
tony-smlrsmlr is are live Video http://youtu.be/3tkXYgvEMGk and audio stream http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming00:20
rick_h_morning and such14:05
brousch7May you be more stuffed than your turkey today14:19
greg-gain't stuffing the turkey, that just makes uncooked stuffing16:04
greg-gputting the fixings in the pan around the turkey16:04
greg-galright, back at it (got to sleep in until 7:30, catching up quickly!)16:04
rick_h_happy thanksgiving greg-g and company :)16:06
cmaloneyHappy THanksgiving everyone!17:33
greg-gcmaloney: the squeezebox software for linux isn't in debian/ubuntu?19:51
greg-gsorry, enjoy thanksgiving cmaloney19:51
* greg-g goes back to looking stuff up himself19:51
cmaloneygreg-g: It's not in the main repo23:42
cmaloneybut you can get it via their site23:42
cmaloneyThat's the latest non-beta software.23:53
cmaloneyThere's a 7.8 beta that moves a few of the plugins locally23:53

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