
rick_h_waf: you check out termbeamer yet?00:09
wafi can't guarantee that the interviewee will be a linux user00:44
rick_h_waf: ah, didn't realize it was interviewy01:06
rick_h_waf: we use it for work sometimes. Do a hangout with that for editor/shell01:06
wafoh, um, yeah. i didn't mention that in here.01:06
wafaw, no arch aur love for termbeamer01:15
wafi'll keep an eye out for it though01:15
cmaloneygamerchick02: Do you have options outside of Comcast?03:19
cmaloneybecause if you do you might want to mention them to Comcast.03:19
gamerchick02yeah. AT&T but that's not an option because i need a stupid phone line03:41
gamerchick02i'll figure it tomorrow. going to bed03:42
greg-gphotos of me with glasses! https://identi.ca/greg05:54
rick_h_anyone on stable firefox?12:30
rick_h_greg-g: pic looks good, I had to go glasses a few years ago. Just couldn't use my font size I wanted without them and the headaches when spending too much sign trying to parse blurry text12:31
jjessewahoo my Samsung S4 on Tmobile is downloading a software package :)13:08
rick_h_jjesse: woot13:11
jjessethat seems pretty big13:12
rick_h_yea, kitkat was a large update13:12
rick_h_I didn't see the size, but took a while to download over the wifi.13:12
brouschgeez, that seems huge13:16
jjessethats what she said?13:16
brouschcyanogenmod is under 200MB13:16
rick_h_brousch: but doesn't include the google apps and such13:16
brouschcyanogenmod is 175MB, gapps is 85MB13:17
brouschSo kitkat is still 2x bigger13:17
rick_h_anyone on stable FF around and willing to do a quick test for me on the bookie extension?13:29
brouschI can try it on windows13:33
rick_h_brousch: the test is to see if you can click on the B icon in the popup when you hit the extension13:35
rick_h_brousch: and does it open up a tab to your bookmarks13:36
rick_h_another user is saying they can't click it as it won't do anything. They do show it hovers and shows the url thuogh13:36
rick_h_I'm wondering if it works for me since I'm on nightly vs stable13:36
brouschwhat add-on am i looking for?13:36
brouschHm, doesn't show up if I search for "bookie" in add-ons13:37
rick_h_brousch: no, it's not reviewed yet13:37
rick_h_it's about a 4wk backlog to get reviewed before it'll show in search13:38
brouschHm, I don't even get the B anywhere that I can see13:41
brouschI'm on FF 22.013:41
brouschIt might be the Enterprise Stable FF13:43
rick_h_brousch: so in the bottom of the window should be the add-on bar13:44
rick_h_brousch: and on the far right a little B icon to open the bookie extension13:44
brouschah, it is there13:44
rick_h_the B icon in the popup only has the right url after you setup config13:44
rick_h_because it reads your username from the config13:45
brouschI click it once and get the "Add Bookmark" form, then clicking the B in that form goes to bmark.us/brousch13:45
rick_h_lol, ok interesting13:46
brouschSeems like good behavior to me13:46
rick_h_oh, so it loaded it in a new tab?13:46
rick_h_I read that as in the popup itself navigated13:46
brouschOpens a new tab to bmark.us/brousch13:47
rick_h_cool, that's good then. What it's meant to do.13:47
brouschAnd the new tab opens in FF even though Chrome is my default browser, so that's good13:48
rick_h_thanks for testing it out brousch13:49
rick_h_I guess it's something off in the guy's setup13:49
jjessewow that update took a long time to download14:16
rick_h_you go novell, attach that dropbox lol http://paste.mitechie.com/show/AgDVLlb9cdws2Lgst1iU/14:22
jjessethis is something I work w/ every day14:22
jjessepreventing ePHI from leaving the custoemrs network14:22
rick_h_good luck!14:23
jjessehospitals are terrible :)14:23
cmaloneyGood morning14:28
jjesseso i don't htink i got kitkat?  about phone after reboot still shows android version 4.3 so i wonder what i just downloaded of 780mb14:46
brouschvideo ads pre-loaded on your phone14:46
rick_h_"welcome to your new boot animation movie, with relevent ads to you. you'll want to reboot your phone all day long"14:47
jjesseargh here is the update: http://support.t-mobile.com/docs/DOC-588715:28
jjesseno kit kat15:28
rick_h_lmao, galaxy gear support!15:30
jjesseyeah 780mb for that garbage :(15:30
rick_h_what is KNOX?15:31
jjesseno idea15:31
rick_h_Knox is meant to create a virtual partition on Android devices that would insulate corporate-managed apps and data from attack, an approach pioneered by smaller companies such as Divide but not generally used in mainstream companies15:31
rick_h_nice, so you can now give samsung $$ for  watch and you can have your corperation blow it all away15:31
rick_h_nice update15:31
rick_h_:/ bummer man15:32
jjesseoh and i launched knox and its an additional 170mb download15:32
jjesseso what was in the 781mb i downlaoded?15:32
brouschmaybe 4.3 -> 4.3.1?15:33
brouschAnyways, that's why I put CM on my S3. Vendors throw too much crap on there15:33
jrwrenis it true there is no google apps on cyanogenmod?15:39
rick_h_jrwren: you have to download them as a diff download15:39
rick_h_jrwren: but they've built it into the setup process15:39
jrwrennot bad. i misunderstood the limit.15:40
brouschBasically they are not allowed to bundle gapps with the CM ROM15:41
rick_h_heh, and we find the scaling limit of couchdb http://scalenpm.org/16:52
rick_h_right, I just meant earlier that it's not part of the d/l you see in CM if you were comparing the update16:54
jcastrorick_h_, dang, they're shipping the moto g's on 2 december17:22
jcastrothat's pretty much the best phone deal of the holidays17:22
jrwrenwill it run ubuntu phone?17:27
jcastroit's totally unlocked so someone can probably make a build17:44
cmaloneyIt's cheap enough to try.18:25
cmaloneyNew CC licenses are out18:32
rick_h_jcastro: no LTE :(18:51
rick_h_dammit, "I can't duplicate this...for two days"19:10
rick_h_"Oh, I didn't realize I was using the last stable release from weeks ago that doesn't have this code"19:10
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
brouschAt give camp a few weeks ago I kept thinking rick_h_ was there. Look at the guy far away in the middle of https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3hngy6ne1jptta/2013-11-10%2012.38.32.jpg21:32
cmaloneyWow, that's close.21:55
cmaloneyNot exactly, but damn close.21:56
brouschI think he's a PHP programmer21:56
brouschSo a few years behind rick_h_21:56
cmaloneyAnd you didn't burn his computer right there on the spot?21:56
cmaloneyI'll bet he was using a Macbook tgoo21:56
brouschI think so21:57
cmaloneyAnd you didn't burn his computer right there on the spot? For shame21:57
cmaloneyI thought we brought you up better than that.21:57
brouschHe was helping a charity!21:58
cmaloney"Look, I know you're donating your time and all, but you happen to look like a friend of mine and he'd be happier knowing his doppelganger wasn't giving people the wrong impression. Now gasoline isn't itself flammable but the vapors are and ... "21:58
rick_h_wow, I better watch out or cmaloney will nuke me for making a poor choice down the road22:58

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