
OvenWerkszequence: which functions? I will try them on both studio and kde03:58
OvenWerksWhat things I have used gimp for have worked so far, but I don't do that much...03:59
zequenceOvenWerks: I'm having problems such as no opacity, and when painting with a color, the result is something else than what I chose04:18
zequenceThere's something not right with the graphics. Don't know if it's only gimp04:18
zequenceIt's like I'm having less bits or something04:19
zequenceopacity is reduced to a boolean function. <50% is visible, >50% becomes invivisible. There's nothing in between04:20
OvenWerksI'll check as I have time, with different graphics drivers too (free/not)04:30
cubHi madeinkobaia, sorry I haven't had the time to come back to you about the youtube template. Any day now ...15:30
cubzequence, I suppose you've heard/read Howards departure to studies?15:31
madeinkobaiano problems cub15:31
cubmadeinkobaia, did you see that Ubuntu Studio wallpaper for "Start Ubuntu"?15:32
madeinkobaiacub, sorry what do you mean ?15:33
cubhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu and  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=wall_ubuntustudio.png15:33
cubRalf passed it on from the Xubuntu list yesterday15:34
cubI forwarded the whole email as well15:34
madeinkobaiaOk, get it. Nice job.15:35
cubOk use of the logo?15:35
madeinkobaiaGraphically that seems ok. 15:37
cubWere you planning to redo the logo for 14.04?15:39
madeinkobaiaSee you all : )15:47
holsteini'll mess Howard :/15:47
holsteinhe's good15:47
holsteini saw him go from someone nobody knows to someone doing a lot of contributing.. that few know ;)15:48
cubyeah, very energetic and ambitious15:48
zequenceAh, I just saw it now18:26
zequenceYes, school comes first18:26
zequenceI'll answer tomorrow probably. I'm a bit out of time right now. Don't want to rush a reply18:26
cuband at once the trusty failed to build, oh the irony. ;)18:29

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