
cjohnstondobey: not a clue01:18
cjohnstonSaviq: your unity-mir issue should be fixed01:18
Saviqcjohnston, may I ask what's the resolution?01:19
cjohnstonSaviq: the workaround provided by didrocks01:21
cjohnstonnot using the ppa01:21
Saviqcjohnston, ok yeah, still need mir to be published, since the unity-mir built in the mbs / local upstream merger repo already has unity-mir built against mir 0.1.201:22
Saviqcjohnston, that will help us long-term, though01:22
cjohnstonSaviq: I don't think I have the ability to do anything with that01:23
Saviqcjohnston, yeah, for that we'll just have to wait, thanks01:23
cjohnstonand I believe it still requires code work on the Mir side01:23
Saviqcjohnston, yeah, I'm just building / testing the whole mir stack to confirm it's working01:29
Ursinhatedg, ogra_, et al.: I'm using r34 and still experience bug 125370303:25
ubot5bug 1253703 in Upstart Application Launcher "[regression] Webbrowser tries to open file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/'URL' instead of the URL directly" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125370303:25
didrocksogra_: hey, seeing you online, mind kicking a new image?08:45
ogra_=== Image r35 building ===08:45
ogra_r34 on mako looks *really* bad08:46
ogra_and only 3 packages changed ...08:46
didrocksnot sure if it's just because of "not enough relaunch" or something else08:47
didrockslet's wait on psivaa :)08:47
ogra_well, maguro improved ...08:47
didrocksogra_: I guess webbrowser-app is for a lot08:47
didrocks(on mako)08:47
didrocksbasically half of the failures08:48
ogra_and notes is stuck once again08:48
didrocksI bet something horrible happened08:48
didrocksI think psivaa needs to talk to Osomon08:49
didrocksas Bill is on holidays08:49
didrocksso that this is looked at08:49
ogra_i wonder if it is related to the bug above08:49
psivaadidrocks: ogra_ : let me take a look at mako runs08:59
didrockshey psivaa! thanks08:59
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: http://goo.gl/DStLaS
didrocksogra_: browser app sounds good to me on mako09:24
didrocksjust trying locally09:24
ogra_do you mean regarding the bug or regarding the tests ?09:26
didrocksregarding the tests09:28
didrocksI'm trying to reproduce the same here09:28
sil2100Damn, wrong window09:29
didrockshey sil2100 :)09:29
popeylanding call?09:30
ogra_bug 125370309:36
ubot5bug 1253703 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "[regression] Webbrowser tries to open file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/'URL' instead of the URL directly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125370309:36
ogra_changes of r35 ^^^09:40
ogra_=== Image r35 DONE ===09:53
psivaadidrocks: ogra_: could not complete the notes app test on mako with r34 because the tests have started with r3510:01
didrockspsivaa: ok, let's take that one as the base10:01
psivaadidrocks: ack10:01
Saviqpsivaa, hey, we need to enable the daily-build ppa for a merge on unity8 and unity-mir, I've added the hook when starting the job, but it doesn't seem like it's executed http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/30/console ?10:49
Saviqah builder_hooks?10:49
psivaaSaviq: let me take a look10:49
Saviqhmm no, that's not a parameter that I have access too10:50
Saviqpsivaa, cjohnston changed the default configuration of the unity-mir- jobs to not include the daily-build ppa, maybe that's of interest (bug #1255578)10:58
ubot5bug 1255578 in Ubuntu CI Services "dependency issues on libunity-mir1 in testrunner-otto" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125557810:58
psivaaSaviq: ok, this is for otto run. not sure how that impacts here.11:00
Saviqpsivaa, well, otto run is affected, the hooks were global on both -ci and -autolanding jobs11:01
Saviqpsivaa, i.e. unity-mir got built against daily-build, so then no job in the unity8 stack, that doesn't include the daily-build ppa, would fail11:01
psivaavila: would you mind helping me out on the Saviq's req please. fginther being on holiday i dont want to make a change that i dont fully understand :)11:12
vilapsivaa: not sure I know more than cjohnston there, I've been mostly involved in [re]setting otto nodes rather than the cu2d part that drive them.11:15
vilamy understanding was that a wrong package version was put in a ppa (is that correct ? which ppa ?)11:16
vilaand that cjohnston's MP will do the right thing by *not* referring to that ppa11:17
vilaSaviq: ^11:17
Saviqvila, no11:17
Saviqvila, the problem was: unity-mir-autolanding ran against ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build - by default11:17
Saviqvila, the resulting package got put in the mbs repo for unity8 stack11:18
vilambs ?11:18
Saviqvila, those are local repositories built per stack from -autolanding jobs11:18
* vila nods11:19
Saviqvila, so whatever was trying to use that mbs repo and install libunity-mir1 for that, would fail if it didn't also have ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build enabled11:19
Saviqvila, hence the bug11:19
vilaSaviq: oh, the other way around then ? An additional ppa needs to be added ?11:20
Saviqvila, the solution applied (correctly) was that unity-mir-ci nor -autolanding would run against daily-build11:20
vilaSaviq: lacking context, I'm trying to understand what the fix should be, cleaning a ppa ? Adding a ppa as a parameter somewhere ? Rebuild something ?11:20
vilabumping a revision to override the mess ? ;)11:21
Saviqvila, misunderstanding11:21
Saviqvila, the above bug is fixed long-term11:21
vilaSaviq: how ?11:21
Saviqvila, by removing the ppa from unity-mir-ci and -autolanding jobs11:21
vilain cu2d-config for that stack ?11:21
Saviqvila, I think so, yes11:22
vilaSaviq: ok, progress, that was cjohnston work and MP right ?11:22
Saviqvila, yes11:22
vilaok, at least I've followed some bits11:22
Saviqvila, now, I triggered http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-ci/169/rebuild/?11:22
Saviqvila, with *manually added* daily-build ppa11:22
Saviqvila, i.e. D09add_ppa~ubuntu-unity~daily-build11:22
vilaSaviq: as a one-off or should that become the default ?11:23
Saviqvila, one-off11:23
Saviqbecause we need to transition to mir 0.1.2, which is only daily-build11:23
Saviqvila, and here comes the issue:11:23
Saviqvila, the hook wasn't executed it seems11:23
Saviqvila, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/30/console11:23
Saviqvila, it's there in hooks=D09add_ppa~ubuntu-unity~daily-build11:24
Saviqvila, but not in Pbuilder_hooks any more11:24
Saviqand there's basically no mention of it past the parameter printing11:24
vilahttp://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/30/parameters/? mentions it right11:25
Saviqvila, as opposed to http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/27/console - which was yesterday, and had the same hook by default11:25
Saviqvila, yes, it's even mentioned in the console output at the top11:25
Saviqvila, which leads me to think the hook got removed completely, and was hence ignored?11:25
vilaright, I can see that (thanks)11:25
vilaSaviq: removed from what ?11:25
Saviqvila, from wherever the hooks are picked up from11:26
Saviqvila, I mean the hook as in the actual script11:26
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Saviqvila, that's just a suspicion, no reason to believe me :)11:26
vilahmm, deployment issue you mean ? (As in, the jobs are correct but rely on stuff installed on the slaves)11:26
vilapsivaa: did you look at the playbook ?11:27
psivaavila: hmm no, sorry my bad11:28
vilapsivaa: oh, now, just wanted to check if you knew something I didn't ;)11:28
Saviqvila, psivaa, going for food, biab or ping me if needed11:29
vilaSaviq: Disable unity-mir use_stack_ppa until Mir transitions their ABI. rings a bell ?11:29
vilaSaviq: that's the last config that has been deployed http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/deploy-cupstream2distro-config/113/11:29
vilaSaviq: ha, hmm, well, I'd better do the same to maximize the overlapping then ;)11:30
vilapsivaa: when do you intend to lunch ? ;)11:30
psivaavila: normally in about 90 mins.. but could move it to suite :)11:32
vilapsivaa: up to you, if you prefer to keep digging that one, just leave notes here11:32
Saviqvila, well, it's not "until", but it should just not be enabled by default - daily-build is unsafe, as things there might never end up in distro, if they fail QA11:32
psivaavila: ack, will do a bit more..11:33
vilaSaviq: fginther knows about that ? I'm quite surprised this hasn't been encountered in the past and I'd feel better if mir was a special case instead :-/11:33
vilaSaviq: but let's have lunch first ;)11:34
psivaaSaviq: i added D09add_ppa~ubuntu-unity~daily-build as a builder hook and re-running the job. http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/31/console11:48
psivaalooks like that's progressing and i have not made any changes to the configs since this is one off11:48
psivaaSaviq: vila: and that run has succeeded.11:57
Saviqpsivaa, what's the difference between hooks and builder_hooks?11:58
Saviqpsivaa, and how can I supply builder_hooks?11:58
psivaaSaviq: i dont know the difference between them yet, i could findout11:58
psivaaSaviq: builder_hooks was part of the rebuild parameters,11:58
Saviqpsivaa, do you have it here http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-mir-ci/169/rebuild/? ?12:01
Saviqpsivaa, I only see "hooks"12:01
Saviqpsivaa, maybe that's the problem then?12:01
Saviqthat that parameter isn't "published"12:01
Saviqpsivaa, from the names I'd assume hooks was used for otto runner, for example, where builder hooks were used by builders12:02
Saviqpsivaa, so the hook basically needs adding in both, but I don't see builder_hooks as a parameter I can modify12:02
psivaaSaviq: yes, i dont see it in the master job. may be builder_hooks is not intended to be a published parameter.12:06
psivaanot sure if there was a reason for that and the builder hooks should not vary between runs12:06
Saviqpsivaa, at least some time ago we were able to add hooks to "hooks" parameters and they would get picked up everywhere - for both builders and runners12:07
Saviqpsivaa, so something changed there :/12:08
Saviqpsivaa, let me file a bug12:08
Saviqpsivaa, bug #125594812:11
ubot5bug 1255948 in Ubuntu CI Services "upstream merger hooks do not propagate to child jobs' builder_hooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125594812:11
psivaaSaviq: thanks. looks like the change has happened after 26th.12:11
Saviqpsivaa, please let me know if you don't find a reason/solution you're comfortable with, we'll have to force push the two MPs for unity8 and unity-mir12:12
psivaaSaviq: ack12:14
vilapsivaa: \o/12:22
vilapsivaa: all good for the short term ?12:23
psivaavila: not yet completely, the parameters are not propogated to the child jobs12:23
* vila thinks a bug is the right thing to do here, this seems like a deeper issue12:23
vilapsivaa: yup, but you are able to trigger the required jobs to unblock Saviq right ?12:24
Saviqvila, no, you can only trigger the downstream jobs correctly12:24
psivaavila: yep ^12:24
Saviqvila, so no way to run the whole -ci or -autolanding job, as there's no way to add the hook to builder_hooks there12:25
vilaSaviq: I got that, hence the bug. How many job triggers do you need ? 1, 2 ? Or is this something you need for the coming days, weeks ?12:26
Saviqvila, 2 MPs12:26
vilaSaviq: fginther is in vacations until next Monday and I'm far from sure we can fix that properly until then...12:26
Saviqvila, so we'll just merge manually12:26
vilaSaviq: right, so manual workaround should get you out of trouble right ?12:27
Saviqvila, yes12:27
* vila blinks12:31
vilaSaviq: hmm, how about     hooks: H05set_package_version D00mbs_archive A10checklicenseheaders12:31
Saviqvila, what about it? that's the default hooks?12:32
vilaSaviq: tha'ts in cu2d-config/stacks/unity8.cfg with some different ones for unity-api and unity-mir12:32
vilaSaviq: and that doesn't match your needs ?12:32
Saviqvila, default is fine12:33
Saviqvila, problem was with one-off changes12:34
Saviqvila, when you want to override the defaults for whatever reason12:34
Saviqvila, you can't - 'cause the "hooks" param does not propagate to "builder_hooks"12:34
Saviqso, in effect you can't override builder_hooks12:34
vilaSaviq: ok, let's wait for fginther , was just having a look at the config in case it provides a different workaround but that would require two deployments, not good for 2 landings ;)12:35
Saviqvila, yeah, doesn't make sense to deploy just for this12:36
didrocksogra_: that's not really accurate12:37
didrocksAs some might have noticed we recently had a few bad image releases into12:37
didrocksthe Trusty channel that contained regressions. "12:37
didrockswe landed one images with some regressions12:37
didrocksthen, we only get images to fix some of them12:37
ogra_three if i didnt miscount12:37
didrocksthey didn't add more regressions12:38
ogra_(two of them to fix the rehgressions but still knowingly shipping others)12:38
didrocksogra_: shipping new regressions?12:38
didrocksogra_: that's what you are implying12:38
didrocksin your email12:38
ogra_we had trhee regressions and released one image that still had two and one image that still had one12:39
ogra_which makes multiple images with regressions12:39
ogra_(and we had regressed images before, its just one current example)12:39
didrocksogra_: hum, "a few images with regressions" sound like we have new images promoted regressing previous promoted image12:40
ogra_but thats not what i said12:40
didrocksthat's how it can be read :)12:40
seb128didrocks, let's not focus on unprecise wording, that's not the main point of that email12:40
didrocksseb128: still, I think that set a false perception12:40
didrocksbut anyway12:41
seb128yeah, it is12:41
ogra_my main point is that i want public meetings with community testers participating ... and that i want to take load off the landing team12:41
seb128not worth arguing over though, it's written/send and hopefully a detail people are not going to stop on12:41
didrockslet's see…12:41
ogra_and if that isnt coming out clear i'll correct this in a followupü12:42
* didrocks waits now on managers reaction "why did we land multiple images with regressions"12:42
didrockswell, that will be be direct pings I guess12:42
ogra_because we didnt wait with releaseing until all regressions were fixed12:42
didrocksogra_: which was a good thing, right?12:42
ogra_but fixed them one by one12:42
didrocksor we will still wait12:42
ogra_not sure ... i would presonally have waited but i didnt want you to have even more pressure from above12:43
ogra_(which is what a community based team should solve as well)12:43
ogra_(as long as there are clear policies)12:43
didrockslet's see12:43
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ogra_in any case i think the release process deserves a lot more attention ... and i also think the landing team doesnt need to have 2 2h meetings just because of that ... which is why i propose a new team with wider participation and more focus12:46
didrocksogra_: 2h meetings?12:47
didrocksmost of our meetings are under 20 minutes, if not 1512:48
ogra_didrocks, going through the buglist one by one, collecting info from more testers and other teams etc ...12:48
ogra_that would add up12:48
didrocksah, you mean, if we collected12:48
ogra_we have a huge community and i bet we can get a ton of people to participate more in testing if we would give them a voice in a public meeting12:49
ogra_these two points make me suggest a new team12:49
ogra_(and the hope that it frees up landing resources)12:50
psivaaSaviq: vila: i could not modify the config of the master job to pass the new parameter with rebuilds.. but the child jobs pass individually when the parameter is passed to them13:05
psivaaso if you want to force merge the MP, i have no objections13:06
Saviqpsivaa, yeah, I will just trigger generic-land manually13:06
Saviqpsivaa, once mir gets published, we're back on track13:06
Saviqpsivaa, bug still needs fixing, but we're unblocked at least13:07
psivaabut i've assigned the bug to fginther, ill subscribe to it/13:07
psivaasorry could not help more13:07
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: use 'cihelp' | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: http://goo.gl/DStLaS
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
* didrocks goes for a run13:15
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* ogra_ files bug 125599914:42
ubot5bug 1255999 in ubuntu-keyboard (Ubuntu) "[regression] testing on mako with image r32 and maguro with r34 the keyboard does not come up when an input field is focused" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125599914:42
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
didrocksogra_: let me upgrade and reproduce14:47
didrocksogra_: can't reproduce on image r32 on mako FYI14:47
ogra_how long did you run it yet14:48
vilaogra_: bonus points for triple 9 ?14:48
didrocksogra_: since this morning14:48
didrocksI'm still on image 32, didn't reboot14:48
didrocksogra_: and you don't tell it's not from the start14:49
vilaogra_: can't reproduce in messaging (nor anything I tried since I installed r34)14:49
ogra_didrocks, well, on my mako it runs since we promoted it ...14:49
vilaogra_: but I've seen it here on there for ages14:49
didrocksogra_: so, maybe you should tell that it's after a while :)14:49
didrocksand try to find a reproducer :p14:49
didrocksogra_: did you switch your language?14:49
ogra_well, i see it on two devices14:49
ogra_the maguro was updated this morning14:49
vilaogra_: which app ?14:49
ogra_settings app, searching in the shell14:50
ogra_browser too14:50
vilashell and browser ok here14:50
ogra_is your device properly set up in french and all ?14:51
didrocksogra_: can you tell it's after a while and not on startup? Otherwise, people will close it with not reproduceable here14:51
didrocksogra_: I get that in French for a while, it's in english right now14:51
vilasettings ok too :-/14:51
ogra_yep, just rebooted the maguro ... no kbd coming up14:52
ogra_let me reboot the mako14:53
vilaogra_: I've subscribed to the bug (and commented), I won't call it a regression though14:53
ogra_i didnt have that issue every with image 1014:54
didrocksogra_: I've always seen that randomly, I can ensure you14:55
ogra_so to me thats clearly a regression14:55
didrockseven with 1.014:55
didrocksmaybe it's more often now14:55
didrocksbut would be interesting to know exactly how you trigger it14:55
didrocksso that upstream can fix14:55
ogra_i didnt do anything special14:55
didrocksI don't do anything special and have it14:56
didrocksogra_: is your system in German?14:56
ogra_my mako was ugraded to 32 when we released that ... i must admit i didnt use it much since ... but it constantly ran ... today i tried to search in it for the first time14:56
ogra_(thats why i asked if you guys use french setup)14:57
didrocksogra_: ok, yeah, on that one, but it was even before image 1014:57
didrockslike I saw it on 1.014:57
didrocksI reswitched to english since14:57
ogra_i have never had it14:57
didrockslet me try to switch to French14:57
ogra_on a stable image14:57
didrocksI got it, not 100%, but got this14:57
ogra_(i have seen it on -proposed images before for sure ... )14:58
didrocksok, switched to French14:58
didrocksno issue14:58
didrockslet me reboot14:58
didrocks(long to boot…)15:01
vilaogra_: english setup here15:01
ogra_apport ...15:01
didrocksogra_: confirming in French15:01
didrockslet me see if there is a crash file15:01
ogra_my maliit log is empty :(15:02
didrocksyeah, no crash either :/15:02
didrocksmaliit-server is running15:02
ogra_here as well15:02
didrocksogra_: WARNING: no dictionary to turn on spellchecking15:04
didrocksI wonder if that can be it15:04
ogra_oh, where is that from ?15:04
didrocksogra_: ~phablet/.cache/upstart/maliit-server.log15:04
didrocksdo you confirm?15:04
ogra_as i said above15:04
ogra_mine is empty15:04
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/maliit-server.log15:05
ogra___pthread_gettid -215:05
ogra___pthread_gettid -215:05
ogra___pthread_gettid -215:05
didrocksI have that one top15:05
didrocksbefore the classic:15:05
didrocksWARNING: QOpenGLShader::link: "--From Fragment Shader:15:05
didrocks--From Vertex Shader:15:05
didrocksLink was successful.15:05
ogra_well, thats all i have15:05
didrockshence "classic" ;)15:05
ogra_no, i mean the above is all thats in there15:06
ogra_only the hybris noise15:06
didrocksogra_: ok, clearly, local-dependant15:06
didrocksogra_: adding infos to the bug report15:07
didrocksogra_: nice catch btw, I think it's not the same bug that vila and I were talking about15:10
didrockslike, sometimes, the keyboard will never ever come up again15:10
didrocksand you have to reboot15:10
ogra_havent had that on the stable one15:10
ogra_my mako explicitly only runs trusty, not proposed15:10
didrocksyou were lucky, I was using French all the time, and after 10 minutes of playing, I clearly had that15:10
ogra_but you also have that dictionary error15:11
didrocksyeah, I wonder if that's really linked or the previous session15:11
ogra_i wonder how german and french langpacks differ here15:11
didrocksdo you know about upstart session job?15:11
ogra_well, rm the log and reboot15:11
didrockslike, the logs are reset at each login?15:12
ogra_i dont think they are15:12
didrocksdoing that, hoping that upstart won't be upset by that15:12
ogra_they are just adding up until logrotate rotates them i think15:12
didrocksso no handler on the file?15:12
didrocks(done, and rebooting)15:12
ogra_probably while the session runs15:12
ogra_but not before or after15:13
didrocksogra_: yeah, that came from an english session I guess15:13
didrocksnothing anymore apart from the libhybris one15:13
ogra_right, so the same as i see15:14
didrocksso, let's extrapolate anything != english15:14
didrocksthat would be easy for them to reproduce15:14
ogra_btw, does your clock show a proper 24h time ?15:14
didrocksno, it's 4:1515:15
didrocksI didn't konw I worked that long :p15:15
ogra_yeah :(15:15
ogra_a recent change made it drop the AM/PM ...15:15
ogra_but the format is still wrong it seems15:16
didrocksindicator-datetime maybe?15:16
ogra_which now makes it look really weird15:16
didrockswe really need to have tests for those15:16
ogra_i had a bug open and just transferred it into a whishlist for session-migration today15:16
ogra_seems i was to fast15:16
didrocksoh! let me look at it15:17
didrocksogra_: ah, session-migration is just a helper15:18
ogra_bug 125553015:18
ubot5bug 1255530 in session-migration (Ubuntu) "/home/phablet/.pam_environment does not get updated on OTA upgrades" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125553015:18
didrocksogra_: it doesnt' contain any script15:18
didrocksso indicator-datetime contains the script and use session-migration15:18
ogra_it uses scripted backends, doesnt it ?15:18
didrocksyeah, and those are just scripts :)15:18
didrocksso, indicator-datetime just ship a script15:19
didrockscall dh_migration15:19
ogra_well, that wont help the above case15:19
ogra_unless pam starts shipping such a script15:19
didrocksyeah, that's the idea15:20
didrockshum, btw, session-migration won't work on the phone, that's the issue15:20
didrockswe need to hook it into upstart15:20
ogra_we have it installed :)15:20
didrocks(it was hooked in gnome-session)15:20
didrocksI doesn't do a lot I guess then :p15:20
ogra_well, we should have another bug for that one then ;)15:21
didrocksyep ;)15:21
didrocksogra_: we should rewrite it in Go as well ;)15:21
didrocksah no, it's C, it's fine :p15:22
ogra_i dont think it is overly important right now15:22
didrocks(with, hem, perl, for debhelper)15:22
ogra_but we should look at it before the next stable goes out15:22
ogra_(before release)15:22
ogra_so that such bits are catched when people do stable -> stable upgrades15:22
didrocksogra_: but soon systemd will implement it ;)15:25
didrocksogra_: if you don't mind, can you open the other bug so that I hook up session-migration into upstart?15:26
pitticould someone please update the "Proposed" link on http://ci.ubuntu.com/ for s/Saucy/Trusty/ ?15:34
Ursinhacihelp, ^15:35
vilapitti: noted, the relevant people are giving thanks (or something)15:39
pittithanks; far from urgent, it just caught my eye15:40
vilapitti: agreed, I've asked it to be added to our 'newrelease' wiki page15:41
Saviqpsivaa, vila, care to confirm the bug please https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1255948 ?16:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255948 in Ubuntu CI Services "upstream merger hooks do not propagate to downstream jobs' builder_hooks" [Undecided,New]16:29
Saviqand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1253198 too, for that matter16:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1253198 in Ubuntu CI Services "missing dependencies block otto runner for an hour" [Undecided,New]16:29
Saviqand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/125238616:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1252386 in Ubuntu CI Services "otto runner has locked unity7 session from time to time" [Undecided,New]16:31
psivaaSaviq: I've done for the first one. leaving the second one to vila due to me not knowing the history16:33
didrockscyphermox: ogra_: coming?17:01
ogra_on my way17:02
ogra_=== Image r36 building ===17:10
ogra_not many changes ... but pitti uploaded a new python17:11
cyphermoxdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro-config/new-depdns/+merge/19710417:14
didrockscyphermox: approved!17:15
cyphermoxdidrocks: can you explain to me why it failed? I'm failing at parsing the log: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-trusty-daily_release/label=qa-intel-4000/655/console17:22
didrockscyphermox: /var/local/autopilot/autopilot.log: Autopilot Package Version: 1.4+14.04.20131128.1-0ubuntu117:24
didrocks/var/local/autopilot/autopilot.log: I: No test left to run17:24
didrocksNone of the test reports contained any result17:24
didrocksBuild step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to FAILURE17:24
didrocksI think it's something for cihelp ^17:24
didrocksI would say autopilot run <test> did nothing17:25
cyphermoxdidrocks: in any case, at least now it gets to start, since I'm going to be running the tests manually anyway17:25
cyphermoxI started unity-system-compositor, just left with unity8 when that's done and we'll be ok to start testing17:26
didrockscyphermox: yeah, I think you will need to17:28
cyphermoxrobru: ok to start testing nao18:56
robrucyphermox, ok great. just having late breakfast, will start asap19:07
robrupsivaa, ok, now I am seeing that exact same error when trying to run unity8-autopilot locally: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491104/20:13
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