=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 [19:01] pleia2: I did not understand that statement, just saw the rename of you on #lubuntu-offtopic :) [19:01] pleia2: ahh, thanks! [20:06] All: We now have a "workflow of the Doc Team" page ready to be reviewed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw/temp_Manual Most of the stuff was written by phillw and the others. I added the Community Wiki Stuff. [20:10] belkinsa: that area was kept as it had the edit history. IIRC, it was copied out to the 'official' wiki area? [20:10] Oh, sorry. [20:10] * phillw goes dig email history.... [20:11] I only added the Community Wiki stuff but didn't make any other changes. [20:11] But I added a comment where those addtions are added. [20:13] Then does it mean that is there is a official page of the workflow? [20:17] belkinsa: the transfer should be at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/GettingStarted [20:18] Thanks, but I think that page is better then the one you linked. [20:18] Wait, it's the system doc one [20:18] Never mind. [20:19] belkinsa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/UbuntuDesktopGuide [20:20] I guess I could work on a main page that can link all of the tools that we have. [20:20] And call it the "Workflow" page [20:21] So everything is in one place. [20:22] belkinsa: the page name I created was incorrect, as it had manual in the title. It was edited and then transferred over. That sandbox area was kept purely for edit history. [20:22] Oh, I see. [20:23] You know what? I think we might be only missing the sandbox wiki page guide. [20:25] Never mind again. I'm now lost on what I said a while back and why I made that action item on the blueprint. [20:25] belkinsa: have a read through the email archive for the conversation that we had and what was discussed [20:25] Isn't this one: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2013-September/017759.html [20:26] Wait no [20:26] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2013-September/017762.html [20:29] belkinsa: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2013-September/017615.html [20:30] belkinsa: My memory is fuzzy, but the doc wiki was copied over from my sandbox area. [20:30] I see and sorry for making changes to that other page, I forgot that was your sandbox page [20:31] belkinsa: apologies are never needed! It was a fear that my keeping the history page would cause some one to go and edit it :( [20:31] I'll put a tag on it now. [20:32] Okay. [20:32] I guess I only need to make just one page for the sandbox wiki pages to explain them. [20:33] And maybe one one the Offline wiki, if anyone uses that method. [20:34] belkinsa: it is the system doc one! That is where it got moved to :D [20:34] I know, I'm taking about something else. [20:36] belkinsa: stop confusing me :P [20:36] Sorry. [20:37] np. [20:47] There, I said sorry over the mailing list. [20:56] belkinsa: it was one of my "stop discussing and actually do" moments. Several people were discussing how the page could be improved on. So, me being me, I took a copy of it to my area as a sandbox. There is never a need to apologise to me :D [20:57] Okay, it's just a bad habit that I have. I say sorry too much. [21:00] belkinsa: It is because I call things clearly that I have had to resign from being ubuntu member. I call a spade a spade, a shovel a shovel and when some one messes up..... I will state my views quite clearly. As to if I ever hold a grudge? when they put me together, they missed that part out. I could not hold a grudge if my life depended upon it. [21:02] but, this is offtopic... chat in #phillw [21:13] Yeah.