
=== ianorlindesktop is now known as ianorlin
=== Wolf359_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
urielvigilantIn Lubuntu 13.10 , i went to Session Definitons, then i put a signal on Aplet impression to manage files impression and in the energy manager, both open, but then when i Terminate computer and switch off  after Switch on it don t  open atStartUp. How to do that permanetly  ?11:13
=== Myidim3 is now known as mydim3
mydim3can anyone here help me?17:13
bioterror!ask | mydim317:14
ubottumydim3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:14
mydim3i want to turn my lubuntu into mac looking17:14
bioterrormight be easier with KDE or Gnome17:17
mydim3but you can do it right?17:17
mydim3how do you make the linux dock disapear17:21
mydim3i only need one thing17:25
mydim3how do you make the taskbar just like macs?17:25
ITMan_Hi All19:03
ITMan_Lubuntu should be Faster and beautiful19:04
ITMan_Like Windows 8.119:05
Mydim3can anyone help me?19:28
Mydim3im trying to install a mac theme on lubuntu19:28
Unit193Well, what's the problem?19:31
Mydim3there is a sh file19:32
Mydim3and i don't knowhow to install it19:33
Unit193You normally install from the repo, or unpack whatever theme into ~/.themes/19:34
Mydim3so put it in the themes folder?19:38
Unit193That's a script, so in this case no.19:39
Mydim3then how do i install the theme?19:39
Mydim3wait so19:40
Mydim3what do i do with the script19:40
Unit193In theory you'd run it, but as I'm guessing it's a random script you downloaded, I'd recommend reading it and knowing what it's going to do.19:41
Mydim3it said run in terminal19:41
Mydim3and the terminal says this19:41
Mydim3what do i do to that?19:44
Unit193As I said, best to read the script and see.  Otherwise check in Appearance settings and see if it's there.19:45
Mydim3do you have teamviewer?19:47
Mydim3if u had that19:48
Mydim3u can controll my computer19:48
Mydim3and u could do it yourself19:48
Unit193Random strangers on the internet aren't the best option to control your computer.  See http://www.maketecheasier.com/theme-up-lubuntu/ for some ideas.19:50
Mydim3i trust you20:01
sventonhi all.  I try to follow the instructions here: http://javahacker.com/how-to-setup-ubuntu-under-macos-x-on-a-macbook-with-swedish-keyboard-svenskt-tangentbord-using-virtualbox/  but the guide is writen for gnome and i am not able to find this menu in lxde. Do I need to install gnome to change this settings ?20:53
sventonworkaround ?20:53
ianorlinwhat menu?20:56
sventonin the instructions it say open "System->Preferences->Keyboard" and select "Macbook/Macbook Pro" I can't find that option in my lubuntu install20:58
ianorlinwhat lubuntu version?20:58
sventonI only have  "preference" option in my main menu no "settings" option20:59
ianorlinits not on main menu21:00
ianorlinit is on panel at the bottom to the right of the with a keyboard layout handler which might look like a flag21:01
ianorlinright click on that21:01
ianorlinsventon do you see it?21:03
ianorlinit might also say US21:04
sventoni am not sure what you mean ? I have a button saying SE (swedish) ?21:05
ianorlinthen are you sure it is not sweedish already?21:06
sventonthe last button on the right is the logout menu button21:06
sventonyes I have a swedish leybord but some signs are wrong21:06
ianorlinnot sure what to do about signs in virtaul box do you have guest additions installed?21:07
sventonthe probelm and solution is described in the guide, http://javahacker.com/how-to-setup-ubuntu-under-macos-x-on-a-macbook-with-swedish-keyboard-svenskt-tangentbord-using-virtualbox/21:07
sventonsorry, accidentally hit the enter button..  not sure about the guest additon are installed or not. got an error then i tried. Do you think that can have something to do with the keyboard, missing menu issue ?21:12
ianorlinI am not sure how to get to that menu exactly21:12
sventonianorlin: but do you have a "settings" menu on your machine ?21:13
sventonI see, I guess "preferences" equals "settings" in Gnome then ?21:14
sventonI have no clue how to solve this issue, Tried to install Gnome before but it is to heavy for my virutual machine21:17
sventoncan't find any information in the forums, spent hours to try to be able to write a @ sign21:18
Unit193I haven't really read up much, but were you lookig for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard#Keyboard_Layouts ?21:19
ianorlinif worst came to worst there is gucharmap to get special characters and then you can copy them21:28
ianorlinit is under accessories21:28
sventonUnit193: thank a lot ! Had not found that menu and are now trying out all options.21:29
sventonI think I tried all the diffrent keybord models in the "select keyboard model" menu without sucess. Do you know if there are any way I can find out what other macbook 7.1 owners use ?21:43
sventonthis is insane, is there no list of machines there you sucessfully can install ubuntu/lubuntu and which machine you have to use another operating system?21:59
ianorlinjoin #lubuntu-offtopic23:30

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