
HelenaKittyI want the saucy image of ubuntu touch but can only find the trusty image00:13
HelenaKittynvm found it00:15
UrsinhaKaleo, bug 125536400:47
ubot5bug 1255364 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Not able to vertically scroll on a single line textarea field, e.g. can't edit long browser url" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125536400:47
Ursinhaignore that my sense of direction is broken, haha00:47
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gr72Err, I'm trying to install Touch from my Arch laptop onto my Samsung Galaxy 10.1. I've got fastboot and everything installed, but when I do "fastboot devices' my tab isn't listed.... Thoughts?02:08
cjohnston!devices | gr7202:17
ubot5gr72: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices02:17
gr72ubot5: I've found those, and the image I am trying to install is the p4wifi....02:19
ubot5gr72: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:19
RobbyFwelp, gonna try this again on N402:22
gr72RobbyF: Have you been successfull yet?02:25
RobbyFoh ya02:25
RobbyFI've flashed many times02:25
RobbyFjust not in the last 6 weeks02:25
mrthareplstEvening… Anyone know about a project to Ubuntize the Nexus 5?02:29
mrthareplstI am looking to do some work.02:29
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RobbyFhmm no wifi?02:45
ryan516Helllo :)02:46
ryan516Does anyone know if the Drivers for the Xelio P717A work w/ Ubuntu Touch?02:47
ryan516It's a lower end less heard of tablet, so I'm not sure02:48
RobbyFI'm not sure02:49
RobbyFbut i'm not getting Wifi on my Nexus 402:49
rsalvetiRobbyF: did you previously install android 4.4 on it?02:51
rsalvetiif so, it seems there's an issue with the 4.4 firmware02:51
RobbyFaww, kernel issue02:52
rsalvetisomeone just replied in the m-l saying that it works again after flashing the android 4.2.2 stock image02:52
gr72anyone know why 'adb devices' shows my tablet, but not 'fastboot devices'?02:55
RobbyFneed to be in fastboot mode?02:58
gr72I need to root my device first....03:00
* gr72 is sorry... wrong window03:06
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Crimson_Roguehey, I'm needing some help.03:44
Crimson_Rogueas I was calling brunch to my device, I get the following error: make: *** No rule to make target `/home/anonynimity/Phablet/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp', needed by `/home/anonynimity/Phablet/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS3Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp'.  Stop.03:45
Crimson_Roguedoes anyone know what I can do to fix this, please?03:45
Crimson_Rogueas I was calling brunch to my device, I get the following error: make: *** No rule to make target `/home/anonynimity/Phablet/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp', needed by `/home/anonynimity/Phablet/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS3Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp'.  Stop.04:06
Crimson_Roguedoes anyone know what I can do to fix this?04:07
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Crimson_Roguewhere do I find the Manifest file?04:36
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mardydidrocks: bonjour! Do you know how I can enable armhf builds for the Online Accounts PPA? https://launchpad.net/~online-accounts/+archive/trunk08:06
didrocksmardy: something you need to ask to #webops, but why do you need that?08:06
didrocksmardy: shouldn't you just go to the daily-build ppa?08:06
didrocksmardy: btw, reminder to have the tests skipped on touch for ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts-autopilot :)08:07
didrocks(+ filing a landing ask for it)08:07
mardydidrocks: right, I'll do that soon :-)08:08
mardydidrocks: where is the daily-build PPA?08:08
mardy(there are tons of PPAs with that name :-) )08:08
didrocksmardy: ~ubuntu-unity/daily-build08:08
didrocksmardy: all code in all upstream trunk that are under cu2d are getting there08:09
mardydidrocks: ah, that explains where Ken was getting all the built packages from! :-)08:09
didrocksheh, yeah ;)08:10
didrocksmardy: btw, he seems to have rejected your uploads, some tests don't pass?08:10
didrocksI think you are aware about it?08:10
didrocks(the bug you are assigned to)08:10
mardydidrocks: it's probably this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/accounts-qml-module/+bug/125534308:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255343 in accounts-qml-module "Can't add an account on Ubuntu Touch" [High,New]08:10
mardydidrocks: yep, I'm checking it08:10
didrocksyep :)08:11
nhainesLet's say that I got the following feedback: "desktop_Exec_webbrowser_target_exists (nintendo-miiverse)": "Exec line does not end with parseable URL"08:16
nhainesAnd I suspected that this referred to the following line: 'Exec=webbrowser-app --webapp http://miiverse.nintendo.com/ --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://miiverse.nintendo.com/*'08:16
nhainesWhat am I missing?08:16
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john_____i have installed a fresh ubuntu on nexus 4 and can't get any network connection. where is the trick?09:43
john_____has anyone a hint how to connect to wlan?09:48
mardyalan_g: ping09:50
alan_gmardy: ?09:50
mardyalan_g: hi! I guess that this is more a matter for Kevin Gunn, but AFAIK he's off today09:52
mardyalan_g: can you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/125229409:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1252294 in unity-mir "Application window appears in the background" [Undecided,New]09:53
mardyalan_g: I'd just like to know if it's something which can be fixes soonish, or requires some work09:53
mardyalan_g: because it doesn't allow us (Online Accounts) to run the autopilot tests on the phone (so I'll disable them there)09:54
alan_gmardy: I can't be sure but it doesn't sound like a problem with code I'm familiar with.09:56
mardyalan_g: do you know whom I could ask for a hint?09:58
alan_gmardy: This is on the phone?09:58
mardyalan_g: yes, only on the phone09:58
mardy(I didn't try unity8 on the desktop, actually :-) )09:59
alan_gmardy: that was my next question? ;)09:59
alan_ggreyback: does this sound like something you understand? ^^10:00
greybackalan_g: mardy: yeah looks like something on my end.10:01
mardygreyback: ah, I knew!!! ;-)10:01
mardyalan_g: thanks, sorry to have bothered you10:01
greybackmardy: what sort of fancy behaviours are you wanting now, eh?10:01
mardygreyback: I wonder if it's somehow related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/125433310:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1254333 in Unity 8 "Sign-on UI makes Unity8 restart" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:02
alan_ggreyback: mardy ok. (If you need any more help let me know)10:02
mardygreyback: because the first time it works, it fails only afterwards10:02
greybackmardy: possible. let me try to repro10:03
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mardygreyback: did you manage to reproduce it?10:15
greybackmardy: not yet, I'm reflashing my phone10:17
nerochiarothomi: hello, i don't know if mzanetti told you already, but can you please keep me posted on the progress of getting autopilot 1.4 released to the ppa ?10:19
john_____hello, how is it possible to get wlan connected10:20
t1mpis someone looking into this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/125532710:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255327 in ubuntu-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Keyboard output in autopilot tests goes to wrong app" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:32
t1mptmoenicke: ^ do you work on the keyboard?10:39
tmoenicket1mp: yep, letme check10:40
t1mptmoenicke: okay, thanks10:40
tmoenicket1mp: it goes where the focus is10:41
t1mptmoenicke: what does that mean? does unity change focus to the wrong app?10:43
nic-doffayAnyone gotten a similar message with phablet-network? Network connection file "uuid=1042ce84-5e70-4eea-b373-fe87b6b8b832" cannot be read10:50
tmoenicket1mp: looks like. smth sets the focus elsewhere10:57
tmoenicket1mp: is the previously focused app (the one you kill on console) still registered somewhere?10:58
t1mptmoenicke: that I don't know, perhaps better to discuss it with Saviq11:02
t1mpSaviq: ^11:03
Saviqtmoenicke, t1mp, it shouldn't be - when it's killed, the other app gains focus11:03
greybackmardy: ok I'm (finally) in a place to test. I start online-accounts-ui. Then in other shell I start system-settings. When I do that, online-accounts comes up on screen, and the system-settings quits.11:09
greybackthen I quit OAU. Unity8 returns to dash.11:09
greybackSo I start again. But it appears to work here.11:09
greybackmardy: so I'm suspicious: should system-settings process stop once OAU appears?11:11
greybackI did manage to cause unity8 to crash though, so will see about that11:12
nerochiarogreyback: mzanetti: if you had answered i might have missed it, my internet died for a moment11:14
greybacknerochiaro: answered what? Last message from you was an hour ago, was that it?11:15
mzanettinerochiaro: seems your internet died before you managed to ask :)11:15
nerochiaromzanetti: greyback: oh, sorry. do you guys know if there's a way to tell the shell to not lock up the screen while inactive for a certain amount of time ? (or increase that amount of time)11:16
mzanettinerochiaro: stop powerd11:17
greybackor "sudo powerd-cli display on" to lock the display to be on11:17
* mzanetti notes that down11:17
nerochiaromzanetti: ok. i just killed powerd for now though11:17
mzanettinerochiaro: depending on what "killed powerd" means for you it might get respawned by upstart...11:18
mardygreyback: it's not important whether system-settings gets stopped (ideally it shouldn't but I guess it is?)11:19
mardygreyback: to reproduce the bug, though, you need to kill both online-accounts-ui and system-settings11:20
davmor2Morning all11:22
mardydidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/disable-autopilot-tests/+merge/196848 :-)11:22
didrocksmardy: \o/11:23
greybackmardy: this is a stupid question but need to be certain: what does the screen drawn by online accounts look like? Is it titled "Online Accounts"11:29
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mardygreyback: yes, that's the title :-)11:58
greybackmardy: thanks, just checking11:58
davmor2ogra_: 3g/wifi issue seems to be gone now on this mornings update11:59
ogra_davmor2, yeah11:59
ogra_davmor2, just releasing it :)12:00
didrockswe have davmor2's stamp, it should really really be fixed this time! :)12:00
ogra_aaand r32 published ...12:00
davmor2didrocks: give me chance I haven't tried breaking it yet12:01
davmor2didrocks, ogra_: so disabling wifi reboot and it connects to 3g, I'll do a fresh install and confirm though :)12:05
didrocksdavmor2: thanks!12:05
davmor2ogra_: right I'm doing a fresh install of r32 to double check it as that is the one you are publishing12:07
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davmor2didrocks, ogra_: all good from a fresh install Woohoo!12:25
greybackmardy: what spawns online-accounts-ui usually?12:25
didrocksdavmor2: \o/12:25
mardygreyback: it's D-Bus activated12:25
greybackmardy: ok12:25
ogra_davmor2, great12:25
* greyback wishes we didn't have 2 separate app launch mechanisms12:26
dholbachstgraber, I just updated to r33 on grouper, but "system-image-cli -i" tells me that I have "current build number: 25"12:48
dholbachstgraber, which is probably the reason why it would reinstall and reinstall and reinstall, whenever I open the system updater thing12:48
dholbachstgraber, is this a known condition? :)12:49
ogra_dholbach, sounds more like a barry question12:51
dholbachogra_, he's not here ;-)12:52
t1mptmoenicke: can we assign someone to the keyboard bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/125532712:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255327 in ubuntu-keyboard "Keyboard output in autopilot tests goes to wrong app" [Critical,Confirmed]12:56
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tmoenicket1mp: not sure this is a problem of the osk, but I can check if the inputmethod plugin is behaving correctly for this case13:01
t1mptmoenicke: please do. and if it is not an osk bug, lets find the correct project to report it to13:02
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cwayne_pete-woods, btw looks like the usermetrics theming stuff made it in the image yesterday, thanks again for your help there!13:21
pete-woodscwayne: I'm not sure I did anything! but I'm glad it landed13:22
red6m__does skype work on nexus10 flashed with ubuntu-touch?13:32
red6m__is there skuype on ubuntu-touch?13:38
cwayne_red6m__, not yet, no13:44
ogra_microsoft would have to provide arm binaries first13:45
red6m__ogra_, argh. this is so pisses me off. I don't use skype but my mom does, so I',m kinda forced to.13:45
red6m__any alternative to skype on ubuntu-touch?13:52
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nerochiaroom26er: i've been trying to use the example you sent me for integration tests. I can get the proxy for the other process. but anything i try to select with select_many or select_single doesn't seem to exist. Even a simple loader in the root of the app that i know has to be there13:58
om26ernerochiaro, ugh, ok. I have to attend a  call in 1 minute. I'll look into this issue after if thats fine13:59
nerochiaroom26er: ok14:00
mardygreyback: any luck?14:18
greybackmardy: crasher reproduced, good idea of the flaw. But when I start system-settings it always seems to close itself and online-accounts-ui comes up instead14:20
mardygreyback: close? weird, it shouldn't14:21
greybackmardy: yeah. It doesn't crash. Just closes14:22
greybackmardy: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6484518/ is the output I get from it14:23
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greybackon screen I see a flicker, then online ui appears, and system-settings has stopped itself14:24
cwayne_cjwatson, is there a way to get some useful debugging from click (for example, what its actually doing during a click install && click register)14:32
cjwatsoncwayne_: it's python, you can just pdb it or whatever14:36
cwayne_fair enough14:37
nerochiaroalex_abreu: i'm trying to access the webview contents via evaluateJavaScript, but whatever i seem to do in the code I pass to it always returns undefined14:42
nerochiaroalex_abreu: i mean, the code is evaluated, as i can raise alerts for example, but how do I return data out of it ?14:43
alex_abreunerochiaro, are you sure the js is being executed  in the page?14:43
cwayne_nerochiaro, i thought that was deprecated in the latest qt webviews?14:44
nerochiaroalex_abreu: "(function(){ return '777';})()" << this is what i pass to it expecting to get back "777" from the call14:44
nerochiarocwayne_: i don't know, I'm following alex_abreu's suggestion to use it to access the webview's DOM14:45
nerochiarocwayne_: any better ideas ?14:45
alex_abreucwayne, do you have a pointer?14:45
cwayne_alex_abreu, well, its not listed here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwebkit/qml-qtwebkit3-webview.html14:46
nerochiarocwayne_: it seems to be back in 5.1, was gone for 5.014:47
alex_abreuit is there14:48
alex_abreufor sure14:48
nerochiarocwayne_: through experimental.evaluateJavaScript14:48
nerochiarowhich is undocumented14:48
alex_abreuit is undocumented yes14:48
nerochiaroalex_abreu: do you manage to get anything out of that evaluateJavaScript call ?14:49
cwayne_damn, that'd have been helpful to know a couple weeks ago!14:50
alex_abreunerochiaro, sure I use it to run my autopilot tests14:50
alex_abreunerochiaro, quickly testing14:50
nerochiaroalex_abreu: thank you14:50
nerochiaroalex_abreu: maybe i'm just passing a wrongly formed bit of js, not sure14:51
alex_abreuoh something has changed but I doubt it14:51
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alex_abreunerochiaro, works for me14:55
nerochiaroalex_abreu: with the same JS i passed to you ?14:56
nerochiaroalex_abreu: can you give me the line you use to make the call ?14:57
alex_abreunerochiaro, w/ this ugly wml http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6484727/14:57
nerochiaroalex_abreu: what's the tid ?14:58
alex_abreunerochiaro, check in onloading changed14:58
alex_abreunerochiaro, not used, ...14:58
alex_abreudoes not change14:58
alex_abreuthe way that things work14:58
nerochiaroalex_abreu: oh, ok, i was missing the 2nd parameter to eval i guess. sorry for the noise14:59
nerochiaroalex_abreu: i'll try again14:59
alex_abreunerochiaro, ah ... the function(result) {} bit is important indeed :)14:59
nerochiaroalex_abreu: does the result need to be a piece of JSON ?15:00
alex_abreunerochiaro, there are other ways to eval in the page, this is the most straightforward way, but you can quickly setup a messaging mechanism w/ qt.postMessage & qt.onMessageReceived15:00
alex_abreunerochiaro, it needs to be a string or convertable to a string , objects need to be serialized15:01
stgraberdholbach: hmm, not a known condition, no...15:01
stgraberdholbach: can you pastebin /cache/recovery/log ?15:02
nerochiaroalex_abreu: ok, got it working15:04
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om26ernerochiaro, hey I am not able to reproduce the issue you described earlier. I tried this code http://paste.ubuntu.com/6484781/ and I seems to be able to be able to access gallery elements15:14
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nerochiaroom26er: i think my problem is that i wasn't waiting. with wait_select_single seems to work15:32
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nerochiaroom26er: are we supposed to be able to select_single on Loader objects ?15:45
dholbachstgraber, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6484955/15:45
om26ernerochiaro, I think wait_select_single is for that since they their presence is not guaranteed15:46
nerochiaroom26er: i mean wait_select_single("Loader")15:46
om26ernerochiaro, I would suggest elements inside the loader and not the loader itself.15:50
tvoss_alesage, ping16:00
stgraberdholbach: hmm, that log says you only upgraded to 2516:00
stgraberdholbach: so you can either wait for barry to help you debug what happened on the downloader side or you can do "system-image-cli -b 0" which should get you a full update and get you upgraded16:01
stgraberbarry: if you're around ^16:01
dholbachstgraber, the UI showed me 33 and I can upgrade to it again and again and again if I want :)16:01
ogra_stgraber, there is some stuff that piled up in saucy-updates that would possibly justify a new saucy build ... i refrained from doing one since i thought you might want to be around to watch system-image etc16:01
barrystgraber, dholbach hi16:01
dholbachyo yo!16:02
stgraberogra_: go ahead, we already did one in the past so we know it'll work. Just trigger the build and it'll get imported into saucy-proposed.16:02
nerochiaroom26er: i just tried that and still doesn't find the object. it seems only to be able to find the main view16:02
ogra_well, you made changes to system-image inbetween :)16:03
barrysorry, my scrollback doesn't go far enough to see the original dholbach (see how i rhymed that? :)16:03
nerochiaroom26er: i mean, the QQuickView16:03
dholbachbarry, only if you pronounce my name in an American/English way :-P16:03
dholbachbarry, but yeah - nice one!16:03
barrydholbach: oops, yeah :)16:03
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om26ernerochiaro, can you share the code you are working on so I can have a look closer16:03
barrydholbach: so, what's happening?16:03
dholbachbarry, so yeah - I did an update of grouper to r33, but system-image-cli -i says it's at r2516:04
dholbachbarry, so I can do updates to r33 like I can check out of Hotel California16:04
barrydholbach: what does system-image-cli --dry-run say?16:04
dholbachbarry, Upgrade path is 26:27:28:31:3316:05
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barrydholbach: okay, next.  you can either look at /var/log/system-image/client.log (and maybe paste it) or you can run `system-image-cli -v` and see what happens16:05
dholbachbarry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6485036/16:07
nerochiaroom26er: i just pushed the code to lp:~amanzi-team/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-file-upload/16:08
merculivCan someone help me with enabling wifi on my tablet?16:08
alesagetvoss hi16:08
alesagetvoss_, ^^ :)16:08
dholbachbarry, but I'm happy to run `system-image-cli -v` too16:11
merculivtrying to enable wifi on my Samsung p4wifi but not sure what to do in adb16:11
barrydholbach: those FileNotFound errors are troubling.  it's going to be difficult to debug that because some of those have changed in s-i 2.0 which still hasn't been assigned a landing slot yet.  i don't know whether that's actually your problem though because it seems to still get through reboot.  during reboot it's the recovery log that will have to give us more info.  you can also try running s-i 2.0 from my ppa in the meantime:16:11
om26ernerochiaro, can you make sure QQuickView is fully loaded on screen by asserting its .visible property first16:12
dholbachbarry, I can also come back with the problem once s-i 2 has landed if you want16:12
dholbachbarry, I haven't been part of this process before, but is it difficult to get a "landing slot"?16:13
barrydholbach: not hard to *request* one ;)  https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=016:14
barrysee line 32616:14
nerochiaroom26er: ok16:15
dholbachbarry, I see - so it's going to be a matter of getting it tested and then approved?16:18
barrydholbach: i think so.  i haven't heard any progress on that in a week or so.  i guess i should ping didrocks or someone on that16:19
dholbachall rightie.. I'll get back to you once I tested s-i 216:20
didrocksbarry: hum? I pinged you a week ago to tell feel free to test and dput it :)16:20
didrocksbarry: because I thought you didn't look at the landing ask when I told "approved" :)16:20
barrydidrocks: oh!  i must have missed that.  well, good news thanks!  i'll upload 2.0 today16:20
merculivI am trying to enable wifi with these instructions on the right model but maybe on missing some simple instructions?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/p4wifi#link_to_images16:21
didrocksbarry: excellent \o/16:21
* dholbach hugs barry and didrocks16:21
* didrocks hugs dholbach and barry back16:22
dholbachbarry, go go go!16:22
nerochiaroom26er: i tried that too. it becomes visible but still can't wait_select the other objects16:23
om26ernerochiaro, can you post the logs16:24
nerochiaroom26er: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6485140/16:25
nerochiaroom26er: the code is the same as the one in the branch except that i do this:16:25
nerochiaro        view = gallery_proxy.wait_select_single("QQuickView")16:25
nerochiaro        self.assertThat(view.visible, Eventually(Equals(True)))16:25
nerochiaro        print gallery_proxy.wait_select_single("MainView", objectName="pickerMainView") # This doesn't too16:25
nerochiaroat the end of the test16:25
nerochiaroto try and get the object loaded by the loader16:25
randomcppwhy can't I copy files from .cache/<appid> to .local/share/<appid>?16:33
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xnoxrandomcpp: how do you mean "can't"? how/why does that fail for you?16:44
xnoxdoes apparmor block you or something else?16:44
randomcppI import images with Ubuntu.Content and they are stored in .cache/appid and if I try copy them to .local/share it fails (I have a c++ function that should do all the work)16:47
cwayne_randomcpp, check in the logs to see if apparmor is blocking it16:48
randomcppin app logs right?16:48
cwayne_i think its in kern.log16:48
cwayne_or syslog should have it16:48
randomcppok I'll check16:48
cwayne_easiest is to just cd /var/log then rgrep <appname>16:49
om26ernerochiaro, the issue is with your code16:51
nerochiaroom26er: in what sense ?16:52
om26ernerochiaro,  the elements you are trying to access are not created, they are context dependant. i.e you have to open a certain view for them to be visible16:52
nerochiaroom26er: i do, the picker view is opened16:52
nerochiaroom26er: the content hub opens gallery in picker mode16:55
om26ernerochiaro, I can recreate that issue on my desktop with this code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6485257/16:55
nerochiaroom26er: but if you see my test and my code you will see that i'm opening gallery throgh the contnt hub, which opens it in picker view16:56
nerochiaroom26er: so the picker should be visible16:56
nerochiaroom26er: and findable16:56
tsdgeosKaleo: you there?16:57
Kaleotsdgeos, sure16:57
tsdgeosKaleo: so i was investigating https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/125474716:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1254747 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "ui-toolkit failing test with Qt 5.2 RC1" [Critical,New]16:58
tsdgeosKaleo: and the summary is: the test code has always been wrong (creates a QCoreApp inside the test that is already a QCoreApp and Qt doesn't allow that) but before it worked because we did not compile Qt with debug enabled so it did not assert, that ppa is debug-eanbled and does assert16:59
tsdgeosi don't see much ways to fix it other than16:59
tsdgeosa) try to make the "outer" test not QCoreApp based writing a main ourselves16:59
tsdgeosb) ignore the test if Qt is compiled with debug16:59
tsdgeosKaleo: any idea?17:00
Kaleotsdgeos, why do we have a second QCoreApp?17:00
tsdgeosKaleo: because it's testing the arguments thing for the apps17:01
tsdgeosUCArgument and stuff17:01
Kaleotsdgeos, if a) is not too hard then that sounds good17:02
tsdgeostbh i have no idea17:02
tsdgeosbut i'll try that tomorrow17:02
tsdgeoseod time here17:02
tsdgeosand we'll see what i end up with17:02
Kaleotsdgeos, thanks for the heads up17:02
tsdgeostx for the chat17:02
* tsdgeos waves17:02
nerochiaroom26er: if you start the gallery via content hub, can you get to that pickerMainView ?17:05
om26ernerochiaro, I don't think content hub appears on desktop, does it ?17:05
nerochiaroom26er: no, i'm trying all that on device. the test itself is disable on desktop with skipIf17:06
om26ernerochiaro, what steps should I take to see the content hub17:08
nerochiaroom26er: in your QML do this: activeTransfer = ContentHub.importContent(ContentType.Pictures);17:09
nerochiaro        activeTransfer.selectionType = ContentTransfer.Single;17:09
nerochiaro        activeTransfer.start();17:09
nerochiaroand content hub will fire up gallery in picker mode17:09
om26ernerochiaro, ContentHub comes from Ubuntu.Components ?17:10
nerochiaroom26er: import Ubuntu.Content 0.117:10
om26erso I think we need 'autopilot vis remote'17:11
nerochiaroom26er: why ?17:13
om26erI meant there should be a tool along the lines autopilot vis-remote ...17:15
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
om26ernerochiaro, isn't the picker interaction already implemented for the webbrowser ? What should I do in the webbrowser so that it invokes the content picker. I will get to that state and try to debug further from python console on my phone17:20
nerochiaroom26er: it's not implemented. my branch i gave you before tries to implement it17:22
om26ernerochiaro, right. I think I can recreate that from the wallpaper selector in system-settings app17:23
randomcppcwayne, I have some DENIED in logs but they don't much17:23
randomcpptell much *17:23
nerochiaroom26er: sounds good17:24
TechieElfAny other devs active? I have a boot loop problem and no adb.. how can I debug?17:25
nerochiaroom26er: are you trying that now ?17:25
om26ernerochiaro, yes17:26
alecuTechieElf: have you tried booting in recovery mode?17:29
TechieElfI just read that I should try this (from /Touch/Porting - Troubleshooting (janimo))17:29
TechieElfalecu: Curious. Which ubuntu rootfs zip should I be flashing?17:30
TechieElfWelcome, Hashcode17:31
HashcodeAlo TechieElf17:31
alecuTechieElf: are you flashing manually? or using phablet-flash?17:31
TechieElfHashcode: I'm working on flipped for xt907, started from scratch. I'm a git n00b otherwise I'd commit my work17:32
TechieElfalecu: Flashing manually17:32
alecuTechieElf: ah, I've always used phablet-flash, so I can't help you there, sorry.17:32
TechieElfalecu: It's fine.17:32
TechieElfTheLordOfTime: DW Reference?? :D17:35
TheLordOfTimeTechieElf, +1 for getting it right17:35
TheLordOfTimebut that's my ZNC default-nicking...17:35
TechieElfYAY :317:35
TheLordOfTimenote to self set nick to actual LP nick later...17:35
TechieElfalecu: I pulled the last kmsg, can you take a look at it for me? http://pastebin.com/3GzBtMRi17:40
randomcppcwayne, apparently, QFile doesn't work with fileName beginning with "file://"17:41
randomcppthat's why it was failing to copy/move files17:42
TechieElfCan anyone help with troubleshooting my boot loop? Here's the last_kmsg: http://pastebin.com/3GzBtMRi17:46
om26ernerochiaro, btw PickerScreen is there (select_single("PickerScreen"))17:51
om26erone of its child is OrientationHelper which means its indeed part of the MainView17:52
cwayne_bzoltan, ping17:53
om26ernerochiaro, btw what exactly you want to do with this view? I can for example get the top tabs and the picker toolbar easily. others also exisit17:58
nerochiaroom26er: i want to click on an image in the picker, then press the "ok" button and see if in the first app we receive the chosen file18:03
om26ernerochiaro, hmm, that's doable. I can already get the 'Pick' button. so its just a matter of get to the first image.18:04
om26erwhich we can probably get hints from the already written tests18:04
nerochiaroom26er: ok, i am not sure why I can't get PickerMainView, but i guess I can use PickerScreen18:05
om26eryeah, me neither18:05
nerochiaroom26er: i'll give it a shot. i have to go now, though. thanks for the help18:06
om26ernerochiaro, sure no problem18:06
=== Neo31` is now known as Neo31
TechieElfTroubleshooting help anyone?? http://pastebin.com/3GzBtMRi is my last_kmsg18:36
Crimson_Roguewhich pre-installed image would I need for an sgs3?18:50
Crimson_Rogueand do I need the recovery image as well?18:50
=== Crimson_Rogue is now known as Anonynimity
Anonynimitywhich pre-installed image would I need for an sgs3?18:54
Anonynimityand do I need the recovery image as well?18:54
Ursinhaogra_, who do I need to bribe to get bug 1233176 fixed?18:58
ubot5bug 1233176 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarm notifications do not appear when an alarm is triggered" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123317618:58
Ursinhaor "Alarm clock doesn't work at all"18:58
ogra_Ursinha, dunno, i know that popey had such a bug open before ...18:59
ogra_(unless its the same)18:59
ogra_i would guess the alarm stuff lives somewhere in the indicators18:59
TechieElfAnonynimity: sauce-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip and no recovery image19:00
pmcgowanI think charles_ had some work to finish to enable the alrams19:00
TechieElfCan someone help me with my boot loop ?! I have the last kmsg: http://pastebin.com/3GzBtMRi19:00
Ursinhathere was another bug about not being able to save the alarm (bug 1236390 which is fixed) and another bug about internals of having the alarm working (bug 1187994, which is fix released not sure why)19:00
ubot5bug 1236390 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu Saucy) "Can't save an Alarm" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123639019:00
ubot5bug 1187994 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock app] Alarm doesn't work" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118799419:00
pmcgowanthe saving works now19:01
pmcgowanhas for some time19:01
Ursinhapmcgowan, yes19:01
pmcgowanthe triggering does not19:01
Ursinhabut it's not really useful if the saved alarm does nothing :)19:01
kenvandinei really wish that worked :(19:01
ogra_pmcgowan, i guess someone wants her icecream *now* :)19:02
ogra_(we have so many missing featues still ... thats just one of them)19:03
pmcgowanits important for dogfooding though19:03
pmcgowankey feature19:03
Ursinhaogra_, people that are using the phone as their primary phones suffer because that's their alarm clocks19:03
UrsinhaI don't have an old fashioned clock that wakes me up in the morning, I've been using solely my phone for ~8 years :)19:04
pmcgowanUrsinha, I am not sure who that bug resides with now, charles_ marked it fixed from his perspective19:04
pmcgowanthostr_, can you help?19:04
Ursinhaand I also know people that haven't migrated only because there's no alarm clock application :)19:04
ogra_Ursinha, i want to use my phone for navigating my car ... i will get lost if that doesnt work :P19:05
Ursinhaogra_, you want to go that way? :) better not19:05
ogra_Ursinha, and whatsapp ... I WANT WHATSAPP !19:05
ogra_now !19:05
pmcgowanthostr_, who does  bug 1233176 sit with do you know?19:06
ubot5bug 1233176 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarm notifications do not appear when an alarm is triggered" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123317619:06
thostr_Ursinha: Charles has been working on clock but haven't pushed all his changes yet19:06
ogra_the alarms, vibration on calls etc ... there is a bunch of essential features we simply still need to implement19:06
ogra_it all takes its time19:06
ogra_unless we get more devs working on them ;)19:07
Ursinhaogra_, not sure why you're telling me all this, I'm only pointing one feature I think it's important at least to have an idea on what's going on19:07
Ursinhaask doesn't hurt, afaik :)19:07
ogra_Ursinha, right, we have someone asking about these features on the ML once a month ...19:07
Ursinhaogra_, exactly, if it was clear on the bug what's going on, I wouldn't come here to ask19:08
ogra_the essential stuff like alarms or vibration is on the radar19:08
ogra_but we definitely all need to do better bug work !!19:08
ogra_i totally agree on that19:08
ogra_(including myself ... :P )19:08
Ursinhahe he19:09
pmcgowanthostr_, should the bug be opened again then if more changes are pending? it was marked fixed19:09
pmcgowanso no one is currently tracking it19:09
Ursinhapmcgowan, that was my main question :)19:09
thostr_pmcgowan: well, the backend is working19:09
thostr_pmcgowan: problem is the visualization part19:09
pmcgowanright but is that in indicator-datetime?19:09
thostr_pmcgowan: I cannot recall the outcome of the discussion we had two months ago on this19:10
thostr_pmcgowan: I'll need to follow up with Charles and then comment on the bug19:10
pmcgowangreat thanks thostr_19:10
Ursinhathanks thostr_ and pmcgowan19:11
thostr_pmcgowan: IIRC basic question was how to show alarm or notify users. Is it the indicator or rather the alarm service waking up the alarm setter (clock) so that the setter could visualize the alarm.19:11
pmcgowanthostr_, I would think the former but who knows19:12
thostr_pmcgowan: well, I'd argue that the indicator itself should not wake up an app, such things should only be done by system services19:13
thostr_pmcgowan: but as said I'll follow up with Charles... after thanksgiving though19:14
pmcgowanthostr_, ok,19:14
mhall119pmcgowan: hey, has there been any talk/plans/designs on what to do when a phone is docked?  When I dock my Android phone, it dims the screen and switches to what is essentially an "Alarm clock" mode, we should offer something similar either as an app, or something built into Unity 8, or something else19:31
pmcgowanmhall119, do you have a special dock for it?19:32
mhall119for my Droid X I do19:32
mhall119not for my N419:32
pmcgowanI think ti requires a special hw interface to detect the dock19:32
pmcgowanthen you can do something interesting19:33
pmcgowando you know what the interface is on the droid?19:33
mhall119right, which I assume we could do if an OEM wanted it, but we need the software to support the usecase19:33
mhall119pmcgowan: no idea, probably it gets some identifier over USB19:34
pmcgowancould be19:34
mhall119host or device, not sure how it presents itself to the phone19:34
pmcgowanmhall119, software part would seem easy, just go into a mode or launch an app on the event19:34
mhall119but I think the bigger question is how we present a docked interface in Unity and where in the stack it fits19:34
pmcgowanmhall119, pose the question to design I think19:35
TechieElfCan anyone help me fix my fstab file? Apparently it has mount options not supported by Ubuntu19:37
Ursinhamhall119, hey :) how should one report bugs on click packages? I believe ubuntu-bug doesn't work for them?19:39
mhall119Ursinha: I believe you're right, beuno do you know of a way?19:39
Ursinhamhall119, not sure if you're following the discussion on bug reporting on ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-devel mailing list?19:40
Ursinhait would be a good thing to raise there19:40
mhall119Ursinha: probably not, I have too many ML subscriptions to keep up with19:40
UrsinhaI've been filing bugs against ubuntu-app-clock and I wasn't sure how to proceed, as there's an ubuntu package but no published packages in launchpad19:40
Ursinhamhall119, where can I get a list of all click packages we have?19:42
sergiusensUrsinha, the strategy for clicks was to use the store19:42
Ursinhasergiusens, on the phone? how do I do that?19:42
Ursinha(I recall something about that)19:42
sergiusensUrsinha, it's not implemented yet :-/19:42
Ursinhasergiusens, :/19:43
popeyUrsinha: the core apps are listed on the avengers page19:43
popeydirect links to the bug trackers19:43
Ursinhapopey, I want a list of click packages19:43
mhall119Ursinha: I use https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?q=architecture:armhf19:43
Ursinhathanks mhall11919:43
popeyclick list19:43
Ursinhasergiusens, in the meantime, how's one supposed to file bugs?19:43
popeyUrsinha: hang on19:43
mhall119Ursinha: but that list isn't complete, since it limited results based on your IP address19:43
Ursinhamhall119, right19:43
popeyare you talking about apps _we_ deliver or community apps?19:43
TechieElfI don't mean to nag, but can someone have a look at my fstab file? http://pastebin.com/jeksq51j apparently it has some unsupported mount options19:44
Ursinhapopey, the apps we deliver, such as the clock app19:44
* mhall119 notes that we deliver community apps :)19:44
Ursinhamhall119, :)19:44
popeyUrsinha: right, as I said, look at the avengers page19:44
popeyall listed right there19:44
mhall119right, what popey said19:44
sergiusensUrsinha, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21840/community-1308-quality-reporting-bugs/19:44
Ursinhasergiusens, let me see19:44
mhall119you have to manually file bugs still, not using ubuntu-bug19:44
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ adb shell sudo -u phablet click list | wc -l19:45
popeytoo many apps on my phone ☻19:45
sergiusenspopey, look at the summit session above ;-)19:45
sergiusensin theory, it should be through the store19:45
popey"in theory"19:46
Ursinhasergiusens, right, I'm discussing that in the mailing list so we can have a clear process for everyone... and that's not clear19:46
sergiusens"hard" to report a bug is intended19:46
Ursinhait wasn't clear even in the Avengers page, and the fact all the links pointed to upstream projects showed that19:46
UrsinhaI still need to file bugs today, should I file them for ubuntu packages or upstream projects19:47
sergiusensSo casual users provide feedback in review19:47
sergiusensTechnical users could be pointed to filing a bug19:47
sergiusens-- define url / intergate with my-apps and ubuntu-bug19:47
popeythe avengers page was created for a small set of people19:47
popeyit wasn't actually intended for the entire community to follow19:47
Ursinhapopey, my point is it wasn't clear even among us what was the process :)19:47
UrsinhaI filed a bug and didrocks missed it19:47
popeyand that should be fixed19:47
Ursinhahence the thread19:47
Ursinhasergiusens, what do you recommend then?19:48
sergiusensUrsinha, I recommend stop doing vUDS as we don't follow it ;-)19:50
Ursinhasergiusens, hehe :)19:50
Ursinhasergiusens, I mean it, we need a process for now at least19:51
sergiusensUrsinha, well click packages really does need the scope stuff to be able to report them19:51
popeythats a fail at least in part because there's nobody assigned to those items19:51
Ursinhasergiusens, so I only need to know if I should file bugs against the upstream projects or the package :)19:51
sergiusensUrsinha, not all clicks are built on ubuntu and that is our only interaction point19:51
sergiusensUrsinha, that or use the upstream bugs for the ones we do provide19:52
Ursinhasergiusens, I see, but at least the upstream projects are on launchpad, right?19:52
rsalvetiwell, guess there's a large problem as well with click packages19:52
rsalvetias we move more stuff into click, we need an easy way to report bugs against them19:52
sergiusensUrsinha, yes, currently all the clicks we preinstall are on launchpad19:52
sergiusensUrsinha, but that doesn't necessarily need to be true19:52
Ursinhasergiusens, I see there are packages there (even if not in Ubuntu itself) because they're in PPAs19:52
sergiusensUrsinha, they will never be in ubuntu19:53
sergiusensnever as in, don't expect it ;-)19:53
sergiusensnot as in the real sense of the word19:53
sergiusensrsalveti, that's what the two vUDS sessions back in August were for19:53
Ursinhasergiusens, I mean, they're in launchpad as ubuntu packages because they're in PPAs... they're not published in the distro itself19:53
Ursinhasergiusens, like this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-clock-app19:54
rsalvetisergiusens: right, good that we discussed that at least, but I didn't follow the outcome19:54
popeyUrsinha: no, those core apps aren't in distro, so http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app19:55
Ursinhaokay, my intention is to discuss what we all think it's best :)19:55
popeybut distro prefer distro reported bugs for those things on the phone19:55
UrsinhaI'm pointing what I saw19:56
Ursinhaubuntu-clock-app is on the phone19:56
TechieElfAny devs? Fstab help needed.19:56
sergiusensUrsinha, I didn't know it being in PPA now worked for things like this19:56
popeywe (core apps team) managed bugs upstream19:56
Ursinhasergiusens, I think it needs to be there because it's published as part of an archive, even not being the official distro one19:56
popeyif distro prefer we move bug reporting to distro I'm fine with that19:56
popeywe just need it documented and consistent19:57
Ursinhapopey, do you mind replying the bug reporting thread, please? input like this is valuable19:57
Ursinhabut you need to share it :)19:57
popeyNot sure what value I can provide above what's already been said19:57
Ursinhapopey, I didn't know anything about the click apps part, and noone mentioned that in the thread yet19:58
rsalvetiwell, problem is that there's no ubuntu package :-)19:58
rsalvetiso we can't report them at the distro, unless we change launchpad or upload a source package19:58
rsalvetiso tracking this using the upstream project is the only way atm19:59
Ursinharsalveti, I believe the package exists but isn't published in ubuntu, but on ppas19:59
rsalvetiUrsinha: there's no package19:59
popeyand for click packages it makes more sense to have everything upstream19:59
rsalvetiwe had packages before, but click is different, not a deb19:59
popeyboth for "our" click packages and "3rd party" ones, as they may host anywhere which may not be launchpad19:59
rsalvetibefore == for the core apps19:59
sergiusenspopey, rsalveti I'm also proposing to strip the debian dir from those apps19:59
Ursinhapopey, that's the valuable input I'm talking about :)19:59
rsalvetisergiusens: right, makes sense20:00
sergiusenspopey, rsalveti just so building the clicks are less of a hack20:00
sergiusenspopey, rsalveti but I can't yet since CI would break :-/20:00
rsalvetisergiusens: oh, right20:00
popeyUrsinha: my point being the people who can act on these things have clearly discussed this a lot already..?20:01
popeyat sprints / UDSs etc20:01
popeyit "just" needs acting on20:01
Ursinhapopey, yes, it's not clear, it just needs to be said20:02
Ursinhabut that's okay, I can go there and do that myself20:02
popeyI'll reply.20:02
sergiusensI already put the two links I mentioned here20:02
Ursinhasergiusens, in your PPA related reply?20:02
sergiusensUrsinha, nope, a different reply :-)20:03
Ursinhaah :)20:03
* Ursinha looks again20:03
Ursinhawe only need to agree on how to report bugs on click packages while we don't have the store feature to do so20:03
rsalvetiright, for the ones we care we should just use the upstream project20:04
popeythere are only 13 of those such packages though20:04
rsalvetias that would be the only way anyway20:04
popeyand hundreds of non-click packages which we probably have way more important bugs in20:04
Ursinhabug importance is relative :)20:05
Ursinhafor all other bugs that have packages in ubuntu you find bugs here: http://people.canonical.com/~ursula/seeded-touch-packages-bugs.html20:06
popeynot saying "more important" saying we have more of the important bugs20:06
popeyi.e. way more bugs in non-click apps than bugs in click apps20:06
Ursinhapopey, not sure what your point is20:07
popeythat we could end up spending a long time discussing what seems to be trivially easy to fix..20:07
popeynon-click apps -> bugs reported in distro20:07
popeyclick apps -> bugs go upstream20:07
Ursinhapopey, okay, we only didn't end the conversation because sergiusens said bugs on click packages weren't supposed to be reported at all in lp20:08
popeysure, but that infrastructure doesn't exist yet, right?20:08
popeyso, currently non-click -> distro, click -> upstream (which may be launchpad or not) ☻20:09
Ursinhapopey, okay20:09
* popey gets lasagne out of the oven, back in a bit20:09
sergiusensUrsinha, fwiw, I agree with popey on the temp solution20:11
Ursinhasergiusens, I sent something in the thread to persist this discussion somehow :)20:15
sergiusenssounds good to me20:15
ahoneybunI'm getting a error flashing my grouper20:32
ahoneybunERROR:phablet-flash:Checksum does not match after download20:33
pmcgowanmhall119, why do most of the core apps not do rotation by default?20:38
mhall119pmcgowan: probably because automaticOrientation still defaults to False20:41
mhall119and our designs were only for portrait20:41
mhall119pmcgowan: popey: it's definitely something we should consider enabling for them all in the 14.04 convergence push20:42
ahoneybunhey mhall119 how is the reboot of FL Loco going?20:42
mhall119ahoneybun: we've had some responsed on the ML, we need to setup an IRC meeting or something to make actual plans20:42
taiebothi guys do you know if any work is done on improving the startup time of the apps. I am finding it slow... I think most apps starts in between 5 and 10 sec after click on their icons?20:42
pmcgowanmhall119, you probably discussed via blueprint also enabling main stage20:42
mhall119ahoneybun: are you sunshine-stater?20:42
pmcgowantaiebot, yes, its being looked into, it regressed at some point20:43
mhall119pmcgowan: yeah, many of them will want to support both, so we'll need to have shell-level support for that20:43
ahoneybunmhall119, yea I wrote on the ML about meetings20:43
mhall119ahoneybun: but you're not in #ubuntu-us-fl?20:44
ahoneybundon't hang around in there yet20:44
ahoneybunany help with this error message ERROR:phablet-flash:Checksum does not match after download20:45
mhall119hmmm, do we have phablet-flash download file conflicts again?20:46
mhall119ahoneybun: last time I saw that I was flashing more than one device, and the download file destination name was the same for both, but used different source files20:47
ahoneybunonly one device for me20:47
mhall119maybe a bad download then?  See where it was downloading to, and delete those files and try again20:48
ahoneybunI removed the phablet dir in Downloads dir and redownloading20:48
ahoneybunI want to see the progress20:48
sergiusensahoneybun, delete the file and re download20:49
sergiusensahoneybun, or manually verify the checksum beforehand if you want20:49
sergiusensmhall119, in theory, same target downloads are file mutexed20:49
taiebotAnyone working on an mpd client for ubuntu touch?20:50
taiebotmusic player daemon20:51
mhall119ah, jhodapp_ might be, or tvoss_20:51
mhall119one of them at least should know who is20:51
taiebothttp://www.musicpd.org/ very good to install on a raspberry pi to have a nice music server and being able to control it from your phone.20:52
mhall119oh, you may be talking about something completely different then20:54
jhodapp_taiebot, mhall119: I'll be working on that20:58
jhodapp_taiebot, oh nevermind, that's different than what I was thinking20:58
taiebotYeah something like this http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=3606820:59
taiebotI do not have the skills to port something like this.20:59
jhodapp_taiebot, maybe you want to post to the mailing list and see if there's someone interested in doing a port?21:00
taiebotIs there a mailing list for apps or on the ubuntu touch mailing list?21:01
mhall119or post to the Google+ app developer community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/11135078027092554054921:01
jhodapp_taiebot, there is a Ubuntu Touch mailing list, but mhall119 has a good idea there too21:02
jhodapp_taiebot, list for apps is what I meant21:03
taiebotThanks will contact the developper first and ask him if he will port his app to ubuntu touch ^^21:03
ahoneybunmhall119, working now21:04
ahoneybunkinda lol21:05
Barney_Hi, I'm not access to direct online Internet to download and install in same time. Is there any Offline downlaod link?21:10
ahoneybunhow long does this take Pushing /home/aaron/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/ubuntu-b353d65b0369a5203757726d5c70b1ff3e601f05605c38fc55f92c584f19f6a1.tar.xz21:13
ahoneybunmhall119, I don't have the ML email on Ubuntu21:14
ahoneybunhey Galaxy-Music-s6021:14
sergiusenstaiebot, jhodapp_ or here: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/applications-youd-like-to-be-ported-to-ubuntu-touch/120521:18
jhodapp_sergiusens, awesome, thanks21:19
ahoneybunwow nice21:21
ahoneybunbut big bug21:21
sergiusensahoneybun, on manta, like 1 minute, on maguro 5 and on grouper more than I can bare21:23
mhall119ahoneybun: you don't have which ML email?21:34
randomcppshould I add a padding in the bottom when the keyboard is showed, right?21:34
randomcpphow many units.gu?21:35
dragonkeeperanyone help me with a couple of things before i build my port of Ubuntu touch ?21:37
ahoneybunmhall119, I got it nvm21:39
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
dragonkeeperi have a problem with fstab in the source code21:52
nhainesLet's say that I got the following feedback: "desktop_Exec_webbrowser_target_exists (nintendo-miiverse)": "Exec line does not end with parseable URL"22:10
nhainesAnd I suspected that this referred to the following line: 'Exec=webbrowser-app --webapp http://miiverse.nintendo.com/ --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://miiverse.nintendo.com/*'22:10
nhainesWhat am I missing?22:10
cwayne_nhaines, http://miiverse.nintendo.com/ should be at the end instead of after --webapp22:11
nhainescwayne_: aha!  I wondered about that, but it seemed too simple.22:12
nhainesThanks so much.  :)22:12
dragonkeeperwithin my android source my fstab is "void.fstab" which has lines that look like :dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard1 auto /device..... ubuntu port guide for fstab asks to find a filename like "fstab.jfltexx" and have lines that look like:/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/EFS /efs ext4 nosuid,nodev,barrier=1   .  what do i do here ?   this is my main obstacle before i get a build for22:13
dragonkeeper this port22:13
nerochiarothomi_: hi Thomi, do you know when autopilot 1.4 will be released to the PPA ?22:14
thomi_nerochiaro: otp, one sec22:14
nerochiarothomi_: no rush22:15
* dragonkeeper will just sit in the corner getting ignored 22:19
cwayne_dragonkeeper, i'd help if i had any idea..22:20
dragonkeeperyup its frustrating, its like my last step before trying to boot it and then attempting things like audio and apparmor22:21
popeyhey, happy birthday robru22:27
sergiusensdragonkeeper, where are your sources?22:33
sergiusensdragonkeeper, and remind me where the wiki section for that was22:34
dragonkeeperpulled everything down using that made all changes that arent really optional22:34
dragonkeeperso ive left out brightness apparmor and audio  so that leaves fstab to be corrected (if its wrong)22:35
sergiusensdragonkeeper, where's your original device tree?22:36
sergiusensdragonkeeper, or what device is this?22:36
dragonkeepersamsung galaxy s4 i9505 jfltexx ,  all sources i have pulled  ~/Ubuntu-Touch/devices/samsung/jfltexx22:37
sergiusensdragonkeeper, can you pastebin your vold? my repo sync is taking too long22:53
dragonkeeperok sergiusens22:54
TechieElfCan someone check my fstab.qcom? http://pastebin.com/jeksq51j it is causing a bootloop22:54
dragonkeepersergiusens, http://pastebin.com/rJfac5Sd22:56
TechieElfdragonkeeper: Are you having a problem with the fstab section of the Porting Guide?22:56
dragonkeeperyes , a little confused22:57
TechieElfsame here, my fstab is causing a boot loop: http://pastebin.com/jeksq51j22:57
dragonkeeperwhat about the recovery part of yours?22:58
sergiusensTechieElf, wild guess, try removing the check22:58
TechieElfsergiusens: all of them? also someone else said that context=u:object_r:radio_efs_file:s0 should be removed22:59
sergiusensTechieElf, yes, all23:02
TechieElfsergiusens: What are your thoughts on the "context=u:object_r:radio_efs_file:s0"?23:03
sergiusensTechieElf, although I don't suspect this is the reason you have a reboot loop23:03
dragonkeepersergiusens, the 1st link was the one in the source this link is the fstab.qcom already on the device in /  http://pastebin.com/JZvcx4jp   (cm10.1)23:03
sergiusensTechieElf, I have no idea23:03
dragonkeeperall have different names as well :S  lol23:04
sergiusensdragonkeeper, device/samsung/jf-common/rootdir/etc/fstab.qcom23:04
sergiusensdragonkeeper, that's probably what you want23:04
TechieElfsergiusens: According to the last_kmsg (pastebin.com/3GzBtMRi), it is the cause23:04
sergiusensTechieElf, yeah, but that's on the ubuntu side; not android23:06
dragonkeepersergiusens, http://pastebin.com/GWJpwrS2 thats the fstab.qcom in source23:06
sergiusensTechieElf, so you would want to look at the ramdisk/init script23:06
TechieElfWhere's that located?23:07
sergiusensdragonkeeper, that's what I thought I just told you (?)23:07
dragonkeeperyes i was just wondering if that should be left as is or edited , sergiusens23:07
dragonkeepersuch as what about sdcard23:08
sergiusensdragonkeeper, whe I said "that's what you want" I meant that's what you want to follow23:08
sergiusensdragonkeeper, sdcard doesn't matter at all; it's virtual23:08
sergiusensdragonkeeper, or does the device have a real one?23:08
dragonkeeperit has a real one23:08
sergiusensdragonkeeper, in any case you don't need it for the first boot23:09
dragonkeeperok so leave as is ?23:09
dragonkeeperor am i adding data cache ect.23:09
sergiusensTechieElf, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Debugging23:11
TechieElfsergiusens: I'm looking at that currently, I just need to find the file in which to edit23:12
dragonkeepersergiusens, comparing http://pastebin.com/GWJpwrS2  to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Enabling_a_new_device  the parition blocks are the same with different mount points  .system /data /cache /firmware ect ..23:14
sergiusensdragonkeeper, I don't follow23:15
robrupopey, thanks23:16
dragonkeepersergiusens, http://pastebin.com/TW1KSSUj23:19
sergiusensdragonkeeper, no23:20
sergiusensdragonkeeper, can't you just change the nosuid to suid for /data?23:20
sergiusensand nodev to dev23:20
sergiusensdragonkeeper, this is probably irrelevant in a flipped image23:21
* sergiusens hasn't done any porting post flip23:21
TechieElfsergiusens: The guide only says to remove nosuid, should I add suid and change nodev to dev?23:21
sergiusensTechieElf, just remove then23:21
dragonkeeperwell you would want dev to debug it right ?23:21
sergiusensdragonkeeper, TechieElf yeah, for flipped, the fstab stuff is irrelevant23:23
TechieElfsergiusens: I don't think it is.. it's in porting guide 2.023:24
dragonkeepersergiusens, ok so its fine as is then with nosuid and nodev to dev.  just build it  to test ?23:24
sergiusensdragonkeeper, yeah, that was when we booted android first and then went into ubuntu which lived in the data partition23:25
sergiusensdragonkeeper, now we boot into ubuntu and it's ubuntu's fstab we follow23:25
sergiusensthe section from the wiki has been removed23:25
TechieElfsergiusens: Why do I feel like my port is still unflipped?23:25
TechieElfWhich preinstalled image should I be flashing with cm-10.1-20131127-unofficial ?23:26
dragonkeeperok its not relavent to get the device port built to run but port guide says device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/init.[codename].rc.  to config brightness perms  but i dont have that file  sergiusens23:27
TechieElfdragonkeeper: I didn't either. Check device/samsung/jf-common/root-dir/etc/init.target.rc23:27
TechieElfthat worked for me (mine was /device/msm8960-common/root-dir/etc/init.target.rc)23:28
TechieElfsergiusens: Can you help with UCM?23:29
dragonkeeperah found it thanks23:29
TechieElfno problem23:30
dragonkeeperchanges suggested are already there o.O23:31
TechieElfeven the chmod 0666 /sys/class/backlight/panel/brightness?23:31
dragonkeeperafter build flash ubuntu image oon top .    i.e  flash modified android then flash prebuilt-ubuntu-arm*.zip  ?23:32
dragonkeeperyes TechieElf23:32
TechieElfdragonkeeper: I've been flashing saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip but I think I should be flashing trusty-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip . What do you think sergiusens?23:33
dragonkeeperi suppose whats newest23:34
sergiusensTechieElf, you want trusty23:36
sergiusensTechieElf, I cannot help with ucm23:36
TechieElfsergiusens: Ah. That could be part of the problem. Also, where is the ramdisk/initrd?23:36
TechieElfLike, the file to edit23:36
sergiusensdragonkeeper, if your device builds upon common grounds (like maguro using the tuna base), codename will be different23:37
dragonkeeperseems to use jfltexx but links to jf-common for rest23:38
sergiusensdragonkeeper, it's probably somewhere inside the same tree that the fstab was in23:38
TechieElfsergiusens: /home/techieelf/phablet-xt907/kernel/motorola/msm8960-common/init/initramfs.c ?23:39
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dragonkeepersergiusens, if ive run brunch and got the /out dir   the guide says adb push out/target/product/<codename>/*.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip ,  but i dont have a .zip there ,  will it zip the contents up and send it ?23:40
TechieElfdragonkeeper: no23:40
TechieElfWas brunch successful?23:40
dragonkeepererm unsure, i guess no lol23:42
sergiusensdragonkeeper, your build failed23:43
dragonkeepermake: *** No rule to make target `/root/Ubuntu-Touch/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp', needed by `/root/Ubuntu-Touch/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS3Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp'.  Stop.23:43
dragonkeeper  er o.O23:43
sergiusensdragonkeeper, builds generally fail since the bits you pulled in would want to build android specific things23:43
sergiusensdragonkeeper, hunt them down and fix them in the makefiles23:43
sergiusensyou generally just need to remove it from the make targets23:43
TechieElfYeah, I've had that. For example, NFC23:44
dragonkeeperi see ,23:44
nerochiarothomi_: news ?23:50
thomi_nerochiaro: ah, sorry - I forgot. thanks for reminding me23:51
thomi_nerochiaro: so your best bet today is to add ppa:autopilot/experimental.23:51
thomi_nerochiaro: but, as it says on the tin, it's experimental for any release other than trusty23:51
thomi_nerochiaro: I plan on creating dedicated PPA for 1.4 in saucy, but that might wait a few days23:51
thomi_nerochiaro: otherwise, it's very easy to build from source :)23:51
thomi_nerochiaro: also, if you're doing things with autopilot you may want to join #ubuntu-autopilot23:52
nerochiarothomi_: but the plan is for it to eventually go into the main archive, right ?23:52
nerochiarothomi_: i'll join that channel, thanks23:53
thomi_nerochiaro: 1.4 is in trusty today23:53
thomi_nerochiaro: 1.4 is not planned to be released for anything other than trusty23:53
nerochiarothomi_: guess i will have to find a way to upgrade then23:54
thomi_yeah :)23:54
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
dragonkeepersergiusens, http://pastebin.com/RevfmK0923:57

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