
rsalvetihey, seems ubuntu-ui-toolkit is published at launchpad but rmadison is not finding it (and it was migrated from proposed more than one hour ago)05:24
Mirvthe ui-toolkit does not show here in queuebot either btw05:25
rsalvetiseems the new version just disappeared05:26
Mirvthe binaries are there too http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/05:26
rsalvetiMirv: seems it was finally migrated05:27
Mirvrsalveti: wow, now...05:27
rsalvetiweird, took quite a while05:27
Mirveh, interesting05:27
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cjwatsonrsalveti,Mirv: I don't know what was up there; it was pushed to mirrors just before 04:11 UTC (which is a reasonable/expected delay from the publication record flipping to Published state); nothing out of the ordinary that I can see in archive-reports mail09:29
cjwatson(which is the bit that syncs things to snakefruit for things like rmadison)09:29
Mirvcould someone kick rebuild on arm64 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart-app-launch/0.3+14.04.20131126-0ubuntu1 now that dbus-test-runner is in proposed as well?10:04
Mirvthere's also an autopkgtest failure but it's related to autopkgtest itself and pitti will rerun the test soon enough now that the 2.5.1 was uploaded10:05
Laneydone, but depwaits like that will get cleared automatically10:05
Mirvthanks. if it's not a heavy poll, maybe the delay could be closer to the amount of wait when waiting for eg. publisher run.10:08
didrockscjwatson, Laney: sorry for my ignorance, but I'm unsure how to read that in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt10:43
didrockstrying: upstart-app-launch10:43
didrocksaccepted: upstart-app-launch10:43
didrocksthen, I guess it's autopkgtests result10:43
cjwatsonwell that means it's been accepted ...10:44
cjwatsonI don't understand the question10:44
didrockscjwatson: oh, there is no "apparently successful"10:44
Laneyautopkgtest is another package which got accepted10:44
cjwatsonyes there is10:44
cjwatsonApparently successful10:44
cjwatsonfinal: autopkgtest,upstart-app-launch10:44
didrocksyeah, this is way lower10:44
cjwatsonyes, as usual10:44
didrockshum, never noticed it was in 2 pass10:45
cjwatsonAFAICS there's nothing out of the ordinary here10:45
didrocksso, the "Apparently successful" is for "final: " which is following it?10:45
cjwatsonthere's a branch pending review to clarify the whitespace10:46
didrocksoh, learnt something today, I was obviously misreading it for month :)10:46
didrocksthanks cjwatson10:46
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* stgraber does an SRU run19:16
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