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Saviqduflu, re: bug #1255045 - it's very difficult to see on maguro the difference between black and turned off02:11
ubot5bug 1255045 in mir (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125504502:11
Saviqduflu, but I can see completely no reaction on the screen when pressing the power button02:11
Saviqduflu, and indeed the patch didn't help02:15
dufluSaviq: Can you look from a wide angle? A backlight usually bleeds through even a black screen from a sufficient angle02:19
Saviqduflu, yeah, problem is maguro is AMOLED - no backlight...02:19
dufluI suspect I've seen a similar bug on either Nexus 4 or Nexus 7. Can't remember which02:19
dufluSaviq: Oh, AMOLED FTW :/02:19
Saviqduflu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/1255045/comments/13 for some syslog activity02:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1255045 in mir (Ubuntu) "screen does not turn on on maguro when pressing the power button" [Critical,Confirmed]02:20
Saviqduflu, so yeah, the lack of activity between power button and touch does not... prove anything... but also does not rule out your "it's black, not blank" suspicion02:21
* Saviq tries surfaceflinger02:21
dufluSaviq: We might have to start with one of the Nexus's where it's more obvious on the traditional LCD02:21
Saviqduflu, yeah, except that bug is only happening on maguro isn't it?02:22
dufluSaviq: Maybe... I don't have maguro but am sure I saw a similar wake-on-touch problem on Nexus 4/7 some time recently02:23
dufluHmm... and then there's the question; if the screen is truly asleep why power the touch sensor?02:24
Saviqduflu, ok, under surfaceflinger I managed to see the difference between blank and black... shite it's subtle, trying again under mir02:24
Saviqdoesn't help it's past 3am here..02:25
Saviqso yeah, one step closer... I'm gonna go now... o/02:30
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Saviqdidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/unity-mir/fix-1255045/+merge/197016 seems to work!09:45
Saviqdidrocks, just doing some more tests, but yeah09:46
Saviqas in... waiting 1 minute ;)09:46
didrocksMirv: ^09:46
didrocksMirv: so, if all planet aligns, can you publish Mir?09:46
Saviqdidrocks, Mirv, I've unity-mir packages, but building unity8, too, as they need to be released together this time09:47
tvoss_Saviq, happy to test, too09:47
Saviqdidrocks, Mirv, tvoss_ http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/mir-maguro-blank/09:49
Saviqecho "expect stop" > ~phablet/.config/upstart/unity8.conf09:49
Saviqdidrocks, Mirv, tvoss_, oh and yeah, that with ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build09:51
Mirvdidrocks: Saviq: so the Mir landing actually becomes Mir + unity-mir + platform-api + u-s-c + unity8 landing?09:51
Mirvbut yeah, preparing at least for such a beast09:52
SaviqMirv, ultimately yes, but we still have a commit missing in unity8 before that can happen09:52
MirvSaviq: ok09:53
Saviqah crap09:53
tvoss_Saviq, ?09:53
Saviqdidrocks, Mirv, tvoss_ the above ↑↑ not to .conf, but to .override09:53
MirvSaviq: and that unity-mir fix too09:54
SaviqMirv, right, that too09:54
Mirvok, just updated the landing plan to reflect09:54
SaviqMirv, could we publish Mir first, then land stuff in unity and unity-mir (as we're blocked on unity8 due to bug #1255578)09:55
ubot5bug 1255578 in Ubuntu CI Services "dependency issues on libunity-mir1 in testrunner-otto" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125557809:55
SaviqMirv, and then land unity8, unity-mir, unity-scopes-shell?09:55
MirvSaviq: land mir, platform-api, unity-mir, unity-system-compositor, unity8 is the current list09:55
MirvSaviq: only what is absolutely required, is unity-scopes-shell part of it too?09:56
SaviqMirv, no, not absolutely required09:56
SaviqMirv, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/raise-sigstop/+merge/191212 is though09:56
Mirvok, a separate landing item for that then please09:56
Mirvright, marking that to the sheet too09:56
SaviqMirv, was already there09:56
MirvSaviq: so is that MP "a commit missing"?09:57
SaviqMirv, but "waiting for code"09:57
SaviqMirv, not sure what you mean?09:57
MirvSaviq: you said that unity8 is missing a commit, so is thar raise-sigstop the only commit needed still for unity8, similar to maguro fix being the only commit needed for unity-mir?09:58
SaviqMirv, yes09:58
Mirvok :)09:58
Mirvand yes the scopes is there in the landing asks09:58
SaviqMirv, but we can't merge into unity8 until Mir is published, due to the above bug09:59
SaviqMirv, or well, we can force it in09:59
MirvSaviq: aha, ok, then a manual merge would be needed09:59
SaviqMirv, ok, will do once there's more people +1'd09:59
Mirvyep, that's useful. bzr branch lp:unity8, bzr merge, bzr commit --author , bzr push. but yeah, only in very special cases, after enough +1:s and with landing team's approval I'd say :)10:00
Saviqor well, we can add daily build to it temporarily10:00
Saviqwill run -ci with daily build on them, then10:01
Mirvoh right that technique too10:01
SaviqMirv, hrm, any idea why that'd have failed http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/29/console ?10:13
Saviqlibmirclient-dev (>= 0.1.2) but 0.1.1+14.04.20131120-0ubuntu1 is to be installed. :/10:13
SaviqMirv, ah, Mir building in daily-build?10:14
Saviqseems we'll have to wait for that10:15
Saviqalan_g, re: https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/unity-mir/fix-1255045/+merge/197016/comments/45611610:25
Saviqalan_g, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/unity-mir/trunk/view/head:/src/unity-mir/dbusscreen.cpp#L4510:25
Saviqwouldn't configure_output take care of pause/resume?10:26
Saviqor well, display->configure(), for that matter?10:26
alan_gSaviq: it just seems strange to pick out compositing10:28
Saviqalan_g, sure, I agree (bear in mind, I dunno Mir enough), but since we're already configuring the display, couldn't it do pause/resume internally, if there's no screens enabled?10:29
alan_gSaviq: I know the infrastructure isn't in place, but there should be a change notification for the display area covered by the screen10:30
alan_gAt present it is a pretty brutal "there are changes somewhere"10:30
MirvSaviq: seems not using daily-build PPA the 0.1.2 was already there10:32
SaviqMirv, yeah, it's weird, but I think it got superseded by the new build already10:32
SaviqMirv, and it's only libmirclient-dev that complained about the version, although that, by apt dep error standards, might not mean anything...10:33
SaviqMirv, will restart once the new build gets published10:33
Saviqalan_g, ok understood10:34
* alan_g disgs through the code...10:35
alan_gSaviq: OK, I suspect this is a hack around the absences of a schedule_compositing() call in compositor - and not really intended as a pause()/resume() cycle10:41
Saviqalan_g, sounds right, compositor should know when display comes on and schedule then, right?10:42
alan_gSaviq: well, I think it should be notified (and, in theory, told what area needs display) - unless the idea really is to pause the server10:45
SaviqMirv, grrr, dep fail again :/10:46
SaviqMirv, the hook name is definitely added http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/30/console10:47
SaviqMirv, but indeed it doesn't seem to be executed??10:47
* Saviq goes to -ci-eng10:48
MirvSaviq: yeah, probably a job for CI team to check10:49
Saviqalan_g, FWIW, we would actually need a frame composited before turning the display back on, as now you can see the previous frame for a split second when turning the device on10:57
alan_gSaviq: ack10:57
alan_gSaviq: is the code we're looking at executing after the device is turned on or before?11:00
Saviqalan_g, I'd say after11:02
Saviqalan_g, i.e. we get notified that the screen was turned on, not that it's going to be turned on11:02
Saviqalan_g, that's something that will be better when we move the responsibility on that from powerd to unity-mir/unity811:02
alan_gSaviq: that makes it hard to composite a frame beforehand11:03
Saviqalan_g, i.e. it will be told "you need to turn on now", and it will decide what to do and when to actually turn on11:03
Saviqalan_g, yeah of course11:03
tvoss_Saviq, do we have updated packages, yet?11:03
alan_gAlthough, I gather there wasn't a flash and then black11:03
Saviqtvoss_, still the same http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/mir-maguro-blank/11:04
Saviqtvoss_, + daily-build ppa + unity8.override11:04
alan_galf_: thoughts? https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/unity-mir/fix-1255045/+merge/197016 (and ^^)11:04
Saviqtvoss_, although I have a unity8 package now11:04
tvoss_Saviq, okay, those work for me11:04
* Saviq adds11:04
tvoss_Saviq, will give that package a spin, too11:04
Saviqtvoss_, pushed11:05
Saviqtvoss_, drop the .override for good measure11:05
tvoss_Saviq, ack11:05
alf_Saviq: alan_g: the DisplayChanger class holds the logic for properly reconfiguring the display (pausing/resuming), so that's what we should expose (or a similar interface), i.e., I don't think display->configure() should pause resume internally11:10
alf_Saviq: alan_g: about whether we should pause/resume or schedule_compositing() instead, it depends on how well our display classes deal with posting buffers if the display is off (right now not very well it seems)11:14
alf_Saviq: alan_g: and whether it actually makes sense to disable communications and input11:16
alan_galf_: I also wonder if we should be processing input when the display is off11:16
alf_alan_g: don't we need to handle some kind of input event to wake up (e.g. power button press)?11:17
alan_gHmm. but touch events going to apps?11:18
alf_alan_g: Turning off communications would solve that.11:21
alan_galf_: maybe not - there was a time input bypassed the thread pool. I don't remember that changing.11:22
alf_alan_g: yes, so turning off communications _properly_ would solve that :)11:24
alf_alan_g: and then there is also the issue of showing previous state when we wake up (because the buffer contents are obsolete)...11:26
alan_gAnyway, it does look like code around patch is a cut down version of MediatingDisplayChanger11:26
alan_gWhich, like you say is what we should expose11:27
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dandraderany reason why all shell::Surface methods are virtual whereas surfaces:Surface are not. Both are concrete classes.11:39
alan_gdandrader: insanity11:41
alan_gdandrader: you're also looking at an old version11:41
dandraderalan_g, hmm, true!11:42
dandraderI'm playing with gerry's "qt scene graph" mir branch11:43
alan_gThe newer version doesn't fix all the insanity, but is a step in a right direction.11:44
* alan_g remembers he wants to look at that before next week11:44
SaviqMirv, tvoss_, didrocks, ok so bug #1255948 will not let us through upstream merger, OK to force land those two commits before release?12:25
ubot5bug 1255948 in Ubuntu CI Services "upstream merger hooks do not propagate to downstream jobs' builder_hooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125594812:25
didrockslet me look, one sec12:25
Saviqgreyback, can we have your ACK on https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/unity-mir/fix-1255045/+merge/197016 ?12:25
Saviqdidrocks, it's:12:26
Saviqand https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/unity-mir/fix-1255045/+merge/19701612:26
didrocksSaviq: if it's tested and really ready to land (with the whole Mir stuff), +112:26
greybackSaviq: looking12:26
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* greyback confused why he doesn't get mail when a unity-mir MR is made12:26
Saviqgreyback, there's a lot of confusion about LP mails if you ask me...12:27
* Saviq installs the packages on mako and maguro, too12:28
Saviqdidrocks, pushed a fix to debian/control in https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/raise-sigstop/+merge/19121212:49
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alf_Reading the meaningless (to most people) Android codenames, I think we should use mythical monsters for Ubuntu Touch codenames: Ubuntu Touch 2.0 Kraken, 3.0 Hydra etc :P12:50
Saviqtvoss_, Mirv, I can has more +1s?12:50
Saviqalf_, who would you get the billions of $$ from then?12:50
didrocksSaviq: looks good for packaging change12:50
Saviqalf_, like android did with KitKat? ;)12:50
tvoss_Saviq, installing too12:52
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tvoss_hmmmm, what did I do to my nexus? Saviq, have you seen INFO:phablet-flash:Device detected as13:04
tvoss_ERROR:phablet-flash:Unsupported device, autodetect fails device13:04
Saviqtvoss_, that happens when your device isn't booted13:05
Saviqtvoss_, -d <codename>13:05
Saviqtvoss_, to skip autodetection13:05
tvoss_Saviq, thx, works13:06
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Saviqtvoss_, any updates?14:04
* Saviq is tempted to just push the button14:04
tvoss_Saviq, works here14:05
Saviqok, /me pokes the buttons14:05
SaviqMirv, ready14:09
SaviqMirv, hope it's not too late for you :/14:10
SaviqMirv, both MPs are in trunks14:10
Saviqdidrocks, ↑↑14:15
didrocksI guess Mirv left14:21
didrocksMirv: ?14:21
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didrocksok, no more Mirv I guess :)14:43
didrocksSaviq: so, mir, platform-api, unity-mir, unity-system-compositor + unity8, right?14:43
didrocksSaviq: do you know if the u-s-c FTBFS fix was merged?14:44
Saviqdidrocks, no14:44
Saviqdon't know14:44
didrocksseems, is was14:44
Saviqdidrocks, looks like it, yeah14:45
didrocksSaviq: so, I'm adding that to robru's list14:45
Saviqdidrocks, thanks14:45
didrocksSaviq: any particular thing to look at in unity8 trunk?14:45
Saviqdidrocks, that it starts ;)14:45
didrockswell, that's a given :p14:46
Saviqdidrocks, other than that there's a lot happened... 3 weeks no release almost14:46
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alan_galf_: are you fixing the the merge conflicts? https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/mir-client-ensure-global-symbol-resolution/+merge/19611016:41
alf_alan_g: I think I will wait for lp:~afrantzis/mir/build-options-for-tests to be merged, so I can follow the same scheme for special linkage tests build options16:42
alf_alan_g: do you want me to mark as WIP?16:43
alan_galf_: fair enough16:43
alan_galf_: No. Nobody's around anyway16:43
alf_alan_g: ok16:43
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