
nuvolario/ aloha kbmonkey 04:57
kbmonkeyaloha nuvolari !04:57
kbmonkeyyou know it is one of those days, when you wake up 2 hours before your alarm - you wake it up for a change! haha04:58
kbmonkeyis it Thursday today?04:59
kbmonkeynoes, it is Firday!04:59
Kilosgood morning all. from a nice wet pretoria05:07
Kiloshi kbmonkey 05:07
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 05:08
Kilosmassive hail storm broke 1 windows and the rain gauge at 60mm so couldnt see how much fell05:08
kbmonkeynuvolari, I just realised my laptop has a windows logo on it's one button! 05:08
kbmonkeyI need to get it off asap05:08
Kilosthen i emptied it and a second hail storm and another 8mm rain05:08
kbmonkeysjoe Kilos ! I saw your message from last night that the hail was coming05:09
kbmonkeythe udometer tops at 60mm and it filled up?!05:09
Kilosstill patches of hail lying around05:09
Kilosits one of those plastic upside down cones05:10
Kilosbig chip from 60mm to the top broken out05:10
kbmonkeysjoe Kilos that is a lot05:10
Kilosyeah cloud burst05:10
kbmonkeyah okay05:11
kbmonkeycars were sheltered okay?05:11
Kilosused to show to 200 i think05:11
Kiloswill try find thew piece today05:11
Kilosya cars sleep under roof05:11
kbmonkeythats good05:11
Kilosfruit trees stripped of leaves and fruit05:12
Kilosbut we thankful for the rain05:12
Kilosnow the weeds will flourish05:13
* Kilos wonders how things are by inetpro 05:13
kbmonkeylo, yeah now the weeds are going to grow *big*05:20
kbmonkeyKilos, if you cut a plastic bottle in half and put the top half upside-down into the lower half, you can make a new rain guage!05:27
Kilosit wont be acurate05:27
Kilosill look for the missing piece, could find it in the hail last night, everything was white05:28
kbmonkeylike the snow05:28
Kilosyeah and just as cold05:29
Kilosnever saw hail like this in durbs05:29
kbmonkeyja does not hail here much05:30
kbmonkeymore in maritzburg and midlands05:30
Kilosyou well lad?05:30
kbmonkeyseen some heavy downfall in howick 05:30
kbmonkeyand past there, past tweedy, and kloof05:31
kbmonkeyuse to drive there each day05:31
kbmonkeyon the farm. on bad wet days bakkie got stuck in the mud05:31
kbmonkeyand get the tractor to come pull us out05:32
kbmonkeyit was great05:32
Kilosthat guy with jdk probs needs to install from here methinks kbmonkey 05:35
Kilosrusty the bear05:36
Kilosi think it installs jdk as well05:37
kbmonkeyno, that does *not* install jdk. that is not even *java*, that is flash. lol05:39
Kilosoh is that al05:40
kbmonkeyyup. how did that link come about?05:41
kbmonkeyI been using m.gmail.com lately05:41
kbmonkeymobile mail site. much faster05:42
Kilosmy browsers wouldnt open stuff till i had installed oracle-java-something05:42
Kilosthen even opera worked05:43
Kiloshttp://fermi.la.asu.edu/ccli/applets/yagi/yagi.html button at the beginning wouldnt work till id installed oracle05:46
kbmonkeyright Ill be back Kilos - work time05:50
kbmonkeyhave a good day friend05:50
Kilosyou too kbmonkey 05:55
Kiloshi bduk 05:55
bdukMorning Kilos and everyone05:56
Kiloshi smilyborg mazal 06:18
Kilosohi sakhi 06:18
mazalMore oom06:18
inetprogood mornings06:18
inetproKilos: that was two massive storms06:18
inetprolot's of hail in the later storm and power knocked out06:20
smilyborgMorning Kilos06:21
Kilosyeah inetpro how was the hail by you?06:21
smilyborgmorning inetpro06:21
Kilosour big hail was first storm06:21
Kilosat least you got home before the hail. was a bit big for a biker to go through06:22
inetprolot's of small hail in the 2nd storm, the first storm had just a bit of hail by my side06:22
Kilosill post an image06:23
inetproI wish I had a gopro or something like that, that storm looked incredible as it came over the mountain06:24
inetprolike one massive wave06:24
inetprodidn't want to loose time by stopping to take a photo06:25
inetprobut I wish I could have captured it06:25
Kilosthose bounced off the grass onto front veranda06:27
Kiloseven broke a large lounge window06:28
inetproKilos: wow!06:30
Kilosaw i forgot to try the shutter thing06:31
Kilosoh and broke the rain gauge above 60mm so didnt get an acurate reading06:32
inetprowe had 35mm06:33
Kilosfor once we beat you06:33
Kiloswe we we06:33
Kilos60+ then 8 with secong hail storm06:33
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:46
Kiloshmm... inetpro dit kom weer08:19
inetproKilos: weer 'n groot storm?08:24
Kilosbesig om in te kom van die noorde net soos gister08:25
Kiloseish, this place and its power cuts09:11
KilosMaaz, wb09:36
MaazThank you so much Kilos my good good friend09:36
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos 10:12
Kiloshi nuvolari 10:12
Vince-0nuvolari, !10:27
charlgood afternoon11:04
charlMaaz: coffee on11:04
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:04
charlhi Kilos, nuvolari, Vince-0 11:04
Kiloshi charl 11:04
charlhow's it going Kilos 11:04
Kilosok ty and you11:05
Kilosmy spped is up to 500kB/s noy mB/s11:05
Kilosmind was stupid yesterday11:06
Vince-0what's up? Its Fraaday11:07
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!11:08
inetproKilos: you are lucky to have power11:09
inetprobeen without power at home since last night11:09
Kiloswow inetpro still no power?11:10
Kilosours came back at 5am11:10
inetproKilos: nope, still off11:18
inetprothey tell me the Woolmer power station is still down 11:18
inetpronot sure whether we get power from there11:19
inetpropreviously when that was down ours was up11:19
Kilossjoe, was a serious storm hey11:19
inetprosounds like they are spinning me a story again, though I don't blame them this time, with that storm11:20
inetprowas massive11:20
charlKilos: i'm good thanks11:36
charlKilos: 500mbps is about the realistic throughput i have on my desktop at work locally over gigabit ethernet and then through fibreglass upstream11:37
charlMaaz: thanks11:38
Maazcharl: Okay :-)11:38
charlwb Kilos 12:17
Kilos-just now my whole system will be an orphan inode12:19
Kilos-hi superfly 12:19
superflyhi Kilos-12:20
mazalBye everyone , enjoy your weekend12:44
Kilos-nearly weekend guys, be strong13:14
inetproKilos-: you have a tail13:36
inetproMaaz: coffee on13:36
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:36
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro!13:40
inetproMaaz: dankie13:41
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend13:41
Kilos-ty inetpro 13:55
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosaw no coffee for me13:55
Kilosinetpro, weather cleared lots. will be tonight latish if it comes again13:56
inetproKilos: hoe lyk dinge daar buite? Ek sien sonskyn hier buite13:56
Kilosyou got power there at home yet?13:57
Kilossjoe you got gas stove and light?13:59
Kilosrev them14:00
Kilosinetpro, are you classed as tswane?14:02
Kilos012 358 999914:04
Kilosand check if your neighbour is also powerless14:05
inetproKilos: eish! That storm caused lots of damage14:13
Kiloswhere else?14:13
inetprosome colleagues reporting that they are lucky to be alive14:14
Kiloswow what happened14:14
inetpromany homes without roofs14:14
Kilosoh my14:14
Kiloswhat area14:14
inetproKilos: what bugs me most is that the Tshwane SMS line is kaputt by the looks of things14:16
Kilosfone them14:16
Kilosand email14:16
Kilos012 358 999914:16
inetproI reported at 22:42 last night via SMS14:17
inetprogot through eventually via phone at 12:4514:17
inetpronow my call is in late14:17
inetproaccording to them14:17
inetprothey have a number of backlogs14:18
inetproso next time I know that we can't rely on the SMS line14:18
inetproneed a human person to give you a ref number14:19
inetprocan't believe how we have to struggle like this with such modern technologies14:20
Kilosmail their ceo's office14:20
inetproyou think it will help?14:20
Kilosyou good at finding things14:20
Kilosyes he revs them from the top14:21
Kiloseven fone and ask to talk to him14:21
inetproI mailed customer care and don't even get a automated response let alone a human response14:21
Kilosah that sometimes comes hours later14:21
Kilosfone him14:21
Kilossay no pap tonight14:22
inetproI have work to dammit 14:24
inetproKilos: Apparently many homes in Shoshanguve are without roofs14:27
inetproare badly damaged14:27
inetproit's that same storm that went over my house14:28
inetproand over yours14:28
inetproall the way from Randburg14:28
Kilosso we lucky then14:28
inetproread https://www.facebook.com/CityOfTshwane14:33
inetprolooks like we will have to be very patient14:33
inetpro"...It is anticipated that the power will be restored within three days maximum due to the towers having to be reconstructed and power to be restored..."14:34
Kiloswhere you see that on the page14:35
inetprothat was earlier 14:35
Kiloslooks like its building from the southwest again14:39
Kilosbut slowly14:39
inetproperhaps we should come up with a public fault reporting system that can handle the load more properly for them so they can focus on fixing things rather than wasting time on a broken fault reporting system14:41
Kilosthe fault reporting is done by IT guys14:42
Kilosrepairs i mean14:43
inetproKilos: the City of Tshwane call centre seems to me to be very very inefficient 14:47
inetprobut maybe it is just my perception14:48
Kilosyes so no complaints get past along to the right peeps to fix them14:48
inetproperhaps we just don't grasp the volume that goes through the system14:48
Kilosremember i had probs with all the power cuts till i mailed the ceo's office and or got him on twitter14:49
Kilosthen they even came and cut trees along the line14:49
Kilosno its a lackadasical attitude14:49
KilosMaaz, spell lacksadasical14:50
MaazKilos: That doesn't seem correct, but I can't find anything to suggest14:50
KilosMaaz, spell laksadasical14:51
MaazKilos: That doesn't seem correct, but I can't find anything to suggest14:51
Kilosai!anyway however its spelled it means slapgat14:52
inetprofeeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm 14:52
KilosMaaz, spell lackadaisical14:53
MaazKilos: Looks good to me14:53
inetprowhat ceo did you email?14:54
Kilosaw i didnt even do my weekly smileys14:54
Kiloscity of tswane14:54
Kilosi think i got him on twitter too but he didnt answer , the next morning their office mailed me14:55
inetproThe City Manager?14:55
Kilosit had to be passed from  department to department and i got all the mails14:55
Kiloswhew 2 years back man14:56
inetproJason Ngobeni?14:56
Kilosmail him or tweet him14:56
inetproor the Executive Mayor?14:56
Kilosi told you back then14:57
Kilosthe boss14:57
inetproit's a mega city man14:57
Kiloswhats that14:58
inetprothere's no ceo like vodacom14:59
Kiloswell tweet @JasonNgobeni14:59
Kilosand look for mail addies maybe here15:00
Kiloslemme go boot to maverick. if i have the mail addy it will be there15:01
Kilosai! i deleted all the mails here15:05
Kiloswill go look at gmail15:05
Kilosgoogle sick too 15:13
Kiloscant get to google.com15:14
Kilosi go back to unity15:14
Kiloshi Private_User Xethron 16:06
Kilosinetpro, i only see that same support addy16:07
Private_Userhey Kilos16:14
kbmonkeyevening 0/17:43
Kilosyo my monkey17:43
kbmonkeyhello oom!17:43
kbmonkeyphew that was a long day!17:43
kbmonkeyeven got some gym in17:43
psychicistevening kbmonkey 17:46
psychicisthi Kilos 17:46
psychicisthi tinuva 17:46
kbmonkeyhi psychicist 17:47
Kiloshi tinuva psychicist 17:48
Kiloseish kbmonkey did you see, the pro could be without power for 3 days17:51
Kilosthats a major suck methinks17:52
kbmonkeyeina that is nasty kilos! things in the fridge will have to get eaten!17:54
Kilosyeah and freezer stuff will be lost if not moved to another one soon17:54
Kilosand cold bath17:55
kbmonkeywhy is that happening?17:55
Kilosmajor storms here last night17:55
Kiloslotsa damage17:56
kbmonkeyI did not know the pro was nearby you17:56
Kilosabout 20 ks i think17:57
Kilosmaybe less if you a crow17:57
Kiloshe wont give me his co-ords18:01
Kilosscared i nuke him18:01
kbmonkeyja you probably can too!18:04
kbmonkeyor build a super powered radio antenna and fry his brain18:04
Kilosno shame he helped me too much18:05
kbmonkeyja I know18:08
Kiloshi not_found sorry didnt see you sneak in18:12
inetproYay! 18:58
* inetpro has the power again18:58
inetproGood evening18:58
inetproKilos: slaap jy al?19:00
inetprokbmonkey: eh, how goes it?19:01
kbmonkeyhi inetpro - it goes well man. and there?19:02
kbmonkeyhad a long day, woke up early, worked, went to gym, and now relaxing with a beer. magic times!19:03
kbmonkeyja - trying to build up some weight ;)19:03
inetproKilos: I sent an email to citymanager@tshwane.gov.za earlier, hoping that he will respond in due time19:06
Kiloslol i wonder if he made them work harder inetpro ?19:07
Kilosso no cold bath tonight. i bet the family is happy19:08
inetproof course :-) 19:08
kbmonkeyoh that is good to hear!19:09
kbmonkeyyou know I really enjoyed our open discussion we had at the meeting19:09
inetprokbmonkey: you want another one like that?19:10
kbmonkeywe should try get together this monday eve to do the same - unoffical and not recorded by maaz19:10
inetprowe can announce them any time19:10
kbmonkeymaybe for december - see how it goes19:10
Kiloshey i wanna rock the boat again19:10
kbmonkeyyeah, any time actually19:10
kbmonkeycos with the normal meetings it seems not enough talking happens19:11
Kilosif we move away from mondays maia can join us19:11
kbmonkeybut when people think its open for discussion, things happen19:11
kbmonkeyOh really? that would be nice to have her again19:11
inetprowell you can even talk now, though it's always best to have people to listen as well19:11
Kilosinetpro, are you listening19:12
inetproKilos: obviously19:12
Kilosyou didnt shoot me down19:12
kbmonkeyI bought a subscription to the new linux voice magazine!19:12
inetproKilos: call maia now and tell her to talk to us19:13
Kiloshow do i call her now?19:13
inetprodon't you have super cow powers?19:13
Kilosi think she said mondays and thursdays are out for her19:13
kbmonkeyapt-get moo19:13
Kilosfirst inetpro are you prepared for us to change the day then ill tell maia19:14
inetproKilos: no19:14
Kiloswhat do you do tuesday nights19:15
kbmonkeykeep the official meeting unchanged. lets just try have a friendly get together19:15
inetproKilos: remember superfly said he can't make it on Tuesdays19:15
Kilosok wed19:15
kbmonkey^ good19:15
inetprolet's be honest, we can't just change the date and time randomly as we please, not good to do that19:16
Kiloswe ahve so far without any hassles19:16
inetprowe need to have predictable long term schedules19:16
Kilosyes lets try wednesday at 8.30pm19:16
Kilosfor a year19:16
kbmonkeyI'd say cycle it each week - but now that can get confusing!19:16
kbmonkey(for the unofficial meets)19:17
Kilosthe first week was also a prob for someone on monday19:17
kbmonkeyget a good idea of who is on which days19:17
inetproKilos: yes, we are still a small group, so impact is not huge, but if we want to grow we need to be predictable19:17
inetproI would say, put it on the Agenda 19:18
Kilosthen we gotta change before we grow19:18
Kilosya thats a good idea19:18
Kilosnormally the stalwarts are at meets19:18
inetprobut at the same time, I say, let's have regular informal open discussions19:18
Kilosyes that too19:18
Kilosabout weather19:18
kbmonkeyI dare say most people are likely to be avail on sunday evenings19:18
inetprokbmonkey: I doubt19:19
kbmonkeyyes Kilos you can tell us about the big hail19:19
Kilosi posted a link to the hail here19:19
Kilosask the prob he scrolls back good19:19
Kilosya one19:20
kbmonkeyI got a log I can grep19:20
Kilostaken here by me with old nokia19:20
kbmonkeyI will search19:20
Kilosits on imageshack19:20
inetprowe can even have scheduled discussions inside working hours for those who want them19:20
kbmonkeyon the shell account :)19:20
kbmonkeygood idea that19:20
inetprowe just can't expect for everyone to be present at all times19:20
kbmonkeythat is big hail Kilos !19:22
inetprokbmonkey: get a topic, we announce it on twitter and G+ and open the floor at specific times19:22
kbmonkeyjust found it in the log19:22
Kilossome were bigger19:22
kbmonkeysjoe those will knock you sore on the noggin19:22
Kilosi just took what bounces from grass to veranda19:22
inetprowe have lots of followers on g+ already19:22
kbmonkeyI dont use g+ anymore - too slow :(19:23
kbmonkeytheir redesign did not help us slow pokes - 19:23
inetprokbmonkey: irc is IMHO still the best platform for group discussions19:23
kbmonkeybut yes that is a good idea inetpro !19:23
kbmonkeyas long as there is other people using it I approve!19:24
inetproso what do you want to discuss first?19:24
Kilosg+ tweetshop and list reaches lotsa peeps19:25
Kiloseven though some class invites as spam19:25
kbmonkeyno ideas for topics yet19:25
kbmonkeyI llike how people bring their own19:26
=== Arcanum_za is now known as Trixar_za
inetprokbmonkey: you mean byod?19:27
Kiloshi Trixar_za 19:28
inetprokbmonkey: Bring your own device (BYOD)19:28
Trixar_zaHey Kilos19:28
inetproTrixar_za: wb19:29
Trixar_zaThanks inetpro19:29
inetprooh BYOD also called bring your own technology (BYOT), bring your own phone (BYOP), and bring your own PC (BYOPC)19:29
kbmonkeyBring your own topic ;)19:30
* inetpro didn't even realise that19:30
kbmonkeyevery time on the laptop I start to setup cone mail user agent, but always get so distracted, lol!19:30
Trixar_zaSo I discovered there's a guy near me that calls himself a hacker. Mind you, I've had an arguement, while in my early teens, about history with this guy before who was in his 20s at the time. Turns out he's just a Security Penetration Expert.19:31
Trixar_zaThat's not a hacker. That's more a half-arsed cracker.19:31
inetprokbmonkey: ok, I get you, so we just open the floor entirely?19:31
Trixar_zaI can already tell that I'm going to argue with him again19:31
inetprokbmonkey: you're welcome to do that at any point19:31
kbmonkeyI suppose so inetpro - at this time I am empty for topics. plus it kept the talk rolling.19:32
kbmonkeylike how one brnach is weak, but many branches are stronger19:32
kbmonkeyhehe yes that sounds about right Trixar_za :P19:33
kbmonkeyalso a hacker follows a methodology to self-learn a system or device, and not go to school to be told these things.19:34
kbmonkeyits more a philosphy on approach, and not specific knowledge19:34
inetproKilos: did you see that I answered Mike Green via @ubuntuza ?19:34
Kilosnope i havent gone on there19:35
Kiloswho is he19:35
Kiloschoqok is on kde and thats got no place here19:35
inetprosee https://twitter.com/nitibob/status/40633389896541798419:35
Trixar_zaI follow Raymond's definition of a hacker. He's not even a hacker's ass - not even a larval stage hacker like most crackers either19:36
Kiloswhew get him here19:37
Kiloswe teach him quick19:37
* inetpro agrees with Trixar_za about esr's definition of a hacker19:37
Trixar_zaHe should call himself a security penetration expert or an security consultant. Not a hacker.19:38
inetprogood reading -->> How To Become A Hacker http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html19:38
Trixar_zacomputer security consultant*19:38
Trixar_zato avoid confusion :P19:38
Trixar_zaOh a nice word I just discovered for it19:40
Trixar_zaIt's a misname to call what he does hacking19:40
Kilosinetpro, did he post on ubuntuza19:44
Kiloshow did you answer him from there19:44
Kilosyo Mezenir 19:44
Kilosor is he a follower19:44
Trixar_zaGenerally I feel anything that can be taught and done using some pre-written tool isn't really hard to begin with :/ I prefer something challenging like programming something from scratch or something19:45
Mezenirhey kilos19:45
Mezenirhi all19:45
Mezenirhow goes19:45
Kilosgood ty and you19:45
kbmonkeyah thanks for that link inetpro - hey it is updated very recently19:45
Mezenirgood thanks19:45
kbmonkeyalso a very nice read I go back to is http://www.cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html19:46
Kilosinetpro, always remember in its not your own boat you are rocking then rock from the top19:47
inetproKilos: he got retweeted by JoziLUG who is one of my followers19:47
Kiloswe actually need to do some advertising19:47
kbmonkeythat logo of the dots in that hacker-howto is a pattern/lifeform from the game of life19:48
Kiloslearning linux from a working os like ubuntu is in every ones reach i think19:48
kbmonkeyit is a symbol for geek :]19:48
kbmonkeyI believe it is called the "glider" lifeform19:49
kbmonkeythe hacker emblem, yes that's it!19:50
charlgood evening19:50
Trixar_zaYes kbmonkey, it's the glider19:50
Kiloskbmonkey, what link you looking at19:51
Kiloscatb one?19:51
Trixar_zaPlaying with math models is fun. I'm using a midi program that does fractal based music generation too19:51
kbmonkeythe one the pro gave Kilos 19:51
Kiloswhew that a page back already19:52
Trixar_zaAll of them generated in that way19:52
kbmonkeyoh that is neat Trixar_za !19:52
kbmonkeyI've been making music in milkytracker - its not generated though, its all sweat work19:53
Trixar_zaI still want to learn how to use a tracker properly19:53
Trixar_zaWhile fractal generation is fun, it does end up repeating itself eventually19:54
Trixar_zaOn the up side, I bet you could use it to generate the initial tones needed for instruments in a tracker19:54
inetprobtw, how can I make a podcast like feed from a lot of mp3 audio files in a folder on a web server?19:55
Trixar_zapodcast feed? I just figured out that browsers like firefox and chrome play ogg files with streaming, so I started to use that format instead of mp319:56
charlinetpro: you *should* be able to generate an rss or atom feed very simply using python and just a directory listing19:56
inetprocharl: a few years ago I did a RSS feed script like that with perl19:56
kbmonkeya track for a game I am making Trixar_za (15kb) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18686471/mods/kbmonkey-moonbase_attack.xm19:57
inetproideally it would be nice to give the users a front-end interface where they fill in the details with an upload function19:57
Trixar_zaI'm actually looking through modarchive.org for a future music I can use with a visual novel19:58
charlinetpro: i have been checking this out but i haven't used it yet http://lkiesow.github.io/python-feedgen/19:58
kbmonkeyTrixar_za, I am always willing to collaborate - as far as my skills can take me of course 19:59
Trixar_zakbmonkey: Nice chiptune you got there20:01
kbmonkeyI can link you a page with more of other styles - that one is very game specifc20:02
Trixar_zaI've been on somewhat of radix binge myself since I heard yuki satellite @ http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=16715720:02
Trixar_zaMind you, it's a 15MB xm file20:02
Trixar_zaCompresses to under 4MB as a mp320:02
inetprocharl: thanks for the link, will check it out 20:03
charlnp, it looks dead simple20:03
charlif you need help, just shout20:04
inetprocharl: sure thing, sadly simple might just not be good enough20:04
kbmonkeyTrixar_za, http://tinyurl.com/kbmonk20:04
charlinetpro: i guess the biggest thing is, you want titles for each file, unless you can derive that off the file name20:05
kbmonkeyIll take a listen to yuki satellites20:05
charlinetpro: considering you already know the url from the file name and the date from the last modified date20:05
Trixar_zaBtw kbmonkey, any good guides on learning how to use a tracker?20:05
kbmonkeythat sure is a large file XD20:05
inetprocharl: that is the problem here, the information is not in the file20:06
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight20:06
Kiloscrash time20:06
kbmonkeyI create all samples using the draw tool, so my songs are usually very very tiny20:06
Kilossee you tomorrow 20:06
inetproat lest not all of it20:06
kbmonkeygn Kilos 20:06
inetproKilos: good night20:06
Trixar_zakbmonkey: Yeah, I was surprised too. I downloaded most of it before I realized how big it was. The song ended up being worth it20:07
kbmonkeyTrixar_za, I have not found much of good guides to be honest! most of it is by loading up other peoples mods and looking at how they did things. like reading code I guess.20:07
kbmonkeyhowever on youtube is some tutorials by stormblast, those are pretty good to start20:07
Trixar_zaI figured. Most of the time I'm just using pure ear mixing. There is also a big gap between midi and solmire converted instrumental mixes like the mp3 and ogg files are20:08
kbmonkeyalso, look up anything by strobe - those are visually stunning as the tracks are assembled to give a visual feedback type effect. it is just crazy.20:09
Trixar_zakbmonkey: http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_profile&query=69549 ?20:10
kbmonkeyyes, that strobe20:12
kbmonkeyof course I meant playing in milkytracker so you see the visual effects20:12
kbmonkeysee tawnythegnome for example20:13
kbmonkeyfolks the day and gym caught up with me - Im off for soem R&R20:18
Trixar_zaNight kbmonkey20:23
Trixar_zaAnd yeah, I downloaded milkytracker just for strobe's tracks20:23
Trixar_zaOk, that was pretty awesome to see20:30
Trixar_zaMaaz, tell kbmonkey to check out http://trixarian.net/atrk-bu2.zip to my experimentation with auto-trackering20:33
MaazTrixar_za: Okay, I'll tell kbmonkey on freenode20:33
Trixar_zaHmm, that's not my lastest code for it - let's update it20:37
inetprokbmonkey: shall I announce an open discussion for Monday evening at 20:30? eg: Join us for an open discussion on Monday evening at 20:30 - 21:30 and feel free to bring your own topic20:37
inetprokbmonkey: are you willing to run the show? I do think it should be somewhat controlled like our meeting the other day20:38
inetprooops, and I didn't even notice that he called it a day... good night kbmonkey20:40

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