
shadeslayera(integral of f dg )00:00
shadeslayera(fg -integral of gdf00:00
shadeslayerafg - a(integral of g df )00:00
shadeslayerthe question is00:01
shadeslayerwhy is the denominator pi * n00:01
shadeslayerinstead of 2 * pi * n00:02
shadeslayerit's 2a00:02
shadeslayerthen it's fine00:02
Quintasanand why the hell it's 2 * pi^2 * n^2 instead of 4*pi^2*n^2?00:02
shadeslayerhurray, I can math00:03
Quintasan- a/(2*pi^2*n^2) * intergral of sin(2*pi*n*t)dt00:04
QuintasanI think I can multiply 2*2 but I can be wrong00:04
QuintasanI substitute there later on00:04
shadeslayerI don't see that there00:04
Quintasanthis is ridiculous00:04
Quintasanone minor mistake and you're fcksd00:05
valorieI'm just reading about modern philosophers/cosmologists etc. who are Platonists, and think that the 'real world' is math00:06
valorieand what we perceive is merely shadows of that real world00:06
shadeslayerwell, more or less the entire world can be explained by math00:06
valorieit's a really interesting read00:07
valorieWhy Does the World Exist or close to that title00:07
QuintasanWe exist because noms00:08
QuintasanDon't ask me for explanation00:08
valoriemy answer so far has been: why not?00:08
valoriewhich is as good as any00:09
valorieQuintasan: there are lots of philosophers who agree with you00:09
valoriealthough they use slightly more technical language than 'noms'00:09
* Quintasan can into philosophy00:09
valorieplato basically said that the Good > the world00:10
mikhasthe dining philosophers were all about noms if I recall correctly00:11
valoriethe Epicurians?00:11
QuintasanChrist, those dumb integrals00:11
mikhasvalorie,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dining_philosophers_problem00:11
mikhasyou should have learned by now to never take my input serious, even if I am serious00:12
QuintasanYou are seriously not serious?00:12
QuintasanHow serious.00:12
mikhasno, and I am very serious about that00:12
valoriemikhas: this sounds like a good way to spread disease among philosophers00:13
Quintasanand what I calculated doesn't match the damned result00:13
mikhas(task: try to express that with predicate logic, conflict free)00:13
shadeslayerQuintasan: what did you expect00:13
mikhasvalorie, goedel00:13
QuintasanI expected it to work shadeslayer00:13
shadeslayerincorrect, the result of Integerals is in a quantum state of flux till you've alteast re done the equations 3 times00:14
shadeslayerIt's like Schrodingers cat00:15
Quintasanyou must be shitting me00:16
QuintasanI've tried to calculate it 5 times and I got 5 different results00:16
mikhaspick one00:17
QuintasanI have no idea how am I supposed to get the result during the exam00:17
QuintasanIt's going to be hell00:17
shadeslayerwhat mikhas said00:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: I'm pretty sure that in my class of 60 students each student got a unique result00:17
mikhas5 different equally good (bad) results is more than any manager will ever ask of you00:17
shadeslayerwhne doing integrals00:17
mikhasyou're fine00:17
shadeslayermikhas: unless the manager knows his math00:17
mikhasthey dont00:18
mikhastrust me, I was one00:18
Quintasannow I have to interate sin(2*pi*n*t)00:18
QuintasanI wish there was some kind of shortcut00:18
mikhasI can borrow you a cos00:18
shadeslayerthere is?00:18
valorieQuintasan is accessing parallel universes00:18
shadeslayersin2x = 2Cosx - something00:19
valoriea different answer per universe00:19
mikhasI expect you end up with e^something00:19
shadeslayersomething alont those lines00:19
mikhasequaling 100:19
valoriealso usually you get more points for showing your work than getting the 'correct' answer00:20
mikhasthat's only true for academia00:20
mikhaslater on, no one wants to know the how00:20
shadeslayerthey just want porn on their 20" qHD screens?00:21
mikhasjust get me that one result so that I get promoted if it was correct or that I can fire you if it was wrong00:21
mikhasthere is more truth in this than I want to admit00:21
valoriein business, the BSing skills are more important than ever00:21
mikhasthat's how I introduced myself to a sales guy not to long ago00:21
mikhasas professional bullshitter00:22
mikhasI got the laughs, he was speechless00:22
valorieradical honesty!00:22
mikhaswell … yes00:22
mikhasno one expects honest sales people00:22
mikhassomething something spanish inquisition something00:23
Quintasannoone expects spanish inquisition?00:23
mikhasam not a monty python fan00:23
valoriewhere is Monty Python when ya need him00:23
mikhasalways found their "humor" to be too close to reality00:23
valoriereality IS the joke00:24
mikhasthen why is no one laughing?00:24
QuintasanI am00:24
Quintasanespecially when I see integrals00:24
Quintasanit's a maniacal laughter00:24
* valorie passes the vodka to Quintasan00:25
shadeslayerpft vodka won't do him any good there00:25
Quintasanunfortunately it's not vodka time00:25
shadeslayeryou should have had some of the stuff that ovidiu-florin bought00:25
valoriewhich was?00:26
shadeslayersomething his dad brewed00:26
shadeslayerhurray, I have a neon5 ISO that you can actually *install*00:26
mikhasso back to those integrals (IANAM applies): if you presented me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler's_identity as a solution I'd be so distracted by the beauty that I  wouldn't even verify the result00:27
valorieit's a good idea to have a glass ready if you meet up with the MariaDB fellow00:27
mikhasI wouldn't *want* to destroy such beauty by checking with reality00:27
valoriehis vodka is worth trying00:27
mikhasgrey goose00:27
mikhasseriously, best taste at unbeatable price00:27
valoriethis stuff he flavors with some licorice candy from Poland or sth00:27
valoriegrey goose is good, for sure00:28
mikhasbut yeah, that's what everyone in FI drinks, too00:28
mikhascant remember how they call licorice'd vodka00:28
mikhaswith milk/cream sometimes00:28
valorieI'm not a fan of licorice, but this stuff was delicious00:29
QuintasanWe're talking stuff like this http://www.polartcenter.com/Luxury_Licorice_Fudge_Licorice_Krowki_Cow_Candy_p/9816068.htm ?00:30
mikhasno, not fudge00:31
valorieI didn't see him make it00:31
valoriejust drank some00:32
Quintasaninfusing vodka with those would be a nice thing00:32
mikhasas a clown I'd be very sad and depressive00:33
mikhasno one laughs over my *good* jokes that I put real effort into00:33
valoriesad clowns are the only good clowns00:33
QuintasanWe've infused vodka with some of those00:33
valoriethe jolly ones have a double-life as mass murderers00:33
mikhasI didn't say I'd be a *bad* clown00:33
Quintasanput the result into fridge for a while and serve00:33
mikhasmass murderers hide in plain sight00:34
valoriegah, mint?00:34
mikhasdidn't dextor show you?00:34
Quintasanvalorie: you won't even feel it00:34
valorieheh, dexter00:34
mikhasoh god … mint liquor is like the kir royal of berlin …00:34
mikhashey, thought police over there!00:34
valoriemint is for toothpaste!00:34
mikhasyou might want to check this fella ^00:34
Quintasankubotu: order whisky for mikhas00:35
* kubotu throws a mighty fine glass of Balvenie Doublewood at mikhas.00:35
kubotuWhat are ye looking at?00:35
Quintasanwhat did we add last time00:36
mikhasa fine glass of Balvenie Doublewood it seems00:36
valorieooooo, balvenie doublewood00:36
Quintasankubotu: order vodka for valorie00:36
* kubotu slides vodka down the bar to valorie00:36
mikhasman this is not good00:36
Quintasanno, it doesn't work00:36
shadeslayerdrinking and integrating never is00:36
mikhasI had such good whisky in Edinburgh00:36
mikhasbut that was expensive00:36
Quintasanshadeslayer: IT DOES WORK00:37
mikhasnow all I can think of is whisky00:37
mikhasI might be in love again00:37
* valorie sips vodka, but dreams of whisky00:37
mikhasI sip water and dream of wine00:37
mikhasbut my conversion skills are lacking00:38
mikhasI am *not* an alcoholic! stop telling me00:38
QuintasanWell, I should be going to bed or something00:38
Quintasandamn lectures00:38
QuintasanY U IN THE MORNING00:38
mikhasah to be a student again …00:39
mikhasbest time ever00:39
mikhasnah, just kidding, it all sucked00:39
valoriesweet dreams, Quintasan00:39
QuintasanI bet I'm going to dream about integrating00:39
valorieI loved being a student, but didn't get to go until my 30s00:39
mikhasbest time valorie, best time …00:39
valorieI got a lot out of it then, probably more than if I was younger00:40
mikhasthose youngsters don't know what to study anyway00:40
mikhasor how00:40
mikhasno surprise00:40
mikhasyou probably didn't try to stuff as many lectures as possible into you00:40
mikhasfocused on a few interesting ones and were generally more laid back and relaxed about everything00:40
mikhasand more committed with a better routine ;-)00:41
valorieno, I always had an art and activity class every quarter00:41
valorieit was great!00:41
valorieexhausting, but great00:41
mikhasbut I doubt you had a crowed curriculum such as those bachelor courses00:41
valoriethe more quarters I went, the lighter the course load00:42
mikhasfunny how those whisky sites ask whether you are 18 or not00:43
mikhasthey should ask whether you attend your AA meetings regularly00:43
valorieit is my dream to take a van tour of Scotland's best distilleries00:48
valorieso I can properly taste rather than just a sip or two00:48
mikhassee, I put serious effort and research into this tweet, hoping it would go viral or how you call it00:48
mikhasbut only a stupid bot retweeted it00:48
mikhasvalorie, whisky flights no good for you?00:48
mikhas20 quids and you get a decent selection already00:49
mikhaswell, 4-5 different whisky shots00:49
valorieI mean, I can buy the stuff and taste at home00:49
valoriebut there is nothing like going to the place00:49
mikhasbut good luck trying to buy 5 different bottles of good stuff at once00:49
valorieand tasting there00:49
mikhasjust requires a lot of time00:49
mikhasgo do the isle tour00:50
valorietime and money00:50
mikhasto the ones on the east00:50
valoriejust like the rest of life00:50
mikhaserr west00:50
mikhaslife doesn't require money00:50
mikhasonly true for the last couple centuries00:50
mikhasand even then only for a minority00:50
valoriemostly true00:50
valoriewe're fixing up our house though, and that requires money00:51
mikhasyou know they have a whisky festival each year?00:51
mikhasgah, the *one* time I could really need a wikipedia category for scotish whisky that comes from islands, it doesnt exist00:52
valorieI didn't, but of course they do00:52
valoriethe first good whisky I had was Islay00:53
valorieof course I was driving, so I could only have a sip or two00:53
mikhasand this page doesn't mention the breweries: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Hebrides00:53
mikhasthe ones with peaty tastes, right?00:54
valorieso peaty00:54
valorieJura is also great00:54
valorieI've been to Scotland one, but did not get to the Isles00:55
valorienor any distilleries00:55
mikhasJura is prohibitively expensive …00:55
valorie'tis, and worth every penny00:56
mikhasArran whisky was probably the one that amazed me most00:58
mikhasand then they have this beer that's brewed in whisky barrels … so good00:58
mikhas(thanks Riddell for telling me!)00:58
valorieah, which is that?00:58
* valorie only got to have on Scots beer as well00:58
mikhasI think this one: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/10272/1271900:59
mikhasInnis & Gunn01:00
mikhasbut I tried ordering it and could never pronounce it properly01:00
mikhas"that one, over there! a bit more left left … right … stop!"01:00
mikhasonce you have a bottle, the rest is easy01:00
valoriethat isn't the one I had, sadly01:01
valorieoops, dinner time01:01
manchickenapachelogger: ping01:22
jussiCripes, we have an election soon. (6 months... soon). anyway, that reminder is good, just for people to start preparing themselves and thinking if they could contribute as a Kubuntu council member. 07:15
Tm_TI tried upgrade 13.04 to 13.10 just now, apparently I have too many 3rd party repositories to make the magic happen automaticly07:16
soeegood morning07:30
lordievaderGood morning.07:45
jussican anyone tell me why there are no debug symbols for calligra (or at least the crash reporter doesnt find them...)08:58
jussianyone about? I need a tester...09:03
jussimeh, heading out for a while. if someone gets a chance, open calligra, write something, hilight it, then choose "Head 2" paragraph style. causes crash for me09:05
jussi(calligra words)09:05
=== vinay is now known as Guest39937
apacheloggercalligra-dbg - debugging symbols for Calligra09:54
apacheloggerjussi: should find them09:54
ovidiu-florinhttp://geekaliens.com/blog/en/2013/11/fixing-bugs-at-munich-bug-squashing-party/ posted in English and Romanian10:59
soeeyofel, hows the work going on this 2 packages that failed ?11:34
BluesKajHi folks12:26
* mamarley pokes ScottK and debfx about the Quassel upstart script.12:30
alvinIs it allowed to file bug reports about packages that you backported using "backportpackage"?12:52
Tm_Tyou're filing bug report for yourself? (:12:55
alvinNo, I just tried the new Choqok version from Trusty in Saucy (the one in saucy doesn't even work). This one does work, but every time it fetches something, there is an error ("Error on parsing results:...").12:57
alvinand I suspect (not sure!) that it crashes plasma from time to time.12:57
jussialvin: file the bug, tell everything you can (including those details) and see what the triager says :)13:04
alvinjussi: will do13:04
jussialvin: there is of course a chance the bug gets marked invalid for some reason, but still....13:05
alvinIt'll be valid in about 5 months13:06
alvinAw, I can't use ubuntu-bug13:06
jussialvin: Id suggest you try it on trusty and if it still happens there, the report will be much more valid13:06
jussi(VM's are great)13:06
jussiapachelogger: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Camera-1-3MPX-1-4-inch-Screen/dp/B003V973HK/ :D13:06
alvinjussi: Ah, that's true13:07
Peace-Riddell: morning13:28
apacheloggerrc tomorrow14:00
Riddellexiting times :)14:03
RiddellI should be back into a packaging mode to do it14:03
tsdgeosrandom find, kchmviewer depends on kdebase-runtime instead of kde-runtime14:58
Riddellhah, not been recompiled in years15:00
Riddelltsdgeos: is it a problem that I should do an SRU for or is fixing in trusty enough?15:00
tsdgeosyou're the distro man :D 15:01
Riddellshadeslayer, yofel: how's the beta upload going, should I help?15:01
shadeslayerRiddell: already uploaded15:01
Riddellsince nobody has complained until now I suspect it's not a big issue15:01
tsdgeoswell i'm complaining :D15:01
tsdgeossome of .2 packages still around, some .80 pacakges still around15:01
tsdgeosit's a mirable i can start stuff like kate :D15:02
tsdgeosargably some of the .2 stuff is ok since it's kde-workspace stuff that didn't get a release15:02
Riddelltsdgeos: kdebase-runtime is an empty dunny package that depends on kde-runtime, so not a problem in reality15:02
shadeslayertsdgeos: what's left at 4.11.80?15:04
tsdgeosshadeslayer: http://pastebin.kde.org/ptljibtpk/topiad/raw15:05
shadeslayertsdgeos: stuff is stuck in -proposed15:06
shadeslayerprobably some arch is still waiting to be built15:06
Riddellmumble powerpc mumble15:06
shadeslayertsdgeos: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html < only -ar translations still at 4.11.8015:08
tsdgeosshadeslayer: what about okular for example?15:09
shadeslayer  Installed: 4:4.11.95-0ubuntu115:09
shadeslayer  Candidate: 4:4.11.95-0ubuntu115:09
shadeslayerokular failed on armhf15:10
shadeslayersome silly archive stuff, retried15:11
shadeslayer*archive skew 15:12
Riddellronnoc: ah hah, so you do blue mint15:19
RiddellI did wonder15:19
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK thoughts on SRU'ing new kscreen?16:12
Riddellshadeslayer: are they important bug fixes and are there features in there too?16:13
Riddellwasn't kscreen in the micre release exception?16:14
shadeslayerit was IIRC16:14
shadeslayerstill going through the git log to check for features16:14
Trevor_Anyone able to help me with a dual monitor issue?16:18
RiddellTrevor_: use support in #kubuntu16:21
RiddellTrevor_: user support in #kubuntu16:21
Trevor_What do you mean?16:24
mamarleyTrevor_: He means ask your question in #kubuntu instead.  This channel is for development.16:26
Trevor_Oh, my bad16:26
mamarleyNo problem :)16:26
shadeslayerRiddell: 2 things, libkscreen looks good ( I only see bug fixes ) and Alex says that only 1.0.2 is supported now16:29
shadeslayerso I think it's a good idea to update16:29
Riddellshadeslayer: yep I agree16:30
shadeslayerkscreen looks good too16:31
Riddellshould we get kubuntu working on this?16:51
shadeslayerdo we have the time?16:52
shadeslayerIMHO we have enough items for 14.04 and once we're done through those, we can think about it16:53
Riddellwell yes16:55
RiddellI just like that it's a possibility as it's armv7 which isn't the case for rasp pi16:55
shadeslayersure, maybe if we have time :)17:00
shadeslayerRiddell: libkscreen uploaded17:00
shadeslayersee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kscreen/+bug/125412517:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1254125 in kscreen (Ubuntu Saucy) "Please update kscreen to" [Undecided,New]17:00
Riddellhmm, does a package need a test case with the micro release exception?17:04
Riddellcan I approve it?17:04
* Riddell looks to ScottK for sru knowledge17:04
shadeslayerI do not think so, but I can add a minimal test case17:05
shadeslayerI added the bug links so that one can try and reproduce any one of those17:05
shadeslayerand then check if it works17:05
shadeslayeryofel: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/scripts/kde_sru_helper.sh < in case you need it at some point17:23
ovidiu-florinRiddell: https://www.dropbox.com/s/81blvpisym1pps2/Screenshot%202013-11-26%2019.22.29.png17:33
Riddellovidiu-florin: what am I looking at?17:34
ovidiu-florina possible improvement17:35
ovidiu-florinthe header is more 3D ish17:35
Riddellah hah, yes bling is good17:36
ovidiu-florincan this be added?17:37
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Looks good :)17:42
Riddellovidiu-florin: sure, just put your bzr branch somewhere and I'll merge it in17:43
ovidiu-florinRiddell: where can I get the current template?17:43
Riddellovidiu-florin: lp:~jr/%2Bjunk/kubuntu-docs-downloader17:43
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shadeslayerRiddell: what outputs http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html17:52
Riddellthe build status script :)17:55
Riddellshadeslayer: sudo -u kubuntu crontab -l17:55
Riddellhmm no not there17:56
Riddellit's under my account for some reason17:56
Riddell1 1 * * * PATH=.:$PATH cd /home/jr/qa.kubuntu.co.uk && /home/jr/qa.kubuntu.co.uk/uscan-package-db17:56
Riddell1 5 * * * cd /home/jr/qa.kubuntu.co.uk && /home/jr/qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus17:56
shadeslayerright, where can I find kubuntu-buildstatus17:56
Riddellin ~jr :)17:57
shadeslayerdebfx: poke17:59
debfxshadeslayer: pokeback18:01
shadeslayerdebfx: thought on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html , instead of hardcoding a list, have you thought about parsing https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/+maintained-packages18:02
shadeslayeri.e. populating the list via the Maintainers field18:03
Riddellhm I don't think I've seen that list before18:03
Riddellhow did you find it?18:03
shadeslayerAalbert sent it to me18:03
shadeslayer*Albert even18:03
shadeslayerI see kgraphviewer in there xD18:04
Riddellmm team page -> releated packages -> maintained packages18:04
debfxshadeslayer: is that fetchable via the API?18:05
shadeslayerdebfx: not quite, I am thinking of filing a bug report for that18:05
shadeslayersee #launchpad18:05
shadeslayermight have a poke at it tomorrow ^^18:06
debfxgood luck with that :)18:08
shadeslayerugh, avogadro is failing on armhf18:11
shadeslayeryofel: I think we can sync avogadro from experimental18:18
yofelshadeslayer: are *all* the deps we added over the time in there?18:21
yofeland thank for the script :)18:21
Riddellcalligra has a new Interlingua translation, at last18:21
shadeslayeryofel: except for ${pyavo:Depends} in python-avogadro, yes18:24
yofelshadeslayer: go ahead then \o/18:24
shadeslayeroh 18:24
shadeslayerand some other minor stuff18:24
shadeslayeryofel: http://pastebin.kde.org/pqpc2y0ra18:27
shadeslayerwhy does avogadro depend on python dev packages18:27
yofeluh, because it has a python module?18:30
yofeland line 36 and 37 in that diff worry me, that'll break at least kalzium I think18:30
shadeslayerthat's what I'm talking about18:31
shadeslayerdiff being shitty18:31
shadeslayerlibavogadro-dev depends on those18:31
shadeslayermaybe we can poke upstream?18:31
yofelyou could, depends on how it's built really as those deps are a result of /usr/lib/avogadro/1_0/AvogadroLibraryDeps.cmake18:32
shadeslayerI believe that the debian package is python agnostic18:32
shadeslayerwhich is why they don't specify those18:33
ScottKRiddell: You can't approve it unless you're in the SRU team.  It needs a test case, but it needs to be something like "try it and see if it works" rather than a specific bug fix test.18:37
RiddellScottK: ⇈18:40
Riddellshadeslayer: ⇈18:40
ScottKYeah.  I knew about it already.18:41
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK done18:42
* ScottK just got done driving ~1,500km (with two drivers taking turns, but no stops but for food, gas, and personal necessities.18:44
ScottKHe may be a bit more snarky than usual today.18:45
ScottKAren't holdays FUN.18:45
kubotuScottK meant: "Aren't holidays FUN."18:45
shadeslayerScottK: did you just refer to yourself in 3rd person18:45
ScottKI did.18:46
ScottKOh.  And we have the dog with us on the trip, just for extra-special enjoyment.18:46
* ScottK goes to look for a bed.18:49
shadeslayeryofel: can you review https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/avogadro_1.1.0-4ubuntu1%7Eppa1.dsc18:51
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Riddellsoname of libCauchy.so.0.0, what package name?19:43
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
valorieScottK's 'fun' is why I don't do stressful holidays any more23:10
valoriehow I roll: if it isn't fun, ditch it23:11
Riddellrelaxing can be so much stress23:13
mikhasRiddell, word!23:22
mikhasI find it harder and harder to not do anything productive23:23
valoriebut productive is fun23:52
valoriestress is just.... stress23:52

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