
cid420how was everybody thanksgiving20:30
Unit193Fairly good, just have the other side to do now.  You?20:30
belkinsaMy was fine.20:31
cid420crowded but fun20:31
cid420had a 25 ob turkey with a 10 lb ham, hope everybody has gotten there fill20:31
cid420lb turkey*20:31
cid420I love the left overs20:32
cid420damn dont you guys just love those Homemade Pies, now those are the best.20:34
Unit193Only one type of pie I really like.20:34
cid420which is20:34
Unit193The magic pie.20:35
cid420mine is Mints meat pie20:35
belkinsa3.14....?  For some reason I wanted to say that.  ;)20:35
Unit193We also had "crack bread" a couple weeks ago for Thanksgiving, soooo good.  (Poppy seed bread)20:37
cid420that would be awesome20:38
cid420we had rolls20:38
cid420from the store20:38
cid420this year my mother in law made homemade crandberry sauce , licks his lips20:40
skellatI'm glad I wasn't traveling this weekend: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/state/andrew-gans-of-kent-driver-in-deadly-125-mph-police-turnpike-chase-charged-with-vehicular-homicide20:51
jenni[ Andrew Gans of Kent, driver in deadly 125 mph police turnpike chase, charged with vehicular homicide ] - https://j.mp/1eH6I4D20:51
belkinsaDang!  People are well, people.20:51
cid420i am running Ubuntu 12.04 on 4 boxes, 1 of them i am stumped, I know you not suppose to modifiy the resolve.conf file but some reason something is not allowing me to reach outside world. i keep getting not able to resolve host to www.google.com when i ping it21:29
belkinsaAsk in #ubuntu it's the support channel21:30
Unit193/etc/resolv.conf is generated by nm, you can edit it in there and it'll save.21:30
Unit193Try dig www.google.com  and see what you get, if it's not what it should be, try dig @ www.google.com21:31
cid420Belkinsa - Question what is this group all about, since it seems you cannot ask a quesstion unless you have got another channel and ask there.. I thought we could ask them here. Just trying to understand, that is why i joined this group is one of it is getting answers on questions.21:33
belkinsaI understand but this a LoCo channel where there is some support,  #ubuntu is the main support channel21:34
cid420ok i found the problem. i had to change the interfaces address, it will nto allow me to keep the ip static when i changed it to dhcp i am able to dig and ping the outside world.21:35
cid420I understand, I am old style person when i join a group , you have experience folks that is willing to answering the questions, I understand the group is a LoCo. so you are saying i should ask all my questions in the Ubuntu channel from now on21:37
Unit193Should be able to set it to static, just need all the right info.  If you copy the info from  `nm-tool`  while connected configured as dhcp, it should connect fine.  You can also select "dhcp, addresses only" which permits you to set DNS still.21:37
belkinsaNot really, more like ask to both places...never mind.  Sorry for my behavor.21:37
Unit193Meh, I'm of the opinion that if it's not a question that'll take a ton of effort or time to do, may as well here.21:38
Unit193However, do not crosspost. :P21:38
cid420I will double check it.. the addresses21:38
cid420but it is a good idea to join that channel anyways.21:38
Unit193Perhaps, yes.  I'm not in it nor do I plan to be. :P21:39
cid420i agree, this is only a temporary for me.. i am an intermediate administrator something could come across i do not know .21:40
Unit193My router will assign the same IPs to MACs it's seen before, so I don't need to bother with that.  I could change the DNS in the router, but right now I have it set in the computers since I run a local bind9 T2.21:41
cid420i would like to run my nameservers, but obtaining 2 ips address is expensive. my local cable company is selling them for 10 bucks a mth. there is alot of things i want to do to these servers but i am held back21:43
cid420just 2 more servers and i can setup a cloud.21:43
Unit193I have one setup at a remote location, and one on my server.  I don't use the one on my server as a backup because it's a bit far away, but nevertheless.  None of mine are open resolvers, but a couple are the authority for an old domain.21:44
cid420not to shabby21:45
cid420ever trying and goto www.myhosting.com i see to find them really cheap on there VPS servers21:45
Unit193I also use a TLD that isn't used for internal purposes. :P (.go)21:46
cid420when i get the extra money i think i am going back to them21:46
cid420remind me what is TLD21:46
Unit193If you do set one up, might want to check on their DNS policy.  .com, .net, .org, or for me, .go.  My nameservers also serve the OpenNIC zones.21:47
cid420very nice21:47
cid420something to think about21:48
Unit193RoadRunner gives "fake" results like OpenDNS does, which is quite annoying if you ever use the terminal or generally, so of course I don't have anything like that.21:48
Unit193You can also use an OpenNIC dns server, don't have to set one up yourself.21:48
cid420true but I like to get my hands dirty21:49
cid420right i am deciding on setting Zpanel for my Webserver box. i am researching it21:50
cid420if anybody want to look into it. its www.zpanelcp.com21:51
cid420ok installing the zpanel it says in there documentations that you need to have a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 and above no lamp install or dovecot an postfix. that is the heart of my emails for the loCo group21:55
Unit193Erm, they require 10.04, or they haven't updated their docs in a while?21:56
cid420yea it seems21:56
cid420just maybe it will work on 12.04 an no need to update the docs. i can try this on my develpment server since i dont know a lamp install on that one21:57
cid420know = have21:57
cid420unit193 when i installed the network-manager then type nm-tool i get this error22:10
cid420** (process:17088): WARNING **: Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files22:10
cid420and this one22:11
cid420** (process:6749): WARNING **: error: could not connect to NetworkManager22:11
cid420now when i installed it, i saw alot of gnome stuff being install, i dont that made any difference.22:12
Unit193...What are you using?22:14
cid420what do you mean22:14
cid420I am trying to use the nm-tool22:15
Unit193Well, what desktop that you had to install it, I suppose I presumed you were using one of the stock flavors. :P22:15
cid420I dont have any desktops installed.22:16
cid420i have one in virtual mode22:16
cid420that is kubuntu22:16
Unit193Well, whoops.  `ifconfig` will then show you your IP, netmask, broadcast, and gateway.22:17
cid420i use that alot22:18
cid420is it a good idea to install desktops on the servers.. will that become unstable if i do22:19
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/54194 is the output from nm-tool, about the same.22:19
Unit193I see no good reason to.22:19
Unit193If so, do just a wm, not a de.22:20
cid420not good with abbrevs22:21
Unit193Window Manager, not Desktop Env.  So, fluxbox, openbox, awesomewm rather than Xfce, LXDE, Gnome, KDE, etc.  I don't have any of those though. :)22:22
cid420ok i will look that22:23
cid420is it minimal to use 6 computers to use cloud, or can you go fewer like four?22:24
Unit193What do you mean?  Are you looking at something like LTSP or somesuch?22:25
Unit193(http://unit193.ninth.su/openbox/openbox-desktop.png is an example openbox shot.)22:25
cid420I want to setup a cloud using openstack22:27
cid420Unit193 - one thing about desktops i am not very well verse on getting programs working into them. LOL22:28
Unit193I have never used openstack. :D22:31
cid420which one do you use22:32
Unit193I don't.22:35
Unit193I don't have a cluster exactly, I generally manually assign different tasks to different ones.22:36
Unit193"Manually" that is.22:36
cid420oh you are that good :)22:39
cid420ok #ubuntu doesnt impress me22:40
cid420do you use webmin?22:41
Unit193No, that one isn't recommended.  And I never said I was good. :D22:43
cid420would one would you recommend then since webmin isnt good22:51
Unit193I can't remember what the recommended replacement was. :/22:52
cid420is it ispconfig?22:52
cid420or Ebox22:56
cid420here is one http://www.zentyal.org22:59
jenni[ Zentyal, the Linux Small Business Server ] - https://j.mp/1eHptVx22:59
Unit193That's the one, IIRC.23:02
cid420ok it is showing as a server, is there onlyu a web service like webmin you connect through a web browser23:03
Unit193Well huh, it's in the repos of course but it seems to be showing as modules, weird.23:06
cid420yea i am seeing it too.. i have add each individual module at a time if i want23:08
Unit193So, nevermind.23:09
cid420i am already in the middle of installing it..23:09
cid420i will mess with it23:09
Unit193Hah, well alrighty.  Have fun.23:10
cid420well i foun d you can install of them at onces./23:10
cid420this command23:11
cid420sudo apt-get install zentyal-all23:11
cid420lol it doesnt provide a default login and password to get in23:13
cid420nevermind i found it lol23:15
cid420you use your own login account and password23:15
cid420oh i am likinbg this one23:18
cid420you can install all the modules inside zentyal23:18
cid420ok i'll shutup now.. LOL23:19
cid420reminder to myself do not install zentyal on a slow webserver.. it screwed everything up. cannot login through ssh, or get into my emails, nothing looks like i am going to redo everything and put it on my bigger system.23:56

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