
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
hatchfrankban sorry for using all the spots in the maintenance lane - I came across a bug which....is impossible :/14:38
frankban:-/ np hatch, I have my card, and it's not an easy one14:39
frankbanhatch: ping me if you need any help14:39
hatchyeah I think it's just a solo job unfortunately 14:40
hatchI found out why we get unit delta errors when destroying services15:37
hatchthe first annotation in the delta removes the service then the second one removes the unit15:38
hatch^ frankban is this something we have any control over? 15:38
frankbanhatch: delta errors?15:39
frankbanwhy errors?15:39
hatchfor the longest time we have had an issue where the unit was being destroyed after the service was so there was a console error15:39
hatchand it's because the remove service annotation is in the 0 index in the annotation array whereas the unit remove is in the 1 index15:40
hatchwe of course could check for this in the GUI but I'm curious if we can have it fixed in core15:41
frankbanhatch: I believe you don't mean annotations (like x/y annotation), but just the message info returned by the mega watcher, right?15:42
hatchright, copy and paste this text into the console and you will see what I mean about the order of the messages15:43
frankbanhatch: there I see an annotation remove message, then a unit one and then a machine one15:45
hatchoh crud I pasted the wrong one15:46
hatchnow I have to reproduce it15:46
hatchsorry to bother you :) 15:47

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