
greg-gcmaloney: ah, cool. I was actually looking for any of the client software that I've seen (eg: softsqueeze)05:33
cmaloneygreg-g: softsqueeze and squeezeslave are on sourceforge14:18
cmaloneythough i use squeezelite14:18
cmaloneygood norning btw14:19
rick_h_oooh, 4k come save me! http://accessories.ap.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=hk&cs=hkdhs1&l=en&s=dhs&sku=210-ACBV14:22
rick_h_wow http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682423633814:27
cmaloneyrick_h_: Daymn.15:06
rick_h_well, at least one day we'll get non-HD monitors. Now if only they'd come down from costing more than twice the price of my liquid cooled desktop15:07
brousch739" 4k monitor for $55015:30
brousch7What's wrong with that?15:30
rick_h_brousch7: you left about $3k off15:32
brousch7No. I posted a link to it last week15:32
cmaloneyTHat one was in HK dollars15:33
cmaloneyI wonder how the Dell ultrasharp monitors compare15:33
cmaloneyThey seem to go on sale an awful lot15:33
brousch7I came across this very interesting monitor yesterday: 39" 4K TV (3840 x 2160) for $550. Very tempting. http://goo.gl/f0bKre15:34
cmaloneyI don't trust Tiger Direct15:34
brousch7It's also on amazon15:35
cmaloneyAh, that's better. ;)15:35
* cmaloney just has a thing against Tiger Direct15:35
brousch7That was just where I found it first15:35
brousch7Amazon has good reviews of it too15:36
cmaloneyI also don't trust reviews of products that are less than a year old15:37
cmaloneys/year/6 months/15:37
* cmaloney still hold a grudge against BluRay too, but that's another matter altogehter.15:38
brousch7So many trust issues15:39
jrwrenwhy hate blueray?16:33
cmaloneyBecause Sony has gone out of their way to obfuscate the format.16:41
cmaloneyMuch the same way that they did with SACD.16:41
cmaloneyThat and I currently have a TV that only supports 720p so it's not going to give me much outside of a non-pixelated picture.16:44
brousch7cmaloney: 720p? My phone has better resolution17:18
cmaloneybrousch7: That's OK. My TV is likely older and cost less than your phone. ;)17:21
rick_h_and you look at it from about 100x farther away17:23
brousch7My wife says she sees no difference between our 40" 1080p tv and our standard def 30" from 200017:34
jrwrendoes she wear glasses? contacts? has she had an eye exam?17:39
jrwrencmaloney: brousch7 wife is blind. did you know?18:44
cmaloneyjrwren: I had no idea19:10
rick_h_brousch would be proud of me :P https://plus.google.com/116120911388966791792/posts/KnaY6ZZhXdE23:02
greg-ghellz yeah, got my new 24" 1920x1200 monitor today, and it looks beautiful23:08
rick_h_greg-g: woot23:09
greg-gso hard finding the x1200 part of that23:10
greg-ghow come I'm not being more productive already?23:25
rick_h_greg-g: you need to get 3 of them23:25
greg-grick_h_: aha! thanks!23:27
rick_h_glad to be of service23:28
brousch7Go rick_h_ !23:39
jrwrengreg-g: ooooh... what kind of display?23:59

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