
tgm4883I'm from KF, but live in Salem now00:00
keestamarack: hi! are you available to meet up on Mon morning (25th 9-10am) to go over DebConf networking needs?00:41
=== c_smith_away is now known as c_smith
blkperlsomeone want to nominate bug 1086151 for SRU for Precise?03:27
lubotu1bug 1086151 in nagios-plugins (Ubuntu) "Nagios utils.pm has wrong default path to rpcinfo" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108615103:27
blkperlfor me? :)03:27
=== c_smith is now known as c_smith_away
=== c_smith_away is now known as c_smith
=== c_smith is now known as c_smith_away

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