
=== shengyao_afk is now known as shengyao
* apw yawns09:30
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
apwppisati, yo ... do we ahve any arm builds out of the master branch on precise ?16:52
ppisatiapw: omap4?16:53
ppisatiapw: and highbank iirc16:53
apwoosi we di16:53
apwppisati, so we do ... 16:53
ppisatiapw: ok, just omap4 for us16:53
ppisatiapw: highbank&c are hwe kernels16:53
apwppisati, so when this next batch of precise kernels come round we will have some scarey cves in it so we will need to do some proper testing to make sure they boot16:54
ppisatiapw: ok, just ping when you need tests and i'll take care16:55
ppisati*ping me16:55
apwppisati, thanks16:56
apwhenrix, are you trying to give me a heart attack with these cve patches! :)16:56
henrixapw: heh the ARM assembly one? :)16:57
ppisatiwhat could go wrong after all? :)16:57
ppisatiand with that said16:57
* ppisati goes for some supplies16:57
henrixyeah, it is scary... but it seems to be doing something trivial: renaming a macro16:57
apwhenrix, yeah that one, the second one aint so trivial, but the bug is nasty nasty16:58
apwand i think it will either work or not boot being as those are used for everything16:58
henrixapw: well, i can't boot test it (but i build tested). anyway, feel free to NACK it and i'll try to get it the 2nd commit backported instead16:58
apwhenrix, na, i think it is the right thing as it is definatly the same then.  i think i want to say for both "please lets add omre testing for the relevant architecuters to the list"18:10
henrixapw: sure, thanks18:12
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi

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