
alexandros_chello, I am using compiz with xubuntu and I am unable to change the number of workspaces. Can anyone give me an idean of how to fix this?01:29
bosnjakalexandros_c: compiz has its own settings for this, iirc01:30
bosnjakalexandros_c: run "compizconfig-settings-manager"01:31
bosnjakalexandros_c: go to "General options"01:31
bosnjakalexandros_c: then tab "Desktop size"01:31
bosnjakalexandros_c: there you can change the value for "Horizontal Virtual size" most probably01:31
bosnjakalexandros_c: or "Number of desktops", play with it i am not sure01:32
alexandros_cok thanks bosnjak01:32
bosnjakalexandros_c: i hope it works, havent used compiz in a while01:32
bosnjakalexandros_c: no01:32
bosnjakalexandros_c: no problem01:32
alexandros_chey bosnjak, I am trying to get the cool cube rotation, any ideas?01:35
bosnjakalexandros_c: did you get 4 pages yet?01:35
alexandros_cbosnjak, I have four pages but it still does not do the cube rotation01:59
bosnjakalexandros_c: you need to turn it on01:59
alexandros_cit is turned on01:59
alexandros_cbosnjak, under desktop I have Rotate cube enabled02:00
bosnjakalexandros_c: how are you trying to rotate it?02:01
bosnjaktry CTRL+ALT+RIGHT/LEFT02:01
bosnjakdoes it switch workspaces?02:02
alexandros_cbosnjak, I have noticed if I set it to 4 with 2 rows and 2 columns it will only rotated through the row02:03
bosnjakalexandros_c: you should read about it, there are plenty of articles on google how to set the cube up02:03
alexandros_cbut it I have them all vertical it rotated through all02:03
bosnjakalexandros_c: i have to go now, but search google for compiz cube xubuntu, you will get many articles02:04
bosnjaklike this02:04
bosnjakgood luck02:04
well_laid_lawniirc you need 6 desktops for the cube02:04
alexandros_cthat is the article I used to set up compiz02:04
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz02:04
alexandros_cthanks well_laid_lawn and bosnjak for all the help provided02:05
stewieHey guys, quick question. I know that Xubuntu and Lubuntu have alternate disks for low RAM computers, but once installed is the OS less intensive if installed from the alternate disk?04:03
pleia2no, it's the same04:04
pleia2and xubuntu doesn't have an alternate installer anymore in recent releases, you have to use the core installer and select xubuntu desktop in the installer04:04
stewieYea, I noticed that Xubuntu's altenate is 12.04 not 13.1004:05
Unit193What's the system specs?04:06
stewie.95ghz cpu, 384mb ram04:07
stewieBut for some other computers I'm mainly interested in the altenate disks because the full versions don't fit on CD's, they're too big.04:09
Unit193I'd personally use neither with that little ram. :)04:09
Unit193But yeah, mini.iso in that case.04:10
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:10
stewieWhat os would you reccomend on that system, then?04:10
Unit193You could install from the mini, but install openbox rather than a DE, or fluxbox, or somesuch.  Another option would be Debian (or antix), but feel free to try and see if it works for you.04:12
stewieI'll check it out, because I already tried Lubuntu on that once and while the OS was smooth opening Firefox was impossible because it easily crashed.04:13
Unit193Openbox on an Ubuntu minimal install was under 100MB.04:14
cfhowlettMycah, greetings05:25
MycahI am having an issue with my sound I was hoping someone might be able to help me with. I've tried everything I can find on the subject on Google and have gotten nowhere.05:25
MycahThere is no sound, but at times there are crackles like it is trying to play something.05:26
MycahI've checked Alsa and it is not muted (up all the way), I have uninstalled it and reinstalled, I have force reloaded it, etc etc etc05:26
Mycahnothing still :(05:26
MycahAny suggestions?05:26
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:27
MycahYes, I have gone through these but still no success.05:32
stewieI'm using the mini CD that I downloaded from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD but I don't see any option to install anything other than regular ubuntu, anyone know where to find the option to install something else?05:44
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:45
cfhowlettstewie, as you install, you'll be offered download/install options.  or install as offered, boot it and run tasksel05:45
NuSueymanfred_ hello :)09:57
DukeCSHi folks10:59
ObrienDavegreetings and welcome11:01
DukeCSI've got some strange problems on the login screen. I have changed the keyboard layout from english to german. On the login screen, the password is only accepted, if I type it "incorrect". FYI: Z/Y keys are changed in german/english layouts11:05
DukeCSany idea?11:05
ObrienDavewhen you installed did you do it in English or German?11:06
DukeCSXubuntu? in english I guess.11:06
DukeCSI've installed the language support, added German, Apply system-wide, ... all the easy stuff11:08
ObrienDavemy guess would be you probably used the US English keyboard layout, your password is encrypted that way. changing layout will require you to always enter it "wrong"11:09
DukeCSgood point.11:09
koegsDukeCS: take a look here :) http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Spracheinstellungen11:09
DukeCSI visited this page some minutes ago, but thanks anyways ;)11:10
DukeCSI'll try to change my password later and try it again11:10
ObrienDaveok, enter the old password "wrong" before changing11:11
DukeCShmm.. I have to use my (old) password, before I can set a new one via $>passwd . And I cannot use the "wrong" one11:13
ObrienDavesorry, I don't know about that command11:14
koegsDukeCS: do you have german or english layout in the terminal?11:14
koegsthen you should use the correct one :)11:16
DukeCSno problem.. I'll change to a new password without z/y11:16
DukeCSI did, but if I type the new "right" one, the password will not changed, because it is the same ;)11:17
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DukeCSOk, I think, I'll got it.11:39
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)11:40
DukeCSlightdm greeter does not respect the system-wide locale11:40
DukeCSbut I can use the session for the next login and it works now11:41
DukeCSweird anyways11:41
ObrienDavethat explains a lot11:41
DukeCSthanks for your time :)11:42
ObrienDavenot a problem11:43
DukeCS"In case of your locale not being displayed correctly in Lightdm add your locale to /etc/environment"11:43
ObrienDavemakes sense11:43
DukeCSlooks like some other have the same problem, too ^11:43
ObrienDavecould be. I only read and write English so I don't have to change keyboards very ofter ;))11:44
DukeCSthanks & have a nice day11:46
ObrienDavethanks and you also11:46
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:24
xubuntu056hello, i have a problem with my Xubuntu 13.10 version. I am useing it with my old Macbook pro A1150 without the key: ALTGR.14:37
xubuntu056my question: Is it possible to swap the function of the AltGr key to another? Perfect would be the right: "Applekey"14:38
audreyyes xubuntu05614:38
xubuntu056how would I do that? I tried to swap it with the keyboard manager14:38
xubuntu056but it didn't work14:39
Poisoned_DragonUm, AltGR is just the right alt key14:41
audreyxubuntu056: it'll involve xmodmap14:42
Poisoned_DragonI though Macs only had Command and option keys.14:42
xubuntu056well, i just have the left alt key. I have: "Function key (Fn)" ; Control key; left Alt; "the applekey( i dont really know the name of it (home maybe)), then Space and than again one Applekey and finally one strange one with an little arrow on the very bottom of it14:42
audreyFn on a mac?14:43
audreyis this thing relaly old or somethign14:43
xubuntu056yes, it is from 2007, i forgot to write that down. sorry14:43
Poisoned_Dragonlol... sad when 2007 is really old.14:44
audrey2007 is only six years ago14:44
audreyoh god six years14:44
Poisoned_Dragonyou never owned a 80286.14:44
audreyi'm twenty and i already feel old :/14:44
audreyhaving a job where i can listen to music and do linux stuff all day is the BEST14:45
pl2sweet jesus someone please help me: I can't, at all, find the file where xubuntu stores the PATH variables. can someone pass along the filepath? I've tried hundreds and none of them work. thank you.14:45
xubuntu056^^ i got that second hand^^14:45
audreyp12 let me see if i can figure this out14:45
audrey/etc/profile ?14:45
audreyi haven't messed with a path in a while\14:45
audreyoh wait p1214:46
audreya 1.5 second google search yielded this information14:46
pl2Thanks audrey, though /.profile is a sh script.. or at least, that's what's returned when i run: sudo leafpad ~/.profile14:47
audreyp12 that's the file you want14:47
pl2audrey, but where's the list of paths stored? I want to access the list because I want to remove something i've added..14:48
koegswhy would you wanna use sudo if you open a file in your own home-folder? o.O14:48
audreyp12 jesus christ14:48
audreyi just told you it's in ~/.profile14:48
audreythat's your path14:49
pl2perhaps i'm wording it wrong? I'm trying to find where the outpu of ${PATH} is stored.14:50
pl2same thing?14:50
koegs~/.profile, /etc/profile, /etc/environment, /etc/bash.bashrc, ~/.bashrc14:50
koegssomewhere in that files, most likely14:50
pl2koegs, hmm ok. I know i tried most of those but i'll give it another try. thanks for the help.14:51
pl2koegs, i was using sudo just because i wanted to give the terminal no reason to yell at me :P14:51
koegs+ if you want to start a graphical programm, please use gksudo or gksu instead of sudo14:52
marsupapuIs there any opportunity to get gnome-like "system"-menu to the panel?14:53
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marsupapuNow I have applications and locations "if it is so in english" but I'd like to have system menu as well.14:56
marsupapuApplications, locations and system were those.15:01
xubuntu056i listed my keys with xmodmap, and now i read that to change the keys i need to work with the file: xmodmaprc? can somebody please tell me where i can find this file?15:02
xubuntu056sorry, but i am useing xubuntu since a couple of days and i've no idea how to do anything. My goal is to be able to write down the square brackets and the @ sign for "MATLAB"15:06
xubuntu056I connected my external keyboard from my other computer and found out, that i just need the function of the altgr key to write down those specific signs15:07
xubuntu056okay thank you all! i found out how to edit it. Bye!15:12
Hixanyone got a clue how to enable onscreen keyboard at login screen? Got vmware player issue where keyboard is corrupt until logged in..15:55
Poisoned_Dragonisn't there an accessibility button at the login screen?15:57
ochosiand if that isn't the case, check your /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf for "keyboard=onboard"15:57
ochosiHix: ^15:57
Hixthe dude in the circle only has "large font" and "high contrast"15:57
Hixcool - thanks15:58
Hixochosi added keyboard=onboard16:04
Hixto lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf16:04
Hixbut still no option after a reboot16:04
Hixis UTF8 the correct encoding for sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup? UK keyboard16:10
tsimpsonunless you know better, you always want UTF816:11
Hixthought as much. And for character set "Lati1 and Latin5 - westernEurope and Turkic languages" [sic]16:13
ochosiHix: did you check that you have the onboard keyboard installed?16:14
Hixochosi - I just added the line do i need a sudo apt-get install ....?16:14
ochosiHix: well i would simply check by doing a "sudo apt-get install onboard"16:15
ochosiif it's there, apt will tell you16:15
ochosiif it's not there, you've found your problem16:15
Hixhmm already newest version16:16
ochosiHix: so you added the config-option, you're using lightdm-gtk-greeter (i.e. xubuntu's default greeter and not e.g. unity-greeter) and you have onboard installed and the menu-item in accessibility in the greeter still doesn't do anything?16:17
Hixochosi it appears not - though I do have a lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf file too, but I guess that isn't it as xfce has relpaced it?16:18
ochosibut you have the menuitem in the greeter?16:19
Hixyes http://pastebin.com/JQv02N8W16:19
Hixline 2416:20
ochosino, i mean this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-11222013-051954pm.php16:20
ochosiyou have to activate the keyboard there16:20
ochosiit won't just pop up by default16:20
ochosithen it should look like this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-11222013-052118pm.php16:21
Hixnope - no option  http://i.imgur.com/5enbm87.png16:21
koegsochosi: where do i need to put that "user-logo"?16:21
ochosikoegs: ~/.face16:22
ochosiHix: what version of the greeter do you have?16:22
koegsany special picture-format or parameters needed?16:22
ochosiHix: "apt-cache policy lightdm-gtk-greeter"16:22
ochosikoegs: i think png is a good choice (but you have to save it without file ending)16:22
koegsthx, will try16:23
Hixochosi 1.3.1-0ubuntu116:23
Hixsorry ochosi time to leave work. thx for your assistance16:29
ochosimeh, that version of the greeter is too old...16:31
ochosidoesn't support onboard yet16:31
ochosiin case Hix shows up again, just tell him that (whoever reads this and remembers ;))16:32
audreyi won't remember16:33
vkrhello all17:56
=== redderhs is now known as Magicantian
octetcloudmiddle mouse click on a laptop touchpad, anybody know how to do it?18:19
holsteinoctetcloud: i used to emulate that with 3 finger tap18:19
hydruidIs there a decent graphical app for managing disks?20:42
hydruidUbuntu/KDE have one but Xubuntu doesn't have one by default20:42
hydruidbekks: I didn't even think of that one...ty20:45
pjotterHi everyone. I just did a dist-upgrade to xfce-4.12. Unfortunately, it's kind of buggy on my computer. So, how can I 'uninstall' this distro and go back to xfce-4.10?21:13
pjotterbtw, I'm on Xubuntu 12.04 LTS.21:14
LennyHi! I'm using fglrx-updates, but performance is poor, should i "downgrade" to fglrx?21:14
Unit193pjotter: Did you add a ppa?21:18
pjotterHi Unit193: Yes21:18
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:18
pjotterGreat! I'll try that21:18
pjotterWhat I dis was this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.1221:19
pjotterThen an apt-get update followed with apt-get dist-update21:20
Poisoned_DragonOh gosh! 4.12 isn't even ready for prime time.21:22
pjotterI know... :(21:22
pjotterI had some problems with some of the xfce 'goodies' and had to upgrade. I should have gone with 4.1021:23
Unit1934.12 doesn't exist, 4.11 (development version) is rolling out.21:25
pjotterindeed, it seems I did a sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10 instead21:27
pjotterSo, if I do a sudo ppa-purge ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10 I should be good?21:28
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pjotterok, brb...21:31
pjotterWel, I seem to have lost all my panels and stuff21:33
pjotterAny way to get those back?21:34
Poisoned_DragonActually, I use that 4.10 ppa on Xubuntu 12.0421:40
Poisoned_DragonNo probs so far.21:40
pjotterOk, I justed peeked in ~\.config\xfce4  All panels are still there. But now I'm back on xfce-4.0821:42
pjotterreinstalling 4.10 again ... keeping my fingers crossed... :S21:44
pjotterOk, 4.10 is back agina. So far so good. only my panels are still missing.21:46
Poisoned_DragonMake new ones?21:47
pjotterI rather go with the ones I already had. It took me some time to get it organised the way I wanted them to be21:47
Unit193rm -vrf ~/.cache/sessions/21:47
pjotterUnit193: Is that the solution to my problem?21:48
pjotterbrb again...21:49
Unit193Likely not, but could be a saved session in theory.  Best bet is to move .config/xfce4/panels21:50
pjotterThe panels still seem to be in ~/.config/xfce4/21:51
pjotterHi there22:05
pjotterStill no luck in restoring my panels22:05
pjotterI just took a look at the files in my ./.config/xfce4/panel/ folder. All the right settings seem to be there. How can I get xfce4 to use them again?22:06
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