
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
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pittiGood morning06:53
pittirobru: that's psivaa's email about symlinks?06:58
damianatorrpm@larsu funktioniert auch mit installierten Schemas nicht, gesettings-qt ist trunk direkt mit bzr runtergeldaen, allerdings muss ich dazu sagen, unter suse nicht ubuntu...08:25
meetingologydamianatorrpm: Error: "larsu" is not a valid command.08:25
larsudamianatorrpm: sorry, I was afk making some tea :)08:53
larsudamianatorrpm: so you're not running gnome then?08:54
larsudamianatorrpm: how are you using the schema? You need to run glib-compile-schemas after installing it08:54
damianatorrpmYes I'm running gnome at the moment. sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas is of course done08:57
damianatorrpmbut the same problem is also with standard key's like org.gnome.whatever08:58
damianatorrpmin dconf-editor I can correctly see and edit any key08:58
larsudamianatorrpm: do you have the same problem with the gsettings command line tool?08:58
larsugsettings get org.gnome.deskotp.interface gtk-theme08:59
damianatorrpmlarsu: I'm 99% certain that  gsettings get org.gnome.deskotp.interface gtk-theme works properly. Today I have meeting in the office and am not at home so I will try this evening,09:01
Laneyhey there09:03
larsuLaney: morning09:03
seb128good morning desktopers!09:03
seb128hey Laney, larsu09:04
larsudamianatorrpm: please do, and also try with the keys that you installed. If that doesn't work, it's likely that something's wrong with your schema09:04
seb128Laney, e-d-s migrated09:04
Laneyyes, I got a lot of emails \o/09:05
seb128pitti is going to be happy09:05
Laneyall those exciting new bugs to discover09:05
* pitti waves hello to the crowd09:05
seb128speaking of bugs, I don't get why I'm the only one seeing telepathy-mission-control sigabrt at every login09:06
=== larsu is now known as crowd
crowdhello pitti!09:06
pittioh nice! that means upstream merge proposals should now  be unblocked, I'll re-run a few09:06
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?09:06
=== crowd is now known as larsu
* pitti hugs the cloud^Wcroud^Wlarsu09:06
pittiseb128: gut, danke! und dir?09:06
seb128gut auch, danke!09:06
pittiseb128: "auch gut"09:06
seb128ah, danke ;-)09:06
* larsu wonders when we can finally switch the official language of this channel to German09:07
larsunow that seb128 is almost there...09:07
seb128so I debugged that telepathy sigabrt I see at every greeter use, found quite some issues09:08
seb128the first one is what is creating the bug09:08
seb128[   61.537359] type=1400 audit(1385628593.901:86): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mkdir" parent=3888 profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5" name="/var/lib/lightdm/.local/share/telepathy/"09:08
seb128do you guys see that in your dmesg as well?09:08
seb128dmesg | grep DENIED09:08
seb128I don't get why you wouldn't...09:08
psivaapitti: yea, i *think robru's ping was about my email09:09
seb128then mission control has a bug where it reuse a GError without setting it to NULL in between, which is in the codepath for when that dir is not writable09:09
Laneyno denied here09:09
seb128Laney, is the dir existing for you?09:09
seb128ok, that would explain it09:10
seb128if you remove it and go the greater, do you get the deny?09:10
seb128I wonder if my apparmor config is different somehow09:10
seb128or if you guys just happened to have the directory created at some point and staying there since09:10
Laneyit got recreated09:11
seb128why is apparmor stopping that for me and not for you :/09:12
Laneymaybe one of us messed with the policies09:12
seb128I didn't afaik09:12
seb128and I'm the special case it seems, nobody else mentioned that issue09:12
Laneythat's what I did09:14
Laneywas scrolled up09:14
seb128hum, my /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.telepathy has09:15
seb128    owner /var/lib/gdm/.local/share/telepathy/                  rw,09:15
seb128    owner /var/lib/gdm/.local/share/telepathy/mission-control/  rw,09:15
seb128    owner /var/lib/gdm/.local/share/telepathy/mission-control/* rwk,09:15
seb128 09:15
seb128no lightdm entries09:15
seb128I though HOME was not working out of /home without changing the tunables09:16
seb128I guess I need jdstrand, that's going to be for next week with thanksgiving09:16
seb128some days I hate trusty09:21
NoskcajDoes anyone have time to try and see what's wrong with the extensions in https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/gthumb/3.2.5/+merge/19678309:21
seb128lightdm/xorg are screwed on user switching09:21
didrocksseb128: frusty! ;)09:21
larsufrusty fahr?09:21
seb128didrocks, yeah, wth09:21
seb128Xorg hits a sigabrt with "no display found" error09:21
seb128lightdm or something gets confused09:21
seb128and I get a blank screen/vt over vt7/my session when that happens09:22
didrocksurgh, doesn't sound good09:22
seb128I can see the cursor changing shape09:22
seb128but I can't get back the pixels09:22
seb128going to vt, restarting compiz or another wm doesn't work09:22
seb128just need to reboot09:22
larsuso this just happens sometimes, not all of the time?09:23
seb128robert_ancell said he can reproduce on trusty and seems an xorg error09:23
larsuwe should just drop xorg09:23
seb128larsu, right, seems a timing issue, between lightdm and xorg09:23
seb128anyway, I figured out why I get the telepathy issue09:23
seb128Laney, do you have gnome-online-account installed ?09:24
seb128looking at my bootcharts, it does09:24
seb128lightdm -> unity-greeter -> indicator-datetime -> e-d-s -> goa -> telepathy09:24
LaneyNoskcaj: not sure if anyone here is going to know particularly; we don't ship gthumb09:24
seb128the indicator should probably not init/use e-d-s at all on the greeter profile, I'm going to bug charles about that09:24
Laneyno, it's not09:25
seb128the issue stopped after I uninstalled "gnome-online-account"09:25
seb128ok, that explains then09:25
seb128btw in the category09:25
seb128"larsu told you so"09:25
NoskcajLaney, ok. I was just a recommendation from dholbach. Xubuntu still does, and no one can fix this09:25
seb128nomination is bug #125571909:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255719 in indicator-sync (Ubuntu) "Upstart job keeps respawing indicator-sync on the greeter" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125571909:26
LaneyNoskcaj: check NEWS and so on to find out if they were dropped by upstream09:26
seb128larsu, ^ I was thinking about you when I filed this one :p09:26
LaneyNoskcaj: also see where they were coming from in the previous package09:26
seb128larsu, I couldn't troll ted though, those slackers are off eating turkey09:26
larsuseb128: I will enjoy this moment in silence :)09:28
Laneyooh, my PS4 is "dispatching soon"09:28
seb128larsu, ;-)09:28
seb128Laney, oh, you got one of those?09:28
* Laney will be "sick" tomorrow09:28
seb128larsu, yes09:28
* seb128 slaps Laney09:28
seb128PS4> WANT09:28
seb128Laney, give it to me!09:28
Laneygo to a midnight launch tonight09:28
seb128pretty please?09:29
seb128(being nice is supposed to work :p)09:29
seb128yeah, so I can get a cold and really be sick with a PS4 tomorrow? :p09:29
Laneyok I'll get right on that09:29
Laneysounds like a winning plan to me09:29
seb128I would have bought one already, if it was reading PS3 games, but it doesn't :/09:30
larsuLaney: shouldn't be too hard this time of year. Just get into a subway and touch all the handles09:30
seb128my PS3 is having some issues, it tends to freeze/lock09:30
Laneyyeah I skipped PS3 so that's not a problem for me except that I would have bought GTA09:30
seb128I'm not sure if I should buy a PS3 slim to replace it or go with a PS409:30
Laneyguessing those ps3s are quite cheap now09:31
seb128seems like there is almost no game available for it atm :/09:31
Laneyoh, still not so much09:31
seb128larsu, I think your o-s change has a bug, I'm getting gedit to segfault sometimes since yesterday09:38
seb128gdk_window_has_native: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed09:39
larsudo you have a stacktrace?09:41
sil2100seb128: hello! :)09:43
seb128larsu, let me install the dbg (and makes sure it's not the GTK update, but I doubt it)09:43
seb128sil2100, hey, what's up?09:43
ogra_oha ! my clock is right after switching languages back and forth on the phone ...09:44
seb128ogra_, hey ... weird, does it persist after a reboot?09:44
ogra_no more AM/PM09:44
seb128or is that a one time workaround?09:44
ogra_it only happens after a reboot ... and then stays that way09:45
sil2100seb128: do you think you'll have time for a quick preNEW review of lp:unity-voice today? :)09:45
ogra_i assume we dont update ~/.pam-environment on upgrades ?09:45
seb128sil2100, you already pinged about that yesterday, I can have a try, still dealing with some other issues09:45
seb128sil2100, if that's really urgent maybe didrocks can help you?09:45
seb128ogra_, what upgrades have to do with the user config?09:45
ogra_so that my manual setting/unsetting/setting actually added something there09:46
didrocksseb128: it's not, I just want to MIR it later on09:46
didrocksso that mterry isn't the only one having to MIR everything :)09:46
seb128didrocks, well, I got 4 pings in a day for it now so I start wondering09:46
ogra_seb128, well, if we add a setting the user needs to get it with a proper value on upgrade09:46
seb128ogra_, I don't understand what that has to do with upgrades09:47
ogra_if my ~/.pam-enviroment was missing a var and key ...09:47
didrocksseb128: I think as the CI system was down for some some days, upstreams want to get their code released :p09:47
seb128didrocks, gotcha, anyway it's on my todo09:47
seb128no need to ping more :p09:47
didrocksthanks seb128 :)09:47
seb128ogra_, it's good now, even after a reboot?09:48
seb128ogra_, that bug doesn't make sense to me09:48
ogra_seb128, if there is a fix thats based on the user having a sprecific var with a specific setting, it should not be needed that the user has to set/unset something in the settings app to get the fix09:48
ogra_seb128, yes, it seems to persist09:48
seb128ogra_, right, it should not, but days only have 24 hours09:48
seb128there is a limit on how much we can get done in a day09:49
ogra_seb128, sure, i'm just trying to identify the reason of the bug09:49
seb128ogra_, I guess you picked your locale in the setting at a time where we were setting the language only and no lctime and such09:50
seb128so your user config was incomplete09:50
ogra_thats what i mean ... ~/.pam_environment just stayed that way09:50
seb128we could try to tweak pam configs on upgrades09:50
seb128but well, imho that's not worth the efforts atm09:50
seb128only early adapter are running touch, and it's easy to go in settings and pick your language again09:51
ogra_well, most of our users will do OTA upgrades and not reinstall all the time09:51
seb128our current users are technical enough to be able to workaround it09:51
ogra_well, i wasnt09:51
ogra_it bothered me for several weeks and i only worked around it by accident09:51
seb128well, you just fixed it no? ;-)09:52
seb128I guess it's part of being an early adopter09:52
ogra_heh, k09:52
seb128don't get me wrong, I would like to fix all bugs and all weird cases09:52
seb128but we just can't justify spending that amonth of efforts on the experience for early adapter updating09:53
seb128we need to focus on making the product good09:53
seb128those would started very early might have to deal with some upgrade issues09:53
seb128but the other alternative is to spend a ridiculous amonth of efforts for a few users and put us behind for the important work09:54
ogra_well, we should at least have some hooks prepared for such cases ... they will likely also happen on released images at some point09:54
seb128there is a lot of things we should have09:54
ogra_surely not urgent right now09:54
ogra_but something we should at least have a plan for before release09:54
seb128we have the migration tool didrocks wrote, it's working09:55
ogra_it didnt in my case :)09:55
seb128it just requires somebody to actual write the migration code for that case, if you want to handle it09:55
seb128well, somebody needs to write a script that migrate the config09:55
seb128it's not rocket science, but it's touch pam config and has possibility to create real issues at login09:56
seb128so it needs some thinking and testing09:56
seb128if you want to do it and send a patch, please do09:56
ogra_*right even09:56
seb128but it's just not enough of an issue atm to make the top of my list09:56
* Laney builds new glib10:00
seb128Laney, your e-d-s ppa somewhat made my system unhappy :/10:01
seb128well I installed that transition back then10:01
Laneywhich part?10:01
Laneythe goa bit?10:01
seb128but trusty doesn't resolve it10:01
seb128it removed empathy and I can't install it back10:02
Laneyit's probably diverged somewhat from the archive now10:02
Laneyyou should ppa-purge it10:02
seb128 empathy : Dépend: libgoa-1.0-0 (>= 3.5.1) mais ne sera pas installé10:02
Laneyif that can handle transitions10:02
seb128I've a libgoa-1.0-0b10:02
Laneyyes, the goa transition10:03
Laneywhich isn't in archive10:03
seb128blocked on webkit?10:03
Laneythere might be a working qemu/arm64 now though10:03
Laneywill try it later10:04
seb128$ sudo apt-get instarusty libevolution/trusty evolution-data-server/trusty libgoa-1.0-common/trusty  libgoa-1.0-0b- evolution-plugins/trusty gnome-control-center/trusty unity-scope-gdrive/trusty unity-lens-photos/trusty gir1.2-gdata-0.0/trusty gir1.2-goa-1.0/trusty10:05
seb128that fixes it10:05
* seb128 doesn't trust ppa purge, just do stuff by hand10:05
ogra_seb128, i have truned bug 1255530 into a wishlist bug for session-migration and closed the indicator-datetime task10:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255530 in session-migration (Ubuntu) "/home/phablet/.pam_environment does not get updated on OTA upgrades" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125553010:06
seb128ogra_, thanks10:06
Laneyyeah that seemed to mess up with reverting the transition here10:06
Laneyfor once aptitude was useful in doing that10:09
Laneylike the third option was to downgrade everything to trusty10:09
seb128larsu, do you want to fix update-manager for the box/scaling issue?10:53
seb128or should I have a look?10:53
larsuseb128: I had planned to do it. I'm working in the theme right now though, so if you have time or want to do it, I'd be happy if you did10:55
seb128larsu, I'm having a look10:55
seb128larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/update-manager/box-use-vertical-space/+merge/197042 fixes the update-manager issue for me11:26
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128oh, speaking of update-manager11:26
seb128hey mvo ;-)11:26
seb128on that note, lunch time, bbiab11:26
larsuseb128: are you setting that expand property on a box?11:27
larsuseb128: ah nvm, enjoy lunch!11:27
* Laney installs new glib packages11:40
* Laney watches PC catch on fire11:40
mvoseb128: hey! just saw your MP11:44
mlankhorstdidrocks: ping?11:45
seb128mvo, hey, how are you?11:46
didrocksmlankhorst: pong11:46
seb128larsu, yes, seems to work11:46
mlankhorstdidrocks: I was porting pointer barriers to unity-2d, but I noticed that it believes it should create a pointer barrier at 0x0, stretching to 0x011:47
* seb128 sends some water in Laney's direction11:47
mlankhorstwhich somehow works on raring xserver11:47
seb128Laney, how is the world seen from a new glib?11:47
mlankhorstbut fails with the new pointer barrier implementation11:47
LaneyI didn't restart my session yet because it's building webkitgtk/arm64, but nothing blew up so far11:48
seb128mlankhorst, what do you mean "ported pointer barriers to unity-2d"?11:48
Laneydownloading a trusty iso to put it in there11:48
seb128Laney, good11:48
Laneylet me scp it to people and you ca... oh wait, i38611:48
didrocksmlankhorst: this is for precise I guess?11:48
mlankhorstdidrocks: yes :)11:48
seb128Laney, ;-)11:49
seb128Laney, if you push the vcs somewhere I'm happy to test build/install it11:49
Laneyeasily fixed!11:49
Laneys'already building11:49
mlankhorstseb128: saucy xserver has the upstream pointer barrier abi11:49
mlankhorstso if i want to backport saucy xserver to precise the pointer barrier implementation of unity and unity-2d need to be changed at runtime11:50
didrocksmlankhorst: maybe the unity8 guys have some code for that, and can be backported to unity2d11:51
mlankhorstdidrocks: I already ported it11:51
mlankhorstbut I don't see why the pointer barrier is created with 0x0 0x011:51
didrocksKaleo: do you remember? ^11:51
mlankhorstit's on the s-lts-backport ppa11:52
seb128mlankhorst, ok, I was not sure if you were adding the feature (e.g if unity-2d has it, it was not feature complete compared to 3d)11:52
mlankhorstif unity-2d didn't have pointer barriers I wouldn't spend the effort on it :P11:52
Kaleodidrocks, unity 2D has it, not unity811:52
didrocksKaleo: I think his question was:11:54
didrocks"why the pointer barrier is created with 0x0 0x0 "11:54
mlankhorstif I look at shell/Shell.qml p2: Qt.point(x, declarativeView.screen.geometry.y + declarativeView.screen.geometry.height)11:55
mlankhorstp1: Qt.point(x, declarativeView.screen.geometry.y)11:55
mlankhorstso I'm guessing declarativeView.screen.geometry.height = 011:56
Kaleodidrocks, mlankhorst dunno11:59
Kaleodidrocks, mlankhorst: better ask greyback or Saviq11:59
greybackmlankhorst: would suspect libunity-2d-private/src/screeninfo.h isn't getting the screen geometry correctly12:03
greybackmlankhorst: else that piece of qml is being called before the screen geometry has been fetched - and isn't updated when the screen geometry is then corrected12:06
mlankhorstthat would seem likely12:07
mlankhorst yeah12:13
mlankhorstcalling xrandr afterwards causes it to create barriers again with more reasonable x/y coordinates12:14
davmor2seb128: don't know if you can point me in the right direction with this one.  I updated my Saucy Laptop yesterday and now even though the only keybord I have installed is English(UK) it seems to be a US layout12:15
seb128davmor2, no idea, what's the difference between both?12:15
seb128I though they were both qwerty12:15
davmor2seb128: @ becames ", shift 2 becomes @12:16
seb128davmor2, what is the indicator in the panel saying?12:16
seb128is that persistant accross reboots?12:16
davmor2seb128: yeap12:16
Laneydeb http://people.canonical.com/~laney/package-junkyard ./12:17
Laney^ glib12:17
mlankhorstoh wait, floats, grr :P12:20
seb128Laney, desrt: you guys are boring, I like that!12:21
seb128(new glib installed, restarted session, no visible change)12:22
Laneygood good12:23
davmor2seb128: http://ubuntuone.com/7I0RGTAaCn1z9pZOpgsjpT So here I clicked on the indicator and opened the keyboard layout but that isn't what I have :)12:23
seb128davmor2, is gnome-settings-daemon running?12:23
mlankhorstok looks like a printf error, sigh12:24
mlankhorstback to square 012:24
davmor2seb128: running ps aux | grep gnome-settings-daemon I have listed /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-fallback-mount-helper  and nothing else12:26
seb128davmor2, that's your issue I guess12:26
seb128davmor2, do you have any apport file for it or an error in .cache/upstart/gnome-settings-daemon.log ?12:27
davmor2seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/648926312:28
davmor2seb128: I'll check it now12:28
seb128davmor2, do you use an nvidia card/driver?12:28
davmor2seb128: I do12:28
seb128davmor2, is your machine an optimus one?.12:28
davmor2seb128: it is12:28
seb128davmor2, talk to tseliot, that's a known issue with nvidia drivers/optimus12:28
seb128davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/122425412:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1224254 in xserver-xorg-video-modesetting (Ubuntu) "xrandr Xerrors with the nvidia binary drivers" [Medium,Triaged]12:28
davmor2seb128: thanks12:29
seb128davmor2, uw12:29
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
seb128davmor2, gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xrandr active false12:29
seb128davmor2, that should workaround it (it might make your monitors config wrong though, if that's the case use the nvidia tool I guess)12:30
davmor2seb128: thanks12:30
davmor2seb128: Yay work around worked I have me @'s back  it makes it much easier to send emails now :)  Thanks again :)12:33
seb128davmor2, yw!12:34
seb128davmor2, what did you change btw? I'm curious why that just started...12:34
seb128davmor2, new nvidia drivers?12:34
davmor2Let me have a look at the update history and see what got installed12:35
seb128davmor2, one other option is that you did use the monitor configuration tool and got a configuration written and that g-s-d started to try to apply it (where you had none before and it was not trying to apply changes)12:37
Laneyglib is up ...12:37
seb128davmor2, you can try re-enabling the key and deleting .config/monitors.xml12:37
davmor2seb128: only xorg change seems to be xserver-xorg-glamoregl12:39
seb128davmor2, what's the timestamp of .config/monitors.xml ?12:39
Laneydesrt: ↑, should make you happy :-)12:39
davmor2seb128: no such file or directory12:40
seb128davmor2, hum, ok, so probably nvidia/optimus by itself then... not sure when that just started being buggy for you12:42
seb128Laney, WAIT12:42
davmor2Laney: if glib is up, does that automatically mean that flippant is on the rise too?12:42
Laneyhaha, you can't scare me with that12:42
Laneythere's HOURS to put a britney block in yet :P12:42
seb128well, no issue so far and I restarted my session12:43
seb128so looks good12:43
Laneydavmor2: flippant took a hit on the news, but loquacious is riding its coat tails12:44
davmor2Laney: as long as sarcasm isn't in decline I don't care :D12:44
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mlankhorstdidrocks/greyback/Kaleo: turns out that something in kapplication probably already calls XGetEventData, so XGetEventData call was failing in my handler12:50
mlankhorstwhich caused the event to be dorpped12:50
greybackmlankhorst: that's annoying12:51
mlankhorstyeah, at least new pointer barriers work now :)12:51
seb128Laney, new glib is buggy, put a block please12:52
seb128Laney, desrt, larsu: with glib 2.39 I can't change indicator-power settings (e.g display % in panel, in the indicator menu), it displays those on start12:52
seb128g_simple_action_set_state: assertion 'state_type != NULL' failed12:53
seb128desrt, larsu, Laney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6489372/12:53
seb128works fine if I LD_PRELOAD the 2.38 libgio12:54
* larsu takes a look12:57
Laneytrue, seems a change in glib causes this12:59
larsuhm, this might be it? https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=83869120bba2aa745a1b23fb415ab0eddd6f932713:03
LaneyIs the bug that you're not giving the type when constructing the GSimpleAction?13:05
larsuLaney: yep, just found that in indicator-power13:06
larsuit's g_settings_binding something to the state of an action that was not created with g_simple_action_new_stateful13:06
LaneyIsn't it that you're using g_simple_action_new(..., NULL) instead of the type there?13:07
Laneyoh, maybe not13:07
* Laney gets it13:07
larsuno, the second argument to that function is the activation parameter13:07
larsuI'll have a patch up in a bit, this doesn't seem hard13:07
* larsu compiles glib13:08
Laneyno need13:08
Laneydeb http://people.canonical.com/~laney/package-junkyard ./13:08
larsuah, thanks :)13:08
seb128or get the debs from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.39.1-0ubuntu1/+build/527776713:08
Laneyyeah if you like downloading stuff :P13:09
larsuI wonder why charles didn't just use a gsettingsaction13:13
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
apwseb128, a fun one for you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/125597013:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255970 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "multi-monitor: when the screen saver self-engages only the focused screen is visually protected" [Undecided,New]13:17
seb128apw, can you reproduce? I had that once like a month ago and couldn't reproduce it after that :/13:18
apwseb128, if you hand-engage the screensaver with C-A-l it changes behaviour13:19
apwseb128, but if you reboot and let it lock by itself it seems reproducible13:20
apw(as someone who manually locks most of the time that is why it took me so long work out how it occurred)13:20
seb128apw, ok, that would explain why I couldn't reproduce, I usually lock by suspending/closing lid/manual action13:20
seb128never by timeout13:21
seb128apw, thanks!13:21
apwyeah timeout seems to be the key13:21
apwand only timeout any other seems to fix it somehow13:21
larsuseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-power/use-gsettings-actions/+merge/19706613:23
seb128larsu, looking13:27
seb128larsu, do you know why charles did it the complex way rather than the simple one?13:27
larsuseb128: probably because he didn't know about g_settings_create_action when he wrote this, or that function didn't exists back then. I'll ask him for a review when he's up13:28
seb128larsu, it's thanksgiving, he's off until next week (like most americans)13:29
larsuah, right :-/13:29
seb128larsu, I'm testing it, codes looks fine to me... do you want a second review from e.g desrt or Laney before having it approved? (I don't want to wait for next week since new glib got uploaded)13:29
larsuLaney: ^13:30
LaneyIt looks sensible to me but let's wait for desrt's ack13:32
Laneyhe should be along quite soon13:32
seb128larsu, do you want a bug report for the record/discussion with charles next week?13:33
larsuseb128: I can also just send him an email13:35
larsuhm, but I guess bug is better for everyone to look at13:35
seb128larsu, right, let me do that13:36
seb128larsu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/125598113:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1255981 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "Indicator options stopped working with glib 2.39.1" [Undecided,New]13:40
larsuseb128: thanks, I'll link the branch13:40
seb128larsu, danke13:40
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desrtnew GLib is up?14:08
seb128desrt, good morning!14:08
desrtgood morning14:09
desrtwarning: pre-coffee14:09
seb128desrt, no worry, I've no ping/question/trolls for you today ;-)14:09
* desrt saw something about a review a bit up14:09
seb128desrt, oh, right, that's a small/easy one, if you want to have a look for larsu (charles is off due to thanksgiving)14:10
larsudesrt: morning! Please drink coffee first ;)  https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-power/use-gsettings-actions/+merge/19706614:12
larsudesrt: new glib broke the old code because you commited a patch that enforces the type of the state14:13
desrtshouldn't you call g_settings_action_new()?14:13
desrtsorry.  i'll get on that coffee :)14:13
* desrt forgot that it's not friday yet14:13
larsuit's always Friday somewhere in the world!14:14
desrtspeaking of g_settings_action_new(), though, did you take a look at your other favourite bug in the world?14:14
desrtlarsu: that's actually not true.....14:14
larsuI saw it, but didn't have time to have a look yet14:14
desrtit's evil14:15
larsuthat's what I figured. How did you end up doing it? varargs macro?14:15
* desrt uses a varargs macro trick to implement default arguments14:15
desrt#define a(x,y,...) func(x,y)14:15
desrt#define func(...) a(__VA_ARGS__,NULL)14:15
desrtif you give two args to func() then they become x,y14:16
desrtif you get one arg, then it becomes x and NULL becomes y14:16
larsuand it doesn't error out anymore if you give the wrong number of args14:16
larsuwell, it does, but it'll be hard to read14:16
* sil2100 looks at seb128 from behind the corner14:16
desrtif you give 3 then it will ignore the rest, ya14:16
desrtbut i don't think there is too much concern there14:16
seb128sil2100, shrug, sorry I've too much to do I'm not going to do that review, please find another archive admin14:17
* sil2100 hides behind the corner again14:17
larsudesrt: won't gcc warn when you give 3 args?14:17
larsuah wait, you never define a14:17
desrtlarsu: no.  the macro takes (...)14:17
larsuthat'll work. but ugh, that's evil14:17
seb128sil2100, sorry, but I've it on my todolist, no need of 5 pings in 24 hours, that's adding stress for no good reason14:17
desrtlarsu: it gets worse14:17
larsudesrt: but it gets expanded to a(x,y,NULL)14:18
desrtlarsu: we're going to break ABI at some point in the future14:18
seb128sil2100, either it's a top priority must drop everything to do it and say it (didrocks said it's not the case) or just stop nagging for a few days14:18
desrtlarsu: that's where the second macro(x,y,...) comes in14:18
desrtthe NULL ends up in the ... and gets ignored14:18
sil2100Sure, sorry for nagging14:18
seb128sil2100, no worry, thanks for understanding14:19
larsudesrt: break abi because you'll drop the version that takes a length?14:19
desrtlarsu: the way the macros work is that a mere recompile will cause everyone who was passing a length to g_variant_get_string() to stop doing so14:20
desrtso then we can silently remove the second arg to that function after a while14:20
desrtlots of code will be out there that pass NULL14:20
larsuhm, so compile errors everywhere14:20
desrtbut second arguments are ignored -- a fact that we use a lot in glib14:20
desrtmy code auditing shows that very few people actually call this function with non-NULL second arg anyway...14:21
larsubut there will be this one case that prevents seb128 from logging in one morning14:21
desrtwe have a stepped escalation plan in the bug :)14:21
desrtfirst comes the critical... then the assert that can be turned off... then the hard break14:22
desrtanyway... the proposal is pretty wild.  needs reviews.14:23
larsuI'll have a look when I get some time14:23
seb128doesn't like the sound of those changes14:23
* larsu was waiting for that exact phrase :)14:23
seb128there is no such thing than "time before it's fine to change an ABI in an incompatible way"14:24
seb128if you claim to be ABI stable14:25
desrtoh seb.  you're so oldschool.14:25
larsuhe's cute, isn't he?14:25
* larsu hides14:25
larsudesrt: but really, seb has a point. We should just make it glib 3.014:26
desrtseb128: speaking seriously, though, there's a single user of this feature in gnome14:26
desrtin gtk14:26
seb128somebody out there, in some business, is having a software from 15 years ago they need and which is no maintained anymore and they are going to be unhappy14:26
seb128well, that one user could be NASA and it could be an app in a space shuttle that used to run fine for 15 years14:26
desrtseb128: my point is that nobody uses this second parameter14:26
seb128you never knows14:26
desrtthat's why people hate it so much14:26
* larsu resists being pedantic and pointing out that this function is only 5ish years old14:26
seb128you don't know14:26
seb128larsu, ;-)14:27
larsudesrt: what's speaking against only doing step (1)?14:27
seb128larsu, I'm more arguing with the philosophy of "nobody is using it, it's probably fine to make an incompatible change"14:27
desrtlarsu: the sheer ugliness of the interim14:27
larsusheer ugliness if what we have now14:27
desrtthere's some people not passing NULL as the second argument14:34
desrt....they're passing 014:34
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larsuseb128: do you still have the issue with the small file chooser?14:47
seb128larsu, yes14:47
seb128larsu, I've opened https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=712288 with details14:47
ubot2Gnome bug 712288 in GtkFileChooser "The default dimension of the fileselectors are a bit small" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:47
seb128larsu, but basically it's by directory, so "mkdir /tmp/gtkfswth; gedit /tmp/gtkfswth/larsu; ctrl-S"14:48
larsuseb128: I get (740, 607)14:48
seb128larsu, what's your screen resolution?14:49
larsuseb128: same thing when I do that14:49
larsuseb128: 1366x76814:49
seb128larsu, I guess that's ok, 626 for 1920 is a bit small14:49
seb128larsu, well, anyway, not a blocker for the update14:49
seb128larsu, feel free to not spend time on that, it's a small annoyance, we can still look at it later/see how many users get annoyed by it14:50
larsuseb128: okay.14:50
desrtlarsu: NULL == 014:50
seb128larsu, seems like we are going to push to the ppa once the overlay-scrollbar merge is in?14:50
larsuseb128: the theme issue is a small fix - turns out the gedit problems I was seeing went away with 3.10.514:50
seb128larsu, oh, you still had the theme issues as well14:50
seb128larsu, is 3.10.5 screwing up the g-c-c geometry?14:51
seb128larsu, e.g do we need https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=d54b8864abc8b69042db73df562b2cfc84714a69 ?14:51
desrta teacher once told me that NULL might not be equal to zero and therefore you should never do if(ptr) but always if(ptr!=NULL)14:51
larsuseb128: I'm building it right now -- or trying to... a patch doesn't apply :)14:51
desrtthat teacher was an idiot14:51
larsudesrt: I know, but I've never ever seen anyone use 0 instead of NULL14:51
desrtlarsu: i do if i'm lazy :)14:52
larsustop being lazy!14:52
desrtlike writing a real quick program and i don't want to include stddef14:52
desrtif god intended for us to use NULL he would have made it a language feature14:52
larsuyou write programs that don't include glib.h? :P14:52
desrtlarsu: ya.  sometimes they use <gio/gio.h> instead14:53
larsus/god/k&c/ ?14:53
desrthow did they call it in the matrix?14:53
desrtthe architect?14:53
larsuI think so, yes14:53
seb128attente, hey, are you there?15:18
attenteseb128, yep15:19
seb128attente, can you join #ubuntu-app-devel ?15:19
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larsuseb128: ya, we need to apply the patch. Also, I'm seeing theming issues again now that it's installed :-/15:44
seb128larsu, I need to check if that patch makes it still look ok with gtk 3.815:45
larsuI wonder why I didn't see those when running from the build dir ...15:45
* seb128 hates it when gtk update forces you to patch apps to look as they use to look15:45
seb128./tests/autopilot/unity_voice/__init__.py: LGPL (v3 or later)15:46
larsuugh, right. But I don't see why it shouldn't work15:46
seb128sil2100, that needs to be reflected in the changelog15:46
seb128sil2100, ./tests/autopilot/setup.py: GPL (v3 or later) as well (the "or later")15:46
sil2100seb128: yes, that's  the one part I prepared a fix for, the branch is ready - I missed the setup.py one though, thanks!15:50
sil2100seb128: thank you for the review \o/15:50
seb128sil2100, yw15:53
seb128sil2100, cf #ubuntu-touch as well, the libdev is missing depends15:53
seb128larsu, sorry, got sidetracked... what doesn't work? can I help in some way?15:53
larsuseb128: I have black backgrounds in gedit and devhelp15:55
larsuI'm trying to find out why right now. I hope it's not something that got fixed in the apps15:55
seb128larsu, do you get any error on the command line?15:55
seb128larsu, I don't get that with 3.10.4 in gedit (and 3.10.5 shouldn't have any theming change)15:56
larsuseb128: this is with the universal background disabled in the theme15:56
larsuseb128: which makes the info bars work15:57
seb128oh, ok :/15:57
larsuseb128: running gedit against my locally built gtk 3.10 works :/16:00
larsuso... one of our patches?!16:00
* larsu is confused16:00
seb128larsu, is one of those loading overlay-scrollbars and not the other one?16:01
seb128larsu, we had bugs about that in the past... (just saying)16:01
larsuseb128: you are a genious!16:02
larsuthat's it16:02
seb128larsu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/overlay-scrollbar/+bug/109690716:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1096907 in overlay-scrollbar "Scrollbars cause GTK rendering issues with specific combinations of widgets and themes" [Undecided,New]16:02
seb128larsu, ;-)16:02
* ogra_ notices that he shouldnt have checked the closk before 12 for 24h time :P16:05
ogra_seems the time is still 12h format ... but the AM/PM is gone16:05
seb128ogra_, :-(16:06
larsuseb128: thanks. Just when I thought I was done with o-s :-/16:06
ogra_i guess we still miss a variable16:06
larsuI think we should just drop them16:06
seb128larsu, I was about to make a comment about how much you must be loving the o-s right now16:06
* seb128 hugs larsu16:07
* ogra_ guesses they can be drtopped once we switched to unity816:07
seb128ogra_, or reimplemented for qt :p16:07
ogra_i doubt thats necessary16:09
larsuseb128, desrt: surely we can live with that, right? http://i.imgur.com/CLufvB2.png16:12
larsuthis happens in all themes btw16:12
didrockslarsu: no one will notice16:13
desrtincluding adwaita?16:13
desrtlooks pretty bad...16:13
didrocksif only it was aubergine :)16:13
larsudesrt: yes. It doesn't happen without overlay-scrollbars16:14
ochosiyeah, the overlay scrollbar issue is quite bad16:14
desrti don't get it16:14
ochosithemes need an ubuntu-specific patch...16:14
desrthow the hell does overlay scrollbars have anything to do with that?16:14
ochosiin xubuntu we carry one for our themes that we don't ship in other distros16:14
larsuochosi: they do?16:14
ochosiwell they mess with the background16:14
* desrt sobs16:14
ochosiif you're interested, i can dig up our patch16:15
* desrt wants to float larsu down a river of beer16:15
larsuochosi: does it look like this: * { background-color: @bg_color }16:15
desrt...with seb paying...16:15
ochosiyeah, pretty much16:15
ochosibut that breaks nautilus and some background stuff16:15
ochosijust not very nice code...16:15
larsuochosi: that's what I thought. I just removed that because it messes with other stuff16:15
ochosiimo the overlay-scrollbars should be fixed, finally16:15
larsulike GtkInfoBars in 3.1016:15
ochosiit has been like that for ages now...16:15
larsuochosi: s/fixeds/removed16:15
ochosiwell, whatever option16:16
ochosiwe're not shipping this stuff in xubuntu, i just get annoyed cause we still get bugreports about this kind of stuff :/16:16
larsudesrt: thanks :)16:16
desrtlarsu: you're definitely on the icecream list in... uh... february16:16
larsudesrt: February is the best time for ice cream16:17
ochosilarsu: if there are changes to that, please feel free to ping me...16:17
ochosii'd really love to drop that silly patch...16:17
larsuochosi: will do16:17
ochosithanks larsu!16:17
larsuseb128: ^^ so ... GktInfoBar or working theme? It's your choice! :P16:18
seb128larsu, can't we away by tweaking the infobar bg in the theme?16:19
seb128desrt, I would gladly pay as much beer as larsu wants to drink, but I wouldn't feel good, the guy drinks like one every second day16:20
desrtmarga: hey... tending to dconf bugs lately... are you still working on the NFS native backend?16:20
larsuseb128: no, that's what my talk with Company the other day was about16:20
seb128larsu, what is so special about infobars?16:21
seb128larsu, forget about the infobars and the theme, that's not a blocker and we can get cimi to look at it for us16:22
seb128larsu, you did the work for porting the o-s, he can do the theme tweaking16:22
larsuseb128: nothing, they're just the first ones to experience the problem.16:22
larsuseb128: this is an issue with o-s16:23
larsuit happens in every theme16:23
seb128larsu, right, but it's not a new one16:23
seb128I want to get that LTS out with minimal changes16:23
seb128I don't want somebody to spend a week updating the theme16:23
larsuI'll upload the theme patch anyway16:24
seb128larsu, thanks16:24
larsuseb128: it's up to you of you want to apply it or not16:24
seb128larsu, seems like we should be good for the ppa then?16:24
seb128larsu, I think I'm going to do a first iteration without it, infobar looking backgroundless is less annoying that your screenshot's bug16:25
larsuseb128: I agree. PPA sounds good. Let me push the last fix (update to 3.5 and removing a patch)16:26
seb128larsu, btw, that bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/overlay-scrollbar/+bug/105937416:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059374 in overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu) "Using Adwaita, many widgets are drawn with a solid black background" [Low,Triaged]16:26
larsuseb128: yes, because Adwaita doesn't have that hack in it16:26
seb128larsu, xim has a similar bug and got fixed with https://bug682395.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=22545016:28
seb128larsu, I wonder if the scrollbar issue is similar16:28
larsuseb128: ah, I can have a look for that. The overlay widget definitely needs to be native (that's the fix I made), but maybe the module accidentally turns the other ones native as well16:30
larsuseb128: push into ~larsu/gtk/3.1016:30
larsudo I need to prepare anything else for the ppa?16:30
seb128larsu, no, I'm going to take it from there, thanks!16:30
seb128larsu, o-s does   xid = GDK_WINDOW_XID (gtk_widget_get_window (widget));16:31
seb128not sure if that's an issue16:31
larsuya, just saw this as well16:31
larsuI'm trying to get rid of it right now16:31
larsuthanks for the pointer to that patch!16:31
seb128larsu, thanks, let me know how it goes16:31
seb128yw ;-)16:31
attentechrisccoulson, hey16:33
attentei'm having trouble using bzr get-orig-source on firefox trunk16:34
attenteit seems to download everything but fails at the tarball packing stage16:35
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larsuseb128: that doesn't seem to help :(16:49
seb128larsu, :-(16:50
seb128that's annoying :/16:50
ogra_seb128, so copying the output from locale on my desktop into .pam_environment on my grouper makes it properly show 17:57 on boot on the lock screen ... and as soon as the panel clock comes up it goes to 05:5716:57
ogra_so still the same issue :/16:57
seb128ogra_, seems it's not an environment issue then16:57
ogra_just no AM/PM anymore16:57
seb128rather something in the qml widget they use16:57
ogra_i guess the environment does not get handed over to upstart16:58
ogra_iirc the indicators are all upstart session jobs now16:58
seb128ogra_, you can easily check16:58
seb128ogra_, string /proc/$(pidof unity8)/environ | grep LC16:58
ogra_initctl list-env shows them proper16:59
seb128well your description suggests it's right16:59
ogra_letzs see what proc says16:59
seb128then overwritten16:59
seb128so probably not an env issue16:59
ogra_grr ... no "strings" command on the image17:00
seb128ogra_, you can try to grep directly17:00
ogra_well, i pulled it to my desktop17:01
ogra_looks fine too17:01
seb128yeah, that's what I though, if the initial state is fine, the environment is fine17:01
seb128seems like an unity8 issue17:01
seb128they have a custom component for that17:01
seb128which seems buggy17:01
robrusil2100, when you get back tell me what needs to be done with unity-voice and i'll do it.17:07
seb128larsu, ok, gtk and o-s with the patch (since it didn't got merged yet) pushed to the ppa, the build is starting on some hours, we should have packages ready to test tomorrow morning (I'm going to follow up on my previous "status update email" then)17:07
seb128on that note, I'm away for exercice17:07
larsuseb128: enjoy!17:08
seb128larsu, danke ;-)17:08
seb128larsu, btw, I know you get pinged every direction, do you know what happened with the timestamp/messaging menu issue from rsalveti?17:09
seb128larsu, is that something on the indicator side? did you guys get to debug it?17:09
seb128larsu, unping, just found the bug and your comment saying that the data is correct so the issue is on the unity side17:11
larsuseb128: yep, I investigated it this morning when I got rsalveti's logs17:11
seb128larsu, seems like you had yet another of those crazy days, you should call is a day now and go for some beer or exercice or walk or something ;-)17:12
seb128on that note, exercice here!17:12
larsuseb128: yep, meeting with a friend in a bit :) Enjoy, and thanks for your help!17:13
seb128larsu, thanks, have fun, see you tomorrow ;-)17:13
mvoseb128: hi, I'm a bit sick today (a nasty cold) but otherwise I'm good. just merged your patch, I guess its fine if I upload it now?17:34
seb128mvo, hey, sure it is, thanks!17:51
seb128mvo, I hope you get better!17:51
mvothanks, its already (slowly) getting better, aspirin ftw :)17:52
seb128mvo, some schnaps and some sleep should help there ;-)17:52
mvothat is my second option :)17:52
ogra_seb128, filed bug 1256061 .... not sure what to do as next steps :)17:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1256061 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "clock forcefully switches from 24h to 12h AM/PM format once the panel clock is loaded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125606117:53
seb128ogra_, get Saviq or some unity8 guy to debug/fix it ;-)17:53
ogra_he is so loaded with stuff already ...17:54
ogra_phew ... and bug 125606217:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1256062 in session-migration (Ubuntu) "session-migration needs to be handled by upstart session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125606217:56
ogra_thats enough bugs for a day17:57
seb128ogra_, let's see, maybe larsu is done next week with the stuff he was working on and can help you having a look to that time format issue, he knows that code a bit I think17:57
ogra_seb128, great ... i dont think its overly urgent ...17:58
ogra_but something we should have fixed by release17:58
seb128right, that's why I said next week17:58
ogra_or next month ... as it fits17:58
seb128right, let's see how things go17:58
sil2100robru: sure, give me a moment :)20:06
sil2100robru: actually, I see Pete fixed the other issue, and I have prepared a branch for fixing the copyright things already - could you review?20:26
sil2100robru: I'll just lp-propose it now20:26
robrusil2100, of course20:26
sil2100robru: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/unity-voice/packaging_fixes/+merge/19711520:28
sil2100robru: thanks!20:28
sil2100robru: I pushed it to ~ubuntu-unity so that we can all edit it if needed20:28
robrusil2100, approved20:29
sil2100robru: \o/ Thanks ;) We'll still probably have to re-poke seb128 or someone to make sure the fixes are right, but it's not top-priority I guess20:30
robrusil2100, well i was told to release this two days ago, so it's already quite late...20:31
sil2100Ah... sadly, Sebastien was busy, so hm, maybe we could find some other archive admin to preNEW it in the meantime?20:31
robrusil2100, do you know of anybody? last time I tried to do this, nobody knew what a preNEW even meant. apparently that's something specifc to daily-release and not all archive admins are familiar.20:32
sil2100The whitelist is updated, so it's just a ACK from an admin required and you can publish then20:32
sil2100robru: sadly no one specific comes into my mind - usually you can poke some archive admin and just say to look at the packaging as if he was reviewing it during NEWing20:33
sil2100robru: so, looking at the packaging if it's ok to release into the archive - and if yes, simply give you a green light20:33
sil2100robru: the whitelist is updated so all we need is a thumbs up from archive admins, and you can then push the publish button ;)20:33
robrusil2100, ok20:34
robrusil2100, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members#active who of these would be awake now? considering americans are off and europeans are nearing EOD...20:34
sil2100Ah, crap, right... the US guys are off, hmm20:35
robrusil2100, oh, stgraber is canadian! ;-)20:36
sil2100Ok, so we have our victim!20:36
robrusil2100, apparently infinity is also canadian.... hmmm not a bad representation on the archive team ;-)20:37
robrusil2100, i'm in #ubuntu-release now20:38
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seb128Laney, glib made gtk build unhappy21:41
seb128GLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.39.1/./gio/gtestdbus.c:618:start_daemon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to execute child process "dbus-daemon" (No such file or directory) (g-exec-error-quark, 8)21:42
seb128robru, hey, I read you email, no real recommandation... wait on Debian or build an Ubuntu version with changes,turning off tests and subscribe sponsors21:45
seb128larsu, ^ just as a fyi, gtk didn't build in the ppa because of the glib issue I mentioned to Laney21:48
larsuseb128: thanks. Anything I  can do to help?21:50
seb128larsu, no, it's probably just a depends to add to glib, but that's a topic for tomorrow21:51
larsuI'm off for tonight anyway21:51
seb128yeah, me too21:51
larsugood night!21:51
seb128I was about to go21:51
seb128larsu, you too, see you tomorrow ;-)21:52
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ochosirobert_ancell: hey, i started to observe a problem with lightdm and light-locker recently and i'm wondering whether it could be a regression. after starting my computer/session, logging out and back in, i can't lock the session anymore. also dm-tool doesn't work. there's no error, lightdm simply doesn't respond it seems (switch-to-greeter also doesn't work)23:47
robert_ancellochosi, what does the log say?23:47
ochosirobert_ancell: strangely enough nothing23:48
ochosiand it seems to be quite reproducible23:48
robert_ancellis the daemon still running?23:48
ochosilight-locker you mean?23:48
ochosithat one is running23:49
ochosibut i think it has nothing to do with light-locker, as it also doesn't work with dm-tool23:49
ochosiafter starting the session the first time, everything is fine, only the second time it's borked23:49
ochosirobert_ancell: ali1234 is also testing this lightdm/light-locker problem ^23:50
robert_ancellochosi, I mean the lightdm daemon23:50
ochosihm, let me quickly check...23:51
robert_ancelljust as a sanity check :)23:51
robert_ancellcan you paste the lightdm.log after you use dm-tool?23:51
ochosilightdm is still running23:51
ochosiok, one sec23:51
ochosirobert_ancell: this is twice or thrice dm-tool lock: http://dpaste.com/1486619/23:53
ali1234ok, this time light-locker was definitely running. exact same result23:53
ochosiso yeah, actually there are two issues23:54
ochosinot sure whether they are connected23:54
robert_ancellochosi, is this trusty?23:54
ochosirobert_ancell: no, saucy23:54
robert_ancellThis is the relavant line: [+943.62s] DEBUG: Process 3209 terminated with signal 623:54
ali1234yes, the xserver on :1 fails to start23:55
robert_ancellIt's the X server crashing when lightdm tries to start a greeter23:55
ali1234i have Xorg logs...23:55
ochosiweird, why would it crash?23:55
robert_ancellWe've been seeing it more in lightdm 1.9 / trusty23:55
ochosiso you're aware of this already?23:55
robert_ancellIn trusty it quits with a "no screens found" error23:55
robert_ancelljust been seeing it this week23:55
robert_ancellBut hadn't seen it in saucy23:55
ochosiok, well then at least i know it's not in light-locker..23:55
ali1234(21:14:50) ali1234: this is when it works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491291/23:56
ali1234(21:14:57) ali1234: this is when it doesn't:http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491290/23:56
robert_ancellochosi, could you file a bug with how to reproduce?23:56
robert_ancellI need to get someone who knows X better to diagnose23:56
ali1234basically, login, logout, login, lock screen (any method) -> Xorg fails to start on :123:56
robert_ancellyeah, we were doing - login, logout, login, switch to guest23:57
ochosii can do it tomorrow, it's kinda late here and i just returned from a party... :)23:57
ochosiyeah, that's the same23:57
ali1234(EE) intel(0): [drm] failed to set drm interface version: Permission denied [13].23:57
ochosiswitch-to-greeter also seems to produce the same result23:57
robert_ancellyeah, X log shows same error23:57
ali1234"sudo service lightdm" restart clears the error until you login, logout, login again23:57
ali1234so does this affect ubuntu-desktop too?23:58
robert_ancellali1234, yes23:59
ali1234well, at least it's not my patches then :)23:59

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