
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
rogpeppemornin' all08:18
jamafternoon all :)08:45
mrammmorning all10:17
jammorning mramm10:23
dimiternjam, we'll probably skip the standup, due to the other call10:36
jamstandup: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpielmpa29pcug39874tclck10:44
jamwe're using a different hangout today10:44
jammgz: mramm, TheMue: ^^10:45
jamnatefinch: ^^10:45
TheMuesry, phone call10:46
mgzer, copying hangout link10:48
* rogpeppe goes to grab a bowl of cereal11:18
jamso somehow I ran "juju debug-hooks" and exited in a way that running it again tells me "duplicate session"11:18
jamis there a way to get *into* that session?11:18
axw__jam: you should be able to "tmux attach-session -t <unit-name>"11:27
axw__sounds like a nasty bug tho11:27
jamaxw__: thanks, I couldn't find attach-session in the command list11:27
jamaxw__: if you use ^A D to exit the session with a disconnect rather than stopping it11:33
jamit obviously leaves the session running11:33
jamwhich then means the process is a bit hung there11:33
jamaxw__: is there a "create a new session or attach to an existing one" ?11:33
jamI suppose "tmux attach-session -s $NAME || tmux new-session -s $NAME" ?11:34
axw__jam: not sure. I think the script did that at one point tho11:35
axw__so you could check history11:35
* axw__ is still cooking or would look himself11:35
jamanyway, not what I'm working on *right* now :)11:35
jamaxw__: how do you cook and irc at the same time?11:35
natefinchthat's what fire extinguishers are for11:36
axw__night all11:50
jamnatefinch: https://codereview.appspot.com/33870043/12:34
jamfirst one is just a straight rollback12:34
jamnatefinch: then https://codereview.appspot.com/33890043 which bumps the revno back to 1.16.412:35
jamnatefinch: and finally: https://codereview.appspot.com/33880043/ which merges the 1.16.2+update12:35
jamfwereade: as on call reviewer today, it is my duty to poke you that https://code.launchpad.net/~fwereade/juju-core/prepare-leave-scope/+merge/181065 and https://code.launchpad.net/~fwereade/juju-core/provider-skeleton/+merge/189638 have both been languishing in "needs tweaks" for quite a while. I don't expect you to do anything with them today, but refresh them slightly in your mental TODO list.12:57
jamrogpeppe: domas seems to feel he has addressed your requests: https://code.launchpad.net/~tasdomas/juju-core/charm-store-auth/+merge/19413012:58
jamrogpeppe: you also have an LGTM on https://code.launchpad.net/~rogpeppe/juju-core/463-state-ensure-availability/+merge/19617712:58
rogpeppejam: i'm sure he has. i'll take a look anway12:59
jamrogpeppe: well, that was why I was poking yo u:)12:59
jamI guess I'm not actually OCR until tomorrow, I'm going to go away now :)13:00
rogpeppejam: thanks13:00
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
jamnatefinch: ping, thinking about "juju unset" and 1.16 compatibility13:02
natefinchjam: what about it?13:03
jamnatefinch: d have "juju unset" in 1.16, right?13:03
jamdid we have13:03
rogpeppejam: i was really hoping for a glimmer of feedback from fwereade on the addmachine refactoring, but i guess i'll just submit anyway13:04
jamwell, I guess we did in 1.16.313:04
jamrogpeppe: well, if you want it, ask for it13:04
rogpeppejam: i did, but i don't want to badger13:04
jamI just saw we had gotten to an LGTM no particular pressuer13:04
jamrogpeppe: well, as I'm OCR tomorrow, you can wait until I poke you then :)13:04
* rogpeppe is embarrassed to see he was OCR yesterday and didn't even notice13:05
jamnatefinch: anyway, I was trying to figure out how to be compatible when the API doesn't exist, (if we needed to), but if it was there in 1.16.3 clearly we *can* be compat13:05
jamrogpeppe: well, we're all a bit distracted13:05
natefinchjam: you let me know when you need me to be more than a rubber duck in this conversation ;)13:06
jamnatefinch: so, something that I'm pretty sure was you. NewServiceSetForClient13:06
jamnatefinch: is it reasonable in your opinion13:06
jamto just fall back to ServiceSet with a warning?13:06
natefinchjam: yes13:06
jamnatefinch: the other option is that we *could* fall back to direct DB13:08
natefinchjam: if we just say "hey, we have to fall back to the old version, so this will actually unset those values" it seems reasonable.  People lived without being able to set empty strings for a long time.13:08
jamwhich is what 1.16 did, IIRC13:08
natefinchjam: up to you.  I think maintaining the same functionality would be good, but it depends on how much work that is13:10
jamnatefinch: yeah, checking now13:10
natefinchjam: brb, gotta bring the baby to her mother13:10
jamnatefinch: np13:11
natefinchjam: not sure if you had more for me13:38
jamnatefinch: not immediately13:38
jamI'm off for the day13:39
jamfwereade: when you're ready, the 1.16 branch has been pivoted, so we can just land new stuff there that we want in
jamwallyworld_: ^^13:50
fwereadejam, sweet13:50
jamfwereade: I also have: lp:~jameinel/juju-core/preparation-for-1.16.5 which will restore your patches to 1.16 with proper ancestry once we're ready for it again13:50
jamfwereade: the one patch we need to discuss is sinzui and the "naked -" bug fix13:51
jamwhich essentially is just bumping to a newer version of goyaml, but that was in the changes that aren't in 1.16.313:51
fwereadejam, ah ok13:51
sinzuiare you gentlemen discussing backing out the terminate machine changes to 1.16?13:53
jamsinzui: already been done13:54
sinzuioh goody13:54
fwereadesinzui, yes -- we're hoping to rebuild a sane version of history in which we get (1) a 1.16.4 with safe-backup-related changes -- probably to deliver as a hotfix to begin with -- and (2) readd the original1.16.4 bits, with compatibility, as 1.16.5, once we're past all that13:55
jamsinzui: so the only one left is bug #1227952 which got reverted along with the rest13:55
_mup_Bug #1227952: juju get give a "panic: index out of range" error <regression> <goyaml:Fix Committed by dave-cheney> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dave-cheney> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1227952>13:55
jamif it is important and low-risk for NEC13:55
jamthen we can just land the goyaml bump to dependencies.tsv13:56
* jam is going to go spend time with my family now13:56
fwereadejam, I am inclined not to include fixes that weren't part of 1.16.3 on general principles, but OTOH I can't come up with a distinct reason to leave that one out13:56
fwereadejam, enjoy13:56
sinzuijam, fwereade: I can test these  dep changes with 1.16 to close this bug in a 1.16 release : https://bugs.launchpad.net/gomaasapi/+bug/123955813:57
_mup_Bug #1239558: --upload-tools failure preventing bootstrap completing <golang> <sync-tools> <upload-tools> <Go MAAS API Library:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <Go OpenStack Exchange:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <Go Windows Azure Client Library:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju-core:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1239558>13:57
sinzui^ actually, I did test those deps and know the suite is fine. I can ask CI to walk though its tests13:58
dimiternrvba, ping13:59
fwereadesinzui, so is that affecting 1.16.3?13:59
dimiternfwereade, ping14:00
rvbadimitern: hi14:00
fwereadedimitern, pong14:00
dimiternrvba, hey, so we're trying to help the cts guys here how to find the agent_name value to pass to maascli node aquire14:00
sinzuifwereade, I believe the issue is does. I rejected the bug for 1.16.2 because we didn't have a release policy for those projects14:00
dimiternrvba, if you can join the hangout (sent a link as a direct message)14:02
rvbadimitern: well, the agent_name is generated by Juju and stored in the config file IIRC14:03
dimiternrvba, do you remember the key name in the .jenv file? is it "agent_name" or something else?14:03
rvbadimitern: it's 'environment-uuid', see provider/maas/config.go14:04
dimiternrvba, ok, thanks14:04
rvbadimitern: err, it's been renamed to 'maas-agent-name'14:05
rvba(I forgot to update my copy of juju-core)14:05
dimiternrvba, ah, ok14:05
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natefinchdimitern: sorry, my connection is crappy today for some reason.  Ping me if you need me, but it sounds like he's just having MaaS issues15:21
dimiternnatefinch, sure, np15:22
rogpeppefwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/34050043/15:39
fwereaderogpeppe, LGTM, just minor comments15:48
rogpeppefwereade: thanks15:48
rogpeppefwereade: if you have a moment at some point, i'd still like to have your views on this, even though I already have a LGTM. https://code.launchpad.net/~rogpeppe/juju-core/463-state-ensure-availability/+merge/19617715:58
rogpeppefwereade: also, when you say "apply the safe mode patch against 1.16", which 1.16 version should i do that against. when are we going to pivot?15:59
fwereaderogpeppe, jam has backed out the original 1.16.4 changes15:59
rogpeppefwereade: ah, cool15:59
fwereaderogpeppe, we can land directly on 1.1615:59
fwereaderogpeppe, thanks for the reminder, I will try to finish that branch off this half-hour16:02
mgzso, the lp:juju-core/1.16 branch is where stuff for this needs landing now, right?16:07
natefinchahh... reboot the router, and wifi is so much better...16:08
sinzuiHi lads there is confusion about some bug tags. I am going to rename openstack to openstack-provider. What should I rename ssh-provider too?16:13
fwereaderogpeppe, bunch of trivials, but basically awesome, LGTM, TYVM16:14
fwereademgz, yeah16:14
rogpeppefwereade: thanks16:14
sinzuifwereade, what are we calling the null/ssh provider now?16:20
fwereadesinzui, "manual"16:27
sinzuithank you16:27
mgzokay, the juju-update-bootstrap command is on the 1.16 branch, and I've updated the instructions to either/or16:50
dimiternmgz, are you sure StateInfo() will give you the correct public address, and not localhost?16:50
mgzin this context? yeah, pretty sure16:51
dimiternmgz, I was having issues like that in the API - the server knows only localhost for both state/api addresses16:51
mgzthe alternative is to open an api connection and get the address through that16:51
dimiternmgz, ok then16:51
mgzwhich is newer/better code16:51
dimiternmgz, if you tested it gets the correct address16:51
dimiternmgz, i just remembered this slight issue i had with it before16:52
mgzI got it printing the right thing in all my testing16:52
mgzI've not played with their maas setup however16:52
mgzit should be pretty obvious if it's doing the wrong thing though, everything would break16:52
dimiternyeah, true16:53
dimiternnatefinch, ping16:53
mgzhm, the fallback instrctions here have the script with $ADDR but no actual setting of that16:53
mgzoh, I guess it does, it's not exported... which is fine16:53
natefinchdimitern:  here16:59
dimiternnatefinch, will you be around for support on the call?17:00
natefinchdimitern: yep17:00
dimiternnatefinch, cheers17:00
jamsinzui: we really need to give you a "hovey-bot@canonical.com" account, so when you run your script I can filter out stuff I should really read (we have a regression) from stuff I can just ignore17:27
sinzuijam, I think we want a juju-qa-bot17:28
jamsinzui: that would be true if you didn't do it on LP before Juju, so *clearly* we need a hovey-bot first :)17:28
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
davecheneysinzui: ping21:30
sinzuiHi davecheney21:30
davecheneysinzui: may i have 10 minutes of your time for a hangout call ?21:31
davecheneylet me see if I can computer and make this work21:31
davecheneysinzui: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpjtoo0k2vn3aaa34vra9k2g?authuser=1&hl=en21:33

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