
leftistevening. i still have a problem with no audio. i switched to this drive with this build to see if i can resolve the issue?01:44
anduris somebody having a problem with the flash--plugin in firefox? and a possible solution?  I have no display, my Nvidia 7600 GS works ok so far, don't want to mess up the setup without a hint03:20
holsteinandur: i use chrome, not chromium.. its not the only way to have the latest supported version of flash, but it is the easiest.. and it ist he only source03:22
holsteinandur: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/03:22
Unit193!info adobe-flashplugin partner | I use this and it works fine.03:23
ubottuI use this and it works fine.: adobe-flashplugin (source: adobe-flashplugin): Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11. In component main, is optional. Version (partner), package size 6443 kB, installed size 17166 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:23
Unit193I'd think flashplugin-installer would too, but do not know for sure.03:23
holsteinshould work fine for many things..03:23
Unit193(I do have chromium-pepperflash and chromium installed on one computer, but do not use it, it's there in case someone else needs it.)03:24
holsteinUnit193: does one need a PPA for that?03:24
andurok..i ll go and fix the plugin first...suspected my graphics driver...but it works fine for videos so far03:25
Unit193holstein: Only official one I know of is so far only in unstable/testing (this, trusty)03:25
holsteinandur: its quite easy to install chrome, and test the site against the included version of flash03:26
holsteinUnit193: i think its handy03:26
Unit193!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree trusty03:27
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:27
Unit193holstein: If I could stand chromium, I'd use it too. :P03:27
holsteinhehe.. they are quite different03:27
=== Siya is now known as siya
luserI just insta;;ed 13.10. In the notification applet area there is a speaker with 3 dashes next to it. It is greyed out and if clicked has nothing to display save a small empty text box. What is this? How can I link it to pule audio mixer?05:42
=== andre__ is now known as Guest40427
Guest40427Hi! Can you explain me how to run two audio apps at the same time using UbuntuStudio 13.10?20:42
=== siya is now known as Siya
xtaxxhello everyone! Can anyone explein me the use of rooms in cadence please? thank20:59
xtaxxthey surely must be usefull but i still don't know why21:04
holstein!info cadence21:11
ubottuPackage cadence does not exist in saucy21:11
holsteinxtaxx: i dont think we ship that.. you can ask falk in #kxstudio or someone in #opensourcemusicians21:12
holsteinxtaxx: i dont use it, but i think the idea is to have preset connection environments. http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Applications:Cadence21:13
holsteinxtaxx: if you see a setting to change "rooms", that could be for a reverb you are using that cadence is presenting the settings for you there21:13
xtaxxare cadence and ladi the same thing?21:19
holstein!info ladi21:20
ubottuPackage ladi does not exist in saucy21:20
holsteinxtaxx: neither are provided by ubuntu21:20
=== william is now known as Guest70389
leninhi everybody!23:34
stochastichi lenin23:48

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