
skellatAfter a no-change backport and playing with it on 12.04, I am warming to whiskermenu in lieu of the default.00:15
ochosiskellat: good to hear!00:23
eric_the_idiotali1234, pushed your patch minus the comments since they aren't needed with the code gone. Thanks!00:28
ali1234eric_the_idiot: also, i think xfdesktop should not set ESETROOT00:28
eric_the_idiotyeah, did you want me to push a patch or did you (since you did all the work)?00:29
ali1234patch may not apply clean due to the debugging stuff i added in a previous patch00:33
ochosibefore i go to bed, i shouldn't read /. but otoh this is a nice read: http://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=4493819&cid=4554352700:34
ochosi(some slashdotters seem to love xubuntu :))00:35
eric_the_idiotali1234, pushed as well, thanks again.00:45
ali1234thanks. now we wait for the one guy who uses some really broken terminal emulator to come and complain his fake transparent background doesn't work any more :P00:45
eric_the_idiotyeah, I noticed in xfdesktop's git logs that esetroot was disabled once before00:46
ali1234hmm... i'll check that out00:50
ali1234eric_the_idiot: ok so checking those old commits reminded me of something else that i forgot01:54
ali1234if the code from commit 160a1fd22 has gone, it should go back in01:55
pleia2elfy: I did a 64-bit iso test, do I get a gold star? (that's not the thing I had to tell you, still forgot that)07:50
elfyyou get a gold star :)07:50
elfybut I will take it back again ... 07:52
Unit193Could give a copper one, though they might be worth more not too long. :P07:53
* elfy is aware of the irony in pushing people to make sure they report tests when he's failing badly at finding time07:54
elfybut carries on regardless 07:54
pleia2testing is boring :)07:54
pleia2so I'm going to try hard this cycle to work it into my day in a non disruptive way, most of the time is just spent waiting anyway07:54
ochosiyeah, better put on some good music in the background...07:56
ochosi(preferably elevator music, e.g. the girl from ipanema in an instrumental version looped for hours)07:56
elfypleia2: should do exploratory stuff instead then - there's a mail in the sidelines waiting to be sent about that :)07:56
elfyochosi has an odd sense of humour ... 07:57
ochosielfy: thanks :)07:57
pleia2elfy: hah, well, the issue is that I have too much to do already :) seems iso testing is low bandwidth enough that I should be able to do it while working on Real Things07:57
pleia2anyway, xubuntu-website bugs are all tidy now, I should get some sleepies so I can be up in 8 hours for our meeting07:58
elfynight night :)08:03
elfypleia2: testing something like terminal has got to be easier than an iso though ... just saying ;)08:03
NoskcajMy current hardware is too broken to ISO test, i run 14.04 to try and make up for that08:07
elfyNoskcaj: well - there's more than iso testing - there's package testing - which sounds just right for that scenario :p08:09
Noskcajelfy, I try to do some, but i spend most of my time packaging random stuff08:17
NoskcajDoes anyone have time to try and see what's wrong with the extensions in https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/gthumb/3.2.5/+merge/19678309:16
NoskcajIt doesn't make it to debian/tmp/ if that changes anything09:24
slickymastermorning all10:02
slickymasterelfy, ready to be merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/ubuntu-manual-tests/+merge/19698910:03
slickymasterhi ochosi10:03
brainwashali1234: forgot to bookmark the test instruction (ubuntu pastebin), but I've compiled the bgfix2 branch and xfdesktop and the brief black flicker is now gone13:43
ochosibrainwash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6486852/13:43
brainwashso more more flicker madness13:43
brainwashyou said that you were able to reproduce the gtk theme problem of xfdesktop?13:44
brainwashstill hapenns for me13:44
ochosiwhat did you mean with "more more flicker madness" exactly?13:45
brainwashno more13:46
brainwashstill a bit sleepy :(13:46
brainwashbut I really like the flicker-free transition13:46
brainwashfeels like using a modern OS13:46
ochosii hope we can get everything of that into 14.0413:49
ochosithe xfwm4 patch will probably have to be cherry-picked13:50
brainwashyeah, luckily we got "plenty" of time left until release13:50
brainwashso it's not a last minute thing13:51
ochosii'd wish 4.12 would be released in time for 14.0413:52
ochosibut i fear that13:52
ochosi's whishful thinking13:52
jjfrv8some good press here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/expect-xubuntu-14-04-lts?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG!+Ubuntu!%2914:10
ochosihehe, light-locker "... fixes a number some outstanding session-locking issues"14:15
ochosior wait, does it in fact for the first time really lock lubuntu's session? :D14:15
jjfrv8ochosi, can I ask you a couple of questions about GTK3 indicators and light-locker documentation?14:23
ochosijjfrv8: sure14:23
ochosijust ask away14:23
jjfrv8We've got them listed on the blueprint as blocked. Can you enlighten me on what the issues there are?14:23
brainwashali1234: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6489704/14:24
ochosijjfrv8: well the gtk3 indicator stuff hasn't been uploaded yet14:24
brainwashwhy not?14:24
ochosiand light-locker has been uploaded by an ubuntu-desktop dev, but it's not yet part of our seed14:24
ochosibrainwash: because no-one has packaged it yet14:25
ochosi(and don't look at me cause i'm not a packager)14:25
brainwashbut it's an important change14:25
brainwashit really should be packaged and made available for easy testing14:25
brainwashthey changed the indicator startup mechanics14:26
brainwashevery indicator has an autostart entry now14:26
brainwashso the workaround cannot be applied anymore (see bug report)14:27
jjfrv8ochosi, once they are ready for testing, will we work the docs something like we did with parole?  DokuWiki?14:27
ochosibrainwash: we'll see, if it's a new change it's possible that the indicator-plugin won't work with them anymore (again)14:28
brainwashochosi: ok14:29
ochosijjfrv8: well, e.g. light-locker won't really need much documentation14:29
ochosiand the gtk3-indicators will work like the gtk2 indicators14:29
brainwashali1234: login -> kill xfdesktop -> kill xfdesktop -> lock screen14:29
brainwashand gpu going crazy like always after unlocking the screen14:30
ochosijjfrv8: well actually the indicator-plugin is an xfce project, so we could do it as we did with parole. in case we don't put it in xubuntu's offline documentation14:30
ochosijjfrv8: what would be helpful though is docs for xfdesktop, as there are quite a few changes in that and we ship it14:32
jjfrv8ochosi, do you think we should remove the light-locker item from the blueprint?14:32
ochosijjfrv8: i've talked to eric before and he'd be very grateful if we help him with the docs14:32
ochosiwell the thing is, as long as light-locker works, you won't notice it14:32
ochosiyou go to "lock screen" and you end up at the greeter14:32
ochosiwhen you unlock your session from there, light-locker is gone again14:33
ochosiand that's about it14:33
ochosiit's supposed to stay "invisible"14:33
jjfrv8that would work for me :)14:33
ochosiso not sure what to document there...14:33
jjfrv8I can add an item for xfdesktop. I assume that would go with the xfce stuff?14:35
ochosibasically update http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/start14:36
ochosito reflect 4.1114:36
ochosiyou can install the current xfdesktop that we'll want to document from the Xubuntu-dev 4.12 PPA14:36
ochosithis time, as it is a core component, screenshots will have to be taken with the xfce-theme14:37
ochosibut xfdesktop is still gtk2, so there won't be the same problems we had with parole14:37
jjfrv8how would we go about editing the existing version? Would you set up a staging area again?14:38
ochosiyup, i think that worked well last time14:38
jjfrv8so you'll take care of that?14:39
ochosiyup, i can send you and slickymaster or whoever wants to join a link as soon as it's set up14:39
ochosii'll probably leave out the current screenshots, as they will have to be updated anyway...14:39
jjfrv8very good. thanks. I think that's it for now.14:40
=== Mapley is now known as Maplez
=== Maplez is now known as Mapley
ochosicool, maybe i'll manage before the meeting today14:41
ochosithen we can throw the link in the minutes14:41
ochosijjfrv8: not sure i'll be here for all of the meeting, so just to be sure, this is the link ;) http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs14:51
jjfrv8great. we'll get started on it.14:52
ochosii think in the advanced part there won't be many changes14:55
ochosiprefs and usage need the most attention14:55
ochosii'll take care of the bugs-section14:55
ochosigotta talk to eric and nick first whether they're fine if we do that parole-style14:55
jjfrv8ok, will wait to hear back on that.14:56
ochosiknome: i can only be around for the first 20mins of the meeting. would be nice if i could get one talking point then (wallpapers)14:56
ochosijjfrv8: eerr, i actually only referred to the bugs-section, i think the rest can be simply done as we've handled it before14:57
ochosiimprove and correct the stuff that's there14:57
ochosi(well in this case it should be easier as there is already more info available)14:57
jjfrv8oh, okay14:57
GridCubemeeting is in 1 hour according to my memory14:58
ochosiactually docs.xfce still points towards xfce4.10, but i think we can set up parallel docs for 4.12 already14:58
ochosiGridCube: yeah, unfortunately, it's 1hr too late for me today :/14:59
ochosiwell, no biggie, luckily we also talk outside of meetings15:00
GridCubeP: true that15:02
ali1234brainwash: what is on the log when you lock the screen?15:29
ochosihey ali1234 15:30
ochosii think it would be ideal if we could start testing 14.04 asap with gtk3 indicators, to see whether they still work (who knows, maybe they're changing stuff about them again, like pretty much every cycle...)15:31
ochosibrainwash mentioned something about each indicator having it's own desktop file now15:33
ochosieh no, autostart entry15:34
ochosialthough that much should be ok with the current indicator-plugin, iirc15:34
ali1234that doesn't matter - they use dbus activation15:35
ochosiactually bluesabre brought up an interesting matter recently15:37
ochosihe has one of them fancy hidpi displays now on his laptop15:37
ochosiso the 24px panel is too tiny15:37
ochosiwhen we last talked about indicator-icons, i remember you saying that they aren't provided in larger sizes by the service, do i remember that correctly?15:38
ali1234they are provided as pixmaps afaik15:41
ali1234actually i'm not sure how that even works with themes15:42
ali1234ochosi: did you notice on brainwash' log that the second time lightdm runs, it runs on display :0?15:43
ochosino, that's quite weird though15:44
ochosii mean that's against lightdm's design15:44
ali1234i should have added a thing that tells you what mode lightdm is in too15:44
ochositrue, that'd be helpful15:44
ochosialthough you'll see it on the login-button label15:44
ochosiit either says "login" or "unlock" depending on whether it's in lock-mode or not15:44
ochosi(if you meant that kind of mode)15:45
ali1234yeah but i can't see that in the log :)15:45
ochosiindeed :)15:45
ali1234so is 14.04 actually viable for testing yet?15:46
GridCubeali1234, http://xubuntu.org/news/help-us-test-xubuntu-14-04-lts/15:48
ali1234hahaha, that doesn't mean it's viable at all15:48
jjfrv8ochosi, sorry to interrupt, but have you looked at the sitemap on bluesabre's wiki? It looks like people are dumping stuff there.15:48
ochosijjfrv8: oh, no i haven't15:49
ochosithanks for the pointer, lemme check that15:49
ochosiholy crap, you're right :p15:49
ochosimight be a good idea to lock the wiki down and restrict access to the ones who should use it...15:51
jjfrv8yup, looks like it.15:51
ochosibluesabre will have to do that i think15:52
brainwashali1234, ochosi: it's "unlock"15:53
brainwashbooted the system, locking the screen actually worked this time, did a relog, screen corruption again15:54
brainwashon top of that, the greeter flicker between two themes/wallpapers15:54
brainwashwhen I move my mouse15:55
ochosiquite funky :)15:56
ali1234what does the log say?15:56
brainwashI can confirm, that locking the screen does not cause any visual trouble after boot15:56
ali1234that's pretty much exactly what i would expect to happen if the greeter ran over the existing session15:57
brainwashgive me a moment15:58
knomepleia2, good morning15:59
* skellat is ready for a meeting this time around15:59
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 28 16:00:37 2013 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:00
knomepop up your hand up if you're around16:00
knomecool :)16:01
knomeochosi, GridCube, brainwash: hullo16:01
knome#topic Items carried on16:01
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting 16:01
knome#action knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week 16:01
meetingologyACTION: knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week16:01
knome#action micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation 16:01
meetingologyACTION: micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation16:01
knomemicahg, status? :)16:01
knomeheh, np16:02
micahgI think I forgot16:02
knomelet's carry that on then16:02
knome#action micahg to upload whiskermenu to xfce PPAs 16:02
meetingologyACTION: micahg to upload whiskermenu to xfce PPAs16:02
knomemicahg, ?16:02
ochosi(sorry, that was a late popping up of the hand)16:02
knomeor was that done by mr_pouit 16:03
skellatwhiskermenu is in archive for trusty16:03
knome#info Done, whiskermenu is in the archive for trusty.16:03
knome#subtopic Strategy Document reviewing16:03
micahg4.10 PPA times out for me16:03
ochosilp ftw16:04
skellatI've got whiskermenu backported in ppa:skellat/tests16:04
skellatAnd am playing with it on 12.04.3 at the moment16:04
micahgI could upload whiskermenu right now if someone tells me which releases and if it's the 4.12 PPA16:04
ochosiskellat: there should also be an official PPA by the whiskermenu dev16:04
knomehave people had time to look at the new strategy document?16:04
knomeochosi, micahg: can you get to that after the meeting or in PM; thanks for taking care though :)16:04
GridCubei have read it before and i don't have anything to say against it16:05
jjfrv8knome, I have, but it was a while ago. I'm okay with it.16:05
knomethat's the link to the mail that links the new branch16:05
micahgI have not had a chance to review it16:05
knomesent on nov 516:05
knomemicahg, basically:16:05
knome(and others:)16:05
knome1) only allow members of ~xubuntu-team to vote for the new XPL16:06
knome2) strip out the process descriptions, move to wiki/Xubuntu/Processes (done already)16:06
knomepleia2 can confirm i'm not tricking you, she worked with the later update with me16:06
pleia2knome didn't want to be xpl forever, so we left that part out16:07
ochosii'm also fine with it16:07
GridCubeyes, as i said, i've read it, i don't see why its needed or relevant, but im ok with the changes16:07
knomewe are much shorter now, and i hope the SD can be much more useful this way for daily development16:07
knomelet's vote.16:08
micahgI don't want to get any shorter :P16:08
knome#vote Approve proposed Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1); members of -team can vote16:08
meetingologyPlease vote on: Approve proposed Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1); members of -team can vote16:08
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:08
meetingology+1 received from ochosi16:08
meetingology+0 received from knome16:08
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:09
meetingology+0 received from GridCube16:09
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:09
meetingology-1 received from skellat16:09
knomeskellat, can you argument?16:09
meetingology+1 received from micahg16:09
skellatWe need to loosen up unsuitable packages a little considering the amount of stuff Ubuntu mainline is producing in Python16:09
skellatWhich is an interpreted language16:10
knomeskellat, as we've discussed, we should do that review later after these changes are up16:10
knomewhat we're voting is "are the changes okay", not "is this the perfect SD"16:10
knomei would imagine there is always room for improvement16:10
skellatMy vote won't change the outcome anyhow :-)16:10
knomejust wanted to ask for arguments16:11
meetingology+0 received from micahg16:11
knomemicahg, ?16:11
ochosiwhat, so everyone's now +0-ing because their vote doesn't matter? :D16:11
micahgI had the idea of voting on something I haven't read...I'm not a member of Congress...16:11
knomeyou have had 23 days to review the changes16:12
skellatochosi: Nah, there are already enough positive votes that one negative by me won't block it16:12
pleia2strategy documents are boring :)16:12
* ochosi goes to the closet, gets the big elephant whip and hands it to knome 16:12
ochosiskellat: i know, i was just kidding ;)16:12
micahgI think I've worked at least 150 hours in the past 23 days...16:13
knomei can allow for one more week if micah promises he will get to read the document by that time.16:13
pleia2micahg: hugs16:13
knomemicahg, i understand, and i'm sorry, but ultimately we need to keep things rolling. the XPL-voting change has been pending for months16:13
ochosimicahg: ouch, i hope at least your bankaccount reflects that! :>16:13
meetingologyVoting ended on: Approve proposed Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1); members of -team can vote16:13
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:1 Abstentions:316:13
meetingologyMotion carried16:13
micahgochosi: unfortunately not...16:13
skellatknome: We'll need to ask lderan to add an "abandonvote" function eventually to meetingology16:13
knome#info motion not carried. one more week to review.16:14
micahgknome: you have enuogh votes without me here16:14
lderanskellat: shall add it :)16:14
knomelderan, or just make #undo work on votes16:14
knomenot if we want -team quorum.16:15
micahggive me a couple minutes and I can diff/read16:15
knomeboth versions are in the branch16:15
pleia2thanks micahg 16:15
knomeand i'll make sure i word the vote better16:15
micahgknome: if you restate your vote, it's an effective #undo16:16
knomemicahg, we're talking about undoing a whole vote, not a single persons16:16
micahgoh, haha16:17
ochosiok folks, i'm out of the door with one foot16:17
ochosiknome: mind if i say something to the wallpapers and then run off?16:18
knome#subtopic Something about wallpapers16:18
ochosi#info The wallpaper contest has been running for a short while, but we already have quite a few accepted submissions:16:19
ochosiwhile i think it's enough to already call it a success, i'd like to encourage everyone in the team to point to the call for wallpapers again16:20
ochosiand also encourage artists whose artwork you personally like to contribute16:20
ochosiso, all the social-media mumbo-jumbo etc.16:20
knome#action knome and pleia2 to give the wallpaper contest some publicity in social media again16:21
meetingologyACTION: knome and pleia2 to give the wallpaper contest some publicity in social media again16:21
ochosirighty, thanks16:21
ochosigotta take off, will read the rest when i'm back16:21
knomeochosi, one sec16:21
knomeochosi, would your vote be +1 for the SD?16:22
knomejust double-checking.16:22
ochosii already voted on that16:22
ochosiso yeah, still +116:22
pleia2thanks ochosi 16:23
pleia2knome: next!16:25
knomejust a sec16:25
knome#subtopic Strategy Document reviewing16:26
knome#vote Approve the proposed changes to the Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1, please argument)16:26
meetingologyPlease vote on: Approve the proposed changes to the Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1, please argument)16:26
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:26
knomebetter wording, eh?16:26
meetingology+1 received from pleia216:26
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv816:27
meetingology+1 received from GridCube16:27
skellat+1 since we can address the Python-based mainline stuff question at a later time16:27
meetingology+1 since we can address the Python-based mainline stuff question at a later time received from skellat16:27
knome+0, want to give the community a word on changes.16:27
meetingology+0, want to give the community a word on changes. received from knome16:27
knomethere is one more +1 from ochosi16:27
* GridCube is ok with the changes just doesnt understand why they are so important16:27
pleia2GridCube: I think making it shorter is important so people actually read it16:28
GridCubewell, yes, that is true16:28
pleia2GridCube: and re: XPL - currently votes come from a completely open team, very few of whom have insight into team workings, this is very odd16:28
knomeultimately the SD should be a guide in day-to-day development of xubuntu16:28
meetingology+1 received from micahg16:28
knomeunless we have a clear idea where we are going, or can't refer to those rules, we're running around like headless chicken and it's really hard for new contributors to jump in and grasp what we are steering our development by16:29
meetingologyVoting ended on: Approve the proposed changes to the Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1, please argument)16:29
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:116:29
meetingologyMotion carried16:29
knome6 is quorum, 5-0-1 is approved16:30
GridCubeI see, i see, yes, those where the reasons why im OK with the changes, i just fail to see how the old SD is inflecting something on us, even if they have voice, they never choose to make it notice16:30
knome#topic Team updates16:30
GridCubebut anyway, :)16:30
knome#info ochosi and knome have been working with the wallpaper contest16:30
knome#info knome and Unit193 have been looking at docs translations16:31
skellat#info whiskermenu is backported for P, Q, R, and S in ppa:skellat/tests for those who wish to try it16:31
GridCubecan docs be translated trhough launchpad?16:31
pleia2#info pleia2 completed triaging website bugs this week16:31
knome#info elfy has been working with organizing QA for the T cycle16:31
knomeGridCube, yes.16:31
micahg#info whiskermenu is backported in the Xfce 4.10 PPA16:31
pleia2#info pleia2 put out a call for VM-based tests to determine our actual minimum requirements16:32
micahg#info Xfce 4.10 PPA backport was done by mr_pouit 16:32
knome#info you can translate the docs at: https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs (note that several changes and additions are going to land later this cycle)16:32
skellat#info Out of vUDS-1311, we may have the opportunity to ask local communities to "adopt a package" for work or testing during this cycle.  LoCo Council hasn't fully set this up yet, though.16:33
knomeskellat, will you follow up on that?16:33
skellatknome: In what way?16:34
knometelling us when that's set up.16:34
skellatknome: Yes16:34
knomemore updates?16:34
GridCubewhats the status of mugshot?16:34
knomebluesabre, ?16:35
knomebluesabre, also tell us about menulibre if you're around16:35
jjfrv8#info after discussion with ochosi, we dropped light-locker and added xfdesktop to the documentation blueprint16:37
GridCubeso no lightdm locking?16:37
knomei would imagine the goals are still as planned16:37
skellatGridCube: No need to write it up in documentation16:38
jjfrv8no, it just doesn't need documentation16:38
knomeand we shouldn't use such technical names in the docs anyway16:38
knome#topic Announcements16:39
knome#subtopic There is a new Launchpad team ~xubuntu-qa16:39
knome#info this team has currently only a social meaning, being the subteam from which people who contributed to QA can ultimately be approved to -team (per the SD)16:40
knome#info if you think you should be a member in this (moderated) team, poke elfy.16:40
knome#topic New and emerging items16:41
knome#subtopic Meeting time reviewing16:41
knomeseveral people told me in the last days this time isn't best for them16:41
knomeneither it is for me16:41
knomei'm proposing 18UTC or 19UTC as the new time.16:42
knomestill on thursdays16:42
knomeis this horrible for some?16:42
jjfrv8np for me16:42
GridCubewhat utc is now?16:43
skellatI *may* have an issue coming up that will prevent meeting attendance in general but I'm not allowed to talk about it in a logged channel16:43
GridCubeim traveling at that hours to my home16:43
knomefrom 18UTC to 20UTC?16:43
GridCubebut im not esential on the developing process so go ahead16:43
knomei mean, i'm proposing either 18-19 or 19-20 UTC16:44
GridCubebasically, i have 1.5hs of traveling every day16:44
knome(even 20-21 UTC works)16:44
knome(for me)16:44
micahgI'm at work for all of that, so that's fine16:44
GridCubeknome, dont bend the hours for me tho, again, i contribute very little to the developing process 16:44
knomeok, let's try 19UTC next week.16:44
knome#subtopic Schedule next week16:45
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Subtopic object at 0x16ea8d0>16:45
knome#subtopic Schedule next meeting16:45
knome#info Next meeting: Thu 5 Nov, 19UTC16:45
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 28 16:45:47 2013 UTC.  16:45
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-11-28-16.00.moin.txt16:45
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-11-28-16.00.html16:45
knomei'll put up the minutes later16:45
pleia2thanks knome 16:45
pleia2let me know when you make changes to SD live, we can social media that too16:46
GridCubethank s :)16:46
pleia2on the wiki16:46
knomei'll do that once i put up the minutes16:46
GridCubeP: also when you will have time for desktop of the week16:46
knomei'll take at least a short break16:46
knomeGridCube, mhm...16:46
knomeyeah, we're moving during the next 2,5 weeks16:47
knomewe got the keys to the new flat today16:47
ali1234ochosi: so, 99% sure that light-locker is running on :0 for brainwash...16:50
jjfrv8bluesabre, not sure if you've seen it yet but your dokuwiki is getting seriously spammed.16:51
jjfrv8I wasn't sure when you would be back so I took the liberty of changing the group permissions myself16:51
jjfrv8I change @ALL and @user to read-only. When you get a chance, I guess you can adjust it to whatever you think is best.16:52
jjfrv8If you don't have the time to clean out all the crap, let me know, I could probably do it.16:55
jjfrv8off to eat turkey, bbl16:56
pleia2enjoy :)16:56
jjfrv8thanks :)16:56
ochosiali1234: light-locker should run on :0, only lightdm-gtk-greeter should run on :117:09
ali1234yeah that's what i meant17:09
ali1234actually reading logs again, it's not doing that17:09
ali1234brainwash: what actually happens in that log?17:10
ochosinice question :p17:10
ali1234it looks like it runs on :1 then runs again on :017:10
ali1234i'm going to add more debugging i guess17:11
ochosisounds good17:13
ochosiit's very odd though17:13
ochosithere should at least be something about this in the lightdm logs17:13
ochosican't really imagine why the greeter would run on :017:13
brainwashali1234: basically it's login greeter -> login -> lock screen -> unlock -> relog -> lock again -> screen corruption17:14
brainwashochosi: do you test on trusty?17:14
ochosibrainwash: no, on saucy17:14
ochosii only have one laptop here atm, and i need it, so i can't bork it right now17:14
brainwashguess we have an explanation17:14
brainwash<-- trusty17:14
ochosihm, newer version of lightdm maybe?17:16
ochosithey managed to really mess up lightdm badly during the saucy cycle17:16
ochosi(it wasn't working properly for most of the cycle)17:16
ochosi(especially with locking)17:16
brainwashyeah, newer version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm17:18
brainwashso it's time to set up your trusty test environment :P17:20
ochosii think i gotta talk with folks in ubuntu-desktop17:21
ochosiit should be in their best interest to keep lightdm working as lockscreen with light-locker17:21
ali1234brainwash: what does "relog" mean?17:22
brainwashlogout and login17:22
brainwashback to greeter17:22
ali1234ok, i never tried that17:22
ochosiah, that is a problem i can reproduce in saucy17:22
ochosii've been meaning to talk to robert about that for a few days17:22
ochosiit's a lightdm problem, i'm pretty sure17:23
ochosialready scanned my logs, but couldn't find anything about it17:23
ali1234so login -> lock -> unlock -> logout -> login -> lock -> unlock17:23
ali1234and then the screen corrupts?17:23
ochosiyeah, pretty much17:23
ali1234ok, i will investigate17:23
ali1234i'll have to install this all on another machine though17:24
ochosilemme try again, just for the fun of it17:24
ochosii think it also happens with the current greeter17:24
ali1234probably, nothing i changed should cause it :P17:24
ali1234might make it more likely/obvious though17:24
brainwashI actually thought that it happens all the time, but not today, only after relogging once17:24
brainwashand the xfdesktop theme problem is some sort of race condition17:25
ochosiactually i have a different problem :)17:25
ochosiafter i log out and log in again, i can't lock the session anymore with lightdm17:26
ochosisorry brainwash, i misremembered17:26
ochosineither with light-locker nor with dm-tool17:26
brainwashwhy not?17:26
ochosiso light-locker is not the bad guy17:26
ochosinothing happens17:26
brainwashlightdm log files?17:26
brainwashmaybe it is related17:27
ochosiyeah, maybe17:27
ochosibut as i said, can't find any evidence of why nothing happens17:27
ochosithere's simply "no response"17:27
ochosiali1234: while your at testing stuff, could you try to reproduce that as well? startup > log out > log in > try to lock17:29
ali1234isn't that the same thing?17:29
ochosiin saucy locking doesn't work anymore for me in this precise (pun intended!) case17:29
ochosiwell, brainwash actually locks his session one time in between17:29
ochosiotherwise it's the same17:29
ochosii don't think that makes a difference, but who knows..17:29
brainwashjust test both cases17:30
ochosiok, gotta go17:35
elfybest laid schemes of mice and men17:50
elfymissed the meeting then 17:50
Unit193<knome> #info Next meeting: Thu 5 Nov, 19UTC  Everyone get your Tardis ready!18:38
knomeoh BOO18:39
Unit193GridCube: I agree but with me, I'm the same way (not needed generally in meetings.)18:39
GridCube:) and :(18:49
GridCubeat least i try to give those who develope the little voice of an user18:50
Unit193Oh, and forgot to say: http://goo.gl/IH5Su519:20
ali1234hmm... yeah there's definitely somethin wrong with light-locker20:54
ali1234i don't get corruption and i don't get a simple failure to lock...i get a black screen with blinking cursor and if i move the mouse around it changes on where window borders would be21:04
ali1234exact same steps to reproduce21:05
ali1234same result whether i lock the screen during first login or not21:06
ali1234login, logout, login, lock screen -> xorg crashes21:07
ali1234maybe two light-lockers are running?21:07
ali1234here's the xorg logs from display :121:14
ali1234this is when it works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491291/21:14
ali1234this is when it doesn't:http://paste.ubuntu.com/6491290/21:14
ali1234[   845.319] (EE) intel(0): [drm] failed to set drm interface version: Permission denied [13]. <- this seems to be the problem. the xserver on :1 can't start21:17
ali1234would be interested to see logs from other drivers21:17
slickymastergood night all21:41
pleia2started getting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports back into shape21:43
slickymasterUnit193, :)21:43
pleia2figured standard format each month will be list blog posts/announcements, <<Include>> meeting links and copy Team updates from meeting minutes21:44
knomepleia2, or include team updates as well?21:57
knomefor starters that might be a bit messy, but ultimately we can teach the team to be more accurate and clean on their #infos for team updates21:58
knomepleia2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes#Wiki_maintaining22:11
knomepleia2, feel free to add the team reports stuff there22:11
knomepleia2, meeting minutes are up22:15
knomepleia2, strategy document updated22:16
knome(am i flooding your inbox again?)22:17
pleia2knome: thanks22:49
* pleia2 social medias the strategy document23:03
knomewant me to twitter or will you handle that as well?23:03
pleia2I can do it :)23:03
pleia2knome: want to write a quick post to -devel about it?23:05
ali1234this is extremely weird23:09
ali1234light-locker isn't even running23:09
knomepleia2, should be out23:15
pleia2knome: still awake? want to look at the mailing lists for a few minutes?23:16
knomesure :)23:16
pleia2we had talked about discarding unsubscribed messages rather than moderating them23:16
pleia2still think this is a good idea?23:17
knomepretty much, though23:17
knomei think we could have a bit more relaxed policy23:17
knomeapprove the first message, but send the user a mail asking to subscribe23:17
knome(and cc the other mods/admins)23:18
pleia2so not auto-discarding then23:18
knomethat would be a bit rude23:18
pleia2indeed :)23:18
knomeif it's a single post, and they get an answer, and then go and say thank you (unsubscribed), i think we can let that slip23:18
pleia2ok then, so nothing to do really, just social change in our behavior23:19
knome(though we should still tell them they should subscribe)23:19
* pleia2 nods23:19
knomebut if it goes on, we should stop approving23:19
knomeand let the users register23:19
pleia2ok, works for me23:19
knomethat's currently a bit short page ;)23:20
knomenow that we discussed this...23:20
knomesee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Toolbox/Messages23:20
knomebut we could collect a page full of ready-written messages23:21
pleia2ah, nice23:21
knomeincluding the mail to non-subscribed people23:21
knomeor actually we should simply make that part of the Processes page, i think23:21
knomei'm also thinking the Processes-page is getting a tad long23:22
knomemaybe we should look at splitting it to subpages at some point23:22
knomepleia2, btw, are you sure teamreports is good on "update on release" ? :P23:23
knomeshouldn't that be "update monthly"23:23
ochosiali1234: well if light-locker isn't running, then that's really odd23:39
ali1234i know right23:40
ali1234makes no sense at all23:40
ali1234it just never runs23:40
ochosiand when you manually start it?23:40
ochosihow did you install it?23:40
ochosidaily PPA?23:40
ali1234sudo make install23:40
ali1234after purging the ppa package23:40
ochosiwell i'm not sure, but it should put itself into /etc/xdg/autostart23:40
ochosiwhat was wrong with the ppa?23:41
ali1234it has no debugging23:41
ochosidid you build with systemd support?23:41
ali1234not if you have to do anything special for that23:41
ali1234i did: sudo apt-get purge light-locker && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install23:41
ochosiif you still have consolekit installed (which used to be the case in saucy i think), you probably get consolekit23:41
ali1234then: sudo service lightdm restart23:42
ali1234then logged in and did light-locker-command -l23:42
ochosiwell, rather check what you compiled it with23:42
ochosiyeah, after sudo make install it isn't running23:42
ali1234then i unlocked the screen and checked syslog. light-locker did not run at any point during any of this23:42
ochosiyou have to either reboot or restart your session23:42
ochosior you start it manually the first time after installing23:42
ali1234i did: sudo service lightdm restart23:42
ali1234this restarts the session (and xorg)23:43
ochosithat's what you meant23:43
ochosihm, dunno how/whether the xdg-autostart stuff works when you just compile without prefix23:43
ochosiit might end up in the wrong place23:43
ochosiso you might have to manually start it in that case23:43
ochosior add it to the autostarted apps in the session23:43
ali1234i should note that nothing at all changed in the behaviour, between using the PPA and using the self-built one23:44
ali1234in both cases the x server fails to start on :1 if you've logged out and logged in again. restarting lightdm clears the error23:44
ochosiso you never tried to start the process yourself?23:44
ochosiyeah, but that doesn't sound like a problem with the locker23:45
ali1234no. i assumed it was working because light-locker-command -l worked23:45
ochosicause logging out and in again is purely lightdm's stuff23:45
ali1234yes. and this is probably what causes the corruption too23:46
ali1234it would be interesting to see what happens with a different greeter. like say unity23:46
ochosiyeah, easy to test23:47
ali1234"something" must be responsible for starting the second X server23:48
ali1234somewhere something does exec("/usr/bin/xorg", ...);23:48
ali1234i'm not clear on whether it is lightdm, light-locker, or consolekit, or something else23:48
ochosii'm talking to robert_ancell atm in #ubuntu-desktop if you wanna join23:49
slickymastercy tomorrow guys23:53

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