
LegendarioI'm trying to figure out which is my @ubuntu.com alias going to be but I can't figure out what is my launchpad username03:26
Legendariodoes anyone know exactly what it is?03:26
wgrantLegendario: In the top right corner of each Launchpad page you'll see your details formatted as "Display Name (username)"03:28
wgrantThe bit in the parentheses is your username03:28
wgrantYou can also see and change it at https://launchpad.net/~/+edit03:29
Legendariowgrant, well i tried to send an email to this username@ubuntu.com but didn't get it03:42
Legendariodo I have to change something else?03:42
Legendariomy contact address to username@ubuntu.com too03:42
wgrantLegendario: Have you read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail?03:44
wgrantIt can take a couple of days for an alias to be created or changed.03:44
wgrantYour preferred/contact address must *not* be @ubuntu.com.03:44
wgrantIf the alias still doesn't work after a couple of days, email rt@ubuntu.com as described on that page.03:44
Legendariowgrant, I'll try that since it has been a while. thanks a lot03:50
Legendariowgrant, just saw i did that november, 13th with no answer so far. Any idea?03:52
wgrantLegendario: Perhaps ask in #canonical-sysadmin.03:53
hloeungLegendario: replied to your ticket03:58
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xnoxIs there a way to query / view _all_ workitems for myself? (past / present / future / done / unapproved blueprints)10:01
dpmhi all, could someone give me a hand figuring out why I get a failure to upload for saucy/i386 here? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+recipe/signon-plugin-oauth2-daily15:01
dobeydpm: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/157658819/upload_593246_log.txt isn't descriptive enough?15:23
dpmdobey, I couldn't quite understand it, hence the question. Not sure why the uploaded version has different contents, as this is a package built from a daily recipe, not uploaded manually, and it uploaded fine for the other arches15:24
dobeydpm: arch is irrelevant. source packages don't have an arch. but the same version already exists in that PPA and was uploaded on Nov 1515:27
dobeyoh the i386 build failed then though. and it happened before whatever is required for Launchpad to show the "retry this build" link15:27
dobeyso someone with appropriate privs will need to trigger the rebuild15:28
dobey(i don't have them)15:28
dobeycjwatson: ^^ do you have perms to trigger rebuild of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+build/5234666 ?15:28
dpmdobey, I've retriggered a rebuild for saucy, and I got the "Could not be uploaded correctly" on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+recipe/signon-plugin-oauth2-daily from 49 minutes ago15:29
dobeydpm: no, you rebuilt the recipe, not the i386 binary build15:30
dpmah, ok15:30
dobeydpm: you can't upload the same version twice to a PPA15:30
cjwatsondobey: done, though I haven't checked whether it'll actually help15:30
dobeydpm: which is why the upload failed15:30
cjwatsonoh, yeah, retriggering the recipe build was a mistake15:30
cjwatsonrecipe builds emit source packages15:30
dpmthanks dobey, cjwatson15:32
cjwatsonseems built now15:39
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shadeslayerhey, I was wondering, does anyone know of a way to get a list of maintained packages from a team object in the launchpad API?17:40
shadeslayerkind of like that ^^17:42
dobeyshadeslayer: for ppa in team.ppas_collection: ppa.getPublishedSources() ?17:45
dobeydon't recall if the _collection is necessary or not in launchpadlib17:46
dobeyshadeslayer: oh, nevermind. you want packages that are *in* ubuntu?17:46
shadeslayerwhat I'm trying to do : A bunch of KDE packages seem to fail on arm64 with the error "The bug is not reproducible, so it is likely a hardware or OS problem."17:50
shadeslayerI wanted to write a script to get a list of packages maintained by kubuntu-members, fetch the arm64 buildlog, parse the log to check if this line exists, if it does, rebuild the pacakge17:50
cjwatsonyou don't really need to bother - I do that in bulk across the whole archive17:54
dobeyshadeslayer: distro_series.main_archive.getBuildRecords() and filter the result set down to ones that have arm64 as the arch, and filter that result set to ones maintained by kubuntu-members. you'll probably have to get the source and check the control file to get the maintainer17:54
* cjwatson kicks off a run17:54
dobeyor just don't do it :)17:54
cjwatsonit's not Kubuntu-specific so there's no point in everyone reinventing this17:55
shadeslayeragreed :)17:55
shadeslayercjwatson: thanks :)17:55
cjwatson(I currently do it by way of parsing http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/arm64.html as the crude least-effort option)17:55
dobeythat's probably much easier than doing it via the api, indeed17:55
cjwatsonthough I probably *could* do it via the API now that DistroArchSeries.getBuildRecords exists17:56
cjwatsonbut meh, haven't bothered to rewrite that script17:56
dobeyyeah, if you're doing it for the whole archive, getBuildRecoreds would be enough17:57
shadeslayerdobey: cjwatson though there's no way to get the maintained-packages list from the launchpad API?18:00
shadeslayeruseful for other status pages18:00
dobeyshadeslayer: no. i don't think the data in debian/control is coerced into db entries in the lp database directly18:01
shadeslayeroh interesting, I thought that since the ui shows it, the data would be coerced somewhere18:01
dobeyat least, i don't see any API to do that directly. you'd have to get each individual source control file and parse it to get the Maintainer field18:02
dobeyshadeslayer: well there might be something that parses Maintainer to create that link in launchpad. i don't know exactly. lp source is pretty complex and trying to figure it out isn't something i want to do :)18:02
shadeslayerlikewise ^^18:03
cjwatsonPerson:getLatestMaintainedPackages isn't exported, unfortunately18:04
cjwatsonNot necessarily hard to fix18:04
cjwatson(Though it isn't my itch and I should avoid getting sidetracked from current work)18:05
cjwatsonIt'd be in lib/lp/registry/interfaces/person.py, search for getLatestMaintainedPackages, it'd probably want @export_read_operation plus tests18:05
cjwatsonAnd probably similar for nearby related methods18:06
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