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shaun__can someone here lend a hand getting some icons in place?02:15
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wafflejockI just installed KeePassX from source and it included some icons, but they are located in /usr/local/share instead of /usr/local/applications/share not sure how to get the .desktop file to pull the appropriate icons02:17
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ruwhynotHello to all. Can somebody help me with stupid question... How can I bind changing keyboard layout (English <-> Russian) to "Ctrl+Shift"?02:28
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mishrahsigniwafflejock: edit the launcher and click on the icon... and dialog will popup04:27
wafflejockthx for the reply I actually ended up doing that and just pointing to the file04:28
wafflejockI found docs on where it searches for icons and it seems like it included the /usr/local/share where there was an icons folder with keepassx stuff in it but didn't find them itself still for some reason so just added it to a panel right click and pointed it to the icon04:29
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James0rcan someone  help me make a script and symlink it? this is the post with the fix i need: http://pastebin.com/d9urj7JP07:27
lordievaderGood morning.07:45
lordievaderJames0r: I'd say you use upstart instead of init for this.07:47
James0rlordievader: is upstart the ide autostart tool?07:48
lordievaderJames0r: With the starting argument being "start on starting apache"07:48
lordievaderJames0r: Upstart is the Ubuntu replacement for SysVinit (or however it is called).07:48
James0rlordievader: all i want it to perform is /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:49
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lordievaderJames0r: Upstart scripts are located in /etc/init/*07:49
marcohi all07:49
James0rlordievader: i see there is a script section in Autostart in kde. can i add it there?07:49
lordievaderHey marco07:49
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:49
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Guest45986how are you guys ?07:49
lordievaderJames0r: Well the disable sites thing you want to do before apache starts, so I'd say you use upstart.07:50
lordievaderGuest45986: Doing good, how about you?07:50
Guest45986yeah not bad, thanks07:50
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James0rlordievader: sorry i should have updated you, i dont aim to do anything with the sites now. i think simply just restarting the apache server should solve my problem07:51
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Guest45986hey what the problem with my nick ?07:51
lordievaderJames0r: Oh, then allow your user to execute "sudo service apache restart" without asking for a password and put the line in your ~/.profile (or in the KDE autostart).07:52
=== Guest45986 is now known as marco021
James0rlordievader: how would i allow my user root without a password?07:53
James0rlordievader: k i've added it to autostart.07:53
marco021hi all07:54
marco021here we can chat about ?07:54
marco021all topics ?07:54
lordievaderJames0r: Add something like "kasui   ALL =NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff" to your  /etc/sudoers file. (Use "sudo visudo" to edit the file), in this example the kasui user will not be asked for a password when he executes "sudo poweroff".07:55
lordievadermarco021: This is Kubuntu support, for offtopic chat join #kubuntu-offtopic07:56
James0rlordievader: okay i'll give it a shot07:56
marco021thanks !07:57
ovrflw0xi can hibernate by doing "sudo pm-hibernate" but i don't see Hibernate option in "KMenu"08:00
ovrflw0xhow to get it?08:00
ovrflw0xso that i can hibernate as regular user08:01
James0rlordievader: so when i type sudo visudo it brings me to the editor and says File: /etc/sudoers.tmp08:07
James0rlordievader: is this the right file?08:08
James0rlordievader: and i added 'james ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart'08:09
James0rlordievader: no single quotes obviously08:09
lordievaderJames0r: Between ALL and =NOPASSWD: I had a space, and yes you are editing a tmp file.08:10
lordievaderJames0r: If you make a syntax error in your sudoers file you can no longer get sudo rights, so that is the reason for the existance of visudo.08:11
James0rlordievader: yikes08:12
James0rlordievader: i figured it was there for dummy proofing08:12
lordievaderJames0r: It checks the tmp file for syntax errors before writing it to /etc/sudoers :)08:12
James0rlordievader: and the path at the end of the line should be the path that we allow my user to execute as root, not the path of this script i'm executing right?08:14
lordievaderJames0r: You are trying to allow /etc/init.d/apache2, right? So I'd think it would be the path to <--08:15
James0rlordievader: when i try to run the script now without sudo in the terminal i get  * The apache2 configtest failed.08:17
James0rOutput of config test was:08:17
James0rmkdir: cannot create directory '/var/run/apache2': Permission denied08:17
James0rchown: changing ownership of '/var/lock/apache2.cjHcsWQObo': Operation not permitted08:17
lordievaderJames0r: You can test it by opening a new shell, typing "sudo <somecommand>" verifying he asks for a password. Ctrl+c out of there (without giving your password) and then running "sudo /etc/init.d/apach2 start" and seeing if you are promted for a password.08:17
James0rsorry i'll paste bin next time08:17
lordievaderJames0r: You do need sudo ;)08:18
James0rlordievader: ahh but just no password08:18
lordievaderJames0r: Because if it doesn't ask for a password you can throw it in a script without worrying that it will halt because it needs your password ;)08:19
James0rlordievader: i see08:20
James0rlordievader: okay nice doesn't prompt for a password. so now i edit the script and just add 'sudo' before the command eh?08:21
lordievaderJames0r: Yes, edit ~/.profile (or something similair) and add "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"08:22
James0rlordievader: okay i added sudo to the script and it runs now. just wanna restart to make sure it loads on startup to check it08:23
marco021hi guys , please how it works freenode ?08:26
marco021to find some free - chat ?08:26
marco021hi all !08:27
marco021can you help me ?08:27
marco021alis service freenode - how can i use it ?08:28
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James0rlordievader: the script worked. thx for your help!09:07
lordievaderJames0r: No problem :)09:08
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ovrflw0xi get "No bluetooth adapter found" message 13.10 here how to fix it?10:18
jalcineovrflw0x: what does 'hciconfig' show?10:32
jalcinerun 'hciconfig' and let us know if it shows any output10:32
ovrflw0xjalcine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6478344/10:37
jalcinejarkko: run 'sudo hciconfig hci0 up'10:38
jalcineit's a h/w switch10:38
jalcinehappens to some machines (like mine)10:38
jalcineonce it's up and you ensure that it's always powered in BlueDevil; it'd remain on when you turn on+off the machine10:38
jalcinejarkko: any luck? I'm confident that would work.10:40
ovrflw0xi'm trying to start bluedevil10:40
jalcineyou shoud see PSCAN UP in the 'hciconfig' output now after running that10:40
ovrflw0xjalcine: i'm trying to start bluedevil but it remains busy and disappears from panel10:41
jalcine'kcmshell4 bluedeviladapters'10:41
jalcinetry first removing the paired devices (if any) and re-pairing.10:41
ovrflw0xjalcine: i still get "no adapters found"10:43
ovrflw0xfrom bluedevil10:43
ovrflw0xwhen i rightclick/leftclick on it it says no adapters found10:44
ovrflw0xi get this on hciconfig UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN10:45
jalcineThis is a long shot here, but try running 'sudo service bluetooth restart'10:46
jalcinethat'd restart the lower-level bluetooth daemon10:46
jalcineand (in hopes), notice the changes made10:46
ovrflw0xjalcine: it's working10:47
jalcineSweet! Now try pairing with a device to confirm.10:48
ovrflw0xjalcine: why is transfer speed so slow around 4-9kbps10:55
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ovrflw0xanyways, it was sweet to get Bluetooth on... later and bye ;)11:00
jarkkonot sure if you were  talking to wrong guy11:03
jarkkoCan't get device info: No such device i get this error11:03
BluesKajHi folks12:26
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* jalcine passes BluesKaj a mug of joe12:31
BluesKajthanks  jalcine  ;)12:35
kristala process called kworker is hammering my hard drive continuously12:52
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BluesKajkristal. check system monitor . it will be using cpu when needed, unless you have file indexing and akonadi enabled12:54
kristalBluesKaj: kwin is the only active process, and my drive sounds busier than when i transfer thousands of small files12:55
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BluesKajkristal. well if you're transferring files then that's normal, type kworker in the search on system monitor process tab to see what it's doing12:58
kristalBluesKaj: I have no user processes running other than quassel and some kworker thing us using 15% IO constantly13:00
BluesKajkristal. well < I see you're crossposting in #ubuntu , they might know the answer13:02
alvinkristal: How are you measuring?13:03
kristalalvin: using iotop13:03
alvinI see. The process is running here too, but I can't find the executable.13:04
alvinkristal: Here's a very useful answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10846747/origin-of-a-kworker-thread13:11
kristalalvin: I think I found a zombie nepomuk process using io too...13:12
alvinYes :-) I have a server here (just a moment) with a zombie infestation. Let's see...13:12
kristalalvin: restarting now, let's see if it comes back13:13
alvin145 nepomuk zombies!13:13
alvinThat's what I get for running LTS releases. That bug has been fixed long ago.13:13
kristalalvin:  welp i went from 15% to 7% hddio...13:15
alvinAre you on a recent release? There have been tons of complaints about nepomuk/akonadi/virtuoso and likewise, there have been tons of bugfixes.13:16
kristalalvin: 13.10, updated13:17
kristalWelp the remaining constant disk activity seems to be ext4 itself acting weird, jbd2 process13:18
alvinYou don't have any LVM snapshots by any chance?13:28
kristalalvin: Nope... although I wonder if recently moving my home to  new drive has something to do with it13:30
alvinMaybe. I was asking because LVM snapshots could show that behaviour. It's caused by the copy-on-write.13:31
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Prometheshi, how to switch sound output when headphones are plugged in?16:35
Promethesi want to switch audio output to speakers when headphones are plugged in16:35
Promethesin ms systems i can do it with few clicks16:35
Prometheshow to accoplish this in kubuntu?16:36
wafflejockPromethes: mine does it by default, not sure how to toggle this behavior16:36
wafflejockPromethes: also this is true in windows as well16:37
wafflejockordinarily the output is switched automatically when a plug is detected16:37
Promethesand automatic switch works, i don't see where i can do this manually16:38
wafflejockPromethes: you can look into alsamixer and pavucontrol both programs for audio mixing at different levels of the system but not sure that either has that option, of the two I would think maybe pavucontrol16:38
Prometheseg headphones are plugged in and i want to switch to my big speakers without unplugging headphones16:38
wafflejockPromethes: I don't think you can do that manually in windows but it doesn't matter anyhow I think pavucontrol may allow it16:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:39
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wafflejockbasically ALSA is the advanced linux sound architecture and underlies Pulse Audio or Jack, and I believe Pulse Audio is used by most programs then as a middle man to ALSA for handling sounds... ultimately that depends on  your modules (drives) loaded for your hardware16:39
Promethesalsamixer have automute fix, when it is off then sound comes from speakers and headphones16:41
mr-richThe latest set of updates for Kubuntu 12.04 wants to install icetea ... I have oracle java ... I don't want to install icedtea ... anyway around this?17:13
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ovrflw0xi've to manually do "hciconfig up" to get rid of "No adapters found" message in bluedevil what to do?17:42
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geniiovrflw0x: What device is it?17:47
ovrflw0xhow to find out lspci -v?17:48
geniiovrflw0x: Yes, that, or else lsusb if it's on the USB bus17:48
ovrflw0xgenii: what should i look for in lscpi -v to find out bluetooth?17:49
geniiovrflw0x: It's probably best to just pastebin the entire output from lspci. But please use: lspci -nn     ..so that we may see the VENDOR:DEVICE codes also17:50
ovrflw0xgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6480080/ lspci -nn17:51
ovrflw0xgenii: where is the bluetooth in there? i only see intel17:52
geniiovrflw0x: Must be on the USB bus.Please pastebin the output from: lsusb ...also17:53
geniiWork, away from computer a bit17:53
ovrflw0xBus 002 Device 003: ID 174f:1414 Syntek17:54
geniiovrflw0x: OK, good. What is it you have attached which is not working until you run the hciconfig command? HID stuff like mouse, keyboard, or something else?18:06
ovrflw0xgenii: i've not attached anything18:14
ovrflw0xit's just that when i go for preferences of bluedevil it says "no adapters found'18:15
geniiovrflw0x: If it works properly but just not starting up automatically, might want to try putting the hciconfig command in your rc.local file, and see if it properly loads it next boot.18:17
ovrflw0xgenii: is rc.local still status quo? it's systemd's age18:17
ovrflw0xgenii: it's always going to be "hci0" right or will it change on booting18:19
geniiovrflw0x: Yes, it's still used :)  ... should still come up as hci0 , yes18:20
ovrflw0xgenii: also once i switch to discrete card with "upstart" on boot i can't get back to integrated card by doing "echo DIGD > /sys/kernel/vgaswitcheroo/switch"18:20
geniiWell, that issue I don't know anything aqbout, unfortunately18:21
ovrflw0xgenii: what part of ubuntu deveopment are you involved in?18:22
geniiovrflw0x: I'm not really involved in developing (K)ubuntu, the Ubuntu Canada team I am a part of makes awareness more of it's mandate ( Holding Ubuntu Hours, release parties, etc)18:23
ovrflw0xk, bbl after rebooting and checking if it works18:23
wolfgang_n abend18:25
ovrflw0xnow it works, why didn't kubuntu do this by itself - do all laptops have to do this?18:27
geniiovrflw0x: Not sure why it isn't doing it automatically. Possibly a newer/obscure adapter that it doesn't immediately know how to approach or something.18:28
ovrflw0xgenii: so is this a 'hack' or proper way to do it?18:29
wolfgang_i am looking to get phpmyadmin worked at ubuntu 13.10, but a get a forbidden error.... someone here who can help?18:30
geniiovrflw0x: It would be considered a hack. The proper thing is for udev to know about it and start it up properly18:30
ovrflw0xwhat does "udev" mean?18:30
ovrflw0xfull form18:31
ovrflw0xBus 002 Device 003: ID 174f:1414 Syntek  <-- this is the hardware what would its "udev rule be"?18:31
ovrflw0xwolfgang_: go to #phpmyadmin18:39
ovrflw0xgenii: ?18:46
ovrflw0xanyways, nvm later18:47
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mr-richThe latest set of updates for Kubuntu 12.04 wants to install icetea ... I have oracle java ... I don't want to install icedtea ... anyway around this?21:27
jdolesSo... after the latest update I get 'no screens found'.21:31
geniimr-rich: If your oracle java install properly adjusted the update-alternatives then the update probably wouldn't want icedtea instead. If you do: update-alternatives --list java   ...do you see the oracle version there?21:32
jdolesI am running an LTS version such that I *don't* need to care about these broken things.21:32
mr-richgenii: Yes ... Java 6 & 7 are listed21:34
geniimr-rich: Alternately, just let it install then just reinstall the Oracle java again afterwards21:35
jdolesmr-rich: or just delete the packakge which caused this mess in the first place.21:35
geniijdoles: Were you using proprietary drivers for video?21:35
jdolesgenii: no21:35
jdolesmr-rich: if people can't get their dependencies sorted out, then just delete the package.21:36
jdolesmr-rich: if nothing of your distribution remains via that method, switch to another distribution or switch operating system in the end.21:36
jdolesmr-rich: or fix it yourself.21:36
jdolesIn my opinion any bug damages the brand to which the software is affiliated with.21:36
jdolesIn this case, it's Kubuntu which doesn't actually have any reputation.21:37
jdolesBut if the same were to happen on Apple hardware, it would have been fixed within a few days, and heads would have rolled.21:37
geniiIf you install non-sanctioned software on an Apple and it breaks then i doubt any heads at apple are going to roll anywhere. They'll just take the machine and make it stock again and give you a lecture about it.21:39
jdolesgenii: the problem is that the basics don't even work on Linux.21:40
jdolesgenii: in this case X.org.21:41
jdolesAlternatively, some Kubuntu/Ubuntu packager managed to mess up things.21:41
jdoles'no screens found' is also a terrible error message.21:42
jdolesIf it would run some other command, it would detect that there is a particular graphics card in it, and that there are multiple screens attached.21:42
geniijdoles: Anything enlightening in the xorg log files?21:43
jdolesgenii: no21:43
jdolesgenii: dmesg did say 'booting paravirtualized kernel', but I think that's normal.21:43
jdolesgenii: Kernel mode setting setup failed.21:44
jdolesgenii: that seems to be the first error.21:44
jdolesIt doesn't say why it has failed or any other basic error reporting.21:45
jdolesNo computer system simply fails at some point.21:45
jdolesEspecially not on one where the CPU is obviously functional.21:45
geniijdoles: Are you getting splash screen for boot? ( eg: is there a video mode at grub thats working)21:46
rberg_Hello, I had to sysrq my laptop after unplugging a mini displayport monitor.. ever seen that before? "WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 1790 at /build/buildd/linux-3.11.0/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:2222 intel_dp_link_down+0x1b2/0x1e0 [i915]()"21:47
jdolesgenii: I disabled the splash screen a long time ago.21:47
jdolesgenii: but startx -- :4 doesn't bring up a video mode.21:48
geniijdoles: Was this a dist-upgrade?21:53
jdolesgenii: no21:53
jdolesgenii: The only working kernel appears to be 3.2.0-20.21:53
jdolesgenii: anything newer and *something* breaks.21:54
geniirberg_: I think I would report that as a bug against the package xserver-xorg-video-intel at launchpad21:55
jdolesgenii: do you know of a kernel version which does actually work?21:55
geniijdoles: I'm not surrently running Precise to check21:55
genii!info linux-image-generic precise21:56
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB21:56
geniijdoles: As the bot indicates, should be the latest available for Precise21:57
rberg_genii: thats what I was thinking, thanks for the conformation.. I found a few bug reports for fedora all with a 3.11 kernel21:57
jdolesgenii: that's not what I get when I do apt-get install linux-image-generic.21:57
geniijdoles: There might be a later version available now which has not yet migrated it's way into the bot's database21:58
jdolesgenii: I already see a potential problem.21:58
jdolesgenii: I am using a newer xorg version than standard available in precise (with associated kernel).21:59
jdolesgenii: (only to work around another problem)21:59
jdolesIn short, all versions seem to be broken from my point of view.21:59
jdolesI installed two minor versions now to see whether one of them will actually work.22:00
* genii hears his Beer O Clock alarm go off and answers the call22:06
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