
robruanybody from the release team around? i'm confused by the status of python2.7 in update_excuses. 2.7.6-2ubuntu1 fixes a big regression for us, we need that ASAP00:32
rsalvetidoko: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#libffi failed autopkgtest00:36
rsalvetiwhich seems to be holding python2.700:36
rsalvetithere was a sync from git-annex today, which is holding everyone00:38
robrursalveti, is it something you can fix? who do we ping about this?00:39
rsalvetilet me first try to understand why it's failing00:40
robrursalveti, ok, brb. ping me if you need help testing anything.00:40
rsalvetiseems the tests are all fine, but the ret code is not 000:41
xnoxrsalveti: let me look at annex failure.00:44
xnoxrsalveti: i've fixed it before....00:44
rsalvetixnox: ok, cool00:45
xnoxrsalveti: i see http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-git-annex/10/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/artifact/results/dsc0t-basics-stderr/*view*/ that no tests run, since new version was uploaded.00:47
rsalvetiright https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-adt-git-annex/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/10/console00:48
rsalvetiindeed, was opening the last successful one00:49
xnoxLaney: stgraber: can you mark up git-annex as bad tests? I've opened block-proposed bug #1256143 to make sure that git-annex doesn't migrate, but such that dependencies are unblock to migrate?00:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1256143 in git-annex (Ubuntu) "adt tests borked in -proposed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125614300:50
xnoxrsalveti: are you touch-release?00:52
xnoxrsalveti: touch-release can also mark up git-annex as badtests00:52
rsalvetixnox: nops00:52
rsalveticyphermox: ?00:52
rsalvetimaybe even robru00:53
xnoxrsalveti: hm, possibly britney will request git-annex trusty-release pocket adt tests and everything will work. this is what happened, last time i requested a block-proposed bug.00:54
xnoxrsalveti: actually git-annex is not the only problem. libffi is out of date on powerpc00:56
xnoxrsalveti: and python2.7 is invalidated by dependency on libffi.00:56
rsalvetiyeah, ftbfs for ppc00:57
robrursalveti, xnox: i dunno anything about that...00:57
xnoxrsalveti: robru is not in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-release/+members00:58
xnoxrsalveti: anyway, libffi/powerpc should be fixed.00:58
robrucyphermox, you around? we need you ^^00:58
rsalvetithere's no git-annext test anymore00:59
xnoxrobru: even if git-annex is forcedbad tests, libffi must be fixed, cause otherwise there will be huge archive skew.00:59
rsalvetiseems they removed the test option with latest version00:59
robruxnox, any idea how to fix libffi? i've no idea01:00
xnoxrobru: rsalveti: well ffi has missing symbols. not sure why/how.01:00
xnoxinfinity: git-annex test-suite is pending more haskell "echo test suite currently disabled until haskell-tasty is out of NEW"01:57
xnoxinfinity: can you please mark git-annex as badtest? git-annex itself is blocked from migrating by my block-proposed bug, such that we will get new git-annex, only once it has autopackagetest again, but such that it doesn't block the world.01:58
xnox(well speficially python2.7 and libffi)01:58
infinityxnox: Can do.01:59
xnoxinfinity: thanks.01:59
infinity# git-annex is blocked with a migration bug, don't block its rdeps too:02:00
infinityforce-badtest git-annex/5.20131127.102:00
infinity^-- That look sane?02:00
xnoxcorrect that is.02:00
infinityTest-building libffi out of paranaoia, but will upload shortly.02:01
infinityAlright, I'm not sure who between my ISP and Canonical is screwing with me, but this is unaccetable:02:06
infinityFetched 23.0 MB in 4min 1s (95.4 kB/s)02:06
* stgraber read that as MB/s for a second and wondered what infinity was complaining about again02:08
infinitystgraber: Yeah, no.  This is genuinely busted.02:09
stgraberinfinity: I'm getting somewhere between 15MB/s and 20MB/s from archive.u.c from this side of the country02:11
stgraberentirely over Level3 from Montreal to the DC in London02:12
infinitystgraber: Yeah.  I'm getting decent saturation on my link to random speedtest.net servers, but all of archive/ports and us.archive/us.ports are a mess for me.02:12
infinity(Yes, even the US ones)02:12
infinityNot sure who to blame.  I'll care deeply if it persists after I move, and start whining.02:13
robruinfinity, you on Shaw? Shaw I think has a vendetta against Ubuntu, they will often drop canonical's netblock right off the network (100% packet loss for days), and most of the rest of the time it's very slwo02:13
stgraberinfinity: interestingly enough I'm only getting 1.5MB/s from us.archive.u.c over IPv4 but I get 50MB/s from the same servers over IPv6...02:14
stgraberah, IPv4 from here to Boston goes through Level3 (same path as to London) but then jumps to Cogent in New York which gives me a final route longer than that to London and the speed that's typical for a Cogent provided link...02:15
stgraberinfinity: weren't you using a server in the US for the *.ubuntu.com trafic before?02:16
infinityrobru: I am indeed.02:19
robruinfinity, it's a conspiracy. Microsoft pays Shaw to give us shit service.02:20
infinitystgraber: I was tunneling through San Jose for a long time, yeah.02:20
infinitystgraber: (Through the machine I'm IRCing from)02:20
infinityI may have to go back to doing that.02:20
infinityBut things had been okay for so long.02:20
* infinity tries to decipher gv.shawcable.net and gives up.02:22
infinityGreater Victoria?02:22
infinityGrungy Vatican?02:23
stgraberVancouver (if so, you're not heading the right direction ;))?02:24
infinitystgraber: Vancouver is vc.02:24
infinitystgraber: But robru lives in Victoria, apparently, so my first guess might be close.02:24
robruinfinity, greater vancouver?02:25
robruinfinity, I used to live in Winnipeg and had problems with Shaw there, too02:25
infinityrobru: If you mean the island and not the city, maybe.  (As I said, Vancouver itself is ".vc." in shaw routing speak)02:25
infinityMaybe granville.  The few, the proud, the drunk.02:26
robruinfinity, gisland vancouver ;-)02:26
infinityHrm.  Something very bad has happened to birch.02:32
* infinity stabs it with a fork.02:32
infinityxnox: libffi fix uploaded.  Good thing I tested, I missed one spot the first time. :P02:34
infinitydoko_: Feel free to sync my libffi changes to Debian at any point.  Fixes the FTBFS on both powerpc and ppc64.02:35
infinityfinal: gambas3,glib2.0,libffi,pypy,python2.7,ruby1.9.1,ruby2.0,witty/arm6403:45
infinityrobru: ^03:46
robruinfinity, sweet, thanks a ton06:26
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cjwatsonCould somebody review grub2/precise, please?  It's pretty urgent - there's an OEM deadline of 6 Dec for it to be in updates10:52
xnoxcjwatson: uploaded ubiquity into precise-proposed, only changes are automatic dependency refresh, to pick up all the SRUs.11:19
xnox(netcfg + partman-*)11:19
cjwatsonxnox: partman-* is broken right now, the discard thing11:20
cjwatsonSo I'd been holding off until I got round to fixing that11:21
xnoxah =(11:21
xnoxthen reject that upload.11:22
* cjwatson goes to work on that in Debian11:23
xnoxcjwatson: may then instead cherrypick just partman-auto 101ubuntu2.1 for bug #1065281 ? or shall it just wait for discard fixups?11:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065281 in OEM Priority Project quantal "Installer crashed when trying to partition 4k/4k sector hard disks" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106528111:24
xnoxwrong bug number.11:24
xnoxi meant cherry-pick for bug #119776611:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1197766 in OEM Priority Project "Different partition layout after recovery with keep home partition" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119776611:24
cjwatsonJust wait, shouldn't take too long11:25
apwcjwatson, idly looking at the grub change for recovery mode, i note that in the menu entry itself the 'recovery mode' string isn't internationalised (and never has been) i wonder if it makes sense to use GRUB_RECOVERY_TITLE="$(getext...)"11:31
cjwatsonIt was internationalised before, and I did use gettext in the code that uses GRUB_RECOVERY_TITLE11:31
apwoh now i see that is only for hurd, ignore me :)11:32
cjwatson+             title="$(gettext_printf "%s, with Linux %s (%s)" "${os}" "${version}" "$(gettext "${GRUB_RECOVERY_TITLE}")")" ;;11:32
cjwatsonYeah, that wasn't i18ned before in precise (it was in later releases) and I didn't bother to change that in the backport11:32
apwyeah i am just being dumb and ignoring the filename11:32
apwsensibly so, doh11:33
cjwatsonxnox: in progress now, I'll just wait for the d-i i18n cron jobs to pick it up11:33
apwcjwatson, for what it is worth that grub2 diff looks to do what is claimed12:01
cjwatsonThanks.  Hopefully somebody in ~ubuntu-sru will have a look shortly ...12:02
cjwatsonI dunno, fancy joining that team? :-)12:03
dokogiving one finger, and taking the whole hand ... ;p12:03
cjwatsonI prefer to call it "seeing an opportunity"12:03
sil2100seb128: thanks for the unity-voice review yesterday! We seemingly fixed all the issues if anything, so, once you have a quant of time... just a glance ;) Thank you and sorry for bothering!12:28
seb128sil2100, ok, sure, let me have another look12:28
cjwatsonstgraber: queuebot seems ill12:35
cjwatsonI'm sure it should have noticed my partman-basicfilesystems/precise upload from 25 minutes ago by now12:35
apwperhaps it is eating turkey12:35
dokocjwatson, pitti, jibel: looking at why gcc-4.8 doesn't migrate ... this looks like a broken 3dpict autopkg test12:41
dokosame for python3.3, broken misaka autopkg test12:43
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jibeldoko, I forced results of misaka and 3depict to pass, they failed because their testsuite is broken.13:45
xnoxjibel: i think i'll upload 3depict disabling it's tests. As it doesn't actually test as-installed binaries what's so ever. and if a package FTBFS we will notice it on updates / soname-transitions / archive rebuilds.13:47
jibelxnox, sounds good, and the maintainer said he wouldn't have time to fix it in the coming weeks.13:49
xnoxjibel: adt compile tests make sense only for libfoo-dev packages, where actual as installed -dev package is test compiled.13:50
xnoxjibel: jenkins does notice when adt tests removed?13:50
jibelxnox, no it must be removed manually13:53
xnoxjibel: i guess it makes sence, removed adt tests may mean a regression.13:53
jibelxnox, indeed, there are more cases where adt tests have been removed by mistake than dropped on purpose.14:04
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cjwatson... ah, another KDE SC upload, that's why my builds aren't happening :-)14:41
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timchen119hi, anyone in sru team can help me on this bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1244065 I'd like this backport to precise.14:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1244065 in OEM Priority Project "Add more options to the power settings menu" [Critical,Confirmed]14:49
shadeslayer_cjwatson: hehe15:23
shadeslayer_it's the time of KDE SC releases \o/15:23
* ogra_ glares at trusty-changes ... hmmm, 169 mails in 1.5h 15:44
ogra_ok, it's KDE day ...15:44
xnoxwow we have multi-cpu fields =) that's nice15:48
cjwatsonYep, thanks to wgrant :-)15:49
cjwatsonThe queue lengths are wildly wrong now because they don't really know about that, but he said he was going to fix that next week15:49
seb128timchen119, I've sponsored that g-c-c SRU, with the template on launchpad/translations there, it should be doable as a SRU along the next langpack update15:53
timchen119seb128, awesome, thanks!15:54
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cjwatsonI would suggest not NEWing fakeroot17:12
ubot2Debian bug 730792 in libfakeroot "libfakeroot: tries to overwrite libfakeroot-sysv.so, which is also in package fakeroot 1.20-1" [Serious,Fixed]17:12
cjwatsonThe next auto-sync should bring in -3 and fix it17:13
cjwatsonin fact how about I just reject the binaries17:15
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infinitylibfakeroot?  multiarchified fakeroot?17:16
infinityI wonder what that will end up breaking.17:17
robruinfinity, cjwatson: hey, can you have a look at glib2.0 in update_excuses? there's a failure listed there, but when i click through to the jenkins log, it actually looks like the failure exists with the version already in main, not the version in -proposed. we need to get the version in -proposed released because it fixes a big regression on the phone.17:28
sil2100seb128: hello! I was browsing through and noticed that some of the glib2.0 autopkg tests seem to be failing - do you know anything about it ?17:29
robrusil2100, lol ;-)17:29
sil2100robru: ;D17:29
ogra_robru, see #ubuntu-desktop, Laney is on it17:29
sil2100Laney: thanks!17:30
robruLaney, also thanks ;-)17:30
LaneyYeah, it doesn't really scale to ping release team guys btw17:30
Laneycan you retry tests?17:30
LaneyI think we should try it again in the hope that it gets the right version ...17:30
robruLaney, I confirmed on my device that the version in -proposed fixes the regression that got into main17:31
LaneyI believe that part17:31
Laneythe autopkgtests are testing the whole thing though17:31
robruLaney, i don't understand the failure though. looking here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ the only red one is 'trusty/main', all the 'trusty-proposed' ones are green17:32
Laneyit tested an old version of the tests against the new library for some reason17:32
infinityrobru: Hrm?  I see a red trusty-proposed/main17:33
infinity(But yes, the version mismatch thing is a weird oops)17:33
robruinfinity, I see red trusty-proposed here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/ but that's a different link17:34
infinityAlso the link that's linked from excuses, so probably the one that matters here. :)17:34
robruinfinity, yeah, but i clicked through to the red amd64 failure and that's where it says the failure is only in main17:35
Laneyrobru: do you have permission to retry them one more time?17:36
robruhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/ARCH=i386,label=adt/ even here the latest trusty-proposed is green17:36
robruLaney, nope, I only do q-jenkins, that's d-jenkins17:37
cjwatsonBTW please stop saying "main" in opposition to "-proposed" - they're different categories and that's extra-confusing17:40
LaneyOk, I pinged cj ohnston to retry it once more - if the same happens again then someone can force-badtest it since it has now passed on both architectures17:40
cjwatsonyou probably mean "release"17:40
robrucjwatson, yes, that one17:41
cjwatsonor "trusty" or "the release pocket" or something17:41
cjwatson"main" is in opposition to "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"17:41
infinitycjwatson: The confusion is likely because jenkins shows the component, so you see "trusty-proposed/main" and "trusty/main".17:41
cjwatsonthis has been a public service announcement on behalf of the commission for confusing terminological schemes17:41
Laneytune your radios to http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/23/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console17:43
LaneySeems to have the right tests now17:45
Laneylooks like it passed that time17:51
Laneyif britney doesn't notice that for whatever reason then someone can force-badtest it17:52
Laneygot to go now, see you17:52
robruLaney, thanks17:53
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