[00:41] you know, I just realized.... we now have more todos for .04 than before :@ === apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Beastie Squishing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.80 WIP http://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-munich [01:13] yofel: Look at the files in the binary. I think they are not correct. [02:17] hello all [02:36] Does phonon need a merge, or can it be synced? [02:37] * valorie watches the Day of the Doctor again, this time with various extras (plus ads) [02:39] not much new in the notes [02:39] hopefully something happens in the wake of the Day of the Doctor [03:43] One more test done in libqapt. I'm going to add something, too, to SourcesList, I'm going to add a "containsEntry" which takes an entry and tests to see if it has one. [03:46] Currently the way you'd do that is you'd say sourcesListInstance.entries().contains(sourceEntryInstance), but the problem with that is that now that I've changed how we're storing the sources in memory this will not really be super efficient. It also doesn't seem like it makes a whole bunch of sense to me since you'd be trying to figure out whether or not the SourcesList contains an entry, not a list of entries belonging to the [03:46] SourcesList contains an entry. [03:48] The current way it works would still work, but with the new "containsEntry()" method I could allow the lookup to scope the lookup to a single file. [03:48] Also, then it would be more intuitive that you'd be operating on the SourcesList itself rather than a list of entries returned by the SourcesList. [03:54] valorie, no spoilers please waiting to see it on monday in 3D [04:04] oooo, jealous of the 3D [04:06] No doubt [04:06] That's something to be jealous of, too. [04:07] I'm gonna go to bed, I've got a run [07:26] Good morning. [09:35] I fell off the internetz, zomg [09:57] I think I'm totally od'd on doctor who [09:57] until tomorrow [09:57] ... [09:58] but in a good way [10:01] agateau: more robust version http://paste.ubuntu.com/6467877/ [10:01] valorie: <3 [10:01] apachelogger: did you get a chance to watch all the extra stuff? [10:02] or was that BBC America [10:02] <3 to you too [10:02] nope, Riddell didn't let us [10:02] I'm sure you can get it *somehow* [10:03] sure, just not until I am home :P [10:03] the doctors revisited stuff was cool, and was a great background for today's special [10:03] Hello world [10:03] the rest of the stuff was sort of repeats of bits of those revisited things [10:04] I even got my husband to watch [10:04] but now, goodnight [10:05] it's 2am.... [10:05] {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} to apachelogger [10:05] * apachelogger rehuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs valorie [10:05] and all of our brave bug squashers [10:05] good travels [10:16] valorie: what's extra on BBC America? [10:18] did someone get to upload libkomparediff2? [10:19] yofel: oh no sorry, will do [10:20] thanks :) [10:37] updated http://www.kubuntu.org/legal please proofread [10:37] tsimpson: yo [10:38] tsimpson: you want to do awesome website things or is that just jussi's wishful thinking [10:39] Riddell: whatever I can do to help out [10:41] tsimpson: currently it's on a slightly broken drupal setup on a canonical server [10:41] tsimpson: we could setup an identical but less broken drupal 6 setup on the kubuntu server or some people say wordpress is nicer but that would be more work [10:43] Yeah, I would like to see it on wordpress, it is easier to securely maintain IMHO [10:43] but really, its up to you which you feel is easier to main (IMHO) [10:43] maintain even [10:44] http://www.kubuntu.org/contact-us updated, how's this? [10:44] shadeslayer: could you help me with my bluetooth now? [10:45] ovidiu-florin: once we're done with the discussions [10:45] ;) [10:52] Riddell, jussi: both are pains to maintain, so I'm fine either way [10:54] shadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-dev-utils/4:4.11.80-0ubuntu1/ [10:58] huh [10:58] tsimpson: pain to maintain but wordpress is a big pain to migrate from drupal while staying with drupal is easy [10:58] also we already have a theme in drupal [10:59] so from the point of view of making life easy I'd say drupal [11:01] I say wordpress [11:01] better in the long run IMO [11:01] true that [11:01] Drupal 6 only has a limited life left, so we need ot change at some poitn [11:03] I'll make a new theme for wordpress [11:03] ovidiu-florin: awesome [11:05] ovidiu-florin: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=129377 [11:07] http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/kdesupport/oxygen-icons/128x128/apps/ksniffer.png?revision=1199828 [11:09] Mamarok: jussi says finnish chocolate is playing is the same league as swiss one [11:10] jussi: MG just called finnish chocolate unedible [11:14] finnish chocolate is great as long as you like it tasting of liquorice [11:14] valorie: I added a link to kubuntu docs at kubuntu.org/support [11:36] forums and mailing list sections updated kubuntu.org/community [11:39] ScottK: I'm still not sure what you were talking about, unless you mean the designer plugins. Do we really need QtDesigner plugins at runtime? [11:44] http://www.cornify.com/ [11:46] wrong... just wrong... [11:47] yofel: bug 494214 [11:47] bug 494214 in Kubuntu Website "Kubuntu website is poorly designed in terms of navigation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494214 [11:47] ALERT [11:47] ALERT ALERT [11:47] ALERT ALERT ALERT [11:49] yofel: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade [11:49] ovidiu-florin: please share the link for that migration script [11:51] this is a plugin for wordpress: http://wordpress.org/plugins/cms2cms-automated-drupal-to-wp-migration/ [11:52] there is also an external tool [11:52] that does this, but that costs [11:52] afiestas: if krandr and kscreen are run at the same time, will anything conflict? [11:52] jussi: ^ [11:52] ScottK: so I reviewed shadeslayer's changes for .80 and there's at least no issue I see from OUR side. 95 at least fixes the designer plugins location to where they were before [11:53] ScottK: am I missing something? [11:53] allee: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-breaks [11:55] valorie: wow I just found this, quite a lot of something here, I wonder how accurate it is http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Kubuntu:Saucy [12:04] ximion: you're issing out here in munich [12:04] dr who was awesome [12:07] not [12:07] :D [12:07] Yes it was :D [12:08] :O [12:08] yofel: kubuntu.org/getkubuntu updated [12:08] jussi: you weren't even there [12:08] actually, I have no idea, wasnt trhere [12:08] Riddell: can ye please kick the fin [12:08] lol [12:08] no! I'm a pacifist! (like Dr Who) [12:08] pacifists always lose.... :P [12:09] :O [12:09] humph [12:09] awww [12:10] Riddell: I've read your blogposts, at least :-) [12:10] looks like you had fun ^^ [12:10] DCOP blog posts ftw [12:10] we are *having* fun [12:11] you're required to pick a category and the dcop category just feels so lonely [12:11] ah! I always wondered about that ^^ [12:13] firefox recommends ubufox depends aptdaemon [12:13] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [12:13] lol [12:13] I reduced bugs on the kubuntu website by 50%! [12:14] ScottK: halp [12:15] Riddell: without apachelogger methods? o.O [12:16] what are those [12:16] "your bug is invalid" :D [12:16] sbecause they are [12:16] (Riddell: well done though :) ) [12:16] lots of sruff depends on aptdaemon, while it could easily depend on PackageKit ;-) [12:16] * ximion is highly biased about that [12:17] I remembered yesterday why I passionately hate packagekit [12:17] half of the time when I was trying to run 'sudo apt-get update' the apt database was locked by packagekit [12:19] plug install aint working [12:19] BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB [12:20] yofel: dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.PackageKit --type=method_call /org/freedesktop/PackageKit org.freedesktop.PackageKit.SuggestDaemonQuit [12:20] ;-) [12:21] ximion: and how do I tell it/apper to never automatically check for updates? [12:22] I'm planning to land a patch in apt-get/Synaptic which does automatically quit pk, and add one to Apt to display a better error message - but that will take time... [12:23] yofel: Apper KCM -> Settings -> Check for new updates -> Never [12:24] 4.11.95 is secodn or third beta ? [12:24] 3rd [12:27] really this comments should be disabled: http://flossmanuals.net/kde-guide/ [12:29] or atleast replace it with something like http://disqus.com/ to have more control over it ? [12:30] no clue, I do not control that site [12:31] i etered there from kde.org (banner links to begginers guide ) and what i see? comments like: [12:31] On 2013-10-31 03:53 Markus Hafner wrote: [12:31] PENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENISPENIS [12:31] :) [12:31] sigh [12:31] you don't have to post that here [12:32] sorry [12:39] Mamarok: still want business cards? details right on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-cards ? [12:42] Quintasan: your phone number doesn't look right, +44 is the UK [12:45] ovidiu-florin, yofel: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/ufw-kde-0.1.tar.xz [12:48] interesting.... Just learned from Ubuntu's Python3 transition table that the Software Center will go away after 14.04... Unfortunately, Google doesn't find information on how it will be replaced [12:50] valorie: don't want a phone number on your card? [12:50] ximion: where's the transition table? [12:50] maybe it'll be replaced by muon discover [12:52] Riddell: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiT4gOXSkmapdGdFejk0MjFydUlNMDVoMXNRdGdkbFE#gid=1 [12:52] I forgot that Ubuntu will base on Qt later, so Muon Discover would make some sense... [12:52] however, it pulls in KDE dependencies, so I am not sure if that will happen... [13:00] with KF5 KDE dependencies is only a good thing [13:04] http://jussi01.com/2013/11/24/munich-bug-squishing/ [13:10] ovidiu-florin: allee https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-cards [13:17] Riddell: done [13:21] Riddell: Hurray for reducing website bugs :) [13:22] debfx: halp [13:26] ryanakca: I also took you off the contact, but feel free to come back to us at any time [13:27] "foo's API tries to be self-documented" == we cannot be bothered to explain what our software does [13:32] shadeslayer: what was your conclusion when you looked at GUI testing via accessibility [13:32] apachelogger: too much effort [13:33] will take up quite a bit of time [13:33] apachelogger: though it's still worth the effort, assuming we can take time off KF5 and write GUI tests [13:34] Riddell: Great, thanks. I had suggested I be taken off a few months ago because I haven't been involved, but the response was that I could solve the problem just by coming back and becoming involved. Alas, when university takes up your every working hour... ;) [13:34] I could have made that conclusion without having looked into it :P [13:34] you should become manager at nokia [13:35] ... [13:43] apachelogger: thoughts on what we can do? [13:43] apachelogger: I asked the LiMux people on what they do [13:43] apachelogger: they said they use http://testlink.org/ to write tests [13:43] and they have over 4000 tests .... [14:02] Hi, everybody [14:03] I've a trouble with Kwin (I suppose) [14:04] It can't enable OpenGL composition on my PC while in Debian 7.2 all works fine [14:04] upstreams says use debian. [14:05] BTW is it a known issue? [14:06] Sorry, I forget, I'm on Kubuntu 13.10 [14:06] frank67: user support in #kubuntu [14:07] thanks [14:08] http://www.muktware.com/2013/11/assassination-president-kennedy-presented-microsoft/16720 [14:12] 'Morning folks [14:14] afiestas: ping [14:15] afiestas: any news on versioning the plugins in libkscreen? and is anyone else using libkscreen? [14:15] or is anything else planning on using libkscreen [14:16] yofel, this 4.11.95 will be backported to saucy right ? [14:18] maybe [14:23] debfx: you need to sign my key [14:24] soee: probably, we're mostly done and rc isn't for another 3 days [14:24] ovidiu-florin: http://xkcd.com/797/ [14:25] yofel: http://xkcd.com/306/ [14:25] yeah, that one's good too :D [14:25] ovidiu-florin: ^^ [15:04] jussi, apachelogger: kde bug 328012 [15:04] KDE bug 328012 in activities "Default Activities gives a broken activity" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=328012 [15:16] Riddell: btw, do you have information about what would need to be done to make Kubuntu packages work on a Debian base? [15:16] (I've seen some discussion about working together on this with Debian, and of course at Tanglu we have a string interest in this too, especially because Kubuntu uses logind now :P) [15:17] (while "we" at Tanglu is mostly Debian and Kubuntu developer(s) anyway ^^) [15:18] we use logind? [15:19] ximion: our packages mostly are just the debian ones but sometimes we package them first [15:19] recompiling them is all it would need because there's no ABI stability guaranteed between debian and ubuntu [15:21] Riddell: what about stuff like translation from LP? [15:22] Ubuntu is now running on logind (and old version, since upstart doesn't provide cgroup structures for the new one), and I see "logind support" on Trello ;-) [15:33] ximion: yeah I believe we do use logind although I admit to not really knowing what that means [15:34] Riddell: it basically means multiseat support and no ConsoleKit anymore :-) [15:34] http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-logind.service.html [15:36] * Riddell publishes http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=70 [15:36] kdm in Kubuntu still wants CK, but lightdm seems to be using logind there [15:42] Riddell: qdbus --system org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 [15:42] has the suspend calls [15:43] Riddell: link targets for first and second articles look wrong [15:44] s/second/third/ [15:44] mitya57 meant: "Riddell: link targets for first and third articles look wrong" [15:48] mitya57: how about now? [15:49] ximion: we don't make any changes to support logind, solid detects it automatically (and I believe doesn't use it because of the older version used in ubuntu so we still need to install pm-utils) [15:50] Riddell: first link still points to second article :) (third works now) [15:51] Riddell, ximion: not quite, solid asks for the version, systemd-shim doesn't know it, so it gives up [15:52] mitya57: bother these wysiwyg editors, how about now? [15:53] Now it works. That's why I use Markdown :) [15:54] a few changes to support logind need to be done in KDE, maybe I can compile a list of that soon - in general, if the display-manager supports logind and CK is not there, KDE 4.11 can use logind (as far as I know) [15:56] other things need ported like policykit-qt I think? [16:00] ScottK, yofel : I think ScottK didn't like the version number of the library http://paste.ubuntu.com/6469214/ [16:00] but although it's unusual it's perfectly valid [16:00] yes [16:00] yeah, that's what I thought too, but he wasn't clear about it [16:00] yofel: so go ahead and upload and I can approve if ScottK doesn't get to it [16:01] Riddell: lets just wait a few hours until 95 is done building and someone tested it [16:01] but I have no idea why the Qt thing depends on CK on Ubuntu... Debian and Tanglu don't have that dep ( http://packages.tanglu.org/aequorea/libpolkit-qt-1-1 ), and it also doesn't make sense to me... [16:02] I think that's hardcoded backwards compatibility for everything that possibly uses CK as it's not assured to be installed by default anymore [16:03] "Add Depends on consolekit, since we're using its D-Bus API. " - yup [16:03] does user-manager use it? [16:03] it depends on ck at least.. [16:04] same thing, laney added a dependency [16:04] presumably he had good reason to [16:04] although I don't know how he knows [16:07] src/lib/usersessions.cpp uses org.freedesktop.login1, so it might not actually use it [16:08] afiestas: ^ [16:11] the polkit-qt dependency on CK is really bad... the dependency is justified... [16:12] maybe I can do something about that later [16:14] I wonder how Fedora handles this with a KDM on logind an polkit-qt on CK [16:15] rdieter: ^ [16:16] powerdevil is also in this trello card for using consolekit [16:23] Riddell: it does? [16:25] I've seen https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/108407/ going in [16:27] there have been a few other changes too, and powerdevil should only optionally require CK [16:46] 4.11.95 -> trusty status all OK :) [16:50] jussi: tsimpson: here's an out of date database dump if you want to get started http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/1516448_drupal.sql.gz [16:50] bonjour, j'ai supprimé le lancement automatique de mon bureau et je ne sais pas comment le récuperer, aucun raccourci clavier ne marche excepté ctrl alt sup ; quelqu'un aurait une idée? [16:51] hello [16:51] I've deleted the start of my "system" and I can't do nothing from my session, does someone have a solution? [16:52] Riddell: I fixed it [16:53] is someone working on merging phonon from debian? [16:53] if not I'll get to it when I'm home [16:53] 95 installed fine \o/ [16:53] Do you know Java magic yofel? [16:53] kinda? [16:54] String s1 = "foo"; [16:54] yes? [16:54] String s2 = "foo"; [16:54] if you do s1 == s2 you get true [16:54] of you do String s3 = new String("foo") and s1 == s3 you'd get false [16:54] does Java compiler make s2 a reference to s1? [16:55] debfx: could you email me the debian dir from simion :P [16:55] debfx: I lost it since I was working on it in /tmp [16:56] Quintasan: yes, because it tries to save memory, but that's so unreliable behaviour that you please don't rely on that [16:56] oh [16:56] actually it's homework question but our prof is even more pedantic than -pedantic in gcc [16:57] shadeslayer: sure [16:57] thx [16:58] shadeslayer: http://felix.fobos.de/simon_0.4.1-1.debian.tar.gz [17:00] Quintasan: you shouldn't use == for string comparison in java [17:00] one would think there's a std::compare function [17:00] I had to fix that goodness knows how many times in my peers' code at university [17:00] String.equals() [17:00] Well, yes, I do realise that, I was just making sure I wouldn't be talking trash when he asks me why there is no equality. [17:00] because java [17:01] -pedantic switch is less pedantic than he is, miss one word and you are already in the wrong on his classes [17:01] 11mi up, 11mi down. [17:01] debfx: Whilst I like that as a general explanation it won't work in that case :P [17:03] well java doesn't do operator overloading and doesn't have much special handling for String so you have to call an equals function [17:04] somebody should kill him for code formatting [17:04] http://wstaw.org/m/2013/11/24/plasma-desktopM24995.png [17:04] URGH [17:06] shadeslayer: let's do this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isKwOCyKdfk [17:06] I want a movie of shadeslayer doing this Riddell :D [17:06] hah [17:07] eh [17:07] I definitely can't do that [17:14] ::qt-bugs:: [1254473] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: short read ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1254473 (by Lesha Ogonkov) [17:18] Riddell: Do you need help with these Perl packages? I'm not seeing build logs, so I'm not sure how to help. [17:19] manchicken: looks like it's all built now [17:19] was just dependencies being fiddly [17:19] ok, cool [17:20] I kept seeing failures, so I wasn't sure what was up. [17:20] manchicken: look at http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.95_trusty.html [17:20] it's all compiled but there may still be some issues in the yellow bits which need fixed [17:21] if nothing else you can work out why the kubuntu-automation script doesn't ignore the "CMake Warning (dev)" variable as I told it to [17:21] K [17:21] Geez, I'm still pretty weak with CMake. Most of my interaction with CMake is trial-and-error :) [17:22] it's actually pthon [17:22] python [17:22] lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation [17:22] I added it to all in cmake-ignore.json [17:22] Okay, cool. [17:22] I can never get those build logs to load. [17:23] Did you see my monologue about contains() methods in QApt::SourcesList last night? [17:23] and added all to kubuntu-ppa-build-status but it doesn't work [17:27] manchicken: no I didn't [17:27] but I'm not sure I can comment much I've never looked at qapt for more than a minute [17:34] K. [17:39] Riddell: The check for that variable is kinda weak, it looks like it's only catching it if the dependency line starts with "CMake Warning (dev)" [17:40] And the regular expression which grabs dependencies there would totally match space characters. [17:40] It's a greedy dot. [17:43] but the lines do start with that don't they? [17:43] how does this look? https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/feature-tour-new should be the same as https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/feature-tou [17:43] manchicken: yofel fixed the policy [17:43] how does this look? https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/feature-tour-new should be the same as https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/feature-tour [17:43] so that it doesn't show the warning [17:43] how does this look? https://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour-new should be the same as https://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour [17:44] K. I'll disregard that then :) [17:49] Riddell: cmake-ignore.json only allows you to ignore option build-dependencies [17:50] debfx: optional build-dependencies? [17:53] ah, yes [18:06] Riddell: I've pushed a new revision to kubuntu-automation. could you re-run the build status script with that? [18:10] debfx: running [18:10] Riddell: http://pastebin.kde.org/pntgvhncw [18:19] looks more green now :) [18:23] but still a circular dependency in kdepim :( [18:26] oh launchpad with your build tools from the 90s: contains ununderstood data member data.tar.xz in the build log [18:38] Riddell and yofel: It wasn't just the version number. It was the fact that there were two .so files in there, one empty and the library seemed generally messed up. [18:39] It may be theoretically OK, but I don't think the build system dealt with it correctly. [18:51] shadeslayer: What's up with your kde-dev-utils upload? [19:33] checkin [19:33] shadeslayer: so, actually ldtp testing seems very straight forward [19:34] except that for some reason kde apps actually propagate dbus interfaces that they then do not offer [19:37] making ldtp explode because it resolves by name which requires it to iter all objects of a window, so it then falls into a not provided dbus interface and throws an exception [19:40] * Mamarok wonders when we will get the new ponon packages... [19:40] phonon* [19:42] * apachelogger does too and makes grumpy face [19:53] should have mentioned that 2 days earlier [19:55] only mentioned it like 10 times [20:26] ::qt-bugs:: [1254473] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: short read ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1254473 (by Lesha Ogonkov) [20:37] ScottK: that was missing a build-dep that seemed to be new suddenly (toolchain change while we were working on .80?) - in any case, it's fixed in ninjas .95 [20:37] ScottK: and for marble, I don't know what the archive builders did, but for me the package had .so.17 as a symlink to .so.16.80 which looks fine [20:42] Riddell: feature-tour looks nice, but could you please add a bit of margin to the content so it's not glued to the left border? [20:43] Riddell: actually content is wrong, it shouldn't show kopete [20:56] apachelogger, Mamarok: I'll work on merging phonon 4.7 [20:57] or well, xnox took care of that [20:57] thanks :) [20:57] yofel, 4.12 b3 backport maybe ? :) [21:02] I guess I could start on that [21:18] kubotu: newversion calligra 2.7.5 [21:18] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1254523 [21:20] ::runtime-bugs:: [1254527] System bell randomly doesn't work after login @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1254527 (by Graeme Hewson) [22:09] apachelogger: ldtp testing? [22:12] ScottK: known issue, needs libiberty-dev, fixed in 4.11.95 ( oddly it built fine in the PPA ) [22:13] yofel: yes I'm still to update the content [22:13] just moving it out of the theme for now [22:17] Riddell: uh, it *is* out of the theme? [22:19] Riddell: https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/node/252/edit?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode%3Fpage%3D1 is the current feature-tour [22:20] hmm so the copy in the theme is obsolete I guess [22:26] shadeslayer: accessibility foo [22:47] Riddell: we have too many cards, I think we need a scoring system [23:18] Riddell: fyi I'm still up and am in the lobby downstaris [23:18] *stairs [23:18] Riddell: and there are a bunch of brits on my right [23:36] yofel: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/157525425/buildlog.txt.gz any thoughts on that? [23:38] not really, another python2.5 <-> format 0.4 bug? [23:39] nope [23:39] apachelogger: oSource: project-neon5-plasma-nm [23:39] extra 'o' [23:39] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon5/plasma-nm/view/head:/control [23:39] oh [23:39] lol [23:40] shadeslayer: can you fix that plz, no keys with me [23:40] ok [23:40] thx [23:40] oh ^^ [23:40] fun [23:41] apachelogger: re ldtp , lets take the case of the oxygen-gtk3 scrolling bug [23:41] apachelogger: how do you propose to check if the view actually scrolled [23:42] apachelogger: yofel you're missing the snow [23:42] the snow!!! [23:42] kubotu: weather munich [23:42] apparenlty there's going to be snow here too tomorrow [23:43] pft [23:43] shadeslayer: not sure if ldtp can do it but you should be able to query all sorts of properties from an object [23:43] among those probably is the slider position [23:43] though IMHO the correct approach is to have a specific oxygen-gtk test app [23:43] oic [23:43] and if one cannot get the position property it would simply have a signal on dbus then [23:44] k gonna look at ldtp [23:44] apachelogger: fixed and asked for a rebuild [23:44] shadeslayer: <3 [23:44] <3 [23:44] regarding ldtp ... first someone needs to talk to fregl [23:44] much less use if kded apps make ldtp fall over dead xD [23:44] he [23:44] s/kded/kde [23:44] heh [23:45] ldtp page says KDE is support [23:45] +ed [23:45] it may have worked at some point :P [23:45] not even sure why it fails, but it seems to be a bug in qt-at-spi [23:45] maybe it's incorrectly exposing an object that it then cannot serialize to the at-spi [23:46] bugs can be fixed by poking fregl with a long fluffy stick [23:46] or maybe one must force the kde accessibility bridge, no clue though, I haven't looked at the qt bits [23:46] I can post my demo test for gammaray tomorrow though [23:47] anywayyyyyyyyy [23:47] that all needs to be mostly an upstream effort anyway [23:47] there should be some promotional video for each Kubuntu release :) [23:47] e.g. amarok needs to maintain amarok test cases, there's no point if we throw nonexistant resources at it [23:47] http://pastebin.kde.org/pfhri07qd [23:47] something like 4-5 min system presentation [23:47] soee: there should be someone who makes that [23:48] ^^ Trying to enable tests in kde4libs [23:48] apachelogger, considering that :) [23:48] apachelogger: true [23:49] phonon test cases could be implemented as ldtp tests ;) [23:49] * shadeslayer might look at implementing ldtp tests for KTP [23:49] actually those would be semi-nice examples because they are mostly very short and easy to check the results on [23:50] plus async, so that's covered as well [23:50] thoughts on the kdelibs tests? especially kdeui-kmainwindow_unittest [23:50] mail kde-core-devel [23:51] kdeui may well be a setup/requirement problem [23:51] since those likely require some fakex thing [23:51] well, not sure how, I run the tests under xvfb [23:51] Actual (mw2.size()): QSize(640x480) [23:51] Expected (QSize(800, 600)): QSize(800x600) [23:51] that sounds like wrong test tbh xD [23:51] OTOH xvfb-run might be using some other geometry [23:52] if that made problems it'd be a bug in the test [23:53] don't see how, it could easily be that the test expects a certain screen resolution ? [23:53] ( OTOH that sounds like a poorly written test then ) [23:54] yep [23:54] that's my point [23:54] works if I run xvfb as 1440x900 [23:54] xD [23:54] in theory you should be able to runa test on 1x1 [23:54] well [23:54] 2x2 [23:54] assuming a test wants to resize up and resize down xD [23:55] shadeslayer: still worth asking [23:55] k [23:55] putting on my todo [23:56] I think the minimum supported resolution was 800x600 even in KDE 3 so it may be that the xvfb res is wrong [23:56] have to ask bcooksley about the test setup on jenkins [23:59] yofel: since you're running 4.11.95, does kwallet create a empty wallet now?