
ubottuBeldar called the ops in #ubuntu (MasterBaiter)00:33
ubottugeekmasterflash called the ops in #ubuntu (revo821)02:33
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (asymm)03:39
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIn ubottu, Guest36361 said: there is no pop up of selecting what you have inserted in Line in or mic or speaker like it does in windows for realtek HD audio manager07:52
ubottuIn ubottu, aaronmehar said: thanks for this.. without trying to sound like a cock.. I dont get the point.. Linux is not free. Ubuntu maybe free. Linux is not09:42
PriceyI don't get it.09:52
LjLdoesn't he have it the other way around maybe?09:52
DJonesAnd all because a user joined #u with the username "Linux_Is_Free" just before they made the comment09:54
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (SaulMecanus)11:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu, theadmin said: !path is <reply>The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables11:16
AlanBell!no path is <reply>The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables11:21
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, AlanBell said: !no path is <reply>The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables11:21
AlanBell!no path is <reply>The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables11:21
ubottuI'll remember that AlanBell11:21
ubottuThe $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables11:22
AlanBellwhilst I think about it, everyone seen this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2013-November/001633.html11:26
AlanBellmeeting to discuss the next IRC Council in #ubuntu-meeting on Saturday at 20:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting, all are welcome11:27
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:35
Myrttilhave: your nickserv ident has dropped17:55
ubottuSonikkuAmerica called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Just get Fordk out of here, excessive annoyance/sexual references)18:07
ikoniahello wek18:26
Wekhi ikonia,18:26
Wekunban me plz18:26
ikoniaI'm sorry no18:26
Wekwhy reaosn?18:26
ikoniawell, it's clear you are trying to be a problem18:26
ikoniayou joined a channel you clearly know does not like sexual topics and you make sexual "jokes"18:26
Weknono me not18:27
ikoniaso I think it's best you find other hcannels18:27
ikoniawell, I don't know how else to take "Can I install ubuntu on my vibrator"18:27
ikoniaI could only assume it was a joke,18:27
ikoniaand as you know to join #ubuntu-ops straight after being banned, I can only assume you know the channel well enough to know the ops channel,18:27
Wekthe why banned me?18:28
ikoniafor the reason I just said18:28
Wekthere are offtopic channel18:28
ikoniayes, and I've just explained that your jokes are not welcome18:28
Wekok i understand18:29
ikoniaok, take care18:29
Wekbut i first time here18:29
ikoniano, it's not18:29
ikonialets be honest18:29
Weki stop joking ok18:29
Weknow unban plz18:29
ikoniaI think you should find other offtopic channels that welcome that sort of sexul joke18:29
ikonianot today, no18:30
WekIkonia plz18:30
ikoniabecause I don't appreciate people joining the channel just to try to cause a problem18:30
Weki will honest18:30
ikoniathere are many other offtopic channels18:30
ikoniaI'd suggest using one of them18:31
k1lWek: are you serious?18:31
bazhangban evading while here?18:31
ikoniaI think we are done18:31
k1lWek: you are asking for a unban in here and doing the same inappropriate stuff in #ubuntu in the meantime?18:31
Wekhi L cute guy18:32
Wekhow are u?18:32
Wekthey so angry18:32
Wekand evil18:32
LjLaw he called me cute ;(18:33
ikoniaLjL: you know him ?18:33
IdleOneyou are cute, doesn't mean we need to watch you two share compliments :P18:33
LjLikonia: it might possibly be someone who acted silly before, but i'm not sure18:33
ikoniaI think you're right, based on joining -ops 3 seconds after being banned18:34
ikoniaalmost like they know the drill....18:34
ikoniathey seem to know you for special favour though18:35
LjLwhat are you trying to imply ;(18:35
ikoniaI thought you may have known them from their behaviour18:35
ikoniadealt with thm in the apast18:36
LjLyeah this person was going on with something about gay and stuff, so i thought he might be them. but the bantracker doesn't show similar IPs and i don't remember nicknames or anything18:36
bazhang<Whatcat> KDE is one big BUG18:38
k1lbazhang: yep18:39
ikoniawow - know to join #ubuntu-ops again18:45
Whatcatwhy ikonia banned me?18:45
ikonialets not do this same dance again18:45
Whatcatthey said on ubuntu18:45
ikoniano-one said that18:46
ikoniaso please, lets not waste any more time - find other channels to play in, as we'll just keep banning you18:46
Whatcatread my privat18:46
Whatcatu cant18:47
Whatcatcose u will not know me18:47
ikoniaok, well, good luck with that18:48
Whatcatso fun here18:48
Whatcatbut we18:48
Whatcatsex please18:48
bazhangcheck Xonan18:50
k1lthey must be bored as hell :/18:52
PiciIs this the guy who is the same as emi, or something else?18:52
PiciLooking for a good comment for the wide ban.18:53
ikoniadon't think it's the emi guy18:53
ikoniathe unit nickname looked like him18:53
ikoniabut the others don't18:53
ikoniaI suspect it "may" be the audrey person again18:55
ikoniaas I was talking to him in pm trying to explain to him about non-sexual content18:55
bazhangslut_tits yeah18:56
ikoniahe kept changing his nicknames to bakedgay and things like that18:56
bazhangerr +218:56
ikoniahe claims he's not the same person as tit_sluts and I can't find anything to link them18:56
bazhangit had a 2 at the end18:56
ikoniaahhh wait18:56
ikonialook at the nickname "whatcat"18:56
ikonia18:56 -!- audrey [~what@ip98-180-217-105.fv.ks.cox.net]18:57
ikonia18:56 -!-  ircname  : what18:57
ikoniaaudrey has the "what" ident and real name18:57
ikoniathats the guy I was talking to18:57
ikonialooks like the unit acount was real19:03
ikoniaaccount  : SonikkuAmerica19:03
bazhangSonikkuAmerica (~quassel@87.sub-70-209-136.myvzw.com)19:04
ikoniahello root19:44
=== root is now known as Guest63872
ikoniahello Guest6387219:44
Coreyscrollback end19:57
CoreyYeah, I may have dropped that.20:01
Unit193I was handing it back to you, I found it on the floor.20:02
ubottugeekmasterflash called the ops in #ubuntu (bupy7)21:01
IdleOneyou forgot the !21:04
IdleOne!guidelines > bupy721:05
h00kah crap21:05
h00khow do I op.21:05
h00kI thought it was smart like that21:05
IdleOneit is but you have to give it the right trigger21:06
h00kRight, I meant, I thought you could without the bang21:06
LjLh00k is getting old21:13
IdleOneI must be ancient21:14
LjLIdleOne: you get studied in the first year21:15
IdleOnehah, for someone reason that made me smile21:15
h00kLjL:[ I am21:16
k1l@mark #ubuntu bish0p_ warned again not to swear21:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:59

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