[00:06] sorry i got distracted there [00:06] i don't think i proposed any changes in the panel (yet) [16:50] mr_pouit, micahg, bluesabre, knome: good news everyone, the wrapper3 branch (enabling gtk3 plugins to run in xfce-panel) was finally merged! http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/log/ [16:50] so from now on we can at least say we ship the panel from git ;) [16:51] but: gtk3 has to be enabled in our packages, it's not enabled by default [16:51] ali1234: that might also interest you ^ [17:28] ali1234: lightdm vt fix applied and it works, no corruption [17:28] brainwash: nice! [17:28] very good to hear that [17:28] so light-locker also works properly for you now? [17:29] yes, but I still prefer a solution without vt switching :P [17:29] phew, finally things are falling into place :) [17:29] most users will like the new lock mechanic [17:29] I think [17:30] yeah, i hope so too [17:30] it'll be more consistent, despite the VT-switching [17:31] currently xfdesktop wait for xfwm4 to launch first and get ready, so the icons do pop up rather late, any thoughts on this? [17:32] not sure, i mean there's always the question of what to load when... [17:32] since things are more modular in xfce than in gnome, it's harder to do the perfect solution i think [17:32] gotta get ready for dinner now, bbl [17:33] ah right, we need to test all the components one by one too [17:33] to see if they still work stand alone [17:33] like replacing xfdesktop with nautilus [17:34] or using another greeter [17:52] ochosi, thanks for cleaning up the dokuwiki site [17:54] ochosi, just wondering though, did you mean to delete the xfdestkop preferences section? [17:55] clear [17:56] ochosi: i don't like the VT switching. it makes my music stop playing when the screen saver starts [18:22] ^ that is the single most annoying part about light-locker [19:01] actually it doesn't stop the music [19:01] at least not here [19:01] it just gives it a little hickup [19:01] jjfrv8: oops, did i? i guess there were so many spam pages that i might've deleted one too many then... [19:02] jjfrv8: will restore it unless you've already done so [19:04] hey, ochosi. No I haven't restored it. I wasn't sure how you copied the stuff over from xfec. [19:04] *xfce [19:05] simple copy-paste from the source [19:05] so it's an easy restore anyway [19:05] ok. I'll try that. [19:06] ok, cool [19:06] if it doesn't work, lemme know and i'll handle it [19:08] all better now :) [19:13] cool [19:13] :) [19:21] ali1234, bluesabre: apart from the fact that my music/videos continue playing when light-locker starts, you can also disable time-based locking, solely use X11's screensaver and lock your session by hand [19:22] usually when you have music playing, there's no need to lock your session, unless the thieve is in your house or you're in a library or public place that is very liberal wrt noise [19:22] thief, i meant [19:29] ochosi, i created a screenshot standardization document similar to the one I did for parole: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:sceenshot-stds-xfdesktop [19:29] can you check it out and see if everything looks right? [19:33] jjfrv8: perfect! [19:33] that's exactly how it should look [19:33] not sure you read that in the backlog, but i mentioned a short while ago, that we should add for stuff that is new in 4.12 [19:33] so that the docs stay somewhat backward-compatible [19:34] and ppl can easily see "what they miss" [19:35] i don't know what the general plan is, i guess they will try to keep the docs working for 4.8, 4.10 and 4.12 [19:35] ochosi, yes, I did see that mention about the notes in the backlog so I'll keep it in mind. [19:35] great [19:35] but feel free to improve on the wording if you see room for it [19:36] current docs aren't the wholy grail or something ;) [19:36] s/wholy/holy/ [19:36] :) [19:39] bluesabre: as a fellow user of plank, should we try to support docks like that by patching our default apps' desktop-files to have some quicklist-support? (i mean for those where it'd work easily, e.g. gmusicbrowser [19:41] jjfrv8: just one note wrt the screenshot: i'd try to keep the size (in this case: the width) at a useful minimum [19:41] I meant to ask you about that. I shrank it as far as it would go. [19:42] it doesn't resize as small as the 4.10 version seems to. [19:43] ochosi, when the VT is switched it kills all audio [19:44] and yeah, giving some basic plank/unity support for some app might not be a bad idea :) [19:44] jjfrv8: ah true, that is actually a problem of the not-visible tab with the wallpapers i guess... so not your fault but mine, sorry [19:44] bluesabre: not here, gmusicbrowser or parole continue to play [19:44] even youtube keeps roaring [19:45] really, when you are at the login/lock screen? [19:45] yeah [19:45] hm [19:45] doesn't do that for me :D [19:46] weird [19:46] i wonder how my setup differs [21:46] ochosi: stops for me, but that's the expected behavior [21:49] interesting [23:04] ochosi, cool [23:39] ali1234: to pick that up from yesterday, so how did you imagine the panel presets to work exactly? [23:39] i don't know. it depends on how the api for changing them looks [23:39] one problem i see with how i understood your version of integrating it to the "add panel" button is the fact that e.g. gnome2 adds *2* panels [23:40] so it'd actually not just add a new panel, but replace your current panels too to make sense [23:50] ali1234: do you wanna give the ochosi/tabwin branch of xfwm4 some testing?