
DanChapmanNoskcaj, best place to start is unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot :-)19:56
balloonsNoskcaj, http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/19:56
lderanDanChapman, sounds good to me :)19:56
elfyballoons: seems like you've got a leak, losing helium and speed there :)19:57
balloonsspecifically have a look at the tutorial if needed, http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/tutorial/tutorial.html19:57
balloonsI was snacking on hummus.. my bad19:57
elfywhy would you do that :(19:57
lderanhummus leads to helium lose nowadays? :P19:57
elfyohhhh hummus not humus :p19:58
DanChapmaneeek nasty stuff19:58
elfyI was snacking on toad in the hole ...19:59
balloonslol.. I'm back to running tests now19:59
DanChapmanballoons, I totally forgot you asked about the status of the gtk emulators, they have been running fine in the ubiquity tests, although that doesn't use the GtkFileCHooserDialog stuff which I need to test again.20:01
* DanChapman has still yet to cook :-(20:02
elfyI'm off now20:04
balloonsDanChapman, yes, I don't want that to languish forever out there :-)20:12
DanChapmanballoons, me neither, I will try get them tested etc over the weekend and poke thomi next week about them :-) I suppose if they are running ok they could be placed in the ubuntu-autopilot-tests branch for lderan and others to use until they land?20:14
balloonsthey could.. It would be best for folks to use them. Let's just get it landed :-) Is it python2 and python3 compatible?20:15
DanChapmanballoons, yes they are mate :-)20:17
NoskcajIs the a list of packages still on autopilot 1.3? I'd like to try and start witth that20:18
DanChapmanNoskcaj, all the apps in lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests are 1.3 there shouldn't be too much to change but that would be great if you can do it :-)20:20
Noskcajballoons, My i suggest we do a practice UDS session nest time so it isn't just "yes" to stuff in IRC or waiting for people to unmute themselves20:25
balloonsNoskcaj, what do you mean?20:26
balloonsI take it you are watching a session :-)20:26
NoskcajI've only heard the community roles one so far, but there was about 1 minute of actual talking in it. and ye20:26
balloonsNoskcaj, ohh.. that one got messed up20:27
balloonsit's no use to watch it.. I should delete it I suppose20:27
Noskcajthe second one i'm listening to looks far better already20:28
balloonsbuonasera Letozaf_20:29
Letozaf_buonasera balloons20:29
Noskcajballoons, One other thing, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/debian/+merge/193693 so the packaging stops burning my eyes?20:31
balloonsNoskcaj, :-)20:31
balloonsNoskcaj,  can this build properly now?20:32
NoskcajI think it fixes everything20:32
Letozaf_balloons, can I ask you about autopilot tests on music app or do I have to contact vthompson ?20:51
balloonsLetozaf_, you can certainly ask, heh, but yea I would say victor is the guy for anything you can't figure out20:53
Letozaf_balloons, I have an easy queston, I think ...20:54
Letozaf_balloons, the bugs you past me for new autopilot tests test on a album, but the autopilot tests have only two songs in for now20:54
Letozaf_balloons, do you know how the album tests do have to be carried out _20:55
balloonsahh, so new fake data might need to be created20:55
balloonsor you think you can do it with the 2 songs?20:55
Letozaf_balloons, yes I was just taking a look and wondering how to carry out a test on an album if there is no album20:57
Letozaf_balloons, but I will first try to see if I can use those two songs20:57
Letozaf_balloons, thought that maybe you had already talked about this with Victor20:58
Noskcajballoons, On the topic of the roles page. Can we add some more info on stable release testing? i.e. SRUs, -proposed, precise daily20:58
balloonsLetozaf_, no I didn't20:59
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks20:59
balloonsNoskcaj, we can.. is that something you might be able to do? We need an SRU expert :-)20:59
Noskcajballoons, I've not run a stable release in a year, so that might be hard. Maybe one of the MOTU guys who want SRUs tested?21:00
dkesselLetozaf_, good evening. you know where the existing songs come from, right?21:01
Letozaf_dkessel, yes21:03
dkesseloh ok... now I see. I believe it used to depend on some other package which supplied the example song...21:05
dkesselbut has changed to include the data itself21:06
Letozaf_dkessel, yes21:06
dkesselLetozaf_, I guess one could use some creative commons licensed files and edit them to be a lot smaller while preserving the metadata... maybe audacity can do such editing21:08
dkesseljono bacon even has some cc licensed music up ;)21:09
Letozaf_dkessel, sure, maybe first I will ask victor to see want he wants to do21:09
balloonsyes, we chopped the files to make them smaller21:10
dkesseli wonder if the speakers are activated on the CI servers ;)21:11
dkesselis any of the lubuntu guys here?21:15
Letozaf_balloons, I have this error when running autopilot launch -i Qt qmlscene ../../music.app.qml :  qmlscene: could not find a Qt installation of ''   do you know what it is, do you think I broke somehting or what21:21
Letozaf_balloons, the same error with rssreader app :(21:22
Letozaf_balloons, is it working on your  PC ?21:22
balloonsLetozaf_, you are missing something21:23
balloonsis the ubuntu-sdk installed?21:23
dkesselballoons, i am doing a daily package test... however the test is for a package that is not installed by default... i have not had this before. is the bug in the test steps (no installation step provided), or in the fact that the test is listed?21:26
Letozaf_balloons, could be, sorry I ran it on my PC and it works there, I was using my notebook now so probably it is missing21:26
dkesselpackage being lxkeymap21:26
Letozaf_balloons, I will check thanks21:27
balloonsdkessel, they should be default installed packages21:27
balloonsdkessel, do you know the lubuntu-qa mailing list?21:27
dkesselballoons, ok. will mail them...21:28
balloonsdkessel, yea.. ping them :-) Some folks used to be on IRC also but I haven't seen them around recently21:28
Letozaf_balloons, argh! I messed around with the emulator and probably broke something on my notebook, I will have to try to fix it21:28
balloonsLetozaf_, oO ;-p21:28
Letozaf_balloons, never matter, I probably messed around too much :P21:29
knomehey balloons :)21:29
Letozaf_balloons, I will try to fix21:29
balloonshey knome21:29
knomei'll PM you...21:29

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