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vats_monroehi guys i need some help03:36
vats_monroeI was just at the ubuntu help channel but ir seems they ran out of ideas so can i pop a question03:36
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pittiGood morning05:57
pittipas les gens ici aujourd'hui :(08:51
didrocksnon, personne08:51
didrocksces slackers!08:51
* pitti donne une accolade à didrocks, bonjour !08:51
* didrocks donne une accolade en retour à pitti :)08:52
didrocksah, speaking of slackers, hey seb128!08:52
* seb128 yawns, where is my coffee?08:52
seb128didrocks, hey08:52
didrocksseb128: sorry to bother you before your coffee, but will you be upset if we disable use-conn by default for now?08:53
didrocks(as it was before you update it)08:53
didrocksthere are two mission-control bugs:08:53
seb128what is use-conn?08:53
pittibonjour seb12808:53
seb128what is "it"?08:53
didrocksseb128: it == mission-control08:53
seb128what's the issue?08:53
didrockssee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-ofono/+bug/125273708:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1252737 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "[regression] Ubuntu touch cannot get GSM signal if not joined to a WLAN network" [Critical,Confirmed]08:54
didrocksbasically, it seems to be linked to this use-conn gsettings key set to true (it was set to false because)08:54
didrocksbut even if you set it to false, it works on the current session08:54
didrocksbut if you reboot, the settings change isn't picked08:54
didrocks(another bug referenced in the bug)08:54
didrocksso I did a dummy patch for now and plan to get it tested/upload it: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/157638155/telepathy-mission-control-5_1%3A5.16.0-1ubuntu1_1%3A5.16.0-1ubuntu2~ppa1.diff.gz08:55
didrocksdo you agree with this? ^ (take some minutes to catchup)08:55
seb128didrocks, do whatever change you need, at the condition that you open upstream bug reports for your issues08:56
seb128that change seems fine to me08:56
didrocksseb128: yeah, there is one for not picking the key, on the other one, I need to dive more with phonefundations first08:57
didrocksso that we know about the direct cause->consequence08:57
didrocksseb128: thanks! :)08:57
seb128yw, sorry that the update created issues08:58
didrocksseb128: well, TBH, very very hard to get08:58
seb128btw if you need help the #telepathy guys are nice08:58
didrocksseb128: but it will be nice to have an integration test for that08:58
didrocksseb128: yeah, I tried to ping cassidy, but I guess he's sleeping still :)08:58
seb128smcv is the main is the main maintainer for that code I think08:59
seb128he's the one who did what looks like the recent changes08:59
seb128e.g http://cgit.freedesktop.org/telepathy/telepathy-mission-control/commit/?id=e6974e3dac274982dedcb5451106473dea3294fd08:59
seb128though cassidy reviewed it08:59
didrockshence the ping, better when you know people09:00
ubot2Freedesktop bug 72003 in mission-control "use-conn setting not working correctly" [Normal,New]09:00
seb128I guess that's the bug you were refering to earlier?09:00
Laneygooood morning09:01
seb128Laney, good morning! how are you?09:02
didrocksseb128: right09:02
didrocksthat's only the second part of it09:02
didrocksas the first is to understand why use-conn = true prevents GSM being on09:03
Laneyseb128: chilly but good thanks09:03
seb128it has been freezing this night09:03
pittila première neige ici09:06
Laneyyeah I was out on my bike last night09:06
pittiLaney: me too; full winter equipment now :(09:06
pittithick gloves, cap, scarf, and an extra pullover09:06
Laneygot some overshoes for the first time this year, they are quite helpful09:08
didrocksseb128: oh, in case you didn't notice, indicators are in09:18
didrocksthanks to cyphermox :)09:18
seb128didrocks, yeah, I noticed, thanks ;-)09:18
seb128seems like the e-d-s/samba/libav transition is still in proposed though09:18
Laneyseb128: you could process https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmediafactory/+bug/1254011 to help that09:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1254011 in libomxil-components (Ubuntu) "remove from ubuntu archive - never in debian, no upstream ports to libav9 / dead upstream" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:30
seb128Laney, xnox: done09:35
xnoxthanks \o/09:37
darkxstLaney, hey09:48
darkxstis the gjs with autopkg tests SRU'able to saucy?09:49
Laneyprobably not worth it09:50
LaneyI don't think they're run09:50
darkxstLaney, saucy never got the final release of gjs]09:52
darkxstso there are a bunch of bug fixes in there as well09:53
Laneyoh something other than the tests09:53
LaneyI see, then it should be doable09:53
darkxstLaney, right, but should I just leave the tests in there, or strip them out?09:54
LaneyI think the SRU team would probably prefer it to be minimal09:54
Laneyso just the upstream bump and packaging changes needed for that09:54
seb128Laney, xnox: so, what's missing now in the transition? e.g why are evolution-mapi and tb on the unhappy list?10:03
Mirvpitti: any connection possibly with "./configure: line 1951: config.log: Permission denied" and not yet having the 2.5.1 autopkgtest release fix? http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-dbus-test-runner/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/6/console10:03
Mirvpsivaa: ^10:03
pittiMirv: yes, ignore it please10:03
pittiMirv: I'll retry the three recently failed tests as soon as autopkgtest 2.5.1 is in10:03
xnoxseb128: the security update of thunderbird got copied up, which did an override of my "| new-abi" package dep.10:03
Mirvpitti: ok, thanks!10:03
psivaaMirv: thanks10:03
seb128xnox, :-(10:03
LaneyI don't think mapi is unhappy, but tb lost the change10:04
seb128Laney, why is mapi listed then?10:04
Laneybut the change wasn't right anyway, so it's not so bad :-)10:04
pittipsivaa: ^ I'm on it, autopkgtest bug10:04
* seb128 is never going to understand the output page10:04
Laneyit is10:04
Laneylook at Trying easy from autohinter: libebml/1.3.0-2 …10:04
psivaapitti: ack. thank you.10:04
psivaapitti: do you have a bug number for that?10:05
xnoxI only see: fgrun, mytharchive, mythplugins, octave-psychtoolbox-3, psychtoolbox-3-dbg, samba4, samba4-clients, samba4-common-bin, samba4-testsuite, thunderbird-gnome-support, thunderbird-gnome-support-dbg, thunderbird-testsuite, winbind410:05
xnoxwhich is10:05
pittipsivaa: I didn't file one, not sure if someone else did10:05
xnoxfgrun, mytv, psychtoolbox-3, samba4, thunderbird10:05
pittipsivaa: but I'm subscribed to autopkgtest bugs and there was none10:05
psivaapitti: ok, just wanted to know, if you are actively looking into this already that's fine by me10:06
pittipsivaa: yes, fix is uploaded, just waiting for the archive grinders now10:06
pittipsivaa: and I'll restart the tests which failed to that as soon as that happened10:06
pittifailed "due" to that10:06
psivaapitti: great. thank you :)10:06
Laneyxnox: have you looked into any of those (the first three)?10:32
xnoxLaney: myth -> ftbfs, needs "porting" from ffmpeg -> either internal "mythffmepg" or to avconv from libav-tools package.10:35
xnoxLaney: the ftbfs, made fixing hard.10:35
Laneyyou  mean it ftbfs even without the transition?10:35
xnoxLaney: yes. ftbfs in trusty-release.10:35
xnox(errors at configure step =/ )10:36
Laneytold superm1?10:36
xnoxLaney: psychtoolbox-3 wants to start libglew transition, which I'd rather avoid.10:36
xnoxLaney: but i couldn't figure out the route cause why it becomes uninstallable.10:36
xnox(the version that is in -proposed that is)10:37
xnoxLaney: fgrun - no idea / can't remember.10:37
xnoxLaney: no, i haven't contacted superm1 about it.10:37
Laneymight be worth it, maybe a new snapshot helps at least the ftbfs10:40
* Laney looks at fgrun10:43
seb128you guys look at the remaining items in that transition? can I help on anything?10:45
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?10:45
seb128chrisccoulson, did you look at how easy it would be to make tb work with the new eds in trusty?10:45
LaneyI tried to build the psychtoolbox-3 that's in trusty-release and it also fails10:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, not yet. i've not had any time just yet10:47
seb128chrisccoulson, it's one of the few remaining blockers for the e-d-s samba openchanges transition, that's blocking quite a part of the archive in trusty-proposed :/10:48
seb128chrisccoulson, when do you think you are going to have time for it?10:48
chrisccoulsonseb128, will have a quick look this afternoon10:48
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks10:48
seb128chrisccoulson, should we just turn off that code temporary otherwise?10:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, that's probably what i will end up doing ;)10:49
Laneyfgrun works with the patch from the Debian bug10:50
Laneyoh, haha, that's not even libav - it's yet another transition10:51
Laneyentanglement is no fun10:51
Laneymight as well NMU that10:53
mptWellark, do you plan for indicator-network to ship in Ubuntu for PC in 14.04?11:06
seb128mpt, dunno what he plans, but Ubuntu Desktop doesn't plan to take it in the desktop edition11:10
seb128mpt, it's too new/not tested enough/lacking "enterprise features"11:12
Laneyblerg, getting bogged down in transition details in debian11:12
* Laney just uploads to trusty11:12
seb128sil2100, hey11:42
Wellarkmpt: indicator-network will not ship by default on the desktop11:56
mptWellark, 14.10?11:56
Wellarkmpt: 14.10 is so far away12:03
Wellarkwho knows ;)12:03
sil2100seb128: hi!12:03
sil2100seb128: any issues with the package?12:04
sil2100(I assume yes ;) )12:04
Wellarkmpt: but sure. let's aim for indicator-network to be the default for 14.10 and onwards12:04
seb128sil2100, yes, why is it named "unity-scopes" when the Vcs is "unity-scopes-api"12:04
seb128sil2100, the source package I mean12:04
Wellarkfully converged12:04
sil2100Oooh, ok, that's a bug12:04
seb128sil2100, didn't we say upstream sources and Ubuntu package names need to be identical?12:05
sil2100seb128: I'll rename it to unity-scopes-api12:05
seb128sil2100, thanks12:05
seb128sil2100, otherwise it looks good (packaging, licenses, etc)12:05
seb128sil2100, good work ;-)12:05
sil2100Thank you! Soon maybe I'll be able to do a packaging review without leaving out any of the important parts ;p12:06
seb128sil2100, your packages are mostly good nowadays, that one is not even a blocker for the archive ... it's just a naming inconsistency, which is probably good to resolve before upload12:10
didrockswell, cu2d won't like it otherwise :)12:12
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Laneyseb128: do you think we can remove psychtoolbox-3 from proposed so I can upload an older version?13:01
LaneyI got one based on trusty-release which builds13:02
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seb128Laney, (back from lunch) Does that work with launchpad, publishing an older version in proposed?13:16
seb128ok, let me remove the current one then13:17
Laneymeans we won't be able to have the same version again though13:17
Laneyso can't sync it in the future13:17
Laneynot a big issue imo13:17
seb128indeed not13:17
seb128why is the new version problematic?13:17
Laneyglew transition13:17
Laneyrequires one13:17
seb128oh, yet another transition13:17
seb128great :p13:17
Laneyyeah, leave that one for later ...13:18
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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seb128Laney, done13:20
Laneygreat, ty13:21
=== ara_ is now known as ara
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jdstrandxnox: regarding tbird: oh, crud, that was me. are you fixing it? if not, let me13:50
Laneyjdstrand: it needs porting, the previous fix was incomplete13:51
Laneychris was going to have a look this afternoon13:52
jdstrandLaney: does that mean it was actually broken before still?13:52
desrtgood morning!13:52
LaneyI didn't try it, but seems likely you'd have had errors at runtime13:52
jdstrandie, 1:24.0+build1-0ubuntu2 was busted13:52
desrtseb128: sanity check.  how long until meeting?13:52
jdstrandwell, I guess you could say I pointed a spotlight at it :)13:53
seb128desrt, hey, 1h3813:53
mlankhorstdesrt: date -u ;)13:53
Laneyyeah, go grab an extra 90 minutes of sleep13:53
desrtnah.  i have to drive to hamilton.  better drive fast :)13:53
Laneymythtv configure fails. Go into the chroot and run the same command. mythtv configure passes.13:55
xnoxjdstrand: don't worry about it. thunderbird does work in trusty, it's borked in trusty-proposed as all things in trusty-proposed should =)13:57
jdstrandok, good14:00
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seb128shotwell migrated their bugs to b.g.o14:24
seb128one nice side effect is that we are going to be able to watch upstream bug from launchpad, since bugzilla is supported where redmine was not14:25
seb128the way they did the import sucks though, they shuffled all comments/history in one chunk of text without formatting, which is really not nice to read :/14:26
seb128e.g https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71924014:27
ubot2Gnome bug 719240 in ux "Publishing dialog can be minimized in Unity" [Normal,New]14:27
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seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst, xorg guys: can you review the xserver-xorg-video-* sync requests in the sponsoring queue and ack/nack those?15:01
seb128syncpackage them if acked btw15:01
=== ara_ is now known as ara
mlankhorstseb128: I want to wait with syncing until we decide on xorg1.15 or not15:10
mlankhorstbut meh fine lets sync15:10
seb128mlankhorst, why? we can do no changes rebuilds for those 10 sources if needed15:10
Laneysyncpackage has an option for sponsnoring15:10
* mlankhorst can always add a buildXXX for a rebuild15:10
Laneydon't forget to use it!15:10
seb128-b <bug> -s <user>15:11
seb128use that15:11
seb128mlankhorst, ^15:11
mlankhorstfine i'll look :P15:12
Laneyxnox: got mythtv to build (ccache fail), now to look for a libav patch I guess ...15:13
xnoxLaney: i think they recommend to use "mythffmpeg", if normal "ffmpeg" binary is not available. But I see plenty of places only looking up "ffmpeg" and not falling back to "mythffmpeg" / "avconv".15:15
Laneyxnox: only the mytharchive plugin has a dependency on ffmpeg15:20
Laneywhere do you see a problem?15:22
sil2100kenvandine: ping!15:26
sil2100kenvandine: can you take a look https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/enable_unity-scopes-api/+merge/196729 ?15:27
kenvandinesil2100, sure15:27
sil2100kenvandine: thanks!15:27
xnoxLaney: well $ grep -e '"ffmpeg"' -e "'ffmpeg'" -r .     bring up plenty of results, most are false positivies, but some are real. The mytharchive itself, seems to use mythffmpeg, so the dependency is errours?15:28
Kaleodist-upgrade from today on trusty and I lost my desk top15:28
Kaleocan somebody help me? typing from phone not convenient15:28
seb128Kaleo, what happens?15:28
Laneyxnox: I didn't look elsewhere in the code :P15:28
seb128Kaleo, is guest session working?15:28
Kaleolightdm starts15:29
xnoxLaney: but e.g. the sql dump (wherever that is used) brings up  at least: MythArchiveFfmpegCmd 'ffmpeg'15:29
Kaleoshows normal screen for split second15:29
Kaleothen black screen with a dialogue15:29
xnoxLaney: which suggests to me that actually it's configured at the moment to use ffmpeg instead of mythffmpeg.15:29
seb128Kaleo, what is the dialog saying?15:29
Kaleo"running in low graphics mode"15:29
Kaleothen I click ok15:29
xnoxLaney: to be honest, I'd drop the dependancy & open a critical bug saying that "if one is using ffmpeg, they should be somehow migrated off it" and to "avconv" or "mythffmpeg"15:30
seb128Kaleo, what video card/driver do you use?15:30
qengho15:30 UTC. Meeting?15:30
Laneyxnox: Will look a bit more after $meeting15:30
Kaleothen ubresponsive dialogue with 4 choices15:30
seb128qengho, yes15:30
KaleoI'm on Intel GPU15:30
xnoxLaney: cause who knowns where/what implies if codec == 'ffmpeg' exec(codec)15:30
seb128Kaleo, my guess is that you install libhybris or something when testing some touch stuff15:30
seb128Kaleo, which is diverting libgl or such15:31
Laneythere's loads of random perl scripts that look like they run ffmpeg and so on15:31
ritzKaleo, I am on trusty, today's update15:31
seb128qengho, Sweetsha1k, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter_, desrt, attente, larsu: hey, it's meeting time15:31
Kaleoseb128: let me check15:31
seb128Kaleo, check /var/log/dpkg.log for new packages installed15:31
seb128desrt, heh, you made it!15:32
seb128let's get started ;-)15:32
seb128qengho, hey15:32
desrtseb128: with lots of time to spare :)15:32
qenghoHey guys.15:32
qengho* UDS last week.  Interest:  1) Webapps.  2) Privacy.15:32
qengho* Prepared new release of chromium-browser for #security. Testing.15:32
qengho* To do: enforce apparmor on the SUID part of chromium. Kind of scary.15:32
mlankhorstsponsoring done, enjoy the non-updates :P15:34
seb128qengho, thanks15:34
seb128Sweetsha1k, hey15:34
seb128no Sweetsha1k?15:35
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:35
mlankhorstUDS, reviewing kernel drm code, sru verification, preparing mesa 10 for debian-experimental and ubuntu (grab it now at ppa:canonical-x/x-staging only required a workaround for a single armhf linker bug!!! :D)15:35
mlankhorstand some sponsoring ;)15:36
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:36
seb128Laney, hey15:37
Laney• vUDS15:37
Laney• Wrangling e-d-s/evolution transition15:37
Laney∘ Still looking into mythtv15:37
Laney• Quite a few merges15:37
Laney• A tough time with webkitgtk. arm64 still sad. Need porterbox please :(15:37
Laney• Couple of small u-s-s merges15:37
Laney∘ Show regulatory-info if there's a plugin available15:37
Laney∘ Fix for some build system / lintian issues15:37
Laney∘ Start looking into charge graph & learning canvas API. There's a resizing bug (rotate your phone to see it) & another problem where if you start u-s-s straight into the battery panel the graph is messed up / doesn't appear...15:37
Laney• Submit AS patches upstream15:37
Laney• GStreamer point release updates15:37
seb128Laney, what AS patches?15:38
Laneyoverrides for vendor extensions15:38
* desrt raises an eyebrow15:38
desrtAS in...15:38
Kaleoseb128: that was not the issue; btw sent you pic by email15:39
* desrt . o O ( one day, i will find out what AS means... )15:39
seb128Laney, I guess I didn't follow that work15:39
seb128desrt, accountsservice15:39
desrtof course.  thanks :)15:39
LaneyI talked about it with some people in oak15:39
Laneyoh haha, I thought you were joking15:39
desrtLaney: link me up to those patches.  i'll take a look to see if i can help.15:40
Laneythink you were subscribed to the bug15:40
* desrt didn't see anything15:40
seb128Laney, I'm interested by the bug number as well, just to know what we are talking about15:41
seb128I followed the vendor work15:41
seb128but not what we need overrides for15:41
* desrt is slightly suspicious15:41
LaneyKind of the same as gsettings overrides15:41
desrti have a feeling that vendor overrides to vendor extensions may not be popular with upstream :)15:42
LaneyIf we're shoving more and more stuff into AS then it probably will be useful at some point15:42
Laneysome OEM team person was going on about it, forgot who15:42
Laneyand yeah, Stef sounded suspicious15:42
desrtLaney: iirc, the way i wrote the accountsservice patch is that it will throw an exception if you don't declare a default value on a property and it's not set, right?15:42
Laneynot sure15:43
desrtmaybe it would be better just to let apps that i want to have the possibility of overrides grab the exception and implement their own mechanism15:43
desrtLaney: i can't imagine i did it any other way... all of the other options would have upset me too much :p15:43
LaneyI mean that I didn't check :-)15:44
* desrt will take a look at the bug if you send a link along15:44
LaneyIt does what you'd expect, but probably with some shitty code and bugs: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7139315:44
ubot2Freedesktop bug 71393 in general "Overrides for vendor extensions" [Normal,Needinfo]15:44
* desrt pictures stefw "...this is what happens when you say yes..."15:45
seb128ok, let's discuss specific details after the meeting if needed15:45
Laneymight want to move on with the meeting15:45
seb128Laney, thanks15:45
seb128desrt, thanks as well15:45
seb128(btw that shows that meetings are useful ;-)15:45
seb128tkamppeter_,  hey15:46
larsuseb128: we already know this meeting is useful ;)15:46
Laneyyeah it stops me having cocktails by the pool for 30 minutes15:46
seb128no tkamppeter_?15:47
seb128desrt, your turn then ;-)15:47
desrtgoing back two weeks, lots of glib bug fixing15:47
desrtincluding finally slaying that ppc test failure issue15:47
desrtturned out to be a bug in valgrind15:47
desrtwe have a patch to work around that that the debian guys are applying.... i don't want to merge it upstream because it would diverge our copy of valgrind.h from the upstream version... so there is a valgrind bug open which is mostly being ignored, meanwhile :/15:48
seb128glib build-depends on valgrind?15:48
desrtit has an in-tree copy of valgrind.h15:48
desrtand this file contains a bug on ppc15:48
desrtbasically, valgrind has these macros to detect if valgrind is running15:49
seb128I see15:49
desrtthat emit magic sequences of machine instructions that would never otherwise be emitted by the compiler15:49
desrtthat valgrind can notice and say "ah!  you must want to talk to me..."15:49
desrtanyway... those instructions are _supposed_ to be no-ops when valgrind isn't running15:49
desrtbut the asm sequence on PPC clobbers the r0 register15:49
desrtwhich can lead to all kinds of problems if r0 was being used to store something important.... like pointers to memory in the slice allocator...15:50
desrtreal party time15:50
desrtcase closed in any case, just have to wait to see what happens upstream15:50
desrtthis week i got a request from the phone guys to improve the story of overrides (noticing a theme here?)15:51
desrtthey want to use dconf for vendors to do lockdown and such.... i'm about to give up and just support that15:51
desrtbut i want to do it properly: overrides in the xdg data dirs, etc.  plus better tools to support compiling databases to install there15:51
desrtas a bit of a side-track when working on that stuff i've been improving test coverage in dconf and generally improving the tools...15:52
desrtincluding adding support that when you give a bad value with gvariant, you get nicer output15:52
desrt[1, 2, 'str']15:52
desrt ^     ^^^^^  like this15:52
larsuand then you abort()15:52
desrtso i did patches for that for gdbus, gsettings, dconf, gapplication commandline tools15:52
desrtlarsu: not on invalid input to commandline tools.... exit(1) is enough :)15:53
desrtanyway... that's all15:53
seb128desrt, thanks15:53
seb128attente, hey15:53
attenteseb128, hey15:53
attentethe past 2 weeks: UDS, IM/keyboard layouts planning, small fixes to i-kb, u-g-m, themes, refactoring the u-s-s language panel code, trying to get the modifier-only input switching ppa merged upstream, starting with compiz15:53
attentecurrently trying to debug a u-g-m crash15:54
larsuattente: as always, let me know if you need help with that15:55
attentelarsu, you really don't like overlay-scrollbars, don't you :P15:55
larsuattente: (a) no; (b) I think I'm done with that; (c) just trying to be nice ;)15:56
larsuoh I forgot: (d) really, no!15:56
seb128attente, thanks ;-)15:57
seb128larsu, your turn15:57
larsuseb128: ok15:57
larsuI actually wasn't terribly productive this last week15:57
larsubeing kind of stuck on the overlay-scrollbar issue15:57
larsuwhich is done as of today15:57
larsu(I think)15:58
desrtdeath to overlay scrollbars!!15:58
larsualso did a few minor changes to the 3.10 update15:58
seb128you manage to get those working as before?15:58
ritzyay !15:58
seb128or did you have to drop animations and stuff on the way?15:58
larsuand a couple of bug fixes in appmenu/messages that people pinged me about15:58
larsuseb128: no, works as before15:58
desrtlong live overlay scrollbars!!15:58
seb128larsu, you are a rockstar15:59
larsuI tried to find the most minimally-intrusive solution15:59
larsuand it's a very small patch now15:59
attenteoh, nice15:59
larsuwhich makes me happy (because I probably didn't break that much(15:59
larsuseb128: well, let's wait...15:59
larsudesrt: bah15:59
* desrt watches larsu minimise his liabilities under the international 'touched it last' convention15:59
larsuyep, just trying to keep bzr blame | grep larsu | wc -l as small as possible16:00
seb128larsu, let me know when you have things to test16:00
desrtlarsu: does that mean we're more or less unblocked on gtk 3.10?16:00
larsuseb128: I'll upload it after the indicator meeting (which starts now)16:00
larsudesrt: yes16:00
larsudesrt: well, there's that install issue on a pbuilder iirc16:00
desrttime to start bothering laney about the new glib, then :)16:00
seb128larsu, thanks16:01
seb128great news16:01
desrtwhich (as i mentioned to him privately) is going to be needed for the dconf stuff (along with new dconf) for the features the phone guys want16:01
seb128ok, so my turn16:01
seb128* vUDS (hosting a track sucks, lot of "being around for session even if not participating to the discussion")16:01
seb128* some desktop merges, updates and bug fixes16:01
seb128* e.u.c triaging/pinging people/opening bugs16:01
seb128* some more thinking/discussions about keyboards/ibus/fcitx16:01
seb128* helped testing new e-d-s and uoa, upstreamed calendar bug, backported upstream fix for it16:01
seb128* some reports/discussions about having traditional menubars for GNOME apps under Unity16:01
seb128* some u-d-s reviews16:01
larsudesrt: have a look at the testsuit/gtk/Makefile.am if you get some time. I think its wrong but didn't have time to investigate yet16:02
seb128* bug triage/trying to find issues we need to solve for the LTS16:02
chrisccoulson* poking chrisccoulson about thunderbird16:02
seb128chrisccoulson, how is that going btw? ;-)16:02
desrtchrisccoulson: nice to have you around these parts a bit more lately :)16:02
chrisccoulsonheh :)16:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, going to look shortly ;)16:02
larsuseb128: ARGH we're reverting to traditional menu bars on GNOME apps?16:02
larsuwhich means... all apps16:02
desrtoh.  i wrote a wiki page about that16:03
desrthttp://wiki.gnome.org/HowDoI/FallbackMenubar has some initial ideas for how this can work16:03
seb128larsu, "all" being like 5 apps we get from GNOME ?16:03
desrthttps://wiki.gnome.org/HowDoI/AlternateMenubarLayout rather16:03
larsuseb128: only gnome apps have overlay scrollbars, no?16:03
seb128Laney, yes, u-s-s16:03
larsuoh, you mean the gnome 3 apps?16:03
seb128larsu, well, what we discuss in Oakland16:04
* desrt coughs16:04
seb128larsu, having traditional menus for e.g evince16:04
seb128gnome-calculator file-roller rhythmbox are on that list16:04
desrtseb128: how far did you get with the calculator?16:04
desrtand did you break it for gnome-shell in the process?16:04
seb128desrt, I've a patch on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71283116:04
ubot2Gnome bug 712831 in general "Should have a standard menubar for non GNOME3 environments" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:04
seb128desrt, https://bug712831.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=26046716:05
seb128desrt, and not that I know16:05
seb128desrt, I did what gedit does16:05
seb128check the xsetting16:05
desrtcheers to gedit devs for being awesome16:05
seb128and display the menubar or the appmenu in function16:05
larsuseb128: right, ignore me. Apparently I can't listen to the indicator meeting and follow this discussion. Sorry!16:05
seb128the upstream bug turned into a flameware/argument though16:05
desrtoh.  people in this bug already discuss my proposal16:06
desrtmaybe i should put some text on the page making it more clear that this is only a proposal16:06
seb128it has been turning into a flameware about GNOME design direction and other desktops16:06
* desrt loves accidentally starting flamewars16:06
seb128https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=705909 also16:07
ubot2Gnome bug 705909 in general "Add headerbar and set that as titlebar" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:07
seb128just for the record, that's how gnome-calculator "new design" looks like under xfce16:07
seb128wm bar, gtkheaderbar, appmenu fallback16:07
seb128anyway, fun discussions yesterday16:08
seb128on that note, we overrun our half a bit16:08
seb128is there any other question/comments/...?16:08
seb128seems not16:09
seb128thanks everyone16:09
desrtseb128: thanks16:09
* desrt adds admonition to the top of his wiki page16:09
ritzdesrt, what is the bit about death to overlay scrollbar ?16:10
desrtritz: nothing, unfortunately16:10
desrtlarsu was having great difficulty upgrading it to work with gtk 3.1016:11
desrtso we thought that maybe we would just drop it16:11
desrtbut then he made it owrk16:11
desrtso it stays16:11
ritzoh, thanks :(16:11
desrtritz: you can always just uninstall it.....16:11
seb128or change the gsettings key to disable them16:11
ritzit is nice for touch screen laptop16:11
ritzon my backup system, which is not touchscreen16:12
ritzseb128, thanks :)16:12
seb128ritz, btw, can you verify the GTK sure in saucy, that's your fix for the folder name ellipsizing16:13
* ritz check16:13
ritzseb128, has been pushed into saucy16:21
seb128ritz, you mean? the SRU is in saucy-proposed and needs to be verified to move to updates16:22
ritzI am an idiot16:23
seb128bah, lightdm hates me16:34
seb128(I was trying to run unity-greeter under valgrind for bug #1255076, but I don't get the bug here so it makes it less useful)16:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255076 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/unity-greeter:*** Error in `/usr/sbin/unity-greeter': free(): invalid pointer: ADDR ***" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125507616:35
seb128did anyone had his greeter not starting/starting in low graphics mode in trusty?16:35
seb128(out of Kaleo)16:35
seb128mterry, hey, you don't know about ^ by any chance?16:35
seb128ok, I'm away for some debugging again and some errands, back in 1h or so16:42
Laneychrisccoulson: what's the right branch for firefox packaging MPs?17:03
Laneyto get into trusty17:03
Laneyfirefox-beta.trusty or lp:firefox?17:04
chrisccoulsonLaney, yeah, lp:firefox17:04
chrisccoulsonLaney, oh, that breaks installability for < 14.04, doesn't it?17:28
Laneychrisccoulson: for zenhei, yeah17:32
Laneyukai had that package in precise17:32
Kaleoanybody working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/1255076 right now?17:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255076 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/unity-greeter:*** Error in `/usr/sbin/unity-greeter': free(): invalid pointer: ADDR ***" [High,Confirmed]17:40
=== greyback is now known as greyback|away
Kaleoseb128, I found it17:52
Kaleoseb128, sudo apt-get remove --purge indicator-datetime17:52
Kaleoseb128, fixes it :)17:53
seb128Kaleo, indicator issue?17:53
seb128Kaleo, haha, I hinted that it might be on the bug :p17:53
seb128Kaleo, did you read that?17:53
seb128so we have an issue than the greeter doesn't deal with buggy indicators17:53
Kaleoseb128, yes, that's why I started testing17:53
seb128and one that the indicator is buggy17:53
Kaleoseb128, removing indicators17:53
seb128Kaleo, thanks for nailing it down17:53
seb128charles_, larsu: ^17:53
happyaronseb128: let's review what attente and I wrote yesterday?17:54
larsuseb128: I'll have a look17:55
larsuseb128: I've pushed a couple of changes into my 3.10 branch (not all issues fixed yet, though) and the overlay-scrollbar ones as well: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/overlay-scrollbar/fix-for-3.1017:56
mterryseb128, you poked me about a unity-greeter crash earlier?  sorry I was afk17:56
larsuseb128: nice and small :)17:56
seb128larsu, thanks17:56
seb128larsu, mterry: basically it seems that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/13.10.0+14.04.20131125-0ubuntu1 has a bug and being buggy takes the greeter down with it17:57
seb128larsu, mterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1255076 is the greeter error, seems an invalid free call17:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255076 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/unity-greeter:*** Error in `/usr/sbin/unity-greeter': free(): invalid pointer: ADDR ***" [High,Confirmed]17:57
larsuseb128: no backtrace though?17:57
seb128happyaron, sure, give me a few minutes to catch up with pings and stuff ... can you give me the url?17:58
seb128Kaleo, did you get infos on the datetime issue? is the indicator segfaulting/triggering an apport report?17:58
Kaleoseb128, not really no17:58
Kaleoseb128, just trying to get back to my work :)17:58
seb128Kaleo, ok, don't worry17:58
happyaronseb128: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1TLj9I9DWFK7zwbI_veIt_RA5YX76e1k-ORgzVwkBL5U/edit?usp=sharing17:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
seb128Kaleo, that's what you get for running proposed btw :p17:59
happyaronattente: around?17:59
Kaleoseb128, tssss17:59
Kaleoseb128, people uploading without testing?17:59
Kaleoseb128, you mean? :)17:59
seb128Kaleo, but thanks for taking the bullet for the team ;-)17:59
attentehappyaron, yep, i'm here17:59
seb128larsu, no bt that I can tell, can you sanity check the recent changes to the indicator in case you see an issue in there?18:02
seb128mterry, did you manage to reproduce the bug?18:03
seb128or just happening to timeout?18:03
mterryseb128, just timing out  :)18:03
mterryseb128, I haven't looked at the bug yet, been busy18:03
seb128k, no worry18:03
mterryseb128, I can look at it shortly18:03
seb128mterry, yeah, no hurry (yet)18:03
seb128that version of the indicator is stucked in proposed with the e-d-s samba libav transitions atm18:04
seb128we aim at unblocking those soon but I doubt it's going to happen today, we are going to need at least a tb upload before that happens18:04
seb128chrisccoulson keeps saying he's going to look at it and he would say that if he was not going to do it18:05
seb128chrisccoulson, right? ;-)18:05
larsuseb128: sure18:05
LaneyI like this strategy of getting someone to do work18:05
seb128Laney, shush, don't ruin my subtle move :p18:05
LaneyI was afraid someone didn't notice :P18:05
Laneyit was so discreet after all18:05
seb128ok, let me try to reproduce that greeter issue (assuming lightdm 1.9 stops screwing user switching for me)18:06
seb128it's easy to reproduce18:07
larsuseb128: I have a candidate of where it might be. Do you have a bt for me?18:07
seb128larsu, going to in a minute, let me get the dbgsym and unpack the apport info18:08
larsuthanks, that way I don't have to :)18:09
seb128larsu, mterry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6480184/18:09
larsuseb128: ah, that's the memory leak fix I did18:11
larsulet's just revert that!18:11
seb128larsu, wfm, can you proposed the revert and I can test the fix/confirm it's resolving it?18:12
larsuseb128: I'm kidding18:12
larsuyou don't want _that_ bug again18:13
seb128larsu, you lost me :p I though maybe you had a buggy fix over-freeing things ;-)18:13
larsuseb128: heh, no. It's because of the fix I did for the u-p-s leaking all the memory when using the gimp18:14
larsunow that we're freeing the widget, something inside the widget gets freed twice18:14
larsuor something uninitialized gets passed into free()18:14
larsueither way, I'm on it18:15
larsuthanks for the bt18:15
seb128oh, ok, I see ... I was going to say, the GTK fix was not buggy (at least we SRUed and didn't get new reports)18:15
seb128larsu, thanks18:15
Kaleoand please test your stuff.18:15
seb128larsu, btw that's what happens when you run indicators in process and not through u-p-s :p18:16
seb128larsu, an indicator gets a bug and your greeter is down letting you with no system18:16
larsuseb128: I'm fairly sure that this is a bug in the widget, not in the indicator18:17
seb128larsu, well, same difference...18:18
seb128larsu, btw, scrollbars work great \o/18:18
seb128nice job!18:18
mterryseb128, I got disconnected again!  Did you see my question / comment about datetime?18:19
seb128mterry, no18:19
mterry<mterry> seb128, did anything precede this?18:20
mterry<mterry> seb128, looks like a bug in the indicator code18:20
mterry<mterry> seb128, datetime18:20
seb128mterry, right, unping, it's a segfault in the indicator, but since those are loading in process in u-g (e.g we don't have unity-panel-service protecting it) it's taking the greeter down with it18:20
mterryseb128, I hate my irc connection, I miss all the fun stuff18:21
happyaronLaney: can you have a look at bug 1173571 again? it needs someone to make the change into trusty seeds.18:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1173571 in Ubuntu Seeds "please change wenquanyi micro hei back with 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117357118:21
seb128mterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1255076/comments/618:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255076 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/unity-greeter:*** Error in `/usr/sbin/unity-greeter': free(): invalid pointer: ADDR ***" [High,Confirmed]18:21
seb128mterry, that's the bt18:21
larsumterry: I'm on it, though ;)18:21
mterryyay for larsu!18:22
seb128happyaron, attente: sorry, I had to deal with the trusty unity-greeter stuff, looking at the ibus/fcitx summary now18:22
happyaronnp, :)18:23
happyaronmterry: what would need to be done on getting fonts-droid's MIR complete?18:23
happyaronsorry, fonts-android18:23
seb128happyaron, can you give me permission to comment on the document?18:23
mterryhappyaron, it needs to be seeded18:23
mterryhappyaron, the MIR is done.  It just needs to actually be added to Ubuntu now18:24
happyaronseb128: shared again, attente gave edit permission to your @ubuntu.com address yesterday.18:24
attenteis editing not enough for commenting?18:24
happyaronmterry: I see, thanks.18:24
mterryhappyaron, I think there was a seed change proposal filed.  It just hasn't been reviewed/approved yet18:25
happyaronattente: perhaps he doesn't have @ubuntu.com address connected to google?18:25
seb128attente, I guess it is, I don't have an account @ubuntu.com though, mine is a canonical one ... that's confusing with google drive, not sure why it lists one that is not valid18:25
seb128happyaron, ^18:25
happyaronmterry: yup, that's what I pinged Laney for18:25
attenteseb128, you should be able to edit with your canonical one too18:25
seb128attente, it's working now18:26
seb128attente, happyaron: comment spamming you guys :p18:30
seb128attente, happyaron: done with my first reading/comments spam :p18:38
attentethanks seb12818:39
happyaronseb128: commenting back, :)18:41
larsuseb128: how do you reproduce this problem? Does it crash right at the start?18:41
seb128happyaron, I see, it's almost as fun as IRC :p18:41
seb128larsu, yes, I reproduced by trying to switch user, Kaleo gets it on boot18:42
Kaleolarsu, just upgrade to trusty-proposed :)18:44
seb128happyaron, attente: if I want to test fcitx, what binaries should I install?18:54
happyaronseb128: apt-get install fcitx fcitx-libpinyin && im-config -n fcitx, then re-login.18:54
seb128happyaron, thanks18:55
larsuseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ido/lp1255076/+merge/19677118:56
larsuseb128: gotta run now. Hope this works for you ;)18:56
larsuhave a nice evening!18:56
seb128larsu, thanks again, have a good evening, you made my day!18:57
larsuooh did I?18:57
seb128larsu, I'm not going to comment on your taking 10 days to write 10 lines of code on the scrollbars :p18:57
larsuawesome :)18:57
seb128"it's only code" :p18:57
* seb128 hugs larsu18:57
* larsu slaps seb12818:58
seb128larsu, I'm glad you find a solution with such a small diff, I was getting concerned it would end up being a rewrite18:58
larsuseb128: ya, that's what I was getting tangled up in at first18:58
larsuwhich is why it took that long18:58
larsubut it only led to madness18:58
seb128larsu, anyway, the solution combined with it being that small patch made my day, enjoy your evening!19:00
larsuseb128: thanks, you too!19:00
seb128cyphermox, we need an ido upload as soon as https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ido/lp1255076/+merge/196771 get merged, can we make that happen through CI or do we better do a manual upload and merge back?19:01
seb128cyphermox, the current indicator-datetime is going unity-greeter down through this bug, which leads to "no way to log in" for users of the new indicator version (it's only in trusty-proposed atm but we can't count on that to remain true and some users get the update from the ppa/proposed)19:02
happyaronattente: can you comment on seb12819:06
attenteseb128 is a fine young man?19:06
happyaron... his question on adding features to indicator-keyboard19:06
cyphermoxhow is that ido fix related to indicator-datetime?19:12
seb128cyphermox, ido provides the calendar widget19:13
cyphermoxI don't know why you're getting that, indicator-datetime was just fine here19:13
seb128cyphermox, I'm not the only one, it's the most reported issue today on e.u.c for trusty19:14
seb128cyphermox, I don't know why you are not getting that, did you try to go the greeter since you installed the update?19:14
cyphermoxhpw can it be if it's still in proposed?19:14
cyphermoxwell anyway, we need to wait for the merge..19:14
seb128cyphermox, I guess most trusty users run the daily build ppa or proposed19:14
seb128cyphermox, well, most reported = 10 reports19:15
cyphermoxwhen specifically told not to?19:15
seb128we don't have that many reports19:15
seb128cyphermox, what version are you running? ;-)19:15
seb128that's why you don't see the issue :p19:15
cyphermoxdoesn't mean I install packages from proposed willy nilly19:15
seb128well, anyway, if the indicator updates migrate to trusty, users are going to be unhappy19:16
seb128so let's avoid that19:16
* seb128 tries the fix, that might take my session down, brb19:16
* cyphermox kicks jenkins19:16
seb128how lovely, it didn't screw my session and I could confirm the fix!19:17
seb128larsu, cyphermox, Kaleo: ido fix confirmed to work ;-)19:17
Kaleoseb128, BRILLIANT19:18
Kaleoseb128, are we hardening the greeter?19:18
seb128Kaleo, I doubt it, we are planning to replace that one by the qt version, we should think about that for the new one19:19
seb128Kaleo, the switch might happen this cycle, so we are probably not going to spend much effort on the old codebase19:19
Kaleoseb128, cool19:19
Kaleoseb128, and by qt you mean QML of course right?19:20
seb128Kaleo, correct19:22
Kaleoseb128, thanks for your quick and efficient feedback on the bug19:22
seb128Kaleo, it's a variant of the phone greeter19:22
Kaleoseb128, it's refreshin19:22
seb128Kaleo, yw ;-)19:22
Kaleoseb128, same code base?19:22
Kaleoseb128, (it should be the same code base)19:23
seb128Kaleo, yes, though we might not be fully converged this cycle19:23
Kaleoseb128, oki doki19:23
* Kaleo is fully converged19:23
* Kaleo works with desktop, laptop, tv, phones and tablet19:23
seb128We hope to get there as well ;-)19:24
seb128cyphermox, ido fix merged19:27
cyphermoxkicked off a build just now19:28
seb128cyphermox, thanks!19:28
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: what does "merged" means for xorg? e.g where are http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2013-November/039228.html merged (they don't seem to be in the xserver git line) ... also, can we get those fixes backported to trusty?19:38
seb128ChrisTownsend, ^ hey, just for info19:38
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: that's needed for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/117134219:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1171342 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "mouse scroll wheel not working in gedit & System Monitor" [Medium,Triaged]19:38
ChrisTownsendseb128: Hey, yeah, thanks.  I guess you saw I tried those patches on my test machine and they fix the issue(s).19:39
seb128ChrisTownsend, yes, thanks for testing those! I'm glad that's fixed for the LTS19:39
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah, me too.  Any chance for Saucy SRU?19:39
seb128chrisccoulson, let's wait to get some trusty feedback to make sure there are no regressions first, then why not19:40
seb128ChrisTownsend, ^19:40
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry :p19:40
ChrisTownsendlol, ok, sure, sounds good.19:40
tjaaltonseb128: input stuff is first merged in peter's tree, then via a pull request to git master/stable19:52
seb128tjaalton, ok, that explains it, thanks19:52
seb128tjaalton, can we get those commits backported? ;-)19:52
tjaaltonadded a tag so it's at least on our radar19:53
larsuseb128: awesome :)19:57
robert_ancellseb128, still around?20:04
seb128robert_ancell, hey, but just going for dinner, I'm back in ~30 min20:04
robert_ancellseb128, np20:04
seb128so feel free to ask/wait for that20:05
robert_ancellseb128, what appears to be happening in your case is you're switching to a user who has xfce configured as their session but you appear to have uninstalled xfce. LightDM then is not correctly handling the failure case20:24
robert_ancellbut I'd like to confirm you have xfce.desktop missing20:24
seb128robert_ancell, hey, I though about that this morning, that's another bug I think (I happened to test xfce yesterday for gtkheaderbar support in non gnome-shell environements)20:34
seb128robert_ancell, I can get another log if you want by just opening/closing a guest session20:35
seb128robert_ancell, am I the only one to get the issue with guest sessions, really? ;-)20:35
robert_ancellI haven't updated to trusty yet, I will check later today20:36
seb128robert_ancell, did you try to start a few of those/go back to your user/start again?20:36
seb128but you are running 1.9?20:36
robert_ancellNot right at the moment, but I was at one point20:38
seb128robert_ancell, ok, let's see if you get the issue once you upgrade, it seems to be only me so far so maybe it's a local issue ... or maybe I'm the only one running trusty and using guest session regularly ;-)20:39
robert_ancellit's probably the latter!20:40
seb128though I looked at the commit log and didn't stop any obvious candidate commit for the issue :/20:41
robert_ancellno, me neither20:42
robert_ancellseb128, so regarding the g-s-d schemas - we need to split those into a separate package then - gnome-settings-daemon-schemas?20:42
seb128cyphermox, how is the ido landing going?20:42
robert_ancellI'm not sure that upstream does consider them a stable API though20:43
seb128robert_ancell, is there any divergence at the moment ?20:43
robert_ancelljust we need them separately packages20:43
seb128if they have the same content20:44
seb128oh, I see what you mean20:44
seb128I was still set on you suggesting renaming the keys20:45
seb128yeah, having a separate binary seems fine20:45
robert_ancellseb128, you were against renaming right?20:47
seb128robert_ancell, "were"? still are yes :p20:49
robert_ancellwere and are and always will be :)20:49
seb128I would make g-s-d and u-s-s conflict and let GNOME remix decide which one they want to use...20:50
robert_ancellnah, that's lame20:53
seb128robert_ancell, let's say it's suboptimal20:57
seb128but renaming is non trivial and has side effects20:57
seb128which means it has a cost for us and most of our users20:58
seb128robert_ancell, well, anyway, what part of the renaming are we arguing about?21:00
robert_ancellseb128, the schemas21:00
seb128we think we can rename most files, share the dbus service and schemas?21:00
robert_ancellthat's what I'm trying21:00
seb128ok, that seems fine to me21:01
seb128we can think more about the schemas issue if it turns out to be an issue in practice21:01
seb128but I think it's not going to be that much of an issue21:01
seb128robert_ancell, do you have an opinion on the naming?21:02
robert_ancellseb128, I think it might be a future issue, but we should try just sharing the schemas for now and check closely what upstream does21:02
seb128right, +1 on that21:02
robert_ancellWe might just be able to keep the schemas patched with old keys if necessary21:02
seb128what about the g-s-d binary itself?21:02
robert_ancellI think the renamed one should work fine21:03
seb128we can't give the name to the GNOME remix guys21:03
seb128do we keep it?21:03
robert_ancellI don't want to have two packages containing the same files. That's ugly21:03
robert_ancellwhich name?21:03
seb128or do we do e.g ubuntu-system-daemon and gnome-system-daemon-stock21:03
seb128(doh, ubuntu-system-settings namespace colision :p)21:04
robert_ancellwe should leave the gnome one unchanged21:04
seb128we can't21:04
seb128that would screw upgrades for unity users21:04
seb128the upgrader/apt would insist on pulling in the GNOME version21:04
seb128we need a transition for the lts, then we can rename back if we want21:05
seb128like a dummy depending on new-name-ubuntu | new-name-gnome21:05
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robert_ancellwhy would it? Wouldn't the thing that provides unity.desktop just depend on the new settings daemon21:05
seb128because you use precise and have gnome-settings-daemon installed21:06
seb128and you upgrade and apt is going to want to upgrade that package21:06
seb128it's not going to be easy to teach it to uninstall it to install ubuntu-settings-daemon21:06
seb128you can try but I bet money that you are going to get all sort of upgrade weirdness reports21:07
seb128history is not on your side in any case ;-)21:07
seb128(we had cases like that and we did end up doing the rename and dummy solution)21:07
robert_ancellseb128, it doesn't matter if you have g-s-d installed - we wont be using it21:07
seb128well, it's a bit suboptimal to have it staying around then21:08
seb128you also need to ensure you get u-s-d installed21:08
seb128that makes we want system images for desktop btw...21:09
robert_ancellseb128, yes, system images makes this all a lot easier21:10
robert_ancellseb128, there's always left behind packages on upgrade. You have to do an apt-get autoremove to get rid of them21:10
seb128robert_ancell, well, in any case, we can test it your way first and change if needed. It's really an issue if both packages conflicts and apt has to pick one, I guess we can make it work with cases where g-s-d is a leftover there, it stills feels wrong, but it's not so much of an issue either...21:11
seb128robert_ancell, did you want more review/testing from me? With vUDS and other topics ongoing I didn't manage to look at your work yet, I just replied to the email21:12
robert_ancellseb128, I've been away so nothing more to report yet21:13
seb128well, I don't know if you wanted a review on the current vcs work21:13
seb128I still plan to try that, I just didn't manage to do it yet21:13
seb128robert_ancell, g-s-d renaming seems doable in any case, g-c-c is a bit less easy due to the gnome-desktop depends21:16
seb128one step at the time I guess...21:16
seb128I wonder if we can just add back the old functions/apis to gnome-desktop under another namespace21:17
seb128to carry them over until we stop needed those21:17
seb128robert_ancell, btw, do you still read upstream gnome-calculator bugs?21:19
robert_ancellyes :)21:19
robert_ancellhaving fun there?21:19
seb128robert_ancell, yeah, I'm done though21:20
seb128robert_ancell, I blame you for letting them take over an age old project and destroy it...21:20
robert_ancellI think we just have to carry patches for things like that - long term it doesn't matter and short term it's not too hard to patch21:20
seb128well, it just means those apps are going to stop being used out of GNOME21:21
seb128I don't care much for us, this cycle/LTS is not an issue21:21
robert_ancellthat's the direction that's occurring anyway21:21
seb128then we are going to replace them21:21
seb128but it still feels like that most app developers didn't think about that21:21
robert_ancellthe concept of a general "free desktop app" is pretty much dead21:21
seb128they go "oh, nice, GNOME integration"21:21
seb128I went to the same conclusion21:21
seb128the same way that iOS and android need different version of your apps, the different "linux desktops" are going to need different versions21:22
robert_ancelldevelopers used to try and maximise users, but now they're focussing on platforms. Which makes better apps for those platforms so I'm not opposed to the concept21:22
seb128yeah, me neither21:22
seb128I'm just not sure app dev who are porting their app to the new GNOME look realize that21:23
seb128well, atm most of those ports are GNOME core components21:23
seb128it's going to be less obvious for apps out of gnome.org21:23
seb128e.g what pidgin, inkscape, shotwell (though those moved to gnome infra), etc are going to do21:24
robert_ancellI suspect the big players like inkscape will support multiple platforms with priority given to user base21:24
robert_ancellthese projects already tend to support windows anyway21:24
seb128ok, moving to the TV, might be back in a bit with the laptop if I get bored ;-)21:28
seb128see you tomorrow otherwise21:28
rsalvetilarsu: confirmed bug 1253810, not sure if only a problem in the indicator though21:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1253810 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Messages in Incoming not always display the correct date and content" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125381021:44
larsursalveti: interesting. I'll have a look, thanks21:45
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