
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest61371
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
=== SamB_ is now known as SamB
vinmassaroanyone know how to fix this error with the bzr-svn plugin? "No module named subvertpy"16:18
beunovinmassaro, install python-subvertpy maybe?16:20
abadger1999abentley: Hey, Yesterday I received a bug report about bzrtools being out of date wrt bzr-2.6 for the Fedora packaging.16:22
abadger1999abentley: Any plans to make a new bzrtools release for bzr-2.6?16:23
abentleyabadger1999: Sorry, I've been slack.16:23
abadger1999abentley: no worries.  Just making sure bzrtools is still alive ;-)16:24
* fullermd tightens abentley a few turns.16:24
vinmassarobeuno: ok, just installed subvertpy and now i get "ERROR: exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name CommittedQueue" when running `bzr info`16:24
abentleyabadger1999: IIRC, there actually are some compatibility problems, so doing it will require some work.16:25
abadger1999abentley: <nod>  I saw that you had a compat commt on bzrtools.dev and this branch was pointed out to me: https://code.launchpad.net/~andrewsomething/bzrtools/kill_get_ancestry/+merge/12658616:27
abadger1999I don't know the bzr code well enough to know what else might need changing.16:28
vinmassarobeuno: FWIW i installed an older version of subvertpy and it works now. thanks!16:37
beunovinmassaro, cool cool16:37
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest1674
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
ovidiu-florinhello world19:55
ovidiu-florinI've downloaded https://code.launchpad.net/~jr/+junk/kubuntu-docs-downloader and made some modifications, I want to uploaded it to my account and then send it to the devveloper to be merged. How do I do that?19:58

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