
Aluminso the touchpad itself is working, but I need the synaptics driver specifically (to enable this extra scrolling functionality)00:00
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Roryadamu: Hello00:09
glitsj16Alumin: do you have the synaptics driver loaded in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?00:11
AluminI don't have an xorg.conf :)00:12
AluminX just auto-detects everything these days00:12
Alumindo I need to make one?00:12
glitsj16Alumin: that's true, but you can make a minimal one only for the InputDevice with synaptics yes00:13
Alumincool, so I can make one that sets certain things without overriding the rest of the auto-detection?00:14
SASDOEhi guys a friend uninstalled xserver-xorg-core and is stuck at boot now00:14
glitsj16Alumin: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad (the section on SHMConfigà00:14
daftykinsAlumin: correct00:14
SASDOEgrub just hangs apparently. he was trying to remove gui00:14
BeldarSASDOE, Grub shows?00:15
SASDOEBeldar: yes but hangs00:16
Ben64SASDOE: need more details00:16
SASDOEhaven't got more sorry, will come back with more when i do.00:17
Ben64SASDOE: maybe have your friend come here instead of relaying information00:17
SASDOEhe doesn"t speak any english so i'd just end up translating any how00:18
yeyemanwhy is transmission dling at like 20kbs when there are thousands of seeds?00:18
Ben64yeyeman: thats really not a question for here00:18
BeldarSASDOE, grub is just a call to the OS to boot, so is it getting past grub, you can remove the quiet splash and see text for errors.00:19
bekks"grub is a call to the OS"?00:19
Administradorguys, I need some help with ubuntu 13.10 64 bits version. I used it for a couple of weeks but today after a reboot I can only see a black screen and my mouse after login(guest account is the same but with default wallpaper instead of black)00:19
SASDOEremove the quiet splash? be going to error output on display four with alt f4?00:20
AdministradorI reinstalled both unity and ubuntu-desktop. tried to use dconf to reset configuration but it gave me anerror00:20
Aluminglitsj16: now I just get an SHMConfig error along with the other error :)00:20
Aluminthat's good to know, though, about being able to make an xorg.conf fragment00:21
Beldarbekks, not the exact syntax, yes.00:21
AdministradorSASDOE: is that directed at me?00:21
geekmasterflashAdministrador, are you using unity, gnome, or something else as your desktop environment?00:21
SASDOEAdministrador: nope separate "thread"00:21
Aluminpresumably I could make another Section to set up the trackpad00:21
bekksBeldar: Grub has nothing to do with the OS. :)00:21
glitsj16Alumin: heh, let's take a closer look, can you pastebin both your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the errors please?00:21
Administradorgeekmasterflash: unity, but I don't think it is the problem00:21
bekksBeldar: It loads "something" that starts the OS.00:21
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geekmasterflashAdministrador, can you hit cntl+alt+f1 and drop to commandline?00:22
SASDOEbekks: i agree my description, and my friends, is large00:22
Beldarbekks, you get what the effort is here in questions on a grub hang right. ;)00:22
Administradorgeekmasterflash: yes, that's how I reinstalled unity and ubuntu-desktop00:22
geekmasterflashAdministrador, From there try xinit -- :100:23
geekmasterflashwhen type in unity on the console that pops up00:23
geekmasterflashAdministrador, then try to switch back to graphics with cntrl+alt+f700:23
Aluminglitsj16: http://www.fpaste.org/57364/00:23
glitsj16Alumin: ok, give me a minute00:23
Aluminhaha I guess it's a bit funny using a Fedora-branded pastebin for #ubuntu00:24
Administradorgeekmasterflash: nothing pops up00:24
Administradorgeekmasterflash: it said "fatal server error:"00:25
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Okay, how about unity --reset-icons ?00:25
glitsj16Alumin: whatever works for you is okay :) .. i've pasted a new attempt to replace your /etc/X11/xorg.conf for you to try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6487258/00:26
Administradorgeekmasterflash: "seems" to work, buy nothing on ctrl alt f7 changes00:26
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Hmm00:26
geekmasterflashAdministrador, perhaps compiz is the problem...00:27
geekmasterflashAdministrador, try compiz --display :0 --replace00:27
Aluminglitsj16: yeah, that looks more like it00:27
Administradorgeekmasterflash: either way, let me try purging xorg edgers ppa, which I added AFTER this happened(a few minutes ago, actually)to see if it changed anything00:27
AluminI think the instructions from that other page are more for people who have a functional but misbehaving touchpad00:27
glitsj16Alumin: yes that would explain things .. or it's my ignorance ;)00:27
Administradorgeekmasterflash: after display an emoticon is showing, what did you type there?00:27
geekmasterflashAdministrador, semicolon 000:28
geekmasterflashAdministrador, wait, not a semicolon00:28
geekmasterflashAdministrador, that other thing...00:29
* geekmasterflash fails to remember basic english punctuation00:29
geekmasterflashAdministrador,  :00:29
* geekmasterflash feels dumb now00:29
Aluminit happens to everyone :)00:30
Administradorgeekmasterflash: it gave 7 lines of line(still running but does give me more logs), nothing changed at ctrl alt f7(tty7?)00:30
AluminI've considered starting to call it "full colon" in response to all these people who insist on saying "forward slash" to describe "/"00:30
Administradornone of the lines display any error00:30
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Try dropping to cntl+alt+F6 and typing unity00:32
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Then switch back to F700:32
BeldarSASDOE, There are many irc channels language orientated having you try to interpret the problem is problematic at best.00:32
Administradorgeekmasterflash: nothing happens00:33
Aluminglitsj16: that hasn't fixed the problem, but I think I have enough to go on now00:33
glitsj16Alumin: cool, 'cause that exhausted my knowledge fully00:34
geekmasterflashAdministrador, try sudo service lightdm restart00:34
Administradorgeekmasterflash: I think that unity isn't the on causing the problem00:34
AluminI have no problem fiddling around with xorg.conf, I was editing XFree86 config files when most of these youngins were knee-high00:34
AluminI just assumed that if Xorg saw xorg.conf that it would override its autoconfiguration00:34
glitsj16hehe, goodluck00:34
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Our options are Unity, Compiz or lightdm... at least so far as I have experienced with similar problems00:34
Aluminglitsj16: the weird part is that the synaptics package doesn't actually contain a file called "synaptics"00:35
Administradorthis isn't the first time I've had problems with x, but it's been a long time since I had a problem, and I never had to actually modify an file00:35
Aluminit does have "synaptics_drv.so" but I tried "modprobe synaptics_drv" and it said it wasn't found00:35
geekmasterflashAdministrador, X seems to be working fine00:35
BeldarAdministrador, Did you run the ppa-purge on the ppa?00:35
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Your mouse cursor is testament to that.00:36
Alumin*shrug*  I gotta go run an errand but I'll get to the bottom of this soon enough00:36
glitsj16Alumin: indeed not, i think it's an Xorg configuration case entirely00:36
Administradorgeekmasterflash: it gave me some logs (starting , stopping)etc00:36
AdministradorBeldar: not yet00:36
BeldarAdministrador, Not sure that is the answer, however you want to purge correctly is all.00:37
AdministradorBeldar: or better said, I did, but it's "updating packages"00:37
BeldarAdministrador, Do you know what ppa-purge is?00:37
TeamColtrahow do I find a user group and number?00:37
AdministradorBeldar: yes, for removing ppa and removing whatever was installer with it00:38
TeamColtraLike I want to set a tmpfs so my php-mysql user can write to the directory00:38
BeldarAdministrador, Cool, it would remove all that and comment out the ppa, so it should not be calling it.00:38
AluminTeamColtra: you can get a user's groups and their numbers with "id <username">00:39
BeldarAdministrador, Are you sure it's calling that ppa?00:39
AdministradorBeldar: I have to point out, that the problem started before I added the ppa, and that I only used xor edgers to see if it helped me somehow00:39
BeldarAdministrador, sure.00:39
geekmasterflashAdministrador, can you pastebin your /var/logs/Xorg.0.log00:40
AdministradorI'm not sure, my internet is pretty slow, it is still at "updating package lists"00:40
BeldarAdministrador, Were you using proprietary drivers?00:40
geekmasterflashAdministrador, also /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log00:40
Administradorno, default drivers00:40
Aluminglitsj16: ok I'm out, thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)00:41
glitsj16Alumin: no problem, hope you get to that bottom00:41
BeldarAdministrador, Cool, sorry for interrupting.00:41
Administradortried to use vim, but it seems it doesn't come installed by default00:41
Administradorany file reading softwarte that ships by default?00:41
geekmasterflashAdministrador, sudo apt-get install pastebinit00:42
TeamColtranext question can I update fstab without restarting my server?00:42
AluminAdministrador: vi?00:42
wheatthinAdministrador, try nano00:42
Aluminyeah that was gonna be my next suggestion00:42
Aluminmake sure you use "nano -w" or you might destroy your config files00:42
davidavado_Is this the correct place to ask for help?00:43
Beldardavidavado_, For ubuntu.00:43
Aluminwell...yes.  :P00:44
geekmasterflashAdministrador, cat /var/logs/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit00:44
Administradorgeekmasterflash: first one is empty00:44
Beldardavidavado_, Many derivative and linux users come here.00:44
geekmasterflashAdministrador, o_0 there is no xorg log?00:44
Administradoralso, I don't know how to get out of nano00:45
bekkspastebinit filename00:45
Administradorgeekmasterflash: yes, totally empty00:45
bekksAdministrador: Look at the bottom of your screen, there the main commands of nano.00:45
davidavado_get out of nano press ctrl+x , then "y" if on putty00:46
Administradorbekks: I see them, and that it is based on letters, but I can only type in the empty document00:46
bekksAdministrador: then press ctrl-x00:46
Administradoralso, I still cant install pastebinit because ppa-purge still isn't done00:47
geekmasterflashAdministrador, in /var/logs can you find any logs that start with Xorg?00:48
Administradorgeekmasterflash: lightdm file has some logs, but doesn't show any error00:49
davidavado_I have a question, is there a way to reset the group file permissions (my root's group is set to 1003 instead of default 0)? My sudo is really messed up..00:49
bekksdavidavado_: then what happened before?00:49
geekmasterflashAdministrador, At this point I am more concerned about the lack of Xorg logs00:49
Administradorgeekmasterflash: also, how would I look for the files at that folders?00:50
geekmasterflashAdministrador, go to /var/logs and type ls00:50
bekksdavidavado_: pastebin the content of "/etc/passwd" please00:50
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Administrador>no such file or folder00:50
geekmasterflashAdministrador, you can't cd /var/log00:51
Administradorbekks: I don't have pastebin installed, and I won't be able to untill ppa is finished00:51
davidavado_I can't no permission. "sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by gid 1003, should be 0 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin"00:51
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Woops, put an s there that shouldnt have been00:51
geekmasterflashAdministrador, cd to /var/log00:51
geekmasterflashAdministrador, then type ls00:51
bekksdavidavado_: "grep root /etc/passwd"00:52
Administradornow it works00:52
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Any Xorg logs there?00:52
bekksdavidavado_: That should produce one or two lines at most.00:52
davidavado_Okay got it, sorry. root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash00:52
bekksdavidavado_: and now please pastebin /etc/sudoers00:52
AdministradorXorg.o.log    Xorg.0.log.old     Xorg.1.log00:53
bekksdavidavado_: And please pastebin: ls -lha /etc/sudoers00:53
geekmasterflashAdministrador, K, check Xorg.0/log for any (EE) or excessive (WW)00:53
Administradorgeekmasterflash: problem is that the first time the path had the s(logs)00:53
Administradorthere are (==) (**) and (WW)00:54
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Pastebin it when you can00:54
ikoniadavidavado_: what happened00:55
Administrador(WW) ones all talk about the nonexistance of fonts00:55
davidavado_i tried to give a group full access to "/" and ended up messing my sudo00:55
bekksdavidavado_: "tried to give" - what exactly did you do?00:56
ikoniadavidavado_: you didn't change /'s permissions00:56
ikoniaor do a chown -R /00:56
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mbeierldavidavado_, you might need to reboot in single user (recovery?) mode and change the permissions that way..  Because you cannot sudo chmod it back, you might need to do that00:57
bekksdavidavado_: did you do something like that?00:57
davidavado_something along those lines00:57
bekksmbeierl: he cant sudo, so he cant get root privs anymore.00:57
mbeierldavidavado_, to change back the permissions on /etc/sudoers00:57
Administradorgeekmasterflash: disregard my last message, there is more belows00:57
ikoniadavidavado_: what di dyou actually run00:57
mbeierlbekks, that's why I said he would have to reboot into the recovery / single user mode.00:58
buntutechwhere is the ubuntu equivalent of device manager? (place to update or uninstall and reinstall harware drivers?)00:58
bekksmbeierl: Even then he needs sudo to get root privs.00:58
ikoniabuntutech: it doens't work like that00:58
ikoniabuntutech: what are you tyring to do00:58
mbeierlbekks, huh?  Since whne?00:58
wheatthinbuntutech, depends on the hardware. lol00:58
ikoniahe doesn't need sudo in single user mode00:58
buntutechi was afraid you were going to say that ikonia00:58
wheatthinsome you just unplug00:58
bekksmbeierl: Since ever. Ubuntu has no valid root pw, so you cant login as root.00:59
geekmasterflashbuntutech, A mix between the command line and hardinfo :P00:59
mbeierlbekks, single user boot does not drop you to a root shell anymore?00:59
ikoniambeierl: it does00:59
quidnuncHow do I list packages available from a particular repository?00:59
buntutechikonia, wheatthin geekmasterflash if i want to uninstall a usb port driver and reinstall it...can i do that ?00:59
ikoniabuntutech: why do you want to do that ?00:59
wheatthinjust unplug00:59
bekksikonia: it actually does even without a valid pw set?00:59
ikoniabekks: yup00:59
buntutechikonia, because sometimes it fixes a usb port that doesnt work01:00
ikoniabuntutech: how do you know it fixes it, if you don't know how to do it01:00
Administradorgeekmasterflash: (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa      (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modsetting       (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev01:00
davidavado_sudo chown -R root:(group) /01:00
wheatthinbuntutech, ahh, you just gotta reload module01:00
mbeierlikonia, ok, that is what I thought.  Thanks - I was confused for a second there.01:00
ikoniadavidavado_: ok - so you have more serious problems than your sudoers file01:00
buntutechikonia, i DO NOT know it fixes it in ubuntu i do know it sometimes fixes it in windows01:00
bekksdavidavado_: that screwed you system entirely. Sorry for the explicit language.01:00
wheatthinbuntutech, just with modprobe01:00
ikoniabuntutech: you're not using windows - so you need to look at the problem from linux, not windows01:01
buntutechwheatthin, geekmasterflash do you have an idea that you can explain too me?01:01
Administradorgeekmasterflash: Failed to initiate GLX extension /compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)01:01
wheatthinbuntutech, modprobe -r <module>     removes it01:02
geekmasterflashAdministrador, That could be part of the problem01:02
Administradorgeekmasterflash: though, I don't have a dedicated gpu, I only have an integrated intel G4101:02
mbeierlikonia, isn't there some type of dpk repair that will set the perms back?01:02
wheatthinmodprobe <module> enables it.01:02
ikoniambeierl: no01:02
buntutechwheatthin, i dont actually understand what you just said ...but ok ty01:02
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Was that a EE or WW?01:02
davidavado_by the way, thank you ikonia and bekks for support, peace01:02
wheatthinbuntutech, then go into terminal and type  man modprobe01:02
mbeierlikonia, must have imagined that I wanted one ...01:02
Administradorgeekmasterflash: I has been years since I had a nvidia in my computer, and twiped and started using this hdd last week01:03
Administradorgeekmasterflash: forgot to add (EE)01:03
geekmasterflashAdministrador, For some reason it seems to think you have an Nvidia card.01:03
ChronicLlamahi all01:04
Administradorgeekmasterflash: at some point it talks about intel drivers with a list of gpus, it includes my g4101:04
Administradorgeekmasterflash: found another (WW) but it's about my keyboard/mouse bundle01:04
AdministradorChronicLlama: hello01:04
wheatthinAdministrador, just use pastebin and they can see it all at once01:05
buntutechwheatthin, the after removing it how do it get it back?01:05
wheatthin!paste | Administrador01:05
ubottuAdministrador: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:05
wheatthinbuntutech, with modprobe01:05
buntutechwheatthin, and is modprobe a software program or something i install?01:06
wheatthinit's a program, that's already installed. the system depends on it.01:06
Administradorwheatthin: I don't have it installd and I'm running ppa-purge at the moment01:06
wheatthinAdministrador, you don't have to have it installed01:06
Administradorwheatthin: thought you meant pastebinit01:07
RunemoroHello, does anyone know why find and dd don't follow unix conventions?01:07
wheatthinRunemoro, and why doesn't it?01:07
Runemoroweatthin, dd if=... of=... isn't unix syntax01:08
wheatthinyes it is.01:08
Runemoroand find uses one dash instead of two01:08
Runemorofind -name instead of find --name and a single-dash shortcut for it01:08
wheatthinahh yeah, it needs absolute paths01:08
zykotick9Runemoro: not an ubuntu support question...01:09
wheatthinzykotick9, it is, cause it's the same damn program01:09
wheatthinsame syntax01:09
Runemoroweatthin, no, in all commands except find you need two dashes01:10
wheatthinlol not all.01:11
zykotick9Runemoro: wrong, other "silly" programs use - as well... bad programers01:11
wheatthinonly --syntax= statements01:11
Administradorgeekmasterflash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6487383/01:12
wheatthinwhich have shortcuts to -syn <option>01:12
wheatthinor whatever01:12
wheatthinRunemoro, if you have more questions, just look up the manpages, they'll tell you what the documentation is based from.01:13
Runemorobut for example in ls, ls -la it interprets the -la as two arguments, and -iname isn't interpreted as -i -n -a -m -e01:13
zykotick9Runemoro: that's a convention, not a rule... it's up to the person that does the programming01:14
cariveri_hi. I got a black screen with only the mouse left after an application crash. can I get it all back from here (other tty console)?01:15
Runemorozykotick9, that was my original question: "Hello, does anyone know why find and dd don't follow unix conventions? "01:15
geekmasterflashAdministrador, You have nvidia's 319 driver installed.01:15
geekmasterflashAdministrador, [    34.068] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  319.60  Wed Sep 25 14:24:11 PDT 201301:15
wheatthincariveri_, you can try to service lightdm restart01:15
pac1join #launchpad-dev01:16
geekmasterflashAdministrador, You state the card's been removed?01:16
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Administradorgeekmasterflash: years ago, it had a defect so it couldn't be used01:16
zykotick9Runemoro: ask the people that wrote find and dd... again, this isn't an ubuntu support question...01:16
Administradorgeekmasterflash: we are talking about a 9500 gt, it was a t lesat 2 years ago01:16
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Well, either bios still thinks it's there or something wonky is going on01:17
RunemoroOk, I will01:17
Guest66419I'm going to switch over to the ubuntu distro from mint. Should I get 12.04 or 13.10 and why?01:17
geekmasterflashAdministrador, can you give me an lspci and pastebin it?01:17
wheatthin12.04 has longer support01:17
Administradorgeekmasterflash: where is the log for lspci stored?01:18
Guest66419thanks wheatthin01:18
wheatthinAdministrador, you have to store it.01:18
geekmasterflashAdministrador, It's a command01:18
in_deep_thoughtcan someone help me understand why I can't java applets can't run in my web browser?01:18
geekmasterflashAdministrador, you can pipe it to a text file if you like01:18
in_deep_thoughtnothing shows up on this page: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp01:18
geekmasterflashAdministrador, It's probably better to just run the command and send me the results in pastebin01:18
AiriaWhat browser are you using?01:18
in_deep_thoughtdespite doing everything here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/289745/icedtea-7-plugin-non-functional-in-ubuntu-13-0401:18
in_deep_thoughtor firefox, the same result in both browsers01:19
Administradorgeekmasterflash: I knot it's a comman, but I want to make it into a file to use pastebinit with it01:19
geekmasterflashAdministrador, you can pipe it like so lspci | pastebinit01:19
wheatthinor pastebinit lspci01:19
wheatthineither way :)01:19
geekmasterflashThat too01:19
in_deep_thoughtis there a standard lists of instructions for getting java to work on ubuntu (it must be a common goal)01:19
wheatthinin_deep_thought, jre701:20
Administradorwheatthin: it says that it can't read lspci01:20
AiriaGive me a sec, I'll give you the directions01:20
in_deep_thoughtyeah I installed that01:20
AiriaI gotta dig em up01:20
in_deep_thoughtand the icedtea-7-plugin01:20
in_deep_thoughtAiria: ok thanks01:20
wheatthinthat's firefox plugin01:20
Beldar!java | in_deep_thought01:20
ubottuin_deep_thought: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:20
AiriaFollow that. You need to install the JRE and the plugin for the browser01:21
Administradorgeekmasterflash: although your command did work01:21
in_deep_thoughtso can I pick between openjdk, the oracle java, and the icedtea plugin?01:21
in_deep_thoughtor can I do all  3, or do I have to pick one and only one01:22
Administradorgeekmasterflash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6487405/  everything is intel but the ethernet controller01:22
wheatthindoes it say you can?  lol01:22
AiriaIt would just be easiest I think to go with the openjdk01:22
geekmasterflashAdministrador, what happens when you do a sudo apt-get remove nvidia-319 ?01:22
Airiabut yes, you can choose if you like01:22
AiriaAnd just choose 1, so nothing conflicts01:23
Administradorgeekmasterflash: it says that it isn't installed01:23
geekmasterflashAdministrador, what happens when you do a sudo apt-get remove nvidia-* ?01:23
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Cause I am definitely seeing 319 being loaded in that log01:24
Administradorgeekmasterflash: 2 to install, 20 to remove, there are some 319 thingies01:24
in_deep_thoughtAiria: according to those instructions, I need to install both openjdk-7-jre and icedtea-7-plugin01:25
in_deep_thoughtif I have done that, what would be the next troubleshooting step when that verify java page still doesn't respond?01:25
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Okay, well I am not sure they are the problem but they are the first graphics drivers being called in the log01:26
Administradorgeekmasterflash: for some reason vlc is also being uninstalled, weird01:26
geekmasterflashAdministrador, and you don't even have the card.01:26
Administradoryep, already uninstalling01:26
buntutechis there aa specific email to the folks at ubuntu...an email specifically for issue regarding te ubuntu chat?01:26
Airiain_deep_thought: it should work. If it doesnt, I would purge the install and try a different.01:27
zeldakHi, some devices at /dev don't exist anymore, how could I update it?01:27
Administradorgeekmasterflash: running ppa-purge again as last time it failed (apt-get update couldn't be completed, it said)01:27
bekksbuntutech: that may depend on your specific issue - what is it?01:27
bekkszeldak: which devices?01:27
buntutechi am not saying i have an issue bekks just womndered if this chat is ubuntu's or if it is separate?01:28
bekksbuntutech: this is the official english speaking IRC chat of Ubuntu, yes.01:28
amageeJust wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good ebook-reading app, preferably one with a good search? I'm using calibre and it's ok.. just wondering if there's something better.01:29
buntutechare the people who make ubuntu in charge of this channel bekks?01:29
bekksbuntutech: yes01:29
buntutechok ty bekks01:29
in_deep_thoughtAiria: I have purged and reinstalled everything twice now and still no response from the verify java page.01:36
in_deep_thoughtany other suggestions?01:36
in_deep_thoughtis there an error output somewhere I can read?01:36
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Administradorgeekmasterflash: just so you knoe, I'm still here, it's just that ppa-purge is still "updating package list"01:39
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Airiain_deep_thought: Ive never actually used the java page to verify its been installed. Are you trying to run on app online? Id try to see if that works first01:41
in_deep_thoughtyeah I am trying to run the chess applet on chess.com play vs computer and the page just freezes and become nonresponsive01:42
MrKeunerhello, I have a macbook here and a usb prepared with 13.10 64bit, on a 64bit lenovo running 12.0401:42
MrKeunerHow do I boot macbook from this usb?01:42
MrKeunersome weird key comaibnation i suppose01:42
AiriaHave you tried installing the JRE through the software center?01:43
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in_deep_thoughtwell now I can run java applets through a different site01:43
in_deep_thoughtso maybe its the chess.com one01:44
in_deep_thoughtbut then I can run that on any windows computer I try it on01:44
Administradorgeekmasterflash: ahhhh, failed again. well will reboot and try again01:44
AiriaIf other Java sites are working..Id say so01:44
AiriaMrKeuner: what kind of Macbook?01:45
AiriaPress C during startup Start up from a bootable CD, DVD, or USB thumb drive (such as OS X install media)01:46
Administradorgeekmasterflash: against what I expected, it's now halffixed. programs load, the only thing missing is unity01:47
DarkGhost`Hello everyone, so... I've been having major problems with life the past day.. I tried live booting ubuntu to my usb drive and somehow I messed up my boot record for windows 8... now windows 8 doesn't load and I've tried everything but can't seem to get it work. any ideas?01:48
MrKeunerAiria, I don't know the hardware version, how can I know? there is no OS installed on it01:48
MrKeunerc does not seem to work, I still see a folder with a question mark on it01:49
MrKeunerthe serial number shows as a vintage macbook01:49
MrKeunerbut no more details01:50
daftykinsDarkGhost`: so you're trying to fix Win8 to start with?01:50
Administradorgeekmasterflash: all right, all done. used dconf to default everything and then setsid unity. thanks for all the help :)01:50
DarkGhost`daftykins yes01:51
daftykinsDarkGhost`: technically you can't really get Windows support in here, ##windows instead for that01:52
hitsujiTMOMrKeuner: when you say vintage? from what year roughly?01:52
abc_haroldDarkGhost': check here http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-fix-windows-8-mbr-master-boot-record/01:52
AiriaMrKeuner: Im not super familiar with Mac. Older machines may not support booting from a USB device, you may need to burn a bootable disk01:52
MrKeunercdrom does not work01:53
MrKeunerhitsujiTMO, 2004 possibly01:53
flandrsi have a patch to edit a file in package/debian/file_that_needs editing, so i do a dquilt import patch, and it applies cleanly, but some reason the code remains patched so when i do a dpkg-buildpackage, it tries to re-apply the patch even though the code is already patched01:53
flandrsthis is very strange, cna someone give me a clue01:53
flandrssame thing happens if i manually add the patch to the series file and drop it in the patches directory, with the original code unmodified01:53
hitsujiTMOMrKeuner: then its a powerpc architecture and you need to use a powerpc ISO01:54
DarkGhost`abc_harold I triedthis :(*01:55
MrKeuneroh no it is x86 I know that much01:55
MrKeunerthe year might be 200501:55
MrKeunernot sure, but early times01:55
hitsujiTMO2006+ for x8601:55
MrKeunermay be 2006 I am really sorry01:55
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MrKeunermust be x86 I am pretty sure01:55
hitsujiTMOMrKeuner: do you know what processor it has?01:56
MrKeunercore duo or core2duo01:56
abc_haroldDarkGhost`: Do you get any windows error, or doesn't it even load the bootloader?01:56
geekmasterflashAdministrador, Glad to hear that01:57
fmmsilva_hey guys.. look: http://www.kilibro.com/books/9780470287064-linux-bible01:57
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geekmasterflashAdministrador, Odd that it was the nvidia driver01:57
daftykinsabc_harold: we do not give Windows support in here, you are welcome to take the discussion to ##windows but not here.01:57
hitsujiTMOMrKeuner: that sounds about right at least01:57
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MrKeunerdo not blame me :) I do not own this shit. Just trying to -reuse this junk for some useful purpose01:58
abc_harolddaftykins: Sorry! DarkGhost`: Goto ##windows, I'll try and help you there :)01:59
geekmasterflash!language | MrKeuner01:59
ubottuMrKeuner: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:59
=== eniac is now known as Si7
vanishingAri-Yang: ping02:08
chrs_hi i'm running ubuntu 12.04 and i want to use a non-stock kernel form a ppa02:13
chrs_for "phc" support02:13
chrs_is that safe to do with apt?02:13
DarkGhost`i can still liveboot ubuntu is ther anything I can do to try and save my windows mbr?02:13
Pyro_Killerhello chaps, I have sort of an off topic question, but this channel has always been here when I've been stuck with techy stuff, can i ask about an sql statement?02:14
Pyro_KillerDarkGhost: if you are runnning windows 7 you can do a wubi installment02:14
chrs_will it automatically update all my modules?02:14
zykotick9DarkGhost`: beware of wubi...02:15
Pyro_Killerwubi is nice, and easily revertable02:16
DarkGhost`i can still liveboot ubuntu is ther anything I can do to try and save my windows mbr?02:16
Pyro_Killeruse Hiren's boot cd?02:17
wheatthinDarkGhost`, you can use a windows installation cd and run fixmbr02:17
MrKeunerdoes startupdisk creator support gpt? I am trying to create a usb disk that could boot a macbook02:18
Ari-Yang[21:08:55] <vanishing> Ari-Yang: ping ----> yes?02:23
DarkGhost`Pyro_Killer I did lilo and it doesn't work02:26
=== peter is now known as Guest32014
hanasakiwhere to get the docs on libc function time(   ?02:27
chrs_i installed a new kernel image and ran update-grub but i don't see the new image as an option in the grub menu when i boot02:28
Pyro_KillerDarkGhost`: i feel you hvaen't given enough details, what EXACTLY are you trying to achieve, do you have more then one OS, which windows are you runing?02:28
DarkGhost`Pyro_Killer I'm trying to get my windows 8 working again, I fucked up something on the mbr and it says missing /efi/boot02:32
Si7DarkGhost' Easiest solution would be to a windows recovery disk and run repair, it might erase grub02:33
Pyro_KillerDarkGhost`: Do this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader#Via_the_Boot-Repair_graphical_tool02:33
glitsj16chrs_: depending on how you configured grub it could be hidden under the collapsed 'advanced options' submenu .. good place to start would be checking your /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see if it is there i suppose02:33
Pyro_Killerexatctley how the picture says, see what happens02:33
daftykinsDarkGhost`: i told you earlier that this is the channel for UBUNTU support, go to ##windows02:36
DarkGhost`windows does'nt know whats going on02:36
daftykinsand you guys - stop enabling him :P you can go there and help but you're in an Ubuntu support channel right now02:36
daftykinsi care not what they're up to02:36
Sciphey, am I in the right place for asking questions about installing ubuntu on an external HDD?02:37
Scipit's a WD passport ultra if it matters02:37
geekmasterflashScip, What help do you need?02:38
ScipI have the .iso, I'm just not sure where to go from there02:38
Sciplike when to partition and stuff02:38
xanguachrs_: what did you exactly install¿02:38
ScipI'd like to still use the external HDD for backup storage if possible02:39
geekmasterflashScip, Well, I imagine it will present you with the option when you go to install. It will ask you if you want to install Ubuntu/install along side (other os here) or do a manual partition02:39
kangerma_can i install ubuntu on a macbook02:39
geekmasterflashScip, If you want to install it on the external HDD you'd want to the manual option02:39
Scipgeekmasterflash: could I just mount the .iso on Windows and install it to the external HDD?02:40
geekmasterflashScip, Make sure you select the external HDD as the installation location for grub and partition the external HDD for / and /swap if you need it02:40
geekmasterflashScip, It's probably better to burn the ISO to a disc or usb02:40
hanasakiwhich linux .o lib has the iptables functions?02:40
geekmasterflashScip, Using it as is can require some wonkiness02:41
Scipdoes this look good for the USB option? http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj200124.aspx02:41
geekmasterflashScip, Are you in Windows?02:41
geekmasterflashScip, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows02:42
chrs_xangua: a linux 3.2.0 kernel with phc support02:42
chrs_i see the kernel image in /boot/grub/grub.cfg but i don't see it when i reboot02:43
darkclown.105.172.94 31337 clown114102:45
Scipgeekmasterflash: are there suggested guidelines for how much to partition and the like?02:47
Scipit's a 1tb HDD, I'm not sure what I really need02:48
Scipjust basic educational coding/dev work02:48
geekmasterflashScip, Well02:48
geekmasterflashScip, How much swap space if any, is determined by how much memory you have and if you want to be able to hibernate to disk02:49
geekmasterflashScip, which is something people on laptops probably need, while desktops, not so much02:49
tking0036I have a problem, I have mounted a samba share with fstab, but if I do touch test, it says permission denied, but it creates the file anyways02:49
ScipI'm on a laptop, 4gb ram/intel i702:49
ScipAnd let's say yes to the hibernate option?02:50
geekmasterflashScip, Then you probably want to partition 4gb of swap02:50
ScipOkay, thanks02:50
ScipAre there other partitions I should learn about?02:50
geekmasterflashScip,  If you are putting all of it on one disk, I generally recommend just formatting the rest /02:50
ScipIf I'd like to use, say 500GB for just backups02:51
Scipshould I make that a separate partition too?02:51
chrs_xangua: nvermind i saw the problem02:51
chrs_there was a "previous linux" submenu in grub02:51
chrs_i feel stoopid02:51
tking0036Samba act's like I can't write to the directory, even though I can02:51
chrs_i "upgraded" from 3.8 to 3.202:52
soy_el_pulpoScip: where those 500GB will be? on separate media, disk, mount?02:52
CrellHi folks. I have just borked a server and need suggestions on how to fix it. :-)  (Home server.)02:52
Scipsoy: not sure D: I just have a 1 TB external HDD02:52
Scipand want to use half for storage02:52
Sciphalf for ubuntu02:52
Scipwhat are the differences?02:52
soy_el_pulpoScip: ok, so an external disk02:53
geekmasterflashScip, Then format 500 GBs as /, and you can leave the rest unformatted or format it as something like /backup02:53
soy_el_pulpoScip: I asked because sometimes ppl want to store the backups inside the same media they are backing up02:53
CrellRecently, I had run a normal aptitude update/upgrade.  That inclued a new kernel image.  However, for unknown reasons my /tmp was full.  According to df, it was only 1 MB(!). Not trusting that it was safe to manually empty, I tried restarting.  Now I get a kernel panic, probably due to a borked kernel update.  Suggestions on how to revive it?02:53
ScipOh, I see02:53
=== kangerma_ is now known as kangerman
ScipAs in a backup of ubuntu stuff on the same external HDD?02:54
CrellI believe it was running Ubuntu Server 13.04.  I've been meaning to upgrade it to 13.10 but haven't yet.02:54
ScipI guess I don't need that for now02:54
soy_el_pulpoScip: so this disk is an additional disk or it is where your live OS lives?02:54
Scipsoy: I currently run win7 on a laptop's 128gb ssd02:54
ScipI have an external 1tb HDD where I just want to install and run ubuntu02:55
crockethow does ubuntu manage DNS servers fetched from DHCP server on the local machine?02:55
Scipsince I didn't have much space on the ssd02:55
crocketI want to know where they are saved on the file system.02:55
crocketOr how I can check them via a command.02:55
soy_el_pulpoScip: ok, so the external is just for backups, how are you planning to perform the backups? any specific tool?02:55
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, The external is not just for backups02:55
Scipsoy: the external is for backups + running ubuntu, ideally02:55
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, he is saying that is where is gonna install ubuntu and boot from02:56
ScipI was thinking of just using windows backup or something, I just need to backup stuff on win702:56
soy_el_pulpoScip: ok, I missed that part, just getting the facts straight... ;)02:56
Scipnp :)02:56
ianorlindesktopah you will want to install like normal and then select the external on it as the drive you want02:56
Scipgeekmasterflash & soy: okay, so I burned the ubuntu .iso onto a flash drive02:58
ScipI'll boot into it, install ubuntu on the 1tb external HDD02:58
soy_el_pulpoScip: I agree with geekmasterflash on the 2 partition (first linux, seccond backups) but th eonly question left is that if you want both OSs to be able to backup there... you need to choose the right FS02:58
Scipand partition at that time?02:58
FoxhoundzIs there any way to run optirun on gnome?02:58
Scipsoy: I guess I don't have to02:58
Foxhoundzso that I can use my discrete graphics to accelerate the window manager?02:59
geekmasterflashScip, True, I recommend that /backup be formatted ntfs, as windows plays nicest with that.02:59
soy_el_pulpoScip: from windows partition the drive in two02:59
ScipSo /backup is ntfs02:59
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: and if he wants to do linux backups? he will ran into permission issues if he does file copies....02:59
Scipand / or /swap are whatever is default?03:00
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, NTFS-3G is included in the distro, is it not?03:00
soy_el_pulpoScip: let's get first ubuntu installed on the first partitions03:01
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Also, hasnt linux been able to use ntfs since 2.2?03:01
Scipokay, sounds good. thanks guys!03:01
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: yes, you an access and r/w but if your backup system does file copies, permissions will be "lost in translation"03:01
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Fair enough.03:01
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: and restoring files from such partition will brin nothing and be defaulted to the directory that contains them03:02
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: but, if the backup tool stores like TAR files, permission will be preserved inside the container03:02
crocketI finally understood how resolvconf works with NetworkManager.03:03
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: sometime we overlook those details, I learned the hard way that one! lol03:03
DarkGhost`how do I mount a dev/sda?03:04
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Yeah, I am actually in the process of reformatting my backup disk right now03:04
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Since I dont want that problem :D03:04
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, What would you recommend instead, ufs?03:04
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: that's why at the office we have two backup systems, one for Windows servers and other for my linux boxes03:04
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: ext4 I use03:05
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Even for a mixed OS backup?03:05
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: I go simple, nowadays there are so many different standards to choose from03:05
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: we do not mix, windows backup server does only the win boxes, linux backup server does just the linux boxes.03:06
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: we use backuppc for the linux boxes, very simple and nice03:06
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Well, I only have the one machine03:06
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, With a dedicated network backup03:07
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, But its a dual boot machine03:07
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: if you are planning to do rsyncs keep it simple, ext4 disk will work on any recovery station03:07
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: what tool you use for you backups?03:07
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: you got me on that one, if you are doing mixed backups, I have no idea... but from linux you can backup your files form the windows partition...03:08
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, It's little FreeNAS server03:08
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: nice ;)03:08
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: I like FreeNAS03:08
soy_el_pulpoDarkGhost`: any idea where you want to mount it? /mnt  ?03:09
soy_el_pulpoDarkGhost`: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/03:09
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, I guess I will just partition it in half, and with ntfs for windows and another with ext403:09
soy_el_pulpoDarkGhost`: assuming that sda1 is the first partition of your disk03:10
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: how you have it now?03:10
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, A small partition for the FreeNAS to boot from in ZFS and the rest NTFS03:11
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: and if it works, why you want to change it?03:11
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: a nice thing of FreeNAS is that you can even boot from an USB and have all the disk for data03:12
linuxlite1969anyone here knows about pyftpdlib?03:12
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geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, I have yet to have catostrophic error where I might need to use it to do a restore, but you said I might have borked permissions?03:12
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, I'd hate to find that out the first time I do a restore.03:12
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: have you cheked them doing a restore? that is the only way to test03:13
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: can you restore to a different location? not over your real data03:13
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, I've got a laptop I don't care about.03:13
geekmasterflashsoy_el_pulpo, Let me find out.03:13
soy_el_pulpogeekmasterflash: try that first, if it works, pop a beer and celebrate03:14
=== linuxlite1969 is now known as ThisIsCool
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Pyro_KillerWhy has not a single guide i have found to make an ubuntu usb stick used LiLi, is there a good reason for this?03:35
Pyro_KillerIt's beautiful, open source and up to date...03:36
Pyro_Killerthis is on windows obviously03:36
Ben64not really a question for #ubuntu03:36
Pyro_Killerwell, the guide posted earlier features a piece of information from ubuntu03:37
Ben64ok? still not on topic here. this is for ubuntu technical support03:38
Pyro_Killerfair enough...03:38
RunemoroI have a question, does rm -rf go into mounted folders too?03:44
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rypervencheRunemoro: Yep.03:53
Runemorothank you03:53
RunemoroIs there any flag to make it unmount the folder instead of deleting it?03:54
rypervencheRunemoro: You would want to use the find command with -delete03:58
rypervencheRunemoro: -xdev  Don't descend directories on other filesystems.03:58
Runemororypervenche, thank you :)03:59
rypervencheRunemoro: Do you know how to use find that way?03:59
Runemororypervenche, yes03:59
rypervencheRunemoro: Cool. Enjoy :)03:59
=== diego is now known as Guest11702
=== BurritoBazooka is now known as Burritoh
rostamHI I have installed ubuntu 12.04 update 3. when system  boots , I can see the Ethernet MTU size is set to 574 bytes (ifconfig), Is this value set by defaults? thx04:11
CeninantCan I format a microSD card to fat (like it's 16gb, only format part of it to fat and leave the rest unformatted)?04:16
DuncanNZCeninant: you would have to partition it then, use gparted04:18
DuncanNZsudo apt-get install gparted04:18
chesterlinhwois ike04:19
Aethrs_My microphone is feeding sounds into my headset speakers.  This is of course normal so i can hear my own voice and such but in this case it's highly undesirable.  how do i go about turning this off?  I'm using ALSA.  It's not any specific application, happens with no sound applications running.04:24
=== Aethrs_ is now known as Aethrs
dyceis it possible to have a python script (or anything) to force bind to an ipv6 address?04:24
Aethrsdyce- A python script you're writing ?04:26
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Honeyclawhi everyone04:29
babinlonstonI Have Installed Ubuntu 12.04 in LVM and if i need to Create a New Virtual machine , How can i take snapshot and what are the steps there to take a snapshot , How can i create a New VM from snapshot04:30
ejvim sure the process has been well documented online babinlonston; have you tried googling something complex like that?04:32
Aethrsbabinlonston- How is the machine stored?  a LVM volume?04:32
ejvi think he/she might mean "VM"04:32
babinlonstonejv: yes i have done , But i don't got a Solution , so what came here :)04:32
AethrsCreate a LVM snapshot: lvcreate -L10G -s -ntmp_fserver_backup /dev/brace/fserver_root04:33
AethrsThat'll create a 10G(max) snapshot named "tmp_fserver_backup" from the LVM volume /dev/brace/fserver_root04:34
AethrsFrom there you can make a new logical volume, and dd it in there.04:34
AethrsThen make a new KVM machine, and point it at that volume.  You'll want to change the IP address before you bring it on the net live, otherwise it'll collide.. It is a _exact_ duplicate.04:34
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
MrHacksSo we meet again. The KFHD7 still doesn't connect.  So here's a list of grievances that I hope someone can help me with so I'm not banging my head against the wall in my room for Thanksgiving. http://pastebin.com/xpdF4WcL04:36
nafg_Can someone help me troubleshoot a udev rules script that's not being run?04:36
vocxWhat do you recommend to completely blank a hard drive? I think I can use a fancy tool, or just "dd" somehow. I want to erase a Windows hard drive completely.04:38
ejvdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<windows-partition> bs=4096K04:38
babinlonstonAethrs: yes its LVM04:39
Aethrsbabinlonston- Taking a break, read above for instructions on how to duplicate a machine.04:39
Aethrsbabinlonston- Best if it's off when you take the snapshot, and make sure to remove the snap after.04:40
vocxejv, thanks man.04:40
ejvvocx: use wisely, one slip up, you could wipe out something important; also `man dd`04:41
babinlonstonAethrs: let me try your Advice and ill be back :)04:41
Aethrsbabinlonston- Remember the new machine will have the old machine's IP address(!)04:41
ejvvocx: bs=4096 (no "K") sorry04:41
Aethrsafk :)04:42
vocxejv, for this specific task, I want to destroy something important.04:42
babinlonstonAethrs: yes i need to change the ip , ill04:42
isoscelescurrently the abiword website offers 2.8.6 as most stable. ubuntu software center offers
vocxejv, as far as I know, I would be setting all the blocks to zero, therefore the information there is no longer recoverable, is it?04:44
isoscelesis ubuntu SC behind?04:44
isoscelesor is the development version particularly preferable to the ubuntu user?04:44
__ravenkeyboard shortcut does not disable the wireless device any more on 13.10 - any ideas?04:46
isoscelesand my question is general... trust the outdated or beta version that ubuntu SC offers, or go with the version advertised at the developer's website?04:46
Beldarisosceles, Ubuntu SC?04:47
isoscelessoftware center04:47
Beldarisosceles, behind what?04:48
isoscelesbehind the developer04:48
Beldarisosceles, What is in the ubuntu repo is what is supported here.04:48
semitones'ello. Is there an easy way to ask the computer what kernel options it booted up with (like no1apic?)04:48
willbradleywhat's people's preferred server backup strategy?04:50
Beldarisosceles, Di you have a link to the developer? use nicks here, you can tab complete them.04:50
zykotick9semitones: "cat /proc/cmdline"04:50
willbradleytar -> rsync -> rotation script is kinda lame04:50
Beldarwillbradley, Number of ways to backup, preferred is a personal subject.04:50
isoscelesBeldar -- alright, then you would recommend using the version of an application from the ubuntu repo even if it was not what the developer tells you to install?04:50
Beldarisosceles, I don't use the software center, and don't generally need the support I give support primarily04:51
Hormel_Chavezhi, what is good way to show system stats nicely formatted04:52
Hormel_Chavezalso any good temperature monitoring utility?04:52
Beldarisosceles, You can use what you want you just have to be aware of what is supported here if needed.04:52
isoscelesbeldar, gotcha04:53
Beldarno problem isosceles04:53
isoscelesi am also interested in backup strategies. not a huge fan of the default ubuntu program, but it works.04:54
shanahanis it possible to make launcher icons smaller than 32px in 12.04?04:54
BeldarMrHacks, posting a link with swearing is a rude and against channel policy as directly swearing is.04:55
Beldar!ops | MrHacks see link04:55
ubottuMrHacks see link: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!04:55
Beldarisosceles, Personally I have all my stuff on externals and clone the OS's04:57
isoscelesyeah, i also back up to external. guess i'm wondering about alternatives to deja dup. i had an issue with a backup failing when the external was full. i was under the impression that the app would delete old to make room for the new.05:00
MrHacksWhat the hell is this thing? "Oh no! He used swears! Blow the rape whistle! WHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Complete over reaction consdering I'm tired and It took me over an hour to address all the half-complete grieveances that haven't been completed.05:01
MrHacksThis is why Mint is taking over Ubuntu05:01
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:02
lotuspsychje!language | MrHacks05:03
ubottuMrHacks: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:03
FlannelMrHacks: Please be polite.  The people in this channel are volunteers.05:03
isoscelesMrHacks, thanks for the laughs. glad i don't use a kindle though.05:03
botch...Could I ask an "open" question concerning an Ubuntu 13.10 / Gnome Panel issue?05:03
xmetaloops i forgot i was on IRC05:03
lotuspsychjebotch: yes ask away in channel mate05:04
botchIt's an issue with what I think is no longer the Gnome Panel but part of Ubuntu...  using my laptop a few times where I close the laptop and go back on a few minutes later (usually only once or twice)...after that the wifi disconnects05:05
botchMy touch pad shows wifi is still connected though05:05
botchI spoke with a tech support guy at work today from Missouri who uses Lubuntu and he referred me to the forums but ...wow...I was overwhelmed05:06
lotuspsychjebotch: it might be related to power settings, your wifi also disconnects05:06
botchThat sounds like it could be related for sure...any advice?05:07
willbradleyBeldar: there should be an EnterpriseUserBackup wiki page :P05:07
MrHacksisosceles: I just want to take back control of a problem that I know doesn't require me to go out and buy stuff I already have.  And secondly, I know I can do this, it's just that something happened with Ubuntu right before the 13.10 upgrade where MTP/FUSE devices don't want to enumerate.05:07
Beldarwillbradley,  EnterpriseUserBackup? NOt sure what you mean.05:07
kongthapmy ubuntu 13.10 is messed up now, i want to backup firefox's bookmark, but i cannot launch firefox what can i do?05:07
chsadosguys i am in desperate help I keep getting this error with GPA http://i.imgur.com/xJmw2oF.png05:07
lotuspsychjebotch: doublecheck your power settings, and check /var/log/syslog for any related issues05:07
willbradleyone of your links was HomeUserBackup which is the opposite of what I need (and the BackupYourSystem link didn't tell me much I didn't already know)05:07
willbradleytar + rsync it is, i guess...05:08
xmetalhmm would the (i forgot what it is) Firefox "safe mode" command be the same in Linux?05:08
fishcookeris there simple way to connect automatically to a wireless network  after the box is up?05:08
xmetal(i am asking "for" the person with the firefox issue.. .not myself)05:08
lotuspsychjechsados: whats the name of this package plz?05:08
xmetali never had to start FF in "FF Safe mode" in Linux before05:08
lotuspsychje!wifi | fishcooker05:08
ubottufishcooker: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:08
Beldarkongthap, bookmarks are in the .mozilla file it is hidden05:09
chsadoslotuspsychje: GPA 0.9.4 is this what you need?05:09
lotuspsychjechsados: i mean the key manager app05:09
xmetalpersonally i use FF to back stuff up ahead of time (in case of a problem)05:09
xmetaloops that made no sense05:09
zykotick9!info gpa | lotuspsychje05:09
ubottulotuspsychje: gpa (source: gpa): GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1 (saucy), package size 337 kB, installed size 1195 kB05:09
kongthapxmetal, i cannot open both firefox and chrome, i can open nautilus. is it posible to copy bookmark files ?05:09
lotuspsychjezykotick9: tnx mate05:09
xmetallol ... i meant the FEBE Firefox Addon05:09
zykotick9lotuspsychje: i'd recommend, not using it!05:10
willbradleyxmetal: http://linux.die.net/man/1/firefox05:10
kongthapBeldar, where is the .mozilla located???05:10
willbradley"man firefox" suggests `firefox -safe-mode`05:10
kongthapBeldar, in the home directory???05:10
Beldarkongthap, in the bookmarks backup folder, loo around.05:10
tachenyI have a quick question I use Ubuntu on a daily basis I have been for about 4 years but I would like to know how to access netflix on Ubuntu I usually use my Playstation because Netflix is not compatible for Linux?05:10
lotuspsychjezykotick9: so the error for chsados could be related to unstable package?05:10
xmetalyour home directly i'd say05:10
kongthapwillbradley, you meant go to the terminal and type 'firefox -safe-mode'???05:11
chsadoswould it be wise to unisntall gpa and reinstall?  doesnt GPA come with ubuntu by default?05:11
botchlotuspsy.... (i haven't figure out this XChat software just yet, just installed it) ... I'm not sure how to access that log file.  Is that in the home folder?05:11
willbradleyxmetal: err, that link doesn't say it unfortunately. but when i type man firefox i get a safe-mode entry05:11
lotuspsychjechsados: you might wanna search alternatives then like zykotick9 sugested05:11
Beldarkongthap, .mozilla it is hidden hit ctrl-h to un hide any file preceded with a period is hidden.05:11
willbradleykongthap: yup05:11
zykotick9lotuspsychje: i suggested a while ago that chsados should use the terminal gpg - they disagreed ;)  i didn't even check what the error was this time...05:11
chsadosi dont want terminal :P05:12
lotuspsychjechsados: its wise to follow advice in chat here mate...05:12
xmetalto get it working you would need to05:12
chsadostails has a beautiful gpgApplet gpgApplet05:12
kongthapxmetal, i've looked for bookmark backup or sync solution, FEBE is good right???05:13
lotuspsychjebotch: you can use the logviewer also05:13
isosceles what room do stupid bring their questions to?05:14
Beldarkongthap, firefox has a built in sync05:14
lotuspsychje!language | isosceles05:14
ubottuisosceles: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:14
isosceleswhat that's hilarious05:14
=== Wolf359_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
kongthapBeldar, i used to look for the built-in sync, i thought i made for sync between desktop and mobile, i was wrong right???05:15
lotuspsychje!info unity-tweak-tool | botch maybe this will help tweak power settings05:15
ubottubotch maybe this will help tweak power settings: unity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6 (saucy), package size 542 kB, installed size 2549 kB05:15
isoscelesmy was a serious question. i have novice (i.e. "stupid") questions05:15
Beldarkongthap, THe firefox sync is for sync from any firefox to another.05:16
kongthapBeldar, thanks for that :)05:16
kongthapok, thanks for all you guys suggestions, i will reboot into ubuntu and try those :)05:17
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botchI really appreciate the help but I've noticed I'm terribly non-versed in Linux.  I have contributed to the Ubuntu os as well as the Ubuntu phone just because I want the freedom to choose something other than Windows, Blackberry, Android or Apple.  I do think I need a lot more training / studying of how to navigate around Linux and understand what things are in Linux, and more specifically Ubuntu.05:19
botchYou guys are wonderful, thank you for the advice.  I'm going for a drink......05:19
tux_1will nmap work thru proxychains?05:31
bhaveshHow can I get back my last clipboard data after I do ctrl + c again? Do I lose it forever?05:32
hurdorbsdI installed ubuntu with encrypted installation and even encrypted my home folder .. it asked me created a passphrase which i enter everytime I login .. But also asked me to save a auto gen pass phrase to future05:32
hurdorbsdWould some1 explain me the situation?05:32
hurdorbsdbhavesh bhavesh .. tame nathi pata?05:34
Beldarhurdorbsd, I don't encrypt, however here is a reference page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems05:39
hurdorbsdWhen I mount an external HDD I get Error when getting information for file '/media/bud/New Volume/xubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso': Input/output error.05:40
hurdorbsdIt still has data .. what 2 do ??05:40
babinlonstonAethrs: Created a Snapshot , where will the Created Snapshot stored ?05:44
Beldarhurdorbsd, If the last four posts you have made are related, you might explain this in more detail to the channel.05:44
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babinlonstonAethrs: and how can i Use it for Creating a New VM ?05:44
Beldarhurdorbsd, There are multiple ways to mount HD, be specific there, and what type of partitioning on the external HD is helpful.05:45
wheatthinhurdorbsd, in other words run   sudo parted -l and paste it @ pastebin05:46
_joeyis there software to control smartphones?05:47
Beldarnot hardly in other words but you go, hehe05:47
eg0x_joey: ask them - www.nsa.gov *scnr*05:48
Beldar_joey, Control in what way?05:49
_joeythe way they are controlled in ms windows  organisation of phone book, sending sms etc05:51
_joeymaybe wine could be a solution?05:52
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Beldar_joey, never seen a sms sending in windows, but you can mount it most likely or use airdroid if android.05:53
_joeynokia suite has the feature05:53
Beldar_joey, This is neither MS or nikia support, so you will somewhat have to be real specific, not everyone here uses any of thise are even a smart phone.05:55
calinbaHi all05:55
calinbaDexter what up05:55
_joeyI asked a direct question if there is a software on linux to control smart phones05:56
_joeyif you don't know the answer, then stay quiet05:57
_joeyyou contribution about ubuntu being a linux specific chanel is worthless in the context05:57
wheatthin_joey, then leave, this is an ubuntu support channel only.. go get a life.05:58
_joey< _joey> is there software to control smartphones?05:59
_joeyon ubuntu05:59
wheatthinthat's not support for ubuntu, that's support for smartphones05:59
wheatthink thanks.05:59
_joeyubuntu has a large repository which people discuss here including GNU packages06:00
wheatthinand, you weren't being specific, and instead you go off about staying quiet. lol06:00
wheatthinWhat do you need to control on the phone? lol06:01
wheatthinthat would be something more specific.06:01
mastershakehey, i just put a fresh xubuntu 13.10 install on my netbook but the sound icon is broke and I don't know how to fix it, any ideas?06:03
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Beldarmastershake, I see this issue on the #ubuntustudio channel and at other times seems to be a problem for more than just you.06:13
mastershakei see. has there been a fix yet?06:14
Beldarmastershake, I'm not seeing any bug with a search on that release and sound icon, seems like there might a time for one.06:15
Beldarbug report that is06:15
mastershakehmm. whats the command that displays sound levels in terminal again? maybe that'll work06:18
mastershakemix something, i think?06:18
zykotick9mastershake: alsamixer06:18
mastershakethat's the one06:18
mastershakeyeah that works perfectly fine lol06:19
semitonesI tried starting up ubuntu, and got the dots, but now I have a garbled screen. What should I do?06:19
semitones(on a usb drive)06:19
Beldarsemitones, A proprietary graphic driver?06:20
Beldarah on a usb this a ISO? semitones06:20
semitonesBeldar, yes, this is 13.10 live booting. Should I go to a virtual terminal, or restart using a special boot mode?06:20
Beldar!nomodeset | semitones might be worth a try06:21
ubottusemitones might be worth a try: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:21
Beldarsemitones, This is using a usb on a virtual?06:21
semitonesBeldar, thanks! Is that something that I can disable once I have the correct drivers?06:21
semitonesBeldar, no it's on real hardware. I thought I could press ctrl alt f1 to get the virtual terminal, and fix the graphics that way maybe06:22
babinlonstonHi all How can i start installing Ubuntu in CLI mode06:22
semitonesbabinlonston, download the alternate cd image from the 'more downloads' area of ubuntu.com06:23
zykotick9babinlonston: use the mini.iso06:23
Beldarsemitones, Ah, try the nomodeset option, it is per boot.06:23
zykotick9semitones: i thought the alternate image was discontinued...06:23
Beldarsemitones, what release?06:23
semitonesBeldar, ok. One thing I've noticed with that though, if I use nomodeset, will I always have to boot with it?06:23
babinlonstonzykotick9: now way to setup using 12.04 Disc ?06:24
semitoneszykotick9, you're probably right -- I haven't been following too closely06:24
zykotick9babinlonston: the regular one - NO06:24
Beldarsemitones, nomodeset is a low graphic boot hard to say as future use without specific graphic hardware info. My guess would be no.06:25
lotuspsychjeis there a command i can use to measure how much memory a program eats?06:25
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD06:25
semitoneslotuspsychje, do you know about top?06:25
semitonesBeldar, ok, good :)06:26
lotuspsychjesemitones: i was looking for one program only, like firefox start from terminal example06:26
lotuspsychjethen measure its memory usage06:26
semitonesoh like graph it?06:26
BeldarI think the alternate is still there for 12.04 is all.06:26
lotuspsychjesemitones: not nescesary, but one program06:27
semitoneswhy don't you just search that one program in top?06:27
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=== looper is now known as loper
=== loper is now known as looper
babinlonstonzykotick9: can i install in CLI mode using Server ISO ?06:28
zykotick9babinlonston: yes, but i'd still recommend mini06:29
lotuspsychjesemitones: checking man top, ill find maybe to monitor a single pid tnx06:29
babinlonstonzykotick9:  Why i'm Need it , cos i need to setup LVM in CLI so what06:30
semitoneslotuspsychje, good luck! I think there are other similar programs to top as well that might be helpful -- does pgrep sound familiar?06:30
zykotick9babinlonston: ? then try server06:30
semitonesI forget if that's a real program06:30
lotuspsychje!info pgrep06:30
babinlonstonzykotick9: ok06:30
ubottuPackage pgrep does not exist in saucy06:30
semitonesdefinitely got the wrong name :P -- there are some other versions of top that  might be useful, just can't remember them06:31
zykotick9htop is good!06:31
lotuspsychjesemitones: egrep, fgrep, rgrep maybe?06:31
purplesunshineI'm running Raring and I'm trying to execute an SH script, but it just opens GEdit. I've run chmod +x, edited the properties, but it still just opens gedit.06:31
purplesunshineHow can I make this SH script ask me what I want it to do?06:32
semitoneslotuspsychje, it's not anything to do with grep -- ptop maybe06:32
lotuspsychjesemitones: ok tnx06:32
purplesunshineHello? Can anyone assist me with my SH troubles?06:36
hurdorbsdhow to install ttf in ubuntu06:37
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/06:41
purplesunshineThis is why late-night support doesn't work. Because there's never anyone available.06:41
guest-OUYTDq#ubuntu studio06:42
Beldarhurdorbsd, If you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras you get tty, flash and other codecs/06:46
Beldarpurplesunshine, In the US it is thanksgiving evening, waiting ten min and complaining is not productive.06:48
Neozonzany logrotate guru out there? need some help...06:49
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semitonesBeldar, do you know, once I install the proprietary driver, how do I make it take effect?06:49
uzer23hey does anyone know why debconf-get-selections | grep "phpmyadmin" returns nothing? I thought it would show me the variables for phpmyadmin questions06:49
purplesunshineBeldar, I am in the US and it's almost 1AM CST06:49
uzer2312.04 lts06:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:51
GrendelTwhich runs first udev or /etc/init scripts?06:53
wheatthinUmm udev is populated first.06:55
guest-OUYTDqin u studio v13.10.  don't see 'restricted drivers' or 'nVidia Xserver settings' menu. if, it downloaded geforce 610 1 GB card driver, where might it be?06:56
A1ReconIs there a way to know if Geany compiles the C code in C99 or some other mode?06:56
GrendelTwheatthin: so if i have a daemon that expects a udev-named device, it's okay to put that in init?06:56
wheatthinguest, please use the repo, sudo apt-get nvidia-current06:56
GrendelTwheatthin: i see a udev.conf in /etc/init...06:57
motheushey ppl, there is any mixer for ubuntu? i mean, to mix frequencies, not app volume06:57
guest-OUYTDqok thank you. i'll check Synaptic to see if nvidia-current is installed.06:57
wheatthinright, it's the first to load, then the rest of the init06:57
GrendelTmotheus: where are the freq coming from?06:57
wheatthinno, if there's a device, you need to add it to modprobe.d06:58
motheusaudo frequencies, the system06:58
motheusto customize bass, treble06:58
allstarsnorks2HI guys, how do I install themes on Ubuntu GNOME 13.10?06:58
semitonesHow do you restart X?06:58
GrendelToh - look in the software center for alsa tools06:59
wheatthinmotheus, please use one line online... And there are called equalizers or synthisizers06:59
wheatthinuse on one line* lol06:59
semitonesfound it sudo restart lightdm06:59
GrendelTwheatthin : for example, i want to name a USB-to-serial device "radio" instead of ttyUSB006:59
GrendelTdid that in udev06:59
GrendelTwith a rule06:59
GrendelTthen after it gets the alias, i want a daemon to be launched that utilizes that device07:00
guest-OUYTDqdang it. can't get 'sudo' logged in as Guest.07:00
chsadoshey guys, remember me with the GPA error?  I found out if I run sudo gpa from command it works!  why is it forcing me to use sudo?07:00
hurdorbsdBeldar I can't get my ttf working in Abiword07:00
GrendelTand since i'll know the alias i gave it, that'll be more specific than trying to guess if i'ts ttyUSB0 ttyUSB1 etc07:00
wheatthinGrendelT, so why not hardlink it?07:01
motheusdownloading alsa tools tranks GrendellT07:01
GrendelTbecause it's not always hooked up07:01
motheusone more question07:01
wheatthinUmm that's now how usb works.07:01
GrendelTand that device and another USB-to-serial convertor flipflop07:01
=== LoganG|off is now known as LoganG
GrendelTi could hardlink it, but what would i hardlink to? *any* ttyUSB?07:02
motheusdoes proprietary ATI drivers are being installed by default? do i have to do something to install them as i want to play with steam?07:02
GrendelTsteam should work07:02
motheusi had gentoo and radeon had no 3d accel07:02
wheatthinmotheus, propriety drivers aren't by default.   sudo apt-get install fglrx07:03
wheatthinmotheus, you have to configure gentoo for it. but this isn't the channel.07:03
motheusi had gentoo, now im trying ubuntu07:03
wheatthinshould have worked just fine either way, but ok.. welcome to ubuntu.07:03
hurdorbsdYou had gentooooo and now you want ubuntu ??07:04
hurdorbsdWhat went wrong with gentoo?07:04
GrendelTwell, at any rate hardlinking would NOT be a good solution because the target keeps moving. (it's not the same ttyUSB on each plugin, because... that's how USB works)07:04
wheatthinhurdorbsd, anything can go wrong with gentoo :P07:04
GrendelTthat's what udev accomplishes... it does name regex and assigns symlinks for you07:04
motheusbecause i need to code and dont have the time for my gentoo T_T im buyind a new hard driver for my gentoo anyway07:04
Jordan_Umotheus: Proprietary drivers are not installed by default, you can use the "Additional Drivers" portion of Ubuntu Software Center to install them (which will also properly configure them).07:05
wheatthinGrendelT, So what makes you think renaming or moving the device when it's populated randomly?07:05
hurdorbsdUbuntu is the most popular GNu/Linux07:05
wheatthinwill even work that is*07:05
GrendelTare you familiar with udev ?07:05
motheusevery KDE update was like 1 day compiling with gentoo, lets check ubuntu07:06
GrendelTlike, that's what udev is for07:06
GrendelTidentifying random USB devices and naming them accordingly07:06
GrendelTthat's how your system knows a keyboard from a tty07:06
wheatthinGrendelT, umm it's basically a device library that is generated from the kernel... it's not just for USB, but ok.. it's for all plug in play devices07:06
GrendelTyeah --- dynamic device config07:07
hurdorbsdGuys I install a few local fonts manually .. I did it .. but it is not showing my fonts in AbiWord .. I mean it shows them but won't show preview of the fonts and neither would it show when I type em07:07
Jordan_UGrendelT: You should be able to write an upstart configuration file that will be triggered when the device becomes available, or simply check for existance of the device in the existing start script for that service.07:07
GrendelTbut udev rules allows you to match based on the USB id07:07
GrendelTjordan_u well, original question was... at what point in the boot process does udev begin07:08
wheatthinat boot.. lol07:08
GrendelTi want to fire off a daemon to use the device after it's received it's new name07:08
Jordan_UGrendelT: In the initramfs, but that doesn't neccessarily tell you when the device will become available, for example some devices are very slow to initialize and so the machine may be completely booted by the time the device is ready to be used.07:09
motheusso... any equalizer using pulseaudio?07:10
Jordan_UGrendelT: Hence why you should have an upstart configuration that is triggered when the device becomes available (under the name you need).07:10
* Defender__ is writing :307:11
GrendelTi think another idea just dawned on me07:11
GrendelTudev can run scripts it seems07:11
GrendelTand that'll be when the device is detected either at boot or device insert07:12
Jordan_UGrendelT: In fact you could probably add starting the service to the udev rule.07:12
GrendelTif i can find a way for it to kill that daemon when the device is unplugged... that'd be neat07:12
GrendelTthat's what i was just reading07:12
GrendelTgood times07:13
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
semitonesThere's a problem with ubiquity07:21
semitonesi click it, and it blinks the icon a bit, but nthing happens07:22
semitonesi try to start it from terminal maybe that will work... hmm07:23
semitonesnot doing anything07:23
semitoneswthat's wrong07:23
hurdorbsdy is linux upto 15% faster in copying files07:24
trelaneI'm having issues with 13.10 and a radeon 4250... apparently it's not being detected07:24
hurdorbsdtrelane use fglrx-updates then07:25
GrendelTthat fixed it. using the RUN+=" " in the udev rules07:25
GrendelTso now it identifies the device, starts the daemon and even cleanly shutsdown on removal07:26
GrendelTso elegant. i likes.07:26
trelanehurdorbsd, installing now07:30
hurdorbsdokay good it would make your system detect it but performance is not as good as on Windows07:31
hurdorbsdAre you using a Laptop?07:31
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trelaneyeah, trying to fix up an old laptop for a friend07:31
semitoneshow do you kill a zombie process (ubiquity)07:31
trelanesemitones,  kill -9 ?07:31
trelaneerr kill -9 <PID>07:32
semitonesi'll try07:32
trelaneyou can get the pid from 'ps aux'07:32
semitonesit's still there -- I did pgrep to get the PID07:32
trelanehurdorbsd, installed it still getting the "your system is running in low graphics mode" "how would you like to reconfigure it".  Attempted to use generic, no joy.07:33
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trelanesemitones, hit it with a few more -9's, check 'dmesg' and syslog07:33
semitoneshmm k07:33
semitoneswhat's -15?07:33
trelanekill -9 should end a task, PERIOD, if it's not you have a larger problem (reboot)07:33
buukill -9 *does* end a task07:34
buuIts a zombie now07:34
a4343I visited this club tonight that I have not seen in several years. They closed it down. it is a dark, empty, dead building.   No more cinnamon,  no more school girl outfits, no more mini dresses.  No someone deemed it to be a threat to their control and subjugation over the people here.  They must have decided we cant have skimpy outfits. Not that is a threat. we cant  have that becuase, it is just I guess not acceptable to them.   Sad07:34
trelane-15 is SIGTERM07:34
buusemitones: You can't kill a zombie because it's already dead, duh07:34
buusemitones: That's the whole point07:34
buusemitones: If you want the process to go away you have to either convince its parent to "reap" it or just kill its parent07:34
semitonesbuu, but how do I find it's parent?07:35
buuI think its in /proc/pid someplace or perhaps htop or similar07:36
semitonesI don't want to restart b/c it took so long to get the drivers correct. You're right, it's its.07:36
a4343That fact that no one speaks up out of 1654 people means two things - #1 You are a bunch of pussies.  #2 That censorship and subjugation of the masses has finally taken place.  congratualtions pussies. You allowed this to happen.07:36
buuThat was a really, really odd troll.07:37
Levexbuu: $ cat /proc/self/status07:38
Levexbuu: Here PPID is the parent's process id07:38
Levexbuu: Obviously, replace self with your zombie's pid or whatever07:38
buuLevex: Please address semitones07:39
Levexbuu: Ah yes, thank you :D07:40
Beldar!spam | tUCKER07:51
FloodBot1tUCKER: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
v_yis there a live usb image with chrome installed?07:57
trelaneso I ended up completely deleting the fglrx driver, it loads into xorg, or whatever it is no but there's no unity, no panel, and no top bar, the icons and background do appear.  Unity panel service is running07:57
trelanetrying to start unity gets me opengl not loaded07:57
v_yis there a live usb image with chrome installed?07:59
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hungnvhello guys, when mouting ntfs with ntfs-3g driver using default option, I use application download file from internet and store in mount point of ntfs drive, forr example /mnt/ntfs . ntfs-3g buffer write to large chunk before writing data to disk. How can I prevent this?08:05
Beldarhungnv, This a stand alone ntfs partition, your loading using ubuntu?08:06
hungnvBeldar, yes08:06
Beldarhungnv, Isn't the mount point the partition, not sure I understand.08:08
muxdemux_I have a faulty graphics card. It's NVidia GeForce GT 430. Is there a utility or something similar in Ubuntu, which will compare the output from the graphics card with the output that should be given, if it was not faulty? The graphics card had one of it's chips soldered in a service center. I get those messy lines on my screen, like the signal picks up noise from somewhere, but that's not the problem, as i've previously mentioned. Any ideas? Thanks in08:08
hungnvBeldar, for example, I have sda disk with sda1 format as ntfs partition, and use ntfs-3g to mount it as mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs -o rw08:11
hungnvi write an download application to download data from internet and store data in /mnt/ntfs08:11
Beldarhungnv, Not sure.08:13
hungnvntfs-3g driver buffer data in memory into large chunk, let say about 50Megabytes, and write that buffer to disk at a time, I dont want it as like that, I want if my appkication download speed as 2MB/s, 2MB will be written to disk immediately, no buffer08:13
muxdemux_I have a faulty graphics card. It's NVidia GeForce GT 430. Is there a utility or something similar in Ubuntu, which will compare the output from the graphics card with the output that should be given, if it was not faulty? The graphics card had one of it's chips soldered in a service center. I get those messy lines on my screen, like the signal picks up noise from somewhere, but that's not the problem, as i've previously mentioned. Any ideas? Thanks in08:13
muxdemux_Why the up/down volume button on the taskbar won't give me the [0 - 100] graphical slider line?08:15
muxdemux_Why the up/down volume button on the taskbar won't give me the [0 - 100] graphical slider line?08:16
dibsI'm trying to set my mbr to dual boot again after I upgraded windows to 8.1 and lost my ubuntu 13.10 but am not sure which partition is mbr08:16
Beldardibs, The mbr is not a partition.08:17
kylothis there a free valid windows program that emulates an unbuntu terminal. i have been practicing from "THE LINUX COMMAND LINE" and i dont want to fall behind on my practice but i am not allowed to put linux on this computer so i was wondering if there was a windows emulator for a linux termanl ubuntu based08:18
Beldardibs, This a gpt W8.1 and ubuntu still there, but your booting straight to windows?08:18
dibsBeldar: Could you help at all? I have an ubuntu 12.10 which when selected at boot gives me acces to my old boot menu with ubuntu and windows but I don't know how to make it stick without the bootdisk08:18
dibsYeah straight to windows08:18
dibsIt's like I'm being sent to hell everyboot08:19
lotuspsychjekyloth: ask in ##windows please08:19
kylothmake a live disk or get some burnable cd's atleast one gig and make a bootdisk to install you new os08:19
Beldardibs, For me it would help to to the bootscript, you familiar with the bootrepair app?08:19
dibsI have the url08:19
Beldardibs, If a fresh read post that.08:20
kylothlotus psychje... i came here because windows users are fucking retards and i wanted an ubuntu geek to let me know what windows program best emulates the ubuntu terminal08:20
Beldar!language | kyloth08:20
ubottukyloth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:20
kylothso no... i wont go to #windows because even though i was looking for a windows program. im looking for linux programming available on windows08:21
Levexkyloth: Cygwin?08:21
muxdemux_I won't get any sound output from the speakers. What could the problem be?08:21
kylothis there a free valid windows program that emulates an unbuntu terminal. i have been practicing from "THE LINUX COMMAND LINE" and i dont want to fall behind on my practice but i am not allowed to put linux on this computer so i was wondering if there was a windows emulator for a linux terminal ubuntu based08:21
muxdemux_Why the up/down volume button on the taskbar won't give me the [0 - 100] graphical slider line?08:21
dibsBeldar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6488438/08:21
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gr33n7007hkyloth, just use a VM08:22
kylothlevex... cygwin is an emulator for a linux terminal? what is VM?08:22
muxdemux_I won't get any sound output from the speakers. What could the problem be?08:22
gr33n7007hVIRTUAL MACHINE08:22
gr33n7007hoops left caps on08:22
gr33n7007hdownload ubuntu iso and load it up into the VM08:23
kylothwell i was asking for a hyperlink to a good emulator. like i said its not my comp but i am gonna be working on it so i can install linux but i can install a program that emulates linux.... she doesnt want me partitioning her drive08:23
kylothVM sounds like a decent idea i already have the iso08:24
lotuspsychjekyloth: how about installing ubuntu on your machine, and loose windows once and for good :p08:24
kylothi wish i could lotus but as i stated 3 times... its not my machine08:24
kylothim jsut staying with my friend for a couple weeks and dont want to fall behind on my CLI practice08:25
Sven_vBhi! there's this one config file that i'm asked to replace on every upgrade. is there a way to specify that this file, i always want to keep my way? nad maybe instead write the new maintainer's version ro /etc/program.conf.maint so i gave the latest defaults always nearby?08:25
Beldardibs, Did you run the repair on the bootrepair?08:25
kylothwell greentooth sof ar has the best idea so thanks for that08:26
kylothi think im just gonna run a VM it sounds like the most calid idea so far08:26
Sven_vB(also, please excuse my typing. i overestimated how awake my hands would be.)08:26
muxdemux_I won't get any sound output from the speakers. What could the problem be? I am using Xubuntu 13.10. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.08:29
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lotuspsychje!sound | muxdemux_08:29
ubottumuxdemux_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:29
dibsBeldar: Yeah I did but still booted to windows. I got a message about being in eufi mode but if I change that in bios nothing boots08:32
lotuspsychjedibs: dod you disable secure boot in bios?08:32
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dibslotuspsychje: yeah it's off08:35
lotuspsychjedibs: and you cant boot into ubuntu?08:35
lloowen_Hello all. Just messing aroun with run levels. When I use the command 'runlevel' in the cli. I see N 2 what does the 'N' mean?08:35
Beldardibs, I would post that url with your description here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191708:35
dibsIt's like the cd ubuntu see's the original grub too, I don't even get a chance to boot to the live cd08:35
lotuspsychje!runlevel | lloowen_08:36
ubottulloowen_: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.08:36
dibsbaardsf: I posted it before http://paste.ubuntu.com/6488438/08:36
dibsBeldar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6488438/08:36
Beldardibs, here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191708:37
BlackDalekHelp!! my eog (image viewer) is crashing instantly every time it is started, either by opening (any) image file or starting the program from terminal or dash icon. I am using Ubuntu 13.04 GNOME Image Viewer 3.6.208:37
lotuspsychjedibs: did you follow the uefi guid to install?08:37
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: any errors when you start eog from terminal?08:38
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, yes - "g_dbus_connection_real_closed: Remote peer vanished with error: Underlying GIOStream returned 0 bytes on an async read (g-io-error-quark, 0). Exiting. Terminated"08:39
lloowen_lotuspsychje: Didnt understatnd what you meant with !runlevel08:39
Sven_vBfound it, --force-confold and friends08:39
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Sciphey, I just installed ubuntu on an external HDD partition08:44
ScipI want to be able to use the rest for windows backups, is there a best way to format that?08:45
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: sounds like a bug to me08:45
BeldarScip, There has to be a ntfs and it has to be the first partition08:45
lotuspsychje!info gparted | Scip08:45
Scip!info gparted08:46
ubottuScip: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.16.1-1 (saucy), package size 517 kB, installed size 1816 kB08:46
Scipit has to be the first?08:46
ScipI have gparted08:46
lotuspsychjeScip: you can format partitions with gparted in any format you like08:46
Sciplotus: okay, I think I just did that08:47
Scipbut it's /sdb508:47
BlackDalekDoes anyone else have eog (image viewer) crashing instantly problem?08:47
Scip/sdb1 and /sdb2 are swap and ext3 for ubuntu, respectively08:47
Scipdoes that mean I need to change something?08:48
BeldarScip, By windows backups you mean with it's restore function>08:48
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: maybe try a reinstall of eog? if not work i would bug it08:48
ScipDoesn't have to be, I just need to back up important ifles08:48
Scipso even copy/paste is okay08:48
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, ok - I've already purged and re-installed eog. That still failed. In the mean time, what is an alternative I can install as replacement to eog so that I an view my image files again?08:49
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: shotwell is installed by default08:50
BeldarScip, I beleive if there is not permissions involved or specific ntfs needed partitioning you could just store them in the ubuntu with a copy and paste from it. How is ubuntu running in that external?08:50
cfhowlettBlackDalek, risetto08:50
ScipBeldar: ubuntu is working08:51
BlackDalekI mean a lightweight, simple thing, like document viewer or eog... not a full fledged photo organiser/viewer08:51
ScipWhat I mean is, say I filled up the ubuntu partition with stuff08:52
Scipcould I still use the other half of the external like a usb flash drive?08:52
lotuspsychje!info gpicview | BlackDalek08:52
ubottuBlackDalek: gpicview (source: gpicview): lightweight image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3+git20130714-2 (saucy), package size 92 kB, installed size 816 kB08:52
ScipEither from windows to that half, or from ubuntu08:52
BeldarScip, I believe as far as windows reading that hard drive it would have to be a ntfs and a first partition, but ubuntu can read windows.08:53
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: you might wanna check /var/log/syslog for eog errors aswell to help debug08:53
ScipBeldar: oh, shoot. does that mean I'd need to reinstall ubuntu?08:53
Scipand parition so that it's at the end08:53
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: can you eog --version in terminal?08:54
BeldarScip, I would check the web or the ##windows channel on that really just to be sure, I know it's that way with usb flash.08:54
Scipokay, thanks08:54
BeldarScip, You can use gparted to copy and paste whole partitions, so depending on what is there and space you could move and reassign partitions.08:55
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: seems like we at version 3.8.2 now08:55
ScipBeldar: ah that helps, I'l look into it. thanks!08:56
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, the one which installs from the repository is 3.6.2 for eog08:57
jellowcan I mount a printer using sshfs and use it instead of samba ?08:57
BeldarScip, No problem if you move ubuntu just has to be an equal or bigger partition, but you can resize it smaller if needed, the ntfs for this can be in an extended if not needed to boot windows.08:57
lionrougehi !08:57
enbergjplease educate me for I am obviously missing something: to set up Java SDK it is not enough to just install some files somewhere, you also need to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable .. now if you install openjdk-7-jdk, it does not set up this environment variable .. why?08:57
lionrougemy Ubuntu 13.10 doesn't let me switch keyboard layouts when the screen is blocked08:57
lotuspsychje!info eog | BlackDalek08:58
ubottuBlackDalek: eog (source: eog): Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.2-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 659 kB, installed size 2684 kB08:58
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: try update maybe?08:58
lionrougeenbergj: sudo update-alternatives --config java08:59
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, Do I have to upgrade to Saucy to install that?08:59
enbergjlionrouge: that doesn't seem to answer my question .. why doesn't openjdk-7-jdk installation finish installing the JDK, which includes setting up the environment variable?09:00
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: not sure, maybe its possible from 13.04 also09:01
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: i had one bug once on a system with eog, showing pictures with green on 13.0409:01
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: we will soon have to upgrade anyway09:02
BlackDalekI'll upgrade when I have time. Just needed a working image viewer now while I am working. gpicview is doing the trick, so I will leave it at that for now. Thanks.09:04
muxdemux_What should i do, in order to install the NVidia drivers? I've downloaded them as a .run file.09:05
Rorymuxdemux_: Switch to another console (Ctrl-Alt-F2), then stop the x server with "sudo service lightdm stop"09:06
Rorymuxdemux_: then make it executable with "chmod +x filename.run"09:06
Rorymuxdemux_: Then run it "sudo ./filename.run"09:06
blognewbhey guys since when has the market channel been off?09:06
blognewbor turned off09:06
cfhowlettblognewb, market what?09:06
Rorymuxdemux_: However, be aware you can just install it from the repository instead: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current09:06
muxdemux_Rory: And after that, should i start the x server again?09:06
Rorymuxdemux_: No you should reboot after09:07
geirhaenbergj: It doesn't set up JAVA_HOME because it gets installed in the location where java will look if JAVA_HOME is not set09:07
blognewbcfhowlett, #bitcoin-market09:07
Roryblognewb: This is the Ubuntu support channel09:07
cfhowlettblognewb, wrong channel.  This is #ubuntu.  Move on.09:07
blognewbRory, sorry i apologize09:07
muxdemux_Rory:Thanks a lot, i will try to install it with the repository :)09:07
generalsterhello all, can anyone guide me to a room to discuss the development of a kernel module? I've found some stuff about hp acpi fan control not implemented anywhere09:07
Rorymuxdemux_: Great, it's a lot safer that way because it's easier to uninstall again in future (and keep up-to-date through system updates)09:08
Rorygeneralster: Perhaps ##linux ?09:08
enbergjgeirha: well after setting up openjdk-7-jdk, I tried to compile something and it complained that JAVA_HOME is not set .. after I manually fixed the environment it worked09:08
generalsterRory: Cheers. I'm pretty new to this sort of stuf.09:08
muxdemux_Rory: Yup, and i still don't feel pro enough to mess with those manual things :)09:08
kongthapi want to backup firefox's bookmarks, i cannot launch firefox now because my ubuntu is messed up, which files in .mozilla  contains the bookmarks???09:09
enbergjkongthap: you could consider checking firefox channel/forums/documentation instead of a random linux channel09:10
geirhaenbergj: have you had different versions of java installed? if so, you might need to use  update-java-alternatives  to set the correct symlinks09:10
Rorykongthap: places.sqlite09:11
enbergjgeirha: not as far as I know, I just installed javajdk-7-jdk, also if there were multiple versions, I assume one of them would've be set as the default without manually having to run update-java-alternatives etc.09:11
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Beldarkongthap, go to .mozilla open the firefox folder and use the search with bookmarkbackups09:11
kongthapbeldar, i just found that folder09:12
geirhaenbergj: Ok, well, I haven't had any problems with an unset JAVA_HOME09:12
kongthapBeldar: if i just copy those .json files, i can use firefox in the new machine to import them back right???09:12
ActionParsnipenbergj: tried Oracle Java? Webupd8 has a PPA for easy install09:12
Beldarkongthap, as far as I know yes.09:13
kongthapBeldar: thanks :)09:13
Beldarkongthap, save that whole .mozilla file just to be safe.09:13
enbergjActionParsnip: no, nor do I want to really09:13
ActionParsnipenbergj: ok no worries09:13
kongthapBeldar: thanks for the warning :)09:14
Beldarkongthap, NOt sure why your firefox is broken, but that .mozilla file can just be put in home replacing another and run, if it's not it that is actually broken.09:14
kongthapBeldar: actually firefox is not broken, my ubuntu is broken i cannot launch both firefox and chrome, but i still can launch many apps such as x-chat, gedit, etc09:16
ActionParsnipkongthap: launch them from terminal, the output may be useful09:17
Beldarkongthap, Ah just save the .mozilla and before you run firefox on the install paste it to home and you will have the same FF.09:17
Beldarkongthap, Save the .config file as well it will have the configs of apps.09:18
Beldarsome apps anyway09:18
kongthapit seems like i got read only on my ubuntu, for cannot create a new folder, i think, that's why i cannot lunch some apps which require writable09:19
Rorykongthap: Is it possible you have run out of disk space?09:19
kongthapi've planned to  re-install my ubuntu09:19
Rorykongthap: Might as well just back up your entire /home/username directory then09:19
generalsterkongtap: look if you've chmodded /09:20
kongthapRory: nope, this used to happen before, i ran the fsck, then things have been fine, until i upgrade to 13.1009:20
Rorykongthap: I always advocate a clean install over an in-place upgrade if possible09:20
kongthapgeneralster: i just have one thing left to backup which is the bookmark so i'm lazy to run into fsck because i partition is quite big09:21
kongthapRory: yeah, everyone has to buy their own experience :P09:21
cfhowlettRory, agreed.09:22
kongthapi think, i just have to run fsck now, i have no other choices after backup everything i will do clean install for 12.04 LTS :)09:22
kongthapafter upgrading to 13.10 i cannot use shutdown and restart from the panel menu, i always have to type the command in the terminal :P09:24
kongthapwell, thanks all you guys with tons of help :)09:25
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olivier_bKi have installed mysql on my ubuntu09:41
olivier_bKbut when i try to start it i get that09:42
olivier_bKRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)09:42
olivier_bKutility, e.g. service mysql start09:42
Roryolivier_bK: use the command "sudo service mysql start"09:42
olivier_bKi m in root09:42
Roryolivier_bK: then just "service mysql start"09:42
olivier_bKif use service mysql start09:43
olivier_bKi get nothing09:43
Roryolivier_bK: What's the output of "service mysql status" ?09:43
Roryolivier_bK: How did you install mysql, and what Ubuntu version are you using?09:44
gambiI'm trying to setup my Wireless Touchpad on 13.04, which channel is the right one for questions related to "InputClass" settings?09:44
olivier_bKi 've installed mysql by apt-get install09:44
Rorygambi: Probably this one if you're on Ubuntu09:44
ActionParsnipgambi: does it have its own reciever, or is it bluetooth?09:44
olivier_bKUbuntu 12.04 LTS09:44
Roryolivier_bK: Can you try "service mysql stop && sleep 2 && service mysql start"09:44
ActionParsnipolivier_bK: use TAB to complete the service name09:45
gambiit's bluetooth and already connected but way too sensitive. I'd also like to have 3 finger-click-drag working.09:45
johnmolivier_bK: if you're after the server, is the package not called "mysql-server"?09:45
Rorygambi: Can you lower the sensitivity in the Input options ?09:45
Roryolivier_bK: yes if you just install" mysql" you will only get a client09:46
gambi@ActionParsnip which driver should I use in the X11 settings?09:46
ActionParsnipgambi: not sure, usually the one loaded by udev is ok, check that out09:46
ActionParsnipgambi: lsmod   may show you09:46
gambigreat thx09:46
Roryolivier_bK: apt-get install mysql-server09:46
m00xdem00xWhy won't Chromium always start in full maximized screen? Every time i start it, i have to click the "+" button, so it will maximize. Any ideas?09:47
ActionParsnipRory: if you close all Chromiums and run:  chromium-browser -start-maximized     is it ok?09:49
ActionParsnipRory: if it works, run:   gksudo gedit /etc/chromium-browser/default    and add: CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--user-data-dir -start-maximized"09:50
ActionParsnipRory: source: http://www.canbike.ca/information-technology/2013/03/03/precise-puppy-5-4-3-chromium-browser-run-as-root-and-start-maximized.html09:50
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NanorHi, why won't Ubuntu play through my USB headphones?09:52
ActionParsnipNanor: its not configured right09:52
NanorActionParsnip, Found the problem09:53
ActionParsnipNanor: ahhh sweet09:53
sandmanhas anyone tried Elementary OS?09:54
Nanorsandman, no, looks interesting though09:54
NanorWas thinking of putting it on my dad's laptop if it was any good. Haven't heard any reports though09:54
sandmancurrently downloading the iso let's see what it looks like?09:54
ActionParsnipsandman: its not supported here09:54
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sandmanokay ActionParsnip09:55
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onenine7kan er iemand helpen09:56
ubottuonenine7,: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:56
onenine7ok np anyone who can help with 13.10 wifi problem09:57
Beldaronenine7, Can you name the wifi hardware if internal look at lspci if external lsusb.09:58
motzhi, on which tablets is it possible to install ubuntu?10:02
sec_how use 7za? 7za a rom.zip "slimtmp/*" , it include slimtmp folder too, how avoid that?10:03
Rorymotz: You want #ubuntu-touch not here10:03
ubottumotz,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:04
ActionParsnipsec_: does unp extract it how you desire?10:04
sec_ActionParsnip: no, my files are in slimtmp folder10:04
sec_ActionParsnip: slimtmp/files , i want it is /files10:05
duoihi all, how can i wget from an ip address directly without resolving the domain?10:08
Levexduoi: wget <IP> maybe?10:11
duoiLevex, do I include the http portion?10:12
Levexduoi: Yes10:12
duoigreat, thanks10:12
ActionParsnipsec_: may need to tell the extracter to only extract that folder then10:13
damoohello, can someone help me with Tails please? im wanting to connect to a VPN before i connect to TOR.10:14
sec_ActionParsnip: i can't tell rom extracter10:14
sec_ActionParsnip: thanks, i will use cd10:14
Rorydamoo: This is the Ubuntu support channel10:15
cfhowlettdamoo, see tor or tails for support.10:15
impradeepyhow can we link math library to standard C library?10:16
impradeepyam using gcc compiler10:16
Bray90820Is there a way to make the mouse pointer shoer then what the sitting will allow10:29
cfhowlettBray90820, restate in English10:29
Bray90820the lowest setting for the mouse point is still to fast10:30
Bray90820how can i make it shower10:30
BeldarBray90820, Have you checked you mouse for a dpi switch?10:32
Bray90820you mean phisicly on the mouse?10:32
BeldarBray90820, Yes.10:32
Bray90820there is no dpi switch it's a apple magic mouse10:32
grahamsavagehi, i need to add 200 vpn's too my vpn configurations10:35
grahamsavageis there a directory of configurations i can edit?10:35
* cfhowlett resists urge to query what the heck he's running over there.10:35
grahamsavagecfhowlett: you should have the same problems :)10:36
grahamsavageit's us vs GFOC10:36
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grahamsavagecfhowlett: which vpn provider are you using these days?10:37
cfhowlettgrahamsavage, technically VPN use is illegal in China so ...10:37
Bray90820coudl i do somethging like this to slow down the pointer10:37
Bray90820xinput --set-prop 10 "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 2.810:37
grahamsavagecfhowlett: no it's not10:37
grahamsavagecfhowlett: there's no law against using vpns10:37
cfhowlettgrahamsavage, eh ... conflicting stories.  I choose not to test the issue.10:37
grahamsavagecfhowlett: i've talked to people high up in gov/isps.. also there was one on chinalawblog a while back10:38
grahamsavageanyone telling you otherwise is full of crap10:38
grahamsavageotherwise companies wouldn't be able to work, because they all need their own vpns10:39
cfhowlettgrahamsavage, so far, I've managed to live without daily, unfettered access to social media.  Tried to the use the VPN at the embassy, but that one IS throttled to single digit throughput.10:39
grahamsavagecfhowlett: yes.. i don't give a crap about social media.. but pretty much the entire internet doesn't work10:40
cfhowlett:)  yeah.10:40
grahamsavageAPI websites, stackoverflow, github (for 2 weeks) + many many other work only related resources10:40
Sh1G3rUgood news everyone vpns are not illegal in china10:40
grahamsavageSh1G3rU: not going to help much.. most of them don't work10:40
grahamsavageand if they do only for a short period10:40
Sh1G3rUi stayed for a week in a hotel in beijing and as usual my laptop connects to the internet to my vpn and it worked fine10:41
grahamsavagegood for you10:42
Sh1G3rUfrom my vpn*10:42
Bray90820How woudl i find the hid of a bluetooth mouse10:42
grahamsavagebut.. i can assure you, if you lived here longterm... you'd find it hard to have any stable solution..  We currently have 3 different VPN providers and our own.. we run over ipsec / pptp / openvpn (and an astrill varient), we change port numbers and protocols from udp/tcp... it's impossible to get a long term stable connection10:43
BeldarBray90820, along the lines similar to your command. http://patrickmylund.com/blog/lowering-gaming-mouse-sensitivity-in-ubuntu-9-10/10:43
grahamsavageadditionally, they do turn it up and off.. for example around polictically sensitive times.. all the vpns stop working10:44
Bray90820Beldar: i already showed down the pointer10:44
Bray90820but now i need to incress the scroll wheel10:44
BeldarBray90820, cool, good job.10:44
Bray90820or the equivlint of on my mouse10:44
nineTHeis it possable to add middle mouse click scrolling functionality?10:45
navineverytime i update ubuntu i see +1 ubuntu option in the boot menu10:46
BeldarnineTHe, I have it on my mouse.10:46
navinwhats the propblem?10:46
nineTHeBeldar: are you using 13.10?10:47
navinno 12.04 LTS10:47
faulterHey all10:47
BeldarnineTHe, What is your definition of "click scrolling functionality"10:47
nineTHeBeldar: when you click your middle mouse button and then can scroll up and down by moving your mouse, like in windows10:48
BeldarnineTHe, Hmm, it is working in all my ubuntu installs precise, 13.10 and 14.0410:49
Sh1G3rUnineTHe, you probably need to buy a new mouse because they have invented a mous with two buttons and a scrolling wheel in the midle10:49
nineTHeSh1G3rU: lol10:49
navinis any body there who can listen me?10:50
cfhowlettnavin, no, we can't listen.10:50
Teleportnavin grub10:50
faulternavin: Hey10:50
Beldarnavin, Have you modified grub?10:50
navinbeldar : no i havent done anything like that10:51
navini am new to ubuntu10:51
Teleportcfhowlett found the net solution10:51
Teleportcfhowlett bluetooth!10:51
cfhowlettTeleport, fixed?10:51
Beldarnavin, Can we see what this looks like?10:51
Teleportcfhowlett yeah ;))10:51
cfhowlettTeleport, good work!10:51
Teleportcfhowlett tnx10:51
navinsorry, i observed it on boot menu10:52
Teleportnavin try to config your grub10:52
Beldarnavin, try sudo update-grub and see if it is there.10:52
navinthanx teleport but can u plz tell me how to do that?10:53
Teleportnavin follow Beldar 's instruction10:53
navinits showing the list10:54
Bray90820is  /etc/modprobe.d/magicmouse.conf still around in 13.1010:54
navinFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-56-generic-pae10:54
navinFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-56-generic-pae10:54
navinFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-54-generic-pae10:54
navinFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-54-generic-pae10:54
navinFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-23-generic-pae10:54
FloodBot1navin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:54
navinFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-23-generic-pae10:54
Beldarnavin, is the +1 the multiple kernels?10:55
navinno +1 means whenever i update it the options increment10:55
k1l_navin: remove the old kernel packages, if you don want that much options at grub10:55
vocxBeldar, yes, he means he has one more row. It basically means the new kernel was installed, but the old kernel is still there. I guess people didn't get the question.10:56
k1l_navin: yes, that are new kernels10:56
Beldarnavin, when ever you get a new kernel it is added to the boot menu.10:56
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liamhola amigoes10:56
navink1l ,ok as i told i dont know too much how to remove old kernel?10:57
faulterguys what do you use to connect to IRC?10:57
Beldarnavin, find the ubuntu tweak ppa and install it and the janitor function will clean our kernels, bet to keep two sets is all.10:58
wedrfaulter: irssi10:58
wedrbest client ever10:58
nineTHefaulter: irssi10:58
k1l_navin: see "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"  that will list all installed kernel packages.  after that you remove the "linux-image-....." packages from the old kernels. but keep at least one kernel on your system :)10:58
faulterok me too, is not anything better?10:58
navinok please tell me will it effct if i have windows too10:58
k1l_Beldar: i dont think ubuntu tweak is a good advice10:59
k1l_navin: no. that is just ubuntu kernels10:59
maxvihi everyone! how can I change keyboard layouts in ubuntu 13.10?10:59
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cfhowlettmaxvi, of course.11:00
k1l_faulter: use xchat if you are on GUI and not kde11:00
Beldark1l_, That is your opinion it is suggested here by other ops, for a new user unable to even understand why they are there it is failproof.11:00
faulterk1l_: I hate Graphical User Interface...11:00
nineTHemaxvi: have you tried system settings > text entry11:00
Guest8621HI guys, I just got ubuntu 13.10 and im trying to set some icons, ive downloaded them, installed them and went on to use the tweak tool to update them however they didnt change at all, am i doing something wrong or is there a way to do this manually11:01
Beldaranyway night all happy thanksgiving to those celebrating11:01
maxvinineTHe: Super+Space but it doesn't work (11:01
navink1l: i have list of all linux image in front of me now how to remove the kernel.11:03
navinand how would i know which should i remove11:03
k1l_navin: "sudo apt-get remove package" for package put the old linux-images there you see in that list11:03
k1l_navin: remove all old ones but keept least one.11:04
navini dont know which one image is "the cuplrit"11:04
Bray90820Can someone explain to mw what Device Accel Velocity Scaling is11:05
somanhow to diagnose why opera works slow after about 1-2min of work every time a run it? Xubuntu 12.04, Opera 12.16 1860, Linux i686, 3.2.0-56-generic. No updates were installed and only tineye plugin is enabled. 2 days ago all worked well.11:05
vocxnavin, what do you mean by culprit? Is there a problem with one of them?11:05
vocxsoman, open Opera from the command line and see the messages for a clue.11:06
frog_hello, I just wanna know if it is possible to run KDM (login screen) inside Xephyr session, and if it is possible anyone know how to do it?11:06
navinyes the problem is why too many options coming there to select ubuntu11:07
somanvocx: thanks I will try now11:07
vocxnavin, that in itself is not a problem.11:08
k1l_navin: just delete the old kernels11:08
k1l_navin: it is not a real problem11:08
navinvocx:no brother,actually i can see more than one options on my boot menu for choosing ubuntu...11:09
k1l_navin: that is not a problem. just choose the latest one11:09
navinK1l : then whats the problem? i m scared if it creates any big problem in my PC11:10
vocxnavin, the Linux kernel is the backbone of Ubuntu. When there is a major upgrade, there is usually a new kernel added. The old kernel is left as a fallback in case the new kernel doesn't work. If you are sure the new kernel works, then you can safely uninstall or remove the old kernels. The old kernels will have smaller numbers than the most recent one.11:10
k1l_navin: i dont know why you are scared?11:10
Guest8621I just got ubuntu 13.10 and I'm trying to change the icons, I've downloaded the ones i want, i have also installed them and after that I went on to use the tweak tool to change them however they didn't change at all, am I doing something wrong or is there anyway to do this manually?11:11
navinok let it be.. please tell me here ii  linux-image-3.2.0-23-generic-pae       3.2.0-23.36                             Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP11:11
navinii  linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic-pae       3.2.0-54.82                             Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP11:11
navinii  linux-image-3.2.0-56-generic-pae       3.2.0-56.86                             Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP11:11
navinii  linux-image-generic-pae                                   Generic Linux kernel image11:11
FloodBot1navin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:11
navinwhich one should i remove?11:11
=== faulter is now known as fault3r
vocxnavin, in this case -23 and -54 are smaller than -5611:13
navink1l : I am ubuntu is totally new for me11:13
navinmeans i have to remove 23 and 5411:13
navinam i correct vocx?11:14
vocxnavin, you can do that.11:14
urielvigilantI did this question in Lubutu Channel. In Lubuntu 13.10 , i went to Session Definitons, then i put a signal on Aplet impression to manage files impression and in the energy manager, both open, but then when i Terminate computer and switch off after Switch on it don t open atStartUp. How to do that permanetly ?11:14
k1l_navin: keep "linux-image-generic-pae " and "linux-image-3.2.0-56-generic-pae "11:14
k1l_navin: but you not have to remove them. only if you dont need them or dont want them to show in the grub menue11:14
navinyes thats the thing i dont want them to be shown in grub if they will not create any kind of problem in future11:15
vocxnavin, k1l_ I say removing the old kernel is fine in this case, because navin seems to not use them nor cause any other problem.11:17
navinok m removin them now11:17
fault3ris anyone from Iran?11:18
fault3ris anyone from Iran?11:18
=== rax-Y is now known as rax-
cfhowlettfault3r, this isn't a social channel.11:19
fault3rcfhowleet: no matter, i cant speak english. i want just an iranian...11:19
nineTHei am trying to add a beeping noise when my nick is mentioned. Can someone type my name to test if this worked?11:20
fault3rcfhowlett: no matter, i cant speak english. i want just an iranian...11:21
cfhowlettfault3r, OK11:21
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.11:21
fault3rcfhowlett: np11:22
fault3rubottu thanks a lot... then bye11:22
ubottufault3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
navindone with removing thanx K1l and vocx11:22
navinhave a nice day11:22
fault3rcfhowlett: thanks11:22
mrobinsonukHi, has anyone had any success setting up 13.10 on encrypted lvm (I've been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto) - I can only get as far as update-initramfs but this step fails with warnings and errors, e.g. proc already mounted, /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 33: .: Can't open /conf/arch.conf11:23
Bray90820How would I set an applaction to run on startup in 13.1011:26
Bray90820i just wasn't thinking11:27
* Bray90820 needs to go to bed11:27
ActionParsnipmrobinsonuk: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:29
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mrobinsonukUbuntu 13.10 \n \l11:30
scrxwwhats the name of the program again, the one in which you can set the a window as a background on part of your desktop?11:32
ActionParsnipmrobinsonuk: are there any bugs reported?11:33
ActionParsnipmrobinsonuk: is this using the default Ubuntu ISO?11:33
frog_ hello, I just wanna know if it is possible to run KDM (login screen) inside Xephyr session, and if it is possible anyone know how to do it?11:35
mrobinsonukActionParsnip: From the live CD I have created an encrypted volume, setup lvm partitions on this, then installed Ubuntu 13.10 into those. After installation and rebooting I am left at a busybox prompt. Grub/init isn't aware of the encrypted volume so cant find / - I've search for reported bugs, IRC is a last resort - yes it is the default 13.10 cd - in the past I would have used an alternate cd11:35
mrobinsonukActionParsnip: Normally I would be confident that I would be able to fix this by chrooting into the installation and updating initramfs - but this doesnt work11:36
mangrovejackwho's good with canon printer drivers please?11:41
mangrovejackrunning ubuntu desktop 13.1011:42
Rorymangrovejack: Have you got the driver from Canon's site?11:45
k1l_mangrovejack: im not good with printers. but giving more details would help to help you11:45
mangrovejacki will ask canon tomorrow, it's canons problem11:46
mangrovejackthanks anyway11:46
=== jack is now known as Guest3845
mangrovejackhave a good day or night11:46
gstaniaki need some dns help, or a referral to a better place to ask the question: i'm using 12.04 and i need to 'overshadow' or 'mask' dns quesries going outside to my default dns servers. let's say i'm on, my dns servers that i gog through dhcp are and .21, dnsmasq runs configured by network-manager using those external dns servers, and i get from them names for, say, domain.com (for which they're authoritative) -- i need a cnam11:47
gstaniake for A.domain.com, like e.g. test.domain.com, visible only to my machine. can this be done using dnsmasq?11:47
sebas_Does anyone know how to solve the skin error of qmmp?11:47
Rory!details | sebas_11:48
ubottusebas_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:48
sebas_Ubuntu 13.10 deafult qmmp start the program and get a weird looking skin11:48
sebas_I see the skin twice overlayed11:49
sebas_When I do a win+D the skin goes better but then the playlist bugs too11:50
mtreehey, im wondering why xfontsel dont see my truetype fonts. Any ideas?11:52
BluesKaj_Hiyas all11:58
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sahil__hello people12:09
sahil__my plymouth is not working12:10
Guest29038Hola a todos.12:10
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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:10
sahil__not even the fallback mode12:10
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chillibitei'm trying to install ubuntu on an hp 255  g1 - it has windows 8 installed and it has something i've never seen before, there's no bios options at boot, there are some options in the winows 8 settings to boot from a live cd or boot disk, though when i did i wasn't sure if i did do the install it would boot normally?12:18
chillibitealso, once i booted the live cd from the windows 8 options to restart and boot from a cd, the wifi card wasn't working, yet i have read that this laptop sometimes comes with ubuntu pre-installed alongside windows 8?12:19
BluesKajchillibite. doubt that there would be a dual boot available in a retail store12:22
chillibiteBluesKaj: in Europe this laptop is shipped with two OS's installed, windows 8 and Ubuntu12:23
chillibiteBluesKaj: I ordered it from France (I am in Zimbabwe) and for some reason mine came with only Windows 8 installed, which is a real let down - but anyway - since it ships with Ubuntu in other places- why doesn't the wifi card work?12:24
chillibiteI need wifi - a lot of the time i cannot use an ethernet cable12:24
BluesKajchillibite.  then the retailer must be installing ubuntu , probly against the rules wiih MS in NA12:24
fault3ris anybody help me?12:25
k1l_!details | fault3r12:25
ubottufault3r: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:25
fault3rhow can i register in IRC?12:25
Larenegchillibite: i purchased an usb stick with wifi. works perfect.12:26
k1l_!register | fault3r12:26
ubottufault3r: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:26
k1l_fault3r: if you have problems with that please ask in #freenode12:26
kongthapi'm installing ubuntu 13.04, after finished installing the files and reboot i'm stucking at "grub rescue" prompt what to do???12:29
kongthapthe error is '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mode not found12:29
ActionParsnipkongthap: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:32
kongthapi used to use this usb installer before, but my ubuntu got messed up i just want to re-install again12:33
kongthapActionParsnip, i found some answer on google it said to remount "mount /dev/sda5 /mnt" is this command correct???12:34
ActionParsnipkongthap: sure, why not. Doesn't hurt anything12:35
kokaесть кто с москвы??12:36
kongthapActionParsnip, "mount /dev/sda5 /mnt" or "mount /dev/sda5 /" ????12:37
ActionParsnipkongthap: what does sda5 represent in your OS12:38
fault3rhow can i see persian characters in terminal or irssi?12:39
kongthapActionParsnip, sda5 is the partition where ubuntu exists12:39
kongthapActionParsnip, i got some other partitions for winxp and win712:40
phutchinsgood morning12:40
kongthapActionParsnip, so i should mount sda5 to /mnt or mount to / ??? i don't quite understand much about this12:40
phutchinsAnyone experienced with running kvm vm's on 13.10? I'm having trouble after trouble and wondering if its worth it or if i should just jump back to 12.04 before I spend too much time on this...12:41
fault3rhow can i see persian characters in terminal or irssi?12:41
tasab_hi every112:43
jony_easyriderhow can I reset the wallet in Krusader?12:45
Guest22anyone here12:45
fault3rhow can i see UTF-8 in terminal or irssi?12:45
fault3rGuest22: hey12:45
dry[2]Could anyone explain me this, please (permissions): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219029212:46
sahil__hello ppl12:46
sahil__my plymouth is not working,not even the fallback text mode12:46
sahil__any help reguarding this?12:46
Guest22sahil__ need help12:46
fault3rGuest22: what is your problem?12:47
Guest22i will pm you12:48
k1l_!details | Guest2212:48
ubottuGuest22: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:48
altin_do you guys know what could be the problem that it takes sooo long to login (loading for long time) on my laptop ?12:49
altin_I have a i7 with 8GB of RAM12:49
altin_could it be a compatibility issue or maybe a defect in my HDD ?12:49
kongthapi got same error as "http://askubuntu.com/questions/266429/error-file-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found" but i don't know about mounting... should i mount my sda5 to /mnt or mount to / ???12:50
Krupptkongthap:sudo mkdir /mnt/sda5;mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda5  <-from term/console12:52
ActionParsnipsahil__: does the system show the login screen eventually?12:53
ActionParsnipaltin_: have you tested RAM using metest86 from grub?12:54
ActionParsnipsahil__: then why care?12:54
ActionParsnipaltin_: you can run:  dmesg | less     you can look for large gaps in time on the left hand colomn12:54
sahil__everything is normal...execept the fact that i get old screen like redhat 5 or so...12:54
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kongthapKruppt, do i have to boot into the installer????12:54
sahil__i was playing with the packages in synaptic when this happened12:55
ActionParsnipsahil__: could reinstall the plymouth package, may help12:55
sahil__tried...not working12:55
Krupptkongthap: are you booted into a live environment or a install on a flash...what?12:56
altin_ActionParsnip: how can I actually test with dmesg12:57
kongthapKruppt, i use usb flash drive instead of cd12:57
altin_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/h5WPC5Hx12:58
Krupptkongthap:when booted into the OS you installed ubuntu from (usb flash or drive) run the command I posted earlier.13:00
Krupptkongthap:before installing you should run "sudo fdisk -l" from terminal to be sure you know what block devices are which partitions before you hose something13:02
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osubuntuWhat do the flood bots do?13:06
k1l_osubuntu: they help manage the channel13:06
osubuntuwhy are them named flood13:07
osubuntuthey control flood?13:07
k1l_osubuntu: to prevent floods.13:07
osubuntui wonder why there are 313:07
ActionParsnipaltin_: scroll down looking for large gaps in time on the left13:07
Brandanois there a way to ensure that the local dnsmasq instance will forward all dns requests to the dhcp assigned dns server? Using Ubuntu Server 12.4 LTS13:07
MonkeyDustosubuntu  in case of netsplit, there's always one available13:07
osubuntuIs 12.10 LTS btw?13:08
DJonesosubuntu: No13:08
BrandanoAFAIK the last LTS is 12.0413:08
DJones!lts | osubuntu13:08
ubottuosubuntu: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)13:08
MonkeyDustosubuntu  no 12.04 is alt, 14.04 will be the next13:08
osubuntugood replacement13:09
osubuntualt is a good replacement for lts? lol13:09
osubuntu(Was off-topic, sorry)13:09
Brandanoonly off by one letter13:09
bcuraboyhey guys.i got a question.hw to enable extra resolutions on a fullhd tv with ubuntu 13.04 and a Nvidia G105M graphic card? what i want is extra reslutions besides the 1920x1080 and 1280x1024 and under..cause between these two there's no more choices.. :(13:10
Brandanoshould come pretty close if you use levenstein distance13:10
Brandanobcuraboy: the card should read the available resolution from the monitor, in this case the TV, via the hdmi cable13:10
altin_ActionParsnip: these are the last ones http://pastebin.com/evKwjSs213:11
ActionParsnipaltin_: it's not about the last ones13:11
g0dActionParsnip: I have a question...if you have enough manly-balls to answer this specific and clearfully-structured question of mine; How did you, get this such superior Linux knowledge?13:12
bcuraboyyes,but i've been dealing with some hd tv's for a while and my on my own tv i don't get the resolution like 1366x760 ...13:12
ActionParsnipaltin_: you need to READ the alues on the left, if you se a large gap in the number, that is where your slowness is13:12
g0deverybody stay quiet.13:12
g0dlet ActionParsnip answer.13:12
LjLg0d: please.13:12
g0daltin_: let him speak, goddamnit.13:12
g0dsorry LjL.13:12
fault3rhow can i close a private chat in irssi?13:12
altin_yes but these are the biggest numbers I could find13:12
ActionParsnipg0d: using it a long time and helping other, you see a lot of issues and you fix them and learn13:12
Brandanobcuraboy: sometimes this fails to work, or the driver won't read the proper info, or the cable does not provide enough data lines13:12
ActionParsnipg0d: just like any OS, it breaks, you fix it, you learn13:12
fault3rhow can i close a private chat in irssi?13:12
g0dActionParsnip: what if...it doesn't break?13:13
ActionParsnipfault3r: /win cl      with the window being active13:13
ActionParsnipg0d: mine doesn't so I have to help others to learn13:13
Brandanobcuraboy: with the nvidia drivers you can specify a static EDID file, the problem is getting a hold of a compatible one13:13
bcuraboyBrandano, ok.maybe if i buy a new hdmi cable i could get the resolutions i need,right?13:13
fault3rActionParsnip: thanks13:13
altin_are you saying that a large gap is sth like: [101445.009862] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline13:13
ActionParsnipg0d: i'm sure your abilities in Windows would impress some new users13:13
Brandanobcuraboy: yep, but no guarantees13:14
bcuraboyof course13:14
Brandanobcuraboy: perhaps the TV is not returning the EDID information13:14
bcuraboythank's man13:14
hackboy787Happy Thanksgiving to all of you !13:14
bcuraboyhmm  i don't understand nothing about that13:14
g0dActionParsnip: Windows, is a word that I have ejaculated on since my birth.13:14
g0dI am not very fond of Windows, ActionParsnip..and neither is anybody in here. You are insulting #ubuntu by inspiring us to use Wndows.13:14
ActionParsnipaltin_: if the line above ithas a significantly smaller number than 101445.009862 then yes, (th enmumber is the number of seconds since the kernel came up)13:14
k1l_g0d: could you please stick to family friendly language and to technical ubuntu support in here13:15
g0dk1l_: sorry.13:15
bcuraboyBrandano, thank's man.see you soon13:15
ActionParsnipg0d: but you get the idea, if you play with your OS to learn and break it you will learn to fix it etc. Try running some servers and get them configured nicely (mail server, Web facing DNS and so forth)13:15
k1l_g0d: and i suggest you drop that attitude against volunteers. keep this channel clear for ubuntu support13:15
Brandanobcuraboy: the card queries the monitor, the monitor returns a record, with various info about resolution, refresh rate etc. This is called EDID protocol13:16
Brandanosometimes monitors or TV's won't list all possible resolutions, either because of a fault or a manufactorer choice13:16
ActionParsnipg0d: never said 'use windows' simply stated that newcomers to windows often have a lot more windows ability so it's easier for them to relate.13:16
impihello, is there a way i can create a mac bootable usb with ubuntu?13:16
ActionParsnipimpi: unetbootin maybe13:16
impiActionParsnip, i checked it out, but cant see that it can make a img13:17
ActionParsnipimpi: why would you want an img?13:17
ActionParsnipimpi: unetbootin will use the ISO you download (and MD5 test) from Ubuntu.com13:17
impiActionParsnip, let me check again, i might have missed it13:18
impiim trying it now, will let you know, thanks for the advice ActionParsnip13:19
ActionParsnipimpi: np :)13:20
* Brandano wonders if he lost a reply in the noise13:20
g0dalright guys, fault3r speaks italian so he wasn't able to speak english in here, he is trying to ask: How can he see farsi characters in the terminal?13:21
g0dfault3r: veh delo #ubuntu che answer...13:21
g0dfarsi, is persian.13:21
g0dfarsi is just like arabian.13:22
g0dmost of it's words are arab.13:22
fault3rg0d: yes,then?13:22
* Brandano was wondering what Italian had to do with that13:22
g0dBrandano: I don't know either.13:22
g0dcan you guys please help fault3r? he wants to see farsi characters in the terminal13:23
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.13:23
g0dfault3r, go to #ubuntu-ir13:23
fault3rubottu there is no one...13:23
fault3rg0d: there is no one :D13:24
g0dMonkeyDust: the channel is empty, you dickhead.13:24
g0dalright guys, I have to go. please assist fault3r.13:24
MonkeyDustglad he's gone13:25
BrandanoIs there a way, in Server 12.04, to set the local DNSMasq to forward ALL queries to the DHCP assigned DNS server?13:33
ActionParsnipBrandano: isnt that default?13:33
BrandanoActionParsnip: I'd imagine so, but doesn't look like it13:34
BrandanoActionParsnip: I have set the same dns suffix both on the server that DHCP is forwarding and on the initial setup for the machine. My bet is that it's disregarding anything with the local suffix because it believes to be the non-authoritative server for them13:35
ActionParsnipBrandano: if that wasnt the way, nobody would get web access in Ubuntu13:36
Brandanoso either I must change the suffix on the local dnsmasq instance, which I don't like much as a solution, or tell it not to resolve local queries, which I'd prefer13:36
Brandanoor, I guess, i remove the local suffix entirely13:37
msafiGuys, I'm thinking of switching from Windows to Ubuntu on my ThinkPad. But I've heard a lot people complaining that Ubuntu is awkward and not as well supported as Windows, like there's no iTunes, Photoshop, etc?13:42
msafiDo you have any advice for me?13:42
ActionParsnipmsafi: itunes will not run in Ubuntu13:42
ObrienDavemsafi, there are free equivalents for just about anything you want to do in Windows13:42
ActionParsnipmsafi: there is Gimp in Ubuntu, you can use abstraction layers like Cedega and Wine to get Photoshop to run. There is an appdb with how to get things working (if at all)13:43
ActionParsnipmsafi: all I can suiggest is boot to a live cd or USB and try it13:43
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ActionParsnipBrandano: you could add the search suffix you desire in network manager13:44
ActionParsnipBrandano: if you add WAN based DNS IPs in  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head they will be used before any DHCP gained name server13:44
BrandanoActionParsnip: nm-tools from a terminal? I manage the machine via SSH13:45
ActionParsnipBrandano: or (if you can) tweak your DHCP server to give the 'search' name via DHCP :)13:45
ActionParsnipBrandano: sure, why not, the  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head file is just a file13:45
BrandanoActionParsnip: my DHCP server is already set up so that it will consistently resolve both wan and lan addresses, it is essentially another dnsmasq instance, running on openwrt13:46
Brandanoso if I can get that dns to resolve queries it will work fine. my problem is that while wan ip's seem to resolve properly, names in the local suffix do not13:47
Brandanobut only for that machine13:47
ActionParsnipBrandano: if you use /etc/network/interfaces instead you can have abolute control13:48
BrandanoI am not very keen on installing network-manager, because it pulls a whole lot of desktop environment dependencies I don't really have an use for13:50
ActionParsnipBrandano: who said network-manager?13:51
ActionParsnipBrandano: use the interfaces file :)13:51
zykotick9Brandano: /etc/network/interfaces is the opposite of N-M ;)13:51
Brandanoit's what I currently have: iface eth0 inet dhcp13:52
Brandanoit really OUGHT to be enough. Apparently I am missing something13:52
pic01in Kubuntu 12.04 how can I change my username?13:57
zykotick9pic01: creating a new user, then copying the files over, MIGHT be easier then changing the name... YMMV13:57
compdocmight be best to add a new user13:57
ActionParsnippic01: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/03/how-to-change-your-username-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/13:58
pic01zykotick9, in ubuntu 12.04 it worked perfectly, but in Kubuntu gives me an error13:58
zykotick9pic01: there are some "issues" with changing the name...  best of luck.13:59
ActionParsnipnot seen an issue, the name just relates to a UID13:59
ActionParsnippersonally I wouldnt bother13:59
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IcemanCan anybody help me by telling me where to install a theme for 13.1014:14
geekmasterflashIceman, Which desktop environment do you use?14:14
Brandanoassuming Unity, http://askubuntu.com/questions/318253/how-do-i-customize-unity-on-ubuntu-13-0414:15
Icemangeekmasterflash unity14:15
BrandanoI bet 13.10 won't be far off14:15
ObrienDavethat's a debian version14:15
VlanXcold please anyone explain me how DD works?14:16
BrandanoIceman: this seems for 13.10: http://itsfoss.com/how-to-install-themes-in-ubuntu-13-10/14:16
clocKwizehi, I'd like to be able to have a fully self contained ubuntu on a usb pen drive, is that possible? like including the file system, so I can plug in and boot from it, then unplug it and its totally separate from the pc I'm using it on14:17
IcemanThanks Brandano14:17
BrandanoVlanX: DD copies a stream to another it can do too many things to be explained in few words. Your best bet is to read the manpage and search for case uses on the web14:17
BrandanoVlanX: used carelessly DD can completely wipe your system, so make sure you know what you are doing14:18
gislianyone in here have any experience with kickstarting Ubuntu-install via Cobbler?14:18
compdocclocKwize, i think it is possible14:18
ObrienDaveclocKwize, yes, you can do that. I have several ;)14:19
BrandanoclocKwize: it is perfectly possible, i have a live distro with storage on an 8GB pendrive14:19
clocKwizeHow do you do it? Is there any guides?14:19
zykotick9clocKwize: you can do an install onto a USB drive as well...14:19
ObrienDaveclocKwize, burn ISO to DVD, Install to USB stick. easy peasy14:20
VlanXBrandano: cause i have a semi-faulty windows HDD and i wonder if i can clone it to another healy drive using dd14:21
horrowhey all i need some help to change my ubuntu 13.10 login screen resolution ? if somebody can help pls response..14:21
BrandanoVlanX: you can errors and all14:23
ObrienDaveclocKwize, burn ISO to DVD, boot DVD, Install to USB stick. easy peasy14:23
BrandanoVlanX: DD will make a bit for bit copy. You may have to resize the partitions once the data is over14:23
clocKwizeI don't have a dvd drive14:24
clocKwizecan I boot from a USB stick and install on the same usb stick? :/14:24
zykotick9clocKwize: no14:24
theadminclocKwize: No, you can use two sticks14:24
clocKwizemight give that ago14:24
clocKwizea go*14:24
FloodBot1clocKwize: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
clocKwizesorry FloodBot1 :(14:24
ActionParsnipclocKwize: you may be able to make a small partition on the USB and use unetbootin to that , then use the remaining space to install to14:25
frog_Can I connect to another computer using lightdm/gdm via XDMCP on login window?14:25
ActionParsnipclocKwize: not done it but it makes sense14:25
horrowhey all i need some help to change my ubuntu 13.10 login screen resolution ? if somebody can help pls response..14:25
zykotick9ActionParsnip: that might end in tears... two different bootloaders on the same usb...14:25
frog_I found option remote connect in KDM (when XDMCP servers are configured I can easly connect to another machine) but it seems like GDM/lightdm dont have this option14:25
ActionParsnipzykotick9: well the installer will overwrite the bootloader with Grub2, should be fine14:26
Brandanoperhaps you can run a network install onto the USB stick as well... which would be a rather novel approach, considered how bloody complex it is to set up a server for a network install at all14:26
ActionParsniphorrow: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution14:26
ActionParsniphorrow: http://www.sudo-juice.com/lightdm-resolution/14:26
Brandanobut there's no shortage of people that will do their best to find the most complex solution to a problem14:26
tangorriI need to install recent release of Glassfish (JEE server), any chance to get it form packages ?14:27
horrowActionParsnip isnt working on 13.1014:27
horrowi allready tryed it14:27
Brandanotangorri: perhaps it has a ppa repository?14:27
tangorrippa ?14:28
ActionParsniphorrow: what, you tried the bash script to set the res?14:28
horrow<ActionParsnip> yes but conf directory for lightdm is missing from my 13.1014:28
ActionParsnip!ppa | tangorri14:28
ubottutangorri: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:28
horrowidk why14:28
ActionParsniphorrow: try making it, it may be used14:28
Brandanotangorri: unsupported, unofficial, generally bleeding edge third party repository for  packages14:28
ActionParsniptangorri: you may find one there, great search. duckduckgo can also search PPAs for you14:29
compdochorrow, have you tried editing /etc/default/grub   ?14:29
tangorrihmmm the site timeout will try later14:29
horrowdoesnt work only on grub conf14:29
horrowi need this script to run automat when os loads14:29
horrowand on old releases like 12.10 it was in lighdm.conf i just add instruction at the end but in 13.10 the conf file is missing and i cant load the script14:30
Brandanotangorri: bleeding edge means that you might get cut as well. Probably best to avoid PPA's in production environments unless you know their source really well14:30
tangorriye sure14:30
tangorrijust for dev14:30
ActionParsniphorrow: could try adding the script in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0 line, with a small pause at the start of the script so that lightdm has time to load14:30
BrandanoI'd check from the glassfish official page for instructions14:31
tangorrihow can I see the version of a pacakge please from cli ?14:31
ActionParsniptangorri: http://download.java.net/glassfish/4.0/release/glassfish-4.0-unix.sh14:31
tangorrineed 3.214:31
ActionParsniptangorri: https://glassfish.java.net/download.html14:31
tangorrijuste wanted to try with apt get14:31
tangorrias I need to install jdk etc as well14:32
Brandanonot always the best solution. I'd also check the "alternatives" system14:32
tangorrithanks Brandano14:32
Brandanotangorri: in extremis, when it comes to java I'd consider setting up a chrootfor it14:33
tangorridon't now how to chroot / don't have time / just for creating a simple pdf generator on a vm :)14:34
Brandanowith all the JVM's orbiting out there I'd be worried of messing things up14:35
ActionParsniptangorri: could use cups-pdf as a pdf printer. much simpler14:35
BrandanoAh, if it's a VM you can just take a snapshot14:35
* Brandano uses reportlab with python14:35
tangorriActionParsnip : I'm doing webdev for a client who need a java pone14:35
ActionParsniptangorri: i see14:35
Brandanotangorri: better still use the phone's emulator14:36
ActionParsniptangorri: i'd just share the pdf printer via cups then have a share to get at the files14:36
tangorriI need to generated a pdf report from webserivces nothing else guys :)14:37
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Psi|4wardhi guys, can anyone explain to me how the $HOME encryption is working? Its luks right?14:47
zykotick9Psi|4ward: i don't think directory encryption uses luks...14:47
Psi|4wardi thinking about the security - its decrypted via pam-login, so how can a password-change work?14:48
BrandanoPsi|4ward: I assume that pam-login only protects the encryption keys14:52
Psi|4wardokay so root: passwd user changes the pam-passwd, whats with the enc-keys?14:53
* Brandano is no cryptoanalyst14:53
Psi|4wardsome points i really dont understand14:54
zykotick9Brandano: this wouldn't count as cryptoanalysis ;)14:54
Brandanoif the keys had been compromised before, changing the user password won't restore security14:54
Brandanothe content of the drive is not altere14:54
Psi|4wardcompromising is not the problem but i dont understand the relation between pam-login and encryption-keys14:55
Brandanoprobably akin to changing passwords on a truecrypt archive14:57
Brandanothe password only protects the archive header, that is then used to decrypt the archive content. changing the password will alter the header, but not the content14:58
Brandanoand it will not re-encrypt the data14:58
Psi|4wardBrandano: of course thats not the point14:58
Psi|4wardbut theres anything protecting this header in conjunktion with the pam-auth14:59
BrandanoI don't think so, which means that once somehone has a mean to break the pam hashing mechanism the volume encryption is broken15:00
Psi|4wardand moreover someone gains root and can decrypt my home volume15:00
Brandanowell, not sure about that. I don't think you can just replace the user hash and log in and expect things to work15:01
Psi|4wardperhaps root cant change users password anymore? if the header is already decrypted a pwd-change would result in an re-encrypted header15:01
BrandanoI am definitely out of my depths on this one15:02
Brandanostill, it's only as secure as pam-authentication by definition15:03
Psi|4wardthats the point i struggle about ;)15:03
Brandanoif you want a more secure setup you should consider encrypting the entire OS15:03
Brandanomight be enough for nosey flatmates, but no encryption has inbuilt protection against the lead-pipe approach15:04
Psi|4wardthats my actual way (and i dont use ubuntu) but i know the "encrypt home" option in the ubuntu installer - so i ask me - how do they do that in a secure way15:04
discobiscuitIs there a way to make Xubuntu (12.04) rotate background wallpapers through a rotating cycle, like in the Windows 7 Aero theme?15:05
MajSlayer777guys/ladies, um kinda new to Ubuntu, got a dedicated server, it's bare-bones, would like to install a desktop on it, but don't want it booting into it. What's a good desktop to use? main reason is I'd like to setup a remote desktop to it. Is so i can enjoy the server a bit more than just using SSH.15:06
jackbrownis there a way to capture a remote microphone on a LAtop using VNC ?  OF course I have the access of this computer on the LAN  ????????????????????????15:06
MajSlayer777I'm just not sure where to even start, only version of Ubuntu i've installed was from a .ISO and it pretty much came with a desktop..15:07
Rory!lubuntu | MajSlayer77715:08
ubottuMajSlayer777: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:08
RoryMajSlayer777: install with sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:08
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RoryMajSlayer777: Great for a server if you aren't completely comfortable with CLI tools15:08
MajSlayer777aye sounds good if i can have a remote desktop, it's just easier than transfering files via ftp, and it would be nice to have a desktop15:09
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BrandanoMajSlayer777: if you run vncserver you can have several remote desktops. If you want to share a desktop you'll need x11vnc instead15:10
MajSlayer777only one website and red5 running on it currently, and it has a ssd drive, so i can't see it's going to "kill" performance all that much15:10
Brandanobut since this is a server, and likely headless, vncserver ought to suit you well15:10
Brandanoprotocol is insecure, so only allow connections from localhost and tunnel them through ssh15:11
MajSlayer777hmm so many choices..15:12
bunjeewhat program utilizes the lightscribe software?.....anyone please?15:14
MajSlayer777anyhow thanks for helping me out guys, I noted everything down for later study15:15
llutzbunjee: http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadSection/linux/index.aspx  feel free to ruin your installation15:17
zykotick9bunjee: good luck with lightscribe... i haven't used/tried it in years - it was a pain at teh time, i doubt it's improved...15:17
bunjeeruin or run?15:17
llutzbunjee: ruin15:18
bunjeewow!....not good, hunh?15:18
zykotick9bunjee: fyi, lightscribe technology is propritary/non-free so there can't be any improvements made by the OS/Free software communities15:19
llutzeven if it works, those media are ugly as hell15:20
VictorCLhow can I add a route or a specific ip and port ?15:20
bunjeeThank you both!!15:21
llutzVictorCL: sudo ip route add ..... (man ip)15:22
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horrowneed help to change my login sreen resolution in 13.1015:23
horrowi tryed alot of guides with no success15:23
Roryhorrow: Did you try the first answer here? http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution15:33
horrowRory i tryed itsnot working its working below then 13.10 releases only15:33
ActionPa1sniphorrow: could sit on 12.04 then upgrade direct to Trusty (LTS to LTS upgrades are supported) when Trusty is released15:35
horrowi hate 12.04 its alot of laggy for me15:36
ActionPa1sniphorrow: Xubuntu :)15:36
horrowi want to configure 13.10 login screen resolotion there is a way but idk it :D15:36
horrowye i love xubuntu too15:36
ActionPa1sniphorrow: could install gdm and use that instead15:37
horrowis it better?15:37
ActionPa1sniphorrow: its a login screen, may be more configurable fr you. I dont see how a login page can be 'better' than another15:38
horrowi mean that i have alot of problems with lighdm15:38
horrowand im not sure about that but is it possible my vga cable cause this problem ?15:38
LaykeKind of fed up a bit of having so many issues on my current ubuntu install. I'm going to install a fresh 13.10 and try and restore everything. Is there a best practice document for this?15:38
RoryLayke: Best to back up your home directory15:42
Rory!clone | Layke15:42
ubottuLayke: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate15:42
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning15:43
LaykeCheers Rory15:43
ActionPa1snipLayke: clean install is alwas a breath of fresh air :)15:43
LaykeYeah. I just keep hitting problem after proiblem every other month. I've maintained this install for about 4 years15:43
LaykeSo now I'm just going to stop upgrading and applying bandaid :)15:44
ActionPa1snipLayke: just sit on LTS releases and its smooooth sailin15:47
* ObrienDave switched his to LTS only15:50
* Rory also uses LTS only for set-and-forget servers, and recommends this approach15:52
dragonkeeperwhat package would i use to fix that ?15:53
streulmahello, is here anyone who have experiences with Linux on a Macbook Pro Retina, OR High DPI screen?15:53
ObrienDavedragonkeeper, is that for a phone???15:55
ikhwanhello everybody15:55
ActionPa1snip!anyone | streulma15:55
ubottustreulma: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:55
tonythappy turkey day all15:55
dragonkeeperObrienDave, yes15:55
ikhwanhappy teachers day all15:56
streulmaI have a really high DPI on my screen 2800px, how can I set the DPI for (fonts and) windows larger? For fonts I know already.15:56
m1sf1t_streulma: i normally do this by using a lower screen resolution. your way sounds like a long way round. unless theres a good reason to have such a high DPI15:57
misterxyzhey, is here anybody using an elitebook 8470p?16:03
streulmam1sflt_: yes but then is my font not sharp enough, how can I set the font sharper then?16:04
Guardian1how do i use mv to overwrite a directories files?16:08
wheatthinif your font isn't sharp enough, then I'd suggest lowering your resolution like they said. Then you won't have to require a high dpi rate, and thus your font won't look like crap.16:08
wheatthinGuardian1, mv -R -f16:09
zykotick9Guardian1: ahhh, mv overwrites by default?  what is the question exactly?16:09
Guardian1i tried -R -f and i get "16:10
Guardian1mv: ‘init.d’ and ‘/opt/ts3/init.d’ are the same file"16:10
Guardian1im updating ts316:10
Helsinkiiihi. quick question.16:10
Helsinkiiii'd like to transfer files from one webserver (connected via ftp) and another (ssh) from window to window, but i'm getting a permission denied16:10
Helsinkiiihow can i open up the ssh window as root?16:10
wheatthinI don't think the init files need to be updated, if it's already installed.16:10
Guardian1does it check that they are exactly the same?16:11
zykotick9Guardian1: sounds like your source and destination are the same...16:11
wheatthinlol the system package handler handles that16:11
Guardian1no it didnt update16:11
Guardian1the instructions from ts3 are to just copy over the new install files16:12
wheatthinahh, so this isn't an ubuntu repo situation, thus making it not supported in this channel16:12
Helsinkiiii can understand why i wouldn't be able to o that, but also why is it that i can't drag and drop from my filesystem to my webserver via ssh windows?16:14
pfifohello world16:14
pfifoHelsinkiii: administrating a webserver is usually done on the command line16:15
Quantum1982hello ?16:16
Helsinkiiipfifo, noooooo16:16
Quantum1982anyone speak english here ?16:17
pfifoQuantum1982: this is actually an english only channel16:17
Helsinkiiianyhow, thanks16:17
Helsinkiiipfifo, thx16:17
gordonjcp!anyone | Quantum198216:17
ubottuQuantum1982: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:17
k1l_Quantum1982: just ask the ubuntu support question with details16:17
ruinzeHi guys, I wanted to ask if maybe someone can explain to me how DDOS works on attacking a website. I was assigned to report this topic next week and I only got minimal information through the internet.16:19
llutz!ot| ruinze16:20
ubotturuinze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:20
pfiforuinze: this channel is for ubuntu related support, you can find a better channel with !alis16:20
ruinzeI'm really sorry if I posted on the wrong channel, I am using ubuntu for several years now, I thought I can get some idea here. Sorry.16:21
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streulmaI realy want to move to Ubuntu16:23
streulmaand changfe from OSX16:23
streulmabut my screen don't let do it :(16:23
pfifohave you tried no modeset?16:24
Rorystreulma: Are you referring to the Retina display?16:24
streulmaRory: yes :(16:24
Roryruinze: Try asking ##networking16:27
ruinzeRory: Thanks man, I really appreciate it :)16:28
profligacyHappy Thanksgiving everyone!16:29
aliendoughhi Rory16:30
aliendoughfrom snoonet..16:30
aliendoughi think :)16:30
semitones'ello! Is there a way to test the I/O performance of a USB drive? Like measuring packetloss on a network?16:30
Rorysemitones: You can use "dd" to write straight to the raw drive16:30
lovecraftyou can16:31
Rorysemitones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_%28Unix%29#Benchmarking_drive_performance16:31
semitonesRory, and then read back and see if it's different? Is there a testing suite that would do that automatically?16:31
Togusasemitones, Rory: using 'dd', will trash your data, keep it mind16:31
semitonesTogusa, thanks :) I know. It's called "data destroyer" after all :D16:31
RoryAnd yes aliendough I am also under this nick on Snoonet16:31
pfifodisk duplicator16:32
aliendoughwe spoke yesterday, Rory, about VPS16:32
zykotick9semitones: you might want to look into "sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda" but, results usually vary wildly...16:32
aliendoughstill haven't heard back from OVH, but was thinking about installing Ubuntu on an old Sony Vaio machine so I am hanging out in here16:32
Roryaliendough: Bear in mind this is the Ubuntu support channel and off-topic chitchat isn't allowed16:33
aliendoughyes :)16:33
semitoneszykotick9, the thing is, when I start Ubuntu from any USB drive I own, I see lots of I/O errors in the console, and I wonder if that's normal16:33
zykotick9semitones: running your OS from USB, is going to be slow.  as far as I/O erros - i doubt that's normal...16:34
semitoneszykotick9, I've heard rumors that you can point grub2 to the .iso file on the hard disk, but there doesn't seem to be a clear way to do it16:35
streulmaI hope you can solve my problem? Is changing resolution the only option on Retina?16:35
pfifosemitones: its not that hard, i use that method for my usb sticks and livecd testing, i think i have a link for it16:36
zykotick9semitones: i've heard of that as well - never done it myself however, so i got nothin'...16:36
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Guest6785Hi, when I make a PC share its network via "shared to other computers" option in Network manager, is there a way that I can keep the host PC IP address static? preferably by CLI16:37
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semitonesGuest6785, yeah there is. try this: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux-basics-set-a-static-ip-on-ubuntu16:40
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pfifosemitones: I cant find the page im looking for in google, it seems everyone and their brother has created 3 different tutorials for it now. No wonder your confused16:40
tsnyphhas anyone tried linux tails? and if so opinions?16:42
Guest6785semitones, thank you. A small doubt, so if I am sharing the host interface is called eth1 right if it is from the LAN??16:42
pfifosemitones: I can guide you through it if you want, its pretty straight forward, the only hard part is getting your grub.cfg right16:42
ActionPa1sniptsnyph: what is linux tails?16:43
ActionPa1sniptsnyph: you mean this: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=tails ?16:43
zykotick9ActionPa1snip: debian based thing... i believe.16:43
ActionPa1snipzykotick9: clarifying16:44
tsnyphI saw a write up of it briefly in a pc magazine at the store today. Apparently it's all about security. uses the TOR network with the browser16:44
k1l_tsnyph: that is not ubuntu related support. please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or in ##linux16:44
ActionPa1sniptsnyph: tor doesnt give secure web browsing16:44
ActionPa1sniptsnyph: the distro is also nothing to do with Ubuntu, so is offtopic here16:45
tsnyphk1l_,  i was not asking for support, i was asking for opinions if anyone had tried it16:45
k1l_tsnyph: that is offtopic in here, too.16:45
ActionPa1sniptsnyph: this is support only, chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu16:45
MajSlayer777um, quick noob question, I recent got a dedicated server(most likely a rack unit) from SingleHOP, any way to tell if it has a video chipset in it?16:46
k1l_MajSlayer777: lspci will tell16:46
pfifoMajSlayer777: examine the output of 'sudo lswh' or 'lspci'16:46
MajSlayer777k thanks, what should i look for?16:46
pfifoMajSlayer777: graphics adapter model16:47
pfifoVGA adaptor16:47
k1l_MajSlayer777: output that mentions vga or graphic16:47
pfifo!enter | pfifo16:47
ubottupfifo, please see my private message16:47
MajSlayer777okay cool beans, thanks16:47
zerickI'm installing Ubuntu 13.10 on a Lenovo B570  but it doesn't boot after the restart on successful install,  I'm following this tutorial but with no success https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallUbuntu11.10OnLenovoEFI/GPT/WLAN/Power/BIOS16:49
pfifosemitones: heres (part of) one of my grub.cfg, if you intend to use grub that was installed on your hard drive, and managed by ubuntu, then you need to do some magic to get ubuntu to put it in your grub.cfg, otherwise you can just tack it onto your grub.cfg http://fpaste.org/57528/56571121/16:50
MajSlayer777 VGA compatible controller: ASPEED Technology, Inc. ASPEED Graphics Family (rev 30)16:50
zykotick9pfifo: editing grub.cfg is kinda pointless... next kernel update = broken grub...16:51
MajSlayer777so i take it that it does have a video chipset?16:51
pfifozykotick9: thats not relevant in this case, but thank you16:51
Danatowow i this place seems empty16:58
Danatohmm? lol im not drunk16:58
Danato*this place seems empty16:58
k1l_Danato: for chitchat we have #ubuntu-offtopic16:58
pfifoMajSlayer777: its a graphics card, but it dosent have any stream processors or other cool features16:58
compdocis there a channel for drunk ppl?16:58
Danatoi know, i was looking for any activity kll_ maybe you can help me16:58
pfifoi used to frequent #homebrew16:59
MajSlayer777ahh but it should work for remote desktop from a home computer eh?16:59
k1l_Danato: just state the support question. no need to simulate activity16:59
Danatokll_: i installed kde a while ago, and now when i login with unity and logout i cant see the login screen16:59
Danatokll_: ok sorry for that16:59
MajSlayer777I'm mainly looking for a simpler way to work with my server vs ssh17:00
Danatok1l_: and sorry wrong name17:00
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: what do you want to do with it?17:00
legrandinhey guys. so im getting weird freezes every once in a while and i checked my syslog and i get tons of "whoopsie" messages near a freeze. is there any way to see what these mean?17:00
AlanBellMajSlayer777: you don't need a video chipset on the server to have a remote GUI17:00
pfifoMajSlayer777: im not sure, on my server i installed 'lubuntu-desktop' and connect to it like so 'ssh pfifo.net -XC "lxpanel"' which starts an instance of lxpanel on my local computer that actually runs apps on my server. Its really slow though and I use command line only when ever i can17:01
MajSlayer777well it would be nice to download things using a web-browers right to the folders i want vs apt-get and for other reasons17:01
ActionPa1snippfifo: why a full DE< could just run a WM on it's own (lighter)17:01
legrandintrying to isolate the source of the freezing17:01
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: could use fat-rat adn its web interfae17:01
pfifoMajSlayer777: 'ssh majslayer.net -XC "chromium-browser"'17:01
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: you can add things to the fat-rat queue and they will download for you as a service17:02
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: or jdownloader, and so on17:02
pfifoActionPa1snip: cause im really really laze and know 'lubuntu-desktop' will install 5 or 6 apps i want17:02
AlanBellMajSlayer777: in nautilus on your desktop just go to files-connect to server and then put in your ssh details, then the server file system can be managed locally on your desktop17:02
DanatoI installed kde on ubuntu a while ago, now whenever i login unity and logout afterwards i dont see the login screen anymore. Any thoughts?17:03
legrandinanyone got a way that I can see what is causing my ubuntu to freeze?17:03
AlanBellMajSlayer777: assuming you are running Ubuntu on the desktop that is17:03
MajSlayer777okay sounds good, installing ubuntu 13.10 on one of my home computers17:03
ActionPa1sniplegrandin: try a memory test using memtest86+ from Grub17:03
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: lots of http/ftp downloaders with web interfaces17:03
MajSlayer777using windows software to connect to a linux server, just seems ahh wrong..17:03
legrandini guessi i can try that17:03
MajSlayer777plus it will give me a "test bed" of sorts to play with options on my home computer, hopefully without trashing my dedicated server:)17:04
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: http://fatrat.dolezel.info/faq17:04
MajSlayer777tech support is $75 an hour..lol17:04
ActionPa1snipTo run FatRat in headless mode, use the -n (--nogui) :)17:05
pfifoMajSlayer777: and it takes like 4 hours to restore from backup XD17:05
Brandanoresolvconf is giving me quite the headache17:06
Brandanowhat generates /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original?17:06
pfifoBrandano: dnsmasq17:06
Brandanoand, is it actually included in the generated resolv.conf?17:07
pfifoBrandano: are you trying to get a persistent custom resolv.conf17:07
Brandanopfifo: do you know if there's a way to tell dnsmasq to look at the dhcp provided dns server also for domains falling in the local suffix?17:07
Brandanopfifo: 12.04 server, without network manager17:08
MajSlayer77718 packages can be updated. 2 updates are security updates. <-- how to i install these?17:09
Brandanopfifo: or, failing that, how to remove the suffix from the local dnsmasq config17:09
wheatthinMajSlayer777, sudo apt-get safe-update17:09
BrandanoMajSlayer777: they get installed by default along with the rest. Sudo apt-get upgrade17:09
Brandanowheatthin: does that only install security updates?17:10
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wheatthinBrandano, no, it should safely update all the corresponding packages without doing a release update.17:10
pfifoBrandano: im not an expert with dnsmasq. But I do know, resolv.conf is a symlink, and if you replace the symlink with an actual file it will not autogenerate, leaving you with a system that resolves dns queries in the same manner as before ubuntu borked the whole dns setup17:11
pfifoMajSlayer777: you likely want dist-upgrade instead of just upgrade17:11
wheatthinpfifo, I was told to suggest safe-upgrade17:12
MajSlayer777ops to late17:12
MajSlayer777oh well looks like it was just some compiler updates and one for ruby17:12
Brandanopfifo: Heh. I seem to gather the same spirit from my search results. Still, I'ld like to find the "proper ubuntu" way to fix this. I guess I'll broil a little longer before I bite the bullet and just force a static dns server.17:12
Mech0zIs the A88x chipset from AMD supported on linux (Ubuntu)?17:13
pfifowheatthin: thats an Invalid Option according to apt-get17:13
ActionPa1snipMech0z: should be, depends what else is on the board17:13
Brandanodist-upgrade ensures all dependencies are met when upgrading, and also forces the upgrade of things like the kernel and its header, that might require a reboot to have an effect17:14
ActionPa1snipMech0z: use Amazn reviews to get an idea of workingness17:14
Brandanobut generally just apt-get upgrade will work, save skipping some packages17:14
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Mech0zActionPa1snip I have a board now and I am trying to get it to stop flicering17:16
BrandanoMajSlayer777: you'll find that message about every other login17:16
ActionPa1snipMech0z: what GPU are you using?17:16
Mech0zbut I havent installed anything other than what it intalled by itself when I installed ubuntu17:16
MajSlayer777There is 1 zombie process. <-- whats that mean?17:16
ActionPa1snipMech0z: yes, what is it?17:16
ActionPa1snipMech0z: what is the onboard gpu on the A88x?17:17
Mech0zActionPa1snip maybe its the onboard on the A4-4000 A series APU17:17
Brandanoone process that died but still has an entry in the process table17:17
pfifoMajSlayer777: a child process whos parent no longer exists, so hence its patent cant call wait() in order to terminate it properly. It is stuck in limbo17:17
Brandanoit can't be killed either17:18
wheatthinsorry was confusing apt-get with aptitude17:18
ActionPa1snipMech0z: do you have a display now?17:18
ActionPa1snipMech0z: in a terminal, run:  sudo lshw -C display     what is the product line? This is the GPU?17:18
MajSlayer777pfifo, so how do you fix it?17:19
pfifoMajSlayer777: reboot17:19
Mech0zcpu with onboard gpu17:19
ActionPa1snipMech0z: its still a graphical processing unit? yes?17:19
Brandanoyou don't fix it. You grind your teeth and ignore it17:19
ActionPa1snipMech0z: so my GPU is right and did not need correctiojn17:19
Brandanothey generally don't use resources17:19
zerickI'm installing Ubuntu 13.10 on a Lenovo B570  but it doesn't boot after the restart on successful install,  I'm following this tutorial but with no success https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallUbuntu11.10OnLenovoEFI/GPT/WLAN/Power/BIOS Help please :(17:19
ActionPa1snipMech0z: run the command I gave, what is the output?17:19
ActionPa1snipMech0z: we just need the product line17:20
pfifoBrandano: its using one of the 65535 process IDs which can be a problem if you have 60000 zombie processes17:20
Mech0zActionPa1snip I am reformatting atm as it wouldt login afteR I tried installing drivers from AMDs site17:20
invitadoqiero sexo17:20
ActionPa1snipMech0z: if its an ATI based gpu thing, use the additional drivers app in the system settings17:20
Brandanopfifo: yep. Just read it on wikipedia17:21
invitadoen español17:21
ActionPa1snipMech0z: spatry (youtube) has a howto guide for those things)17:21
Brandano"To remove zombies from a system, the SIGCHLD signal can be sent to the parent manually, using the kill command. If the parent process still refuses to reap the zombie, the next step would be to remove the parent process. When a process loses its parent, init becomes its new parent. Init periodically executes the wait system call to reap any zombies with init as parent."17:21
ActionPa1snip!es | invitado17:21
Mech0zActionPa1snip will try that when its done17:21
ubottuinvitado: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:21
ActionPa1snipMech0z: thats all I know. I dont buy ATi/Radeon stuff.17:21
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BrandanoActionPa1snip: I am Italian, but I don't think he's looking for Ubuntu support17:22
invitadomechos puto17:23
ActionPa1snip!ops | invitado17:23
ubottuinvitado: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!17:23
BrandanoThough I am not sure joining a channel full of geeks is te best way to get someone to cyber with you in spanish17:23
invitadobrandano fuck17:24
Mech0zinvitado I have no idear what you trying to do17:24
Brandanoit's a decent way to kget kickbanned though17:24
MajSlayer777noob question #500, it says i have mail, how do i read it?17:24
ActionPa1snipBrandano: pretty much, thats why we have the !ops alarm :)17:24
wheatthinMajSlayer777, type mail in the console17:24
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: run:    mail    in terminal, if that is what you mean17:24
BuntuFuntuHappy Thanksgiving, Ubuntu Community(:17:25
ActionPa1snipBuntuFuntu: doesnt mean anything over here :)17:25
pfifobash: mail: command not found17:25
BuntuFuntuPfft.. The only thing I know it means over here is I get foooooooooooooooooood XD17:26
* Brandano gets food regularly17:26
BuntuFuntuAre there any benefits to running Ubuntu off A SSD Drive or should I stay with an HDD Drive?17:26
Brandanoit's faster, like any other OS running off an SSD17:27
wheatthinBuntuFuntu, depends on the io transfer of the ssd17:27
ActionPa1snipBuntuFuntu: dont you normally get food?17:27
Brandanobut you must play a few tricks to ensure the SSD will last17:27
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: is it ok?17:27
MajSlayer777yeah its just errors from me.lol17:27
MajSlayer777using a second account i made17:27
BuntuFuntuActionPalsnip: Yus, but not in the same quantity as thanksgiving XD17:27
MajSlayer777says not in sudo something something17:27
Brandanothough I think that filesystem wear issues are exaggerated, at least for common usage scenarios17:27
ActionPa1snipBuntuFuntu: the SSD will improve read and write times, RAM is used as disk cache and speeds things up more that way17:28
Brandanobetter have plenty of ram and avoid using swap17:28
wheatthinBrandano, but if you're running a server with a lot of traffic, then yeah it'll die soon17:28
ActionPa1snipMajSlayer777: then use your first account to add the second account to the 'sudo' group17:28
Brandanoindeed, servers are another matter17:28
BuntuFuntuBrandano, I'm guessing a 1GB Ram in a Lenovo S100 wouldn't be enough RAM? XD17:29
MajSlayer777how do i do that ActionPa1snip?17:29
BluesKajBuntuFuntu. it's passable17:29
BrandanoBUT there's exceptions. If you have static data that has to be read frequently but modified occasionally, SSD's are better17:29
pfifohow do i file or clear the reports the apport has collected17:30
BrandanoBuntuFuntu: if your drive dies after 3 years of use it won't be a big issue. also, SSD's tend to die in reasonably benign ways17:30
Brandanobut while you are at it you can increase the ram size as well17:30
zerickI'm installing Ubuntu 13.10 on a Lenovo B570  but it doesn't boot after the restart on successful install,  I'm following this tutorial but with no success https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallUbuntu11.10OnLenovoEFI/GPT/WLAN/Power/BIOS Help please :(17:31
Brandanozerick: what error?17:31
BuntuFuntuDoesn't boot into the OS at all?17:31
zerickBrandano, doesn't boot, no grub display, nothing17:32
* Brandano had his share of broken grub installs17:32
Brandanothe proper way to fix would be to boot from usb, mount a chroot on the HDD, install and configure grub2, reboot17:32
BrandanoBut some time ago I found a liveimage purposedly made to fix boot loader issues. Let me dig17:33
Myrttiinvitado: stop.17:33
MajSlayer777hmm cool i didn't have to reboot and the zombie message is gone when i SSH back in:)17:34
invitadomyrtti eggs17:34
Myrttiinvitado: do you have a Ubuntu question or a problem you need help with, in English?17:34
zerickMyrtti, just kick him17:34
BrandanoMajSlayer777: probably the zombie was linked to your session17:34
MajSlayer777aye Brandano17:34
BrandanoMajSlayer777: also, zombies might just be waiting for their parent17:34
MajSlayer777yeah got Ubuntu Unleased to read..lol17:35
Brandanowhile the parent is busy with something else17:35
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MajSlayer777900 pages, fun fun17:35
BuntuFuntuI cant wait till 14.04 :D17:35
Danatowhy does ubuntu keeps asking me to enter my password to unlock keyring at startup? some stuff are wrong with my login17:35
DeepBluecan i run arch in terminal 2 no my architeture ?17:35
Brandanozerick: have a look at http://www.supergrubdisk.org/17:36
MajSlayer777I couldn't even find a 13.10 book on amazon17:36
MajSlayer777much less a apache book that was up to date(sadly)17:36
MajSlayer777oh well irc and google is great anyhow, but i do like a well written book17:37
BrandanoMajSlayer777: people in #apache are generally helpful. But remember that fajita is a bot17:37
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MajSlayer777eh so far they must hate me.lol17:37
zimengHello,guys,which do you lot prefer, kde or gnome? Any advice?17:37
kriskropdzimeng: i prefer dwm17:37
* Brandano currently uses cinnamon, but has trouble with multiple monitors17:38
kriskropdfrom suckless17:38
kriskropdits in the ubuntu repos17:38
MajSlayer777every question ask seems to go off into outer space:)17:38
BrandanoMajSlayer777: the Apache docs are quite exaustive too17:38
MajSlayer777(most likely becuase i'm a 7 day noob) lol17:38
kriskropdMajSlayer777: you should help the space pioneering programs :)17:38
JonathanTN84Hi All - ive got an interesting issue.  I just installed Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 - and root password doesnt work.  I tried my account login password and blank.  Nothing works.  Any thoughts anyone?17:38
k1lzimeng: just try both and see what is best for you. making a poll will not help you in that decision17:38
MajSlayer777that's what i've been using17:38
MajSlayer777yes i would be good at that kriskropd17:39
MyrttiJonathanTN84: where are you trying to log in as root? there is no root password.17:39
BrandanoMajSlayer777: once you understand the debian way everything falls into place17:39
JonathanTN84trying to su in terminal17:39
MyrttiJonathanTN84: use sudo.17:39
MajSlayer777i'm truly an expert and irc messages that seem to go nowhere.lol17:39
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:39
JonathanTN84ah - gotcha.  let me try that.  sorry if that was dumb - usually a centos kinda fella.17:39
MajSlayer777well it's far better than windows server 2012 already...17:39
bazhang!ot | MajSlayer77717:39
ubottuMajSlayer777: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:39
zimengI currently use gnome,but a lot of errors happened17:39
fault3rubottu: hi17:39
JonathanTN84can one assign a root password?17:40
mika__where i could get real windows 7 pro dvd? I have serial, but not that dvd :/ Or can you redirect to be somewhere else? :)17:40
kriskropdfault3r: your conversation will leave you dissapointed, I'm afraid17:40
k1lJonathanTN84: you can but its not supported in here17:40
BrandanoJonathanTN84: if you really want the full length of rope you can use sudo -s17:40
BuntuFuntuMessage me, I know Digital River Provides the isos.17:40
fault3rkriskropd: :D I Knoooow17:40
k1lmika__: ask the windows support. that is not a ubuntu issue17:40
JonathanTN84Stupid question  - why would they not password Root?17:40
BuntuFuntuBUt messaging the people in the Windows chat would be best.17:40
k1l!root | JonathanTN8417:41
ubottuJonathanTN84: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:41
kriskropdJonathanTN84: you're still asking the wrong question - there is NO root17:41
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:41
BuntuFuntuThis channel is for Ubuntu :P17:41
BrandanoJonathanTN84: because root is dangerous and he should not be allowed on my system17:41
semitoneshey -- i'm trying to follow this guide, but when I booted up, it said it couldn't find the iso -- it needed to load the kernel first -- or something: http://www.wikihow.com/Boot-an-Ubuntu-ISO-from-Your-Hard-Drive17:41
kriskropdJonathanTN84: access to root is completely disabled in Ubuntu17:41
IlmenWhich size would you recommend for a partition for Ubuntu 13.10 + Programs?17:41
kriskropdJonathanTN84: it's a unique approach, so understandably confusing to most17:41
JonathanTN84I do appreciate the information.17:41
JonathanTN84Absolutely, but I appreciate the answers.  Always use root to elevate processes and global installations.  =017:42
semitonesI think it's because it's in the home partition, not the root partition...17:42
pfifomy ISP forces me to use root17:42
kriskropdJonathanTN84: if you want a rooted shell, your best bet is to 'su -'17:42
kriskropdJonathanTN84: oh, no wiat17:42
Brandanokriskropd: does that even work?17:43
JonathanTN84So since no root account is available.17:43
k1lkriskropd: JonathanTN84 no. use sudo -i17:43
kriskropdJonathanTN84: I'm sorry, i forgotthat doesnt work either in Ubuntu XD17:43
kriskropdJonathanTN84: take k1l suggestion17:43
semitonesoh, so I don't use /home in the path, since grub sees it as a /?17:43
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pfifokriskropd: su = stop using... your thinking 'sudo -s' or 'sudo -i' both of which are NOT supported anymore then setting the root password17:43
JonathanTN84Would one assume first account created is in the "root" group ?  Or is that non existent as well?17:44
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semitonespfifo, why shouldn't you do sudo su? What do you do if you want to use the terminal as root for a little while?17:44
BrandanoJonathanTN84: the first account created is in the sudoers17:44
pfifosemitones: you dont, you type sudo in front of each and every command you want to grant privledges to17:45
JonathanTN84Roger that - it all makes more sense.17:45
k1lJonathanTN84: i really recommend you looking into https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:45
JonathanTN84I certainly will be.  Already pulled it up17:45
kriskropdsemitones: like he said above too, you can add some arguments to sudo to keep your shell as root17:45
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Spr1ngI'm getting "Read error at byte 0 (Invalid argument). Retrying." when running wget with stdout, anybody know why?17:46
JonathanTN84thanks for the doc k17:46
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IlmenIs 30GB enough for Ubuntu + programs (without user files), or would you recommend more?17:46
kriskropdSpr1ng: idk anything about wget, if you use "curl -I $url" does it tell you better information?17:46
BrandanoJonathanTN84: you can also leave that shell open while someone walks by and types some snippet like rm -rf ...17:46
pfifoIlmen: it is more then the minimum recommend amount17:47
kriskropdIlmen: do you plan on installing loads of things? 30GB will suffice if you don't intend to install much on top of the base system and only store about 20GB of personal files17:47
JonathanTN84Ya brandon, would you like me to setup SSH for ya so you can logon ?17:47
JonathanTN84Numb nuts.17:47
ice799Hi. I remember at some point there was a way to provide values that would be autofilled in for you when doing an apt-get install so that you could avoid the curses/commandline prompt. Anyone have any idea where that is documented? I did this one time a long time ago and now I can't remember how it works.17:47
Ilmenkriskropd: I'm planning to store personal files on another partition17:47
BrandanoNo, i mean, sudo -s is not supported for a reason. It's like giving someone the keys to the guns cabinet17:48
zykotick9JonathanTN84: another note, DON'T use sudo with GUI apps!  use gksudo instead.  see "/msg ubottu gksudo" for further details.17:48
kriskropdice799: erm, are you talking about 'man apt-get' ?17:48
kriskropdice799: sorry, maybe rephrase the question17:49
semitonesIf I'm following this guide, but there's not enough room in /boot/gmrl for an .iso, can I create a symlink to the iso there?17:49
ice799i'm talking about debconf-set-selections kriskropd, but thanks for trying17:49
ice799you can use that to insert default values into the debconf database to avoid getting prompted during apt-get installs.17:50
BrandanoOn the other hand better finding it here where someone can rise the objection that it's a silly thing to do than somewhere on the web without any form of rebuttal17:50
kongthapi mount a windows partition to /mnt/windows and want to create a shortcut to the desktop, i use nautilus to right click at /mnt/windows but the create link is not clickable, what should i do????17:51
kriskropdice799: what are you being prompted for other than auto supplying "yes" - I'm just curious, idk if I can help you at all17:51
fault3rhey all17:51
Brandanokongthap: I think CTRL+SHIFT+drag&drop will create a symlink. BUT. the link will break when th e partition is unmounted17:52
ice799kriskropd: when you install mysql-server you are asked to provide a default password17:52
kriskropdice799: oooh I knwo what you mean now !17:52
Brandanosemitones: what guide?17:52
semitonesthis one -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot17:53
kongthapBrandano, it's working for me thanks, i mount using fstab, so it's should be fine17:54
semitones/sda6 corresponds to "(hd0,5)" ?17:54
Brandanokongthap: the create link option is greyed out because you can't write there. It should work from the folder where you want the link to be created17:55
Brandanosemitones: it may, or not. The only way to be sure is to set it in fstab17:55
Brandanoeepp, sorry, probably wrong17:55
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Brandanosemitones: a symlink should work, since it is at the filesystem level, though I'd rather shuffle the partitions manually in a way as to have enough space.17:56
semitonesyeah, good point. Well I tried doing it the other way (in the downloads folder) -- i just hope i got the path right and everything17:57
H1FuelCellhey folks17:57
H1FuelCellI set the following in my hosts file: reddit.com
kriskropdice799: i found some pre-answering templates that you can use, but it seems to expect you to know all the options before hand (reference http://www.davidpashley.com/2008/03/27/java-license/ and https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/blog/bittner-195120/howto-automate-interactive-debian-package-installations-debconf-preseeding-2879/)17:58
H1FuelCellhowever I can still open the site in chrome17:58
kriskropdice799: I kind of doubt that is what you were looking for though :x17:58
H1FuelCellwhy is that?17:58
kriskropdH1FuelCell: you might need to restart your networking service first17:59
pfifotrying deperatly to quit reddit?18:00
Brandanoor flush the dns cache18:00
Brandanonaturally you can still use google translate to get a translated version of reddit18:00
Brandanoor many other such workarounds18:01
H1FuelCellyes pfifo18:01
H1FuelCellI just ran sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart kriskropd but it still can be opened18:01
H1FuelCellhaha Brandano, that's a funny idea for sure18:02
Spr1ngkriskropd: im not sure which info im looking for with that curl command, it reveals useful info but i dont know what to look for specifically18:02
BrandanohitsujiTMO: the current sessions will keep up until they are left free18:02
pfifoH1FuelCell: perhaps reddit.com is hosted on your local machine?18:02
Brandanooops, sorry, wrong autocomplete18:02
H1FuelCelldo you mean restart my browser with "current sessions", brandano?18:02
Brandanothere's also the browser cache18:03
H1FuelCellbrowsers have a dns cache?18:03
H1FuelCellholy shiz: http://superuser.com/questions/203674/how-to-clear-flush-the-dns-cache-in-google-chrome18:03
pfifoH1FuelCell: chromium and firefox arent 'supposed' to from what ive seen18:03
H1FuelCellso *that's* how the damn thing is so resilient18:03
H1FuelCelllemme try that out18:03
Brandanoyou know that this won't delete reddit from the internet, right?18:04
* Brandano bets there's a flatmate that shouldn't see something18:04
H1FuelCelllol not that Brandano18:04
Brandanoor perhaps an attempt at a practical joke18:04
H1FuelCellbut I'm an incredibly, incredibly intelligent procrastinator18:05
pfifoor routing reddit through the localmachine to gater personal info18:05
H1FuelCellthat is, I pour all my intelligence into procrastinating18:05
BrandanoYou should see into setting some firewall rules to enable reddit quotas18:05
H1FuelCellargh, just delete the cache, restarted networking, and reddit still loads :*(18:06
H1FuelCellit's like the universe does not want me to succeed18:06
H1FuelCellfirewall rules18:06
H1FuelCellokay, googling18:06
BrandanoH1FuelCell: nslookup reddit.com?18:06
H1FuelCellcommand ouput:, but also, "Non authoritative answer:"18:07
BrandanoH1FuelCell: that sort of firewall rules are very, VERY complex to set up. well, they are for me.18:07
H1FuelCellI'm willing to try anything, go to any length18:07
BrandanoH1FuelCell: then it's still resolving it18:07
H1FuelCellI have a list of sites to block18:07
pfifoor just drop app packets from reddit18:07
arpxguys im trying to install ubuntu on macbook pro 8,218:07
H1FuelCellwhy might it be resolving Brandano18:08
arpxafter fasten your seatbelts the screen goes black18:08
Brandanopfifo: where's the fun in that, though? it would be nicer to do packet mangling with a proxy server so that the css is altered to make the content of the page fade over time18:08
Ilmenarpx: what happen if you try increasing brightness?18:09
Brandanothere was something using a pogo plug that flipped all of a page's images upside-down18:09
arpxlol Ilmen its trying to boot the kernel18:09
H1FuelCellthat's some frustrated adviceanimal browsing18:09
arpxhow would u increase brightness on a bricked usb??18:10
Ilmenhehe sorry :)18:10
arpxbut im DESPERATE18:10
Brandanoarpx: does it astill boot from a live usb?18:10
H1FuelCellunbelievable - I got into the router settings, and set reddit.com to a "blocked site", and I can still browse it18:11
H1FuelCellis reddit owned by the illuminati18:11
arpxit boots fine18:11
BrandanoH1FuelCell: are you REALLY sure you are not hosting the reddit server?18:11
arpxit just wont show ubuntu splash screen or even the desktop18:11
arpxi think its  this amd card, how do i disable it??18:11
Brandanoarpx: then you can at least check if ther's bootlogs with errors, and in case there aren't fix the boot manager18:12
H1FuelCellabsolutely Brandano, at least if they ran on my shitty PC that site wouldn't go down as much18:12
arpxwhere is the bootlog?18:12
arpxi know i sound stupid now!!18:12
Brandano/var/logs seems a likely place18:12
arpxok lemme check18:13
pfifoarpx: /var/log/dmsg18:13
fault3ris IRC have a channel for fun?18:13
H1FuelCellyeeaaaah! I found the little hidden radio button that said "keyword blocking always"18:13
pfifofault3r: #defocus18:13
H1FuelCellfault3r: defocus18:13
fault3rpfifo: thanks18:13
fault3rH1FuelCell: merci18:13
H1FuelCellokay, reddit blocked from my router now - however, I know I that just like an alcoholic, when the craving happens, I will open the router page, delete reddit from blocked sites, and access it again18:14
arpxpfiflo: there is no file or dir dmsg18:14
H1FuelCellI want something more... nuclear18:15
pfifoarpx: you never got far enough into the boot process to write it to a file then18:15
pfifoH1FuelCell: unplug your ethernet cable from your router18:15
arpxuh... yeah18:16
H1FuelCellya know pfifo, if I wasn't a web developer I'd have two different computers for work and #othershit18:16
arpxbut i am convinced it is this stupid amd chip!!! does anyone know how to disable it18:16
Brandano_Sorry guys, ignore my ghost. Actually, I'll kick it18:16
H1FuelCellit's definitely a great option for most people, but in my line of work I just can't go fully unplugged18:16
* pfifo feedss Brandano's ghost some fresh souls18:17
=== Brandano_ is now known as Brandano
GZA-Geniusif i have hardware drivers for (up too) Linux kernel 3.8.4, what version of Ubuntu's kernel is that. Because isn't the regular Linux kernel, and kernels maintained by and for Ubuntu and revised differently correct?18:18
pfifoGZA-Genius: the ubuntu kernel still says 3.8.4 but tacks on -ubuntu5 or such18:18
Laurencebhi, i dont see the hypernate option, does this mean it is not supported?18:19
Brandanoanyway, just dropped back in to give my thanks for the assistance and say goodbye, really. Time to head home.18:19
arpxanyway, is there anything im missing?18:19
H1FuelCellI should just give the password for the router settings to my mate18:20
BuntuFuntuMan, Shopping during Black Fridays going to be a beotch.18:20
GZA-Geniuspfifo: OK thanks, so my current system 12.04.3 running 3.8.0-34-generic, is Linux kernel 3.8.0 with patches maintained by Ubuntu specifically for that OS18:21
bazhang!ot | H1FuelCell BuntuFuntu18:21
ubottuH1FuelCell BuntuFuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:21
H1FuelCellubottu thanks for the friendly reminder18:21
ubottuH1FuelCell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:21
H1FuelCellI see, sorry ubottu, I meant to talk to bazhang18:21
H1FuelCellbazhang, do you have any suggestions to help me block websites on my Ubuntu system?18:22
H1FuelCellconsidering the constraints I mentioned above18:22
bazhang!info dansguardian | H1FuelCell18:23
ubottuH1FuelCell: dansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 462 kB, installed size 1724 kB18:23
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glitsj16Laurenceb: if you mean the hibernate option, it isn't enabled by default --> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html to test if your machine is capable of it and how to re-enable18:23
Laurencebok thanks18:24
H1FuelCellbazhang, "How to remove DansGuardian from your computer" "You can't. It is not installed on your computer. It is installed at your ISP or your firewall server at your company or school network. If DansGuardian has appeared and you don't know how to get rid of it then you are looking in the wrong place! You need to speak to your ISP or network manager."18:26
H1FuelCelldoes not look like I can put it on my desktop Ubuntu bazhang :(18:26
H1FuelCellnever mind http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20700818:27
vm95hey there am getting "503 OUT OF DISK SPACE" error while installing any software using apt-get can anyone please help me fix this18:27
PhotoniosThat usually means your hard disk is full...18:27
PhotoniosRemove some files from your hard disk, or buy an extra one18:28
Sh1G3rUvm95, how much spase did you give to your root partition ?18:28
PhotoniosThat might be the case as well..18:28
vm95but my hard disk still has 20 GB left18:28
PhotoniosYour hard disk might have empty space, but your root partition might be full..18:29
Sh1G3rUif you can access a shell run df -ha18:29
vm95I dual boot my laptop and have given 100GB to ubuntu out of which 20GB is left18:29
Photonios@vm95, run what Sh1G3ru said, that should display a list of partitions18:29
vm95yes it displayed a list of partitions now what am i to interpret from it?18:30
PhotoniosCould you copy&paste the output?18:30
PhotoniosTo here..18:30
Sh1G3rUpaste it to pastebin vm9518:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:30
vm95ok wait a min18:31
H1FuelCellwow, paste.ubuntu.com, finally a general purpose paste I'd love to use18:31
H1FuelCellwhen I restart my computer, I see a message "disk for /tmp has not been mounted yet, wait for it to mount or press M to skip mounting" (I'm paraphrasing)18:31
H1FuelCellit shows up under the ubuntu logo and four-dots-progressbar, and the system them proceeds to load18:32
vm95here it is http://pastebin.com/usEMYzHa18:32
H1FuelCellwhat might be the problem?18:32
Sh1G3rUvm95,  did you partition your hdd manually??18:32
PhotoniosI guess /tmp is not cleaned up18:32
vm95yes i partitioned it manually18:33
Photonios@H1, which distro and which version?18:33
H1FuelCellUbuntu 12.0418:33
BluesKajvm95. have you  sudo apt-getrun autoclean lately?18:33
Photoniosmount -o remount, rw /tmp18:33
Sh1G3rUvm95,  you should let the ubuntu installer partition it for you because you have done a mess18:33
Photoniostry that H118:33
BluesKajoops sudo-apt-get autoclean18:33
vm95okk i'll try that18:34
fault3rhi all18:34
BluesKajstill not correct :)P18:34
geodberylhi :)18:34
* BluesKaj looks for his glasses18:34
fault3rhow can i see Persian character in ubuntu terminal?18:34
fault3rhow can i see Persian characters in ubuntu terminal?18:34
vm95ok am done with it18:35
fault3rit's like this > سلام18:35
BluesKajvm95. , sudo apt-get autoclean is the correct command , but I'm sure you know that18:35
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vm95yeah i used the correct command and got some output that 3 packages were deleted now18:36
Photonios@fault3r, http://persian.nmelrc.org/persianword/kb.htm#Linux18:36
Sh1G3rUfault3r,  you have to change your locale /usr/lib/locale18:36
Sh1G3rUfault3r,  man locale18:36
BluesKajok try sudo apt-get autoremove , as well , vm9518:36
fault3rSh1G3rU: change to?18:36
H1FuelCellPhotonios: "mount: /tmp not mounted or bad option"18:37
vm95it shows 0 to remove18:37
Sh1G3rUfault3r,  it stores formats for language currency etc18:37
jonny5alivei just made 2 ubuntu usb installs and when i boot one i get 'waiting for network' and then booting without network. My wireless button stays disabled and when i press it nothing happens18:37
jonny5alivehow can i enable my network?18:37
fault3rSh1G3rU: it's UTF-818:38
jonny5aliveps - the other one works fine18:38
Photonios@H1, try rebooting and and not skipping the mount18:38
fault3rSh1G3rU: but i cant see farsi in terminal...18:38
vm95BluesKaj: if disk space is the problem then why does it work when i download the packages manually and install them using synaptics package manager18:38
fault3rSh1G3rU: do i should to install Persian font?18:38
H1FuelCellI never skip Photonios18:38
jonny5alivethe 'state' just shows 'inactive' in network tools18:39
H1FuelCellI just let it take its time18:39
Sh1G3rUfault3r,  it should be installed but if not you have to install them manually with apt-get18:39
jonny5aliveI get this same issue even hardwired, it does not seem to recognize the cat518:40
fault3rSh1G3rU: then what can i do?18:40
Photonios@H1, try running fsck in manual recovery18:40
vm95Sh1G3rU: any help?18:40
PhotoniosI believe there's a check partition option18:40
Sh1G3rUvm95, what happened18:41
BluesKajvm95. dpkg is the actual app that instals packages , both synaptic and apt-get are apps that use dpkg , one is a gui and apt-get runs in the terminal18:41
PhotoniosTry running fsck -AR -y @h118:41
vm95Blueskaj: ok so what should i do now?18:41
H1FuelCell"fsck from util-linux 2.20.1"18:42
H1FuelCellI *have* to run it out of safe mode do I?18:42
PhotoniosI guess so..18:42
lucidoHi, I started getting segfults today:18:43
lucido[   54.355614] apport-gtk[2599]: segfault at 7fd725f33832 ip 00007fd12c1ec9d6 sp 00007fd12694c9b0 error 6 in libapt-pkg.so.4.12.0[7fd12c18c000+135000]18:43
vm95Blueskaj: and yes i cant install packages directly from synaptics as well i get the same error from there as well and have to download the packages manually and then install them from synaptics18:43
H1FuelCellhmm, which means reboot... okay I'll look into later Photonios, can't reboot at the moment18:43
lucidoI reinstall libapt library but that didint help18:43
H1FuelCellthanks for the help...18:43
Photonios@H1, what's preventing you from rebooting?18:43
lucidovm95, what's going on?18:44
RaySat my company is using ubuntu 12.10 for its webservers, they are fairly busy. (nginx->fpm-fpm (5.4)) ever so often we get cpu spikes that look like they have to do with the migraion/x process. Both nginx and fpm are set to use epoll.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/3cmerrmxdc1lrmn/Screenshot%202013-11-28%2013.42.03.png18:44
=== GZA-Genius is now known as GZA-AFK
vm95lucido: I get "503 OUT OF DISK SPACE" error when i run apt-get install commands18:44
H1FuelCellI have probably a couple dozen tabs open right now Photonios18:44
BluesKajvm95. I don't know18:44
jonny5aliveps - i took a look at /etc/network/interfaces and all the defaults appear normal18:44
RaySits basically starving the resources on the box causing pages to load slowly or not at all during that time18:44
H1FuelCelland lots of other programs18:44
jonny5aliveyet i cannot enable wireless or get the os to recognize my cat5 is plugged in18:45
Sh1G3rUvm95,  do you have any data on your ubuntu install? your own data?18:45
k1lvm95: can you pastebin a "df -h" ?18:45
AndrewSPXi have 2 questions18:45
MississaugaI am about to get into ubuntu, is the 12.04 the way to go? either AMD or Intel CPUs have problems with ubuntu?18:45
vm95Sh1G3rU: i dint get what data u mean?18:45
AndrewSPXor mabe i say problems18:45
k1l!details | AndrewSPX18:45
ubottuAndrewSPX: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:45
Sh1G3rUvm95,  you dont have any partitions you have to do the install all over again , and delete your actual partitions , all of them, and let ubuntu installer do the partitionin18:46
vm95k1l: here it is http://pastebin.com/usEMYzHa18:46
AndrewSPX1. i don't understand why my dash is no working when i change the enviroment with "ubuntu" and i just need to stay on "ubuntu 2D"18:46
Mech0zwith 2 different harddrives I get an "grub-install /dev/sda5' failed. This is a fatal error" whenever I try installing ubuntu from a USB drive, tried redoing the USB install, but no help18:46
AndrewSPX2. i don't find a good driver for my video chipset ATI radeon18:47
k1lvm95: and now please "df -ih" (sorry missed the i for inodes)18:47
AndrewSPXas far i google for it .. ATI have some issues18:47
AndrewSPXubuntu no longer supports this or. something18:48
jonny5aliveubottu: When i boot it 12.04 LTS it tells me waiting for network and then booting without it, i checked /etc/network/interfaces and everything appears correct, yet I cannot enable my wireless (laptop) or get the OS to recognize that cat5 is plugged in. I have the same install (to a 2nd usb key) in this desktop right now as we speak which works fine18:48
ubottujonny5alive: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:48
jonny5aliveBummer. :)18:48
k1lAndrewSPX: there is no ubuntu 2d anymore. make sure the videocard can use 3d with the right driver18:48
Sh1G3rUvm95,  try this : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-desktop-latest18:48
AndrewSPXk1l whan you loging on your account you have the posibility to change your enviroment to gnome (if is installed) or ubuntu 2d18:49
vm95k1l: output for df -ih http://pastebin.com/SW8XHPrG18:49
k1lAndrewSPX: which ubuntu version are you talking about?18:49
AndrewSPXwell.. i don't know why that dash in "ubuntu" enviroment is no more working18:49
GZA-AFKAndrewSPX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver18:50
Mech0zis it possible to run ubuntu "forever" on a tryubuntu usb stick?18:50
Mech0zor are certain settings not saved18:50
k1lvm95: ok. its not a full harddisk or full inodes issue. when you are on a live cd that can make troubles when "installing" software18:50
vm95Sh1G3rU: ok thanx18:50
AndrewSPXi don't think my video driver is there.. i have an old laptop for testing this os's18:51
vm95k1l: ok so what should i do now?18:51
AndrewSPXits a toshiba satellite18:51
GZA-AFKAndrewSPX: what is the exact chipset/model18:51
AndrewSPXand i'm not home right now to give you the exact name of the video card name but is something with RS18:52
k1lvm95: can you give the exact output of what you are installing and what the errors are (in a pastebin)?18:52
irc-5225225I broke apt-get, just typing apt-get update gives a segfault error. Obviously, I can't reinstall apt-get, so is there any way to fix it? I was attempting to add a PPA at the time, and synaptic closed.18:52
Mississaugado AMD FX series CPUs have compatibility problems with ubuntu? since things are designed with Intel in mind18:52
irc-5225225Mississauga: I'm running an FX-4300, and I haven't noticed any problems18:53
AndrewSPXanyway.. i installed some driver and now is no more unknown video .. is seems to work fine.. but i don't know if that is compatible.. anyway18:53
irc-5225225A cpu should run no matter what os it's running.18:53
AndrewSPXmy prior thought is abut that dash18:53
pfifoirc-5225225: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list18:54
AndrewSPXbecause i don't know the difference between that ubuntu enviroment and ubuntu 2d18:54
lucidohalp, I'm getting segfaults in libapt-pkg.so.4.12.018:54
vm95k1l: http://pastebin.com/htkgRW0e18:54
AndrewSPXcoz of this .. i installed gnome env18:54
GZA-AFKAndrewSPX: what do u mean you dont know the diff?18:54
AndrewSPXi didn't see any change18:55
GZA-AFKAndrewSPX: what is your question, i am asking ;)18:55
irc-5225225pfifo: That explains it. It's effectively empty, with one entry that has random spaces in it.18:55
pfifoirc-5225225: might want to run a fsck before anything else, sounds like som sort of filesystem error started it18:56
irc-5225225pfifo: Filesystem error? Don't know why that would be the case, where it was the editor that crashed.18:56
pfifolucido: can you give details about what your doing, and pastebin the error messages18:57
a2cypherHey folks.  I  downloaded and cross-compiled perl for an embedded system that I am working on.   When I did the install, I guess something went wrong and it installed into my target rootfs, but also by mistake into the build system, overwriting perl with a non-working version.18:57
a2cypherI tried  apt-get --reinstall install perl, but it fails since  /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure  is a perl script.18:58
a2cyphermaybe I just need to build perl manually again for my system, then install it18:58
vm95k1l: ?18:58
lucidopfifo, basicall just any packag eoperation fails with this: [  110.909301] apt-cache[2877]: segfault at 7fb7b659f418 ip 00007fb4ba5a5755 sp 00007fff86f55ce8 error 4 in libapt-pkg.so.4.12.0[7fb4ba515000+135000]18:58
pfifoa2cypher: you can debootstrap from a livecd to correct that18:58
lucidopfifo, I reinstalled libapt-pkg4.12 with dpkg and rebooted but it didn't help18:59
a2cyphermaybe I'll first try installing perl again over top the broken one, then using apt-get to replace perl with the distribution version18:59
a2cypherthat way I dont have to reboot18:59
k1lvm95: "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install -f"19:00
pfifolucido: what caused this to start happening?19:01
coventryIs there a way to configure Remote Desktop or similar to work despite the shared machine being behind a NAT?  (Like CrossLoop does)?19:02
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Sh1G3rUcoventry, is the machine reachable from the internet?19:02
lucidopfifo, I dont know  because libapt hasn't been upgraded recently19:02
coventrySh1G3rU: The machine can reach the internet.  Somehow, that is all you need for CrossLoop.  I think "ubuntu remote desktop NAT" is probably the google search term I should be looking at.19:03
wheatthincoventry, you can setup vnc, but not allow remote vnc connections via firewall, then use ssh to tunnel to the vnc desktop19:03
wheatthinas long as you have ssh access anything is possible ;)19:04
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
Sh1G3rUcoventry,  you can use teamview19:04
vm95k1l: yes done19:04
coventrySh1G3rU: Thanks, will check it out.  wheatthin: Yes, I could forward ssh to an exposed machine.  Thanks for the suggestion.19:05
pfifowheatthin: I need to be able to use the grub screen on a remote server, lets see ssh solve this19:05
k1lvm95: can you show the output?19:05
vm95k1l: of both the commands?19:05
wheatthinpfifo, why do you have to be an arse, especially on thanksgiving?19:06
deanrock0hi, what would be the reason that I get "Package libass4 is not available, but is referred to by another package." on precise?19:06
pfifowheatthin: i am thankful today for remote KVM19:06
vm95k1l, this is for update http://pastebin.com/s7bkAykp19:07
Sh1G3rUpfifo, KVM-over-ip19:07
GZA-Geniusdeanrock0: old package replaced by newer one19:07
pfifodeanrock0: sounds like you need an apt-get update, or you installed a PPA19:07
vm95k1l, and here it is for install -f http://pastebin.com/JBYSp0cm19:08
deanrock0oh nvm, i found out I didn't have universe enabled in sources.list19:08
k1lvm95: try again to install that package19:10
vm95k1l, ok19:10
vm95k1l, am getting the same error again19:10
=== vm95 is now known as vm95|afk
k1lvm95: im not sure if the mirror you are using is the problem19:11
=== vm95|afk is now known as vm95
vm95k1l, ok i'll try once by changing the mirror anyway thanx for the help19:11
=== vm95 is now known as vm95|afk
coventryI am somewhat sketched out by the fact that the teamviewer deb file is served over HTTP.19:12
wheatthinlol and why would that be/19:12
wheatthinisn't that how the package manager works? ;p19:13
coventrywheatthin: I thought the package manager checked the checksums and signatures of the packages it downloads, though.19:14
pfifocoventry: I am really sketched out that selecting the recovery mode option on any ubuntu install drops you directly into a root shell without asking for a password of any sort. Ubuntu security is a joke, always has been19:14
ikoniacoventry: it does do that19:14
ikoniapfifo: grow up - it's the same as any distro19:15
ikoniapfifo: it's up you to secure single user mode19:15
coventrypfifo: That's what full-disk encryption is for.19:15
ikoniacoventry: no, it's really not19:15
zykotick9ikonia: ahhh no, single user mode usually prompts for a root password19:15
ikoniazykotick9: no, not if you change init - which in essence what recovery mode does19:15
coventryikonia: Oh, yeah, someone could trojan the request for the key, couldn't they.19:17
ikoniacoventry: err no19:17
ikoniacoventry: the point of recover shell is the disk is mounted, so for the disk to be mounted it would need to be unencrypted, which makes your point invalid19:18
MaddethHey all, any sysadmins here?19:22
hitsujiTMOMaddeth: why not just ask the actual question you want answered19:23
OxDeadC0deprobably everyone here Maddeth19:23
MaddethLooking for advice on capacity planning19:24
hitsujiTMOMaddeth: you'll have to give more detail than that, some an open ended question is unlikely to get answered. try be more specific and give some background19:25
pfifoMaddeth: it works better if you ask a question19:25
MaddethhitsujiTMO: I understand that, apologies as I am having 2 conversations at once :)19:26
MaddethhitsujiTMO: pfifo: I am looking for some sore of software, or even a nagios plugin that can help me predict if and when my VSphere datastores are going to run out of CPU, RAM and Disk capacity19:29
hitsujiTMOMaddeth: it might also be worthwhile asking the question in #ubuntu-server and maybe the guys in #vmware can give you a solution within vsphere19:33
MaddethI have been writing a web front end to pull disk data from nagios based on the host and graph it, I could do the same for RAM and CPU easily enough, but I want to compare it to the clusters they are on19:33
MaddethhitsujiTMO: thanks, will join those now19:34
quizmein the upstart cookbook, it says that session jobs will be looked for in /usr/share/ustart/sessions, but I put a job there and it's not in the list of upstart jobs as advertised in the upstart cookbook.  but if i put my job in /etc/init, it's there.  :~(19:37
jhutchins_wkMaddeth: We have found the reporting from VMware software to be very unreliable.19:37
jhutchins_wkMaddeth: Some fool configured the ram on a test server based on idle averages.  As soon as they tried to run test software it brought the server down.19:38
jhutchins_wkMaddeth: In many ways you just have to get your services up and running and see what they need.19:39
Maddethjhutchins_wk: yeah, we have issues in some of our clusters where if we lose one, we are on the brink of losing the rest due to RAM use19:39
jhutchins_wkThere's another agency in our data center that has servers with two terrabytes of RAM.19:40
Maddethjhutchins_wk: We have everything up and running, I am just trying to get some service improvement in place19:40
pfifojhutchins_wk: but yet l3 cache is still measured in megabytes19:42
Maddethjhutchins_wk: I have nothing of that magnitude, we have just under 400Gb of RAM on one cluster and just under 200Gb on it's sister cluster19:46
jhutchins_wkYeah, I think ours are 128 or 256/server.19:47
jhutchins_wkI think our maximum per guest is 16, maybe a couple 32's.19:48
Jeatonive upgraded to 13.10 awhile back, since then Im constantly getting those system program problem detected errors, later on the desktop crashes19:53
=== Copper_ is now known as Guest74390
Jeatonand steam doesn't seem to run anymore19:54
Jeatonanybody else having major issues since the upgrade?19:54
demirulezhello, someone know how i can enable wake up from suspend with USB mouse? Using Ubuntu 12.04.3, kernel 3.5.0-18-generic19:57
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest66746
demirulezhello, someone know how i can enable wake up from suspend with USB mouse please? Using Ubuntu 12.04.3 on kernel 3.5.0-18-generic20:07
arnishi. Installed fresh ubuntu 13.10, installed nginx-extras, uncomented gzip options in main config and I got Segmentation fault. Any ideas?20:12
paramhow to fix this ?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491044/20:12
douglcan someone tanslate this - UPDATE (name-of-table-you-found) SET user_pass="(MD5-string-you-made)" WHERE ID = (id#-of-account-you-are-reseting-password-for)" (actually changes the password) ?20:13
paramhttp:http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491044/  How to fix    from _sre import MAXREPEAT ImportError: cannot import name MAXREPEAT20:14
douglit is mysql instructions for changing wordpress password to my site that I believe got hacked.20:14
paramhttp:http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491044/  How to fix    from _sre import MAXREPEAT ImportError: cannot import name MAXREPEAT20:15
mast3r210_ragazzi ho un problema con il mio asus mi rimangono sempre accese le ventole del mio pc20:17
Maddethdougl: not sure what you need translating20:17
adanoobhey all! got myself a lightdm problem... blank screen, I have attempted to reset/reinstall but still no go, HELP TIA20:17
adanoobI'm without a working system for couple of weeks now...20:18
daftykinswow, you haven't been able to google for 2 weeks?!20:18
adanoobfunny you20:18
adanoobtried all sorts of solution shy of blasting the system ans reinstall20:19
douglMaddeth, I am unsure of how mysql works and I am following "http://codex.wordpress.org/Resetting_Your_Password#Through_MySQL_Command_Line" the instructions to change password via mysql cuz the other howto do not work... can you hlep me with this?20:19
hitsujiTMOdougl: if you don't understand sql, then you shouldn't be blindly looking up statements. You should hire someone to fix the issue, discover how you got hacked, discover what info was taken/modified and then reinstall the system and plug the hole that left someone into your system20:19
Maddethdougl: can you log onto mysql via the shell?20:19
douglMaddeth, yes20:19
douglMaddeth, I have never worked with mysql so I dont know what to expect with the commands so I dont know if I am using the correct variables...20:20
douglhitsujiTMO, is that your impersonation of a helpful person - thank you :)20:21
* dougl is just trying to learn.20:21
sventonhi all. I have some problems with my keybord mapping and have now (finally) been able to find a guide showing how to solve the problem. Unfortunally the guide is writen for  gnome desktop and I running xfc4.20:23
hitsujiTMOdougl: i'm being serious here. there's potential for you to do a lot more damage and you currently do not know what was compromised and if the system is still compromised ( did the attacker leave a backdoor anywhere so that they can override any changes you make if you attempt to regain control of the system )20:23
Maddethdougl: I have a wordpress site, I will log on and try and walk you through it20:23
sventondo you know if everyhing you can do in gnome also is posible using xfc4 ?20:23
MaddethhitsujiTMO: sounds to me more like a website hijack than server based, or they would have changed the root password to the server and ore mysql20:24
xanguasventon: why you wouldn't¿20:24
Maddethore? or*20:25
hitsujiTMOMaddeth: yes, but they may have left a script there to allow the attacker to again change the password. hence why it needs to be propperly investigated20:25
douglhitsujiTMO, I don't even know if I was hacked... your suggestions are appreciated but I don't really have a budget for a site that explains my computer setup or my cute pets... there is no reason to hack it so I doubt anyone will be back20:25
MaddethhitsujiTMO: true20:25
sventonxangua: I can't find the "System->Preferences->Keyboard" settings for "Apple" as diskcribed here: http://javahacker.com/how-to-setup-ubuntu-under-macos-x-on-a-macbook-with-swedish-keyboard-svenskt-tangentbord-using-virtualbox/20:26
Maddethdougl: there is plenty reason to hack it, eg, using it as part of a botnet20:26
douglMaddeth, ah - learning... thank you...20:26
xanguasventon: I wouldn't follow a guide from several years to begin with; but I am sure you can easily find xfce configuration using a graphical interface20:27
xanguasventon: there is #xubuntu if it helps, haven't used xfce in years20:28
linux69spanish please20:28
DJones!es | linux6920:29
[Gentoo]linux69: this is english channel20:29
ubottulinux69: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:29
linux69que maire hps20:29
MorkelDoes anyone know how i can disable the config.privoxy.org at privoxy?20:30
[Gentoo]Morkel: what do you mean20:30
Maddethdougl: from mysql : SHOW DATABASES;20:30
[Gentoo]Morkel: ah20:31
Morkel[Gentoo]: privoxy has a config page you can find it with config.privoxy.org (when you use the proxy) i can not find a way to disable it20:31
[Gentoo]yeah i use it, im looking through my config file20:31
[Gentoo]Morkel: do you want to block that page, or disallow people from changing the settings?20:32
Maddethdougl: locate your database for wordpress, so lets say mine is called wordpress20:33
Morkel[Gentoo]: Block, i found the 'disallow from changing' option but i dont want that people can see the config20:33
Maddethdougl: USE wordpress;20:33
Maddethdougl: you should get : "Database changed"20:33
douglMaddeth, did you have a look at the site I was trying to... what you are explaining I can do - sec I will catch up20:34
[Gentoo]Morkel: no idea on that, except add the url to /etc/hosts?20:35
kaddiiis there a tool to test gpu functionality?20:35
sventonxangua: I will try #xubuntu, didn't know about that chanel. Yes the guide is old but is the only one I been able to find describing my problem. The menu are still almost the same in new versions of gnome aren't they ?20:35
Maddethdougl: I know what it is trying to do, I wasn't sure how far you got and thought it was better to start from the beginning :)20:35
[Gentoo]Morkel: nor sure if theres a built in (privoxy) way of disabling it20:35
Morkel[Gentoo]: Thx, i think its not possible20:35
[Gentoo]Morkel: yeah i dont think it is possible, maybe report it to them20:36
douglMaddeth, agreed - step 7 is where I am stumbling20:36
Mech0zanyone know if ubuntu is better at power consumption compared to say win8 or win8.1?20:38
douglMaddeth, pm?20:38
[Gentoo]Mech0z: i doubt it20:38
Maddethdougl: sure20:39
AmunRaHello, I am trying to install ubuntu and X refuses to start, box freezes. How can I force X during setup to stick to a generic video driver?20:40
douglMaddeth, I don't know how to ... thanks20:40
jonny5aliveubottu: When i boot it 12.04 LTS it tells me waiting for network and then booting without it, i checked /etc/network/interfaces and everything appears correct, yet I cannot enable my wireless (laptop) or get the OS to recognize that cat5 is plugged in. I have the same install (to a 2nd usb key) in this desktop right now as we speak which works fine20:40
ubottujonny5alive: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:40
jonny5alivecan anyone help me enable my network connections?20:41
Morkel[Gentoo]: i found a dirty workaround. When you change /etc/privoxy/templates to /etc/privoxy/templates-old privoxy can not find the status templates20:44
jonny5aliveIs there any information I can provide that will enable someone to help me resolve the issue? I have been googling but nothing has been helpful so far.20:44
geirhajonny5alive: Why are you not using network manager?20:44
daftykinsAmunRa: does it freeze or does it just boot to a black screen?20:44
OerHeksjonny5alive, is this a surface laptop ?20:44
DeepBluedoes ubuntu support Mate DE?20:44
k1lDeepBlue: nope20:45
jonny5aliveNo, HP. By the way I have other USB keys with the same install from teh same cd that work fine20:45
jonny5alivegeirha: Im not choosing to do anything other than let the system boot with the default configuration20:45
jonny5aliveit simply does not grab a IP address from DHCP from the router, nor does it allow me to enable my wireles20:45
OerHeksjonny5alive, so the making of the usb went bad?20:45
jonny5aliveDerheks: I dont know, do you think that is a option? Seems strange that the entire OS would function but this aspec t would not20:46
jonny5aliveFrustrating since it takes like 4 hours to prepare the usb :-/20:46
jonny5aliveAre there any troubleshoot steps I can do to isolate the issue before presuming its a bad install?20:47
OerHeksjonny5alive, you said you have other usb keys with the same install worked fine, so use them20:47
AmunRait boots to a black screen, after that, CTRL-ALT-F1 doesn't go to the terminal20:47
jonny5aliveDerheks: They are for other purposes. I will use them each respectivley for their purpose20:47
jonny5alivei would prefer to fix the issue rather than presume 'the install is bad'20:47
jonny5aliveusually if you have a network issue, its driver related20:48
OerHeksjonny5alive,  do a MD5sum on the usb20:48
jonny5aliveThe usb was created using the alternate iso with encrypted lvm, to what purpose would the md5sum achieve?20:48
HexSquidhitsujiTMO: geekmasterflash: thanks for helping me out the other day20:48
jonny5alivethis finally resolved the problem20:52
jonny5aliveNext time please advise people on basic steps before telling them "reinstall the OS"20:53
jonny5alivegood day.20:53
Beldarhehe had they looked on the web they would never have been here to be a jerk20:53
academiaohola hola20:54
ubottuAlexxthek: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:55
DanatoAfter logging in, Im always asked to enter my password again to unlock my keyring. how do i fix that?20:58
new0hey everyone, i have 6G of Memory but ubuntu use only 1GB how is that? and how can i change it?20:59
hitsujiTMOnew0 open more applications20:59
Beldarnew0, use more apps20:59
Beldarget on gthe seti grid21:00
new0hitsujiTMO, Beldar once this channel told on how i can list my drives and i got the memory that said 1G instead of 6G21:01
hitsujiTMOnew0: can you pastebin the output of: free -m21:01
new0hitsujiTMO, sure21:01
new0hitsujiTMO, would u like to give me the CMD and i will copy & paste it into the terminal?21:02
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
hitsujiTMOnew0: can you also pastebin the output of: df -h21:02
hitsujiTMOnew0 yes paste that into the terminal, then pastebin the output21:03
new0hitsujiTMO, how can i do that from the terminal by one command?21:03
new0hitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/dq2F2jQm21:04
hitsujiTMOnew0: easiest thing to do install pastebinit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:04
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
hitsujiTMOnew0: you have 5952 MBs RAM and you're using 3743 MBs21:05
new0hitsujiTMO, and how can i use it?21:05
hitsujiTMOnew0 ignore the pastebinit thing, you pasted the content already21:06
mika__can someone redirect me to some room where people know lot about viruses and virus clients?21:07
new0hitsujiTMO, right, tnx. also is there a way to to open Task Manager? and for the future to use that pastebin how can i do the command? because i remmeber that once i already did it21:07
gndlpjoin ##linux21:08
hitsujiTMOnew0: install pastebint: sudo apt-get install pastebinit           then you can pipe the command output into pastebinit:    free -m | pastebinit21:08
gndlplol sorry21:09
daftykinsmika__: viruses... and Ubuntu...!?21:09
hitsujiTMOnew0: the "task manager" is syatem monitor. just open it in the menu21:10
new0hitsujiTMO, tnx. and wow i just did: "free -m & df -h " this is so cool21:10
mika__daftykins:  nope, i mean this is general place for me to ask something like this, because majority here understands computers xD21:10
new0hitsujiTMO, wow. Thank You :)21:11
mika__daftykins: i don't irc so much, so i just want to know if someone knows some room where i can get more info about citadel-virus21:12
douglMaddeth, great help thank you very much... good luck with your challenges - let me know when you want to change your splash screen lol21:12
Beldar!alis | mika__21:12
ubottumika__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:12
Maddethdougl: haha, not a problem, will do ;)21:12
mika__Beldar:  thank you :)21:12
douglLOL - very good to meet Maddeth and hitsujiTMO21:12
Ari-Yangwhen I launch synaptic package manager, I get this: Could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (2: No such file or directory)21:13
Ari-YangE: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:13
Ari-Yangwhy do I get this?21:13
Ari-Yanghttp://gyazo.com/80c44cc6f614f72e8cf0b938454ae8d4.png here's a screen shot21:13
Ari-YangI'm ubuntu 12.1021:14
hitsujiTMOari-yang: i think thats a list of the packages in the repo: try rerunning: sudo apt-get update21:16
Ari-YanghitsujiTMO: I did, didn't get anything unusual at all21:17
Dudytzhi all! I have a ubuntu minimal installation (saucy) in a virtual machine. I see that in the tasksel list the Ubuntu Gnome not appears ... what is the package to install via apt-get to install the gnome environment without the unity packages?21:17
HounddogHi everyone, i am having some trouble... actually currently i want to move my home folder to a new hd and when trying to mount the hd now i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491305/21:17
Ari-YanghitsujiTMO: nvm it works now21:17
Ari-Yangdidn't think of re-launching synaptic after running apt-get update :b21:18
daftykinsDudytz: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search gnome21:18
hitsujiTMODudytz: gnome-shell or gnome-panel afaik21:18
DudytzI do this ... but, what is the key package to install all the gnome requeriments?21:18
geirhaDudytz: ubuntu-desktop gives you all the packages you'll have in a standard ubuntu desktop install21:19
Hassendoh..don't know why isn't YUMI doing working/bootable LIVE ubuntu CD anymore,strange21:19
Isualinhey everyone, anyone encountered a problem with octave, openmpi and libarpack2? i had to remove openmpi to be able to install libarpack221:19
Hounddog error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240) ... if anyone can help on that21:20
daftykinsHounddog: looks like it doesn't like whatever options you've put in /etc/fstab - can you pastebin fstab?21:20
Hounddogdaftykins: sure  give me a sec21:20
somanWhy opera works slow after some minutes after run? Opera 12.16.1860, Linux i686, 3.2.0-57-generic, precise. I need it to restart every time. Full OS became unavailable while Opera is running. Installed plugins: Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202, IcedTea-Web Plugin (using IcedTea-Web 1.2.3 (1.2.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.3)). No messages from terminal.21:20
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
Hounddogdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491315/21:21
daftykinsHounddog: does that ~ appear in the end of the file or is that just a funny paste? i'd take that out if so21:21
Hounddogdaftykins: ack forget it21:22
daftykinsHounddog: did you solve it?21:22
Hounddogdaftykins: that~ appears in vim21:22
adanoobI have tried: sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install --reinstall lightdm   BUT still I get a flickering then blank screen on login screen, A USB booted Ubuntu works fine though... help  TIA21:22
Hounddogdaftykins: i think so... i should also change it to ext4 :p21:22
daftykinsHounddog: so the 0 2 also looks odd to me21:23
daftykinsHounddog: i did find it odd that you had one of each21:23
oncaI installed a PCIe ssd but I cant find it in dmesg or lspci, any suggestions?21:23
Hounddogdaftykins: now it works...21:23
Hounddogso... now to move that darn home folder over21:24
hitsujiTMOHounddog: change that 2 to 1 or 0   for /media/home21:24
daftykinsonca: which drive is it?21:24
HounddoghitsujiTMO: can you actually tell me what that is for?21:25
oncaDaftyKins, OCz 120GB pcie 2 4x21:25
hitsujiTMOHounddog: its achecking order. normally you'd have it as 0 tbh21:26
daftykinsonca: a revodrive?21:26
HounddoghitsujiTMO: ahh ok21:26
HounddoghitsujiTMO: thank you for the information21:26
daftykinsonca: which ubuntu are you trying to put on it / use it with?21:26
hitsujiTMOHounddog: its for fsck21:26
oncaDaftyKins, 13.1021:27
daftykinsonca: are you trying to install to it but no disks come up in the partition manager?21:27
zykotick9onca: i hope your OCZ doesn't fail (inside warranty) - see they're declaring bankrupcy?21:27
daftykins^i was kind of shocked21:27
ChirsGot a graphics driver query, if someone can help that'd be appreciated, please.21:27
ChirsSeriously? OCZ gone bankrupt?21:28
daftykinsChirs: ask the question :)21:28
daftykinsthey're dead.21:28
ChirsThat's a real shame.21:28
oncame too. thats too bad..21:28
KuleHello u :)21:29
KuleHellou ;)21:29
oncastap it kule21:29
daftykinsonca: "sudo apt-get install dmraid" and it should see your revodrive21:29
ChirsThe 319-update drivers for Nvidia that come up in software centre - are they the ones for the 780 GTX, the 319.23 update, please?21:29
ChronicLlamaeveryone in this channel has died21:29
adanoobcan anybody help with my lightdm blank screen issue ? tried some resetting stuff, but no difference21:29
oncacool thanks21:29
daftykinsonca: if it's the revodrive 3 apparently there is no support: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181522121:31
rejdadanoob, when on blank screen->press ctrl+alt+f121:32
rejdlog in21:32
rejdand run21:32
rejdsudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:32
rejdsudo shutdown -h now21:32
adanoobrejd: no, it's on the login screen, ctl+alt+F1 does not work then21:32
rejdyou can't see the login?21:32
rejdi had a similair problem21:33
Kulejoin #services21:33
rejdonly, mine screen went black after logging21:33
dandediliamy problem is, i am the linux god!21:33
adanooboh I have that also... but first things first, I need a working login screen21:33
adanoobermm I had that also.... I should say21:34
adanoobit just became worse21:34
Bray90820How would i quiet the fans on my 2010 Mac Pro21:35
Hounddogthx for the help, was able to move my home folder without probs21:36
Bray90820I'm running Ubuntu 13.1021:36
SJrI just tried upgrading to Kubuntu 13.10 from 13.04. When the system rebooted it stuck me into FIlesystem check or mount failed. I cant seem to get the system to boot up again. How do I check which filesystem has the problem?21:36
hitsujiTMOSJr: go into grub and edit the boot options. remove "quiet splash"  this will get you a more verbose output21:38
frojndHI  there. How do I tell terminalEmulator to print something automatically when I open it?21:38
frojndIt's xfce4-terminal to be precise...21:38
frojndI have this terminal on desktop and when I click it I'd like it to print a message there automatically. How do I do that?21:39
SJrhitsujiTMO: there doesnt seem to be any problem21:40
SJrthe last line is drm enabling rc6 states. The previous line is ata5 sata link down.21:40
SJrOh it seems the dpkg install didnt complete, when Kubuntu asked me to reinstall it wasnt done would be my guess.21:41
hitsujiTMOSjr: simplest fix is a reinstall i guess21:42
san_hi everyone, last night everything was ok, but today I'm having this issue, any gtk app , like mypaint, gimp or inkscape has no pressure sensitive if I launch them normal way (blender is working fine for sculpting with my tablet). but If I launch them with gksu or gksudo my graphic tablet works fine, with pressure sensitive for mypaint and gimp, but  inkscape still failling even with this method.21:43
san_note,beside gimp2.8, I also have two gimp 2.9 that I've compiled from git, those still working without problem (I didn't add them any personal brush in my home folder), I also have thow gimp-painter 2.8 I've compiled from git, they have their own folder for brushes and dynamics, those have the same issue as the main gimp 2.8, they only work properly if launch with gksudo21:43
san_graphic tablet, non wacom , brand:genius mousepen 8x6 (evdev driver)21:43
san_system ubuntustudio 13.04 64bit21:43
FloodBot1san_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
SJrI hope I can just do the dpkg --configure -a21:43
san_does anyone know how to solve this problem? or21:43
Bray90820How would i quiet the fans on my 2010 Mac Pro I am running ubuntu 13.1021:44
hitsujiTMOsjr: you could maybe boot a live cd and chroot in and try it that way21:44
zykotick9san_: if you have to launch GUI apps with gksudo - something is VERY wrong...  PS. I have no idea however21:44
=== gabriele is now known as Guest23195
hitsujiTMOsjr: but normally for issues stemming from upgrades a clean reinstall is the way to go21:45
adanoobhell, I'm absolutely sick of this21:45
SJrYeah no cd drive. After I get something up and running I may reinstall but we will see if I need too.21:46
adanoobgonna go re-install route, tired of searching around for "lightdm blank screen" and stuff21:46
dougladanoob, what are y9our tyrying to do?21:46
adanoobit's amazing that Linux still plagued by these problems21:46
dougljust got back21:46
adanoobdougl: like I said, trying to recover from blank screen on login screen21:47
adanoobdougl: I had Nvidia related issues, tried to solve them, then found myself with even worse problem which is blank screen at login21:48
adanooball I get now is the root login on the recovery console - that's it21:48
hitsujiTMOadanoob: have you tried the whole nomodeset malarkey?21:48
dougladanoob, sorry thot it might be something I ... did you try jockeytext?21:48
adanoobwhat? nonodereset !? jockettext ?21:49
hitsujiTMOadanoob: add nomodeset to the grub boot entry21:49
adanoobwhat are those ? and whch should I try first ?21:49
dougladanoob, jockey-text will install nvidia propietary driv ers21:49
dougljockey <tab>21:49
douglat a command prompt21:50
adanoobok, so how do I add the nomodereset to grub ?21:50
adanoobfrom the cmd line that is21:50
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | adanoob21:51
ubottuadanoob: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:51
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hitsujiTMOadanoob: reboot to grub, hit e to edit the entry and add nomodeset after quiet splash21:51
adanoobok, will look into this, but I did have a fully working system a while back s...21:51
dougladanoob, let me know if you need help with hitsujiTMO route21:51
Chirsadanoob that happened to me, when I tried to update to 319 recently. Got a black screen. Ended up re-installing but the nomodeset probably would have solved it.21:52
adanoobok, justa sec - I have reverted back to the nouveau driver... so I should try nomodereset first .. I guess21:53
hitsujiTMOadanoob: if that doesnt work use text instead. this should at least get you a full cli21:53
adanooblooking at trhe page21:53
douglhitsujiTMO, what is the grub config file to make your suggestion permanent21:53
hitsujiTMOadanoob: nomodeset as in no mode set         not nomodereset21:53
hitsujiTMOadanoob: dougl the perm is /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub but i'd try it on a once off attempt first21:54
Chirsspeaking of which - when you update proprietary drivers, is deactivating old ones and activating new ones the way to go, please?21:54
douglhitsujiTMO, agreed21:55
dougljust wanted to be prepared if you were busy21:55
motaka2hello, I want to try to install sqlite for php on ubuntu 12.04 but i get this error:  http://codepaste.net/hsmhhb21:57
bekksmotaka2: Read the last line of your paste.21:58
oncaif my system hangs during shutdown and appears to have some errors during boot, how can i figure out what is wrong?21:58
hitsujiTMOonca: hunt for errors in dmesg and syslog21:59
bekksonca: Well, tell us which errors you can see.21:59
motaka2bekks: I don't get that what does it mean without package?21:59
douglmotaka2, apt-get -f install21:59
douglsudo apt-get -f install21:59
motaka2dougl: what would that command do ?22:00
hitsujiTMOonca: can you install pastebinit and run: dmesg | pastebinit22:00
bekksmotaka2: It will try to fix your broken packages.22:00
zykotick9motaka2: -f is fix22:00
douglmotaka2, force the install of broken or missing packages.22:00
motaka2thank you, it is processing22:01
douglfix... I thot force22:01
oncahitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491483/22:01
motaka2bekks: zykotick9 dougl http://codepaste.net/21rx5722:02
adanoobback, if I did that right (the nomodest) it made no difference - need to establish if I did that right22:03
zykotick9motaka2: sorry, i've never seen that error before - best of luck22:04
motaka2zykotick9: thx22:04
douglmotaka2, dpkg-reconfigure localepurge is what I would do blindly but get confirmation from someone more knowlegeable.22:04
zbrkxbr_hi guys I needhelp I just installed ubuntu and it starts a bit late it gives me an error something like or about nouveu22:05
adanoobwhere should I append the nomodeset ? to the  linux /boot bla bla line in the Grub option ?22:05
oncaHow would i disable samba and nmbd services?22:05
dougladanoob, it worked?22:05
hitsujiTMOonca: not seeing anything odd. can you give more details of the error you're referring to22:05
adanoobdougl: but I need to establish if I did the thing right22:06
adanoobhence my question: where should I append the nomodeset ? to the linux /boot bla bla line in the Grub option ?22:06
douglon your boot option in your grub entry you hit e and add it to the end and then boot with that option...22:06
motaka2dougl: what does sqlite has to do with that ?22:06
bekks!nomodeset | adanoob22:06
ubottuadanoob: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:06
oncahitsujiTMO, thanks, well my system boots fine but I think some services are failing. also, i have services running i cant disable like smb and nmbd22:06
bekksadanoob: Please see the link.22:07
hitsujiTMOadanoob: yup thats about right. can you try text instead.   text will allow you to log in under cli if its an issue with the xserver22:07
motaka2who is more knowlegable?22:07
motaka2bekks: do u know what I should do ?22:07
douglmotaka2, I have  no idea prolly nothing but the utility is saying that item needs to be fixed and tells you how to fix it.22:07
oncahitsujiTMO, I just think it could be booting much much faster22:07
adanoobbekks: hitsujiTMO had already pointed that out! but the page is full of if/then stuff plus wubi considerations - not clear to determine a clear course of action22:07
zbrkxbr_and now the desktop doesn't open   ok time to give system information  (Asus EEE Pc 1201n - 1.6 Ghz İntel Atom x4 - nvdia ION graphics - include HDMI output - 3 GB RAM)22:08
motaka2dougl: it warns me me if I run dpkg-reconfigure localepurge   it will remove all locale files22:08
adanoobhitsujiTMO: where should I place the text option ?22:08
hitsujiTMOonca: well its booting in about 30 seconds. is this a SSD?22:08
hitsujiTMOadanoob: where you put the nomodeset22:08
douglmotaka2, I doubt it but cannot say forsure... but your command yeilded that instruction for the errors it encountered22:09
oncahitsujiTMO, thats a hybrid drive. http://odium.mooo.com:81 is my system specifications.22:09
douglmotaka2, I think it will purge the broken items tho22:10
adanoobhitsujiTMO: sorry, i inadvertently closed the window and left channel, can you repeat your last instructionb to me please ? thanks22:10
hitsujiTMOonca: can you pastebin the output of: lsblk22:11
hitsujiTMOadanoob: put text where you put the nomodeset22:11
zbrkxbr_[13.804342] nouveu E[    PBUS][0000:05:00.0] MMIO fead of 0x000000008 FAULT a t 0x0x100228      anybody know what is that22:11
oncahitsujiTMO:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491521/22:12
bekkszbrkxbr_: Out of context, it is hard to guess.22:12
bekkszbrkxbr_: Pastebin the entire source where you got that line from please.22:12
zbrkxbr_bekks thats all of the line22:12
zbrkxbr_it shown at the booting22:12
bekkszbrkxbr_: Then pastebin "dmesg" please.22:13
adanoobhitsujiTMO: uff! so with text I got myself a login finally!22:13
adanoobnow... jokeytext ?22:13
dougladanoob, no22:13
zbrkxbr_I can't because I can't reach the desktop22:13
zbrkxbr_are there anyway to do it with rec console22:14
dougladanoob, you are at a desktop or a tty login?22:14
bekkszbrkxbr_: Whats "rec console"?22:14
adanoobdougl: tty login22:14
hitsujiTMOadanoob: no, first can you install pastebinit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit      then run: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log           note the capital X22:14
zbrkxbr_recorvery console22:14
bekks!pastebinit | zbrkxbr_22:14
ubottuzbrkxbr_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:14
zbrkxbr_ctrl - alt f12 and ctrl-alt f1/2/3/422:14
dougladanoob, hitsujiTMO is with us still lets follow his trane of thot...22:15
KuleHellou anyone, what does it mean when I open pm window message: "Error opening log file and then some user.log"?22:15
zbrkxbr_|   how can I write it :S22:15
adanoobdougl: hitsujiTMO yeah ok! thanks22:15
bekkszbrkxbr_: dmesg | pastebinit22:15
oncahitsujiTMO: how do i interpret service --status-all > http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491530/ and why cant i ever disable bluetooth cups nmdb samba etc?22:16
adanoobhitsujiTMO: paste.ubuntu.com/649154322:17
xyzgot a quick question: what are the two methods for temporarily adding the IP to interface tap022:17
hitsujiTMOonca: i'm not familiar with those services tbh. there could be a whole number of reasons why22:17
adanoobhitsujiTMO: looking at it also via another PC22:17
adanoobthis PC actually22:17
hitsujiTMOonca: btw: to dump the full output of that command you need to use: service --status-all &> file22:20
zbrkxbr_bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491545/22:20
oncaoh, got it, thank you  hitsujiTMO22:20
layke_Hey. Installed 12.04. Did an inadvertant upgrade to development 14.04. Any way to get back to a LTS release?22:20
dougladanoob, I am lost... hitsujiTMO is going somewhere but it seems beyond me...22:20
bekkslayke_: No, you have to reinstall.22:21
hitsujiTMOadanoob: that file says that xserver is loading normally. this is run from the problematic pc right?22:21
pfifolayke_: yes, format and reinstall22:21
layke_bekks, Okay cheers. If I stick on this 14.04, willl this prevent me from upgrade in future?22:21
* dougl is resigning himself to a cheering squad for adanoob and hitsujiTMO 22:21
adanoobhitsujiTMO: yes, of course :)22:21
layke_I don't have the energy right now to sit through another 90 minutes of config etc. So I'll live with 14.04 for the time being. Just want to know what headaches I should expect in the future.22:22
adanoobdougl: lol, don't leave us, we need all the cheering we can get !!22:22
hitsujiTMOadanoob: can you try: dmesg | pastebinit22:22
adanoobhitsujiTMO: sure, one sec22:22
pfifolayke_: 14.04 is unstable22:22
adanoobhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/649157122:23
dougladanoob, I am not going anywhere - lol, as useless as I am I know from my own experience when it comes to linux the answers come from perseverance and good company and we have both here22:23
pfifofunny, in my experience the answers come from the source22:24
* adanoob is thankfull for dougl and hitsujiTMO :)22:24
douglhitsujiTMO, did you need all the dmesg output? dont you want to 'tail'?22:26
pfifodougl: all22:26
hitsujiTMOdougl: nope. full lot. dmesg is an ongoing log right from boot22:26
* dougl sits quietly to learn from the pros22:27
adanoobhitsujiTMO: whats this " [Firmware Bug]: Duplicate ACPI video bus devices for the same VGA controller, please try module parameter "video.allow_duplicates=1"if the current driver doesn't work."22:27
hitsujiTMOadanoob: its an interesting message that may point towards your issue. but before you try it: what gpu do you have? and what nvidia driver did you install? you're on the nvidia driver not nouveau btw22:31
adanoobyes video driver nouveau currently22:31
zbrkxbr_guys I need help :S22:31
adanoobGPU is stated somewhere in the last log, I'll try to dig it out22:31
zbrkxbr_and I don't ask to ask I asked already and gived the information that you needed :S22:32
adanoobhitsujiTMO: NVIDIA GPU Quadro NVS 110M (G7222:32
pfifozbrkxbr_: what the issue?22:33
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hitsujiTMOadanoob: nvidia is still loaded. looks like you've a legacy card. can you try: dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia | pastebinit22:33
douglI had a notebook with 2 video cards in it... intel and nvidia 105 there were issues with that config22:33
adanoobI can try that yes, one sec... or two22:34
adanoobhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/649162022:35
hitsujiTMOadanoob: what version of ubuntu is this?22:36
adanooblatest one22:36
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adanoob13.10 ?22:36
adanoobhitsujiTMO: before I have followed instructions at http://askubuntu.com/questions/41681/blank-screen-after-installing-nvidia-restricted-driver22:36
hitsujiTMOadanoob: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-173 nvidia-common nvidia-settings-30422:36
adanoobhitsujiTMO: shouldn't that be already done with: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*22:37
hitsujiTMOadanoob: yes but it clearly hasnt.    actuall you can leave in nvidia-common. just purge the other 2: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-173 nvidia-settings-30422:39
adanoobhitsujiTMO: too lae22:39
adanoobnvidia-common is gone22:39
adanoobhitsujiTMO: should I install it again ?22:39
hitsujiTMOadanoob: nah, try rebooting and see what happens22:39
adanoobhitsujiTMO: ai .... let's see22:40
adanoobhitsujiTMO: whoa!!! I got myself a GUI login screen back !!! what would you know....22:41
adanoobso the instructions on the page are wrong... damm it22:42
dougladanoob, there is always one piece of the puzzle missing22:42
hitsujiTMOadanoob: they may be a bit outdated22:42
adanoobhitsujiTMO: dougl   AND I CAN LOGIN TO THE GUI !!!!!22:43
douglhitsujiTMO, adanoob excellent work you guys... glad I could be a good cheering squad.22:43
* adanoob can't thank enough to hitsujiTMO and to dougl !!! thanks guys22:43
hitsujiTMO!yay | adanoob22:44
ubottuadanoob: Glad you made it! :-)22:44
pfifothis wouldnt have been possible without dougl's cheering22:44
adanoobhitsujiTMO: saf to say that problems were due to leftover from nvidia-common ?22:44
hitsujiTMOadanoob: not nvidia-common. the nvidia-17322:45
adanoobhitsujiTMO: but why ? was it being loaded ? I think I was at nouveau no ?22:45
* dougl feels alone when his linux boxes are not behaving... I know that good company calms me down so that is what I was going for.22:46
hitsujiTMOadanoob: nvidia-common is just a set of common nvidia bits. its not actually anything that gets loaded. nope it was still there so it was getting loaded instead of nvidia.22:46
adanoobhitsujiTMO: now I'm scared to even try te restricted drivers, I dunno which one should work, even though I did have 304 and 304-updates running22:46
hitsujiTMOadanoob: you're not going ot gain any benefit from reistrcted drivers with your gpu22:47
bekksadanoob: before switching drivers, just ensure the "old" one is fully uninstalled.22:47
adanoobdougl: I know that feeling.... and good company does help!22:47
pfifoi hear noaveau is actually getting pretty good, but the restricted drivers are still the best22:47
criptoHappy turkey day guys.22:47
dougladanoob, agreed... you are thinking of updating your driver for a 105 card?22:48
adanoobhitsujiTMO: I know from past experience that I do gain a much much zippier screen with restricted drivers22:48
criptoquick question, if password logins are disabled on my server, ie, no one can ssh in without my rsa key, is it safe to assume that bad passwords are safe22:48
adanoobdougl:  105 card ?22:48
douglyour nvidia gfx card?22:48
* dougl may be getting 2 machines mixed up22:49
adanoobhitsujiTMO: doug  yeah I'm thinking of using those restricted drivers, because, they have worked just a while back, and response is so much better, i.e. with nouveau  the unity interface is un-usable22:49
bekksadanoob: yeah, and using the latest nvidia-updates drivers from the stock repos should work fine for your graphics card.22:50
geekmasterflashadanoob, I am running nvidia as well, the 319 driver is very good but I can't say that nvidia-current or nvidia-331 are worth installing22:51
oncaokay, this is dumb, nothing I do will disable these services..22:51
bekksonca: We dont know what you are doing...?22:51
adanoobgeekmasterflash: I don't have those choices in my system22:51
oncabekks, trying to disable bluetooth and samba22:51
geekmasterflashadanoob, What do you plan to do with it?22:51
geekmasterflashadanoob, I game with mine22:52
pfifoonca: to disable an upstart service tack 'start on never' to the end of the .conf file for it in /etc/init/22:52
oncabekks, I used service blah remove and update-rc.d blah remove22:52
hyliani installed crunchbang and now win 7 won't boot. the boot loader is still there though, becuase it tells me to rnu my win repair cd. i really don't want to wip the hd and start over, can anyone help me?22:52
geekmasterflashadanoob, If you aren't gaming, I can't really say the noveau drivers are bad22:52
oncapfifo thanks22:52
adanoobgeekmasterflash: o I don't game, most I use it is for photo editing22:52
bekkshylian: crunchbang isnt supported in here.22:52
geekmasterflashadanoob, ah, that might need the proprietary drivers22:52
tonythylian the bcd store probly needs fixing22:52
adanoobgeekmasterflash: so how do I disable that animated gradient appearance of the unity menu ? takes 5 seconds just to become fully available22:53
hylianbekks: i know, but the cb channel is a dead doornail. I was hoping someone dealt with ubuntu/win7 probs before and could give me a heads up22:53
douglbekks, what kind of card did adanoob have 110m 105m 330m - lol22:53
geekmasterflashadanoob, I don't use unity22:53
bekkshylian: the unavailability of crunchbang support doesnt make it supported in here.22:53
Spr1ng/boot is full, how do I use apt-get to remove old kernels and initrds ?22:53
tonythylian use a win 7 install cd to fix the boot record of win 722:53
adanoobdougl: NVIDIA GPU Quadro NVS 110M (G72  - from a Dell latitude d620  somewhat old machine yeah22:53
hyliantonyt: so how do i do that... never heard of the bcd store...22:53
tonythylian its an entry thats made by windows 7 when its installed to your hard drive22:54
dougladanoob, thanks22:54
hyliantonyt, if i do that, how do i recover the wiped grun2?22:54
pfifo!grub | hylian this is about as much as you can get from this channel (maybe !uefi could help):22:54
ubottuhylian this is about as much as you can get from this channel (maybe !uefi could help):: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:54
hitsujiTMOadanoob: install unity-tweak-tool disable background blur22:54
tonytim not sure about the grub part of it22:54
adanoobhitsujiTMO: oh I've done all that already22:55
adanoobhitsujiTMO: but still, how do I disable the fadein effect of unity ?22:55
hylianbekks: i appreciate that. I am asking for some kindness because I am in a sticky situation.22:55
adanoobhitsujiTMO: fade in effect of the unity window or interface22:55
Ilmen2Hello;  I'll probably try installing Ubuntu tomorrow; if I understood correctly, apart from the main partition, I'll have to create a swap partition whose size has to equal the amount of RAM of my computer (4GB), right?22:55
pfifoIlmen2: no, you dont have to (I dont) its only recommended22:56
geekmasterflashIlmen2, You dont have to, I usually don't put any swap if I have more than 2 GB of memory22:56
zykotick9Ilmen2: not a bad "rule" to follow.  if you want to hibernate, it's RAM+a little ;)22:56
geekmasterflashIlmen2, If it's a laptop, I do recommend you do22:56
geekmasterflashIlmen2, As you can hibernate it that way22:56
zykotick9!swap | Ilmen222:57
ubottuIlmen2: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:57
hitsujiTMOadanoob: try turning off window animations otherwise i can't think of where an option for that is22:57
Ilmen2okay; can it be created from the installer?22:57
adanoobhitsujiTMO: yeah, trying that22:57
zykotick9Ilmen2: yes22:57
Ilmen2Thanks everyone for the replies :)22:57
Dudytzhi all! how to set (via config files) the gnome-flashback as the default desktop manager in gdm? (ubuntu 13.10)22:57
hitsujiTMOadanoob: otherwise there may be an option in ccsm, but it can be dangerous to poke around there22:58
geekmasterflashDudytz, When you boot to GDM there is a option below your log in prompt that allows you to select session22:58
geekmasterflashDudytz, Change it to Gnome Flashback there22:58
geekmasterflashDudytz, And it will be the default until you change it22:58
DudytzI don't boot gdm22:59
adanoobhitsujiTMO: window animation does not seem to do the trick22:59
Dudytzis a remote session accessed by X forward22:59
geekmasterflashDudytz, Ah, then I don't know.22:59
Dudytzthis is because I say via config files22:59
douglanyone want to see my fully branded and customized 13.10 install? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mpzawtKNGM22:59
pfifodougl: #ubuntu-offtopic does23:01
douglpfifo, thanks ... and sorry too ;)23:02
nishanthanyone know about how to set up compiz23:03
zykotick9nishanth: are you using Unity?  if so, you're using compiz.23:03
geekmasterflashnishanth, I know as much as to run ccsm to customize it23:03
geekmasterflashnishanth, Chances are compiz is already running23:04
nishanthi am using gnome23:04
Spr1ngMy /boot partition is full and I cannot apt-get purge | apt-get autoremove or apt-get -f install without errors about lack of diskspace, however, I'm trying to free diskspace.  How can I fix this?23:04
geekmasterflashnishanth, sudo apt-get install compiz-gnome I believe.23:04
adanoobanybody knows the different between the nvidia drivers 304 and 304-updates ?23:04
zykotick9nishanth: then you're using mutter...23:04
zykotick9nishanth: i don't think gnome3 does compiz... good luck.23:06
geekmasterflashzykotick9, it can. I have it set up to use it.23:07
geekmasterflash!ot | hystero23:07
ubottuhystero: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:07
pfifoSpr1ng: google offered this http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu23:09
Spr1ngpfifo: I went through that already, the problem is I have no space left for apt-get to do it's stuff but I need to purge stuff in order to make space.  See my problem.23:10
Spr1ngpfifo: If I run any of those commands I get disk space errors from apt-get23:11
pfifoSpr1ng: can you pastebin the output of  'df -h'23:11
Spr1ngpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491747/23:11
zykotick9Spr1ng: do you have a lot of packages cached?  "du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/"23:11
Spr1ngzykotick9: its only /boot that is full23:12
zykotick9Spr1ng: ahhh, do you actually need /boot for some reason?23:12
Spr1ngerrr yes23:12
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zykotick9Spr1ng: good luck.23:12
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pfifoSpr1ng: pic one of the old initrds and 'echo -n | sudo tee /boot/initrd.img.whatever'23:13
midgazeHi, in the installer, what happens if you select both the full-disk encryption, and home directory encryption, does it encrypt things twice?23:13
Guest64603hi guys this may be a stupid question but is there anyway to make the ubuntu cursor resemble that from mac?  you know with a red or yellow circle and that when you click yo see it or it makes sounds, is there?23:13
SchrodingersScatmidgaze: home would be twice23:14
midgazeSchrodingersScat: ah, that's pretty bad, and an easy mistake to make23:14
zykotick9Spr1ng: fyi, you made /boot far too small...23:15
hitsujiTMOGuest64603: have a look in gnome-look.org for a cursor theme23:16
Guest64603ok i will, is just that i have been looking for hours on the web now lol ill go check that23:17
Xgateshey guys23:18
XgatesI have an nvidia gpu and wanted to know if I switch over to the nvidia drivers is there a way to keep the plymouth/splash looking good with the higher resolution like nouveau does?23:19
hitsujiTMOGuest64603: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Shere+Khan+X?content=5758823:19
zykotick9Xgates: it IS possible... i forget the details though.  more work then it's worth IMO.23:20
Guest64603hitsujiTMO: thank you!!!!23:20
Xgateszykotick9: yeah I was looking around before, I don't really run Ubuntu, just use it to build Android and the nouveau drivers aren't do great for thermal support, make the chips run hotter...23:21
Xgatesaren't do/to...23:21
glitsj16Xgates: sure, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1994067&p=11993109#post11993109 has instructions .. you can change 'sudo emacs' in those by 'sudo nano' for cli edits or by 'gksudo gedit' for gui edits23:22
Spr1ngpfifo: thanks that worked23:23
hitsujiTMOxgates: nouveau has massive power management improvements in kernel 3.1223:23
Xgateshmm well is Ubuntu going to get 3.12 anytime soon?23:23
xyzhow would i go about retrieving the contents of root crontab file from multiple servers?23:23
hitsujiTMOXgates: you can install the mainline if you want to try it23:23
Xgatesok thx23:24
ISOcratesI have a PC running Ubuntu 12.04 x64 in my basement and a brand new server running Ubuntu 13.10 Server x64 with RAID 10 also set up in my basement.  I just ran a speed test from each of them (one after the other) and I got drastically different speeds.  I have never set up a server using RAID 10 before so maybe I did something wrong.  Here is a screenshot, any thoughts would be much appreciated:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23:24
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Bad link.23:25
ISOcratesk one sec23:25
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Well they are on two different ISPs23:27
geekmasterflashISOcrates, So your speed issue could be carrier23:27
XgatesI forget, for my resolution how can I check what it supports for plymouth?23:27
hitsujiTMOISOcrates: your net speeds have nothing to do with raid.23:27
ikoniaISOcrates: why do you think the difference in speed has anything to do with raid ?23:27
ikoniaISOcrates: there could be many reasons for different23:27
ISOcratesJust thought it might be a write speed issue, really didn't know :/23:27
geekmasterflashISOcrates, It looks like one box is on Comcast and the other is on Towerstream and you are connecting from Comcast23:28
ikoniaISOcrates: a basic difference is look at the hosts they are using - it's different hosts, on hosted by comcast, the other hosted by towerstream23:28
geekmasterflashISOcrates, I am not surprised that Comcast is connecting to servers they host quicker.23:28
ikonialook at the difference in the pings - the slower one is quicker than the faster one, one is a peer network one is not23:29
ISOcratesI've never even heard of Towerstream23:29
ISOcratesHow can I be using them?23:29
ikoniaISOcrates: you're not using them23:29
ikoniaISOcrates: it's a random server on the internet you are downloading for as part of the test23:29
ISOcratesWell I noticed the speed difference in sabnzbd23:30
ikoniaI don't know what sabnzbd is23:30
ISOcratesOne gets 6mbps download, one gets 500kbps23:30
ISOcratesIt's a usenet downloader23:30
ISOcratesI just don't get the difference in speeds23:31
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Well, I am very positive the issue isn't related to how your set up your RAID23:31
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: Ok :)23:31
ikoniaISOcrates: there are many reason that could have an impact23:31
geekmasterflashISOcrates, But so far the test you've run just show that come carriers are slower than others.23:31
glitsj16Xgates: sudo hwinfo --framebuffer is one option to find out23:31
Xgatesglitsj16: thx23:32
ISOcratesAny thoughts on any other tests I could run to find out why the discrepancy?23:32
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Do you have a third machine local to both?23:32
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: Yeah the one I'm on23:32
geekmasterflashISOcrates, There may not even be a discrepancy23:32
geekmasterflashISOcrates, So ping them locally23:32
geekmasterflashISOcrates, No need to go through a second server like you did23:33
ISOcratesOk sorry, so ping which?23:33
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Ping one, look at latency then ping the second and compare.23:33
LaykeI just installed 12.04 and when I launch update-manager I don't see any updates available? If I run update-manager -d, I see 14.0423:33
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: ok one sec23:33
LaykeI want to upgrade to 13.10 LTS23:33
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: I used a script I found on github to run the speedtest... not sure which IP it used23:34
ikoniaLayke: 13.10 is not lts23:34
Xgatesglitsj16: no hwinfo on this box23:34
zykotick9Layke: by default LTS only upgrades to the next LTS... there is a way to change that.  I"m not sure how though.23:34
Spr1ngzykotick9: no it's not. kernels and images aren't that big, my problem was it was full of old kernels.  so cleaning those out freed up sapce, 300MB for /boot is plenty.23:34
ikoniaLayke: that's why 12.04 lts is not offering an update to 13.1023:34
geekmasterflashISOcrates, If the boxes are in the same place as you23:34
Laykeikonia, O, OKay. So it 12.04 the latest LTS?23:34
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Just log in and find the local IP23:34
glitsj16Xgates: sudo apt-get install hwinfo in that case23:35
geekmasterflashISOcrates, and ping them?23:35
ikoniaLayke: correct23:35
Xgatesof course tried that LOL --->  Package 'hwinfo' has no installation candidate23:35
Laykeikonia, Thanks :) I just assumed that each 6monthlky release was a LTS.23:35
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: Do you mean the external IP address of my modem?23:35
geekmasterflashISOcrates, No23:35
geekmasterflashISOcrates, You believe there is a speed difference between them23:35
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: yes23:35
geekmasterflashISOcrates, So from the same LAN as both boxes23:35
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Ping them from the local side23:35
glitsj16Xgates: what ubuntu version are you using?23:36
geekmasterflashISOcrates, To see what the time difference is23:36
=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
ISOcratesgeekmasterflash: ok23:36
geekmasterflashISOcrates, The test you ran doesnt prove there is one, it just proves there is a massive speed difference between different networks23:36
geekmasterflashISOcrates, So don't test from another networks23:36
geekmasterflashISOcrates, Test from the one you are on.23:36
Xgatesglitsj16:  13.1023:36
glitsj16Xgates: odd, no hwinfo on 13.10 allright .. have you tried with a resolution you know works for you?23:38
amnithDoes anyone know what's with ubuntu freezing whenever you play videos on youtube?23:40
Xgatesto be honest not sure what this laptop supports in what ranges...23:40
zykotick9amnith: it's called Flash ;)23:40
amnithBut I have youtube videos playing on html 523:40
Beldaramnith, depends on the resolution possibly23:41
geekmasterflashamnith, Might have something wrong with your gfx card or driver.23:41
bekksamnith: Not every video on YT is HTML5.23:41
glitsj16Xgates: or you could install the hwinfo from raring temporarily, this is a onece-and-forget edit so won't hurt to try that i suppose --> http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/hwinfo23:41
zykotick9amnith: are you SURE it's html5 that's playing?  not much is html5 at this point.23:41
geekmasterflashamnith, Checking /var/log/Xorg.0.log may be a good place to start.23:41
amnithHow do I check /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:42
hitsujiTMOamnith are you using fglrx?23:42
amnithhitsujiTMO, I have no idea.23:42
barbapappa_Hi iam having trouble installing intel driver for ubuntu 13.10. It needs libpackagekit-glib2-14 which isent availible. Only 2-16 is availible but not working.23:42
hitsujiTMOamnith: if you have no idea then you probably are not. which is good.23:43
LaykeI've been using KDE for last 2+ years and I would love to get used to Unity but I still find the unity left toolbar just difficult. I have dual monitors, and as far as I'm aware the unity bar was made as a space saver. I don't care about saving space.. I just want to see all my apps in a taskbar to quickly switch..23:43
barbapappa_is this a known issue ?23:43
LaykeHas anything moved forward on unity and taskbars in last year? Or is it still just the same left dock?23:43
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: intel drivers for what?23:43
k1lbarbapappa_: the intel driver should be in the kernel anyway. no need to install it23:43
zykotick9Layke: so, why don't you using continue using KDE?23:44
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: intel drivers are built into the kernel23:44
amnithSo, if flash is the problem, what other apps can I use to watch yt videos?23:44
barbapappa_iam having trouble with the gtk-window-decorator crashing23:44
pfifoamnith: toggle hardware acceleration in flash settings23:44
Laykezykotick9, I've just done a fresh install of Ubuntu. I've been using the same setup for few years... it works well, so will return to it.23:45
amnithpfifo, you mean turn it off? I did already.23:45
Laykezykotick9, Only curious if there are options available to me. (When unityu was first released there wasn't)23:45
zykotick9Layke: i get the impression that multi-monitor+ubuntu isn't a good combination YMMV23:45
pfifoamnith: no i mean toggle it, and if that didnt help then it must be something else23:46
pfifoamnith: is ubuntu freezing or is the video freezing?23:46
geekmasterflashamnith, When it freezes can you hit cntl+alt+f1 and drop to command?23:46
geekmasterflashamnith, Or is a total system lock up?23:47
amnithMy whole computer freezes after playing a youtube video for a while. I can move the mouse, but everything else is unresponsive.23:47
adanoobhitsujiTMO: rehi! I have anoter challenge for your powers !! ;-) do you have any idea what might be causing the secondary monitor to go blank most of the time ? after the login that is23:47
geekmasterflashamnith, I had this same issue.23:47
geekmasterflashamnith, I thought it was my graphics card23:47
geekmasterflashamnith, Ended up being my processor23:47
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: what desktop environment are you using? and did you modify any settings in compiz?23:48
barbapappa_its a mint ubuntu 13.10 install today23:48
hitsujiTMOadanoob: what way is the monitor connected?23:48
ikoniaerrr "mint ubuntu"...there is no such thing23:48
hitsujiTMO!mint | barbapappa_23:48
ubottubarbapappa_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:48
zykotick9ikonia: +123:48
adanoobhitsujiTMO: VGA port on the laptop23:48
barbapappa_I mean no fidling with the install23:48
zelrikhow to force recovery mode23:48
barbapappa_bugged right out of the box23:48
barbapappa_is is NOT linux mint23:49
barbapappa_sorry to confue you23:49
ikoniathen why did you just say it was ubuntu mint23:49
ikoniawhat is ubuntu mint ?23:49
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: whats the output of: cat /etc/issue23:49
barbapappa_Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l23:49
k1lbarbapappa_: please ask the mint support. they fiddel alot with xorg, mesa and other stuff. they know best what is going on on their system23:49
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: do you mean mint as in clean?23:49
zelrikthe shift key trick doesnt work23:50
barbapappa_bugged right from the start23:50
adanoobhitsujiTMO: for example, after solving last problem , and upon first login... the secndary monitor comes up just fine ! but after a while, it goes blank (I have changed monitors so it's not a monitor problem)23:50
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: what processor do you have?23:50
pfifolooks like there is something such as a  mint ubuntu23:50
barbapappa_video chip or cpu ?23:50
amnithI'm back. My computer froze again.23:50
geekmasterflashamnith, When it freezes can you press cntl+alt+f1?23:51
pfifoamnith: what are the specs of your computer?23:51
hitsujiTMOadanoob: thats a bit of an odd one. is it going blank after a period of inactivity? say 2 mins?23:51
zykotick9hitsujiTMO: mind if is PM you quickly?23:51
hitsujiTMOzykotick9: sure23:51
barbapappa_model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz23:51
amnithMy computer specs are 1tb hd, intel g45/43 chipset graphics, and 6gb ram.23:51
geekmasterflashamnith, What about your processor?23:52
amnithWhen It freezes, I can't do anything. I have to hard reset.23:52
adanoobhitsujiTMO: I don't have a precise pattern down...23:52
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: i think your issue might be do do with you gpu not being able to handle compiz23:52
barbapappa_yes thats my guess also23:52
Spr1ngthanks barbapappa_ thanks, now i have the babar theme tune stuck in my head.23:52
barbapappa_anyway to uninstall it to try ?23:52
amnithMy processor is a pentium dual core 3.20 ghz23:52
ianorlinthere are other window managers23:52
geekmasterflashamnith, Is anything overclocked?23:52
adanoobhitsujiTMO: but yah maybe after the screen saver comes up, or both screens go off, then, when I wake them, only the main (laptop) one comes up again, the secondary remains blanked23:53
oncaWhile, I have dmraid installed enabled and loaded, my OCz Revodrive x2 cant be found, is it broken?23:53
pfifoamnith: how did you install flash?23:53
geekmasterflashamnith, Is it just flash videos, or have you had this happen when playing games or other graphics intensive things?23:53
amnithOn ubuntu, I didn't install flash because I saw that It was already installed.23:53
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: your best bet is to try xubuntu or lubuntu even. how much ram do you have23:53
bekksonca: dmraid has nothing to do with OCz Revodrive x2.23:54
Xgatesahhh I closed my browser by mistake and lost that URL someone gave me for changing grub for Nvidia, who was that who gave me the link? I need it again... :(23:54
amnithNo, I don't have any problems playing games on my computer. I also have windows 8 and I never have a problem with it freezing during video.23:54
pfifoamnith: what is the output of 'lsb_release -cs'23:54
Beldaramnith, Are uou doing hard shut downs, and if so how many so far?23:54
oncaoh? someone told me to install dmraid to get it to work, properly.23:54
oncabekks, why would this card not be visible?23:55
Spr1ngonca: is it visible in the bios?23:55
amnithBeldar I only do it when I need to. I've probably done it like 4 times now.23:55
glitsj16Xgates: you mean this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1994067&p=11993109#post11993109 ?23:55
oncanope.. as far as I can tell23:55
barbapappa_Mem:           993        883        11023:55
Spr1ngthen dmraid will never see it23:55
amnithpfifo I don't know how to do check that.23:55
hitsujiTMOadanoob: what it may be is that there's a dim timer thats kicking in and it goes to dim the screen but you monitor does not react kindly to it. have a look in system settings -> brightness & lock23:55
Xgatesglitsj16: YEAH thanks m823:55
* Xgates bookmarks23:55
glitsj16Xgates: heh23:56
Beldaramnith, Sure, however hard shutdown can mess up the OS, just a heads up, it only takes one to do it.23:56
pfifoamnith: open a terminal and type it in, then press enter23:56
glitsj16no worries23:56
Xgateslater guys23:56
barbapappa_What is the most slim ubuntu distro ?23:56
amnithIt said saucy.23:56
zykotick9barbapappa_: lubuntu23:56
hitsujiTMObarbapappa_: lubuntu would be the one to try23:56
pfifobarbapappa_: ubuntu-server23:56
geekmasterflashbarbapappa_, Probably lubuntu or ubuntu server23:56
bekksonca: If I get it correctly, it is just a SATA controller, with a bunch of RAM?23:56
pfifoamnith: and it came with flash? how did you install ubuntu?23:57
oncabekks, its a 220GB ssd23:57
zykotick9hitsujiTMO: btw, feel free to PM anytime ;)23:57
hitsujiTMOzykotick9: lol diito :P23:57
bekksonca: And why are you trying dmraid, and how do you "search" for that ssd?23:57
oncabekks, somone told me to, in here earlier.23:58
adanoobhitsujiTMO: ok, I've turned screen dimming off... I'll wait and see what happens...23:58
amnithI download 13.04 from the website and installed it into a cd. I updated to 13.10. I've been having this problem since 12.10 though.23:58
barbapappa_Ok, ty for your support ill head over to lubuntu and give that a try23:58
bekksonca: dmraid has nothing to do with it.23:58
zelrikdamn I keep forgeting my old laptop's password23:58
adanoobhitsujiTMO: thanks for the suggestion23:58
Beldar!reisub | amnith23:58
ubottuamnith: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key23:58
Spr1ngonca: you may find more suitable support over at #reddit-buildapc23:58
hitsujiTMOadanoob: if thats not it then i'm out of ideas23:58
bekksonca: basically, dont listen to him.23:59
adanoobhitsujiTMO: no worries23:59
geekmasterflashamnith, I recently had a similar issue. I couldn't REISUB to bring it back, nor drop to to console. Happened when I was using flash and listening to music at the same time23:59
pfifozelrik: thats ok cause you can boot into recovery mode and get a root shell without giving a password, and from there you can easilly change the password for the systems user accounts ^^23:59
geekmasterflashamnith, However, it was fine in windows23:59
geekmasterflashamnith, My solution was pretty drastic: I had to flash the bios23:59

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