
cyphermoxKaleo: ?00:02
Kaleocyphermox, we are going to need to land a ui toolkit release soon00:03
Kaleocyphermox, can you help?00:03
robruKaleo, sorry, I was on lunch. back now. is it landed?00:07
Kaleorobru, lunch?00:07
Kaleorobru, where do you live??00:07
robruKaleo, west coast north america ;-)00:07
Kaleorobru, mad person00:08
Kaleorobru, anyway00:08
Kaleorobru, it's not landed yet, we are doing final tests before top approving00:08
robruKaleo, ok, i'm here now for at least 3 more hours00:11
Kaleorobru, brilliant00:12
robruthen dinner break, then probably back again even later00:12
Kaleorobru, it's top approved; waiting for landing.00:28
robruKaleo, great00:28
cyphermoxrobru: I'm around too if you need any help00:57
robrucyphermox, cool. might need you to help test ubuntuuitoolkit once it builds.00:57
cyphermoxalright, just ping me when00:58
robruKaleo, there's a test failure in the branch: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-trusty-armhf/1104/console can you fix it?01:05
Kaleorobru, it's a blip01:07
Kaleorobru, rerun jenkins01:07
robruKaleo, flaky test?01:07
Kaleorobru, or flaky infra01:07
Kaleo(test completely unrelated to the fix)01:07
Kaleo(also it succeeded before)01:07
robruKaleo, ok, I'll just ram it through then. I see timp did some independent verification as well01:08
t1mpyes, looks unrelated.01:08
Kaleot1mp, :)01:08
t1mpI can happrove again and then really go to sleep :)01:08
robrut1mp, no worries, I will merge manually due to the urgency of this01:08
t1mpokay, thanks.01:08
Kaleothanks robru01:08
* t1mp off01:09
robrut1mp, goodnight!01:09
robruKaleo, this commit doesn't apply cleanly based on what is in distro currently. very difficult for me to backport. are you sure we can't just release uitk trunk as is?01:27
Kaleorobru, go for the release01:28
robruKaleo, great, thanks01:28
robrucyphermox, still around? just built uitk in PPA, ready for testing ASAP01:29
robruKaleo, erm.... just tried the latest build with this patch on my device and it doesn't show any tabs at all for the indicators...01:38
Kaleorobru, that does not quite make sense, let me see01:40
robruKaleo, tab bar takes up corrent height space, but it's blank. no text appears within it01:41
robruKaleo, oh, nm, rebooted and it's fine. must have been some mismatch between memory vs newly installed files.01:41
robruKaleo, actually they still don't like up after the reboot though ;-)01:42
robruKaleo, oh strange, i might not have the right version installed. odd.01:43
Kaleo"<robru> Kaleo, actually they still don't like up after the reboot though ;-)" not sure what that means01:44
robruKaleo, I mean, the indicator icons do not match the tab names. as in, the original bug is still the same. but it seems when I updated the package on the device it didn't get the latest version from the PPA01:45
robruKaleo, couple of false starts here, rushing too hard ;-)01:45
Kaleoyou are scaring me01:45
robruKaleo, first problem was not rebooting after update, second problem was looking at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+packages?field.name_filter=toolkit&field.status_filter=published seeing 'published' and then not realizing that armhf was still building (published just means source package published)01:46
Kaleooki doki01:47
KaleoI'm here in case anything goes kaboum01:52
robruKaleo, ok, indicators look good, just gotta run through a suite of tests to check for regressions then will publish. thanks for doing the hard part ;-)01:52
Kaleorobru, thanks01:53
robrursalveti, you still around to kick the image build? should be ready in about an hour01:54
rsalvetirobru: yup01:55
rsalvetirobru: let me know once you publish the package01:55
robrursalveti, ok, will do01:55
Kaleorobru, I suppose you don't need me anymore02:09
robruKaleo, just saw 100% passes on uitk tests, so I think we're good. some more tests before publishing though02:09
robruKaleo, thanks!02:09
Kaleorobru, ok02:09
Kaleorobru, if anything goes awry zsombi and bzoltan should be up in few hours02:10
Kaleorobru, thank you02:10
cyphermoxrobru: sorry, I'm around now02:21
cyphermoxstill need testing?02:21
robrucyphermox, yeah sure, install uitk from the ppa and run some app tests02:27
robrucyphermox, so far so good, ive done addressbook, camera, dialer, and working on gallery now02:28
cyphermoxfigured ;)02:33
robrursalveti, ok, uitk is published. not sure when it will make it through -proposed and into distro, but can you watch for it and kick a build soon?03:08
rsalvetirobru: just, still waiting it to be accepted by lp03:09
rsalvetiin proposed03:13
robrursalveti, alright I'm EOD but will probably be back around in 4ish hours if anything is needed. best is to email me.03:23
rsalvetiok, will trigger a new image in a few03:24
robrursalveti, thanks! goodnight!03:24
rsalvetinp, goodnight!03:24
rsalvetirobru: seems to be published in the lp UI for almost one hour but not yet published in the real archive05:12
rsalvetiwonder if something wrong happened05:13
rsalvetirmadison ubuntu-ui-toolkit is still not showing the latest version05:23
rsalvetinot even in proposed, as it was one hour ago05:23
Mirvrsalveti: do you know who archive admin might be online? I've never seen a situation where LP states it in either proposed/release but rmadison doesn't show anything05:23
rsalvetinot sure, let me ping them at #ubuntu-release05:24
rsalvetitriggered a new image so we can have the other many changes tested asap05:26
rsalvetibut we'll need another one once this issue with the toolkit is fixed05:26
rsalvetianyway, scheduled another image respin once the one I triggered a few minutes ago is done05:28
rsalvetiand I'm gone, later!05:30
didrocksMirv: hey, how are you?06:57
Mirvthanks, fine didrocks. how's your start of the day?07:08
didrocksMirv: well, catching up, I guess will be a busy day!07:08
didrocksMirv: thanks for the keyboard release, you are on upstart-app-launch now?07:08
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, or that's also now published and soon in proposed07:09
didrocksso, if I'm correct, what remains:07:09
didrocksthe unity8 crash due to Mir07:10
didrocksand the wlan/gsm connexion in empathy07:10
didrocksdid I mention anything else to you that I'm forgetting?07:10
Mirvno, that's the remaining thing, and you didn't even mention empathy07:12
Mirvthe bug has been updated to say it's not mir related, but might be unity-mir related (which hasn't seen changes besides version bump)07:12
didrocksMirv: I wonder if we can envision reverting unity-mir to previous release07:13
didrocksMirv: there were a lot of revs between rev 136 and latest in distro07:14
didrocksMirv: can you try building rev 136 against latest Mir? (well 137 to get the changelog ;))07:14
didrocksto ensure there is no API break07:15
didrocksI guess the daily-build ppa has a newer Mir, so building directly on phone?07:15
didrocks(when I meant latest Mir, I meant, latest Mir released in distro)07:15
didrocksI'm taking care of the empathy thing with upstream07:15
didrockswe do have a double bug there :)07:15
Mirvdidrocks: hmm actually there is one new commit in unity-mir, I wonder if there's any chance it would fix something07:29
didrocksMirv: it doesn't seem related, I would rather try "previous Mir release"07:30
didrocks(to the part of the code crashing)07:30
Mirvok.. and locally indeed07:30
didrocksthanks Mirv, keep us posted, if we can get that + the empathy one, we can rekick an image07:30
didrocksand have a beautiful day :)07:30
robrudidrocks, http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/cu2d-webapp-saucy-3.0publish/82/console can you check why this never made it into proposed?07:45
robrusaucy-proposed, that is07:46
didrocksrobru: because saucy is released?07:46
didrocksso it's in unapproved: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=07:47
robrudidrocks, i thought the whole point of saucy-proposed was to hold uploads prior to SRU approval?07:47
didrocksrobru: no, SRU approval is to get to -proposed07:48
didrocksthen, people can test for 7 days in proposed07:48
didrocksand if no regression is spotted, it's going to -updates07:48
robrudidrocks, this process is insane.07:48
didrocksrobru: well, it's the process when we had no test automation07:49
didrocksit was fine by then07:49
robrudidrocks, so i have an SRU bug filed and ubuntu-sru proposed, they will eventually look at it and put it in -proposed? I already verified the change in a fresh saucy VM, so I already tagged the bug 'verification-done' even though it's not even in -proposed yet.07:50
didrocksrobru: you shouldn't tag it before it's in proposed07:50
didrocksrobru: but yeah on your first question, this is the process07:51
robrudidrocks, ok. /me cries07:51
didrocksweird you were not aware about the process before discussion the SRU process session :)07:51
robrudidrocks, and yet, I was arguing against a simpler process... now I find out the process is **even harder** than I already thought was so hard it deserved to be argued against!07:52
didrockswell, there are reason to not accept every crack that people want to SRU07:52
didrocksor we can end like in fedora when they SRU a new KDE major release :)07:52
robrudidrocks, yeah, I understand the need for SRU when it comes to stuff that can't break when left to it's own. but when you are in a race to play catch up with half the websites on the internet, every step in the process represents an enormous slowdown.07:53
didrocksrobru: agreed07:53
didrocksthis is really a difficult situation07:53
didrocksI totally get you, no worry :)07:53
robrudidrocks, well, I published my first click app today. it was delightful. it is *absolutely* the only acceptable way to publish webapps. The fact that I have to SRU webapps into trusty for the next 5 years is nothing short of tragic. I don't think I can do it.07:54
didrocksrobru: push to convert them to click apps then, but there are a lot of implication in term of security I guess :)07:55
robrudidrocks, that's what my talk was about! i wanted to clickify desktop webapps in trusty! but I was immediately shot down, click apps won't be ready in desktop trusty.07:55
robrudidrocks, can you accept my saucy nomination here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-facebookmessenger/+bug/124650307:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1246503 in FacebookMessenger WebApp "Installed icon is wrongly referenced by the desktop file" [Undecided,Fix committed]07:58
didrocksrobru: done!07:59
robrudidrocks, thanks.08:00
didrocksthanks for the toolkit upload08:00
* didrocks hopes the last 2 remaining issues will be gone soon and we can move on08:00
robrudidrocks, no worries. I did really try to backport that patch but there were soo many conflicts.08:00
didrocksrobru: as long as you ensured all tests were working, that's fine08:01
robrudidrocks, yep yep, ran all tests and also dogfooded directly, saw the indicators working.08:01
didrocksrobru: excellent, let's cross fingers, there was no other unseen regression bundled08:02
didrocksrobru: the fix has a test btw?08:02
robrudidrocks, yeah, I think so. I didn't read it too closely but I saw the diff touching test files ;-)08:02
didrockswell, you should look more :)08:03
Mirvdidrocks: doesn't look good for compiling older unity-mir against the current archive mir. the refactoring done needed for mirserver10 support is where the crash also happens, and there's eg. bzr141 after the refactoring that claims to fix another crash related to unity-mir's MirSurface. I'm not sure what to try.08:03
didrocksmost of test files were deleted08:03
didrocksbut         function test_tabOrder_bug1253804() {08:03
didrocksrobru: so we're good ^08:03
didrocksMirv: ok, so let's try to see with greyback08:04
robrudidrocks, my understanding is that they didn' tjust fix the bug, they changed the way tabs are created. so many tests were testing obsolete API that was removed, that's why those tests are dropped. but yeah I do see new tests written there08:04
didrocksrobru: ok08:04
didrocksrobru: yeah, sounds good!08:04
didrocksalan_g as well08:05
didrocksMirv: the first who can catch either of them :)08:05
Mirvrobru: I also had the UI Toolkit updated already when I ran my various tests today, looked good too08:05
Mirvdidrocks: upstart-app-launch is stuck because of a new dependency that is not available on arm6408:06
didrocksMirv: can you work with the release team to get that unblock/see the best way to get the transition done?08:07
didrocksI'm trying hard on the empathy side meanwhile08:07
Mirvdidrocks: ok08:08
Mirvarh, I can't bug them, it's not as simple as that. it's not that it wouldn't be available for arm64 otherwise, but there's a build-dep that specifies the PPA version.08:12
Mirvand for a reason, ie. the dbus-test-runner would need to be released08:12
Mirvso, hmm, adding dbus-test-runner to the landing task08:14
Mirvdidrocks: it seems the reverse build-depends continue to build with the new dbus-test-runner (including the new upstart-app-launch that also uses the added DbusMock functionality), so is there something more specific to test in order to release it?08:22
didrocksMirv: if it builds against it, feel free to release it to unblock08:23
didrocksas it's using it at build time08:23
Mirvthanks, yes it does and the build logs show the tests being run08:25
Mirvdidrocks: ack needed http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/cu2d/view/Head/view/QA/job/cu2d-qa-head-3.0publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_dbus-test-runner_14.04.0+14.04.20131126-0ubuntu1.diff08:26
Mirvthe changelog is slightly misleading since the Vcs/M-A were added in a manual upload already08:27
didrocksMirv: +108:27
Mirvthanks again08:27
didrocksthank you Mirv :)08:30
sil2100Am I the only one that thinks a day should have more than 24 hours?08:43
sil2100So sleepy...08:43
didrockssil2100: +108:43
didrocksogra_: popey: good morning around?08:46
popeydidrocks: morning08:46
didrockspopey: I have a potential fix on the GSM bug08:47
didrocks(you know about that one, right?)08:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1252737 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "[regression] Ubuntu touch cannot get GSM signal if not joined to a WLAN network" [Critical,Confirmed]08:47
popeygsm no working when wifi?08:47
didrockswhen no wifi, right :)08:47
didrockscan you try a recent image08:47
didrockswith nothing changed on it of course :)08:47
didrocksand https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/5269486/+files/telepathy-mission-control-5_5.16.0-1ubuntu2~ppa1_armhf.deb08:48
didrocksI've tried a tentative "fix"08:48
popeythen what? try and make a call when on wifi?08:48
didrocksno, disable wifi08:49
didrockssee you are connected to the GSM network08:49
popeywhat's your test for connected to gsm?08:50
popeynmcli d ?08:50
didrockspopey: I'm just relying on the indicator TBH, not sure about a command line tool (and not really knowledgeable in that area)08:51
popeyah ok08:51
popeydidrocks: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2013-11-26-085434.png08:54
popeythat what you expect?08:54
popeywlan is down and I am browsing the web, and made a phone call too didrocks08:56
didrockspopey: yeah \o/08:56
* didrocks hugs popey08:56
didrockspopey: this is after a reboot, right?08:56
didrockswith wlan down?08:56
* didrocks makes a dance08:56
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# nmcli d08:56
popeyDEVICE     TYPE              STATE08:56
popey/ril_0     gsm               connected08:56
didrocksthanks a bunch for confirming :)08:56
popeywlan0      802-11-wireless   unavailable08:56
* popey makes tea08:56
popeyyou dance, we drink tea. It's our cultural differences I value so much!08:57
didrocksahah :)08:57
* didrocks can have tea just after dputing08:57
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/CI/1ss-move-current-issues
sil2100The indicators on my phone confuse me on the yesterday's image ;)09:14
Mirvso can I ask also autopkgtest failure question on release?09:43
Mirvor simply here? I mean, this d-jenkins job ended with machine shutting down, which is maybe the only reason it failed? http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-dbus-test-runner/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/6/09:44
Mirvpsivaa: ^ any idea?09:44
psivaaMirv: i'll take a look09:44
ogra_ev, could we re-nice whoopsie (and all its sub processes) and make sure it only starts ... say ... 30min after boot for the first time or some such ?09:46
evogra_: it doesn't have subprocesses09:47
evif you have more than one whoopsie running, that's a bug09:47
ogra_ah, well, then only whoopsie itself ...09:47
ogra_what i'm thinking is, if we could make it slow and silent enough that the user doesnt get massively get bothered by having it running ... even if it takes 5x longer then ... i dont think it matters how fast we get the info if we get it at all09:48
evthe problem with delaying or disabling whoopsie is that it will make us blind to particular types of crashes. What happens if the phone boots, but crashes as soon as unity starts? They're not going to leave it running for 30 minutes.09:48
ogra_and a phone usually runs for a long time09:48
evother platforms have crash reporting end-to-end. I think what we need to be doing is fixing whatever bugs exist in whoopsie, rather than papering over them by hiding it away09:49
ogra_yes, i dont want to disable it, just make it "silent" enough for the user to not notice it massively09:49
evnow there may be structural changes here as well. If someone can figure out how to get it to spawn via upstart whenever the same set of conditions are met that it's currently using to process reports, then it doesn't have to be long running09:50
evI think renice'ing it or putting it in a cgroup that uses far less CPU is a wise idea09:50
evI don't think processing a crash report should take priority over the UI process09:51
ogra_right ... just make it eat less resources if possible ... even if it takes longer to run09:51
ogra_if it doesnt take more than i.e. the browser running ... the user shouldnt massively notice it09:52
evbut we should also be looking at why it's taking so long to process, and seeing if we can optimise that as well09:52
evlet's hit the problem from both ends09:52
ogra_sie :)09:52
Mirvpsivaa: I see also the previous successful run ended in shutdown, so I guess that part is normal but the permission denied etc. not similar to the successful run http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-dbus-test-runner/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/5/console09:53
Mirvpsivaa: so the "dsc0t-with-bustle"", whatever it means, was the failure09:53
psivaaMirv: yea I see that, permission denied appears to be the cause09:53
didrocksogra_: ev: also checking we only run it on wlan :)09:55
didrocksI don't think people want to upload on 3G the crash report ;)09:55
ogra_we should run it at all times ... but only upload on wlan09:55
didrocksyeah, that's what I meant by "running"09:56
evdidrocks: we only treat wifi and ethernet as being online09:56
evin whoopsie09:56
didrocksev: oh nice!09:56
evalways thinking ahead :-P09:56
didrocksheh, well done :)09:57
ogra_funnily i never see .upload files in /var/crash here09:57
ogra_(i assume i should ?)09:58
evyes, though that's the job of apport (via whoopsie-upload-all)10:01
Mirvpsivaa: there was also a new autopkgtest 2.5 released yesterday, maybe you could check with pitti if it's related? and just a few minutes ago some patch release "Fix ownership of test tree with --user option."?10:01
Mirvso if the error comes from that ownership issue, then it should be just fixed in proposed10:02
evI vaguely recall us disabling this around release due to my broken upstart job10:02
evslangasek had a bug for it10:02
ogra_well, /etc/default/apport considers it enabled10:02
ogra_i dont see it running though10:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235436 in apport (Ubuntu) "/etc/init/apport-noui.conf is non-functional on the phone" [Critical,New]10:03
psivaaMirv: thanks for the clarification. pitti is tracking and will restart the jobs that failed due to that issue. so i guess i could we are good10:07
Mirvpsivaa: yep, it seems everything's now in order10:08
KaleoMirv,  robru, rsalveti, do you know if there was an image built with the latest toolkit?10:25
ogra_didrocks, fyi, on maguro the screen doesnt switch on again with r30 ...10:25
ogra_Kaleo, there was10:25
didrocksogra_: really? :/10:25
ogra_didrocks, i know that davmor2 saw it before ... i can only manage to get it on when i tap or touch the screen after pressing the power button10:26
Kaleodidrocks, ogra_, rsalveti tried to kick it in the night; hopefully yes10:26
ogra_smells like Mir input handling10:26
didrocksogra_: I was still on 29, let me upgrade10:26
ogra_Kaleo, yes, it is version r3010:26
didrocksfor mako10:26
ogra_didrocks, seems to only affect maguro10:26
Kaleoogra_, thanks!10:26
ogra_but if you dont know it it looks like it never wakes up again10:27
didrocksogra_: so, in order, what are you doing?10:27
didrockspressing the power button10:27
ogra_Kaleo, the indicator issue seems fixed10:27
didrocksto get it on10:27
Kaleoogra_, thanks :)10:27
didrocksand then? :)10:27
ogra_didrocks, pressing the power button leaves me with a black screen ... then touching the screen immediately switches it on10:27
didrocksso that we can put into a bug report and starts looking at it10:27
didrocksan, juts pressing shortly10:28
didrocksso, the regression is about "it's turning on when you don't want to"10:28
didrocksah no10:29
didrocksgot it10:29
ogra_its not turning on unless you touch the screen10:29
didrockspressing the power button to turn the screen on doesn't seem to work10:29
didrocksdo you think it's the android upload?10:29
ogra_i assume its Mir10:29
didrocksogra_: did you get that on image 29?10:30
ogra_(but totally guessing)10:30
didrocksand 28?10:30
didrocksMir didn't change since then10:30
ogra_didrocks, i know davmor2 saw it before, but not sure which image he was on10:30
ogra_might have been <2810:30
didrocksogra_: I guess your network connection is not good enough to flash an older image?10:30
didrocksjust to confirm if we get it on image 2810:30
didrocksogra_: confirming, it's not on mako10:31
ogra_well, lets wait for davmor2, he usually files bugs immediately10:31
didrocksogra_: if it's as reliable on image 28, I would say, let's not block the promotion on that, thoughts?10:31
ogra_it doesnt seem to be on mako based on a conversation i just had with timppa in #ubuntu-touch10:31
didrocksyeah, I do confirm10:32
ogra_didrocks, you know that mark uses a maguro for dogfooding ?10:32
didrocksogra_: well, if it's in image 28, it's already there (and he didn't complain about it)10:32
ogra_at least thats what i was told a while ago (might have changed)10:32
didrocksogra_: so, we won't regress from that image10:32
ogra_well, he might have switched to something performant nowadays :)10:33
didrocksroh, maguro isn't that bad10:33
didrocksI was really happy with android 4.x on it10:33
ogra_did you ever actually use it as your main phone ?10:33
ogra_(with ubuntu(10:33
didrocksogra_: not on touch10:33
didrocksthis was my own phone :)10:33
ogra_yeah, its dog slow10:33
didrocksogra_: right, but seems android can do something fast with it10:33
didrocksso we shouldn't blame it on the hw10:33
ogra_starting more thna a few apps makes it go crazy etc10:34
ogra_i do blame the HW ... but just because it has an awful video chip that has awful drivers10:34
ogra_(if we had the same driver access google has it wouldnt be an issue)10:34
didrocksogra_: but we are using the same driver, right?10:35
ogra_yes, but we cant look inside ... google can10:35
ogra_and the PVR drivers are pretty awful ... that will bite us on intel even more10:35
* didrocks googles10:36
ogra_(most of the mobile intel chips have the same PowerVR graphics chip the omaps use)10:36
didrocksok ;)10:36
didrocksMirv: any progress on the autopkgtests?10:37
didrocksMirv: unity-mir is in trusty10:37
ogra_(using the same binary driver blob ..)10:37
didrocksMirv: so just waiting on upstart-app-launch I guess10:37
ogra_sigh ... the clock is still only randomly running10:38
ogra_(out of three boots i only get it once nowadays ....)10:38
didrocksogra_: I'm more lucky on mako10:39
didrocksogra_: but even have it on desktop…10:39
ogra_that bug is open since months ...10:39
didrocksI know…10:39
didrocksfinal: autopkgtest,upstart-app-launch10:41
didrocksSUCCESS (263/261)10:41
didrocksogra_: almost ready to push the triggered once published in the release pocket?10:41
didrockshum, maybe I'm reading it wrong10:42
Mirvdidrocks: so the autopkgtest was with dbus-test-runner, and that was because of yesterday's autopkgtest 2.5, now fixed in 2.5.1 and pitti rerunning the tests10:44
Mirvthe rerun seems to be now at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-dbus-test-runner/ , but update_excuses still showing it as fails10:45
Mirvand the upstart-app-launch arm64 rebuild was now done10:45
didrocksMirv: yeah, so upstart-app-launch seems to be able to migrate, yeah!10:46
didrocks(just confirmed on #ubuntu-release)10:46
Mirvright, so it looks10:47
Mirvgood good10:47
didrocksogra_: rmadison says it's published, wasn't there a slight delay with porter?10:47
didrocksbefore you kick the image?10:47
ogra_if rmadison has it it is fine10:48
ogra_=== Image r31 building ===10:48
didrockslet's cross fingers ;)10:48
didrocksfor the power button issue, let's see if we have it in image 2810:49
Mirvr31, the famous 'perfect' image10:49
didrockswill be nice to pinpoint which image it started with10:49
didrocksMirv: well, for mako, not maguro :p10:49
Mirvwith small exceptions, then10:50
ogra_didrocks, bug 125504510:56
ubot5bug 1255045 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125504510:56
ogra_waiting for davmor2 to confirm ...10:56
didrocksogra_: perfect and all tagged!10:56
ogra_so it shows up on Ursinha's list ;)10:57
didrocksyep ;)10:57
didrocksit's a nice addition10:57
Saviqpsivaa, otto runner failing again http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/ :/11:00
psivaaSaviq: i'll take a look11:00
Saviqpsivaa, the same happened yesterday11:01
Saviqpsivaa, josepht managed to resolve it11:02
psivaaSaviq: ok, that info helps. i'll see if i can get that information11:02
davmor2Morning all11:02
Saviqpsivaa, it was "a gpu lockup", josepht said it required kicking a machine11:03
Saviqpsivaa, can get you the IRC log if wanted11:03
psivaaSaviq: that you grately help11:03
davmor2ogra_, didrocks: I confirmed your bug, I got the it wasn't always waking part but nobody else could confirm it, so I didn't write a bug initially while I dug into it some more but pressing the screen after a power button press does seem to wake it :)11:05
didrocksdavmor2: can you try to pinpoint on what image this starts to occur?11:05
didrocksthat would be really helpful11:05
Saviqpsivaa, there's not that much http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6478423/11:05
didrocksdavmor2: especially between image 26 and 2711:06
didrocks(27 has a new Mir stack)11:06
davmor2didrocks: Let me play catchup on my email and I'll install 26 and then 2711:07
didrocksdavmor2: thanks, keep us in touch!11:08
psivaaSaviq: the job appears progressing now: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/1004/console11:16
didrocksogra_: can you put the workaround in the bug itself?11:19
ogra_workaround ?11:19
didrocksogra_: like, touching the screen after pushing the button11:20
didrocksso that people being impacted by it know what to do11:20
ogra_did you read the bug ? :)11:20
didrocksah "unless…"11:20
didrockswasn't obvious to my broken head11:20
ogra_"when putting the phone to sleep by pressing power it will not wake up the screen when pressing power again unless the screen gets touched."11:20
didrocksmind if I edit? :)11:21
ogra_feel free11:21
dpmhi psivaa, could you help us with this issue in Jenkins? It seems to fail building reminders-app because of "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory" ->
psivaadpm: i'll take a look11:25
dpmcool, thanks11:26
Saviqpsivaa, ok, will report back11:29
psivaaSaviq: ack, that jobs has finished success.11:30
Ursinhagood morning :)11:35
didrockshey Ursinha!11:35
Ursinhadidrocks, ogra_, so I assume you want me to update that report periodically :)11:36
ogra_Ursinha, yes please :)11:36
Ursinhait was only an example, if you want other information or think that one isn't useful, let me know11:36
didrocksUrsinha: I think it's fine, just put it in the cron11:37
psivaadpm: has succeeded.11:37
Ursinhaall right, will do11:37
didrocksand we look in particular to the avenger regression list11:37
didrocksUrsinha: btw, the 2 regressions with other like the GSM are fixed11:37
didrocksjust waiting for the image to finish buildings11:37
didrockstests to run11:37
psivaadpm: do you happen to see virtual memory issue often?11:37
didrocksand davmor2 confirming the maguro issue isn't new11:37
didrocksto promote it11:37
Ursinhadidrocks, awesome :) I was subscribed to the bug reports so I saw people worked hard yesterday11:37
didrocksand today :)11:38
Ursinhadidrocks, ogra_, I'd suggest us adding to the bug policy to add the image number as a tag11:41
davmor2didrocks: emails covered rev 26 installing now11:41
didrocksUrsinha: very good idea, that's what I didn't really like in the current presentation11:42
didrocksUrsinha: we have the date, but we have can have cases like the one ogra mentioned11:42
didrocksand it seems to be more days older11:42
didrocksso yeah, all +1 for a tag11:42
Ursinhadidrocks, I noticed that while testing/filing bugs myself11:42
didrocksUrsinha: for the cherry on top of the cake, if there can be a summary image by image (latest on top) with the bugs tagged to them :)11:43
* didrocks tried to translate a French expression, let's see how it goes :p11:44
dpmpsivaa, I've seen it happening in a few MPs: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/html2enml/+merge/196616 (it seems to not happen in the latest build), https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/create-edit-delete-notes/+merge/196500 (could we retrigger this build?)11:44
didrocks"icing on the cake" it seems11:44
mzanettidpm: I got permissions to retrigger those jobs...11:44
dpmah, cool11:44
Ursinhadidrocks, :)11:44
mzanettidpm: done11:45
davmor2didrocks: do you happen to know what image was released on a specific date?11:46
didrocksdavmor2: well, we can collerate that in some way, why?11:46
dpmmzanetti, great, thanks! Also, could you have a look at this MP and top-approve if it's ok? It should then allow Jenkins to upload to the PPA. Right now it's failing because it's trying to upload an older version that we had in the PPA (which was created by the daily recipe, which I've now deactivated) -> https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/fix-dependencies/+merge/19669611:46
* didrocks reboot on r3111:47
didrocksogra_: ^11:47
didrockspsivaa: please watch closely the test runs ;)11:47
* ogra_ didnt notice it was done 11:47
ogra_too many conversations today11:48
didrocksogra_: no worry, I was like a kid rebooting it :p11:48
didrocksretrying it*11:48
psivaadidrocks: ok, will do11:48
Ursinhawe had two images today, sweet11:49
Ursinhathe amount of changes in the first one is overwhelming :/11:49
ogra_we need cronned builds back11:50
Ursinhawe really need to produce images using cron11:50
Ursinhathat :)11:50
ogra_as manny as the infrastructure can handle per day11:50
mzanettidpm: added some comments11:50
didrocksogra_: do you know how to revert to vanilla image?11:50
ogra_so the changeset gets as small as possible11:50
didrocksI remember stgraber telling us some files to remove11:50
didrocksfrom a rw one11:50
ogra_didrocks, nope, ask stgraber, i know there is an easy way11:50
Ursinhaogra_, I think that we already have the image promotion thing that filters what's good and what's not, so I really don't see a reason to have two checkpoints11:50
psivaadpm: which one of the above would you want me to rebuild?11:51
ogra_Ursinha, right, proposed will make sure images are always buildable ...11:51
ogra_cjwatson actually did put a lot of thought into it, its a shame we dont really use it11:51
psivaadpm: both of them passed on ci11:52
Ursinhadidrocks, if we have the image promotion process, why don't we build images regularly?11:52
dpmpsivaa, thanks, mzanetti took care of that11:53
psivaadpm: ack, thanks11:53
UrsinhaI think it would be easier to find a regression with more images, do we keep previous versions?11:53
davmor2didrocks: iirc the first time I hit it was on the friday before I broke up for my holidays so the 16th  I spent an age running through things with pmcowan and kgunn (mostly) as I couldn't get my phone up then11:53
ogra_Ursinha, we kepp a week of images around usually11:53
ogra_(on cdimage, not sure what system-image.u.c does, stgraber can tell11:54
didrocksUrsinha: I already told I was in favor of that :) I'm not the blocking one here11:54
ogra_didrocks, oh ?11:55
ogra_when did you say that ?11:55
didrocksogra_: well, when we discussed about it11:55
* ogra_ was under the impression you wactually wanted manual builds 11:55
Ursinhadidrocks, my question was what exactly is preventing us from doing that, I wasn't really implying you were the blocker :)11:55
didrocksogra_: but you read half of the conversation it seems or didn't listen to me :)11:55
didrocksogra_: I kept repeating you I was in favor, you didn't read though :p11:55
ogra_Ursinha, i was ... since i had that impression :)11:55
dpmmzanetti, happy to change the order of dependencies, but can't Jenkins fetch the packages from the PPA while they're not in the archive? That's what we used to do in the last cycle for plugins which were not yet in the archive, and it helped us with making them available for stable releases (e.g. saucy, I'm pretty certain none of the reminders app devs are on trusty yet)11:55
didrocksUrsinha: I guess asac doesn't like it11:56
ogra_didrocks, heh, sorry then11:56
didrocksogra_: I was just telling, the most we can do is every 8 hours11:56
ogra_thats 3 per day11:56
didrocksto give the time to test + rekick the tests that failed11:56
UrsinhaI guess "doesn't like it" is the weakest reason ever :)11:56
mzanettidpm: well, one of them is on trusty :D11:56
mzanettidpm: anyways... not sure what to do11:56
mzanettidpm: I guess we'd need to change the jenkins setup to include some ppa11:57
Ursinhadidrocks, we need to work on that part of the infrastructure, that affect us now and will continue to affect when the CI Airline is in place11:57
Ursinhathe problem will be the same, maybe we need to add a Critical tag to this piece11:57
didrocksUrsinha: oh yeah, in fact, there are two issues:11:58
didrocksthe first one is the mpt issue11:58
didrocksthat disconnects the phone11:58
didrocksand so we loose adb shell11:58
didrocks(and so all tests are stopped)11:58
didrocksthis one is supposed to be fixed if I read correctly11:59
didrocksI asked to get pinged if plars or psivaa still see it11:59
dpmmzanetti, yeah, I'd guess so, I'm not sure how fginther did it last cycle, but I could imagine that the coreapps PPA was added to the Jenkins setup. psivaa, could you give us a hand with this? In summary, it's about the last comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/fix-dependencies/+merge/196696 -> those packages are only available on a PPA right now, and we're wondering if that PPA can be added to the Jenkins setup so that it finds them11:59
didrocksUrsinha: the other are just utah flackyness which is mostly over11:59
didrocksUrsinha: we need to be able to run the tests in multiple phones in parallel as well IMHO11:59
didrocksso that we don't block on a solid 3h11:59
didrocksand be able to run the tests on any image #11:59
mzanettididrocks: which ppa is it?11:59
didrocks(not only the latest)11:59
ogra_the emulator will help here11:59
didrocksmzanetti: hum? sorry, out of context12:00
mzanettidpm: which ppa is it?12:00
didrocksah ok :)12:00
mzanettididrocks: sorry... damn tab completion12:00
didrocksogra_: right12:00
didrocksmzanetti: happens to me all the time :)12:00
Ursinhadidrocks, cool :) so down from 8 to 3 hours is a hell of an improvement12:00
dpmmzanetti, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily12:00
davmor2hmmm am I the only one seeing the indicators out of sync?12:01
psivaadpm: looking12:01
Ursinhadidrocks, is there a bug for the phone disconnection?12:01
didrocksUrsinha: something to ask to the CI team, I don't really know TBH12:01
ogra_Ursinha, i dont know if there is a bug, but sergio is actuvely working on fixes around all this12:02
davmor2ogra_: image 26 had the gsm/wifi issue once you connect to the wifi gsm appears12:02
Ursinhaogra_, we definitely should have a bug for such things12:03
didrocksdavmor2: I think all those are fixed, we are only interested in the black screen one :)12:03
ogra_Ursinha, we do ... but badly tagged12:03
Ursinhaogra_, let's work on that :)12:03
ogra_Ursinha, bug 123361312:04
ubot5bug 1233613 in android-tools (Ubuntu) "Adb and mtp priority issue" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123361312:04
davmor2didrocks: is that to the gsm/wifi issue or the  out of sync indicators?12:04
didrocksogra_: urgh, I'm getting no indicator content12:04
didrocksogra_: do you?12:04
ogra_actually assigned to me ... but sergio does all the work atm12:04
ogra_didrocks, on r30 i did ...12:05
Ursinhaogra_, so why the hell is that assigned to you? lol12:05
didrocksdavmor2: it's another one: https://launchpad.net/bugs/125504512:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255045 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [High,Confirmed]12:05
* ogra_ needs to get his phone from the office 12:05
didrocksogra_: let me reflash from scratch12:05
ogra_Ursinha, because i worked on the upstart jobs ... but that wasnt sufficient12:05
davmor2didrocks: yeah these were just things I noticed while I was waiting from my phone to sleep :)12:05
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, so, we are just interested in knowing when that one started :)12:06
davmor2didrocks: so on 26 from a normal sleep it wakes up12:06
didrocksdavmor2: let's hope it's 27 screwing it, that will give some hint :)12:07
ogra_Ursinha, sergio is currently doing a complete redesign of the wholesetup ... involving android changes etc ... i'm fine to operate as bug contact12:07
ogra_*whole setup12:07
davmor2didrocks: from power button sleep it also wakes up12:07
* ogra_ thinks it is a Mir issue 12:07
Ursinhaogra_, I think you meant bug 124916212:07
ubot5bug 1249162 in android-tools (Ubuntu) "Devices lose adb connection after phablet-flash loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124916212:07
davmor2didrocks: I'll let it sleep now and give it 10 minutes to test deep sleep too and then I'll move onto 2712:07
ogra_Ursinha, they are the same12:08
didrocksok :)12:08
didrocksthanks davmor212:08
Ursinhaogra_, oh? this one is actually assigned to sergio... and why do we have two? (they aren't marked as duplicates)12:08
ogra_davmor2, i put my bets on image 2712:08
ogra_davmor2, Mir was the only change between 26 and 27 and i bet you will see it there12:08
Ursinhadidrocks, I booted on r31 and the indicators are here12:09
Ursinhaand the bug seems fixed, yay12:09
* Ursinha hugs Kaleo 12:09
didrocksUrsinha: hum, I have hope in my reflashing then :)12:09
ogra_Ursinha, i would even bet we have more than two :) yes, they should be duplicated12:09
KaleoUrsinha, :D12:09
didrocksogra_: feel earning more money this month? :)12:09
* didrocks keeps betting on things he's sured to win :)12:10
Ursinhaogra_, you know, launchpad isn't a miracle shrine, people actually need to do stuff for it to work as expected :)12:10
ogra_didrocks, not sure what your contract says, mine isnt bound to the amountof bugs :)12:10
didrocksahah :)12:10
didrockscome on mako, flash, FLASH! :)12:11
ogra_Ursinha, well, it would be good to have some community bug triagers looking at it... doing an ubuntu touc bugday once a month or so12:11
davmor2ogra_: I wish mine was I'd be a millionaire12:11
ogra_oh, look r31 is all green ... http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/12:12
Ursinhaogra_, can I mark the first bug as duplicate of the second? it has a better description of the problem...12:12
ogra_(only has run 11 tests indeed)12:12
didrocksogra_: I bet if you wait a little bit… :p12:12
ogra_Ursinha, go ahead12:12
didrockswe really need to work on boot speed at some point…12:13
didrocksor at least, boot feedback12:13
Ursinhadidrocks, +1 yes please12:14
didrockswaow, indicators \o/12:14
didrocksshowing up content this time :)12:14
Ursinhathis image feels much better than the previous, thanks everyone :)12:14
* davmor2 paints the right hand side of didrocks screen green so he loses the bet :D12:14
didrocksUrsinha: not done yet, we need to wait for the test results and dogfood before promoting :)12:15
didrocksdavmor2: rohhh12:15
Ursinhadidrocks, I was actually talking about marking the bug as duplicate, hehe12:15
didrocksand ensuring that the maguro issue isn't a new one12:15
didrocksheh :)12:15
* didrocks reboots12:15
didrocksand hope for no /var/crash/*unity8*12:16
davmor2didrocks: right 26 is waking from deep sleep moving onto r2712:16
* didrocks waits on davmor2's phone explosion due to Mir :)12:16
didrocksand reboots -> nothing in /var/crash12:16
didrockspopey: can you start dogfooding image 31 please?12:17
didrocksso that once we have the test results, we don't block on that12:17
popeydidrocks: sure thing12:17
davmor2didrocks: it's a maguro it hates mir at the best of time, sneeze in the wrong direction and the fb gets touched and you have to remove the battery to fix it12:17
didrocksdavmor2: well, at least, you can remove the battery in it :)12:18
didrockscan't say the same for other devices. /me looks at his mako12:18
didrocksdavmor2: so, we can say that Mir is using *all* functionalities of your phone :)12:18
davmor2didrocks: on the n4 and n5 you get minute long power button press to fix the universe though right :D12:19
didrocksyeah, I had to find that the hard way :)12:19
didrockspsivaa: hum, is it because it's running that we end up in that state? http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/31:20131126.1:20131126/5117/12:23
psivaadidrocks: we have one issue of network connection failing to become active on maguro soon after the installation, rerunning it again to see12:23
didrocksok :)12:23
didrocksI like asking a question and getting the exact answer 2s later!12:24
didrocksthis is "pre-emptive question answering" :)12:24
=== MacSlow_ is now known as MacSlow|lunch
psivaadpm: still working on it but most probably i would wait for fginther to sort that out (adding ppa' packages for core app MP)12:29
psivaadoes not look that straight forward12:29
dpmok, thanks psivaa12:29
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrocksdavmor2: you are flashing image 27? /me still crosses finger we have the guilty guy :)12:36
davmor2didrocks: 27 just finished I'm just waiting for it sleep now12:37
ogra_why do you wait12:37
ogra_just press power to put it to sleep12:37
ogra_its not like it behaves any different between auto/manual sleep12:38
davmor2ogra_: because I'm QA I ran three tests for 26 so I'm running the same three for 27 for comparison :P12:38
ogra_heh, k12:38
davmor2didrocks, ogra_ : and bingo dead screen till touched12:39
* didrocks is loaded12:39
* didrocks goes to #ubuntu-unity12:39
ogra_asi said ... Mir12:39
didrocksok, so not an image 31 blocker12:39
didrocks(for promotion)12:39
didrocksas latest promoted image already has it12:40
didrocksnow, let's get the right team fixing it :)12:40
ogra_thats the changeset in question12:40
didrocksogra_: clearly click-apparmor's fault :)12:40
ogra_yeah, lets blame jdstrand12:40
didrocksdavmor2: ogra_: mind putting that information (with the link as well between the images) on the bug?12:41
davmor2ogra_: power button test only works if I leave it for a minute, for me if I press the power button so it sleeps then press it again it wakes.  so not sure if there are 2 levels on power button press for sleep going on12:41
didrocksah, better to get the description with the full rationale so that they don't close it with "can't reproduce"12:42
davmor2added the tests and results12:44
* didrocks targets Mir12:45
didrocksthanks davmor2, ogra_12:45
Ursinhadidrocks, ogra_, all: if you touch a bug today that you know the image number when it was spotted, please tag the bug as such12:53
ogra_Ursinha, probably add that to the mail thread too12:53
didrocksyeah, adding to the tread with an example, that would be nice12:53
Ursinhaogra_, I will, am currently updating the Avengers page to have these instructions12:53
ogra_would be good if we could set up a wikipage "Touch/bugPolicies" or some such, once we're done with discussiong it12:54
Ursinhaogra_, oh yeah :)12:54
Ursinhawe have to, emails disappear hehe12:54
Ursinhaand it's ubuntu policy to document processes using wiki pages12:54
ogra_obviously :)12:54
* ogra_ is still 100% sure we had such a mail 12:54
davmor2ogra_, didrocks: right installing r31 now I'm going to keep an eye out for the issues with wifi/gsm and indicator displacement12:57
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, an additional confirmation won't hurt :)12:58
didrocksso, as tests are running and it's the only thing we are waiting on for promoting, let's get some exercise while it's still time13:02
didrockspsivaa: all waiting on you now :-)13:02
didrocks(seeing that maguro passed installed and friends, nice!)13:03
psivaadidrocks: ok, the failed one has come alright, and the rest are also going fine.13:04
psivaadidrocks: to have that all tests completed might take some time due to the running time :)13:04
didrockspsivaa: 2h30?13:05
didrocksor maybe 3 for maguro?13:05
psivaadidrocks: roughly, if everything goes well without reruns13:05
didrocksI have all the time needed for running my 15 kms then!13:05
didrockssee you around guys13:05
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: http://goo.gl/DStLaS
popeyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK8nRvf2yAU anyone else get this popup when searching?13:09
popeyI have seen it on other images, so not a regression in #3113:09
didrockspopey: you are asking for trouble as well :)13:12
popeyI am? oh good.13:12
didrockspopey: but yeah, seeing it if I reproduce what you are doing, worth a bug IMHO :)13:12
didrockscome on, launching a search, switching scope13:13
didrocksknowing how resilient we are :)13:13
didrockshey rsalveti13:13
popeywell, i started searching then realised I was on the wrong scope13:13
popeyso swiped and saw the popup13:13
popeybut didn't reproduce it till today13:13
didrockspopey: oh, so that's not your twisted mind? :)13:13
ogra_popey, yes, i see that since forever13:14
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
popeyogra_: bug 125508913:20
ubot5bug 1255089 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Search results popup appears mid-swipe between scopes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125508913:20
rsalvetiogra_> pressing the power button leaves me with a black screen ... then touching the screen immediately switches it on13:20
ogra_popey, confirmed13:20
rsalvetiogra_: is that when charging?13:20
ogra_rsalveti, nope13:20
ogra_rsalveti, all the time13:21
rsalvetiogra_: weird, with 31?13:21
rsalvetiprobably a unity/mir related issue13:21
ogra_maguro only13:21
rsalvetido we have a bug for it already?13:21
ogra_triaged and all13:21
rsalveticool, mind pasting the number?13:22
rsalvetimaybe I can just check Ursinha's nice report13:22
Ursinharsalveti, let me upload the updated version13:22
rsalvetiUrsinha: Last updated in Nov. 25, 2013, 11 p.m :-)13:22
rsalvetiUrsinha: yeah13:22
ogra_rsalveti, bug 1255045 ... a perfect example how small changesets due to more frequent image builds help massively13:22
ubot5bug 1255045 in mir (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125504513:22
rsalvetiogra_: yeah13:22
Ursinharsalveti, done13:22
ogra_rsalveti, that would have taken us a day with a twice as big changeset ... but since only Mir and apparmor chaged it was easy to identify13:23
rsalvetiogra_: cool13:23
rsalvetiUrsinha: thanks, add that a cron, at every 5 minutes :-)13:23
Ursinharsalveti, it's in the TODO list, life is happening fast today and still didn't have the time to set this up :)13:24
rsalvetiUrsinha: haha, right :-)13:25
Ursinhacool, that bug is at the very top of the list :)13:25
rsalvetididrocks: ogra_: just added phablet-tools to the landing pipeline, please let me know if you need any extra info before moving it to the landing plan13:27
ogra_k, i'll take care that it lands on the landing plan13:28
davmor2ogra_, didrocks: Wifi/gsm issue seems to still be in place on a fresh install of r3113:55
davmor2ogra_: so I just enabled wifi and now I have gsm too13:56
rsalvetihm, in theory that was fixed with 3213:57
rsalvetibut yeah, just flashed 31 with -b, no signal13:58
davmor2rsalveti: I'd say not then ;)13:58
rsalvetiat least the keyboard issue is fixed13:59
rsalvetithe loud sound issue :-)13:59
davmor2ogra_: on a plus side the indicators are back in sync13:59
ogra_since r3013:59
rsalvetididrocks: ^14:00
ogra_he knows :)14:00
Ursinhadidrocks, ogra_, that "GSM not working because wifi is disabled" problem is a regression? it's still happening on r31, I believe that's expected?14:00
rsalvetiit's not14:00
ogra_its not14:00
Ursinhanot expected or not a regression? :)14:00
ogra_and yes, it is a regression vs r10 which was the last good one we published14:01
rsalvetibug 125273714:01
ubot5bug 1252737 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "[regression] Ubuntu touch cannot get GSM signal if not joined to a WLAN network" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125273714:01
* Ursinha tags the bug accordingly14:01
davmor2Ursinha: no it was meant  to be fixed that's why I specifically looked for it14:01
rsalvetiseems didrocks created the workaround14:01
Ursinhaogra_, do we know the image where the problem started? or it's somewhere between 11 and twenty-something?14:02
UrsinhaI see there's r24 in the bug14:03
rsalvetiUrsinha: seems a change in telepathy-mission-control-5 that caused it14:04
rsalvetinew version was uploaded at nov 13, by seb12814:04
rsalvetiso it's probably around that date14:05
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Ursinhadon't forget tagging the bug "regression"14:05
ogra_Ursinha, we had some unbootable and heavily broken images between 20 and 2514:08
ogra_iirc 26 was the next usable one14:08
Ursinha:/ I see14:08
davmor2ogra_: so are you going back to landing update twice daily?14:10
ogra_davmor2, you mean image builds ?14:10
davmor2ogra_: yeah sorry14:10
ogra_davmor2, wel, sounds like the infrastructure can cope with a build every 8h14:11
ogra_so yes, i would like to switch cron on and have the builds automatic again14:11
ogra_back to back14:11
davmor2ogra_: the system might I'm not sure I can though :D14:12
ogra_you dont need to test every build14:12
ogra_in the future i would even like us to go to an image every 2h14:12
ogra_but thats only after we have the infra to copy with that14:12
davmor2ogra_: haha14:12
ogra_davmor2, what you should test are the images that look good on the dashboard14:13
ogra_not just blindly every image14:13
davmor2ogra_: No blindly is more fun you find way more bugs that way ;)14:13
UrsinhaI have to agree with davmor2 :)14:16
ogra_well, as you like14:17
ogra_but you wont be able to test them all :)14:17
davmor2ogra_: says you :P14:17
ogra_well, we want to also catch th bugs that only show up after i.e. 10h usage14:18
davmor2ogra_: No the reason I'm asking is so I can update each morning and run tests etc based on that daily image etc14:19
ogra_right, you can still do that ... but will miss some builds once we go to a faster frequency14:19
davmor2ogra_: yeah it's just nice to know that if there is a major breakage I might get a working phone again latter that day which means I can leave it in the broken state and ensure that updates/fresh flash still work :)14:22
fginthersil2100, can you review: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/add-unity-voice/+merge/19663314:23
fgintherdpm, question about the reminders-app dependencies, how are those dependencies being updated to the PPA?14:25
dpmhi fginther, thanks for coming back to me on this. For authentication-plugin-evernote, it's built on a daily recipe, for signon-plugin-oauth2, it was a one-off build from a branch, so that we could use it for testing. It's on the pipeline for landing in Trusty, so it will soon not be needed, but I'd like to see if we can keep it in the PPA for the reminders-app developers who are not yet on trusty14:27
fgintherdpm, would it be possible to add a raring package?14:28
fgintherdpm, for all of the core apps, we've been building raring, saucy, and trusty14:29
fgintherdpm, if raring is a no go, we can drop it, but it's a nice to have14:29
sil2100fginther: yes! Looking!14:29
dpmfginther, sure, I think it shouldn't be a problem. The account plugin should not be a problem in terms of dependencies, I'll just need to check for signon-plugin-oauth214:29
sil2100fginther: oh, unity-voice is back? :)14:30
fgintherdpm, I noticed that signon-plugin-oauth2 didn't build for i386/saucy14:30
fgintherin the ppa14:30
fginthersil2100, it was requested by pete woods14:30
sil2100fginther: I remember we had it in the past, but IIRC it was removed because it was just a fallback in the past14:30
sil2100fginther: ok!14:30
sil2100fginther: approving14:30
fginthersil2100, thanks14:30
dpmfginther, hm, let me check. I'm using that package on saucy now14:31
psivaadidrocks: ogra_: sil2100: not sure if messaging app test failure is on the radar, looks to have started on r29.14:31
ogra_ah, thats bad14:31
* ogra_ didnt notice them due to being distracted by all that other stuff 14:31
psivaathe same with me :(14:32
sil2100fginther: while we're at such things: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scopes-api/enable_unity-scopes-api/+merge/19672414:32
dpmfginther, looking here it seems it built? -> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+recipe/account-plugin-evernote-daily14:33
sil2100fginther: could you review as well? :)14:33
dpmfginther, sorry, wrong package14:33
fgintherdpm, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+build/523466614:34
fginthersil2100, looking14:34
sergiusensfginther, I can't seem to get any of these guys online http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/label/saucy/?14:40
dpmfginther, no idea why the build failed for signon-plugin-oauth2-daily i386/saucy, as there appears to be no build log. In any case, I've requested builds for raring now, and a new build for signon-plugin-oauth2-daily i386/saucy14:46
fginthersil2100, I think you selected the wrong target for that MP14:46
fgintherdpm, thanks, I'll have the job config updated shortly to add the ppa14:46
fginthersergiusens, looking14:47
dpmawesome, thanks fginther!14:47
sil2100fginther: oh shit, how is that possible ;/14:51
sil2100fginther: aargh!14:51
sil2100fginther: ok, I think all this context switching just makes me go bonkers ;)14:51
sil2100fginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/enable_unity-scopes-api/+merge/196729 <- here please!14:53
didrocksrsalveti: ack on phablet-flash14:59
sergiusensfginther, fwiw I can't get new click apps built until that is fixed15:06
cjohnstonsergiusens: we are in a meeting, what can I attempt to help you with15:07
sergiusenscjohnston, none of these come up http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/label/saucy/?15:08
cjohnstonthe nodes I assume?15:08
fginthersergiusens, ack, there's something broken with the libvirt connections15:09
fginthersergiusens, the pieces are working, but jenkins can't talk to it for some reason15:10
awe_didrocks, ping15:13
cjohnstonawe_: he's also in a meeting15:13
awe_ah, ok15:13
didrocksawe_: pong15:14
didrocksawe_: yeah, I'm lost why the dummy workaround worked for popey and I15:14
didrocksand not for other it seems15:14
awe_dummy workaround?15:14
awe_you mean the GSM/Wi-Fi bug?15:15
awe_didrocks, ping me when you're done with your meeting15:15
didrocksawe_: right, I tried that (while pinging upstream to get the real fix): http://launchpadlibrarian.net/157638860/telepathy-mission-control-5_1%3A5.16.0-1ubuntu1_1%3A5.16.0-1ubuntu2.diff.gz15:16
dpmfginther, re: reminders-app again, I'm trying to figure out why signon-plugin-oauth2 i386/saucy cannot be uploaded to the PPA, but after trying to build raring packages, it looks like both (signon-plugin-oauth2, account-plugin-evernote) have dependencies not available on raring. Rather than spending too much time on getting those dependencies backported to raring on the PPA, I think for now it might be best to just drop raring packages from the Jenkins15:17
dpm reminders-app jobs, what do you think?15:17
awe_didrocks, the Wi-Fi portion of the bug has nothing to do with it15:17
awe_didrocks, apparently the settings changed, so telepathy-ofono doesn't activate the modem automatically15:17
fgintherdpm, that's acceptable, we'll just drop the raring build15:18
didrocksawe_: yeah, and it doesn't pick when you set it to false at reboot15:18
awe_my guess is that when WiFi is activated NM onlines the modem15:18
dpmok, thanks fginther15:18
didrocksawe_: hence my patch?15:18
didrocksto ignore again the connection15:18
awe_yea, it seems like the inverse of what should happen, but if that's what tiago told us to change, +115:19
awe_I've never really looked too deeply at the telepathy code15:19
awe_didrocks, that said, just read tiago's latest comment, so it's a bit clearer now15:21
didrocksone sec :)15:22
rsalvetididrocks: your patch didn't fix it15:23
rsalvetijust flash 31 with -b and you'll see :-)15:23
didrocksawe_: oh, the correct value is set during startup15:24
rsalvetiit'll be off-line after boot15:24
ogra_rsalveti, it was a dummy patch :P15:24
didrocksrsalveti: well, I installed my package and popey confirmed as well…15:24
didrocksbut ok, not sure what happens, so, let's take upstream patch15:24
didrocksseb128: are you doing it or want me?15:24
seb128didrocks, I can do it15:25
robotfuelretoaded: ping15:25
didrocksseb128: please :)15:25
seb128didrocks, doing ;-)15:25
seb128didrocks, yw!15:25
retoadedrobotfuel, pong15:25
awe_didrocks, hey so my original ping was about an email I sent awhile back about the ofono bug list, and how I get permission to assign bugs, change importance, ...15:25
rsalvetididrocks: right, but did you remove all your nm connections and rebooted?15:26
awe_I've been working on cleaning up the bug list, and my abilities are a bit limited15:26
didrocksrsalveti: well, I stopped wifi15:26
robotfuelretoaded: the systems that m-jenkins was running tests on don't seem to have dns names15:26
didrocksand rebooted15:26
robotfuelretoaded: like ps-intel-300015:26
rsalvetididrocks: so it might have half-fixed the issue15:26
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, seems so15:27
awe_didrocks, did you read tiago's latest comment?15:27
didrocksawe_: in the downstream bugs?15:27
awe_ofono (Ubuntu)15:27
didrocksawe_: hum, I need to find who can now subscribe you to the right team15:27
robotfuelretoaded: unless cobbler needs to be updated to ps-intel-3000.ubuntu-ci?15:27
didrocksawe_: looking for it, will ping you back (probably tomorrow)15:27
retoadedrobotfuel, are you talking about the system itself doesn't have the correct hostname because it resolves in DNS for me.15:28
robotfuelretoaded: maybe I read the logs incorrectly http://m-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/nexuiz-benchmark-trusty-ps-nvidia-gt440-le-xmir/19/console15:31
retoadedrobotfuel, reading thru the output now. Also need to check in on the cobbler instance on m-jenkins.15:39
retoadedrobotfuel, it appears that cobbler wasn't reconfigured to work with the hosting server's new IP address. that has been resolved and it is functioning now.15:51
robotfuelretoaded: \o/ thanks!!15:52
retoadedrobotfuel, rerun one of the tests and let me know if it fails15:52
robotfuelretoaded: will do thanks15:56
dpmfginther, re:reminders-app PPA dependencies signon-plugin-oauth2 is now built for all arches, so I think we're good to go to drop raring from the reminders-app Jenkins jobs and to add the core apps PPA to the Jenkins set up. Let me know if that's all you need or if I can do anything else on my side15:59
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: http://goo.gl/DStLaS
fgintherpsivaa, Can you review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/reminders-app-deps/+merge/19674116:04
psivaafginther: 1 sec16:04
fgintherpsivaa, wait 1 moment, I forgot something16:05
psivaafginther: ack16:05
doanacrobotfuel, retoaded: let me know how that test works. I suspect the job will still be broken. I don't think UTAH and cobbler are going to work when the cobbler server is located on another physical machine16:05
retoadeddoanac, they were originally (and still are) pointed at a cobbler instance on m-jenkins16:06
doanacretoaded: correct. utah expected a cobbler to be running locally16:08
doanacif we point at a remote IP its going to fail for a new different reason16:08
retoadeddoanac, it is running locally; it was running prior to the tests but was still configured with the old IP (I wasn't looking for a cobbler instance on m-jenkins so it didn't get changed) addresses so I changed it to the correct IP.16:10
doanacretoaded: oh. so the cobbler instance on that host is still going to work?16:10
doanacie - it doesn't have to point at cobbler.ubuntu-ci?16:11
fgintherdpm, should be ready soon, then I'll rebuild that job that failed.16:11
retoadeddoanac, it will work on that host much like it did before. It just gets away from centralizing everything.16:12
doanacah - that's good news.16:12
dpmperfect, thanks fginther16:12
psivaafginther: let me know when you want me to review the MP for that16:17
fgintherpsivaa, I have it updated now: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/reminders-app-deps/+merge/19674116:18
robotfuelretoaded:  doanac fence_cdu -a "" has probably changed?16:21
robotfuelretoaded: doanac it's still failing...16:21
retoadedrobotfuel, most definitely.16:21
psivaafginther: approved16:23
doanacrobotfuel, retoaded: i think i need to make a utah sqllite db change for that. let me take a look16:23
retoadedrobotfuel, give me  a little bit and I can track down the new IPs and port names/numbers16:23
doanacretoaded: share that ip with me and I'll try and update utah16:23
retoadeddoanac, ack. you'll probably wind up needing it for all of the MIR systems correct?16:24
robotfuelretoaded: yes16:24
balloonssergiusens, how did the landings go for file manager, calendar, and rssreader?16:26
sergiusensballoons, they didn't, read above about the builders not working ( fginther was dealing with it)16:27
balloonssergiusens, ack, ty16:27
sergiusensballoons, I'll keep you posted16:28
didrockspsivaa: thanks for relaunching notes-app :)16:42
psivaadidrocks: that was plars actually :), sorry got distracted. still looking at what might have caused the messaging app regression16:43
plarsdidrocks: I'm happy to see the crash got fixed16:43
plarsdidrocks: trying to get the numbers a bit better16:43
psivaaplars: not sure you've noticed, messaging app has a regression starting from image 2916:44
psivaaon mako16:44
plarspsivaa: yes, it looks like it added a test too16:45
psivaaplars: the failure looks like something related to uitoolkit but the uitoolkit new package landed only with image 3016:47
didrocksthanks plars!16:49
didrocksplars: yeah ;)16:49
didrockspsivaa: what regression on messaging app?16:49
didrocksonly the tests?16:49
psivaadidrocks: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/31:20131126.1:20131126/5115/messaging-app-autopilot/529644/16:50
psivaai dont see no change in ui-toolkit neither in AP between image 28 and 2916:52
psivaaneither in messaging16:52
psivaas/i dont see no/i dont see any16:52
plarsdidrocks, psivaa: maguro doesn't run that test16:53
plarsmaguro only runs 1 autopilot test, I guess the others are skipped for maguro16:53
psivaaplars: on maguro those connected tests are intentionally skipped16:53
psivaaplars: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/messaging-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/messaging_app/tests/test_messaging.py#L3916:54
psivaathe reason is interesting :)16:54
didrocksplars: I wonder if it's a flacky one16:58
plarsdidrocks: apparently it caused unity crashes?16:58
didrocksyeah, something for jfunk_'s team ^16:58
didrocksfor maguro16:58
didrockswell, it's a bug that should be referenced16:58
didrocksbfiller: do you know about it? ^16:59
plarsapparently pitti added that?16:59
didrocksplars: notes-app seem to be blocked17:00
bfillerdidrocks: I don't know about tat17:00
plarsdidrocks: I think notes-app is stuck on mako, it's about to timeout17:00
didrocksplars: yeah, can we retry retry retry it? :)17:01
plarsdidrocks: yes17:01
didrockscyphermox: kenvandine: robru: joining?17:01
plarsballoons: do you know who's looking at the calendar app fixes? http://q-jenkins:8080/job/trusty-touch-mako-smoke-calendar-app-autopilot/17:10
balloonsplars, in a meeting, sorry. but new fixes are intending to land asap17:11
plarsballoons: cool, would be nice to see them working again :)17:12
balloonsplars, indeed. fixes for fm and rss reader are on tap too17:13
didrocksogra_: tell me whenever you are free17:16
fginthersergiusens, the VMs are working again, can you retrigger those jobs?17:18
sergiusensfginther, thanks, let me check17:21
rsalvetididrocks: ogra_: can we spin another image now that the telephony-mission fix is in place?17:22
didrocksrsalveti: I was waiting on talking to ogra_ for that, but yeah, +117:22
ogra_rsalveti, if didrocks doesnt wait for anything else17:22
didrocksrsalveti: don't want to spoil my talk to ogra_ but basically, the plan is:17:23
ogra_didrocks, we're almost done with this meeting, i'll swap over17:23
didrocks- promote #3117:23
didrocks- promote #32 during my night if the test results are good17:23
ogra_oh, you are already done with the call ?17:24
* ogra_ sees an empty hangout17:24
ogra_didrocks, lets leave the promotion for tomorrow morning17:24
ogra_(of r32)17:25
didrocksogra_: coming in the hangout17:25
didrockseasier to talk :)17:25
robrudidrocks, ugh, sorry for missing the meeting, seems my alarm didn't go off :-/17:26
didrocksrobru: you can sync with ken17:27
kenvandinejust did :)17:38
rsalvetiI'd just trigger 32 and see if we can promote it later today17:39
rsalvetishould be as good as 31 and with the telephony-mission issue fixued17:39
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, ogra_ is still going to promote 31 meanwhile, it's still better than 2817:41
didrocksfor 32, I think ogra_ wants to wait tomorrow morning (EU time)17:42
didrocksso that we have more dogfooding17:42
ogra_get some more dofooder feedback17:42
rsalvetiright, that's fine17:42
rsalvetigo for it17:42
didrocksogra_: email sent FYI17:43
ogra_promotion running ...17:43
ogra_(takes a few mins)17:43
didrockswell, time for launchpad to treat the mail in the ML queue :)17:43
=== greyback is now known as greyback|away
ogra_=== Image r32 building ===17:46
Ursinhaogra_, alright :D17:49
jdstranddidrocks: hey, I've not been upgrading my phone cause of the gsm issue. if I upgrade to 31, will the workaround give me phone if I have to reboot while I am away from wifi?17:55
* jdstrand doesn't want to get in a situation where there is an emergency and can't make the call17:56
jdstrandthe way I understand the telephony workaround, it should, but I'd like confirmation17:56
didrocksjdstrand: depends, seems that 32 will really fix it, my workaround only fixed it for me and popey17:57
didrocksjdstrand: so better for you to wait on 3217:57
jdstrandhmm, ok17:57
jdstrandI'm not sure how it would be instrumented, but a test case for gsm after reboot would be a good thing :)17:58
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doanacrobotfuel: i got the CDU information for the mir job. I'm going to create a one-off test to see if things work now18:40
robotfueldoanac: ack18:41
fginthersergiusens, is the click app building working now?18:41
doanacretoaded: can you make me a jenkins admin on m-jenkins?18:41
robotfueldoanac: you are now18:45
sergiusensfginther, yes, triggered them a couple minutes ago, seems to build fine now18:48
doanacrobotfuel: it failed on first run. i've got to dig around into configs to figure out what's missing. i'll let you know once its sorted out18:51
slangasekev: bug #123543618:58
ubot5bug 1235436 in apport (Ubuntu) "/etc/init/apport-noui.conf is non-functional on the phone" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123543618:58
* ev nods18:59
robotfuelfginther: ping19:27
fgintherrobotfuel, hey19:27
robotfuelfginther: I have a new project I need to build in CI what node should I use? (qtpim-opensource-src) it's the contacts for the platform api19:28
fgintherrobotfuel, is that a launchpad project?19:30
fgintheroh looks git-ish19:31
robotfuelfginther: yeah it's from git19:31
robotfuelapt-get source qtpim-opensource-src is the way do get it currently19:31
fgintherrobotfuel, I have some questions, can you do a hangout?19:33
robotfuelfginther: sure19:33
robotfuelfginther: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpi7bt2fmhvtj786qguphs60?authuser=0&hl=en19:34
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
doanacrobotfuel: ps-nvidia-gt440-le is now working with a basic utah job: http://m-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/tmp-andy-xmir/5/consoleFull20:26
doanaci didn't try your test or preseed.20:26
doanacand I think ps-nvidia-gt440-le  is going to be working also: http://m-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/tmp-andy-xmir/6/console20:27
doanaci'll start on all the others now20:27
robotfueldoanac: thanks, it should work now I'll kick off a build on ps-nvidia-gt440-le20:27
doanacrobotfuel: hold of on gt440 i'm finishing a job on that20:28
robotfueldoanac: ok20:28
doanacrobotfuel: gt440 is ready now20:32
doanacrobotfuel: ps-nvidia-310 http://m-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/tmp-andy-xmir/8/console is working20:45
rsalvetiogra_: popey: another bug which is probably a regression 125381021:44
rsalvetibug 125381021:44
ubot5bug 1253810 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Messages in Incoming not always display the correct date and content" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125381021:44
popeyrsalveti: yeah, not seen that before21:49
vilarsalveti: I've seen that for quite some time but only the indications area21:54
rsalvetiyeah, seems to happen only in the indicator21:55
rsalvetiI'm able to reproduce it easily today though21:55
rsalvetireceived 10 sms, got the issue 4 times21:55
rsalvetithe timestamp is also quite interesting21:55
vilarsalveti: great. Mentioning it so you don't focus on recent changes, it's a shy but old one ;)21:56
vilarsalveti: epoch ?21:56
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: http://goo.gl/DStLaS
rsalvetiwell, why would it be 00:00 Jan 0121:56
rsalvetilet me test with mup21:56
Ursinhaand in mine it's 3 hours before (21PM 31 Dec)21:56
Ursinhaas my phone is set to brazilian timezone21:57
Ursinha(it should be -2 but well)21:57
vilaUrsinha: you lag :-p21:58
rsalvetithe timestamp and the order is fine in the messaging app21:59
Ursinhayes, it's only in the indicator area21:59
vilarsalveti: yeah, I thought I had dreamed the first few times21:59
Ursinhaall the 98 times that happened to me I checked21:59
cjohnstonvila: shouldn't you be in bed? :-P22:00
vilarsalveti: by the way, what needs to be backed up to preserve those messages ?22:00
vilacjohnston: yeah, I should ;)22:01
* cjohnston pulls vila's internet22:01
vilacjohnston: .shhhhhhh, <mutter> not so loud, my ISP's modem/infra is quite... susceptible these days </mutter>22:02
rsalvetivila: not sure22:02
rsalvetibut yeah, message from ofono is correct, so is the one in the messaging app22:02
rsalvetiindeed a bug in the indicator22:03
rsalvetibut don't know how to dump the info contained in there22:03
vilarsalveti: is this the kind of test you're working on (I've heard you were working on some but no details :-})22:03
rsalvetivila: we're working on adding a few test cases for ofono22:04
rsalvetiwhich would not help much in this case22:04
vilarsalveti: even as a way to provide inputs to the messaging app ?22:05
vilarsalveti: I have a rather flexible view about tests ;)22:05
rsalvetivila: well, that can already be done with the ofono phonesim, which pitti was working on22:05
rsalvetilike simulating a bunch of sms messages22:06
balloonssergiusens, rssreader works fine for me22:06
rsalvetimight be indeed a good thing to add22:06
vilarsalveti: ha, right, that ! That's what I wasn't sure who was working on22:06
dobeyfginther: ping22:06
balloonssergiusens, I did get the errors with file manager. I guess the non-tablet layout is different enough to cause it to be failing for some reason (or the app has a bug in non-tablet form)22:06
fgintherdobey, pong22:07
vilarsalveti: so if pitti hears about that, the bug should be worried ;)22:07
dobeyfginther: hey. have a question about versioning wrt moving a project to daily-releases off trunk, and not sure what to do about it22:07
fgintherdobey, I can try to help22:08
rsalvetivila: yeah :-)22:08
fgintherdobey, what's the project?22:09
dobeyfginther: as we were previously doing our releases as tarballs, and off a stable branch that we cherry-picked changes into for the release, the trunk version was always higher than the release versions. to avoid having to bump it all the time (and not knowing that we would have to change our releases process and be subsumed into UE), the versions on our trunks were bumped to 99.12, so that nightlies would always be newer, and 22:09
dobeyfginther: but we don't want to use "99.12" as the version for actual releases into ubuntu, so if we're going to daily-release it, we need to make it sensible. is there anything i can do to force and upgrade, that doesn't require an epoch, that you know of? or should i just not worry about upgrading for people who were using the previous nightlies PPA (and subsequently, remove these projects from being built in that PPA)22:11
fgintherdobey, thinking...22:12
fgintherdobey, An alternative would be to use the stable branch as the branch consumed by daily-release and continue using the trunk as you do today.22:18
dobeyi don't think we'd want to do that, though22:20
fgintherdobey, but to directly answer your question, apt upgrades only work when the version is higher, so you would need an epoch to go from 99.X to 1.Y22:20
dobeyseems like that would make things more complex22:21
fgintherdobey, how many users are using the PPA?22:21
fgintherif the answer is "lots" it's going to be hard to ignore upgrading them22:22
sergiusensballoons, it is rather different, yes22:22
sergiusensballoons, if rssreader works fine for you, I'll push to the store and get popey to review when he's avail22:23
popeyI am available22:23
balloonsa wild popey appears!22:23
sergiusensballoons, one improvement on that one would be to add something like the notes app so it doesn't go out to the network (localhost in test server)22:23
dobeyfginther: no idea22:23
balloonsyes, that is an open bug and a point of much discussion sergiusens22:23
balloonsthomi is actually looking at it22:24
dobeyfginther: for ubuntuone-credentials it probably doesn't much matter, as it's not really useful outside the phone image right now22:24
balloonswe want to remove external servers from all the tests22:24
sergiusensballoons, oh, goodie :-)22:25
fgintherdobey, for that, I agree, an upgrade path from the PPA to the release doesn't sound necessary22:26
sergiusenspopey, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/155/changerequest/22:26
sergiusenspopey, also notice that the changelogs are working now :-)22:26
dobeyfginther: ubuntuone-client-data is of slightly more concern, as other things use it as well22:27
popeydone that one22:27
dobeyfginther: yeah, i'm more wondering about upgrading from this PPA to the daily-release PPA, for example22:27
dobeyfginther: we clearly don't support upgrades from the nightlies PPA to release, already. nor to the beta/stable PPAs we have22:27
fgintherdobey, in that case, I personally wouldn't have much concern. The daily-release PPA packages are copied to the archive, so upgrading to the PPA would be the same as upgrading to the release22:31
fgintherdobey, I recommend talking to didrocks, he understands the package versioning nuances much better then I22:32
dobeysure. i probably do too. just needed to vent it to someone who understands the CI/daily-release stuff, so i can have a better idea of what i need to do. and you're around :)22:34
fgintherdobey, no problem22:35
dobeyis there any standard practice for bumpting the versions in a daily-release project? such as bumpting to the target ubuntu release version when the new cycle starts and CI is transitioned to manage trunk on it?22:42
dobeyor does everyone just do "0.1" as a version now, and just rely on daily-release appending the datestamp and such?22:42
fgintherdobey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/InlinePackaging22:43
fgintherdobey, looks like just a "dch -i"22:43
fgintherBump the version number one minor version, a la x.y.z+1-0ubuntu122:43
dobeybut dch -i would just make that be 0ubuntu222:45
dobeyand in-line packaging shouldn't have 0ubuntu1 at all22:45
dobeysince they are native packages22:45
fgintherdobey, sorry, I got ahead of myself. the real instruction is to just update the minor version22:45
fgintherdobey, I can't argue the native, non-native point. It may just be for historical purposes22:49
dobeyfginther: but that page seems to also only deal with initial setup, and not ongoing maintenance. ie, if my package is version 0.1 now, what should i change it to in 6 months for the next version of ubuntu?22:49
fgintherdobey, looking for the specific documentation, ll of the daily release docs are here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/22:51
dobeyfginther: right. i'm presuming there isn't any documentation about this, as the currently daily-released packages don't seem to have any real consistency there :-/22:52
fgintherdobey, I think more specific info is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#Versionning_scheme22:53
dobeyfginther: and that seems to be about the content that is appended to the upstream version, rather than maintaining the upstream version number itself22:54
dobeywell, "dpkg -l|grep 13.10" certainly shows a very wide range of version numbers :-/22:56
fgintherdobey, why wouldn't it? Every upstream has it's own version history, these aren't reset just to apply daily-release22:58
fgintherdobey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/MovingNewRelease#Diverging_.22trunk.22_and_a_.22maintenance.22_branch discusses more specifically creating a maintainence branch, but it also gets into the gory details of updating the daily-release configuration22:59
fgintherin general, a maintenance branch is created when the release transition takes place, naming is up to the upstream team itself but most use 'lp:foo/saucy' or 'lp:foo/13.10'23:00
popeyi seem to be able to reboot my phone by running alsamixer23:01
popeyoof, ubuntu-bug reboots phone too23:01
popeythis seems very broken23:01
dobeyfginther: right, but i'm not asking about creating maintenance branches23:02
dobeyfginther: i'm talking specifically about updating the version number in trunk, after the maintenance branch has been created, and focus has moved to the new development version of ubuntu23:03
dobeyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libappindicator for example shows libappindicator has been 12.10.1 since raring, and was 12.10.0 in quantal23:06
Kaleorobru, can we get a release of the toolkit again? :)23:07
dobeyseems like best practice would be to match the upstream version to the targeted ubuntu version23:07
Kaleorobru, it fixes critical regression https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/125488823:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1254888 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "keyboard no longer rotates when app rotates" [Undecided,New]23:08
fgintherdobey, AIUI, daily-release doesn't care about the upstream version, it should continue to be maintained as needed by the upstream team23:08
dobeyfginther: right. but i'd expect there to be some clear recommendation of what people should do, when their project is on daily release. instead the practice seems to be "switch to daily release and never bother touching the version number again" :-/23:09
dobeyjust found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I.27m_bumping_the_upstream_version.2C_what_should_I_do.3F which doesn't really answer either, and advises some other bad behavior23:11
dobeymaybe i'll just ping didrocks in the morning and complain and we can get it fixed and have a sane recommendation, and hopefully get people to follow it23:11
fgintherdobey, sorry I can't be of much help23:12
dobeyno worries23:14
dobeythanks :)23:14
fgintherdobey, good luck :-)23:14
dobeytime for me to get off the computer anyway. later :)23:14

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