[18:20] salut SalahMessaoud [18:20] :) === Neo31` is now known as Neo31 [18:20] salut Neo31 [18:20] koi 2 9? [18:20] :) [18:21] rien de special :p je suis au farch mnt [18:21] lool [18:21] ça va le matrix ? [18:21] 3ala bekri ? [18:21] hh [18:21] ca roule le matrix :p [18:22] no just mconnecti hakka arta7 [18:22] there are some bugs in the system [18:22] hani nhar kamel 3al bureau [18:22] excessive Smith agents [18:22] hhhhhhh [18:22] we'll deal with it later :p [18:22] kill them all [18:22] lol yezi la y9oulou ya7ki berrasmi :p [18:23] ubuntulog 9ayem bel wejib ;) [18:23] hhh [18:23] ti normal :D 5alli el bot ye5dem chwaya [18:23] lol [18:24] en tt k tawa ma3adech nest7a9ou bot [18:24] najmou nkalmou dawla ya3tiwna log anytime [18:24] themma solution lel QT fel 12.04 LTS 64 bit [18:24] ah Oui Neo31 [18:24] http://www.change.org/fr/p%C3%A9titions/assembl%C3%A9-constitutionnelle-tunisienne-anc-annuler-le-d%C3%A9cret-n-2013-4506-datant-du-6-novembre-2013?share_id=vFNHyihAeM&utm_campaign=share_button_action_box&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition [18:25] oui fama solution [18:25] ama nssithha lol [18:25] raka7tha kan j'avais le 12.04 :p [18:25] ana hani nestanna fel 14.04 [18:25] si non hani 12.04 [18:25] :D [18:27] Merci d'avoir signé la pétition "Assemblé Constitutionnelle Tunisienne-ANC: Annuler le décret N° 2013-4506 datant du 6 novembre 2013" [18:28] oui [18:28] mella 7ala [18:28] barcha smiths everywhere [18:28] Onion :D