=== Omnifrog is now known as DJOmnifrog [01:59] happy spinning DJOmnifrog [02:02] DJFroggin' [02:02] :D [02:02] OmniDJ. [02:02] wrst: Howdy again. [02:02] I was supposed to be off 2 minutes ago but the next DJ didn't show [02:10] DJOmnifrog: that seems to be a resounding theme with you :) [02:10] Unit193: having a good night? [02:10] DJOmnifrog = responsible adult [02:12] it does [02:13] Having to stick around after the job, yes. [02:13] might be another 2 hour, who knows [02:14] playing Whitesnake now [02:16] Unit193: everyone likes staying after work... that's living the dream! === DJOmnifrog is now known as Omnifrog [05:15] http://assets.amuniversal.com/9cfe2180fbdc013017b5001dd8b71c47 Ahahahahahahaha! Yes, so very true! :P [05:15] chris4585: Howdy. [05:16] Unit193, salutations