
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
phhi can anyone help me how to build the latest g-t-t the ubuntu way? I have downloaded the latest source from the 3.10 ppa, and extracted that and extracted debian into that, cd'd into it and run uupdate ../gnome-tweak-tool-3.11.1.tar.gz and it seems to have completed properly, but when i run dpkg-buildpackage -r -us -uc, it fails.04:40
phThe message indicates because the autogen.sh has been run so there are missing files etc04:41
phso i run ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr04:41
phthen ran the dpkg command again and it fails now with04:41
phsorry when i say the latest source I mean the source from the 3.10 ppa, to use that as the base to build g-t-t from the latest git source04:45
phI worked it out - thanks anyways :P I just needed to read the error a little better ;)04:52
=== ph is now known as ph_afk
x-Nadarkxst, the problem is that apport-retrace ends with "Segfault" and that's basically all I get from it05:42
x-Nadarkxst, gnome-session.log is 30213 lines, can't really paste here05:43
x-Nadarkxst, but here it is on ubuntu one -> http://ubuntuone.com/5LFzfUXC9Z7Fd41Fm0v6O405:45
x-NaNoskcaj, and I did try #ubuntu, but they immediately said to seek help from here when I said it is about gnome :)05:46
=== Guest25333 is now known as jokerdino
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
darkxstph, if you got it working prepare a debdiff and08:53
darkxsti will upload to PPA08:53
darkxstph, although you should never run autogen directly09:00
darkxstwhere needed, its run from rules, but that should only be if you have patched the build system files09:01
ForageI've just updated to GNOME 3.10 and all is looking good. Thanks guys09:24
ForageThere are two things I noticed though. How does one change its online status and why are there separate jabber entries in the online accounts for account like gmail and facebook while they have been added as normal gmail and facebook accounts already?09:29
ForageIs it an Ubuntu Gnome thing that there's no option in the status menu any more to change to online and offline instead of having to launch empathy?09:31
ForageAnd are the duplicate entries a result of the account being present before the update to 3.10?09:32
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== Guest25333 is now known as Guest4266
=== rZr is now known as RzR
Dudytzhi all! I have a ubuntu minimal installation in a virtual machine. I see that in the tasksel list the Ubuntu Gnome not appears ... what is the package to install via apt-get to install the gnome environment without the unity packages?21:13
=== RzR is now known as rZR
=== rZR is now known as rZr

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